Sick leave after embryo transfer. Artificial insemination (IVF): how to behave after embryo transfer

If it is not possible to conceive a child naturally for a year or more, then doctors make a disappointing diagnosis - infertility. To solve this problem, many couples turn to in vitro fertilization. For the protocol to be successful, a woman must know how to behave after transferring embryos into the uterine cavity, as well as what to do and what to refuse.

Of course, the main recommendations are always given by reproductive specialists, as well as by those specialists who perform the procedure and guide the woman from the first to the final stage. But with all this, it is always useful to read additionally about how to behave during IVF: advice from doctors and reviews from women who have gone through such fertilization will definitely help.


Initially, specialists perform hyperstimulation of the ovaries, after which mature germ cells are collected, with the help of which IVF will be performed. Next, the girl will have several days to prepare for the actual implantation of fertilized eggs into the uterine cavity. On average, 5 days are allotted for preparation, and during this time the oocytes already have time to mature to the required stage.

During the preparation process, you must follow all medical recommendations. Immediately the day before IVF, you should refrain from having sex and also spend time at rest.

Let's take a closer look at the embryo transfer day itself and how a girl should behave. Before visiting the fertility center, you must take a warm shower; you should not use any hygiene products. Strong smells and chemicals can be a nuisance. It is also not recommended to use decorative cosmetics on the day of embryo transfer.

The girl should also go to the toilet to empty her bladder about two hours before the transplant. Before doing this, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible, but preferably water.

Also, many are interested in the first day of embryo transfer, how to behave in terms of nutrition. The last meal should be approximately three hours before the expected time of the procedure. Eat better light food that is quickly digested. This way you can protect yourself from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

After the transfer

Every girl should understand that after embryo transfer she cannot be considered pregnant immediately. To achieve the desired goal, it is necessary for the cells to attach to the uterine walls. A leading specialist will talk about how to maintain an IVF pregnancy.

Depending on the period of life at which the cells taken were fertilized (5 or 3 days), the blood results for hCG will be given at different time. They will help determine whether the protocol was successful or whether it needs to be repeated.

Every woman should understand how to behave after embryo transfer so that they take root in the uterine cavity. The lifestyle after embryo transfer will be slightly different from the usual rhythm. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.


In most cases, a fertility specialist will tell you how to behave after embryo transfer.

One of the most asked questions is: “How long do you need to lie down after embryo transfer?” The answer will be this. Not at all. Usually, after the transfer, the woman remains in the clinic for some time. This depends on the internal regulations of the institution. If desired, you can ask the doctor to issue a sick leave certificate or a certificate exempting you from work on the day of the transfer.

The main task is to maintain a positive attitude. And here all means are good. Some people prefer to lie down, covered with a warm blanket. Some people need loved ones and friends. And for some it’s even easier to unwind and spend the whole day on the move. Moreover, movement is preferable, as it helps to avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

There is no need to worry about the egg. From the moment of transfer it is in a safe place. The endometrial villi, like the villi of the fallopian tubes, are in motion. They capture the egg and move it through the uterine cavity. This movement prevents the fertilized egg from falling out and helps to find the most suitable place for implantation.

In the video you can see how a microbubble with an embryo moves (microdrop whis embryos).

Despite the fact that the embryo moves throughout the uterine cavity, it is securely held by the endometrial villi and is completely protected from loss. Even while going to the toilet.


Any medications during the post-transfer period must be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, these are progesterone derivatives. They are assigned to create optimal conditions for pregnancy.


Life after IVF and before the procedure is divided into two halves. This is partly due to emotional state women who for a long time I couldn’t get pregnant, and suddenly I was as close as possible to realizing my plans. It is very important to know after IVF treatment how to deal with constipation.


If you eat the wrong foods, you may have problems with bowel movements. Standard recommendations will help you solve the problem. healthy eating. Adequate amounts of protein, fiber and fluid. Abundance of vegetables. Reasonable limitation of sweets, fried, smoked, refined and processed foods.

In any case, improving the diet will benefit both the woman herself and the unborn child.


