Basset Hound: description of the breed, care. Basset Hound: a prim gentleman and a passionate hunter in your home Modern Basset Hound

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basic information

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with its other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

It is believed that basset hound originated in the seventh century in the monastery of St. Hubert, located in the Forest of Arden. According to legend, Monk Hubert, who is now considered the patron saint of hunters, spent a lot of time developing a new breed of dogs. It later became known as the Bloodhound and was especially prized in France and England. One of the varieties of Bloodhound was a short-legged, slow dog that was favored by hunters. These dogs did an excellent job of hunting small game, rabbits and hares. It was from these dogs that the Basset Hound most likely originated.

Pros of the breed

  • Has an unusual appearance;
  • Strongly attached to the owner;
  • Friendly towards people around him;
  • Patient with children;
  • Tolerant of other dogs;
  • Doesn't need a lot of exercise, but loves walks;
  • Incredibly agile;
  • It is easy to care for.

Cons of the breed

  • Needs an understanding owner;
  • By nature stubborn and headstrong;
  • Sometimes naughty;
  • Has a habit of running away;
  • Loves to bark;
  • Not amenable to standard training;
  • Has a tendency to gain excess weight.

The Basset Hound has long been particularly popular. He can often be found in various commercials, as well as in the homes and lawns of many families who want to have a good and loyal four-legged friend. Its noble appearance and loyal character make this dog an excellent pet for almost any family.

Representatives of this breed have a very developed sense of smell. This is not strange, because the dog was bred for hunting. In this regard, basset hounds can only compete with sniffer dogs. The rest are unlikely to be able to compete with them.

Since Basset Hounds were originally bred as dogs, they have retained the corresponding natural instinct, so they always strive to chase potential prey. The peculiarities of the skin, as well as long ears that hang down to the ground, give the basset an excellent opportunity to smell prey and, accordingly, catch up with it. It is for these qualities that basset hounds are valued by hunters.

Because the basset's legs are short, they are not able to move as quickly as other large dogs. But for a hunter this is a very good feature, because the animal can sneak up on prey unnoticed. Another feature of the dog that is very convenient for hunter owners is its long tail with a white tip. It allows you to see the dog even when it is in tall grass.

While at home, the basset will not be particularly active; he is lazy in this regard. The pet is devoted to its family, very pleasant to talk to and friendly. Bassets do not like to be alone for long periods of time. If your pet is left alone for a long time, he will certainly whine and even howl.

Basset hounds are lovers of food, but at home they do not show much desire for active activities. This causes obesity, which, in turn, leads to problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Bassets are very hardy. You can safely go on long walks with them, especially since this will have a positive effect on the dog’s health and prevent weight gain. When walking with your pet, do not forget that the basset is a hunting dog, so it loves to track. Don't walk without a leash, otherwise you risk your pet chasing a potential trophy.

The Basset Hound has a unique voice of its kind. We can say that these dogs do not bark, but howl. They are also capable of muttering in a peculiar way, thus attracting attention to themselves, or begging for food. Thanks to this peculiar behavior, they manage to beg many delicacies from the owner’s table that are not very useful for the dog. Don't follow your pet's lead. Moreover, many products from the owner’s table can cause serious harm to the animal.

Basset Hounds are generally calm and even-tempered, and they get along well with children as well as pets. The main drawback of this breed is the tendency to drool and howl when lonely or anxious. If you are willing to tolerate such oddities, then the basset will become an unsurpassed pet and simply an excellent companion dog.


The name of the breed comes from the French word "bass", which means low. It is because of the short stature that this name appeared. The small stature is caused by the physiology of the animal: it has a fairly heavy skeleton and a muscular body. The average weight of a dog is about 23 – 30 kilograms. But height, as a rule, is about 33 – 38 centimeters. Basset Hounds are large dogs with short paws. The dog's short stature is the result of dwarfism, which doctors call achondroplasia. But this is not a disease that should be tried to be cured. These sizes have become the breed standard and significantly distinguish these dogs from other relatives.

Basset Hounds have a smooth, short coat that is relatively easy to maintain. Most Basset Hounds have a tri-color coat consisting of patches of black, brown and white. This color is considered classic. True, there are Basset Hounds with red spots on a white background, as well as with white spots on a red background, and a completely red color with white or lemon-colored paws. Sometimes gray basset hounds are also found. This color is not desirable, since most often the cause of non-standard color is a genetic disease. You should not follow the lead of a dog breeder who will allegedly offer you a puppy with a unique color.

The Basset Hound has a rounded skull, and a large amount of skin on the front of the head. This somewhat flabby skin makes the basset hound look sad, which, according to many, adds a special charm to the animal.

