It hurts to clench your fist reasons. What to do when your fingers are affected by polyarthritis

Advanced arthritis and arthrosis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis and many other diseases. We invite you to find out about all the possible reasons and find out why your fingers do not bend, including in the morning.

It is worth understanding that most of these pathologies can be successfully treated conservatively without surgical intervention, even in the most advanced stages. To do this, you just need to contact a chiropractor. After a preliminary examination, the doctor will prescribe you an appropriate course of treatment aimed at eliminating such a physical defect.

Why don't my fingers bend?

So, why don’t your fingers bend when you try to do this, and why does an unpleasant sensation arise? First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the interphalangeal joints. Examine them to see if there are signs of tissue deformation, swelling or redness. If all these signs are absent, then you can safely rule out deforming osteoarthritis, arthritis and gout. You should approach the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis with caution. With this pathology of connective tissue, the main lesions are in the intervertebral joints, and only isolated consequences can occur on the hands. Rheumatism and other systemic diseases can manifest themselves similarly. Their diagnosis requires careful laboratory tests.

Most often, the answer to the question of why the fingers do not bend lies in the plane of damage to the nerve fiber, which is responsible for the innervation of the corresponding muscle adductor fibers. Any movement of our body is induced by signal transmission from the brain. The nerve impulse then commands the appropriate muscle group to contract or relax. If there is difficulty in straightening or bending your fingers, then most likely such a nerve impulse simply does not reach the muscles. The focus of pathological changes in this case can be located either in the cervical spine and form against the background of long-term osteochondrosis, or in the carpal tunnel.

As a rule, these conditions are accompanied by a crawling sensation, numbness, mild pain and increased fatigue of muscle fibers. With prolonged disruption of the innervation process, muscles are deformed and dystrophy occurs.

Caution: fingers are difficult to bend

It is necessary to approach with caution situations in which the fingers bend poorly without other clinical symptoms of impaired innervation or damage to the joints of the hands. The fact is that similar signs can manifest themselves in acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, various angios and neuropathies against the background of diabetes mellitus, alcohol intoxication and pathologies of internal organs.

The first phase of the development of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke can also begin with a feeling of numbness in the limbs on one side of the body. Lack of symmetry is the main diagnostic sign of such conditions. However, with carpal tunnel syndrome, a predominant lesion of the left or right upper limb can also be observed.

Fingers can't bend in the morning

If your fingers do not bend in the morning, then this is unlikely to be a consequence of carpal tunnel syndrome, since with this disease the typical symptoms intensify after monotonous work and reach their peak in the evening hours. In the morning, as a rule, patients experience a feeling of some relief. Typically, fingers bend poorly in the morning due to various systemic diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders. This could be gout, in which there is a large amount of uric acid in the blood. At night, the blood flow slows down, as a result of which some of the salts can be released into the joint cavities, including the interphalangeal joints of the fingers. Typically, patients experience difficulty with mobility in almost all large joints. The damage to the hands is symmetrical.

The second factor that may be accompanied by such a symptom is a violation of the physiological position of the cervical vertebrae. Even a displacement of a few millimeters can lead to disruption of the innervation process of one of the upper limbs. As a rule, the greatest load on the nerve fiber occurs during night rest hours. In the morning the patient experiences a feeling of numbness. His fingers cannot bend in the morning and he is unable to make movements associated with fine motor skills. After a few hours everything goes away.

Fingers do not bend into a fist

Restricted mobility of the fingers is another typical sign of tunnel syndrome, which often occurs against the background of traumatic damage to the joints and ligaments. Deformed bone joints can interfere with the normal innervation of the hand tissues. Against the background of all this, the patient’s fingers do not bend into a fist, and pain may be completely absent. The patient experiences a lack of strength or inability to perform a planned action.

Treatment of this pathology is carried out using manual therapy methods using correction of the position of joint inclusions and vertebrae. Subsequently, therapeutic massage sessions are prescribed, during which specialists achieve rapid regeneration of damaged tissues by increasing their blood supply. In advanced cases, long-term rehabilitation treatment may be required.

The finger does not fully extend

A condition in which the finger does not fully straighten may be the result of a bad habit of “crackling” the joints. The mechanism of development of the pathology is associated with the primary stretching of the articular cavity, which results in instability of the ligamentous apparatus and excessive stretching of the tendon fibers. When you try to straighten your finger completely, excess tension occurs in the tendon system, which prevents full straightening.