Many girls are interested in how to behave after IVF in terms of sex life. There are no special recommendations in this regard. If you have sex in your life that brings pleasure and strengthens the relationship between partners, it will be beneficial.


After IVF embryo transfer has been performed, how to behave in the first days and hours is relatively clear. It is worth paying a little attention to the necessary medical examinations.

During the first three weeks, the girl will be subjected to the necessary diagnostic procedures. To make sure that the process is going in the right direction.

After about two weeks, you will definitely be prescribed a blood test to determine your hCG level. When 21 days have passed after the transfer, the IVF will be monitored by ultrasound.

Sleep rules

It is not surprising that most women are looking for an answer to the question of how to behave after embryo transfer during IVF. This is really important, but the main thing is not to focus your psychological attention on the same thing.

This approach will lead to the girl starting to think that she is performing some actions incorrectly. This is why doctors often recommend reading reviews from other couples about how to behave after embryo transfer. We will provide general recommendations.

Almost everyone is interested in how to sleep after embryo transfer. You can choose any position, the main thing is that the expectant mother is comfortable and comfortable. Some people believe that it is inappropriate to lie on your stomach, but this does not have any scientific evidence, and is therefore considered prejudice.

Often behavior after embryo transfer boils down to a frequent desire to sleep. That is why, if possible, it is necessary to allocate less time for this in the evening, so that later you can take a nap during the day.

Actually, is it necessary to lie down after embryo transfer, is it possible to sleep on your stomach, and also how long you need to lie down after embryo transfer is already clear. You can move on to other issues of no less interest to girls.

Every woman who decides to try the IVF procedure in action should know how to behave after embryo transfer. Transplantation of embryos formed after IVF into the uterine cavity is the final stage of overcoming infertility using this method. The introduced cells have very small size, therefore, their transfer is carried out using an auxiliary conductor (syringe, catheter) and a nutrient medium. Writes

During the procedure, the patient is in a regular gynecological chair, and immediately after implantation is completed, it is recommended to spend some time lying on her back. Once in the uterine cavity and its environment, the embryo takes root (conception occurs) or not (menstruation occurs), but the cells will not be able to fall out after transfer. Therefore, unnecessary fear and anxiety in this case are inappropriate.

The doctor will definitely tell you how to behave after embryo transfer, so as not to harm the process of strengthening them on the wall of the uterus. The main requirement is bed rest for the first 3 hours after embryo implantation. You will have to avoid exertion for the next 3-4 days. At the same time, it will be possible to get up slowly and take short walks on the fresh air.

The following set of recommendations complements the basic rules of conduct after embryo transfer:

  • abstain from sex during the period between puncture (egg collection) and embryo transfer;
  • upon returning to the room after the procedure, it is necessary to relax the muscles as much as possible, spread your legs slightly to the sides, place your arms along your body, without throwing them behind your head - this also leads to muscle tension;
  • lie in a relaxed state for about an hour;
  • avoid unnecessary movements, stuffiness and hypothermia, use mobile phone/ gadgets;
  • It’s worth interrupting relaxation if you have a desire to urinate - holding back is contraindicated;
  • maintain a positive attitude and faith in the success of the procedure;
  • carry painkillers prescribed by your doctor in case you experience discomfort after transferring embryos into the uterus.

Recommendations on how to behave after embryo transfer boil down to maintaining the body’s immunity expectant mother, lack negative emotions and avoiding stress. These requirements are based on how the embryo behaves after transfer.

If the transfer took place at the stage of formation of 2-3 cells of the embryo, then the transferred cells are called blastomeres. At a later stage, the embryos transferred are called blastocysts.

Taking the day of embryo transfer as zero, we obtain a development schedule for the baby embryo.

1. Blastocysts:

  • Day #1. Exit from the membrane into the uterine cavity;
  • Day No. 2-5. Implantation of the embryo into the walls of the uterus, every day deeper implantation and strengthening;
  • Day No. 5-6. The appearance of the placenta and the production of hCG in the mother’s blood.
  • Day No. 6-8. HCG level in a woman's blood is very high, goes active development embryo.
  • Day No. 9-14. HCG levels can be detected in a blood test as an indicator of successful conception.

