Our Lady of Vladimir. Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

ANDhorse of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya"

IN The Ladimir Icon of the Mother of God (icon of the Theotokos) is considered miraculous and, according to legend, was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Holy Family ate: the Savior, the Mother of God and the righteous Joseph the Betrothed. The Mother of God, seeing this image, said: “From now on all generations will call Me blessed. May the grace of Him who was born of Me and Mine be with this icon.”

IN The icon was brought to Russia from Byzantium at the beginning of the 12th century as a gift to the holy prince Mstislav (†1132) from the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverkh. The icon was placed in convent Vyshgorod (an ancient appanage city of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga), not far from Kyiv. The rumor about her miracles reached the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who decided to transport the icon to the north.

P While driving along Vladimir, the horses carrying the miraculous icon stood up and could not move. Replacing the horses with new ones also did not help.

IN During the time of fervent prayer, the Queen of Heaven Herself appeared to the prince and commanded that the Vladimir miraculous icon of the Mother of God be left in Vladimir, and in this place a temple and a monastery be built in honor of Her Nativity. To the general joy of the residents of Vladimir, Prince Andrei returned to the city along with the miraculous icon. Since then the icon Mother of God began to be called Vladimirskaya.

In 1395 terrible conqueror Khan Tamerlan (Temir-Aksak) reached the borders of Ryazan, took the city of Yelets and, heading towards Moscow, approached the banks of the Don. Grand Duke Vasily Dimitrievich went with his army to Kolomna and stopped on the banks of the Oka. He prayed to the saints of Moscow and St. Sergius for the deliverance of the Fatherland and wrote to the Metropolitan of Moscow, St. Cyprian, so that the upcoming Dormition Fast would be devoted to fervent prayers for pardon and repentance. The clergy were sent to Vladimir, where the famous miraculous icon was located. After the liturgy and prayer service on the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God The clergy accepted the icon and carried it to Moscow with a procession of the cross. Countless people on both sides of the road, on their knees, prayed: “Mother of God, save the Russian land!” At that very hour when the residents of Moscow greeted the icon on Kuchkovo Pole (now Sretenka Street) , Tamerlane dozed in his camp tent. Suddenly he saw in a dream great mountain, from the top of which saints with golden rods walked towards him, and above them the Majestic Woman appeared in a radiant radiance. She ordered him to leave the borders of Russia. Waking up in awe, Tamerlane asked about the meaning of the vision. They answered him that the radiant Woman is the Mother of God, the great Defender of Christians. Then Tamerlane gave the order to the regiments to go back.

IN In memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Russian land from Tamerlane on Kuchkovo Field, where the icon was met, the Sretensky Monastery was built, and on August 26 (in the new style - September 8) an all-Russian celebration was established in honor of the meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The miraculous deliverance of the Russian land from Tamerlane on Kuchkovo Field

(meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

A second time Our Lady saved our country from ruin in 1451, when the army of the Nogai Khan with Tsarevich Mazovsha approached Moscow. The Tatars set fire to the Moscow suburbs, but Moscow was never captured. During the fire, Saint Jonah performed religious processions along the walls of the city. Warriors and militia fought with the enemy until nightfall. The small army of the Grand Duke at this time was too far away to help the besieged. The chronicles say that the next morning there were no enemies near the walls of Moscow. They heard an extraordinary noise, decided that it was the Grand Duke with a huge army and retreated. The prince himself cried in front of the Vladimir Icon after the Tatars left.

T third intercession Our Lady for Rus' was in 1480(celebrated on July 6). After the resounding victory on the Kulikovo Field in 1380, the Russian principalities remained under Horde dependence for another century, and only the events of the autumn of 1480 decisively changed the situation. Ivan III refused to pay tribute to the horde, and regiments were sent to Rus' Khan Akhmat. Two armies converged on the Ugra River: the armies stood on different banks - the so-called "standing on the Ugra" - and were waiting for a reason to attack. In the front ranks of the Russian army they held an icon Our Lady of Vladimir. There were skirmishes, even small battles, but the troops never moved in front of each other. Russian army moved away from the river, giving the Horde regiments the opportunity to begin crossing. But the Horde regiments also retreated. The Russian soldiers stopped, but the Tatar soldiers continued to retreat and suddenly rushed away without looking back.