Such patients often experience minor subluxations, development of deformation of articular tissues, and impaired fine motor skills of the hands. Immediate help is required to stop the rapidly progressing pathological process. In this case, our clinic offers qualified assistance aimed at the rehabilitation of articular, ligament and tendon tissues. In parallel, work is underway to restore the elasticity and volume of muscle mass.

The little finger on the hand does not bend

And the last condition that we would like to consider in this article concerns the fact that the little finger on the hand does not bend on one side. Most often, this is a symptom indicating long-term carpal tunnel syndrome. This disease mainly affects people who are engaged in monotonous, monotonous work, involving the fine motor skills of one of the hands, and is accompanied by an incorrect position of the hand.

The first clinical signs of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain and a feeling of numbness after a day of work in the area of ​​the back of the hand in its lateral part. The discomfort intensifies in the evening and reaches its maximum when trying to fall asleep. In the morning all symptoms disappear. If the little finger on the hand does not bend, then this is already an advanced stage.

But treatment is possible. To do this, our specialists offer various techniques. Although to begin therapy, the disease should be differentiated from cervical osteochondrosis, which is also often accompanied by a feeling of numbness and pain in the little finger.

Rheumatoid arthritis often begins with damage to small symmetrical joints

It often happens that a person wakes up at night because his elbow or shoulder ache or his knee twists. I did a massage, applied ointment - it became easier. But over time, the pain intensifies, attacks are repeated more often. Naughty fingers make it impossible to fasten a button, and several steps turn into an insurmountable obstacle because the leg does not bend at the knee. Doctors recommend replacing a joint destroyed by inflammation with a prosthesis.

“In order not to bring the matter to surgery, if you experience pain, swelling in a joint or redness of the skin at the site of discomfort, you need to go to an appointment with a rheumatologist,” says the head of the first rheumatology department of the Alexander Clinical Hospital, associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 of the National Medical University named after A. A. Bogomolets, candidate of medical sciences Alexey Ivashkivsky. — The specialist will find out the cause of arthritis - an inflammatory disease of the joint tissues - and prescribe treatment, which is important to start in a timely manner. This is especially true for reactive arthritis. It can occur after a sore throat, genitourinary or intestinal infection, if microbes enter the joint with the bloodstream and inflammation begins. It is also often provoked by an infection that gets inside the joint during surgery or manipulation, after an injury.

The inflammatory process that destroys cartilage, bones and ligaments also occurs with rheumatoid arthritis, but it is provoked by a malfunction in the immune system. It actively defends itself from an imaginary enemy, attacking its own tissue lining the inner surface of the joint. If a person does not see a doctor, he may become disabled within a few years. Without treatment, the joint is destroyed, and the pathological change limits mobility and limits movement to a minimum.

— What are the first signs of arthritis?

— With rheumatoid arthritis, the symmetrical small joints of the hands or feet initially suffer. Most often, the patient pays attention to the wrists and fingers, which are simultaneously inflamed and painful on both sides. A person complains that after waking up he cannot clench his fingers into a fist and has to stretch them for a while, or that in the morning he walks for a long time to overcome the stiffness of his joints. Reactive arthritis is more characterized by damage to large joints on the legs, and asymmetrically.

— Does inflammation also cause gout?

- Yes. With microcrystalline arthritis, due to metabolic disorders, nutritional errors, kidney disease, and stress, the level of uric acid in the blood increases. In this case, crystals of sodium urate are deposited in the joint, it swells, the skin turns red and any touch causes unbearable pain.

How to relieve pain during gout exacerbation? Is it true that it is better for gout to go on a “starvation” diet? Why does rheumatoid arthritis occur and how to treat it? What to do in case of advanced osteoarthritis?

Hello! I haven’t written before, I just read. Now I decided to write. We brought our daughter home 1.5 years ago; she is now 3.3 years old. Everything is fine with us, I love her very much, my girl. Our daughter has a twin sister. We saw my sister when we took our daughter away; she had cerebral palsy, she was lying down, she couldn’t even sit up on her own. All these 1.5 years, my husband and I periodically had a question about our sister, we thought that it would be nice to take her away so that the sisters could grow up together, but every time we came to the conclusion that it was difficult...


