How to paint gates on the street. How and with what to paint garage doors? Difficulty in cleaning forged elements

When installing metal garage doors, they must be painted not only for decoration reasons, but also to protect the metal from exposure environment, which will significantly extend their service life. Before you paint Garage Doors, you need to choose the right paint, properly prepare the surface and apply paintwork in compliance with technology.

Garage Door Paint Requirement

In order to choose the right paint, it is necessary to determine what characteristics it must have in order to ensure high-quality protection and at the same time have a beautiful view.

These characteristics include:

  • Adhesion level. Metal has a unique surface structure and the paint you choose should be intended specifically for metal coatings.
  • The absence of various types of chemical additives that may react with metal coating, causing it to oxidize, which will result in swelling of the painted surface.
  • The instructions for the paint should contain a statement that the coating is waterproof and withstands moisture well, since moisture is the most destructive element for metal.

Important. It must be remembered that under the influence high temperatures metal tends to expand, which can ultimately cause cracking of the protective paint layer. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to choose a type of paint that creates an elastic protective layer, capable of withstanding the expansion and contraction of a metal surface.

  • Garage door paint must be able to withstand the effects of chemicals and fuels and lubricants, as well as withstand light mechanical loads while maintaining the integrity of the layer.

Having formulated the basic requirements for the coating, we can safely go to a specialized store and select the type of paint we need in order to paint the garage door with our own hands with the highest possible quality.

What type of paint to choose for garage doors

The modern paint and varnish market can offer great amount various mixtures, among which it is very easy for an unprepared person to get confused, even knowing the above requirements. So, our garage door paint should be heat resistant, water resistant and intended for painting metal surfaces for outdoor use.

The paint layer must withstand contact chemicals, have an elastic structure and withstand mechanical loads. Let us immediately note that the price of such paint will be significantly higher than that of a similar product for interior work.

Under defined by us physical properties There are three types of modern paints:

  • Acrylic paint- It is the most modern look coating that fully complies with the characteristics listed above. This enamel is high price category, however, such costs are justified by it for a long time services subject to application technology.
  • Silicon-organic paint It is characterized by increased strength and high elasticity of the applied protective layer. It has excellent adhesion to many materials and, due to the presence of silicon in the composition, gives the metal additional anti-corrosion properties.
  • Alkyd paint can be used for interior and exterior painting, has good elasticity and resistance to mechanical stress. The composition has a huge selection of different color variations, but many brands of this paint do not tolerate exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which leads to loss of color characteristics of the coating.

For your information. If your gate is actively exposed to the sun, then it is recommended to choose organosilicon compounds, as they can withstand high temperatures without losing physical qualities. Enamels on acrylic base They are practically odorless, do not emit toxic substances and can be used for interior painting. Take these features into account when choosing what paint to paint your garage door.

Tools and materials for painting

To perform the work efficiently and quickly, we will need:

  • Paint for with appropriate characteristics;
  • Primer for pre-coating metal surfaces;
  • Solvent, preferably White Spirit;
  • Roller and brush;
  • Metal brush, grinder or sandpaper, depending on the amount of rust on the gate;
  • Rags.

Important. As an additional tool, before painting the garage door, you can prepare masking tape, a step ladder and electric spray gun, which will allow you to quickly and evenly apply paint over a large area.

Preparing the gate for painting

Before you paint your garage door, its surface must be properly prepared to ensure that the paint adheres as firmly as possible.

Let's consider the main stages of preparation:

  • Surface cleaning. All old paint from the metal surface must be removed, and all traces of rust must be cleaned to bare metal. To do this, you can use a metal brush or grinder with a special attachment.

For your information. If old paint holds firmly, then to remove it you can use a hair dryer, which will heat the surface and make it easy to remove the layer with a scraper. You can also use special remedy to remove paint, but when working with it you need to use a respirator and goggles, as it emits dangerous toxic substances.

  • Surface grinding. It is highly advisable to sand metal surface fine-grained sandpaper, as shown in the photo above, so that the plane acquires a rough texture, which will provide better adhesion to the primer.
  • Degreasing. Before painting the garage door with a primer, the metal surface must be degreased with White Spirit; hard to reach places, this is especially true for garage hinges.
  • Surface primer. The primer is used to create the overall tone of the surface and provide better adhesion. It is the layer of soil that gives the gate smoothness, which will ensure a beautiful appearance. Garage doors are painted in 2-3 layers, with each subsequent layer applied after the previous one has dried.