"WITH "suffering on the Ugra" put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Russia was finally freed from paying tribute. From that time on, we can talk about the final elimination of any form of political dependence of Moscow on the Horde.

R The Russian Orthodox Church established a threefold celebration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Each of the days of celebration is associated with the deliverance of the Russian people from enslavement by foreigners through prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos:

8 September according to the new style (August 26th to church calendar) - in memory of the rescue of Moscow from the invasion of Tamerlane in 1395.

July 6(June 23) - in memory of the deliverance of Russia from the Horde king Akhmat in 1480.

June 3(May 21st) - in memory of the rescue of Moscow from the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey in 1521.

The most solemn celebration takes place 8 September(new style), established in honor the meeting of the Vladimir Icon during its transfer from Vladimir to Moscow .

The celebration June 3 was established in memory of the rescue of Moscow in 1521 from the invasion of the Tatars led by Khan Makhmet-Girey.

Invasion of the Crimean Tatars

T Atar hordes approached Moscow, setting Russian cities and villages to fire and destruction, exterminating their inhabitants. Grand Duke Vasily gathered an army against the Tatars, and Moscow Metropolitan Varlaam, together with the residents of Moscow, fervently prayed for deliverance from death. During this terrible time, one pious blind nun had a vision: Moscow saints were emerging from the Spassky Gate of the Kremlin, leaving the city and taking with them the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - the main saint of Moscow - as God's punishment for the sins of its inhabitants. The saints were met at the Spassky Gate Venerable Sergius Radonezhsky and Varlaam Khutynsky, tearfully begging them not to leave Moscow. All of them together brought a fiery prayer to the Lord for the forgiveness of those who had sinned and the deliverance of Moscow from its enemies. After this prayer, the saints returned to the Kremlin and brought back the Vladimir holy icon. The Moscow saint had a similar vision, Blessed Basil, to whom it was revealed that through the intercession of the Mother of God and the prayers of the saints, Moscow would be saved. Tatar Khan there was a vision of the Mother of God, surrounded by a formidable army rushing towards their regiments. The Tatars fled in fear, the capital of the Russian state was saved.

In 1480 Vladimir icon The Mother of God was transferred for permanent storage to Moscow in the Assumption Cathedral. In Vladimir, an exact, so-called “spare” copy of the icon, written by the Monk Andrei Rublev, remained. In 1918, the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin was closed, and the miraculous image was moved to the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Now the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is V Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi (metro station Tretyakovskaya, M. Tolmachevsky lane, 9).


Iconographically, the Vladimir Icon belongs to the Eleus (Tenderness) type. The Baby pressed his cheek to the Mother's cheek. The icon conveys the tender communication between Mother and Child. Mary foresees the suffering of the Son in His earthly journey.

A distinctive feature of the Vladimir Icon from other icons of the Tenderness type: the left leg of the Infant Christ is bent in such a way that the sole of the foot, the “heel,” is visible.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vladimir” they pray for deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, for guidance in Orthodox faith, about preservation from heresies and schisms, about the pacification of warring parties, about the preservation of Russia.

Troparion, tone 4
Today the most glorious city of Moscow brightly flaunts, as if we had received the dawn of the sun, the Lady, Your miraculous icon, to which we now flow and pray, we cry out to You: O, most wonderful Lady Theotokos, pray from You to the incarnate Christ our God, that He may deliver this city and all Christian cities and countries are unharmed from all the slander of the enemy, and He will save our souls, like the Merciful.

Kontakion, tone 8
To the chosen victorious Voivode, having been delivered from the evil ones by the coming of Your venerable image, to the Lady Theotokos we brightly celebrate the celebration of Your meeting and usually call You: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon,
called "Vladimirskaya"

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings, in the generations of the Russian people who were from Thee, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, Lady, our Great Lord and Father Alexy, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of the rivers), His Eminence Bishop (or: Archbishop, or: Metropolitan) (title), and all Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, and on the terrible day of Judgment, grant us through Your intercession to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered Orthodox icons. Her story is mysterious. According to legend, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke on the board of the table at which Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and Joseph the Betrothed had a meal. Until 450, the image remained in Jerusalem, then it was transported to Constantinople, and in the 12th century it came to Rus'.

