How to glue wallpaper on the corners. How to glue wallpaper in corners if they are uneven

Nowadays non-woven wallpaper or wallpaper based on it is becoming more and more popular, and this is not at all surprising. They are distinguished by durability, ease of maintenance, and soundproofing qualities. In addition, in Lately Manufacturers produce wallpaper twice as wide as a regular roll, 1 meter and several centimeters wide. Thus, gluing can be done several times faster, and there are fewer joints.

But many are afraid to purchase non-woven wallpaper because they are worried that they will not be able to stick it correctly, especially in the corners. Such worries are absolutely groundless, because in order to cover the corners efficiently and beautifully, it is enough to know simple rules. Let's look at this topic in more detail.

What is non-woven wallpaper

In fact, this is wallpaper that is made of foamed vinyl, and the base is non-woven material. This lining material based on cellulose fibers, which should be at least 70% of the composition. Their main advantage is that they visually level out all the unevenness of the wall, making it perfectly smooth. Also, vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing insulates the room from extraneous sounds: the knocking and screams of neighbors behind the wall will become less noticeable.

Non-woven wallpaper or vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis can be painted several times and even washed with a sponge to remove dirt. And when you decide to make repairs and peel off the wallpaper, you can only remove upper layer, and the non-woven one will serve as a basis for gluing new ones.

Non-woven wallpaper is very practical; you don’t need any special skills to glue it. But there are a few tips that will undoubtedly be useful to owners who decide to do the repairs themselves.

You can clearly see how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the video:

Gluing internal corners

Remember, the main rule for pasting corners is not to do it with one piece, so that one part of the solid strip is on one wall, and the second on the other. In this case, the non-woven wallpaper may stretch, and the result will definitely not hit you. This rule applies to both internal and external corners. The right decision will cover each wall with a separate piece, which simply fit together correctly.

To glue correctly, there are several ways that will undoubtedly lead you to the expected result.

Option 1. One of the most simple methods is wallpapering in the corner with an overlap. Thus, one sheet is glued with a spacing of 1-1.5 cm, and the second exactly along the corner line, i.e. There is no gap between the wallpaper, and the angle is neat and visually even.

Attention! Non-woven wallpaper is quite dense and thick, so the cut will still be visible.

Option 2. This method is most often used in rooms where the walls are not quite right and are a little overwhelmed. The first sheet is pasted with an allowance on the adjacent wall, so as to cover the entire corner. The width of the overlap depends on how uneven the walls in the room are. The second one is also glued with an overlap, so that the design is not distorted or displaced. After this, use a level or any other flat object to push a clear line, and use a sharp stationery knife make a precise cut. Then easily remove the top excess strip.

The bottom part will be more difficult to remove, but just peel back the glued top part and you'll be good to go. After this, reapply glue to the edges and carefully attach them in place. The whole procedure should be carried out as quickly as possible, and then you will get the ideal angle even on such difficult smooth walls.

Option 3. One strip is glued to the wall with an overlap of about 2 cm. Then, using a plastic spatula, it is carefully driven into the depths of the corner. All folds and irregularities can be eliminated quite simply: you need to make several cuts and overlaps, thus eliminating the unevenness of the canvas and the wall.

Next, take a long metal spatula, press it tightly to the corner and carefully cut off the excess material in one motion. The second strip is glued in the same way and cut. If everything is done correctly and carefully, you will get a monolithic seam that will be almost invisible to prying eyes.

Some options can be seen visually here:

External corners

In addition to internal corners, any room also has external ones. Often these are window slopes or niches and protrusions that cannot be ignored. They have their own characteristics of pasting. By using little secrets gluing will be easy, and the corners will be neat and beautiful. The algorithm for pasting external corners is as follows:

Some more tips and interesting solutions To correctly glue wallpaper, including non-woven wallpaper, on uneven walls, you can watch the video:

In the end, I would like to say that non-woven wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper are quite dense and practical material, which is very easy to glue. It cleans well and will please the eyes of its owners for a long time.

Wallpapering walls - affordable modern remedy interior decoration. Depending on the material used, you can hide some flaws and defects in the walls. People involved in renovation know that incorrect wallpaper application technology and haste lead to ugly consequences and a waste of time and effort.

Before you get started, read the instructions for applying wallpaper to walls.

What angle should you start from?