2. “Younger” embryos - blastomeres:

  • Day No. 1-2. Development of the embryo to the size and number of cells characteristic of a blastocyst;
  • Day No. 3-6. The gradual process of implantation of the embryo into the walls of the uterus. Considering its slower “ingrowth”, you need to plan in advance how to behave after transferring an IV embryo at this stage of formation.
  • Day #7. The appearance of the placenta and germ cells means that the embryo has implanted; what to do so as not to harm it is described above.
  • Day No. 8-10. The production of hCG in the blood. If you behave correctly after the transfer, then these days you can already feel the first symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Day #11. Possibility of diagnosing conception by hCG level.

An important point in how to behave after embryo transfer is to prepare a first aid kit with the necessary medications in case of an emergency. Such a set should include: syringes, ampoules or tablets “No-shpa”, papaverine (suppositories), dicinone and an oil solution of progesterone 2.5% (ampoules of 1 ml), tranexam, duphaston, progynova, kraynon, divigel. The drug Magne B6 in tablets can also support the body. It is useful to have immunoglobulin and other drugs that strengthen the immune system on hand. Any cold is dangerous for maintaining pregnancy, and after embryo transfer, the woman’s body’s defenses noticeably weaken.

Embryo transfer during IVF

Embryo transfer

Embryo transfer during IVF is the final stage this procedure. If successful, after the transfer, the blastocyst (4-5 day embryo) is safely implanted in the uterus and pregnancy occurs.

The date of the procedure is selected by the treating reproductologist and embryologist. For transfer, the stage of development of the blastocyst must clearly correspond to the maturity of the endometrium. The readiness of the endometrium to accept an embryo is called the implantation window.

The number of embryos for transfer is agreed with the patient. Usually this is one or two embryos. When transferring two, the probability of success is higher, but the risk of multiple pregnancy increases.

How to prepare for embryo transfer during IVF?

No special preparation is required on the part of the woman for embryo transfer during IVF. If you are planning to transfer embryos during IVF, you will receive recommendations from your fertility specialist.

Typically they include:

  • take a shower the day before the procedure;
  • 1-2 hours before the transfer, drink 1-2 glasses of water (such preparation for embryo transfer during IVF is necessary so that during the manipulation bladder was moderately filled);
  • come to the procedure without makeup or perfume;
  • On the day of embryo transfer, it is recommended to donate blood for estradiol and progesterone. After receiving the result, be sure to contact your doctor by phone to adjust the treatment;
  • come to the clinic in a state of emotional peace, in a positive mood.

It is better to check with your doctor about how to prepare for embryo transfer during IVF in order to maximize the chances of pregnancy. In this case, you will receive individual recommendations.

On thematic forums, many women who have already undergone embryo transfer during IVF give recommendations on this topic very willingly. However, you should not follow all the advice in a row; there is no evidence that certain food products, exercises, mantras or spells increase the likelihood of pregnancy after embryo transfer during IVF.

A special lifestyle, special diet or rituals are unlikely to affect the effectiveness of the procedure.

How does embryo transfer occur during IVF?

Embryo transfer during IVF is performed without anesthesia. The procedure for embryo transfer during IVF is not invasive – i.e. it does not involve rapid penetration into the body. The transfer takes place within a certain period of time called the “implantation window”.

A few words about how embryo transfer is carried out during IVF.

This procedure will be carried out by two doctors: an embryologist and a reproductologist. The manipulation itself will be performed by a reproductologist. Using a flexible catheter, which looks like a syringe with a thin tube at the end, the doctor will inject fluid containing the embryo through the vagina into the uterus. Embryo transfer during IVF will last only 5-10 minutes.

The woman’s sensations may be somewhat unpleasant, but she will not feel pain.

Embryo transfer is carried out under ultrasound guidance. The embryo itself is not visible during ultrasound. You can see where the catheter and the vial of liquid in which the embryo is located are located.

Since embryo transfer during IVF occurs quickly and painlessly, there is no need to worry too much on the eve of this procedure.

Better focus on good thoughts that your embryo transfer procedure may well result in pregnancy and a successful birth.

