How to clean a concrete septic tank from sludge. How is septic tanks and cesspools cleared of sediment? Fighting blockages and siltation of septic tanks

Cleaning a septic tank is important stage operation autonomous system sewerage of a private house. Periodic removal of solid residues and accumulated sludge will extend the life of the structure and improve its performance. Otherwise, bottom sediments will be compressed, which will lead to reduced productivity and poor system operation and create additional problems with waste disposal.

Manual cleaning of septic tank from sludge deposits

Typical problems with a clogged septic tank

Private houses that are not connected to a centralized sewer system are in most cases equipped with autonomous systems for treating domestic wastewater. The best option disposal of biological waste from human activity is their processing in septic tanks. The latter are single- or multi-chamber devices in which wastewater is accumulated, settled, purified and drained into the soil.

Scheme of organizing an autonomous wastewater treatment system for several private houses

Solid heavy fractions accumulate at the bottom of the tank in the form of sediment. The microorganisms (bacteria) found in it cause fermentation and decay of biological material with the formation of methane and the final decomposition product - sludge. During the operation of an autonomous system of domestic wastewater, the thickness of the sediment layer increases, thereby reducing the volume of the settling tank and filtration tank. In hardened sludge, biological decomposition processes cease, which negatively affects the quality of wastewater treatment.

If the sediment is not removed within the recommended time frame, then untreated water will enter the filtration fields and silt up. drainage system. Poor quality work of the septic tank is accompanied not only by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, but also by drains coming out.

Negative consequences of untimely cleaning of the septic tank from sludge

How often should you clean your septic tank?

The frequency of cleaning the storage tank depends on its volume and the intensity of use of the system. It is generally accepted that the capacity of a septic tank should be at least 3 times the daily volume of water consumed. This means that for a family consuming 1 m³ of water per day, the tank volume should be about 3 m³. If the sewage system is used seasonally, then experts recommend cleaning the septic tank before the end of operation.

In houses with permanent residence The sedimentation tank is cleaned 2 times a year, since the waste processing time is about 6 months.

However, frequent pumping out of sediment negatively affects the quality of cleaning, since most anaerobic bacteria involved in the fermentation process are removed. To improve the operation of the device and increase the interval between cleanings, it is necessary to periodically replenish the population of biologically active microorganisms. This method of waste processing allows you to clean the septic tank once a year at the end of autumn.

Most often, sludge is removed from the pit using a sewer truck, but sometimes owners prefer to do this work with their own hands.

For proper cleaning deposits you need to know a few nuances:

  1. When pumping out bottom sediments, it is necessary to leave some of the activated sludge. Microorganisms involved in the processing of biological waste live and reproduce in it. After completing the work, it is advisable to replenish the bacterial colony. Specialized stores have big choice preparations for septic tanks and cesspools with strains of anaerobic microorganisms.
  2. It is not recommended to use chlorine or acid-based chemical drain cleaners. This sharply reduces the population of microorganisms until it is completely destroyed. Manufacturers of the drugs recommend inoculating the hole with bacteria through a sink or toilet, flushing them sufficient quantity clean water. Some of the bacteria will remain in the pipes and clean the walls of adhering grease and food debris.

The use of special preparations protects the device from rapid siltation and eliminates unpleasant odors formed during the decomposition of waste.

Mechanical cleaning of the drive

Clean thoroughly sewer device can be done using a sewer truck. With this method, a minimum of time is spent, and the quality of cleaning is much higher than can be achieved with independent execution procedures. Great importance has the fact that there is no need to look for a place to drain the removed waste. Pumping out sewage is almost not accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The use of long hoses allows equipment to work at a remote distance from the sanitary facility without entering the site.

Scheme of cleaning work carried out by a specialist from the sewage disposal service

Some owners have to clean the structure themselves. It is not advisable to use manual waste removal yourself using a bucket and scoop, because it is unsafe for the worker, and the depth of the septic tank does not allow this work to be done efficiently. Therefore, in most cases, drainage pumps are used for cleaning. Some models are equipped with shredders. This allows you to pump out even a layer of caked sludge. The issue of waste disposal site must be decided before starting work.

To transport sewage you will need a sealed container.

Owners of factory-made septic tanks (for example, Topas) remove sludge independently in accordance with the instructions. Due to the fact that the volume of the pumped-out medium is small (about 200-300 liters), there is no point in using the services of vacuum cleaners. The product kit includes a pump for pumping out liquid sludge. The removed suspension is placed in a container, from which water is drained after settling of the solid fractions. The remains are used as fertilizer.