Properly hung wallpaper will look perfect in the interior of your home. To work you will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • dishes for diluting glue;
  • pencil;
  • roller and brush ( different sizes);
  • soft dry cloth or wallpaper brush (to remove air bubbles);
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • stepladder or chair.

Many people recommend starting work from the door, while others recommend starting from the window. In fact, it's the other way around. Previously, canvases were produced with a special edge for overlap. Therefore, we had to start gluing from the far wall with the window. Now in production different kinds wallpaper, preferably glued end-to-end.

Under no circumstances should you start gluing the material from the corner. Be sure to level the walls and prime them. Wallpapering uneven walls is not only difficult, but in some cases impossible.

For those who prefer to overlap, the first roll should be glued from the window. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to start from the doorway.

The main thing is to glue the first roll and then build on it.

Rules for gluing

Industry manufactures various types and types of wallpaper. There are paintable wallpapers - non-woven wallpaper. The advantage is that they can be painted in any color. Economical way interior decoration, because the costs are only for paint.

The wallpapering technique requires sequential steps:

  • wall preparation;
  • temporary removal of skirting boards (if possible);
  • diluting the glue according to the instructions on the package;
  • lubrication of the canvas (sometimes lubrication of the wall is required);
  • applying the roll to the wall from top to bottom;
  • removing air bubbles and wrinkles.

Rules for gluing simple wallpaper(53 cm wide) differs from meter ones (1 meter wide). At first glance, it seems that meter-long materials are much more difficult to glue.

It turns out that this is quite simple if you understand how to hang regular wallpaper.

There are a number of advantages that will change your mind:

  • less effort and time;
  • cheaper than standard wallpaper;
  • creating a seamless effect;
  • high quality(made in Belgium, Italy, France);
  • creating an interior for every taste.

Before purchasing wallpaper, be sure to calculate the cost. For this, a formula from geometry is used: (wall + adjacent wall) x 2. And remember that the length of one canvas on the wall is taken with a margin of 5 cm. Always take a spare roll so that there are no shortcomings when you paste door jambs and protrusions. Be sure to check the length of the canvas itself on the roll in the instructions.

Required condition According to safety precautions, it is necessary to de-energize the apartment or house. After disconnecting, remove the top panels of sockets and switches. When starting gluing, it is necessary to clean the room from dirt and dust.

Rip off old wallpaper coverings using an ordinary warm water. Wet the coating with water using a spray bottle and wait 20 minutes, after which the wallpaper will easily come off the walls. Remove paper using a knife or spatula. Vinyl sheets easier to tear off using perforation.

It's much more difficult to get rid of paint. For this they use grinding machine or a drill with a special attachment, but it is better to use chemical solutions for removing paint and varnish.

Using the wet method of removing old coatings, less dust is generated and the plaster does not peel off. After removing the old coating, it is necessary to eliminate and repair weak spots(cracks, potholes, bulges).

Be sure to level the walls and prime them. Wallpapering on uneven surfaces is not only difficult, but in some cases it is impossible to do. A particular difficulty for beginners in this business is the issue of gluing external and internal corners.

Internal corner

Action technology:

  1. Applying glue to the canvas or, if necessary, to the wall. Be sure to lubricate the wall joint thoroughly, as this is the most labor-intensive part in the corner.
  2. The canvas is glued so that it overlaps the adjacent wall by 4-5 cm.
  3. Knowing the width of the material, stick the next wallpaper (2-4 cm) on top of the previous one.
  4. Cut off protruding parts and top material glue in place.

If there are sockets or switches in the corner, you need to cut out round hole(smaller than the size of the switches) made of canvas in this place.

Availability rounded corners promotes the formation of air voids. Be sure to make an incision in this area and glue the material tightly. More glue is applied to this area.

External corner

The outer corner is especially noticeable in the apartment, so it requires strict accuracy.

There are 2 types of gluing external corners depending on the unevenness of the corner:

  1. If the angle is even, the canvas is glued so that it protrudes 3-4 cm on the adjacent side. Next is the gluing process using standard technology.
  2. Uneven walls. In this situation, the protrusion of the canvas onto the adjacent wall increases (4-5 cm).

It is necessary to measure the width of the panel and retreat another 5 mm. This way the gluing will overlap.

A cut is made in the middle of the overlap. Pushing aside top part wallpaper, remove protruding parts of the canvas. After removal, glue the top sheet in place.