Basset hound photo:

Photos of Basset Hound dogs |

Origin story

Legends say that basset dogs come from Constantinople, from where they came to Europe during the Crusades. Whether this is true or not, no one knows. The British believe that the Basset is a very old breed that has already been known in England since the 16th century. They consider Shakespeare’s description of a summer night to be proof of this: “My hounds, painted the color of sand, have powerful dewlaps. And they sweep away the early dew with their heads down. Their knees are bent and their stomachs are sagging. They follow the trail slowly, but their joint barking sounds like a bell.” Although this description fits the Basset Hound, some dog trainers argue that the characteristics described may also correspond to the Southern Hound. Of course, this dilemma is unsolvable because no one can actually know who Shakespeare was writing about.

In fact, the Basset Hound does not come from England at all, but from France, although it was the British who bred the breed and gave it its name, translated from French. These dogs became truly popular thanks to the Americans. The Basset Hound is considered a descendant of two French breeds: the now defunct Basset d'Artois and the Artesian-Normandy Basset. In 1874, British breeders brought a group of these dogs from France to their domain. As a result of mating, a transitional breed was obtained, which was later crossed with the Bloodhound. This was the first artificial insemination in history, given the large difference in height. It was from the Bloodhound that the Basset adopted its main characteristics: an excellent sense of smell, a strongly prominent skull, freely hanging and folded skin. From that time on, it was prohibited to export dogs, and the breeding of the Basset Hound in England developed independently.

In 1880, the Basset Hound was first shown at an exhibition in Wolverhampton, and in 1883 the first Basset Hound Club was created. The wife of King Edward VII, Alexandra, whose dogs also took part in exhibitions, became a big fan of this breed. One of them even received an award at a prestigious exhibition in 1909.

In Europe until the end of the 60s of the twentieth century, the breed remained heterogeneous. It even happened that dogs from the same litter could have completely different anatomical characteristics: the height at the withers ranged from 23-30 cm, and sometimes even reached 36 cm. This was not the only difference, because the dogs also differed in their appearance . The first example of the breed was presented only in 1955. This was a significant turning point for the development of the breed. The main characteristics of the breed were approved, which gave direction to the work of breeders who, after many years of work, were able to develop the Basset Hound that is familiar to us today, that is, a dog with an elongated body, powerful bones and short, strong legs. Compared to its ancestors, the modern basset has much more skin, as well as significantly more weight.

Surprisingly, this originally French breed returned to France only in 1955 and remains quite rare to this day. In this country, basset dogs are owned, for the most part, by amateurs, fans of the breed, which of course does not contribute to the development of the population. Basset dogs are extremely popular in England, but in the States they are breaking all popularity records. In France, about 800-1000 offspring are registered annually, in England - 2500-3000 individuals, but in the States there are more than 20,000 individuals!

Basset Hound Personality

A languid look, long ears and small stature sometimes make many people feel sorry for basset dogs, as they look sad. In fact, these are very cheerful dogs with a calm character. They get along well with children and pets. All these qualities make the Basset Hound a good companion dog. It's especially fun to watch a basset hound playing with children - it's quite a spectacle! You can be sure that your pet will start barking when he sees a stranger approaching, but as soon as he realizes that it is your friend, he will greet him cheerfully.

The Basset Hound is a dog with a short, waterproof coat that is very easy to groom. Weekly brushing will help keep the constantly shedding coat under control. Since Basset Hounds have long and drooping ears, this is a common cause of various ear diseases. Weekly ear cleaning will prevent all this. The folds on the basset's face also require regular wiping.

Training and education

Training a Basset Hound can be a major challenge, especially for an untrained dog owner. Some people believe that the reason for this is the dog's low intelligence, but this is not true. This is all due to the independent nature of the basset, due to which these dogs are often not very receptive to training. In addition, dogs of this breed have no desire to please people, which is also one of the reasons that complicates the training process. The Basset Hound is very sensitive to different odors. If a pet smells some interesting aroma, it will definitely try to follow it. In such situations, classes are out of the question. Dogs of this breed are best kept in a fenced area.

Health and illness

The average lifespan of a Basset Hound is 12 to 15 years. Major health problems include: allergies, back and joint problems, bloating, heart disease, skin diseases, diseases of the ears, eyelids and eyelashes, glaucoma, intervertebral disc diseases, von Willebrand disease. Let us note that the basset hound is considered to be a healthy dog, but if the animal is poorly cared for, then diseases will not take long to appear. You need to pay special attention to your ears. If this is not done, otitis media will occur. Eyes also require care. They need to be wiped daily to remove dirt and dust that can accumulate under the skin around the eyes and lead to infectious diseases.