Orthodox Christians believe that the icon, painted two millennia ago, has reached us in its original form. However, impartial scientists date the Mother of God of Vladimir to the beginning of the 12th century and believe that if it is related to the icon painted by the Evangelist Luke, it is only a copy of its more ancient copies. According to art historians, the Mother of God of Vladimir was painted in Byzantium.

Around 1131, the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverg sent it to Kyiv as a gift to Prince Mstislav. The icon was placed in the Mother of God Monastery in the town of Vyshgorod, from here Ukrainian name This icon is Our Lady of Vyshgorod. In 1155, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky moved it to Vladimir, which is why in Russia the icon is known as the Vladimir icon. The shrine was kept in the main temple of the city - Assumption Cathedral. The prince ordered to decorate it with an expensive frame, the production of which, according to legend, took 5 kilograms of gold.

In 1237, Vladimir was captured by the Mongol Khan Batu. His troops plundered the Assumption Cathedral, smashed many icons, but only removed the frame from the Mother of God of Vladimir, and left the image itself unharmed.

Many miracles are associated with the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. In 1395, during the devastating invasion of Rus' by Khan Tamerlane, the shrine was brought to Moscow to protect the city from the enemy. Ruining one city after another, Tamerlane's troops, having reached the outskirts of Moscow, stopped and, after standing in one place for two weeks, turned back. According to legend, Tamerlane had a vision: a high mountain appeared before him, from which saints in golden robes were descending, and in the sky, surrounded by radiance, the Mother of God appeared and ordered the commander to leave the borders of Rus'. Tamerlane was seized with inexplicable fear, and he gave the order to retreat.

The miraculous salvation of the city from destruction was associated with the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. At the meeting place (“Sreteniya”) of Muscovites with the miraculous shrine, the Sretensky Monastery was erected, which gave the name to Sretenka Street.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God (detail)

In 1451, another miraculous deliverance of Moscow from the invaders took place. The Nogai prince Mazovsha with his army besieged the city. The Muscovites, whose forces were too small to resist the enemy, decided to resort to the help of their Heavenly Protectress. They took the Vladimir Icon from the Assumption Cathedral, where it had remained since the invasion of Tamerlane, and made religious processions with it along the walls of the city, praying for the intercession of the Mother of God. The next day, the countless hordes of Mazowsha retreated. The legend says that the invaders heard an unusually loud noise. They decided that a huge army was approaching them and fled in fear.

The next miracle associated with the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God occurred in 1480, during the epoch-making “standing on the Ugra River”, which put an end to Tatar-Mongol yoke in Rus'. Grand Duke Ivan III refused to pay tribute to the horde, and Khan Akhmat sent his troops to punish the recalcitrants. The Russian and Tatar armies met on the Ugra River, and no one dared to be the first to cross the water barrier. The Russian wars kept the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in the forefront. The Tatars never dared to attack. They retreated and never returned to Russian soil.

The miraculous salvation of Rus' from the invasion of the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey in 1521 is also associated with the Vladimir Icon. The enemy army of one hundred thousand, sweeping through the Russian lands like a devastating whirlwind and reaching Moscow, suddenly turned back. This miracle, like other supernatural deliverances from invaders, is considered by Orthodox Christians to be the work of the Mother of God the Intercessor.

After so many miracles associated with the Vladimir Icon, it began to be revered as one of the main Russian Orthodox shrines. Before her, they took an oath of allegiance to Russia, performed prayer services, went on military campaigns, and elected patriarchs and metropolitans.

Until 1918, the image was kept in Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, from where, after the closure of the temple, it was moved to the Tretyakov Gallery. Today the Vladimir Icon is located in the Church-Museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi. Her luxurious precious frame became a separate exhibit that added to the collection of the Armory Chamber.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Video

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God belongs to the iconographic type of Eleus or “Tenderness”. The Child Christ pressed his cheek to the cheek of his mother, whose head was bowed towards her son. The Vladimir icon differs from other icons of the Eleus type in that the baby’s left leg is bent in a special way and we can see its foot.