After last layer When the soil is completely dry, you can start painting.

Important. Before painting your garage door, select sunny and dry weather for this process, since the presence of rain and high humidity unacceptable for painting work. It is also not advisable to have a strong wind, as the paint will harden faster and will not adhere well to the surface.

Garage door painting process

Painting garage doors is the most important undertaking, the quality of which determines not only the appearance, but also the service life of the coating. To apply paint, a roller or spray gun is usually used in order to avoid pronounced stains.

For high-quality painting You must adhere to several basic rules:

  • Paint application begins from the top of the gate, gradually going down, which avoids drips and sagging;
  • When applying paint in stripes, each next strip should overlap the previous one so that the surface is uniform.
  • It is better to paint in lines from top to bottom, visually dividing the surface into several parts. It is advisable to apply paints and varnishes in two or three layers, this will help give the surface a more saturated color and avoid accidental omissions.

Important. When choosing an option for how to paint a garage door, keep in mind that using a spray gun significantly reduces paint consumption, but there is a high probability of paint getting onto adjacent surfaces that must first be covered. Also, the spray gun should not be used in strong winds.

From of this material You learned how to properly paint a garage door and prepare the surface. It is advisable to carry out painting at an ambient temperature of +10 to +25 degrees and in the absence of humidity.

Most garages are equipped with iron gates, which begin to rust over time. For additional protection against corrosion, the gates are painted. However, before this you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of paints and the features of their use.

Before painting the garage door, you need to determine which paint is best to use. To do this, you will have to familiarize yourself with the basic compositions used for exterior and interior painting.


To work with metal surfaces, experts advise using hammer compounds. They are made for application to the surface of metal structures, forged products and other iron elements. The advantages of hammer fluids include resistance to sudden temperature changes and high humidity.

The paint acquires the listed characteristics due to the fact that it contains styrene, epoxy and acrylic components.

Metal surfaces that are coated with hammer compounds will be protected from corrosion for 5-8 years.


When conducting finishing and repair works often use oil paints, which can protect iron surfaces from rust. Among the main advantages of such compositions are the following:

  • High level of overlap. Oil paints perfectly cover the initial color of the surface being treated, which reduces its consumption.
  • Resistance to humidity. Thanks to this quality, all painted iron products are reliably protected from corrosion.
  • Protection from mechanical damage. Painted surfaces are resistant to damage and abrasion.


Some people confuse alkyd and oil paints, since they are made from oils. However, alkyd paint composition There is distinctive feature, which lies in the fact that it is made not from ordinary, but from modified drying oil. Such mixtures are often used to coat metal surfaces, as they have good adhesion and moisture resistance.

The disadvantages of alkyd liquids include them high level toxicity. Therefore, you should not use them to decorate walls inside a living space.


Acrylic compositions can be used for interior and exterior decoration. They are suitable for coating the surface of mirrors, glass, wooden furniture and floors. However, it is better not to use acrylic mixtures for processing iron products, as they do not protect well from high humidity.

Tool preparation

Used for painting work various instruments. To apply the composition to the surface of the gate, you can use the following:

  • Brush. It is considered the most affordable painting tool that is sold in every hardware store. The disadvantages of brushes include the fact that after the gate is painted, marks remain on its surface.
  • Roller. For a more even distribution of the compounds, it is recommended to use rollers. This perfect choice, if you need to paint large garage doors. However, when using large rollers, you will have to additionally use brushes to apply paint in hard-to-reach places.
  • Spray. Some people prefer to paint with a spray bottle. However, before using such a tool, you will have to familiarize yourself with the basic nuances of its use. A person must know how to adjust the gun and adjust its pressure. You will also have to calculate in advance how much paint to spray on the surface so that drips do not appear on it.

Surface cleaning

To prevent the gate from deteriorating under the influence of moisture, carry out painting work. However, before this you will have to familiarize yourself with how to properly clean their surface from dirt or remnants of old paint.