Self-cleaning a septic tank using a factory pump

Biological and chemical sludge removal

The chemical cleaning method does not replace other cleaning methods, but only complements them. The principle of operation is the oxidation of wastewater, which promotes the decomposition of biological residues. The preparations used are made on the basis of formaldehyde and ammonium sulfate. Due to its high toxicity, such sludge cannot be used as a fertilizer and must be buried.

The use of biologically active microorganisms accelerates the process of decomposition of mineral residues. As a result of waste processing, clarified water is obtained and not a large number of silt.

Regular use of biological drugs (every 35-40 days) increases the interval between periodic mechanical cleaning, and the settled liquid can be drained into the soil without additional treatment.

Due to the fact that wastewater contains not only organic matter, but also inorganic inclusions, aerobic bacteria, located in sections of the station, cannot completely recycle everything. Then the question arises of how to clean a septic tank without pumping and what should be done for this. Microorganisms that have already served their purpose die, settling to the bottom in the form of sludge. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically remove sediment from the system. Let's consider the features of the operation of treatment facilities, as well as methods for pumping out sludge.

Not so long ago, simple sealed tanks of large volumes were used as autonomous sewers, from which water had to be constantly pumped out, but now everything is much simpler. Modern systems are real wastewater treatment stations, so there is no need to call sewage trucks, because the liquid is purified biologically and flows into the soil or reservoir. All that remains is to manually remove the sediment using a special pump.

The process of self-cleaning a septic tank

The operating principle of the station, which does not require pumping, is as follows. The first chamber of this device is the largest and is called the receiving chamber. This is where sewage from the house comes from the sewer pipes. Here the liquid collects and settles until it reaches a certain level. Substances that are lighter than water collect at the top, and large and heavy inclusions settle to the bottom. Fats and insoluble substances that float on the surface in this chamber are hydrolyzed over time by the yeast and can further dissolve.

After a certain level of liquid in the first chamber is reached, it is poured into the next compartment, where its clarification continues with the help of aerobic organisms. This compartment is called the aeration tank. Here the wastewater is saturated with oxygen using a special compressor and actively mixed. This method of stirring is called aeration, which helps to more effectively decompose the organic components contained in the water. This is the next stage of cleaning and is the most effective.

The next section is called the bioreactor. Thanks to special lime-type backfills that can be added here, harmful phosphorus-nitrogen inclusions are eliminated from the wastewater. In the next chamber, the purified water is finally settled and can even be disinfected using chlorine-containing reagents. But such reagents are not provided in the standard configuration of a septic tank.

How to properly maintain the station

The sludge accumulated in the sections will have to be pumped out periodically (several times a year). The frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the tank and the intensity of use of the station. A sewer truck is not needed for pumping; sludge can be removed manually using a special pump. This sediment can then be dried and subsequently used as a very good fertilizer for lawns, flower beds or shrubs that do not bear fruit.

structure and principles of septic tank maintenance

Important: Do not completely remove all sediment from the system. It is necessary to leave some of the sludge to continue the treatment steps. Approximately a fifth of the sediment should be left. This will enable the station to operate effectively in the future.

Some people prefer to completely clean out the system and purchase microorganisms for it again, but why do this if the chambers already have ready-made microflora, they should simply be left partially intact.

Methods for cleaning the station:

  • If you have special sludge pipes, you can use them. Having installed such pipes, you will see that the sludge will flow out of the system by gravity if the necessary pressure is created in it;
  • For those who have not purchased pipes, there is also an option - pumping out sediment using a sewer truck, which will also help in case of a heavy blockage;
  • The third option for removing sludge is to manually pump out the sewer sludge using a special sludge sucker. Modern septic tanks with biological treatment are equipped automatic system distribution of solid and heavy inorganic inclusions in storage tanks, from where they can be easily removed.
  • Sludge removal using special bacteria. Special microorganisms, which can be purchased at a specialized store, do an excellent job with all the contents of the chambers. But they decompose organic matter, fecal matter and fats. As a result, there is not even any sediment left.

In order for the beneficial bacteria in the compartments to live for a long time and cope with their work effectively, it is necessary to purchase detergents without chlorine for septic tanks and eliminate the use of aggressive household chemicals, such as washing powders, shampoos, cleaning and detergents, bleaches. If, nevertheless, you did not keep track, and chemical substances still got into the biological treatment station, then you should populate it with new microorganisms and create for them favorable conditions. Also don't forget about the extra amount of water.