Cuts are made on the convex surfaces of the wall and the material is pressed tightly against the wall. These methods are intended for overlapping gluing (for wide wallpaper). The designs of these wallpapers are designed to hide imperfections and protrusions.

These options are not suitable for standard paper webs. In this case, the first option with butt gluing is used.

If the walls are uneven

Perfectly straight walls are a rarity. Small errors in the unevenness of the walls are acceptable, but with large deviations and noticeable curved surfaces it is impossible to hide this when wallpapering. On the contrary, the appearance of the room’s interior is distorted.

In that case, if there are cracks, they must be repaired cement mortar . For minor cracks use gypsum plaster. Also, it will not be possible to paste wallpaper beautifully and efficiently. The appearance will not match the expected results. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Putty will be your assistant in this.

Application rules:

  • clean the surface from dirt and dust;
  • tear off the old coating (if any);
  • apply antibacterial impregnation;
  • prime the wall;
  • apply 1 layer starting putty;
  • apply a painting mesh over the putty (to prevent cracks from appearing);
  • apply a second layer of putty;
  • apply two layers finishing putty(thickness 2-4 mm);
  • after complete drying, wash with a primer;
  • remove all roughness and uneven surfaces using sandpaper.

How to stick models with a pattern?

Wallpapering corners is a difficult job in itself, especially for a beginner.

Plain colored wallpaper is a great way out. But you can bring liveliness to the interior only with the help of drawing. Also, in some cases, such models can cover up unevenness. Do not forget that the canvas is glued overlapping, otherwise the pattern will add an awkward look to the interior, and all the imperfections will be visible.

You can use the method of selecting a pattern, not forgetting that the canvases are glued overlapping, and they need to be cut off. The drawing should be average size and walk strictly along the plumb line. Large or too small drawings add a distorted effect.

A selection different colors Canvases can be used to divide a room into zones without resorting to additional costs (arches, partitions). It is important that the colors are in harmony with each other.

Uneven walls and corners are found not only in old house buildings, but also in modern new buildings. It is precisely because of this deficiency that problems arise with interior decoration. To avoid sad consequences, you should follow the rules:

  • In order for the wallpaper to stick better on the outer corners, it is necessary to press it as tightly as possible to the wall. Glue the wallpaper from top to bottom, gradually lowering towards the floor, thereby avoiding the appearance of folds.
  • If glue gets on front part material, remove it immediately soft cloth. The front sides of some types of canvas become unusable from wallpaper glue.
  • If an air bubble is detected, it must be punctured. Use a syringe to inject glue and smooth it out.
  • The inner corners of the room are the most problematic; it is in these places that peeling, swelling, and tearing occur. For effective and reliable corner gluing, add PVA glue (10%) to the water when preparing the glue. Mix the glue until smooth so that there are no lumps.

  • Make sure there are no drafts. They prevent complete and uniform drying, after which the material peels off. It is allowed to ventilate the room only after the wallpaper has completely dried. This happens within 2-3 days.
  • To better cover areas with windows and wooden openings, the canvas must be taken with a reserve and allowed to dry completely. Only after this, carefully cut off the excess material with a stationery knife.
  • The unevenness of the wall is not always noticeable. Only when pasting the internal and external corners will flaws and incorrect alignment be visible. To avoid these shortcomings, immediately before work, be sure to check using building level and plumb the curvature of the walls.
  • In the presence of thermal heating, use a thin narrow brush to lubricate the glue.

Renovating an apartment or house is a very complex and time-consuming process. And if workers do it for you, it is also expensive, since the price for the services of craftsmen is often the same as the cost of the material. Therefore, if you are at least some part repair work If you do it yourself, you can save a lot. Many people successfully hang wallpaper on their own, and find nothing difficult about it other than gluing wallpaper in the corners.

Wallpapering the corners - responsible and important stage work

Even in very nice apartments there are bad angles. Not good because they are not perfectly even. What do the experts advise?

When gluing the outer corner, you need to ensure that the strip fits snugly against the wall.

Never glue an entire strip of wallpaper. If the angle is uneven, the strip will lie in folds and will not meet the other strip. Leave a protrusion of 1.5-2 cm around the corner, then the strip will lie against the wall. Be sure to use a plumb line if gluing thick wallpaper. Glue the piece with a slight overlap onto the adjacent wall so that it is as vertical as possible.