Often, a mechanized method is used to clean iron surfaces from corrosion, dirt or paint. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • A screwdriver equipped with a brush attachment. This brush will completely remove dried paint from the gate and make its surface perfectly smooth.
  • Sander. Special device, intended for grinding metal products.
  • Grinder with a special attachment for grinding metal. To get rid of old dried paint, use brass nozzles. To clean dirt, brushes are used instead. You must use the grinder very carefully, as during its operation you can damage your hands and eyes.


Sometimes it is not easy to get rid of old paint using a mechanized method and you have to use a chemical one. However, some argue that after using chemicals, painted gates quickly peel off. This often happens when cleaning mixtures are applied incorrectly.

In order for the paint to last longer, you will have to thoroughly rinse and dry the gate after using chemical cleaning agents.

Rust neutralizer

To clean a metal surface from corrosion, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • a reagent in the form of a gel is carefully applied to the sanded area of ​​the gate;
  • the surface is covered with polyethylene, which helps to accelerate the dissolution of rust residues;
  • after 25-35 minutes, use a spatula to remove liquefied rust from the gate;
  • the cleaned area of ​​the gate is washed again to remove residues.

Surface degreasing

Degreasing - mandatory procedure which is carried out before painting iron surfaces. Degreasing is done for:

  • cleaning metal from oily and greasy stains;
  • increasing the adhesion of paint to painted gates;
  • increasing paint service life.

To carry out the procedure use:

  • Aqueous solutions. Main feature Such mixtures are considered to be environmentally friendly and have a high level of cleaning abilities. After several treatments of the gate with liquid, its surface will be completely clear of fats and oils. However, before this, metal products will have to be treated with anti-rust liquids.
  • Emulsions. Sometimes ordinary aqueous solutions do not cope with degreasing and you have to use emulsion products. Such compositions are effective in combating dried paint, oily stains or carbon deposits. The effectiveness of emulsions is due to the fact that they contain emulsifiers mixed with water and solvents.


To prevent the painted surface from cracking for a long time after painting, you will have to apply priming. The procedure is carried out to hide cracks, roughness and other irregularities that may be present on the garage door. Also, pre-priming increases the level of adhesion, so that the paint stays on iron products longer.

Experts advise using an inhibitory primer, which has anti-corrosion properties. It is made of zinc, which can protect the metal surface from rust. Gates treated with a primer are reliably protected from temperature changes and high humidity.

You can also use a mixture that is made from acrylic styrene, pigments, resins and other organic trace elements. Its advantages include a long service life, frost resistance, fast drying speed and fire-fighting properties.

The primer composition is applied to the gate in two layers using a brush or spray. However, some people also make a third layer for more reliable protection metal structure.

Selecting the optimal color

When choosing a color for a garage door, many take into account only the preferences of the garage owner. However, when choosing a color, you should pay attention to other criteria. For example, the degree to which the painted product will attract solar heat depends on the chosen shade. Light shades push him away, and the dark ones attract him.

Many people do not advise painting them too much light colors, since they fade faster and also become very dirty. On dark gates, dust or dirt is less noticeable than on light ones.

Let's start painting

To properly paint garage doors with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of painting metal structures.

The work must be carried out at optimal temperature and suitable weather conditions. Experts advise painting when the outside temperature exceeds ten degrees Celsius. At low temperatures, paint cannot be used, as it will not apply well to the metal surface.

You also need to make sure that the gates are not exposed to the sun's rays, as they heat up the iron, which may cause the following problems in the future:

  • uneven distribution of liquid;
  • drips in areas illuminated by sunlight;
  • the appearance of swelling due to reduced adhesion.

To ensure that the composition stays on the surface for a long time, when performing work, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • areas that do not need to be painted are sealed with tape, newspapers or adhesive tape;
  • sectional doors are painted from the upper left or right corner to prevent drips;
  • after applying the first layer of paint, the painted surface is carefully inspected to identify poorly painted areas;
  • grooves, hinges, latches and other hard-to-reach areas of the gate are painted not with a roller, but with a brush;
  • No unpainted areas should be left on the gate, as they will contribute to the spread of corrosion;
  • the second layer is applied to the surface after the first has dried.