If a massive release of wastewater is carried out, then some organic matter will not have time to decompose, which may cause the formation of certain fatty acids, which did not have enough time to convert into carbon dioxide or methane. This, in turn, will affect the fact that the process of decomposition of organic matter will be slowed down. At the same time, bubbles with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide will begin to rise to the surface. They will catch particles of silt along the way, picked up from the bottom, and together with a fatty film on the surface of the water, they will form a dense crust that can reach great thickness.

The crust formed in this case should not come out of the septic tank, otherwise it may clog the pipes. Therefore, a special tee is installed at the exit from the last chamber. The lower end of the tee is heated in water, and the upper end is brought up. Thanks to this device, the pipes will not become clogged and the crust will not float out of the septic tank.

special devices for cleaning a septic tank

If the tee is clogged, it can be cleaned through the pipe that is included in the structure. Therefore, periodic cleaning must be carried out. This necessary measure, which will help avoid emergency situations and will be able to maintain the station in working condition. The frequency of removing sediment from the chambers will depend on how often you use the sewer and how big the chambers are.

Sludge removers

Before the advent of deep biological treatment stations, the purification task was handled by chemicals that eliminated odor and accelerated the process of wastewater decomposition. But, even despite their high efficiency, such substances had a negative impact on the environment. Formaldehyde, which has extremely high degree toxicity. Oxidizing nitrates and sometimes ammonium were also used. But today in these hazardous substances no need.

Sludge removal products offered by modern market, can be divided into several categories:

  • Biological (bacterial strains, biological products that decompose organic matter);
  • Chemical (substances that contain a coagulant that promotes the sticking of small particles into large elements with further settling to the bottom).

Biological drugs have many advantages over their chemical counterparts. They are absolutely safe for the environment, as they are a product of nature. They will not destroy the tank body, which cannot be said about some types of chemicals. Just like chemicals, bacteria eliminate unpleasant odors from the system, preventing the process of rotting in water (organic matter disintegrates, but does not rot). Liquid purified with the help of microorganisms can be safely poured onto the soil (or used on your farm, for example, for irrigation). You won’t have to look for long for where to drain the water from the septic tank, since you can pour it anywhere: into a pond, onto sand, into the ground.

Approved detergents

Since aerobic microorganisms are extremely sensitive to chemicals, chlorine-containing cleaners and detergents, alkalis, preparations with phenols and aldehydes, and so on should be excluded from everyday use. Do not use laundry detergent with a special antibacterial additive, as this will simply kill the beneficial bacteria in the chambers.

It is better to purchase ecological preparations that are intended for safe washing dishes, for example, Shpyul-S. This product will do an excellent job of removing grease from your dishes, but will not harm bacteria or environment. To keep your home clean, you can use All-Clean, which has a mild formula and is also safe for septic tanks. In addition, such a substance will not only effectively cope with dirt in the house, but also will not cause allergies or irritation to the skin.

septic tank maintenance and cleaning winter time of the year

You can clean your plumbing using universal remedy San Luce Fresh, which can be used to clean toilets, sinks, bathtubs and cisterns. It can also be used to clean and add shine to chrome parts. All these products can be used every day, since if they get into wastewater they will not harm the bacteria living there. When purchasing washing powders and detergents, read the ingredients, and if you see the presence of chlorine or alkaline compounds, it is better to choose another, more gentle product.

Today, there are even bleaches in stores that do not contain dangerous chemicals, but effectively remove stains thanks to the active oxygen it contains. This bleach will not be harmful to you or the bacteria in the septic tank. By using such preparations, you will not only maintain the functionality of your wastewater treatment plant, but also preserve the ecology of your site.

Sanitary standards for the construction of a septic tank

Before choosing a place for future sewerage, you need to familiarize yourself with the sanitary standards for a septic tank. This is a list of some documents in accordance with which construction must be carried out. The main document that should be used to guide the construction of such structures is SNiP 2.04.03-85. This normative document regulates the construction of sewers. If water will be supplied to the house from a well or borehole, then compliance with SNiP 2.04.01-85 and 2.04.04-84 will also be required.

The sanitary standards (SanPiN regulate sanitary requirements, whose main task is to maintain the purity of water located on the surface. Since the septic tank is considered a potentially dangerous area, it is also subject to regulation by SanPiN 2.2.1/

Distance to well

You should choose a location for a treatment facility not only based on your own preferences, but also in compliance with standards. The fact is that in the event of an emergency, wastewater can end up in drinking water, if there is a well or borehole nearby. Water pollution can cause illness or even death. Even though modern treatment plants have durable, sealed casings, pipe rupture or depressurization cannot be ruled out. Therefore, you should choose the greatest possible distance to the nearest body of water.