Some interesting facts

  • The dog of detective Columbo, the hero of the well-known detective series, was a basset hound. Her look, full of indifference, charmed many viewers who became interested in the breed thanks to the series.
  • Like all hounds, basset hounds are difficult to train and educate.
  • The basset's long ears play an important role for the animal. They “lift” odors from the ground and direct them to the dog’s nose.
  • The constant shedding of the Basset Hound obliges the owner to brush the dog daily.
  • Basset wool has an oily coat that can have a specific smell. Don't try to wash away this natural defense.
  • Basset Hounds can drool.
  • If a basset hound catches a scent, it may follow it.
  • It is best to train a Basset in a special class.
  • The Basset, like all hounds, does not accept harsh training methods. Please be patient.
  • Basset Hounds often suffer from increased gas production. If you suspect such a problem, you should contact your veterinarian.
  • Due to the nature of the Basset's skin, these dogs are prone to salivation, especially when eating and drinking. If this is not entirely suitable for you, then it is better not to buy a puppy of this breed.
  • The real problem for Basset Hounds is obesity. They love to eat well, so they tend to overeat. If the dog is overweight, problems with the musculoskeletal system will develop. The feeding regime must be organized correctly, guided by the advice of a veterinarian, and not the recommendations on the packaging of dog food.
  • Since these dogs are prone to bloating, which in some cases can be fatal, they need to be fed 3 small meals a day. After eating, you need to observe the dog to make sure everything is fine.
  • The Basset Hound's long ears require special care. They need to be carefully monitored, washed on time and treated with a special solution.
  • Even if your basset hound seems strong and healthy to you, it is still better to avoid jumping and, when traveling in the car, hold it in your arms and thus fix the spine.
  • Two-thirds of the basset's weight is in the front part of the body. This practically prevents the dog from swimming.

The Basset Hound breed makes you fall in love at first sight. If you are thinking about making friends with this breed or getting yourself a puppy, you should find out how to keep, raise, and train one, because behind their apparent passivity lies an inquisitive mind, playfulness, and a desire to love and be loved!

The name “Basset” itself has French roots (“bas”, that is, “low”). Surprisingly, with his short stature, short legs and impressive ears, this hunter will give odds to many other breeds!

The breed originated in France in the Middle Ages. There is an opinion that this breed of dogs has common roots with dachshunds, terriers and bloodhounds, from which they inherited a massive head and height.

The peak of popularity of short hunters occurred when this breed came to England, where unusual transformations occurred with it. It is worth noting that English breeders and hunting enthusiasts persistently worked to strengthen and improve what they considered to be positive qualities, having in their use as many as three breeds:

  • From the Ardennes;
  • Artesian-Norman Bassets;
  • and finally, the Artesian Basset Hound.

They differed not so much, in a number of parameters, depending on the tasks presented to the breed:

  • Some breeders worked on crooked paws, while others worked on straight paws;
  • in one case the height was increased, and in the other it was decreased.

The addition of the blood of local beagles gave the breed a noticeable benefit; as a result, the basset acquired higher levels of mobility and became more compact.

Basset hound appearance

A representative of this breed with sad eyes, long and soft ears. The dogs are perfectly balanced, despite the external disproportion, as they have highly developed paw muscles and a massive body. Thanks to this, the Basset Hound breed has excellent grace and smooth movements, meeting all standards.

  • She has a wide back, convexity of the lumbar region and even the chest;
  • the head looks proportional, and because of the folds of the skin it seems quite massive;
  • The color of the breed is dominated by black and white tones, mixed with fawn and fawn-light coat tones, with the tolerance of all colors accepted among hound breeds.

The dogs' height reaches 40 cm at the withers, and their weight rarely exceeds 30 kg.


The Basset Hound is a sociable and flexible breed, which does not exclude the ability to manipulate its owners. They have a sharp and resourceful mind that knows how to achieve the desired result. Having a non-aggressive character, they are not suitable for guard functions, but they feel excellent in a large family with children.

A pet can become an ideal “nanny” for kids. The dogs have high rates of tracking and pursuing prey, but otherwise their character is not very flexible. All this means is that you will need much more time training these pets than any other breed of hound dog.

Also, here's what you should know about the Basset Hound's personality:

  • Representatives of the breed know how and love to be very loud; when hunting, they burst into joyful barking when they detect a target;
  • At home, they also cannot restrain their impulses, which not all owners will like, and the neighbors will not be delighted.

Basset hound training

Training these four-legged friends is a rather unusual and very troublesome task; as mentioned above, with a certain skill and a high level of patience, you can still train representatives of the Basset Hound breed. The process should take place in a playful and relaxed manner. As part of the training process, the owner must respect the personality of the dog, its self-sufficiency, since representatives of this breed represent a bright individuality that cannot be found in other breeds. Accept the specific sense of “humor” of your dog, who knows how to deftly and enthusiastically follow his line.