Do not apply more than two layers to the surface, as multi-layer paint quickly becomes blistered and peels off.

Drying gates

After completing the work, begin drying the painted surface. On average, this process lasts two days. However, there are several ways to speed it up. For example, you can use a heater or construction hairdryer. When exposed to high temperatures, the gate will dry completely within 3-4 hours.

The paint for the gate should be selected not only taking into account the individual wishes of the owner. The main criterion is compliance with all existing quality standards.

One of the main selection criteria is high quality

The quality of the paint should allow it to withstand all atmospheric fluctuations, as well as exposure to sunlight, hail, rain and snow.

How to choose paint

The modern market offers a huge amount paint and varnish materials.

Oil enamel It has good characterization and is highly wear resistant

The best paints sold in specialized construction stores.

The main types of paint are presented in the table:

HammerThe most popular option. The main advantage is resistance to corrosion and other negative processes. Suitable for both outdoor and interior decoration. The paint composition is enriched with metal and silicone resin pigments. Resistance to negative natural factors is ensured precisely thanks to pigments.
OilyBased on drying oil. Intended for outdoor use. The main advantage is the affordable cost. It is used infrequently due to its poor resistance to moisture. A few heavy rains can have an impact Negative influence on the appearance of the structure.
AlkydThe environment has little effect on paint. One of the absolute advantages is the presence of high adhesion to the coating. Unfortunately, enamel is toxic. When working with it, you need to protect your respiratory tract as much as possible.
AcrylicThe most popular composition, actively used for interior decoration. Not suitable for outdoor use due to sensitivity to temperature changes. After a certain time, painted gates lose their attractiveness.

Why choose hammer paint?

How to paint metal gates on the street? The ideal choice is hammer or blacksmith paint. The coating is highly durable.

Initially, it was used for finishing equipment in laboratories and factories, which was later intended for use in adverse weather conditions.

The main advantage is durability, as well as the absence of harmful impurities

Over time, designers paid attention to the specific “shagreen” structure of the paint. Today it is used almost everywhere.

The main advantages include:

  • magnificent decorative properties. The color palette is quite rich. The painted surface is resistant to the effects of the scorching sun and never fades;
  • no temperature vagaries have a detrimental effect on the paint;
  • when the composition dries, there are no toxic fumes. Against this background, it is allowed to use the remains for painting interior items;
  • The composition is perfect for painting rusty coatings. No pre-treatment is needed;
  • the composition has excellent mechanical strength;
  • the paint dries very quickly;
  • moisture resistance. High-quality composition able to protect metal from corrosion for 8-10 years;
  • unique texture. If defects form, they can be easily retouched. The tint will not be noticeable.

Note! Possessing dirt and dust-repellent properties, the paint provides the surface with a clean, “glossy” appearance in any conditions.

Main disadvantages:

  • undemocratic price. Considering the high consumption, painting can cost a pretty penny;
  • quick adhesion to the surface. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time. The bad thing is that drops of paint are difficult to remove even with very strong solvents. If you are unlucky enough to stain something with paint, you will have to tinker for a long time before removing it;
  • the thickness of the enamel does not allow it to be loaded into a spray gun;
  • corrosion that appears in unpainted areas quickly affects the main area.

Hammerite paint is the perfect choice

Types of enamel:

ViewWhat is thisDescription
"Hammerite"Unique 2 in 1 composition. Made in Great Britain.An expensive composition with virtually no drawbacks. Apply directly to rust. Lasts for decades.
ML-165The base is styrene-alkyd.The best qualities are adhesion and resistance to heat (up to +125 degrees). Xylene is used for dissolution. Applicable to all types of coating.
NC-221Nitroenamel.The functions are largely decorative. Than protective ones. Not suitable for application on rust. It can be used indoors and outdoors at the same time. Heat resistance is average.
AP-1323Epoxy enamel (primer+paint)A unique composition that allows you to paint any surface. You can work with rust. Removed with solvent 667. You can also use grade 648.

Important! Forge enamel is applied only in calm, sunny weather.

With high humidity, you can encounter various difficulties. Perhaps the paint will not adhere well, and there will be a need to repaint.