The standards state that the choice of distance from a well or borehole to a treatment plant will primarily be influenced by the type of soil on the site. If there are filter layers that can filter wastewater in the event of force majeure, then the distance can be reduced.

Getting permission

Cesspools and septic tanks can cause harm to the environment, so they should not be built uncontrolled. Before preparing the project, be sure to contact the SES and obtain the necessary permission. Only after it is given to you and the project is approved, you can begin construction of the structure. A permit will not be issued if the construction does not comply sanitary rules And building regulations, which are valid at the time of project creation.

maintenance and cleaning of a homemade septic tank

Distance between treatment plant and the water intake point must be at least 20 meters. Using hydrogeological studies, filter areas are searched. With their help, you can analyze the quality of the soil and its composition. If the soil allows water to pass through quickly, for example, sandy loam or sandy soil, then the septic tank from the water intake point should be at least 50 meters, and sometimes even 80 meters are required.

Also, during the construction of such systems, it is necessary to comply with the standards for the location of pipes with drinking water. The drinking water pipe should not be less than 10 meters away. This necessary condition in case the water supply becomes depressurized and wastewater can leak into drinking water. The slope of the terrain should also be taken into account. The water intake point must be located above the cesspool or.

In relation to residential buildings, the treatment structure must be located at a certain distance. First of all, the footage to the foundation of the house is taken into account (must be at least 5 meters). But you shouldn’t have storage tank too far from the house, as it will be difficult to ensure uninterrupted operation with a very long pipeline length. To avoid the cost of many inspection wells, place the system on optimal distance to the house. You should also take into account the location to the neighbors' buildings.

According to standards, a cesspool cannot be located closer than 5 meters from the road, and can only be located at a distance of 30 meters from open reservoirs. It matters what the distance to the fence is. It can be chosen arbitrarily, but no closer than 2 meters to the neighbor’s fence. Indeed, when servicing the system, for example, when pumping out sludge, unpleasant odors may spread throughout the area. If the structure is located directly under neighbor's fence, then this may cause conflicts.

When locating treatment structures, their type, soil properties, distance to water intake points, residential and outbuildings, open reservoirs and to a neighbor’s house are taken into account. You must always be prepared for the fact that if installed incorrectly or as a result of strong soil mobility, the tank may crack and human waste will fall into the ground. If there is a well nearby, it may be contaminated with fecal matter. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and locate the structure as far as possible from water intake points or reservoirs.

During construction country houses and cottages, autonomous sewage systems are now increasingly being built. The main part of such a system is the septic tank.

Autonomous sewerage has a number of advantages compared to traditional options: you will not be bothered by an unpleasant odor, the sewage system is spacious and completely environmentally friendly. At the same time, do not forget that the septic tank is also a container and has a certain volume, so if wastewater enters in excess of this volume, it will not be cleaned.

Septic tanks need to be cleaned

To ensure normal and correct operation of the autonomous sewer system systematic Maintenance and cleaning the system and its parts. For example, it is necessary to remove masses from septic tanks at least 1-2 times a year.

This is necessary to maintain the system in working order, since the septic tank is a system of containers and filters.

Important! If the septic tank overflows, the filters can become clogged, which will damage the entire system. Repairing the system and cleaning the filters will be much more expensive than ensuring timely maintenance and cleaning of the septic tank.

In addition, the number of emptyings and cleanings of this element does not in any way affect the quality of the system and even increases their level. If the septic tank is filled more than a year in advance and cleaning is carried out less frequently than recommended, the sediment in the septic tank of the sewer element can turn into heavy clay, which can no longer be removed with a hose. In addition, the process of removing solid sediments from a septic tank is quite labor-intensive and expensive. However, there are exceptions in which cleaning is required much less frequently.

Helpful information ! So for a “Fast” septic tank, you can pump out the masses once every four years.

Do septic tanks require regular cleaning?

Only a positive answer can be given to such a question. Only with timely and regular pumping of the masses and the septic tank, the possibility of clogging of the chambers is not allowed. This extends the life of the entire system autonomous sewerage, and are prevented unpleasant consequences for home and garden in case of blockages in the system.

