Alexandra Ulyanova: “With a royal bearing, with a divine state, go through life as a great winner. Alexandra Ulyanova: “I earned my success with tears and labor

Alexandra Ulyanova - designer, writer, founder of the fashion house Uliyanova Couture. Despite her young age, she has already managed to win recognition among her compatriots and abroad. From her parents, Alexandra inherited a sensitive artistic taste and organizational talent, adding to this remarkable perseverance and a constant desire for excellence. The designer's collections intricately combine lightness and sensuality, simplicity and clarity of lines, and exotic materials. Let's find out how she does it.

Alexandra is sure that every person is unique. And this should be reflected in clothing and general appearance. At the same time, with the help suitable colors, materials and accessories can be revealed and highlight the advantages of any image.

The fashion designer loves to use a variety of scarves in his work, both combining them with leather and other materials, and using them separately. Alexandra is convinced that they can transform any figure, highlight the advantages of the face and even make them look several years younger.

The designer also advises using accessories boldly. Properly selected belts and bags, especially if they are made of python skin, can add originality and complement any look. And, of course, a lot depends on the decorations. Large products are in trend, and they can be combined with each other. The main thing is that they are in the same style and color scheme.

Constant work, perseverance and the desire for improvement ennoble a person. This is what guides the life of Alexandra Ulyanova, a designer whose reviews of her work indicate high recognition of her work. Her collections combine eternal femininity, sensuality and exoticism, and fashion, according to the designer, should embody the beauty of the body and the perfection of the soul. On the other hand, you simply can’t help but like things from Ulyanova, since every girl absorbs with her mother’s milk a love for reptile skin. Therefore, Alexandra’s success was predetermined.

Older brother

150 years since the birth of Alexander Ulyanov

From the editor: The main event on April 12 is, of course, Cosmonautics Day. But we remember that this is also the birthday of Alexander Ulyanov, the older brother of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin). This is the man from whom the future founder of the Soviet state took his example in childhood, whose views influenced his views. Vladimir Ilyich’s famous phrase:"We'll take a different route".This is said in connection with the assassination attempt on the Tsar, which was being prepared by his brother, and means that the autocracy must not be overthrown by terrorist methods. What kind? Read about this in other materials on our site, below is an article about the revolutionary Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov.

April 12, 2016 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian revolutionary Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov (1866 – 1887).

Alexander Ilyich was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of teacher Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov (1831 - 1886). When Sasha was three years old, the family moved to Simbirsk, where Ilya Nikolaevich was appointed inspector of public schools. Subsequently, he took a higher position, approximately corresponding to the position of deputy head of the Simbirsk Regional Educational Institution. In this capacity, he supervised local public schools.

The Ulyanov family had eight children. Five of them became revolutionaries, and three others, apparently, simply did not have time to become them: Kolya and Olya died in infancy, and the second Olya died at 19 years old. And this despite the fact that Ilya Nikolaevich himself was a completely law-abiding person, although he was critical of the order that existed in the Russian Empire.

The Ulyanov family was friends with the family of the director of the Simbirsk gymnasium, Fyodor Mikhailovich Kerensky (1837 - 1912). Ironically, at the end of October 1917, the son of I.N. Ulyanov will replace his son F.M. Kerensky as head of the Russian government.

For a long time, the romantic legend that Alexander Ulyanov was supposedly... the illegitimate son of Tsar Alexander III was popular in philistine circles. During the era of perestroika, this legend leaked into the media. It has no basis. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to compare the portraits of I.N. and A.I. Ulyanov.

As a child, Sasha Ulyanov suffered a severe spinal injury, which, however, did not prevent him from being an active and active child. In high school, he became interested in biology and chemistry. At home in his room he created a chemical laboratory. In the future, this experience was very useful to A.I. Ulyanov in the manufacture of bombs. In addition, Alexander Ulyanov was interested in various animals and traveled to different areas Simbirsk province. On these trips he was often accompanied by his younger brother Volodya, who at one time dreamed of becoming a biologist. Like an older brother.

As we well know from Russian history, Volodya Ulyanov did not become a biologist. He became a revolutionary. Just like his older brother. But the fact remains - even in the most difficult years Civil War Chairman of the board people's commissars without the slightest objection, he accepted and approved all specific proposals for nature protection. Although most of his comrades considered them clearly untimely.

In 1883, Alexander Ulyanov graduated from high school with a Gold Medal and entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University (at that time there were no Chemical or Biological faculties in Russian universities there was none and these sciences were developed at the Physics and Mathematics faculties).

Already from his second year, Alexander Ulyanov began serious research work. His scientific interests were related to comparative anatomy. At the end of the 19th century, comparative anatomy became one of the main pillars of the theory of evolution, which, apparently, was associated with Alexander Ulyanov’s interest in this discipline. For his work on segmentation of leeches, Alexander Ulyanov received a Gold Medal from the university. Later, he pawned this medal and purchased explosives with the proceeds.

There can hardly be any doubt that Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov had all the data to become a researcher of a very large scale. But life turned out differently.

Scientific interests of A.I. Ulyanov is not limited to biology alone. Professor of literary criticism Orest Fedorovich Miller (1833 - 1889) has a great influence on the inquisitive student. He had enough controversial figure, his scientific works were subject to serious criticism (in many respects, apparently, fair). Miller's Slavophile views were not shared by progressive youth. Nevertheless, Miller knew how to attract students and involve them in the process of scientific research. He led a student literary circle, which included students not only from philology, but also from other faculties. Alexander Ulyanov was also a member of this circle. Moreover, he was even elected secretary of the circle.

Participated by A.I. Ulyanov and in the work of the economic scientific circle, which was led by the “eternal student” Alexey Viktorovich Ghisetti (1840 (?) - 1914). This circle was dominated by an extremely critical attitude towards the authorities of the Russian Empire and their policies.

In a word, Alexander Ulyanov, like many students of those years, lived a bright, rich, interesting life, very different from the life that modern pragmatically oriented students lead. And, at the same time, he could not help but think about the fate of the people and the fate of the country.

At the end of 1886, Alexander Ulyanov, together with Pyotr Yakovlevich Shevyrev (1863 - 1887), who transferred from Kharkov University, created an organization called the “Terrorist faction of Narodnaya Volya.” Alexander Ulyanov writes a document in which he formulates the requirements new organization. These requirements boil down to eight points:

A permanent representative of the people, freely elected by direct and universal suffrage;
Broad local government;
The independence of the community as an economic and administrative unit;
Complete freedom of conscience, speech, press, gatherings and movements;
Nationalization of land;
Nationalization of factories, factories and instruments of production;
Replacement of the standing army with the zemstvo militia;
Free initial training.

The demands of the Terrorist Faction did not say anything about the destruction of the monarchy.

Most members of the Narodnaya Volya Terrorist Faction were students. And not only the university. Thus, Mikhail Vasilyevich Novorussky (1861 - 1925) was a graduate of... the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. After 18 years of imprisonment in the Shlisselburg fortress, he became a writer and wrote a number of talented popular science books.

In order to understand the reasons for the creation of a terrorist organization by a small group of students, one should recall the previous events of Russian history.