What happens after embryo transfer during IVF?

Immediately after the transfer, the woman is usually recommended to lie down for 20-30 minutes, and only then leave the clinic. Basically, all patients are prescribed hormonal support for IVF after transfer. It is very important to strictly follow the rules and regimens for drug administration.

Any special behavior after embryo transfer during IVF has little effect on the likelihood of success.

If you have recently had an embryo transfer, it is not recommended to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Bed rest is also not required. Air travel is permitted in most cases.

Nutrition after embryo transfer during IVF is absolutely the same as on other days. It is only advisable to avoid bad habits(smoking, alcohol), stress and excessive physical activity.

The question of sex life remains separate. After embryo transfer, it is necessary to exclude all sexual contacts until pregnancy is diagnosed. Next, your attending physician decides on the situation: if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, it is impossible, if the uterus is calm and the fertilized egg is firmly attached, it is possible.

Nothing bad happens after embryo transfer during IVF if you have high physical activity and go to work. Nutrition after embryo transfer during IVF does not affect the chances of pregnancy. As well as other factors: drinking regime, busyness at work, sleep and rest patterns, behavior.

After transferring embryos during IVF, all that is required of you is to tune in to a positive result and follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The only important thing is hormonal support during IVF after transplantation, so you must follow all the prescriptions of the fertility specialist strictly.

Every woman who has passed great amount research and manipulation to diagnose the causes, the procedure of stimulation and puncture, with trepidation awaits the day “X” - embryo transfer. Each of these patients asks herself the question - how to live these days? What can I do to help pregnancy occur?

Feelings and well-being of a woman after embryo transfer

In modern reproductive medicine, one or two, much less often three, embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity. The embryos may be of different ages- from two to five days. The doctor decides how many and which embryos to transfer, based on the woman’s medical history, the results of previous IVF attempts and the quality of the embryos themselves.

As a rule, the replanting procedure is simple and painless. After the procedure, the woman is left in a horizontal position for an hour or two, although modern research suggests that there is no need for such precautions. An embryo is not a ball and cannot roll out of the uterine cavity. Next, the woman goes home to wait for the IVF result, always with a list of prescriptions and recommendations from the fertility specialist. As a rule, in the CIS countries this period of time involves the provision of sick leave: the patient does not go to work and is at home. In the West and the USA there are no such concessions. Let's go through the main list of complaints and questions that arise after the embryo transfer procedure:

  • Discharge from the genital tract. As a rule, during the period of support of the luteal phase of the cycle, a woman takes progesterone preparations, many of which involve the vaginal route of administration. The main vaginal discharge will be the remains of suppositories or capsules - white or yellowish flakes. A small amount of mucus may appear. With excessive mucous or spotting bloody discharge You should urgently consult your doctor to adjust the dosage of progesterone or add estrogen, etamsylate or antispasmodics.
  • Temperature. Some fluctuations in body temperature are acceptable due to the hormonal load on the body. Even in many cases of physiological independent pregnancy women have a low-grade fever of 37-37.3 degrees. If the temperature rises above these figures, as well as additional complaints indicating an infectious process, an urgent call to the doctor is necessary. You may need to have a blood test or include antipyretic medications in your regimen.
  • Painful sensations. After intrauterine manipulation of embryo transfer, it is quite common to experience nagging pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. This issue is discussed in advance at a doctor’s appointment. The list of recommendations usually includes magnesium preparations and antispasmodics to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  • Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, frequent urge to urinate. Oddly enough, this is a fairly common complaint from patients. The explanations for these processes are quite logical. The intestinal loops and bladder are closely adjacent to the uterus and ovaries in the pelvis. The ovaries and uterus, enlarged from stimulation, directly put pressure on and irritate their neighbors. The second reason for this discomfort is progesterone drugs, which have a relaxing effect not only on the wall of the uterus, but also on the intestines and bladder. Following a diet, good drinking regime and taking activated carbon slightly relieves these manifestations.
  • I would like to add this popular complaint or, rather, joyful observation in a separate line. Many patients, carefully listening to themselves these days, detect “movements” or “pulsations” in the lower abdomen. Unfortunately, these sensations are not. Displaced pelvic organs, swollen intestines and pulsation of the abdominal aorta give the patient this picture. A woman will hear real fetal movements no earlier than 17-20 weeks of pregnancy.