Hello! You have already decided everything for yourself. They are twin sisters, the connection is very strong. The Lord will support and help you.

09.27.2016 10:27:22, grandmother Ira

Hello. I also have a delayed child. When the doctor suggested turning my son in, I almost killed her. The main thing is to love the child as he is. And accept that he may not change. If you decide to do this, then you have the strength to do it. God will definitely help. The eldest daughter will not grow up to be a cynical person, like today's youth. And she will be very grateful to you for saving her sister. I wish you a lot of strength and patience.

09.25.2016 22:57:51, Lena V

Apply massage cream or olive oil to your skin first. Start by lightly stroking your thighs with your palms over the entire surface from the knee to the hip joints and along the buttocks, then move on to more intense movements. Using your fingertips pressed together, massage the skin of your thighs in light circular motions over all surfaces from the knee to the hip joints and along the buttocks. Make a fist and rub your knuckles with strong pressure over all surfaces of the skin of the thighs from the knee to the hip joints and along the buttocks, until there is a rush of blood and redness. Grasp the skin of the inner thighs in the fold between the thumb and the other fingers and smooth it with spiral movements from the knee to the hip joints, but not too much, because Bruising may occur. Vigorously pat your thighs and buttocks with your palms, alternating them with stroking. The skin should be red...

Dear ones, tell me and teach me! My daughter is 4.5 years old, she is a very impressionable and easily excitable person. In principle, he cannot relax - he is always running somewhere, doing something, rushing, falling, stumbling. When he eats, he listens to a book, plays, fiddles with something, shakes his leg. When he speaks, it is very difficult to make out something, because... the words are swallowed. He doesn’t walk at all - he just runs (he runs around like crazy, I would even say). He climbs into places that would be difficult for an adult to climb! AND...


I have a similar motor (hyperactive) and paid centers, neurologists, Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, wherever we have been. We already take glycine like vitamins at intervals, valerianahel, phenibut, etc. But the best thing that helps is warm baths with a soothing extract (pine needles). Badola has these, and that’s what we use. Try it, there definitely won’t be any harm, they are intended for babies, but we are also not very big yet at 3.5. Only I pour much more than 2 spoons into the bath; one jar is enough for 5-6 baths. But it's effective. Try it, good luck. If you have any questions, unfortunately I won’t be able to answer in the near future, for Dimul his seaside, sun visa, by the way, this is also very useful for such children.

Great luck to everyone, the easiest birth and healthy babies!
Thank you, you are simply golden!

01/27/2004 15:54:53, Just me (37)

When you are already on the chair, cough - the vaginal muscles relax. At the first examination in my life, they taught me: they couldn’t put some kind of tube in for examination:) I coughed, and it went away:)
Here's something else from me: if you have frozen feet, then dress so that you leave your socks on your feet when you climb into a chair - it also helps. Well, there, try to breathe deeply, close your eyes, focus on which other part of the body is higher (for example, carefully count the exhalations and inhalations, how the chest moves... - you can try this now in the evening, when the thought comes to mind, you calculate like this 5-7 breaths).
But don’t be afraid at all :) We’ll keep our fingers crossed and everything will be fine!

I would like to know your opinion. I have been married for 7 years and have a 1.5 year old child. When I got married, a year after the wedding, my husband hit me in a drunken state (very hard). The reason was a very embarrassing situation in which the husband found himself (again due to drinking). He really asked me not to make it public, but I was forced to tell my mother, after which this attack of aggression happened to him. Then, of course, I raised the question of divorce, but he begged for forgiveness and promised not to drink strong drinks anymore. I...


12/16/2003 01:00:22, from no one

He really asked me not to make it public, but I was forced to tell my mother....
Did your mother torture you and threaten to tear out your tongue if you didn’t tell her?

we are quarreling and I am in an excited state, completely unreasonably taking it out on my daughter,
And do you often do this?

SAMPLE SET OF ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS EXERCISES I. Exercises for the lower jaw: 1. Open your mouth wide and hold it open for several seconds. 2. Chewing movements with closed lips. 3. Light tapping of teeth - lips are open. 4. “FENCE” - the upper jaw stands on the lower jaw, the lips are in a smile. II. Exercises for lips: 1. "SMILE" - stretching open lips (teeth clenched) 2. "TUBE" ("PROBOSK") - stretching the lips forward 3. Alternating "SMILE" and "TUBE" 4. Three...