Primer for painting

Paint for iron gates requires pre-treatment of the surface with a primer. This helps to increase the quality of adhesion and improve external characteristics. The nature of the primer must fully correspond to the nature of the paint used.

Priming - the most important stage before painting

What is primer used for? It contains special substances that transform chemical composition rust. The metal retains its properties longer and oxidizes more slowly. Proper Use primers can make the service life significantly longer.

How the material is applied

To work you may need the following:

  • selected material;
  • solvent;
  • primer;
  • brushes (sizes must be different);
  • roller;
  • sandpaper.

The entire process includes the following steps:

  1. Carrying out preparatory work.
  2. Elimination of defects (rust, dirt, grease).
  3. Applying primer.
  4. Painting gates (garage and home).

How to properly prepare the surface

How to beautifully paint a gate? First you need to prepare the coating.

All stages look like this:

  • Cleaning the coating. If there is old paint on it, it must be carefully removed. This can be done “armed” with a metal brush. You can also use a grinder. It must be equipped with a special nozzle so as not to damage the surface. You can also use a hair dryer. It is advisable not to resort to a special wash due to its strong toxicity. There is a possibility of being poisoned by its vapors.

For sanding, use fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Grinding. Fine-grained sandpaper is used. This ensures maximum adhesion of the enamel to the coating.
  • Degreasing. A strong solvent is used. When processing the gate, you need to cover the entire surface. Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach areas.
  • Padding.
  • Washing. Dust and dirt that has accumulated as a result of the operation of the gate, as well as after the previous stages, are removed. It is recommended to use a special garden hose detergent and sponges.

How to apply primer

Before painting house and garage doors, a primer must be applied. The stages are:

  1. “Arm yourself” with a roller or brush. Remove remaining blemishes from the surface using a rust converter. When this composition dries, a whitish coating forms. It should be removed with a rag.
  2. Using masking tape, carefully cover all elements that are not intended to be exposed to primer. The canopies are covered, as well as the handle.
  3. “Arm yourself” with a convenient brush. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use a roller. Apply primer - first one layer, then two more. Each layer is applied only when the previous one is completely dry.

Important! The primer is applied at least 10 hours after washing the surface. This time is required for complete evaporation of moisture.

How the surface is painted

Painting the gate yourself involves using a wide paint brush. You can also use a roller or spray bottle. If the second option is chosen, it is recommended to protect adjacent surfaces from paint as much as possible.

The work stages look like this:

  1. Painting begins at the top. You need to move down carefully, gradually, slowly. This is necessary in order to avoid the occurrence of leaks.
  2. Parallel layers must overlap each other. This will help achieve a uniform color of the enamel after it dries. There will be no abrupt transitions.
  3. After painting the surface, you should take a few steps back and carefully inspect the gate. It is better to do this after the enamel has dried. This way you can see missed areas and correct the error in a timely manner.
  4. Particular emphasis should be placed on painting corners and edges. These are quite complex areas, so you should use a contour brush to treat them.
  5. After 24 hours, brush over the gate again. Optimal quantity layers - 3. Depending on weather conditions, this will help increase the service life of the product by 6-8 years.
  6. The optimal temperature for work is 10-20 degrees Celsius. If this requirement is not met, problems with drying of the enamel may occur. Smudges and swelling may also form. The color may become uneven.

Painting gates at home with hammer or blacksmith paint involves using:

  • brushes with natural bristles;
  • short-hair roller;
  • aerosol can;
  • airless sprayer.

Each of these tools has its own advantages.

Working with blacksmith material

The gates are painted like this:

  1. If a brush is used, then 2 layers of material are applied first. They should be thick enough. It is necessary to carefully paint the grooves and edges. This will help protect the gate from the spread of corrosion.
  2. Working with a roller involves applying enamel in 2-3 layers. When the paint is first applied, it needs to be thinned a little. For 9-10 parts of enamel you will need 1 part of any suitable solvent. Then there is no need to dilute the material. Painting begins with working out corners and other areas with complex terrain. Then you should move on to flat areas.
  3. The aerosol is applied in 3-4 layers. They should be as thin as possible. Before starting work, the can must be shaken thoroughly. According to experienced craftsmen, this must be done within 3 minutes. Optimal distance for spraying paint - 150-200 mm. When the first layer dries, you will need to wait up to 3 minutes, then apply the next layers. The interval between them is 15-20 minutes.
  4. If the paint is applied using a spray, it should be diluted with a solvent (proportions - 9 to 1). To obtain a homogeneous emulsion, the sprayer is shaken well.