Each owner of an autonomous sewage system has the opportunity to choose the most suitable method for him to perform such a necessary and not very pleasant procedure as cleaning a septic tank. Unfortunately, the choice is small and includes two full-fledged and one auxiliary option.

  1. Cleaning the septic tank using special equipment. This method has been known for a long time and is very widespread, since it is carried out as conveniently as possible for the owner of the site, quickly and efficiently.
  2. Cleaning the septic tank yourself. This method is less common because it requires significant effort and cannot be called enjoyable. It should be noted that it is fashionable to find everything on sale necessary equipment and tools for high-quality self-cleaning.
  3. Cleaning a septic tank using various biological preparations. Such preparations contain a huge number of bacteria for cesspools, which help break down the contents of the septic tank and guarantee absolute harmlessness to wastewater. But at the same time, this method is auxiliary, since it does not provide complete cleaning, but only reduces the rate of accumulation of residues and the formation of solids in the septic tank, which in turn allows for complete cleaning to be carried out less frequently.

You should not lose sight of the fact that during pumping, not only sedimentary substances are removed, but also the entire mass of wastewater, that is, the septic tank tank remains completely empty. This option is undesirable, since light weight septic tanks can be squeezed onto the surface groundwater, which will disrupt the entire system.

Helpful information! To prevent such a situation, no later than 24 hours after pumping out the masses, the septic tank must be filled with water. Of course this applies plastic septic tanks, which are lightweight, for septic tanks from heavy materials(for example from concrete rings) such a procedure is not performed.

In order to help the owner of an autonomous sewer system choose a cleaning method, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Cleaning using special equipment

Such factors include the model of the septic tank itself, which is installed in your sewer system, the regularity of people in a country house, the number of people in the house, and much more.

For example, if you live in a country house only seasonally, then cleaning can be done much less frequently.

Who cleans the septic tank and how?

IN modern world Many private companies provide septic tank cleaning services, and they use the latest special equipment that guarantees a high-quality result.

The cleaning procedure itself is not particularly difficult for a specialist, which cannot be said about a person without certain training, and includes such steps as pumping out feces and solid sediments formed in the cleaning tank, blurring the sludge at the bottom of the tank chamber, cleaning the entire system to achieve compliance requirements of sanitary standards, pipe cleaning. To improve the quality of the result and the efficiency of the septic tank, you can use preparations containing microorganisms, which will lead to disinfection of the system.

It is permissible to use the following as special equipment for cleaning septic tanks:

  • Vacuum trucks (they are also called vacuum machines). If the volume of the machine is equal to or greater than the volume of accumulated deposits, it is possible to perform the entire range of work using equipment that will remove all accumulations. At the same time, the entire autonomous sewer system and its components will be protected from breakdowns.
  • Sludge sucking machines. These modern technical means of cleaning allow pumping out of septic tanks of various sizes. Such machines are equipped with more powerful equipment compared to sewage disposal machines, which allows for high-quality removal of clay from a depth of up to 8 meters. At the same time, the machine itself can be located at a distance of up to 40 meters from the septic tank itself. This fact greatly facilitates the cleaning procedure, since it does not create difficulties with access directly to the septic tank. The volume of such machines varies and is designed for 5-30 meters of cubic waste. Moreover, with the help of such equipment it is possible not only to pump out waste, but also to flush the pipes and internal container of the septic tank using a jet of water under the influence of high pressure, which allows you to remove even hardened deposits. The ability to carry out two different operations at once is given by the design of the machine itself, which has a partition in the tank. Thus, part of the tank is intended for pumped waste, and part for water.
  • Vacuum pumps with a drive, with a suction boom. Control of such a pump is provided via a remote control. Such pumps have great power and are equipped with hoses of different lengths, this allows pumping out masses even from great depths.

It should be noted that all issues related to the removal and disposal of pumped out masses are resolved directly by the company’s specialists, and not by the owner of the site.

At the same time, the owner must also provide certain working conditions.

If you choose a reliable company with competent specialists, the cleaning result will be guaranteed to be of high quality. In this case, the owner himself will be required to perform some work:

  1. 1. Provide access for equipment to the septic tank. This work must be done when using a standard sewer truck, the range of which is limited. A good option in this case, the septic tank will be located near the roadway. It should also be taken into account that in modern machines the hose length can reach 180 meters (when using high-pressure polyethylene hoses, the length reaches 500 meters). This circumstance greatly simplifies the procedure for providing access to the septic tank for the owner.
  2. 2. Providing information to the company about the depth of location and volume of the septic tank. This is necessary for correct choice technical means for pumping, since the volume for a sewer truck is limited, and it can pump out from a depth of no more than 3 meters.
  3. 3. Do not forget that when carrying out work to pump out the contents of the septic tank, the lid of the container opens, which can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. This issue must be thought through in advance and, if necessary, work must be carried out without the presence of the customer’s family members.