What is it and what is it eaten with? No matter how much I read information on this issue, I cannot understand what I am experiencing. With men, there seems to be a desire and a buoyancy, but it seems that a little more and IT will come - and everything fades away:((((I tried it with myself - it’s a little better, but it still seems that something is missing enough:(((Or maybe it’s enough, and I’m still waiting for something? (Try with women - don’t suggest)


Seryozha, and one more thing. Where did you read that I control myself at the very peak? Well, if you can say about a person flying from the 9th floor that he controls himself, perhaps I do (I couldn’t think of anything else to compare with :-)))). And relatively 2-3 times (indicative or not) - that’s why I don’t I signed up so that they wouldn’t take it as if I was bragging, and apparently that’s exactly how you understood it :-)

19.01.2001 13:21:33, Completely normal

And since I was 12 years old, I ALWAYS experience orgasm :-))) This is probably also abnormal, right?
Moreover, I know for sure that I can experience this with any man :-)) And so it happens... And long-term public appearances irritate me.. Well, perhaps only if with a new partner, when it’s the first time. Well, when it’s unclear how things might end.
But I can’t describe the feeling. I'm at a loss. It doesn't look like anything.

01/19/2001 12:20:18, Strange

Our body knows more about us than we might think. The slightest nuances of character are reflected in our habits and habits. Just think that even such a small thing as clenching a fist can conceal so much information!

We invite you to take a simple and fun test. You just need to clench your hand into a fist without thinking. It turns out that depending on their character, people do it completely differently!

However, this test has one small caveat. People who seriously engage in hand-to-hand combat subconsciously clench their fist so as not to injure it during the fight. So the fighters are unlikely to be able to find out the truth about their character. But the rest will be able to reveal the most hidden corners of their inner world!

1. If, clenching your fist, you cover the third phalanx of your index finger with your thumb, this means that everyone knows you as a cheerful, energetic, and at times slightly adventurous person.

You have a great sense of humor and can always cheer anyone up. Besides, you are not without self-irony.

You are very kind and sympathetic and are ready to help anyone. Friends value you for your honesty, loyalty and devotion. You can be relied on in any situation!

Personal traits:

At the same time, you are very sensual and gentle. You love to feel protected, but you also care deeply about those around you.

Sometimes you are too kind to people, so many people take advantage of it. Nevertheless, you are well aware of who truly loves you and who just wants to appease you for selfish purposes. Although outwardly you do not show your hostility even to your sworn enemies.

Love qualities:

Because you try to treat everyone well, your significant other can often be jealous of you towards others. You may be accused of not having strong enough feelings, and this hurts you. Because in reality this is not so!

2. If you cover your fist from below with your thumb, wrapping it around the second phalanges of your fingers, then this means the following:

You come across as a confident person. You have a developed sense of self-worth, and you almost never compromise on your principles and ideals.

You are smart and well-rounded. And you make friends with people with a wide variety of interests.

Personal traits:

Inside you are a very vulnerable person. Often you cannot decide to take a bold action for fear of failure. But, if your friends fully support you, you are ready to move mountains!

Love qualities:

In relationships with the opposite sex, you are quite shy and indecisive. This happens due to the fear of offending your significant other or seeming too intrusive. But because you have excellent control over your emotions, others often perceive this as excessive pride and inaccessibility.

However, it is difficult to find a more devoted person. It takes you quite a long time to truly fall in love. But this love is extremely durable!

3. If, while clenching your fist, you hide your thumb inside, then this indicates that you have enormous creative potential and an excellent sense of style.

You have a sharp mind and a good tongue. True, it’s quite difficult to get you to talk. There may be two impressions about you. To many you may seem gloomy and withdrawn, but your friends consider you the life of the party.

Personal traits:

You feel comfortable alone with yourself and your thoughts. And even in company you prefer to remain silent, often dreaming about something of your own. You only open up to those people you trust completely.

Love qualities:

You don't like unnecessary fuss around relationships. You try to keep your amorous affairs secret until the last moment. You have a big heart, so you forgive your significant other even the most severe insults.