Over the nine centuries of its existence, the Vladimir Icon was recorded at least 4 times with new painting, and also survived several restorations. During one of the renovations at the beginning of the 15th century, a plot depicting Etymasia, the throne prepared for the second coming of Christ, and the instruments of the Passion of Christ, was written on the back side of the icon board.

The last large-scale restoration of the icon was carried out in 1919 with the aim of freeing ancient painting from later layers. Unfortunately, only small scattered fragments remain from the original letter.

From the Vladimir Icon it was written great amount lists. Many of them are revered as miraculous, for example, the widely known Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” (1524). In addition, the famous shrine became the basis for the creation of new iconographic subjects, such as “The Tale of the Vladimir Icon”, “The Vladimir Icon with an Akathist”, “The Presentation of the Vladimir Icon” and “Praise to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Tree of the Russian State."

Based on materials from the works of I. I. Mosin. For other articles about ancient Russian art, see below, in the block “More on the topic...”

Sretensky Monastery was founded and received its name in honor of the meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, with which the victory of Russian troops over the army of Khan Timur-Tamerlane is associated. We bring to the attention of readers an essay from history church art written by teacher Sretensky Theological Seminary candidate of theology Oleg Viktorovich Starodubtsev.

The grace of the Holy Spirit incessantly abides in the Church. This grace is given in the sacraments of the Church, through the relics of the holy saints of God, through miraculous icons.

At all times of the existence of the Russian Church, miraculous icons have been and remain an integral part of it, its visible image and grace-filled beginning. In different ways and different conditions This divine grace is supplied through icons. In some cases, most of the icons emerging from the brush of an ascetic icon painter, due to his feat, become revered and known. In other cases, Divine Providence reveals Divine Grace through the images of unknown icon painters, hiding their origin and authorship. But in all cases, no matter what time, no matter what masters and techniques the images were painted, Divine Grace is always present on them.

After the Ascension of the Lord into heaven, St. Apostle Luke, as he narrates Sacred Tradition, wrote the image of the Virgin Mary on the board. The first image was shown to the Mother of God, which She blessed with the words “The grace of him who was born of Me and Mine be with this icon.” This image was sent to St. Apostle Luke to Alexandria to Theophilus. According to other sources, this icon was kept until 450 in Jerusalem. Later, the image was transferred to Constantinople and remained in the Blachernae Temple for many centuries. The Holy Apostle Luke, as Church Tradition tells, painted several more icons of the Mother of God.

According to the chronicle, the icon of the Mother of God, painted by St. Luke, was sent around 1131 to Rus' during the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky by the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke the Christ. From the same sources it is known that at this time another icon of the Mother of God was brought. The latter was located in one of the temples in Kyiv, built in 1132, and probably received the name “Pirogoschaya” from it.

According to Church Tradition, the image of the “Vladimir Mother of God” goes back to the work of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke himself.

In 1155 St. blg. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, leaving Kyiv and heading to his ancestral land of Suzdal, secretly took with him a wondrous icon of the Mother of God, painted according to the legend of St. Luka, from Vyshgorod, which by this time had become his appanage city. This icon later received the name “Vladimir”.

According to Church Tradition, the image of the “Vladimir Mother of God” goes back to the work of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke himself. However, researchers date this icon to a much later time (12th century). For us, it is unconditional that this wondrous image, being written in late time goes back to the prototype and is a copy of the icon written by St. and the Evangelist Luke.
Holy blessings book Andrei brought the wondrous image to Vladimir, and after the completion of the Assumption Cathedral, the icon was placed there. Already in 1161, as the chronicler narrates, the icon was richly decorated with gold, silver, precious stones and pearls... The richness of this frame struck the chronicler, who especially noted the efforts of St. Prince Andrey: “and we have forged more than three hundred hryvnias of gold (about 12 kg), besides silver and precious stones and pearls.” The icon has since become known as “Vladimir”, and St. Prince Andrey received the nickname “Bogolyubsky”.