  1. There is no need to constantly repeat only 1 command, otherwise the dog will completely lose interest in the training process, making training useless;
  2. For obedience, reward your tailed friend with a treat to stimulate interest and show love for the dog;
  3. Avoid swearing at your pet or punishing him; he may simply lose trust in his owner.
  4. Initially, it is recommended to learn the command “come to me” since the basset hound has a habit of getting carried away by smells and forgetting about everything in the world.

Otherwise, training is no different from other hunting breeds. The main thing is to work with the animal systematically.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing puppies of this very proud Basset Hound breed, you should first of all find out about the pedigree, visit several exhibitions, contact the nursery, because only there you will receive qualified help, including from a veterinarian.

Pay attention to the puppy's parents and their characteristics. One of the criteria for selecting puppies is the physical condition of the parents, how well-fed and cheerful they are.

Don't miss these features:

  • Condition of coat and skin;
  • ears without painful lesions and no uncleanliness;
  • the tail should be without obvious creases;
  • check your tummy to see if there is a hernia there;
  • Straight and fairly plump legs are the key to a puppy’s health.

The cost per breed varies between 5-35 thousand rubles, the cost of a puppy depends on the region.

The Basset Hound is not very whimsical in a city apartment; it is quite lazy; this representative of the hound breed can sleep for a long time and be indifferent to the world around him. In a private home, it needs to be monitored more often.

With a fairly coarse and very thick coat, this breed requires brushing 2-3 times a week with a comb equipped with natural bristles to keep the coat shiny and shiny.

Everyone approaches water procedures in their own way, but at least 2-3 times a month, in order to get rid of a specific odor, special attention is required to the eyes and ears - the most problematic areas for puppies. It is worth putting special drops into your eyes, as well as into your ears against wounds and ticks.

Despite the specific character, the Basset Hound is still a hunting breed of dog, and emotional release is necessary, and physical exercise is also necessary, which he receives during walks 2 times a day and the slower he walks, the more calories are absorbed in the body.

Food from the owners' table is not only contraindicated, but even dangerous; dogs must be fed only with special food.

Health and illness

This breed of dog can hardly be called sick, but it is characterized by diseases such as:

  • Volvulus;
  • ectopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypothyroidism in the “oldies” of this breed;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • back problems;
  • hip dysplasia.

Pay attention to the gluttony of Basset Hounds, because of this obesity is possible, plus, blood incoagulability is often encountered. It is possible that an inguinal hernia may occur.

Don’t be alarmed ahead of time, as regular visits to the veterinarian will help maintain the health of your pet, whose average life expectancy is 15 years.


Nevertheless, representatives of Basset Hounds are very calm and peaceful dogs; they love to play with small children. They become a real member of the family, and peace and quiet depends on how you raise him and what conditions you create. Make the right choice if you are interested in a phlegmatic aristocrat with long ears.

Basset Hound - detailed description of the dog breed, photos, videos, maintenance features and history of the origin of the breed

Breed dossier

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Classification: Group 6. Hounds and related breeds. Section 1. Hounds.
  3. Training: Basset Hounds are smart, but can be stubborn at times.
  4. Color: Basset Hounds typically come in tri-colored coats (black, white, and fawn). Sometimes there are two-colored individuals, and even less often - one-colored ones (the color common among hounds).
  5. Dimensions. The dog is quite large, although short. Height at withers for males: 33 - 38 cm. Weight: 20-25 kg.
  6. General impression: short-legged, massive dog with long ears. On the head the skin forms folds, the head has a dewlap. The skin also forms folds on the legs and knees.
  7. Usage: hunting breed. Nowadays, Bassets have proven themselves to be excellent companion dogs.
  8. Physical exercise: active. Bassets love active games and great physical activity.
  9. Character. The strong, impassive character of the Basset Hound has become almost legendary. Representatives of this breed almost never get angry, they are phlegmatic and rarely show aggression. They can be very stubborn, so Bassets need an owner who is calm and has a strong character, because if the Basset senses a weakness in the owner’s character, he will definitely become stubborn.
  10. Content: Basset hounds are not suitable for keeping in an apartment, because they are a hunting dog, they need space for movement and active physical activity.
  11. Grooming: not very difficult, because representatives of this breed have short, smooth hair. It is enough to brush your Basset Hound once a week. These dogs need careful care of their ears and eyes.
  12. Amenability: They get along well with cats and dogs in the house. They love small children.
  13. Diseases: Basset hounds suffer from glaucoma, skin dermatitis, and they also have problems with digestion and the musculoskeletal system.
  14. Diet: Basset hounds happily eat dry food, as well as foods of natural origin. These dogs cannot be fed a lot, otherwise they will get fat and become lethargic and clumsy.
  15. Lifespan: 10-12 years old.