The underground organization "People's Will" was created in June 1879 at a congress of revolutionaries in Lipetsk. The Narodnaya Volya had a sharply negative attitude towards both the tsarist autocracy and developing capitalism. The short-term plan of action of the People's Will was to use a series of terrorist attacks against senior officials Russian state force the government to make concessions, in particular, the introduction of a Constitution and parliament, after which it was possible to move on to legal forms of struggle to build a fair society.

The people's will has achieved a lot. She organized a series of successful terrorist attacks against high-ranking officials. On February 18 (new style), 1880, member of the People's Will Stepan Nikolaevich Khalturin (1856 - 1882) organized an explosion in the Winter Palace. 11 people were killed and 56 wounded. The emperor himself was not injured. These terrorist attacks forced the autocracy to seriously think about change. And to promote to the highest post of the empire a person who possessed the qualities necessary to bring about these changes.

In the first half of the 19th century, there was an ongoing war in the Caucasus between the mountaineers and Russia. As the experience of both the 19th and 20th centuries shows, a war in the mountains cannot end in victory for either side: it can only be stopped by wise political decisions acceptable to all warring parties.

In 1863, General Mikhail Tarielovich Loris-Melikov (1824 - 1888) was appointed head of the Terek region, combining in one person the talent of an outstanding commander, an excellent administrator and a flexible politician. His wise and flexible policy brought peace to the Caucasus.

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878, General Loris-Melikov successfully commanded the Transcaucasian Front. In 1879, he headed the government commission to eliminate the plague epidemic in the Volga region. Thanks to decisive measures by the civil and military administration, coordinated across several provinces, the epidemic was quickly extinguished.

On February 25 (new style) 1880, a week after the explosion in the Winter Palace, Emperor Alexander II declared a state of emergency in the country and handed over to General M.T. Loris-Melikov all power in Russia. The general was instructed to solve the problem solved in the North Caucasus on a scale throughout the entire empire. A little later, Loris-Melikov was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs (in Tsarist Russia, the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers was purely nominal and the Minister of Internal Affairs actually headed the government).

Loris-Melikov understood that in order to establish peace in the country, fairly deep socio-economic and political transformations were needed. He proposed a plan for such transformations and began their gradual implementation. Among them is the development local government, allocating land to peasants, introducing labor legislation, providing equal rights to representatives of ethnic and religious minorities. In the future, Loris-Melikov’s plan envisaged a transition to a constitutional monarchy.

At the same time, Loris-Melikov considered it necessary to carry out merciless terror against the revolutionaries. Although at the same time he considered it possible to forgive repentant revolutionaries and even use them in public service. So, in 1881, a close friend of N.G. Chernyshevsky Nikolai Nikolaevich Obruchev (1830 - 1904) was appointed chief of the Main Staff of the Russian Army. And already in the 20th century, former Narodnaya Volya member Sergei Vasilyevich Zubatov (1854 - 1917) became one of the leaders of the political police of the Russian Empire. By the way, in my own way business qualities and N.N. Obruchev and S.V. Zubatov was significantly superior to his colleagues who had no seditious past. It was Zubatov who was the first in Russia to appreciate all the benefits that opportunism in the labor movement could bring to the propertied authorities.

S.V. Zubatov was, apparently, the only major Russian official who did not renounce the dying Russian monarchy in 1917. On March 2, 1917, after listening to the message about the abdication of the emperor, Colonel Zubatov silently went into the next room and shot himself a few minutes later. No matter how we feel about Russian tsarism, such an act deserves respect.

Soon after the appointment of Loris-Melikov, his opponent Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev (1820 - 1907), who resolutely opposed any reforms, was also appointed to the high post of Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Snod (Minister for Church Affairs). He is credited with a famous phrase that clearly and quite rightly characterizes the political prospects of the existing regime in Russia: “I am aware that the extension of the existing system depends on the ability to maintain the country in a frozen state. The slightest warm breath of spring, and everything will collapse.”

There is an assumption that K.P. Pobedonostsev was the prototype of His Excellency A.A. Karenina from the famous novel by L.N. Tolstoy. Subsequently, modern liberal historians made a lot of irony about the external similarity of K.P. Pobedonostsev with Mikhail Andreevich Suslov (1903 - 1982).

Thus, in 1880–1881, a fluid balance was established in the highest spheres of the Russian Empire between supporters and opponents of reforms. This balance was sharply disrupted after the assassination of Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya. The new emperor supported Pobedonostsev's group. Loris-Melikov was removed from his posts and resigned. Soon, Count Dmitry Andreevich Tolstoy (1823 - 1889), a supporter of Pobedonostsev, was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs. At the same time, the authorities managed to inflict a powerful police blow on Narodnaya Volya, from which it was unable to recover.

Army circles tried to counteract the Pobedonostsev-Tolstoy group that came to power. Russo-Turkish War 1877 - 1878, under consideration a significant part Russian society as a just war for the liberation of Bulgaria, brought forward a large number of patriotic officers concerned about the situation in the country. Their leader was the young, talented and ambitious general Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev (1843 - 1882), who enjoyed great authority both in Russia and abroad. People called him the White General for his habit of commanding troops on the battlefield in a white ceremonial uniform and riding a white horse. In domestic policy Skobelev was a supporter of the measures proposed by Loris-Melikov, and externally he dreamed of creating a powerful bloc opposing Germany Slavic countries led by Russia. Skobelev had a sharply negative attitude towards Alexander III and his entourage.

In his speeches M.D. Skobelev almost openly stated that Russia is in a state of acute crisis and that in the current situation the armed forces must take responsibility for the fate of the country. His speeches were very similar to those of a typical Latin American military junta leader and differed only in that White General did not try to justify his actions by the need to protect the high ideals of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights. He probably didn’t even know those words.

Skobelev was ready to cooperate with a variety of political forces. “Every nasty thing can come in handy someday. Keep the reptile in repose, don’t let it balk a lot, but the moment will come - put it into action and use it to the fullest... Then, if it’s not in order, throw it overboard!.. And let it drown in its own abomination... If only I did the job!” said the general.

M.D. Skobelev tried to establish contact with Russian revolutionaries living in exile, in particular with Pyotr Lavrovich Lavrov (1823 - 1900). However, Lavrov stated that he had nothing to talk about with the royal satrap.

On March 19, 1882 (new style), General Skobelev met with Alexander III and had a long conversation with him face to face. The content of this conversation is unknown to historians. It did not have any political consequences.

July 7, 1882 M.D. Skobelev dined at a tavern on Stoleshnikov Lane in Moscow. According to the tradition adopted in the Russian army, the officer sitting at the next table sent the general a bottle of wine. After lunch, Skobelev felt unwell and went up to his room to rest. In the evening he was found dead.