During the rebellion of 1175, when St. good book Andrei, priest Nikolai and the clergy performed procession with the icon of the “Vladimir Mother of God” through the streets of the city - and the rebellion subsided. Successors of St. blgv. book Andrei Bogolyubsky - Yaropolk and Mstislav - illegally appropriated many riches, including the treasures of churches, and gave the icon of the Mother of God to Prince Gleb of Ryazan. Outraged by the lawlessness and blasphemy, the city residents drove out the princes and returned the icon.

At night, the radiant Virgin appeared in a dream to the sleeping Tamerlane in a wonderful radiance, accompanied by heavenly armies and saints - and commanded the invaders to leave.

At the end of the thirties of the 13th century, Russian lands were subjected to numerous terrible raids by Tatar hordes. Among many Russian cities, Vladimir was destroyed. Behind a short time all the inhabitants of the city were destroyed"<…>from a young man to an old man and a living child<…>". The Assumption Cathedral was taken by storm, in which the last inhabitants of the city took refuge. Many temple relics were stolen or destroyed. The miraculous image of the “Vladimir Mother of God” lost its precious frame: “the wonderful icon was decorated with gold and silver and precious stones...”.

But soon the icon of the “Vladimir Mother of God” was again decorated with the zeal of God-loving townspeople and placed in the Assumption Cathedral. Perhaps the increase in the size of the icon dates back to this time, thanks to the addition of wide margins. The initial icon size is 0.78? 0.54 m; with additions – 1,036 ? 0.68 m.

Behind the fate of the icon of the “Vladimir Mother of God” with special attention Russian chroniclers followed. We know not only its sequential location, but also the history of the major restorations to which it has been subjected over the centuries. The icon was renewed approximately once every hundred years. Church history tells that the Moscow high priests also renewed the icon. Thus, in 1514 the icon was renewed by Metropolitan Simeon, and in 1567 by Metropolitan Athanasius. Last time Before 1917, the icon was renewed secretly for the coronation of St. Nicholas II. In all these cases, the face of the Mother of God and the Savior was left untouched.

In 1395, Tamerlane (Khan Timur) attacked Rus'. With a huge army he approached the borders of the Moscow principality. To strengthen the spirit of the Russian people, the icon of “Our Lady of Vladimir” was moved to Moscow. The entire Orthodox people of Moscow, together with St. Cyprian and the princes met the icon far beyond the outskirts of the city. On August 26, a solemn meeting of the icon took place. “Like the dawn of the sun,” the shrine of the Russian land in Moscow shone. At this place in 1397, in memory of this event, the Sretensky Monastery was founded. In memory of this event, every year on August 26, in a solemn religious procession, the icon was brought from the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin to the Sretensky Monastery.

At night, the radiant Virgin appeared in a dream to the sleeping Tamerlane in a wonderful radiance, accompanied by heavenly armies and saints - and commanded the invaders to leave. Struck by this miracle, in fear, without crossing the Oka River near Kolomna, Tamerlane and his army quickly retreated beyond the Russian land.

The miraculous intercession for the Russian land from the icon of the “Vladimir Mother of God” occurred both in 1408, during the invasion of the Horde khan Edygei, and in 1451, during the invasion of Tsarevich Mazovsh. The victory of 1480 is also connected with the intercession of the Mother of God through Her icon. In memory of the last event, a second celebration of the icon was established on June 23. In memory of the miraculous salvation of Moscow in 1521 from the Kazan Tatars led by Makhmet-Girey, a third celebration was established in honor of this icon - May 21.

For many centuries, the icon of “Our Lady of Vladimir” was in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, to the left of the Royal Doors, in a special icon case.

At the beginning of the 15th century. Two gold frames were made for the icon, one of which, however, was intended for the list (XIV-XV centuries). A part of the surviving 13th-century basma frame with the image of a seven-figure Deesis was attached to one of the frames. The second setting for the icon was a gold field covered with filigree (the middle of the icon was not covered). 12 keel-shaped plates with chased images of the twelve holidays were mounted on it. In the 17th century, the entire field of the icon (except for the faces) was covered with a golden robe. At the same time, golden crowns with emeralds and rubies and a tsata, a pendant studded with large pearls, were added.