History of origin of the breed

Basset Hounds were originally used as hunting dogs to hunt rabbits. Experts believe that Bassets are descended from Bloodhounds, but in order to preserve the features of Basset Hounds, breeders selected only individuals with shortened paws.


The head is quite large, with a convex skull and a powerful muzzle. The muzzle is elongated, the jaws are strong. A distinctive feature of Bassets is that the skin on their heads forms folds and wrinkles. The lower eyelids may droop slightly, giving the Basset's face a somewhat sullen appearance. The eyes are diamond-shaped, dark brown. The ears are set very low, they are very soft and long. Neck with dewlap, muscular. The body is massive, elongated in length. The chest and back are wide, the ribs are convex. Basset Hounds' limbs are short and powerful, muscular but compact. The paws are massive, with wide toes. The tail is long, very wide at the base, gradually tapering towards the end. The coat is short, smooth, and lies close to the body. Hard to the touch.

Psychological picture

The strong, impassive character of the Basset Hound has become almost legendary. Representatives of this breed almost never get angry, they are phlegmatic and rarely show aggression. They can be very stubborn, so Bassets need an owner who is calm and has a strong character, because if the Basset senses a weakness in the owner’s character, he will definitely become stubborn.

These dogs are very affectionate and devoted, dote on their owner, and suffer alone.

Basset hounds are not suitable for keeping in an apartment, because they are a hunting dog, they need space for movement and active physical activity. Grooming is not very difficult, because representatives of this breed have short, smooth hair. It is enough to brush your Basset Hound once a week. These dogs need careful care of their ears and eyes.

Price policy

Basset Hound dogs are quite expensive. For one Basset puppy you will have to fork out 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. The price varies depending on the pedigree, gender and class of the puppy. In addition, when choosing a puppy, you should only contact trusted breeders, otherwise you risk purchasing a puppy with poor health.

Price: 15,000 – 25,000 rubles

The Basset Hound is a dog with a unique, somewhat comical and memorable appearance literally at first sight. The breed has gained particular popularity in America, where a large number of families have it as a family dog. Despite its external clumsiness, the Basset Hound is active, mobile and cheerful almost around the clock.

According to one version, the ancestor of the Basset Hound is the Norman Basset Artesiano, brought to Great Britain in the 18th century and crossed with the Blackhoud. According to another version, the ancestors of the breed are considered to be the Saint-Hubert hounds that lived in France.

Old canine books describe two types of basset dogs. The Artesian line is the ancestor of the modern breed, and the Flemish line is mixed with terriers and served as the beginning of the Dachshund breed.

The original purpose of the Basset Hound dog breed was to hunt small game on foot. It was easy for the hunter to follow the short-legged pet at a normal pace, so the breed was actively used for tracking and catching animals from holes. The name basset was originally given by the French to all short dogs. Later, short legs and short stature were elevated to characteristic features of a particular breed.

The short-legged breed was presented at a dog show in 1863. The heyday of the breed’s popularity began with its arrival in England, where hunters appreciated the merits of basset hounds and began to strengthen their working qualities. At this time, the Basset Hound group included three breed varieties: Ardennes, Artesian and Artesian-Norman.

Each of the breed branches was crossed by the owners with other hunting dogs. One of the good results was the union of the basset and beagle, from which the breed received compactness and activity.

The description of the American type Bassint Hound breed was officially registered in 1933.

During the French Revolution, dogs of this breed almost suffered complete destruction. The dog was considered a symbol of the power of the aristocrats and began to be systematically exterminated. Of all the representatives of the breed lines, the Norman and Artesian branches were saved. In the 19th century, individual specimens came to Great Britain and were crossed with the Bloodhound. A new type of Basset Hound has emerged, with a longer body and ears. A characteristic feature of the new breed are wrinkles on the skin. The new breed was named Basset Hound.

In 1883, the Basset Hound Club was created in Great Britain, thanks to which the breed became widely known throughout the world. The dogs were entered into the register of the Kennel Union of America and the first breed standard was approved. English and French Basset lines began to mix. And as a result, the American type of Basset Hound was born. The description of the American type Bassint Hound breed was officially registered in 1933.

Basset hounds appeared in Russia recently, although the first representatives were imported into the country from France back in 1740.

Appearance and breed standard, photographs

The modern Basset Hound is a short dog with a dense body on short, massive legs. A characteristic feature of the breed is excess skin that gathers in deep folds on the face, neck and legs. The dog's height is from 33 to 38 centimeters, weight is from 20 to 29 kilograms.