People who were interested Russian history, they immediately remembered the circumstances of the death of the talented young military leader Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin-Shuisky (1586 - 1610), who in the winter of 1609-10 with a lightning strike from the camp in Kalyazin lifted the blockade of Moscow by Polish troops. “And there was great joy in Moscow, and in all the churches they began to ring the bells and send up prayers to God, and all were filled with great joy. The people of the city of Moscow all praised the wise, kind mind, and good deeds, and courage of Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin-Shuisky,” a contemporary wrote about this. But soon, at a feast at Prince Vorotynsky’s, the wife of the Tsar’s brother Dmitry Shuisky (and the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov) presented the young general with a cup of wine. After drinking wine, the general felt bad, went home and died two days later, to the delight of the Polish interventionists and their minions from the entourage of Tsar Vasily Shuisky. And two and a half months later, a coup d’etat took place in Russia and the government of Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky (“Seven Boyars”), which came to power, transferred the Russian throne to the Polish prince Vladislav.

IN last time this story was remembered in the summer of 1998, after the death of military general Lev Rokhlin, who was very inconvenient for many in Russia. By official version the general was shot by his wife during a family quarrel.

We must pay tribute Russian authorities– she reacted very cleverly to Skobelev’s death. National mourning was declared in the country. The Central Asian city of Fergana was renamed Skobelev (this began the tradition, which became popular in the USSR, of naming cities after prominent figures). Everything was the same as in 1610, when Tsar Vasily Shuisky wept bitterly over the grave of the Young Commander.

After the death of M.D. Skobelev's military opposition to the regime was left without a leader and faded away. Russia has finally entered the era of political reaction.

Economically, Russia under Alexander III developed quite successfully. Factories were built, laying railways, the army was rearming. Thus, in 1891, the best rifle in the world, designed by engineer Sergei Ivanovich Mosin (1849 - 1902), was adopted for service. “In the whole world we have only two faithful allies, our army and navy,” the emperor liked to repeat. However, in socio-political terms there was a clear regression.

This regression was very noticeable in the education system. The University Charter of 1884 abolished the election of rectors. From now on, the rector and professors were appointed by the Ministry of Public Education. When Moscow University submitted a petition to the Ministry for the appointment of the outstanding philosopher Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov (1853 - 1900) to the position of professor, the minister drew up a resolution: “The approval is to be refused. He is a man with ideas."

On June 30, 1887, the Ministry of Public Education issued a circular sharply limiting the opportunity for “cook’s children” to receive a secondary education. Now a child from the lower social strata Russian society could be admitted to the gymnasium only if they had “outstanding abilities.” The circular did not propose any criteria to establish the presence of such abilities.

In a word, everything was done in the education system that is being done today.

Censorship increased sharply. At the suggestion of K.P. Pobedonostsev, discrimination against persons not belonging to the Orthodox religion was widely practiced. The structures of local government (zemstvo) were placed under the control of government officials.

Social and political life in the country came to a standstill.

The creation of the Terrorist Faction of the People's Will was a clear act of desperation by a small group of young people who saw no prospects for a way out of the current situation. There was no significant force behind them. I also believe that this organization did not pose any real danger to the life and precious health of the Sovereign Emperor and his faithful servants, as well as to the foundations of the Empire. By the way, Alexander III himself initially held the same opinion. But then he was convinced.

The Russian police had a long tradition of reading letters addressed to persons suspected of political unreliability. In one of these letters, the police read Something that allowed them to unravel the case of a criminal community. In early March, Alexander Ulyanov and other members of the Narodnaya Volya Terrorist Faction were arrested. The investigation began.

The trial of members of the Terrorist Faction took place behind closed doors. All 15 defendants were initially sentenced to death penalty. However, the Senate replaced the death penalty for 8 defendants with long prison terms. And Emperor Alexander III replaced the death penalty with life imprisonment for two more defendants: Yuzef Lukashevich (1863 - 1928) and Mikhail Novorussky (1861 - 1925).

Alexander Ulyanov and his comrades were asked to submit a petition for clemency to the emperor. Relatives of those sentenced to death tried to persuade them to do this. At first, Alexander resolutely refused, answering his mother: “Imagine, mother, two people stand against each other in a duel. One has already shot at his opponent, the other has not yet, and the one who has already shot asks the enemy not to use the weapon. No, I can't do that."

Generally speaking, everything was completely wrong. Alexander Ulyanov and his comrades did not shoot at the emperor, they were just about to do so. It is far from certain that they would actually start shooting and throwing bombs. According to some reports, Alexander Ulyanov had great doubts about the advisability of terrorist methods of struggle.

In the end, yielding to his mother’s request, A.I. Ulyanov writes a petition for pardon:
“I am fully aware that the nature and properties of the act I committed and my attitude towards it do not give me either the right or the moral basis to appeal to Your Majesty with a request for leniency in the form of easing my fate. But I have a mother whose health has deteriorated greatly in recent days and the execution of a death sentence against me will expose her life to the most serious danger. In the name of my mother and young brothers and sisters, who, having no father, find their only support in her, I decide to ask Your Majesty to replace the death penalty with some other punishment.
This indulgence will restore the strength and health of my mother and return her to the family for whom her life is so precious, and will save me from the painful consciousness that I will be the cause of the death of my mother and the misfortune of my entire family.

Alexander Ulyanov."

The request for clemency was rejected. On May 20 (new style), 1887, Alexander Ulyanov was hanged in the Shlisselburg fortress. Along with him, Pakhomiy Ivanovich Andreyushkin (1865 - 1887), Vasily Denisovich Generalov (1867 - 1887), Vasily Stepanovich Osipanov (1861 - 1887), Pyotr Yakovlevich Shevyrev (1863 - 1887) were executed.

The younger children of the Ulyanov Family took a different path. But to the same goal. And in the end they won.

S.V. Bagotsky

The circles mentioned above were often built according to the same principle. Several people gathered, came up with a program, and wrote up a charter. They organized a self-proclaimed "center" and selected members of the organization, transmitting to them the orders of some mysterious committee. The orders of the distant and mysterious “Vasily Nikolaevich” were not discussed and had to be carried out unquestioningly. By the way, this was mockingly written about in Turgenev’s “Novi”.

So a group of youth was organized in Kharkov, which was put together by students Samuil Ratin, Mendel Ufland and Gersha Shur. They called themselves Narodnaya Volya; the group's program included the murder of government members, explosions government agencies. The group sent envelopes containing explosives to several government officials, after which the young terrorists were arrested.

At the end of 1886, a circle was formed in St. Petersburg. It was created by university students: the son of a Kharkov merchant, Pyotr Shevyrev, and a Vilnius-born nobleman, Joseph Lukashevich. They organized a student mutual aid fund and a canteen, which expanded their connections and allowed them to recruit more and more new members to the organization.

At first the circle was busy sending out proclamations, then more and more often there was talk about a real struggle. At the same time, Alexander Ulyanov insisted on armed struggle. It was decided to organize a terrorist group. Shevyrev took up the plan to assassinate the Tsar and involved university students Generalov and Andreyushkin in this case. In the latter’s apartment, under the leadership of Ulyanov, they began to produce nitric acid and metal parts of shells. But due to inability, everything moved slowly. Then Kancher went to Vilna, and there the Polish revolutionaries shared with him nitric acid and other things. Isaac Dembo, who arrived in Vilna from abroad, handed money to the new terrorist group.

Meanwhile, Ulyanov was preparing dynamite in Pargolovo. He and Lukashevich filled two projectiles with it. Kancher took these bombs to Andreyushkin. He, Generalov and Osipanov were identified as throwers.