For many centuries, the icon of “Our Lady of Vladimir” was in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, to the left of the Royal Doors, in a special icon case. The icon case was built similar to the one in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. This is a fairly deep case, in the depths of which the icon was placed. The icon case was crowned with a keel-shaped finish and was decorated with a basma frame made of silver. The icon case had two blind doors that covered the icon. The doors were opened only on major church holidays or during intense prayerful singing in front of this icon. After the closure of the Assumption Cathedral in 1919, in 1921 the icon of “Our Lady of Vladimir” was sent to the storerooms of the Tretyakov Gallery. Later it was transported to the State Restoration Workshop, where the precious frame was removed and the first complete cleaning of the icon from late layers and drying oil was carried out. For the first time after a long time, the icon was placed in the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery only in the late 30s of the 20th century.

In 1993, during a difficult period for Russia, the icon was brought to the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Epiphany in Moscow for several hours for the deep prayer and worship of the Orthodox. In 1995, in memory of the deliverance of Moscow from Tamerlane (600 years), the icon was installed for several days in the Cathedral of the Sretensky Monastery. At the same time, the first religious procession took place with a list of icons from the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin to the Sretensky Monastery, which was led by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II with a host of bishops, clergy and numerous laity.

In the mid-90s of the 20th century, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II and Holy Synod The Russian Church has been repeatedly addressed Russian government with a request to return the shrine to its rightful place - to the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. To date, this issue has not been resolved. The government only made a concession, allowing this icon to be moved to the Church of St. Nicholas at the State Tretyakov Gallery, where it is now located.

Today, the icon is not a monument of icon painting created by the brush of one icon painter, but is a combination of additions to the surviving fragments of the ancient original and additions to these additions at different times.

No ancient icons similar to the “Vladimir Mother of God” have survived, but icons approaching it in iconography and the power of the image have been preserved.

The wonderful icon has reached us in fragments, but God was pleased to preserve the most precious parts of this magnificent work of world art. Despite all the harsh tests to which this icon, together with Russian statehood and the Church, was subjected, the faces on it survived from the ancient original.

Near the left eye of the Mother of God, a small fragment of a greenish-blue cap has been preserved, with right side– a fragment of a yellow maforium border with golden touches remaining from the original pictorial layer. Of the original vestments of the Divine Infant, only a part near the right shoulder has been preserved; in character and decoration it is characteristic of a maforium fragment. Below are later inserts; the oldest of them apparently belongs to XIII century and was probably caused by the damage that was caused to the icon by the Tatar defeat. Here, against the background of a dark crimson shirt with a golden asist, the fingertips of the Mother of God’s left hand still remain. Fragment of a transparent white shirt on the same right hand The baby and several fragments of the background with part of the inscription complement our idea of ​​the original appearance and coloring of the icon.

No ancient icons similar to the “Vladimir Mother of God” have survived, but icons approaching it in iconography and the power of the image have been preserved. There are also a huge number of copies of this icon, glorified as miraculous. For example, an iconographic image that is known in Rus' as “Tenderness”.

Everyone is connected with this miraculous image major events Russian state for many centuries. The All-merciful Lord, through the image of the “Vladimir Mother of God,” at all times sends intercession to all who resort to her in prayer.

A small feature of the Vladimir icon: this is the only image in which the foot of Jesus is visible.

The image of the Mother of God for the Orthodox world is one of the main ones. He is placed along with the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit and the Savior. The Mother of God is an intercessor, a teacher for each individual Christian and the entire country.

Icons of the Mother of God can be found in every church, every Orthodox home. Through them she manifests her will, listens to those praying, and helps. One of the most revered images is Vladimir. It appears in important historical events Russia. The icon healed many people from ailments that modern medicine was unable to treat.

The history of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is very interesting, but no less interesting is its description given by art historians, iconographers and scientists. It is a striking example of Byzantine painting of the 12th century and has unique features.


On the Vladimir Icon, the Virgin Mary is depicted in a dark red robe. In her arms is the baby Savior. On his clothes there is a small green stripe - klav, a symbol of royal power. The background is gold. Monograms are applied to the sides.

The iconographic type of the icon is “Tenderness”. Icon painting experts claim that it was made in Byzantium. The estimated time of creation is the 11th-12th centuries. The image is a shining example changes in the art of that area. Artists and icon painters moved away from deliberate graphics and stopped contrasting lines with volume. Characteristic are weak, almost invisible strokes that create a feeling of the miraculous nature of the shrine. The lines are smooth, flowing from one another.