Not a single patient of the IVF clinic will go home after embryo transfer without a detailed list of recommendations. Typically, recommendations take up several sheets of printed text and answer the woman’s questions. possible questions. Also in the prescription sheet, the drugs and regimens for use are described in detail. As a rule, at the end of the recommendation part there is a telephone number where the patient can call with questions if any arise. I would like to list the main points of the standard recommendations:

  1. Physical peace. This doesn't mean you have to lie in bed for a week. You can live ordinary life, just limit the load a little. You should not run cross-country, walk with heavy bags from the store, or move furniture.
  2. Sexual rest. There are no medical studies in nature linking unsuccessful attempts IVF and sex life, so most gynecologists are of the opinion that it is worth abstaining from sexual activity for a long period after replantation.
  3. Strict adherence to the medication regimen and timely delivery necessary tests, for example, the level of estrogen, progesterone or ultrasound control.
  4. Following a diet, which I would like to talk about in a little more detail.

Nutrition of a woman after embryo transfer

As already mentioned, patients after embryo transfer often complain of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The so-called anti-gas-forming diet will help solve these delicate problems:

  1. Adequate drinking regime. Refusal of sweet, carbonated drinks, strong coffee or tea. Preference is given to clean drinking water and green tea.
  2. Frequent split meals: 5-6 times a day in portions the size of your fist.
  3. Limitation of gas-forming products. These include spicy foods, flour foods, sweets, legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini, fresh herbs, bread, milk, and red meat in large quantities.
  4. Prefer porridge, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, chicken fillet, fish, weak broths, potatoes, carrots, beets.
  5. Steam, stew or bake food. Avoid frying or deep-frying.

You can take it as a medication to help with bloating and diarrhea. Activated carbon, simethicone preparations, chamomile, mint or lemon balm decoction.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for website

Useful video:

Many years have passed since test-tube births became a routine procedure. medical clinic. IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a unique opportunity to experience the joy of giving birth and raising a child for a married couple who has encountered obstacles to conceiving naturally. Embryo transfer during IVF is the final stage of the procedure. If it is successful, the embryo is safely fixed in the uterus and continues its further development.

How do embryos mature?

In order to transfer embryos, a woman produces embryos, which after fertilization are placed in a test tube for development. The egg retrieval process is carried out under general anesthesia. The resulting zygotes are grown for several days. When the embryos reach a state in which they can easily implant into the uterus, doctors decide to implant them into the body. This date is determined by an embryologist and a reproductive specialist.

Usually, two embryos are selected for a future pregnancy; for women over 40, three embryos are allowed to be selected. If a married couple plans to have more children in the future, cryopreservation (freezing) of the remaining embryos is possible, which allows them to remain viable for a long time. Doctors confirm that successful pregnancy after IVF does not directly depend on whether regular eggs or frozen material were used.

Before the fertilization procedure married couple must comply certain rules. A woman should avoid psycho-emotional disorders, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, avoid acute and fried foods, and physical exercise.

A man must adhere to certain rules. A few days before donating sperm, you should carefully monitor your diet and not take medications. Before donating sperm, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3-4 days. If there are viral or infectious diseases The sperm donation procedure should be postponed.

Preparing for the transfer

When selecting the strongest and most viable embryos, the number of divisions, the rate of fragmentation, and the absence of deviations in development are taken into account. There are several factors that determine the transfer day. Take into account the degree of embryo maturation, the age of the mother, individual characteristics her body. If the mother’s age exceeds 35 years, and she previously had unsuccessful attempts at fertilization, the transfer is carried out on the 5th day. Since several embryos are transferred, the risk of multiple pregnancy with IVF increases to 25%.

The most common questions that patients have before the procedure are: how to prepare for embryo transfer? should you drink water? what to take with you? Is the procedure painful? is it possible to eat?