Andreyushkin, Generalov, Kancher and Stepan Volokhov prepared the bullets, filling them with poison and lubricating them with a mixture of strychnine and alcohol.

Finally everything was ready for the assassination attempt. The signalmen were identified: Volokhov and Comrade Kancher, Major's son Garkun. Then the leader of the assassination attempt, She-vyrev, fell ill and left for the south. Instead, Ulyanov took over the preparations.

The conspirators gathered outside the city and practiced throwing bombs. We tested dynamite. Three bombs were deployed.

On February 15, 1887, the participants in the assassination attempt gathered together for the last time. Ulyanov reminded them of the principle of operation of bombs and read the organization’s program. By its nature, it was something between the programs of Narodnaya Volya and the Social Democrats. Everyone together composed a proclamation that began with the words: “The spirit of the Russian land lives, and the truth has not faded away in the hearts of its sons. Emperor Alexander was executed...” No one doubted the success of the assassination attempt.

For two days the battle group went out to Nevsky Prospekt, but the royal crew did not appear.

Osipanov, while studying at Kazan University, was prosecuted for participating in riots. Burnt with the idea of ​​killing the Tsar, he came to St. Petersburg. Generalov was the son of a Don Cossack, a student. Andreyushkin studied at the Faculty of Mathematics, originally from Kuban. Shevyrev is the son of a merchant, a student. Kancher is the son of a postmaster from a Poltava town, a student.

On March 1, the throwers and “scouts” (Garkun, Volokhov and Ulyanov) went to Nevsky Prospekt in the morning and, dividing up, began to walk in groups on both sides from Admiralty Square to the Public Library in anticipation of the royal passage to the Cathedral of the Peter and Paul Fortress, where the funeral service was to take place. for Alexander II, who was killed on the same day six years ago.

And then the terrorists were arrested.

During the search, they found three bombs, a revolver and a program from the executive committee of Narodnaya Volya. Two of the bombs were cylinders, while the third looked like a book with the title “Dictionary of Medical Terminology.”

The fact is that Andreyushkin had been followed for a long time, and the police gradually identified his friends.

The investigation was difficult, the assassination plan was known to few, some did not know each other until the last minute.

At first, the court sentenced 15 people to death. But Alexander III approved capital punishment only for five. On May 1, 1887, Generalov, Andreyushkin, Osipanov, Shevyrev and Ulyanov were hanged in the fence of the Shlisselburg fortress.

And this is an assassination attempt, and these people cannot, of course, be compared with the Narodnaya Volya members of 1881. The actions of the latter had deep roots and were, so to speak, organic in their time. Their followers of 1887 are a random circle, a small group of attackers, without an idea or direction.

Then, in the mid-80s, Karakozovo resident P. Nikolaev returned from eight years of hard labor in Siberia. He lives in Vladimir, Chernigov, Moscow and everywhere he receives the most Active participation in the revival of terror. It was Nikolaev who nurtured the future members of the “Combat Organization” Pokatilov and Dora Brilliant. Together with Belevsky and Serebryakov, he organized a group calling itself the “Social Revolutionary Party.” It included pupils of the Moscow Technical School and students of the Petrovsky Academy. The program of the new organization, considering the most effective means the fight against terror was based on unity and elusiveness. All members of the future party had to come to a common understanding of its tasks. The party, according to the program, consists of separate isolated groups working according to local conditions. Combat groups are not specially prepared, but instantly gather for the assassination attempt, and after it the participants, unfamiliar with each other, disperse. The beginning of the party's activities was considered revolutionary agitation, the result was terror, and the party goal was political freedom and the reorganization of society. It was also decided to publish a magazine. It soon appeared in Zurich with the help of the Polish circle of Dembo and Dembski - “Self-government, an organ of socialist revolutionaries.” It was distributed among circles in Russia. The magazine, of course, immediately became known to the authorities. Arrests began.

In 1888, young artillery officers began to gather with the St. Petersburg propagandist Vera Gurari. Over tea and cigarettes, naturally, there was a conversation about public administration, constitution, freedoms. These gatherings were quickly noticed abroad and tried to give them political direction. The Zurich terrorist circle, led by Isaac Dembo, considered it possible to kill Alexander III at the hands of these officers. The circle included the sisters Ginzburg, Dembsky and the chemist Prokofiev. They ordered 45 hollow copper balls from a Swiss factory. To clarify the situation, Sofia Ginzburg traveled to Russia using a false passport. She was an eccentric 23-year-old girl, who, even at the Bestuzhev courses, was running around with newfangled ideas. Abroad, she “grazed” near the famous revolutionary populist Lavrov. Ginzburg saw herself in her dreams as a heroine, the creator of a new loud party that replaced Narodnaya Volya. She had high hopes for the company of officers around Gurari.

But Sofya Ginzburg was unlucky. In a shop on Vasilyevsky Island, she forgot her wallet, where the proclamations were lying along with the money. The text was based on the fact that the tsar had already been killed and “we will systematically destroy every representative of the tsarist power until the opportunity arises to work for the people through legal means, free speech in the press and free speech in the All-Russian Zemstvo Assembly. We will lay down our arms only when the government, having sincerely and forever renounced the oppression of the people, convenes the zemstvo people freely elected by the entire Russian land and entrusts to them the fate of the state...”

They began to look for the owner of the wallet, and Ginzburg took refuge in the south.

A week later, another event happened. While testing bombs near Zurich, Dembo and Dembski were wounded. Dembo's legs were blown off.

The police quickly sorted out the whole matter. Two lieutenants, Elizaveta Ginzburg, were arrested. Sofia Ginzburg was found under a false name in the monastery hotel in Bakhchisarai. She was sentenced to death, pardoned, and a few months later committed suicide in the Shlisselburg fortress.

In the early 90s, the revolutionary movement in Russia revived. The reason for this was largely the famine of 1891-92, which affected about twenty provinces. Cholera began in the villages. The government and public circles organized the widest possible assistance to the peasantry. Relief teams, mostly young people, went to the village. As it turned out, it was necessary to help not only with food. The young intelligentsia considered themselves capable of raising the moral and political level of the peasant. Reading rooms began to open in villages, and young people went to teach. Foreign Russian revolutionaries sent batches of proclamations to the country stating that the government was to blame for the famine.

On January 12, 1895, Nicholas II made a statement that the main basis of the political system in Russia remains autocracy.

In the early 90s, scattered circles limited themselves to talking about terror. Only two of them tried to move on to practice: the circle of Ivan Rasputin in Moscow and the Kharkov circle of the Melnikov brothers.

The Moscow circle began to prepare an assassination attempt on Nikolai P. Its inspiration was the student Rasputin, who later testified at the inquiry that he “came to the conviction of the need to produce an effect of a terrorist nature in order to draw the attention of the government and force the sleeping society to wake up, at least for a while.” But there was a provocateur in the circle - Zinaida Zhuchenko-Gerngross, and the police soon arrested the terrorists. During the search, they found a laboratory with chemicals for bombs and People's Will literature. In total, up to 35 people were involved in this case

In the same 1894, the police became aware of a Kharkov circle seeking to carry out terrorist activities under the Narodnaya Volya program. One of the Melnikov brothers, according to a gendarmerie certificate, convinced his comrades that “in the current state of affairs, only through terrorist actions, carried out periodically and, moreover, simultaneously in several places, is it possible to achieve political freedom.” The circle had absolutely no money, so they planned to rob some post office.