Important! Most of all, blacksmith enamel “loves” the roller. They work well on absolutely everything, even the most problematic areas.


Paint fading will be less noticeable if more bright hues. If a darker shade has already been chosen, then in order for the gates to always have a “marketable” appearance, they need to be updated at least 2 times a year.

You can also install roller blinds - this helps increase the wear resistance of the paint.

More detailed information can be obtained from the video in this article:

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From time to time there is a need to refresh the front entrance, change the color, or protect it from corrosion or rotting. The material from which the gates are made requires a special approach. And if you do it yourself, the question arises of how to paint the gate if, for example, it is forged. It seems that such work is not particularly difficult. Meanwhile, painting technique different materials different from each other. In addition, swing, sliding, overhead gates They also paint differently.

High-quality painting of gates is the key to an excellent look

How to paint different types of gates

To paint swing gates with your own hands, you don’t have to remove them from the hinges. The edge of the lower part of the canvas will be painted well and will be protected from moisture. This is important because this part is especially susceptible to rotting or corrosion in the autumn-spring period.

It is better to disassemble sliding and lifting structures before painting. The removed sashes must be freed from rollers and other elements. Basic structure must also be free from all parts.

The painting procedure is the same for any type of gate. Using a brush, spray gun or roller, first paint the most difficult places where the paint does not penetrate well. This welded joints, cracks, docking points of overhead parts, areas around screw heads and nails, corners. Next, you can paint the entire canvas.

Painting iron gates

Painting metal gates with your own hands is easy. It is important to carefully and consistently carry out all the steps in order not only to refresh the appearance of the gate, but also to reliably protect it from corrosive processes. Any work begins with preparation:

  • The metal surface is cleaned from dirt, rust, and old peeling paint with a steel bristle brush. To free welded joints from frozen flux, they are tapped with a hammer.
  • Before painting, the metal surface must be degreased. Kerosene, white spirit, xylene or any other available means are suitable for this purpose.
  • The next stage is surface treatment with a primer. It can be a pore-filling, acrylic or nitro primer. Its choice depends on the choice of paint. In order not to make mistakes with the primer, it is better to spend a little time and carefully read the instructions on the package.
  • If there are potholes and dents on the gate leaves, they are leveled, sanded, degreased, and filled with automotive metal putty. After complete drying, the surface is sanded again to level it with the general surface. Only then can the primer be applied.

For your information! Putty cannot be applied to surfaces that have been previously painted. She just won't hold on.

Once the primer has completely dried, you can begin painting. iron gate. The best option– painting in three layers. Each layer should be given time to dry thoroughly.

Professionals advise applying the first and third layers more liquid paint, medium – standard viscosity. After each layer has dried, the surface can be sanded with fine sandpaper for greater shine.

Methods for painting wrought iron gates

Wrought iron gates are painted after preliminary cleaning and priming. To get rid of rust residues, you can use one of the following cleaning methods:

  • Using a sandblaster. If you have installed wrought iron gates, you will have to paint them once every year or two. Renting a sandblasting machine costs a pretty penny. Therefore, it is worth considering buying it.
  • A stiff steel bristle brush is an old tried-and-true method for cleaning metal surfaces.
  • By using sandpaper you can do this job perfectly. But you need to use the hardest sandpaper.

After the cleaning procedure, the metal surface is covered with a layer of primer. After it has completely dried, you can use one of the painting methods:

  • A round brush with stiff bristles. The process is long, labor-intensive, and requires special care.
  • Spray paint from cans is easier to paint. Should be paid Special attention to paint the edges so as not to stain nearby surfaces.
  • You can paint the gate powder paint, if no welding was used during installation.
  • The electrostatic method will cost a pretty penny. But it is considered the most effective and reliable.
  • To give the gate an antique effect, a patina method is used. In this case, the paint is applied in short strokes, giving the appearance of wear.