No special training is required, but the following rules must be observed:

  • take a shower without aggressive cosmetics;
  • 2-3 hours before the transfer, drink several glasses of water to fill the bladder;
  • do not wear makeup or use perfume on the day of the procedure;
  • donate blood for progesterone;
  • eat a light breakfast.

How does embryo transfer occur during IVF, and what does the patient experience?

The transfer procedure itself is completely painless, so no anesthesia is required. Usually the transfer is carried out in the morning. The patient is located in a gynecological chair. Embryo transfer is carried out using a catheter with an attached tuberculin syringe. The entire process takes place under ultrasound control.

The duration of the manipulation is 3-5 minutes. Afterwards, the catheter is removed and transferred to an embryologist for analysis. The specialist must ensure that all embryos have been implanted into the uterus. Successful implantation depends on several factors: how thoroughly the cervical mucus was removed, the quality of the embryos, the softness of the catheter, and the skill of the doctor.

Double embryo transfer significantly increases the chances of pregnancy. It is carried out on the second and fifth or third and sixth days of embryo development. The probability of successful implantation increases by more than 50%. However, it is precisely after double transfer that it often develops. If for many couples this fact is regarded as an advantage, for others it will be undesirable, because some women may be contraindicated in carrying twins or triplets. Doctors also note an increased risk of development.

How long do you need to lie down after embryo transfer?

Typically, the patient is advised to stay in the clinic for a while and lie down for about 30 minutes. However, this time is needed more as a psychological release, since it cannot in any way affect the effectiveness of IVF.

The woman’s well-being after the transplant

Implantation usually occurs on the seventh day. According to statistics, pregnancy occurs in 40%. The first failure should not be discouraging, as repeated attempts greatly increase the chances of success.

In the first two weeks, the woman’s condition may remain the same as before the procedure. The implantation of the embryo itself cannot be physically felt; before the 14th day, a pregnancy test is not informative either.

Some complain of a general deterioration in health and aching pain in the lower abdomen. If your stomach aches or feels nauseous, this may be the body’s reaction to the prescribed medication support. Other sensations may also occur, such as dizziness and weakness. They are not pathologies and are a natural consequence of the procedure. In these cases, the woman needs to pay attention to good nutrition and spend more time outdoors. Maximum rest, limiting physical activity, and sound sleep for at least 8 hours will help eliminate these manifestations.

The first reliable signs of implantation, which indicate that the replanting was successful, appear after two weeks, but some of them, to one degree or another, may be disturbing even earlier.

Symptoms after embryo transfer during IVF by day:

  • engorgement of the mammary glands – 3-8 days;
  • increased fatigue, drowsiness, apathy – 2-8 days;
  • headaches, dizziness, nausea, sometimes vomiting – 2-7 days;
  • problems with bowel movements, frequent urination – after 2 weeks;
  • change in taste preferences, constipation, flatulence – after 14 days;
  • darkening of the nipples, slight vaginal discharge – after 2 weeks;
  • the appearance of a line running from the navel to the pubis - 1-3 months.

Painful breast sensitivity occurs as a result of a powerful release of progesterone, which occurs at the very early stages pregnancy. This is especially noticeable in women who experience the same symptoms before their period begins.

Spotting after embryo transfer sometimes frightens a woman, but meanwhile, this is one of the signs that the procedure was successful. Fixation of the embryo provokes the destruction of small vessels, which causes discharge. They should be odorless and accompanied by fever and itching. If the discharge that occurs is strong, foul-smelling, green or gray in color, you should consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a detached ovum.

However, even the presence of several of the listed signs cannot absolutely accurately indicate pregnancy. Quite often they can be just harbingers next menstruation. The main thing that women and their doctors focus on is a blood test for hCG and the results of the first ultrasound.

Many women, experiencing understandable impatience, take a pregnancy test in the first days of the appearance of symptoms. However, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin during this period is so small that even a sensitive test will not show the desired results. Reliable data can be obtained no earlier than two weeks later.

To do this, you can use a regular test from a pharmacy, but it would be preferable to analyze the hCG level done in laboratory conditions. Indicators of 100-150 IU/ml indicate that implantation was successful. A hCG level of 50-70 IU/ml gives grounds for further observation and continuation of progesterone therapy. Lower rates indicate that the pregnancy did not take place, and results of 200-300 Med/ml indicate multiple pregnancy.