Execution of Alexander Ulyanov

Execution of Alexander Ulyanov

By 1887 in major cities In Russia there were separate circles, small organizations consisting mainly of students. Their members did not have thorough theoretical training, revolutionary experience and sufficient endurance. Political circles were isolated from each other and acted according to their own plan. A noticeable mark on the revolutionary movement of the second half of the 1880s was left by the circle of Ulyanov, Shevyrev, Lukashevich and others. Their program is an attempt to reconcile the theory and practice of democracy with social democracy and provide a “scientific explanation” of terror. The idea of ​​drawing up a program arose in the circle, according to A. Ulyanov, approximately in the second half of December 1886.

Then, having gathered his friends and sister Anna at the apartment, young Sasha Ulyanov explained to them his thoughts, which boiled down to the following: “In the fight against revolutionaries, the government uses extreme measures of intimidation, therefore the intelligentsia was forced to resort to the form of struggle indicated by the government, then there is terror. Terror is, therefore, a clash between the government and the intelligentsia, from which the opportunity for peaceful cultural influence on public life is taken away. Terror must act systematically and, by disorganizing the government, will have a huge impact psychological impact: he will raise the revolutionary spirit of the people... The faction stands for the decentralization of the terrorist struggle, let the wave of red terror spread widely throughout the province, where a system of intimidation is even more needed as a protest against administrative oppression.”

Thus, Sasha Ulyanov’s proposals were more dashing than the attempts of the current Italian “Red Brigades” and the German “Rot Armee Faction”. In fact, it was a call for mass murder of everyone who did not like the Ulyanov brother and sister. The boys enthusiastically accepted the calls of their twenty-year-old leader and began preparing the first terrorist attack. To some extent, one can understand these provincial romantics who lived in an atmosphere of philistinism and despondency. But to go out into the streets and start killing people...

The first step was to kill the king (it was he who was the tasty morsel in the eyes of the young people). The original plan to shoot the Tsar was rejected and they decided to throw bombs. Their preparation required a special room, dynamite, mercury and nitric acid, which at first were prepared in a “home” way. Gerasimov and Andreyushkin expressed a desire to throw bombs. However, from the day of the first terrorist attacks by the Ishutinites, the authorities began to pay close attention to “pale young men with burning eyes,” especially those who distinguished themselves at demonstrations. And, in particular, they did not hesitate to illustrate their letters. So, one day, having opened a letter addressed to a certain Nikitin, a Kharkov police officer almost fell out of his chair after reading the following passage: “The most merciless terror is possible in our country, and I firmly believe that it will happen, and even in a short time.”

The name of the correspondent, a St. Petersburg friend of Andreyushkin, an active member of the faction, was shaken out of Nikitin. The police launched a meticulous operation to identify all characters impending terrorist attack. They established round-the-clock surveillance of the apartment of the bloodthirsty Andreyushkin and all its visitors. Meanwhile, the gendarmes received alarming information about the impending assassination attempt only on February 28, if you trust the most reliable report of their chief. On March 1, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Count D. Tolstoy, informed the Tsar: “Yesterday, the head of the St. Petersburg secret department received intelligence information that a circle of criminals intends to carry out a terrorist act in the near future and that for this purpose these persons have at their disposal projectiles brought to St. Petersburg ready to “come” from Kharkov." Meanwhile, the terrorists decided to go hunting for the Tsar on March 1, and if the assassination attempt on that day fails, and the Tsar goes south, then follow him and kill him along the way. However, the police also they remembered this date - March 1, - too memorable for both the government and the revolutionaries, so the head of the secret department, without waiting for the tsar’s resolution, ordered the immediate arrest of the persons tracked down by the agents, hardly assuming that these were the terrorists about whom he had already been warned .

On March 1, 1887, three students, Osipanov, Andreyushkin and Generalov, were captured with explosive shells on Nevsky Prospekt. The “frank testimony” of signalmen (Kancher and Gorkun) who were arrested at the same time allowed the gendarmes to quickly identify the participants in the terrorist organization and the leadership role of students Alexander Ulyanov and Shevyrev in it. In total, 25 people were arrested in the first days of March, and later another 49 people. Fifteen people were put on trial, and the remaining cases were resolved administratively. The police department immediately drew up a report on the arrest of the terrorists and sent it to the Tsar, signed by Tolstoy, with a brief notice of the conspiracy and small biographical information about those arrested. “This time God saved us,” the king wrote in the report, “but for how long? “Thank you to all the police officers who do not sleep and act successfully - send everything you learn more.” At first, the king did not attach much importance to the students’ prank. When, “in order to avoid exaggerated rumors,” Count Tolstoy on March 1 asked the sovereign for permission to print a special notice, the tsar wrote a resolution on the report:

“I completely approve and in general it is advisable not to attach too much of great importance these arrests. In my opinion, it would be better, having learned everything possible from them, not to bring them to trial, but simply send them to the Shlisselburg fortress without any fuss - this is the most severe and unpleasant punishment. Alexander". However, having become more familiar with the activities of the faction, the king changed his mind. Thus, he was presented with the “Program of the Terrorist Faction of the Narodnaya Volya Party,” personally written by Alexander Ulyanov. And the first resolution that the tsar put on it was: “This is a note not even from a madman, but from a pure idiot.”

The “final requirements” necessary “to ensure the political and economic independence of the people and their free development” were reduced by Ulyanov to 8 points.

1. A permanent government of the people, freely elected by direct and universal suffrage.

2. Broad local self-government.

3. Independence of the community as an economic and administrative unit.

4. Complete freedom of conscience, speech, press, gatherings and movements.

5. Nationalization of land.

6. Nationalization of factories, factories and instruments of production.

7. Replacement of the standing army with the zemstvo militia.

8. Free initial training.

The main task of the faction was the elimination of Alexander III. (“The purest commune,” added Alexander III. He, apparently, still could not understand why, for the sake of all this nonsense, it was necessary to kill him.) The next day, the chief of gendarmes presented a “draft government message.” “On March 1, on Nevsky Prospekt at about 11 o’clock in the morning, three students of St. Petersburg University were detained, and explosive shells were found during a search. The detainees stated that they belonged to a secret criminal community, and the selected shells, upon examination by their expert, turned out to be loaded with dynamite and lead bullets filled with strychnine.” Alexander III recognized this message as “completely sufficient.” When collecting materials, the gendarmes did not stop at any difficulties and did not hesitate to use any means.

As a result of this, they received detailed testimony from signalmen Kancher and Gorkun. This service was appreciated by the court and the tsar himself, who wrote an inscription on the death sentence presented to him for 15 people with a petition to commute the punishment for some of the convicts. “Quite rightly, I believe that Kancher and Gorkun could have had their sentences reduced further for their frank testimony and repentance.”