If there are switches or sockets close to the corner, you must first remove the covers, remembering to turn off the electricity in advance. Glue the fabric onto sockets and switches, then make cuts on the wallpaper and trim the circle slightly smaller size casing. After this, return the covers to their place.

When gluing a wall near a door, it is better to approach the doors from both sides. The strip of wallpaper that spans the door should be cut vertically to the beginning of the frame. It is attached along the edge of the wall. The protrusion should be cut and adjusted over door frame.

How to properly glue wallpaper in corners: step-by-step instructions

  • Step 1: Preparing the Corner

This step is performed long before the actual wallpapering at the stage of wall putty. The corners of the room should be equipped with special plastic corners. They are attached to the walls with putty and must be fastened very securely. After this, you can move on to decorating the corners of the room.

Don't cover all the corners at once. Having chosen the corner from which you will start, prepare a strip of wallpaper of the required length. Coat the area with wallpaper glue along the width of the cut strip (plus 3-5 cm), do not forget to apply glue to the plastic corner as well. When a section of the wall and a corner have been treated with glue, attach the wallpaper there. If you started gluing from left to right, you need to apply left side To inside angle so that the strip is positioned perfectly even along its entire length.

  • Step 3: leveling the wallpaper

Level the wallpaper well in the corners to visually hide existing defects

The wallpaper is rolled out with a special roller or spatula. After this, the next section of the wall is covered with glue, and the wallpaper is glued to the next corner. How to glue the closing corner? The last strip of wallpaper should have a new strip associated with it. Roll the glue towards the corner, and when the wallpaper is glued to the inside of the corner, cut off the excess area along internal line corner with a utility knife.

    How to glue non-woven wallpaper in corners

Non-woven fabric is a special material that consists of cellulose and non-woven fibers. This is wallpaper that is intended for painting, since it outer layer unstable to mechanical damage. Gluing non-woven wallpaper in the corners is much easier than any other wallpaper, since the glue is applied only to the wall, and the dry wallpaper is attached to it. Pre-decorating the corner of the room plastic corner, stick it in the same way as described above.

How to hang wallpaper with a pattern in the corners

With a clear geometric pattern on the wallpaper, distortion must be minimized

If the pattern on the wallpaper has vertical lines, its distortion will be especially noticeable in the corners of the room. And if the pattern is horizontal, it will be skewed in relation to the ceiling and baseboards. How to avoid such troubles? It's simple. Firstly, do not forget to make a slight overlap on the adjacent wall, and secondly, hide the existing joint at the top of the corner. Thirdly, try to paste wallpaper in the corners of the room so that the smooth edge lies exactly along the vertical line you drew (plumb line). In this case, the other edge is trimmed along the edge of the corner.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid a shift in the pattern - a slight shift will most likely remain. But this is a drawback that only you will know about. After all, to detect it, you need to carefully study the corners of the room. If you follow all the rules, the wallpaper will lie vertically on the adjacent wall, which means that the distortion of the pattern will not be noticeable.

There are now high demands on the appearance of the interior. Owners of Khrushchev apartments, who have repeatedly glued paper trellises in their apartments, now do not dare to begin repairs with their own hands. They don't know how to put wallpaper in the corners to make the room look good. Vinyl and non-woven fabrics are more difficult to work with. They are heavy and require certain skills. If you properly cover the corners with wallpaper, then next repair won't be soon.

Uneven corners frighten novice craftsmen, but even ones are very rare

It is difficult to bring two planes together perfectly. Therefore, even with smooth walls, the corners have a lot of deviations. I had a lot of work and Vadik had to decorate his aunts’ apartments on his own. He was hesitant to start because he didn’t know how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners.

I decided to show my friend how to wallpaper the rooms of old houses in practice. One of my teams was renovating an apartment in a historical building. Vadik could see:

  • preparation;
  • alignment methods;
  • how to use perforated corners;
  • finishing the room.

The technology for finishing corners with wallpaper of all types is the same. Only thin paper trellises and fiberglass webs can differ. Work must begin from front door rooms when gluing end to end. When applying the edges of strips of thin trellises - away from the window.

Preparation and leveling makes subsequent finishing easier

When doing renovations in old apartments, I always putty the walls and install perforated corners. They simultaneously serve as beacons and protect the ledges from destruction. I choose cardboard ones if internal corners have slight irregularities. In all other cases I use a PVC profile.