Septic tank cleaning cost

The cost of pumping waste from a septic tank is determined by the volume of waste pumped out. The average price is 950 rubles per cubic meter. At the same time, do not forget that the price level in different companies is different, so this survey should be immediately clarified when placing an order for work.

Do-it-yourself septic tank cleaning

  • If the cost of cleaning work using special equipment is unacceptable to you, the septic tank can be cleaned on our own. If a country house is occupied only in the summer, this procedure is greatly simplified, since in this case the septic tank fills much more slowly.
  • To perform the septic tank cleaning procedure yourself, you will need a pumping container and fecal pump, which is designed for direct pumping of masses from septic tanks and cesspools. In some cases, it is possible to replace such a pump with a regular water pump, but you should be prepared for the pump to quickly become clogged with waste and sludge.
  • To reduce the likelihood of clogging in the pump and extend its service life, it is recommended to install a filter to prevent solid particles from entering the pump mechanism.
  • Before starting work, you need to prepare a container for pumped out waste. It is advisable to choose the same size as the septic tank, since otherwise pumping and withdrawal will have to be carried out in several stages. This container must have a lid to prevent waste from spilling out and spreading. unpleasant odors, both on the site and on the road to the drainage site.
  • With a place where fecal matter will be transported and wastewater, it is worth deciding before starting work. After finishing the cleaning, the septic tank must be rinsed to prevent the formation of various deposits on its walls.

From the above it is clear that the process of cleaning a septic tank yourself is extremely labor-intensive and is associated with the need to resolve many additional issues. Therefore, such work is carried out only when absolutely necessary; the optimal option is to involve special equipment and sewer cleaning specialists.

Use of biological drugs

There are cases when the owner knows in advance that it is impossible to regularly clean the septic tank. In such a situation, it is necessary to install a septic tank that does not require frequent cleaning. This is a biological septic tank, consisting of two large-volume chambers connected sewer pipe. This type of septic tank is pumped out once every ten years.

The operation of such a septic tank is carried out as follows:

  • Wastewater enters the first chamber, where it is decomposed by anaerobic bacteria. In this case, bacteria settle in the chamber on their own; their spread can be facilitated by the use of special biological products.
  • Effluent decomposes into inorganic particles, water and gas. The latter is removed from the septic tank through ventilation pipe, the water drains into the second chamber, from which it enters the soil, and the particles settle as sludge.
  • The functionality of such a system is maintained until the level of sediment reaches the level of water discharge into the second chamber.

The article discussed methods for cleaning a septic tank and emptying a sewer. In this case, the result from using each option is identical. All methods have similar features, but you need to make a choice based on your own capabilities and preferences.

To illustrate the operation of special equipment (sewage truck), we suggest watching a video.

Cleaning the septic tank is an important part of maintaining the hygiene of a private home at the proper level. Regularly performed surgery will help get rid of the remains of vital activity and create an obstacle to the spread of pathogenic diseases. Therefore, you need to know how to properly clean.

Typical problems with a clogged septic tank

In a private house where there is no connection to a centralized sewerage system, the owners equip a special place for collecting and settling domestic wastewater. Such places are called septic tanks (which means cleansing). In them dirty water settles in one or more chambers. The suspended and undissolved particles of biological and mineral origin contained in it settle to the bottom of pits located behind houses. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to clean the septic tank from accumulated bottom sediments.

By type, septic tanks are divided into:

  • single-chamber settling wells;
  • multi-chamber deep cleaning facilities.

Both of them become clogged over time. The main sources of problems are the biological waste of the family, which, together with the water, ends up in the sump. They contain active microflora in which bacteria multiply.

Their activity leads to the appearance of sludge, which accumulates on the bottom and walls of the septic tank. After a while, the silting process causes the filtration of water to stop, which stops going into the soil.

Therefore, there is a need to clean the septic tank from accumulated biologically non-degradable particles and bottom sediments.

How often should you clean your septic tank?

Cleaning the sump and pipes is a troublesome task and also requires money. Therefore, the owners of a private house try to deal with these issues as rarely as possible. Most often, when there is simply no free space left in the drive.