A huge amount of “work” was going on in the police department itself in St. Petersburg. The detectives needed to reveal the surname of a member of a terrorist organization, who was known to have the patronymic “Sergeevich.” To facilitate such a search, the police department wrote down from its records the names and surnames of all persons who had this patronymic. The result was a huge list of 16 pages, indicating for what case each person on the list was involved. Another list, shorter, contained information about the “Sergeevichs” who were brought to justice in various political cases. The trial on March 1, 1887 took place behind closed doors. Only ministers, their comrades, members of the State Council, senators and specially listed persons from the highest bureaucracy were allowed to enter the courtroom. In this respect, the trial of March 1, 1887 was a far cry from the trial of March 1, 1881, at which representatives of the press were present and stenographic notes were taken during the trial.

The closest relatives of the defendants were not allowed not only to enter the courtroom, but also to visit them. So, for example, the following resolution was imposed on Ulyanov’s mother’s request to allow her to visit her son: “If Mrs. Ulyanov complies, declare that visits are not allowed.”

It is characteristic that instead of responding to Ulyanova’s petition, the director of the police department ordered to respond only in the event of a new appeal. It should also be noted the fate of Ulyanova’s petition to mitigate the fate of her son Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov and daughter Anna Ilyinichna Ulyanova. The mother asked the Comrade Minister of the Interior to forward her request to the Tsar. However, Orzhevsky forwarded this request instead of the tsar to the special presence of the Senate, where the matter was received. The Minister of Internal Affairs received a report from the police department about each court hearing. The Minister of Justice submitted written reports to the Tsar about each meeting. Police Department reports confirm that Senator Dreyer lived up to his expectations. For example, he did not give Ulyanov the opportunity to talk about his attitude to terrorism. The report noted Ulyanov's attempts to defend the defendant Novorussky. He tried to prove that Novorussky could not have guessed about the manufacture of explosives in his apartment. With visible pleasure, the Minister of the Interior was informed that “the speeches of the defenders were brief and very decent.” This gendarmerie praise does not honor the defenders, but at the same time characterizes the conditions in which the defense was placed.

Of the several dozen brought to justice in the case on March 1, 1887, 15 people were put on trial: Ulyanov Alexander, Osipanov, Andreyushkin, Generalov, Shevyrev, Lukashevich, Novorussky, Ananyina, Pilsudsky Bronislav, Pashkovsky, Shmidova, Kancher, Gorkun, Volokhov and Serdyukova. Of these accused, 12 were students. All defendants were sentenced to death, but the special presence of the Senate petitioned for eight defendants to commute the death penalty to other punishments. Alexander III approved the death sentence for five convicts, namely Ulyanov, Shevyrev, Generalov, Osipanov and Andreyushkin. Lukashevich and Novorussky were imprisoned for life in the Shlisselburg fortress and stayed there for 18 years each, until the 1905 revolution freed them. Ananyina was exiled to the Kara for 20 years, Pilsudski, upon confirmation, was sent to Sakhalin for 15 years. The four convicts were sentenced to 10 years of hard labor instead of the death penalty. Shmidova was exiled to Siberia for a settlement, and Serdyukova, found guilty of non-reporting, was imprisoned for 2 years.

An interesting detail: due to the absence of an executioner in St. Petersburg, an encrypted telegram was sent to the Warsaw Chief of Police with a request to send an executioner upon request, and on April 30 the demand followed. “Send out the executioner immediately.” Four days later, five sentenced to execution and two to life imprisonment were taken from the Trubetskoy bastion to Shlisselburg. The execution took place on May 8.

On the same day, Count Tolstoy reported to the emperor in writing: “Today in the Shlisselburg prison, according to the verdict of the special presence of the Governing Senate, which took place on April 15-19, state criminals were subjected to the death penalty: Shevyrev, Ulyanov, Osipanov, Andreyushkin and Generalov.

According to information provided by the prosecutor of the St. Petersburg district court, Shcheglovitov, who carried out the Senate sentence, the convicts, due to their transfer to the Shlisselburg prison, assumed that they had been granted pardon. Nevertheless, when it was announced to them half an hour before the execution, namely at 3? o'clock in the morning, about the upcoming execution of the sentence, they all remained completely calm and refused to confess and receive the holy mysteries. Due to the fact that the terrain of the Shlisselburg prison did not provide the opportunity to execute all five at the same time, the scaffold was built for three people. The first to be taken out for execution were Generalov, Andreyushkin and Osipanov. After hearing the verdict, they said goodbye to each other, venerated the cross and cheerfully entered the scaffold, after which Generalov and Andreyushkin said in a loud voice: “Long live the People's Will!” Osipanov intended to do the same, but did not have time, because he a bag was thrown in. After removing the corpses of the executed criminals, Shevyrev and Ulyanov were brought out, who also cheerfully and calmly entered the scaffold, with Ulyanov kissing the cross, and Shevyrev pushing away the priest’s hand." On the report, except for the usual sign that the Tsar had read it, there was no other there is no mark.

The execution of the death sentence and the imprisonment of the convicts in hard labor prisons was not the end of the extensive paperwork in the trial on March 1, 1887; the administrative reprisal against many of those arrested continued, and it began even before the judicial reprisal. Already on April 8, the “highest” order was issued to exile Anna Ulyanova to Eastern Siberia for 5 years.

Alexandra Ulyanova is an amazing and charming girl. With her perseverance and perseverance, she has achieved unprecedented heights and strives to teach this to all the girls in the world in her school of success, “The Magic of Life.” She told the readers of our portal about the features of the school and the new line of natural cosmetics straight from the magical island of Bali.

I'm sure everyone is wondering how you came up with the idea to open your own business?

I didn’t strive for business, I did something that I really like. And in general, the world of business is a man's world; a woman can attract money into her life, usually through creativity, which should bring joy and pleasure. The vector way of business development does not suit us; it is a masculine way. A man is a “structure”, and a woman is a “space”, this is our territory, and in it we create magic, being in a special “energy state” of acceptance, we open up as a portal to all wealth and success. For example, affirmations for attracting wealth help my success in business.

Alexandra, how to achieve this special “state of energy”?

The first, of course, is self-love, awareness of one’s own worth and significance, and the second is the novelty of a woman in endless development, by birthright: every girl has the strongest connection with higher powers, this connection with the heavenly God and Mother of the Universe. It is very important for a woman to pass feminine energies through herself, to take care of her source of this energy, to be filled with love through space and to live with an open heart, to be accepting in a feminine way.

Feminine acceptance is a soft, flowing acceptance of the world as it is. This is a fluid state in which you achieve everything you want. Being in a special “state of energy” means initiating the woman in oneself. When we initiate a woman in ourselves, we connect with our sexuality, with our femininity, feeling a huge powerful force, we enter a state of flow of feminine energies.

It is in this state that maturity and responsibility begin. By connecting with the divine and inner wisdom, we can influence our inner and outer world. When initiation occurs, the conscious inner woman no longer shakes the space in vain with questions of “when?” And How?" (for example, “When will I make a million?” or “Where is the man of my dreams?”). She is not afraid to go forward and knows that everything will work out for her, she is sure that everything will come in due time. She has learned to negotiate with space and fills it with love, she radiates joy and harmony. And the time that she now has, she boldly and easily invests in her own development. We are women, and we have been given one amazing gift: to be a mother and give birth, which means to create, and not only children, but above all our own world - the world of a happy woman.