Photo. Two Basset Hounds in the foliage

Basset hound dog in the photo

The Basset Hound standard has the following characteristics:
  • Head rectangular, massive. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is sloping and clearly defined. High cheekbones.
  • Bite scissor-shaped. The teeth are strong and even.
  • Nose black or brown, depending on the base color. The nostrils are open and wide.
  • Eyes have a diamond shape due to loose eyelids. Eye color is dark in a brown palette.
  • Ears large, hanging and tight to the cheeks. The ear set is low.
  • Body elongated, with strong bones. The neck is strong and wide. The back is flat and wide. The chest is low-set, convex, wide. The ribs are elongated and rounded.
  • Limbs short, powerful, covered with folded skin. The forelimbs have a rounded shape, wrapping around the chest. At the bottom, they come closer to each other. The hind limbs are strong and muscular. The paws are strong, large, set straight and slightly spaced outwards. The rear ones are straight set. The pads are separated and massive.
  • Tail set high, powerful, tapering to the tip.

Coat type and color features

Basset Hounds have a short, dense coat that lies close to the body. Initially, the breed was credited with exceptionally hard hair, but among the Basset Hound representatives there are many real champions with soft guard hair.

The most popular color of Basset Hounds is tri-color (white with black and brown or red).

The classic colors of the breed are as follows:

  1. White combined with black, red, brown.
  2. Tricolor: white-black-red and white-black-brown.
  3. Lemon – white with light brown.

Breed characteristics

The Bassint Hound has a difficult character. These dogs can simultaneously touch and irritate their owner. The peculiarity of the characteristics of the Bassint Hound is the combination of an affectionate companion, devoted and friendly, with a rare stubbornness, sometimes not amenable to education. Gentleness, lack of aggression, calmness and friendliness are the main features of the Basset Hound breed.

The Basset Hound is a headstrong dog with a sense of self-esteem. She will not rush to carry out the owner’s commands, but will think about them first. A feature of the basset's character is a certain detachment from the owner and other family members. At the same time, loneliness is not acceptable for them.

Bassets love to be in the company of a lot of people, love to play with children and can even act as a nanny. But the dog does not tolerate familiar treatment. The Basset gets along with cats and other dogs in the house without any problems.

IMPORTANT. You should not have small rodents and birds in the house at the same time as your basset hound. A dog's hunting instinct can manifest itself at any moment, and then they will be in trouble.

The Basset is always on his own. He is affectionate and devoted to his owner, while being independent and stubborn. The owner needs to be able to negotiate with him. Attempts to put pressure on the dog lead to the fact that he will begin to pretend to be blind and deaf and continue to do as he originally intended.

Basset Hounds are very skittish dogs, but at the same time they love to have fun.

The Basset owner must be thoughtful in order to be able to establish contact with the dog. At the same time, the dog loves the owner and everyone at home very much, loves to be in the center of attention, and asks to be petted.

A Basset Hound will not make a guard. Having met a stranger on the threshold, the dog will bark a couple of times for order and calm down. The basset will not rush at a stranger in order to save the owner’s property, because he is a hunter, not a watchman.

Features of training

From the first months of a dog's appearance in the house, it is necessary to begin its upbringing. Bassets learn commands quite quickly, but are not always in a hurry to carry them out. The puppy's stubbornness is stopped with a light slap with a rolled up newspaper.

First of all, the puppy must learn the commands “No” and “Fu”. The puppy will be afraid of the rustling newspaper and will rush to follow the command. It is important to start early training because puppies are more flexible.

New teams will be helped to learn an incentive treat. Yelling and using physical punishment will cause your dog to react negatively. It is impossible to force this breed to do anything in this way. If a dog is offended, it will definitely harbor anger and take revenge at any convenient moment. The basset will consider biting its owner to be beneath its dignity, but it will chew off a shoe belonging to the offender with great pleasure.

It is necessary to negotiate with the basset hound, otherwise he will simply refuse to fulfill the owner’s requests.

Teaching a Basset Hound commands and obedience is not an easy task, and only a persistent and patient person can cope with it. You will have to be creative and even cunning to find the motivation to do something. All commands must be reasonable, otherwise the wayward pet will consider them useless and will not carry them out.

The Bassint Hound is an apartment breed and cannot live outside. If the owner lives outside the city, the dog should live in the house and not on the street. A kennel or enclosure is not suitable for basset hounds. But the dog loves to walk in the yard.

Physical activity is necessary for bassets, because without it the dog quickly gains weight, which can provoke the development of diseases of the joints and spine. You need to walk your dog 2 times a day. Walks can be long, but the basset does not need excessive activity. Slow walking can be alternated with games.