Painting wooden gates

Wooden surfaces do not need to be primed before painting. But a number of preparatory work that can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of a specialist, will still have to be completed.

If you use paint or enamel for painting, then the wooden gate leaves must be cleaned of old layers of paint, dirt, loose knots, and resin residues. This is done easily using sandpaper. If there are unevenness and dents on the surface, they need to be filled with a special wood putty.

In order for the putty to harden better, PVA glue is added to it in a ratio of 1: 3. After drying, the surface is sanded, covered with a layer of drying oil, and then two to three layers of paint are applied, allowing each to dry completely.

If wooden gates If you plan to open it with varnish, then the unevenness must be sealed in other ways:

  • Grinding is suitable for removing shallow dents. Sharp edges are simply rounded off with sandpaper, and after applying a layer of varnish they will become invisible.
  • To make inlay with your own hands, you will need maximum attention and patience. First, the pothole needs to be given some kind of geometric shape, according to the size of which an insert must be cut in a piece of wood, taking into account the direction of the grain. The cut out insert is glued to the place of the pothole and clamped with a clamp until the glue dries completely. The edges of the restored piece are carefully sanded.
  • The knotting method is used where voids have formed on the gate leaves from rotten knots. The restoration site needs to be drilled out. Now you need to drive a piece of a branch, cut into a cone shape and coated with glue, into the resulting round shape. Cut off and sand all uneven surfaces.

For execution similar works you need to be patient, especially in cases where there are no carpentry skills. But the efforts will not be in vain. Lacquered gates always look neat, beautiful and rich.

In the photo we see metal gates painted black.

When choosing paint for metal products, many people are guided only by price and appearance, without thinking about why there is such a variety of paint and varnish materials on the shelves of hardware stores. But they are all radically different from each other, and in order not to repaint the metal every year, you need to know the basic selection criteria.

In this article we will tell you what is the best way to paint metal gates, and we will conduct a short comparative review various colors.

Paint for metal can be from any company, the main criteria for choosing it are its quality characteristics

Regardless of the manufacturer's brand, price or brand of metal paint, they all must have a certain set of qualities. So what indicators should you pay attention to when choosing?

There are quite a few important parameters; if you don’t have the time or desire to delve into the issue, you can entrust the choice of paint and the painting itself to a master. He will pick up necessary materials taking into account all the features.

If you want to choose a job yourself - Let's figure it out:

  • Adhesion to metal. Paints for different surfaces May not be suitable for other materials. Therefore, the inscription “paint for metal” must be present.
  • UV resistance. Since the topic of our article is painting iron gates, then resistance to sun rays should be the main selection criterion.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Water resistance. Modern paints perform not only a decorative function, but also a protective one.
  • Durability.
  • Easy to apply. Some types of paints can only be applied under special conditions and only with the help of complex equipment. We will not describe such materials, but we must take into account that different paints are applied in different ways.
  • Decorative component. If this criterion were not important, the question of how to paint the iron gates would not arise at all: we take gray primer and apply it. All.

Beautiful gates in bright colors are no longer uncommon

Advice! Regardless of what paint you chose, it is advisable to paint the gate with your own hands in a lying position so that no drips remain on the surface.

As a rule, all this data, as well as detailed instructions according to application, are indicated on the paint can, but, unfortunately, this information is not always reliable. Some manufacturers deliberately write false information in order to sell their product at a higher price.

Therefore, in this situation, it is better to give preference to a famous brand. Such manufacturers value their reputation and will not publish false information. Of course, the price of such paint will be slightly higher, but you get certain guarantees.

Oil based paints

Oil paints for metal works Other surfaces can also be painted due to their good adhesion

Oil paints were once the most popular material, but the point here is not the quality of the coating, but the fact that even 20-30 years ago, there was simply no alternative to these paints. Today they are used much less frequently, although they have a number of advantages, one of which, of course, is the affordable price.

PF paint

One of the most common types of paints on oil based. It has excellent adhesion to metal and easily tolerates contact with water.