The “Tenderness” type is characterized by the way the Mother of God and the Child Savior are depicted. The Virgin Mary holds Jesus in her arms, her head bowed towards him. The little Savior presses his cheek to his mother's cheek. It is widely believed that this particular image was held in special esteem in Constantinople. The type was formed in the 11th–12th centuries AD. Tenderness icons have multifaceted symbolism.


“Tenderness” can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, it symbolizes the sacrifice made by the mother for the sake of all humanity. Is every mother ready to give her child to be tortured in order to save someone else? The Virgin Mary's sacrifice is limitless. She knew that the Son of God would have a difficult life earthly life. Therefore, her mental anguish can be compared with all the pain that her son experienced.

Also, the “Tenderness” icons are a symbol of maternal love. The Mother of God is the common mother of all Christians, she protects us, helps us in difficult moments, and intercedes before the Father-Lord for everyone.

The appearance of the shrine in Rus' and the first miracles

This icon was presumably painted in the 12th century. According to legend, this is a list from an image made by Luke during the life of the Virgin Mary. The canvas was the tabletop from the table at which the Savior dined with Joseph and his mother. In the 5th century, this icon came to Constantinople, and almost 700 years later, the clergyman Luke made a copy of it and sent it as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky.

Yuri's son, Andrei Bogolyubsky, went with the shrine to the other end of the country to found a kingdom there independent of Kyiv. He was passing through Vladimir. And here the icon first showed itself as miraculous. Before Andrey had time to move away from the city, the horses stopped dead in their tracks. Nobody could move them. Then the horses were replaced, but these also refused to move away from Vladimir. Yuri realized that this was a sign and began to pray fervently. The Mother of God appeared to him and said that the place of the icon was in this city. It was ordered to build a temple for her. The prince obeyed. Since then, the icon began to be called Vladimir.

Miracles created

From the moment it appeared in Rus', the Vladimir icon was revered by all segments of the population - from peasants to princes. History knows at least 3 cases when, through the shrine, the Virgin Mary expressed her will several times, had mercy on entire cities, protecting them from destruction.

Briefly about the three most famous miracles:

  • Rescue from Khan Mehmet. In 1521, the Tatar leader was planning to capture Moscow and gathered a large army for this purpose. The entire Orthodox population, bishops and administration prayed before the icon of the Mother of God. In the end, she saved the city by appearing to Mehmet in a dream with a huge army. He was afraid of this sign and retreated.
  • Rescue from Khan Akhmat. The confrontation was won before it even began. Akhmat led the troops to the Ugra River and waited for action from the opposite side. The prince did not lead the soldiers on the offensive, but took up convenient positions. Fearing a trap, the enemy retreated. Before this, one pious nun appeared in a dream. Mother of God, showing that the icon cannot be taken outside the city. Khan retreated after they stopped the bishops who were going to do this and read a sincere prayer.
  • Rescue from Khan Tamerlane. He retreated after seeing the Mother of God in his dream.

In honor of each of these miracles, icon celebrations are held.

The Mother of God also responded to prayers ordinary people. She healed many from diseases that medicine could not overcome: blindness, heart defects, cancer.

Miracle Lists

A distinctive feature of the Volokolamsk icon is the image of Saints Cyprian and Gerontius, with whom the arrival of the shrine in Moscow is associated

  • The Volokolamsk copy of the icon of the Virgin Mary is in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral. In 1572, she was brought from Zvenigorod to the monastery of Joseph Volotsky. Saints Cyprian and Leonidas played important role in the fate of the Vladimir shrine, therefore they were honored to be included on its list. The first one transported the icon from Vladimir to Moscow. During the second, she finally strengthened herself in the capital, it was decided to leave her here, if not forever, then for a very long time. long time. In 1588, a church was dedicated to the Volokolamsk shrine, and then it was moved to the Assumption Cathedral. The shrine is considered miraculous.
  • Seliger list. It belonged to the Monk Neil of Stolbensky, who lived near Lake Seliger, on Stolbny Island. Kept next to his relics. During his lifetime, they tried to rob the clergyman: upon entering his cell, the criminals saw only an icon. And they immediately became blind - the Lord protected the Nile, punishing the attackers. They repented and began to tearfully ask the monk for forgiveness. Having forgiven them, Stolbny prayed to the Lord for the men’s forgiveness. Their vision returned.