Meanwhile, the period of transformation of biological residues of vital activity into sludge is, on average, about 6 months. It all depends on the number of microorganisms inhabiting the septic tank well.

To maintain the system in working condition and not cause silting, it is recommended to carry out work on removing solid residues from the bottom at least once a year.

How often such work should be carried out depends on the size of the sump. For container standard size for a family of four people, the pit is made at the rate of 0.6 m³ per person. The more households there are, the larger the septic tank should be.

Therefore, in such families, cleaning can be carried out 2 times a year. However, most owners recommend not to do this operation too often. Why? The answer to this question is in the next section.

If it is decided that the septic tank will be cleaned with your own hands, the owner must know and follow several important rules.

Firstly, it is not recommended to completely remove all the sludge from the bottom of the settling tank. Some part of it should remain in place. The fact is that as a result of siltation, a microcosm with a stable ecosystem is formed in the container. The microorganisms living in it process all biological waste entering the pit, thanks to them the septic tank is not a source of pathogenic microbes. By leaving part of the sludge (no more than 20%), the owner preserves beneficial bacteria and gives them the opportunity to continue their beneficial activities.

Secondly, cleaning pipes and containers should not be done using chlorine or manganese. These substances will destroy not only the unpleasant odor, but also all the useful abodes of the wastewater accumulation and recycling system in homes. The reader will be surprised, but after such an operation, experienced owners advise buying in specialized stores a set of substances that contain microorganisms that process biological waste into sludge.

Currently, cleaning a septic tank with your own hands is done in two ways: mechanical and biological. Each of them will be discussed separately.

Mechanical cleaning of the drive

A traditional method of cleaning septic tanks, which can be done either independently or with the involvement of outside specialists.

The most primitive option is to remove the accumulated silt and debris yourself using a shovel and bucket. However, it is associated with a number of unpleasant aspects, the main of which is the smell. And picking through the dirt left after water purification is not the most pleasant experience.

Therefore, owners prefer to pump out using pumps and hoses. To do this, water is pumped into the container, it “stirs up” the bottom sediments, which makes it easier to remove them along with the liquid.

In some systems, sludge is removed from the system using special pipes. They are cleaned under pressure, which makes it easier to remove solid particles from the storage tank.

Those home owners who don’t want to bother with cleaning the septic tank call septic tank specialists, who, using the equipment they have, do all the work. The advantage of this method is that there is no problem with where to put the sludge taken from the settling tank. Hired specialists remove the suspended matter and dump it in specially designated areas.

Biological sludge removal

Some people clean the septic tank with their own hands using special biological agents. They can be purchased in specialized stores. These agents are similar in their action to the processes that occur in the septic tank itself. The active microorganisms contained in the preparations, entering a fertile environment for themselves, begin to actively eat sludge.

Note that bacteria do not completely destroy all bottom sediments. Therefore, having decided how to clean the septic tank with their help, you should understand that after a while you will still have to do mechanical cleaning silt. But microorganisms will significantly reduce its amount in the container, which means you will have to resort to the help of specialists or do it yourself much less often than usual.

When colonizing a septic tank with a colony of microorganisms, a number of conditions must be observed. First, immediately after adding bacteria to the storage tank, you need to pour a large amount of water. If you leave the pit dry for any length of time, the colony will die and the expense will be in vain.

Secondly, after colonization with beneficial bacteria, it is strictly forbidden to add chlorine or substances containing this element to the system. It will kill all microflora, and the expenses will again be in vain.

In conclusion, we note that no matter what method of cleaning the septic tank is chosen by the owner of the house, this must be done regularly and efficiently. Biological additives will help remove excess bottom sediments, but general cleaning of the storage tank still needs to be done once a year. This will keep the system in order. Without cleaning, it will silt and become a health hazard.

The septic tank allows you to cleanse various contaminants huge volumes of water. But it itself begins to need cleaning from time to time, because silt or other solid waste settles in it. Cleaning septic tanks is a very important task that has to be solved from time to time.

How to do this job the best way, and what are the specifics of cleaning different types of septic tanks?

What is a septic tank?

A septic tank is a flow-through structure, usually of the simplest type, which is designed for treating domestic wastewater.

When using them, we usually talk about fecal and domestic water in a volume not exceeding 25 cubic meters per day, and their purification by trapping insoluble compounds and organic matter and decomposing them anaerobically, that is, without access to oxygen. Any biological treatment septic tank accumulates sediment during operation, which must be removed.