Currently, Bassint Hounds are not used as hunting dogs, but the breed has retained its working qualities. The basset, sensing the beast, picks up the scent and begins to pursue the prey, without reacting to the shouts of the owner. Therefore, the dog must be taken on a leash for walks.

For walks in cold weather, the Basset Hound is dressed in warm clothes.

For walks in slushy weather, you need to purchase special clothing. It will protect your pet from the cold and at the same time prevent excessive contamination of the fur. In frosty weather, it is recommended to dress the dog in warm overalls, since keeping the body close to the ground can lead to hypothermia and a cold in the dog.

IMPORTANT. Jumping from heights and prolonged walking on stairs are contraindicated for the Basset Hound. This will also cause musculoskeletal problems.

The Basset Hound should have its own place in the apartment. It should not be too soft, and it should be placed in a place away from drafts.

Caring for the breed is not complicated and involves the following activities:

Organization of feeding

Bassint hounds are famous for their excellent appetite. The dog will not refuse a single piece of food offered to it, therefore it is prone to obesity. In this regard, the dog’s nutrition must comply with the breeders’ recommendations in terms of dose and composition.

From the first days, the puppy should be taught to eat strictly according to the clock, without begging for treats in the intervals between meals. Portions must be strictly adjusted to suit the basset's lifestyle. Feeding this breed with leftover food from the master's table is strictly contraindicated, since the high content of fats and carbohydrates in the food will have a negative impact on the pet's health.

IMPORTANT. You should not overfeed your Basset Hound or give in to his requests for treats from the master's table. It is worth giving the dog a few treats between feedings, and all family lunches and dinners will be spent whining from the dog, begging for pieces.

Puppies are fed 6 times a day, an adult dog 3 times. Using a special stand, the basset hound's feeding bowl is positioned so that the dog's head does not hang down while eating, as this leads to deformation of the cervical vertebrae and torsion of the small intestine.

The basis of the breed's diet should be protein.

The basis of the breed's diet should be protein. Meat (beef, chicken, offal) is given daily raw or boiled until half cooked. Vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), herbs, buckwheat and rice porridges perfectly complement the menu.

Twice a week the Basset is given a chicken egg. Once or twice a week, the pet is treated to dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt). Legumes, sweets, flour, spicy, fried, smoked foods are contraindicated for dogs.

You can rationally organize your bassint hound's nutrition using premium and super-premium dry food (,). You should strictly follow the recommendations for serving sizes of dry food depending on the age and weight of the dog. Typically, an adult dog needs 2-4 cups of food per day.

Characteristic diseases and life expectancy

The main problem of the Basset Hound is diseases and injuries of the spine. It is necessary to monitor the pet's condition from childhood, since obesity and excessive physical activity can impair its health. To maintain the musculoskeletal system from an early age, the dog must receive sufficient amounts of calcium.

Photo. Tricolor basset hound puppy

Two basset hound puppies in the photo

The suitability of the breed is determined by the appearance of the parents and the characteristics of the puppy itself:
  • Powerful and straight paws.
  • Rectangular head.
  • Long ears.

When purchasing, the main guidelines are three factors:

  1. Meeting parents' standards.
  2. Baby's appearance.
  3. Puppy behavior.

A healthy Basset Hound puppy that meets the standards can only be obtained from a specialized kennel in the following cities:

  • Moscow – at prices starting from $400 (,
  • St. Petersburg - at a price of $350 (,

The Basset Hound is a dog with an original appearance, a sort of squat melancholy with sad eyes that you just want to feel sorry for. But isn't this appearance deceiving? What are representatives of this breed actually like? You definitely need to find out this before this cutie appears in the house.

The name of the breed speaks for itself, because in translation it means “low hound.” The history of Basset Hounds is quite deep and stretches back to Ancient Egypt. The first mentions of powerful dogs with short legs were discovered there. Then the remains of the ancestors of these animals were found in Saqqara (Egypt). Similar dogs were also known in Ancient Rome and Greece, and this was confirmed by excavation data.

Short-legged hounds were bred in France at the Benedictine Abbey of St. Hubert in the 6th century. This became the point of subsequent spread of the breed throughout all European countries. Several representatives even reached Constantinople.

The first mention of Basset Hounds was discovered in the late 16th century, among hunting pictures. At that time, hunting on horseback with dogs was only available to the aristocratic circle. Needless to say, animals of breeds suitable for these purposes were very expensive and the breeding of basset hounds was taken very seriously, selecting the most worthy individuals for breeding.

The Great French Revolution had a negative impact on the development of the breed, but under Napoleon III, Basset breeding flourished. Selection came under control in the 70s of the 19th century, at which time these hounds entered the territory of Great Britain.