Why don’t embryos take root after transfer?

There may be several reasons why the uterus regards the embryo as a foreign body that needs to be disposed of. Among them are the presence in the uterus, previous abortions, disturbances in the thickness of the endometrium, and insufficient progesterone levels. Embryo implantation will not occur if there are genetic abnormalities.

Obstacles to implantation may be excess weight, age over 45 years, disorders of the immune system. If the embryo does not take root, the woman begins normal menstruation.

Progesterone therapy

Successful implantation does not guarantee that the pregnancy will be carried to term. To avoid, progesterone support is required after embryo transfer during IVF. It is produced starting from the day of egg retrieval and up to 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. The dosage of the drug is calculated by the doctor on an individual basis. It depends on the thickness of the endometrium, progesterone levels, the degree of fetal development and the risk of miscarriage.

Typically, taking progesterone drugs is completed closer to 14-15 weeks, but if there is a high risk of miscarriage and some other medical indicators, it is possible to extend the period of use to 20 weeks or more.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Duphaston – tablets for daily oral administration;
  • Utrozhestan - vaginal capsules or ampoules containing progesterone extracted from natural raw materials;
  • Crinon – gel for vaginal administration using an applicator;
  • Lutein - tablets or vaginal suppositories.

Among the disadvantages of taking progesterone drugs are the following: side effects such as increased appetite, dizziness, nausea, feeling of weakness.

How to behave after embryo transfer?

The period after embryo transfer is very responsible. Taking care of your health and following medical recommendations are the main rules of behavior after the transfer. They increase the chances of successful implantation of the embryo and further pregnancy.

The doctor will definitely consult the woman and give her the following recommendations:

  1. For the first 10 days after implantation, it is necessary to limit as much as possible any physical activity, including homework and playing sports.
  2. Lifting heavy objects (objects weighing more than 2 kg) is strictly prohibited, as this can cause rejection or displacement of the embryo.
  3. Maintain sexual rest for 2 weeks to 3 months. Determining the period depends on how successfully the fetus develops and how low the risk of miscarriage is.
  4. Make sure that after embryo transfer basal temperature did not exceed 37°.
  5. Ensuring a positive psycho-emotional state, excluding anxious thoughts, worries and stress.
  6. Limit your time at the computer and avoid driving.
  7. Refusal of any alcoholic beverages and smoking.
  8. Avoid close contact with people with infectious or viral diseases.
  9. Limit taking hot baths.
  10. Take walks in the fresh air in quiet, uncrowded places.

Proper nutrition

As in the case of a natural pregnancy, a balanced diet plays an important role after embryo transfer. In the first days there are no requirements for menu selection. The main thing is that all products are fresh and natural, without preservatives or harmful chemical additives.

Further in the diet should be included sufficient quantity meat dishes, rich in protein. Preference should be given to turkey, chicken or rabbit meat. It is better to replace beef and pork with low-fat fish and eggs. It is imperative to include dairy products in your daily diet - kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese, natural yoghurts. The diet after embryo transfer should be rich in vegetable dishes, herbs, and dried fruits. But it’s better not to get carried away with fresh fruits, as they often cause digestive problems.

A woman should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Sugary carbonated drinks or store-bought juices in packages are not recommended. Preference should be given mineral water without gas, natural fruit drinks, unsweetened compotes.

  • sausages, sausages, smoked meat;
  • confectionery;
  • cabbage, onions (cause flatulence);
  • canned meat or fish;
  • mushroom dishes;
  • strong coffee or tea (contains a large number of caffeine).

When choosing food products, the presence of chronic diseases of the expectant mother is taken into account. The woman is advised to consult a therapist and nutritionist.

The methods of modern medicine have restored hope to millions of women who dream of holding their baby in their arms. Belief in the positive outcome of the IVF procedure and compliance with all the rules and recommendations prescribed by the doctor will certainly ensure positive results and will be the key to the birth of a healthy, strong baby.