Feminine energy is “I want”, not “I can”. To learn this, you need to do feminine practices every time, they make a woman softer, more correct for herself, more feminine, not in the sense of “weak”, but: loving, appreciating herself and her feminine strength, with whom you can delegate some things into the hands of God or men (smiles conspiratorially). It is natural for a man to be in action, activity strengthens and reveals his masculine power, and we can simply accept our gift and initiate ourselves into a woman.

Alexandra, you live in Bali, and what attracted you so much to this wonderful island, where living is probably not at all easy?

This is where the magic happens in Bali

My heart belongs to the island of Bali! Bali is an extraordinary island, thanks to which I have succeeded not only as a designer, but also as a person! It inspires me with its nature and the energy of the sun and sea. The island aligns my whole life - there is huge scope for creativity and experimentation! It is in Bali that I am building my women's development center. This island gives me a feeling of comfort and silence.

It's hard not to fall in love with this island at first sight

Your life path was quite difficult while you were on your way to success. How and where did you learn what you do now?

I studied in Yekaterinburg at the Ural University. Gorky at the Faculty of Philosophy. My soul is quite old, so I received many things in this life exclusively through my spirit.

I have been developing my brand since I was 16, without money, the help of parents and sponsors... Through the mists, from small town, once boarding a train with one suitcase, but knowing for sure that I would have my own fashion house and be successful.

The road was different: without sleeping at night and working three jobs in Moscow, studying at 2 institutes, I moved forward, clearly knowing that a huge future awaits me, and I am a luxurious woman in it. I created myself bit by bit, day after day, for 14 years I built my brand and worked on it and on myself, my attitudes, thoughts and relationships. At some point it seemed to me that this was impossible: many times luck turned away from me, but only so that I became more self-possessed, wiser and more experienced. I am grateful 10,000 times to the Universe and higher powers for the difficulties and trials that she sent me so that I could gain this invaluable experience. This is how I understood what I was really worth. This all led me forward and gave me the opportunity to develop.

You opened the “Magic of Life” school. What exactly do you teach in it?

In this school, I primarily want to teach girls how to live in the abundance of the Universe, to reveal her feminine nature in a woman and awaken her to mature femininity, realizing how the whole world cares for her. Nowadays, girls are sleeping beauties. Due to current historical preconditions, due to wars and the loss of tradition, the lack of specialized schools for men and women, where the initiations of maturity were passed on with knowledge, has led to the fact that modern world women (and men too) became afraid to grow up.

It’s scary to switch from the role of a little girl, learn to take full responsibility for your life and choose an active life position aimed exclusively at success. We live in difficult times, where our women have no trust either in themselves or in men - this goes back to the times when our grandmothers and mothers lost their husbands in wars. The age of infantility does not give us faith in our own existence and awareness of our capabilities. All this serves as a barrier to many things: attracting the right person for a marital union, building mature relationships, realizing oneself in one’s destiny, for a high level of energy and health of the physical body.

Alexandra, what do you mean by “female maturity”?

How mature a woman is can be seen by her appearance, actions, voice, way of thinking, quality of life and, most importantly, the way she reacts to stress. Female maturity is the state of an open, blossoming flower, fragrant with the aroma of feminine energy, and not a closed bud. This appearance and clothes that highlight the beauty and attractiveness of a woman. This is building relationships with men from a position of dignity and female responsibility (arguing like a teenager or caring like a mommy is a sign of immaturity). This is a clear vision of my happy future and confidence in creating it (fear of the future and a complete lack of understanding of what I want - a child’s level of consciousness).

Women's maturity also means knowing one's goals and understanding how to achieve them (difficulty setting goals and lack of self-confidence are a sign of a traumatized “inner child”). This is also the ability to successfully realize oneself in society (ignorance of one’s purpose speaks of a blocked creative part of the inner world). And a high level of income and the ability to provide for oneself; active life position in all areas of life; quality of life, health.

Female maturity is also emotional and territorial autonomy from parents, respectful and warm relationships with them, the ability to react positively to setbacks and failures, and high stress resistance.

This is self-love, sincerity in behavior, protecting your boundaries and the ability to value yourself, self-discipline and a state of fullness.

And what needs to be done to achieve such a magical state?

There are three conditions here:

First. You need to decide for yourself what you want more than anything in the world. Decide on your goals and objectives - this way you determine your path and give the Universe the opportunity to help you.

Second is making a decision to create what you want in your life. Take responsibility and create what you want. Decision- this is permission from the Universe to create what you want for you.

And finally, third: you need to choose a female strategy for achieving your goals, that is, redirect your power from the external world to the internal.

Where you can start: cleanse your inner world of old rubble, bring order to your space. Forgive and let go of everyone you don’t need in life, nourish your inner girl, create a positive “I-image”: a healthy, loving, positive perception of yourself. You also need to take care of your body, restore your health and physical fitness, practice self-discipline and daily routine: get up at dawn, study physical activity, practices, fill yourself up through nature, learn to enjoy yourself and life.

And the main thing is to never give up.

You can pause for a short period for self-healing, but nevertheless, do not stop and tirelessly pursue your goals, creating your own luxurious life. Create for yourself the dream life that you have outlined, remembering to move only in your feminine nature: easily, with pleasure and only in creativity. Joyfully, with a royal posture, with a divine state, go through life as a great winner - the woman we originally came into this world to create, love and enjoy the fact that we are women. Revealing your feminine essence and letting the divine flow pass through you. And when we are in the flow, then everything happens on its own, like magic. At the school “Magic of Life” by Alexandra Ulyanova we study many practices, for example, wealth in a feminine way.

Yoga practice at the “Magic of Life” school

Alexandra, tell us more about what “feminine wealth” is?

There was a period in my life when I, like many women, worked a lot and was in masculine energies. My favorite thing, my own company, but my strength was leaving, and stress was accumulating. I began to lose the taste for life. For three years I held on, but in the fourth year I gave up and began to research how to start doing what I love without stress. How to attract money into your life, but at the same time being in feminine energies, in your place, on your territory.

I began to carefully study this topic, listen to a huge number of trainings: my morning began with 3-5 trainings for breakfast and several more at night. I greedily absorbed the information and applied it to myself, analyzing the results. I came to the conclusion that male energy, it is manifested, the man set a goal, created a plan and goes vectorial. And a woman is about a feeling and a state. In our society, we were taught to live and achieve goals in masculine energies.

Initiation rite at the school “Magic of Life”

The essence of the men's strategy: to achieve the goal, you need to strain - and this is their strength. And the essence of the female strategy is to relax and become a portal for receiving all the benefits. If a man needs to go into the outside world, take, get, create, then a woman needs to do the opposite. While passive on the outside, she is active on the inside, and her strategy is to attract and be a magnet for all good.

Women by nature are endowed with enormous power - it is located in the womb, in a sacred place, which is the embodiment of the mother, the idea. But relaxing does not mean doing nothing. This means doing work within yourself every day: being able to keep attention inside, the ability to hold a picture in your head for a long time, and by the effort of thought attract what we want into our lives.