Despite this, PF paint is far from ideal and here are just a few of its shortcomings:

  • Long-term drying, which even in summer can last several days.
  • A preliminary primer layer is required.
  • Possible fading after 2-3 seasons.
  • If the surface to be painted is poorly cleaned, it may begin to peel a few months after application.

This is far from full list, but even this is enough to consider other options.

Paint ML

Relatively new material based on drying oil. In essence, this is a modified and improved version of the PF, and as a result with higher quality characteristics:

  • ML paint dries for a maximum of 24 hours at room temperature.
  • Does not fade in the sun.
  • Resistant to mechanical damage.

A significant disadvantage of this paint is the need to apply primer before painting, which means additional costs of both time and money.

Advice! Today on the shelves you can find ML paint, which says “enamel for rust,” but as experience shows, it is better to prime the surface, since the quality of the paint itself leaves much to be desired.

Special paints and nitro-based paints

Nitro enamels are paints based on chemical solvents, so they have a sharp, bad smell. The main difference between nitro paints and oil paints is the drying speed. Some enamel hardens completely in just a few minutes, while others may take an hour at most.

And before we move on to describing the types of nitro enamels, we note that painting metal gates in closed and unventilated areas is strictly prohibited. The chemical components in the composition can cause significant harm to health, so you need to work with them either on the street or in a room equipped with a powerful forced exhaust hood.


The lowest quality and short-lived paint in our entire review. We do not recommend working with her, but for the sake of fairness we could not help but mention her.

As a rule, NC paint is used for temporary painting of any products, or by unscrupulous manufacturers of metal structures. The coating will lose its appearance within a year, and after two years there will be no trace left of it.

Hammer paint

We see an example of what hammer paint looks like on metal surfaces

When wondering what to paint metal gates with, many people prefer this option. In fact, hammer enamel is an ideal ratio of price and quality.

It is maximally resistant to any type of influence, and does not lose external data throughout its entire service life, which, according to the manufacturers, is at least 25 years, but of course, subject to the rules for applying paint. Hammer enamel does not require a primer. It independently dissolves rust and adheres firmly to the surface.

It is impossible not to mention the decorative qualities. After application, this paint begins to spread over the surface and forms small potholes, reminiscent of marks from a blow with a blacksmith's hammer, hence the name of this paint.

A certain difficulty may arise when applying hammer paint, so before getting down to business, we recommend that you watch the video in this article, which will help you clearly understand all the intricacies of the process.

Forging paint WS-Plast

We deliberately left this paint for dessert, since it has no equal not only in our review, but also in the entire market of paints and varnishes. Needless to say, the price of this paint is very high, but in fact, it is worth the money.

Such a coating is not afraid of any impacts at all. Even hitting the surface with a hammer will not leave a mark on it.

Important! For forge paint it is necessary to cover it with primer of the same brand. If primer from another manufacturer is used, the quality of the coating is not guaranteed.

The consistency of this paint resembles liquid rubber, and has a corresponding chemical smell. Drying time is a maximum of two hours, even if subzero temperature environment.

The manufacturer guarantees high quality coatings for at least 50 years, but not much time has passed since the appearance of this material, so real time no one knows about the service yet.

And in conclusion

To summarize all of the above, here is a small comparison table that will help you make your choice.

Note that all the paints in the table are in descending order of their price, from the most expensive forge enamel to the cheapest NC paint:

Specifications Paint brands
Forge enamel Hammer paint ML PF NC
Adhesion to metalhighhighaverageaveragelow
UV resistancehighhighhighaveragelow
Resistance to mechanical damagehighhighaveragelowlow
Water resistancehighhighaverageaveragelow
Ease of applicationThere are difficultiesThere are difficultieseasilyeasilyeasily
Decorative qualitieshighhighhighhighlow
Approximate drying timeNo more than 2 hoursFrom an hour to threeUp to 24 hoursFrom a day to threeNo more than an hour

In the photograph we see examples of different types of paints and their colors.

Often, when writing an article, it is difficult to give any advice or draw conclusions, but not in this case. In our review there is a 100% leader - this is paint for metal gates WS-Plast. There is also an outsider - NC paint, but it is important to remember that the quality of the finished coating largely depends on the artist. Even the most quality paint It can be applied so poorly that it won’t last a year.