On the Seliger Icon the Child is depicted to the right of the Virgin Mary.

People most often pray to the Vladimir icon for the salvation of the soul, guidance on the true path, and for the protection of children. The Mother of God is ready to protect everyone who turns to her sincere prayer. There were cases when she even helped people of other faiths.

Image Vladimir Mother of God is one of the most ancient and revered in Rus'. The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian people and Russia itself. The memory of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated 3 times a year: June 3(May 21, Old Style), July 6(June 23, O.S.) and 8 September(August 26, old style).

In the RDC, a temple in the Nizhny Novgorod region was consecrated in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the DOC, a prayer room was consecrated in the name of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Edinoverie Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the Moscow region.

Image of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Miracles

In 1163–1164, at the initiative of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Legend “On the Miracles of the Most Holy Theotokos of Volodymyr Icon” was compiled. Its authors and compilers are considered to be the clergy of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir: priests Lazar, Nestor and Mikula, who came with the prince from Vyshgorod, which he received from his father Yuri Dolgoruky after he occupied Kiev. The Legend contains 10 miracles that happened according to prayer appeal to the Mother of God in front of Her Vladimir Icon.

  • First miracle: on the way of Prince Andrei from Vyshgorod to Pereslavl on the Vazuza River, the guide, who was looking for a ford, suddenly stumbled and began to drown, but he was miraculously saved through the prince’s fervent prayer in front of the icon he was transporting.
  • Second: the wife of the priest Mikula, who was expecting a child, saved herself from a mad horse for the sake of praying to the image of Vladimir.
  • Third: in the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral, a man with a withered hand turned to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and began to pray with tears and great faith in miraculous healing. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and priest Nestor testified that they saw the Most Pure One herself take the sick man’s hand and hold it until the end of the service, after which he was completely healed.
  • Fourth: Prince Andrei’s wife carried the child heavily, the birth was very difficult. Then (on the day of the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary) the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was washed with water and the princess was given this water to drink, after which it was easily resolved by her son Yuri.
  • Fifth: saving a baby from sorcery thanks to washing with water from the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
  • Sixth: healing of a heart patient from Murom with water from the Vladimir Icon.
  • Seventh: healing from blindness of Abbess Maria from the Slavyatin Monastery near Pereslavl-Khmelnitsky (Ukraine); her brother, Boris Zhidislavich, who was the governor of Prince Andrei, asked the priest Lazar to give him water from the icon, the abbess drank it with prayer, anointed her eyes and received her sight.
  • Eighth: The woman Efimiya suffered from heart disease for seven years. Having learned, from the stories of the priest Lazarus, about healing properties water from the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, she sent many gold jewelry with him to Vladimir to the icon. Having received holy water, she drank it with prayer and was healed.
  • Ninth: a certain noblewoman from Tver could not give birth for three days and was already dying; on the advice of the same Lazar, she made a vow to the Holy Mother of God of Vladimir, and then the birth quickly ended with the successful birth of a son. As a token of gratitude, the noblewoman sent many precious jewelry to the Vladimir icon.
  • Tenth: It happened that the Golden Gate of the Vladimir passage tower, which is still located in the city, fell, and 12 people were trapped under it. Prince Andrey appealed to the Most Pure One in prayer in front of the Vladimir Icon, and all 12 people not only remained alive, but did not even receive any injuries.

The city of Moscow and the miraculous image of the Mother of God of Vladimir are inextricably and forever fused. How many times did She save the white-stone from enemies! This image connected with itself the apostolic times and Byzantium, Kievan and Vladimir Rus', and then Moscow - the Third Rome, “but there will not be a fourth.” So providentially it was formed Moscow State, having absorbed a mystical connection with ancient empires, historical experience, traditions of other Orthodox lands and peoples. The miraculous image of Vladimirskaya became a symbol of unity and continuity.