It is also the ability to feel and draw knowledge and knowledge from the depths of one’s soul, and this means being in full contact with oneself, feeling oneself and being able to transfer attention from the head to the inside. Yoga helps us achieve full contact; it is she who teaches proper breathing, and everyone knows that the brain follows the breath. We are capable, with all our internal energetic state, of creating in space a field of feminine power, feminine magnetism, and attracting with our full energy everything that we need.

Wishes come true! Gratitude ceremony to the Universe at the Magic of Life school

At school we create a circle of complete trust and explore self-worth and a positive attitude towards life. We learn to trust life like a woman.

The school program includes: a retreat around the island, healthy eating, yoga, sleep in the mountains, cleansing rituals in holy springs, opening the aura with Balinese healers, initiation into the feminine space with combined practices to unlock the inner potential of femininity - and all this happens on the magical island of Bali.

You are engaged not only in school, but also in the production of natural cosmetics. Tell us, what are its advantages?

Bali is an amazing island where all dreams come true. One day I had a request to the Universe - to start pleasing myself with natural and high-quality cosmetics created by the Universe itself, through the hands of my team. Since I am a public person, my like-minded women and followers on Instagram often asked me how I take care of my facial skin. My own line of living cosmetics “Aura kosmetiks” helps me to be fresh and attractive and to catch admiring glances. Especially for us girls, this line has a moisturizing morning cream, a magic scrub and a night cream.

Human skin is a multifunctional organ that performs protective, metabolic, thermoregulatory and immune functions. Under the influence of biological processes, external and internal factors, metabolism slows down, our skin loses firmness and elasticity.

Plant and fruit extracts in natural cosmetics have a very beneficial effect on our skin. I make living creams from natural ingredients. This is a one-off product self made. Cosmetics are made to order in small batches.

The complex consists of 2 types: moisturizing and night cream. At moisturizing- accordingly, a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, it contains spring water, cold-pressed oils (almond, sesame, cocoa butter, emulsifying wax, aloe vera oil, coconut oil, natural essential oils), and another powerful effect is the water from the life-giving glacier at the source of the Ganges. There is a story associated with this, and my team flies to India every time to collect this magical water for miracle organic cosmetics. There is one more ingredient - this is silver, it serves as a natural preservative so that the cream can fall into the hands of any lady anywhere in the world.

And the second view: night cream light olive color. The main active component of the cream is an extract from the leaves of the Neem tree. The cream has a wonderful aroma of natural origin, it has a light texture, it does not leave an oily sheen, and is quickly absorbed, especially if the cream is applied cold to the skin of the face. In addition, the packaging for the living cream is made of natural green glass, which allows it to remain fresh. The magical world of Bali inspired me to create such pleasant projects.

What helps you always look great? Maybe a sport or an active hobby?

I love to play sports: golf, yoga, and simply energy practices raise our vibrations and give us a unique opportunity to get in touch with our own capabilities. For me, playing sports gives me pure, radiant, concentrated energy, and this serves as a mechanism for attracting everything I need. The outer magic of a woman lies in the radiant presence she creates through energy, and sport is the key to that energy. An energetically filled woman expands from within, coloring her circle bright colors, and creates a powerful spirit of his presence that works for her.

Yoga classes by the ocean are truly magical

How do you maintain your tone and positive mood?

My mind helps me look great and stay in good shape. When we awaken our consciousness, we evolve, we feel oneness with the forces of nature and the universe, oneness with the soul. We can influence our own world with the power of our consciousness. All events are synchronized in our lives, we come to the planet from life to life, with the potential for constant development of the spirit, and each at our own level. The task of our life is largely to make a deal between the ego and our own spirit, then the spirit will rule us through the body, and that is when the evolution of our consciousness will take place. The sacred energy of the human being is accumulated through faith consciousness. Human consciousness is a field of change of matter, we influence through intention and thoughts, change our lives and even our cellular structure.

We can choose whether we want to have it or not, we can schedule events into our lives and cancel what we don't like now with just intention. The power of our word in a global sense is fundamental. Only we ourselves create our own reality.

We already feel very subtly; many are aware of the capabilities of their body, spirit and subtle plane. Looking back, I see how the light becomes brighter, and each of us, with our own task, takes steps into the new world that everyone deserves by birthright. We are created to follow the call of our hearts, each on our own. It's nice to see that we are walking our own path of awakening and awareness, including each other somewhere even just aurically. Everyone will learn what they came into this world for. My soul calls me to the light, and I am already partially changing people’s consciousness.

For me, the contract between the ego and the spirit is a powerful union, the purpose of which is the fulfillment of all the most cherished desires for the benefit of oneself and all of humanity. This is free will, and free will is the basis of the beauty of life in the Universe. All paths are open, energy is limitless and can be extracted every second. Pure energy is the energy of the heart. Send light and love to the earth, everywhere and to everyone.

By helping each other create the infinite reality of our lives, we grow our consciousness through conscious choice, creatively and collectively. We need to learn to negotiate with the elements and events, we are the magicians of our own lives. Previously, in order to survive, we had to close our hearts, but now through the heart, by opening it, we let life into it.

You need to fall in love with yourself and with life itself, experiencing joy and lightness, attracting all the wealth and abundance of the Lady of the Universe.

And at the same time, I understand that if many still ask how to do this, then this only shows that the old structures of thought still condition us with their burden of irresponsibility for our own lives. Now there are still 2 levels: old and new, the new one will gradually replace the old one, and I believe that everyone will feel the desire for this in their hearts in order to live with new strength. This is the key to our new life, on our path that will lead us to our own home. In the meantime, my advice, my beloved ones, is not to expect anything, just be joy and be happiness, leaving all expectations and ideas, leaving them at the old level, which is now disappearing. New waves of light are already coming, they cannot be avoided. They open hearts and give joy.

We just need to feel love for everything in our hearts. I let go of everything and rejoice like a child. Love, love this life, and then life will love you.

What advice could you give to our readers to improve their lives and find harmony?

Our happiness is our own choice. And every person was born with the inheritance from God of being loved, loving, rich and living in the abundance of the Universe. The only question is for us: how we choose or not choose it. There are magical techniques for attracting the abundance of the Universe. One of them is affirmations. This magic words ready for changes in life.

Everyone must remember: where attention goes, so does energy. Affirmations are the affirmation of something as if we already have it. Essentially, it is a program set up for success. The process itself starts in our consciousness, all our internal energy begins to help us achieve what we want in reality.

At one time, it was affirmations that brought me to a new level of consciousness. Another technique for achieving harmony is acceptance. Its essence is this: every time in our lives something happens. In fact, any situation in itself has no connotation, either positive or negative. It just is. And only we give emotion to this situation, we reward it with either negative energy or positive energy. This helps me a lot in my awareness: just giving myself a unique opportunity to observe the situation and not get involved in it. Be an observer of life.

Trainings also help me improve my own life. I sincerely wish you to attend trainings as often as possible to develop the potential of your own consciousness. This will significantly improve your life and make it qualitatively enjoyable.

You can get acquainted with the work of Alexandra Ulyanova on Instagram: @aleksandra_ulyanova, and you can find out about the opportunity to undergo training and order cosmetics via WhatsApp:+62 878 61996769 and on Facebook:

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