  1. I'm checking laser level verticality of the walls. You can use a plumb line. I choose a flatter base surface.
  2. I putty and embed the profile in the solution, leveling it.
  3. After drying, I smooth it with another layer of putty. For paper and non-woven wallpaper I use an additional finishing compound.

If customers don’t want to spend money on leveling and corners, then I simply fill up large depressions. I cover the corner with wallpaper, cut a strip 10–12 cm wide. I place it evenly on both walls, making cuts for a tight fit. After this, it is easier to glue wallpaper in the corners. If the top fabric has to be cut or the paper trellises burst, then thanks to the background made of the same material it will not be noticeable.

Advice! It’s better to align the corners well once than to fool your head every time you wallpaper a room.

Paste over the protrusions

The last strip in front of the corner is cut off so that it extends onto the other wall by approximately 2–5 cm, depending on the curvature. How more differences, the wider the approach. It should completely cover the most convex place by at least 8 mm.

For a better fit, I make notches with a sharp knife or just cuts with scissors. It is desirable that they be inclined towards the edge. I cover the corners with wallpaper and smooth out the main part first, then the strip around the corner.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of an apartment?

Before you start gluing the wall from the corner, measure the width of the trellis and draw a line vertically along the level. I also check the condition of the corner. Side surface The strips should go along the deepest dent. I paste it strictly vertically, according to the markings. Near the corner the edge lies flat. The protrusions are hidden under the wallpaper that was pasted earlier.

It is better to cut wallpaper with large patterns so that the lines match. A slight shift will not be noticeable.

I cut thick vinyl wallpaper using a ruler at a distance of 2 mm from the edge of the top sheet. Using a sharp knife, I cut both pieces strictly vertically along the entire height. I remove the excess and the canvases lie end to end. For strength, I put a painting mesh.

Advice! Use clear glue.

We start gluing from the door

My friend was able to see everything and now wallpapering in the corners did not scare him. Before you start finishing the room, you should draw vertical lines and check the condition of the corners. If not professional level, you can use a weight on the thread.

  1. We glue it with an overlap of up to 5 cm on the adjacent wall.
  2. Smooth the main fabric to the corner and glue it.
  3. We make cuts and tightly fill all the unevenness with wallpaper.
  4. Mark the vertical and stick it according to the picture next page butt to corner.
  5. Using a ruler, we cut both sheets at a distance of 1–2 cm.
  6. Remove excess pieces of wallpaper.
  7. By bending both edges we glue the painting mesh. Coats it with additional glue.
  8. We connect the strips end to end along the cutting line and press.

Before gluing wallpaper in the corners, make an approximate marking of the location of the stripes on all walls. If a piece of wallpaper ends close to a corner, immediately move the first strip. You can start with a strip cut along the length.

Simple techniques to hide unevenness by combining

I told Vadik earlier that to create original interior combination with different patterns and tones is used. After a tour of the ancient building, he expressed the opinion that the designers came up with such a technique to hide defects.

Before starting renovations, consider options for decorating the interior with companion wallpaper. First, cover the walls with trellises with a pattern, extending onto the adjacent wall. Then you create the transition with plain stripes. The cutting lines will visually look like straight corners. Irregularities will not be noticeable.

For those with no experience, combining is more accessible than wallpapering with a pattern. At the same time, you adjust the shape of the room and enlarge it.

How to choose the right wallpaper depending on the shape and purpose of the room

Today, the most popular way to decorate walls is wallpapering. As it might seem at first glance to a novice master, step-by-step instruction is simple, which is why many apartment owners decide to stick wallpaper on their own, without knowing the specifics of the work. As a result, the fit of the paintings is incorrect, unevenness and other defects are noticeable, which shorten the life of the finish.

If the house has smooth, properly prepared walls without defects, it’s really not difficult to start gluing wallpaper. But few people know how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners, following the pattern, so that it looks beautiful and neat. In this case, you need to know about the techniques, without the use of which you should not start gluing wallpaper.
Next we will talk about in different ways How to properly glue wallpaper in the corners of a room, we will provide video and photo lessons that will help you save and complete beautiful design kitchen, corridor or hall independently.

What problems might you encounter?