Basset hound puppy photo

The British did not stand aside and contributed to the breed qualities of these dogs. By crossing hounds, they increased their body weight and made them more powerful. Another direction of selection was aimed at crossing Basset Hounds from France and England. The breed standard was approved at the end of the 19th century, and it was updated in 2010.

Description of the Basset Hound breed

The characteristics of the Basset Hound are quite interesting. As already noted, Basset Hounds are short hounds. This name is associated with their unique build with a heavy bone frame covered with muscles. They have a large torso and short, strong limbs.

  • At weight 23-30 kg, height they vary from 33 to 38 cm. This height-weight ratio in medicine has its own name - achondroplasia, that is, dwarfism. However, in this case it is normal and does not require medical intervention. In addition, being a breed standard, this constitution sets Basset hounds apart from other four-legged animals. Most of the weight is on the front of the dog's body. And lack of balance prevents dogs from swimming.
  • Hounds have a very sharp smell, this is not surprising, given the purpose of the breed. In this they are helped by their ears, which seem to “lift” aromas from the ground to the animal’s nose. Their hunting sense of smell can rival that of sniffer dogs. Other breeds lag significantly behind in this regard.
  • Scull Bassets have a round shape. The abundance of skin in the muzzle area forms folds. It is this feature that gives the dog a sad look and, according to many owners, a certain charm and mystery.
  • Basset Hounds still have strong hunting instincts and in their habit of rushing off after the intended prey. So their lazy and imposing appearance is deceptive. Excess skin, as well as long ears that hang to the ground, allow dogs not only to smell game, but also to catch it. Naturally, such qualities of hounds were fully appreciated by hunters.
  • Having short limbs, dogs cannot reach high speeds like other large dogs. But thanks to this feature, dogs can sneak up and suddenly attack.
  • Bassets have quite a long tail with a white tip, which allows you to see the dog even at long distances, in bushes or tall grasses.
  • Coat in short hounds it is smooth and short, the disadvantage is year-round shedding. Wool has a special oily coating with a specific odor, and there is no need to try to eliminate this feature by frequent washing.

Basset colors

Personality of Basset Hounds

In appearance, these dogs are docile and phlegmatic, however, in fact, basset hounds are rarely stubborn and they are great at driving their owners crazy. But this does not prevent them from being affectionate and devoted companions.

Designed for group hunting, dogs are suitable for living in a large family, do not show aggression, and often develop friendly relationships with other pets. But there are certain restrictions here, since small rodents and rabbits are the subject of hunting for basset hounds.

Bassets are excellent nannies. Despite their apparent clumsiness, they never knock children down and treat them very carefully. All you have to do is whistle and the dog will join in any game and get real pleasure from spending time together.

Many owners confirm that basset dogs are real aristocrats. They behave with dignity in public, and they like the attention of others, especially when it comes to competitions and exhibitions.

But their “blue blood” manifests itself not only in behavior, but also in character, and not in the best way. They highly value their importance and their own opinion, so they may refuse to complete tasks, even ones they are familiar with. And yes, like other hounds, Basset Hounds are very difficult to kill.

Dogs have a loud voice, like a large, tall animal. This quality can serve poorly when the dog is left alone. At first he may bark loudly, after which he will switch to damaging property. This once again confirms that Basset Hounds are sociable dogs.

In first place among hounds' favorite pastime is hunting. But even in urban conditions, you can engage your pet by offering a long walk in a forest area or park, or an active game.

Basset hound care and conditions

Bassets are special dogs that require special attention in some matters. For example, short legs lead to more dirty coats than other breeds. Therefore, there is a need to insulate your pet in winter, clothes for wet weather and more frequent washing.

The elongated body makes the spine a vulnerable place, so it is important to protect your pet from high jumps, long descents and climbs of stairs. at least once every 3-4 days using a cotton swab or napkin.

Bassets are distinguished by constant eye problems, however, their eyes are not susceptible to frequent diseases. As care, it is enough to wash them periodically with chamomile decoction. These dogs may drool, so it is recommended to wipe off drool from the face, as well as dust and dirt.

As already noted, basset hounds have a special “flavor”, but they are not fans. They should be accustomed to this hygienic procedure from puppyhood and subsequently bathed a couple of times a month.

When getting a pet of this breed, you need to be prepared for daily shedding, as Bassets shed constantly. A brush or massage comb is suitable as a tool; it is better if its bristles are natural. The duration of one procedure is on average 7 minutes, so there are no special difficulties.

Another regular procedure is, it is carried out once every 2-4 weeks. Adult basset dogs are walked twice a day. The time allotted for a walk should be about half an hour, and must be accompanied by playing and running.

Basset Hound dog breed photo

Considering hunting habits, you should not take your pet out without a leash or entrust this task to children, as the dog may run after prey and get lost.

Basset Hound kennels

  • Moscow