Design Features

Each septic tank is a kind of septic tank, which consists of one, two, or even more chambers. Are being created septic tanks from the materials itself different types, among which we can list brick, polyethylene, steel, and concrete. These units are located underground, and all wastewater is supplied to them ().

It makes sense to install these structures in cases where there is simply no access to the usual sewage system, and therefore they became widespread just outside the city, at dachas and country houses. With such structures, no problems with wastewater arise - all wastewater is sent to a septic tank, where it is purified to an acceptable level and re-entered into the environment.

How it works?

The process of water purification is quite simple.

  • So, fecal or domestic water from the house ends up in a septic tank, where the water settles for at least a day. And all suspended particles, as the water moves through the chambers, sink to the bottom.
  • At the same time, a deep biological treatment septic tank is densely populated with microorganisms, among which there are anaerobic ones, which live in this sediment and transform it into sludge in a period of 6 days to 2 months.
  • The clarified wastewater is sent to a filter well, from where it gradually goes into the soil thanks to the drainage network.

The water leaves, but the silt remains. It needs to be removed from septic tanks from time to time.

How are septic tanks cleaned?

Don’t know how to clean a septic tank and how often such an event should be carried out? – It should be cleaned at least once a year. But cleaning this structure does not mean it is necessary to remove all the sludge completely.

It is necessary to leave about 20 percent of it - this will preserve the bacteria that decompose organic matter, and therefore will allow the septic tank to operate successfully in the future. Yes, you can clean out the septic tank completely and buy bacteria to populate them artificially, but the most practical approach is still to preserve part of the sludge in its rightful place.

The very cleaning of the septic tank from sludge can occur in the following ways.

  • If there are special sludge pipes, the sludge can be removed with their help; it will flow out by gravity in the presence of some pressure.
  • If there are no sludge pipes provided by the design, it is necessary to pump out the sludge by immersing the suction pipes of the sewer machine.
  • All pipes and communications leading to the septic tank, if correct operation no cleaning required. If, for one reason or another, a dense congestion has formed, sewage disposal equipment will again help.

Important! If you have long pipes leading to a septic tank, you should also provide an inspection well when laying them, which will help solve problems with pipes and possible blockages, change the direction of the pipeline itself. Also, do not forget about preventive measures that allow you to maintain pipes in good condition and not encounter problems.

Professional option

In some cases, sludge removal does not turn out to be a problem at all - if the biological treatment septic tank is equipped with an automatic solids removal system. In this case, all sediments and activated sludge are removed into storage tanks using pumps and filters. This is very convenient system, which does not make a person wonder how to clean a septic tank.

After all, maintenance in such a situation consists only of replacing removable tanks - you need to replace a filled one with an empty one, and that’s it. The fullness can be assessed visually; the system provides full access to removable elements, allowing you to perform maintenance completely yourself - no need to invite any vacuum cleaners. Yes, the price of such systems is higher, but their operation always pays off.

In almost all other cases, you cannot do without vacuum cleaners, or you have to independently purchase equipment that will help in removing accumulated masses - pump, hoses, pipes.

Microbiology will help!

There is another rather interesting one that prevents the formation of sludge.

With them, too, the question of how to clean a septic tank does not arise - with such a “population” of the septic tank, which can be bought in specialized stores, the water is purified to a safe state, and no sludge is formed, because its layer is loosened and even the smell is eliminated - they work so effectively these microorganisms. They can decompose not only neutral or fecal waters, but also fats.

There are special instructions that will help you cope with microorganisms and provide them with all the conditions for optimal performance. So:

  • You cannot pour chlorine into a septic tank; it quickly kills bacteria. Manganese and other chemicals are also dangerous for them.
  • If chemicals get into the septic tank, you should immediately purchase and add new drugs that will allow you to repopulate the structure. Before this, the septic tank should be filled with additional volumes of plain water.
  • If the contents have thickened or hardened, it is also necessary to fill everything with water and populate it with new microorganisms. Using suitable crops will help reduce siltation levels and you will save on cleanup costs.

Thus, a deep cleaning septic tank does not always have to be cleaned manually. And the video in this article will help you understand all the many cleaning methods.

Important! The tee at the outlet of the septic tank should be periodically cleaned manually.


Thus, cleaning it yourself is quite possible. You can do this yourself with the help of bacteria and preparations containing them, or by using design features septic tank, or using hoses and a pump ().

In the photo you could see all the main options for performing such tasks. You can also simply call a vacuum cleaner who will clean the drains and structure using their own professional equipment.