Ideally, in order not to cut the strip at the joint, the corner in the room should be perfectly straight and vertical. In this case, gluing the wallpaper will not be difficult; all work will be reduced to a continuous operation, which consists of treating the wallpaper and walls with glue and fixing the canvas.

But not everyone can boast of perfectly even corners in their home, so at least one corner will be uneven and cause difficulties. Wherein appearance the first wall covered will be vertical, and the junction of the canvases and the subsequent transition to another surface will become increasingly distorted. This will make subsequent selection of the pattern impossible.

Preparing corners

If the corners seem absolutely even, before gluing the wallpaper, it is enough to go over them with fine-grained sandpaper or a thick, hard cloth to remove barely noticeable defects and remove debris and dust.
But, if the corners are noticeably crooked, have protrusions, or, conversely, cracks and niches, they must be leveled with putty. If the damage is very large (for example, there are pieces of the wall falling out), it is appropriate to use plastic corners.

Take note! Before pasting wallpaper, consider the following features:

  • no need to cover the corners with a whole sheet of wallpaper;
  • Do not glue wallpaper end-to-end in the corners.

If you glue the corners end-to-end, you will not be able to avoid unsightly cracks. Also, unevenly laid wallpaper in a corner will distort the entire picture and the overall vertical. The best option– sticker wallpaper with an overlap, but please note that too wide an overlap is unacceptable, it optimal width should not exceed 1-1.5 centimeters.

Features of work depending on the type of wallpaper

No less important point, which needs to be taken into account before starting to paste the walls - the material from which the canvas is made, because different material requires different approach to work. How does variety affect finishing material For the corner formation technology, see the table below.

Type of wallpaper

Features of the work

Paper A paper roll of wallpaper, which does not have complex additives, is the most demanding. You need to work with such wallpaper as quickly as possible so that the material does not absorb excessive amounts of moisture from the glue. If you overexpose the panel treated with glue, you risk that it will fall apart in your hands onto the lapti.
Vinyl How to glue meter-long vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base in the corners depends on many details. Before applying glue-treated wallpaper to the wall, you need to give it time to soak. Please note that some varieties vinyl wallpaper can be coated with a gentle coating, which can only be worked with a roller with a rubber working blade. Since this material is very heavy, the corners must be carefully opened with glue to ensure sufficient adhesion of the material to the wall.
Non-woven How to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners, and generally on the wall, is slightly different from working with paper varieties. They do not need to be treated with glue, just coat the wall. In order to secure the edge of such a canvas well, just before forming the overlap in the corner, the wallpaper must be additionally coated with glue.

Please note that the thicker the wallpaper is used, the smaller the overlap needs to be.

How to glue wallpaper in corners (video)

Wallpapering the inner corners

The goal of high-quality wallpapering is to ensure that “wrinkles” do not form during the work, and that there is no gap between the panels towards the baseboard. To achieve this, you need to install a strip of wallpaper so that the grip on the adjacent wall does not exceed 2cm. To do this, it is important to take into account how strongly the angle is curved, because the greater the deviation from the norm, the larger the allowance needs to be formed.

It is very important to press the wallpaper against the wall as firmly as possible. If this causes “wrinkles” to form, they can be reduced slightly (sometimes even completely removed) by cutting the wallpaper in the direction of the formed wave. Since the beginning has been made, now it’s time to apply the markings, following which the second strip will be laid. To do this, it is necessary to set aside the width of the wallpaper, reduced by 5 mm, from the overlap of the first strip, which was launched onto the adjacent wall. Then you need to put the vertical aside with a level and glue the second strip.

How to design external corners?

To form an outer corner, you need to mark a point that will be the start of the sheet of wallpaper so that it goes around the corner by 3cm. The edge of the panel must be carefully fixed to the wall, and if “wrinkles” form, you can remove them, as we described above in the article.

Along the edge of the canvas that is laid on the adjacent wall, tear off a thin strip of wallpaper so that there is a small edge left. Such actions will remove excess volume from the seam, making the overlap less noticeable. Then, using a level, you need to set aside the distance from the corner, which is the width of the wallpaper sheet, plus 6mm. Along this line, you can glue the next strip of wallpaper so that the edge of the new canvas overlaps the edge previously placed on the wall. Applying force and pressing the joint tightly, trim the wallpaper and treat the joint with a rubber roller.

Photo gallery of finished works