What to do if hydrangea stops blooming. Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom and ways to solve the problem

Many beginners in the field of floriculture often make simple mistakes when growing hydrangeas. Because of this, plants may stop flowering, and all useful material let the foliage develop.

Hydrangea is perennial shrub, which produces flowers of amazing beauty. But you can’t always see these flowers on your plant. When growing these plants, you should know why hydrangea does not bloom, but only produces foliage. This will help gardeners observe the flowering of their plants every year.

White flowers

Hydrangea has more than 80 varieties, and they can differ in a large number characteristics. The main part of the varieties are small shrubs, 1-2 meters high, and the vines can climb to a height of more than 30 meters.


Flowering plants begin late spring and lasts until late autumn. The main part of the flowers is white, but the flowers of certain varieties of hydrangea can be colored pink, red, blue and lilac colors. Typically, color depends on the acidity level of the soil.

Reasons for not flowering

Many gardeners, having decided to grow hydrangea on their garden plot, cannot achieve flowering. There may be several reasons, and you should know the main ones in order to avoid mistakes when growing plants.

  • Not correct pruning bushes
  • Lack of moisture.
  • Underdevelopment of the root system.
  • Scam when purchasing.
  • Incorrect transplant.
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • Frosting of kidneys in winter.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • No choice suitable variety.
  • Diseases and pests.

Bush pruning

Hydrangeas, like others shrub plants, timely and correct pruning is necessary. It greatly influences the amount of foliage and the abundance of flowering. Improper pruning is often the reason why hydrangeas do not bloom and produce only foliage. This phenomenon is very common in large-leaved hydrangea varieties.

As a rule, most of the pruning is done in the spring after the snow has melted. Work on pruning hydrangea bushes is rarely left in the fall, only the faded parts are removed. Spring pruning is done before foliage begins to form. Trimming methods may vary for each person. a separate type hydrangeas.


Hydrangea loves moisture very much. Even its name in Latin is translated as “vessel of water.” Watering for bushes should be plentiful. In summer, up to 50 ml of water is used for each bush.

Watering is done regularly. In summer, the bushes are watered twice a week. If the weather is rainy, watering should be reduced to once. The amount of watering should be adjusted according to the current weather.

Root system

Young plants that have only recently been planted in the soil have a weak root system. They need long time to finally strengthen and start producing flowers.

Full flowering of plants begins only in the 4th year of hydrangea growth. Therefore, you should not panic if your hydrangea does not bloom immediately after planting. With proper care, you can get stunning flowers every year.

Purchase of planting material

When purchasing hydrangeas, you should not turn to little-known sellers of planting material. Often, unscrupulous sellers may use growth and flowering enhancers. When purchasing, you can observe excellent flowering, but after planting such plants in your own soil, flowering may stop.

The use of flower enhancers puts a very high stress on plants. Subsequently, such a plant will not produce flowers for a very long time. And in the worst case scenario, you may not see flowers at all.

Buy planting material only in established companies, and before purchasing, you should carefully study the reviews about it.

Transplanting bushes

Incorrect transplantation very often becomes the reason why pink hydrangea does not bloom, but only produces foliage. Beginner gardeners can easily damage the root system, disrupting the plants’ normal metabolism.

Planting flowers

Also, choosing a growing container that is too cramped or too spacious indoor plants may lead to a slowdown in development and, as a result, the cessation of flowering of hydrangea.

Choosing a suitable soil is also very important, because a sudden change in soil composition can negatively affect general condition plants.


The cause of poor flowering or its absence may be insufficient lighting. This is often observed in places where natural sunlight is not fully available.

To solve this problem, you should establish additional lighting using other methods or transplant the plants to places where sunlight there will be plenty.

Pink flowers

Shelter for the winter

In severe frosts, flowering buds can easily freeze. Such buds will no longer be able to produce flowers, and all that remains is to cut them off along with the damaged stems. To prevent this from happening, the plants are covered for the winter.

Shelter for the winter

  • You should tie the hydrangea stems together and cover them with sawdust. After that all that remains is to sprinkle them with earth.
  • If it is possible to cover the hydrangea with a non-woven covering material, then you should take advantage of this opportunity.
  • Coniferous branches would be a good covering material. They will not only save the bushes from freezing, but will also increase the acidity of the soil, which hydrangea bushes love.
  • Plants can be covered even if all the leaves have not yet fallen off. Neither pests nor diseases overwinter on hydrangea leaves.


Fertilizer application

For full flowering, hydrangeas need regular but moderately dosed feeding. An excess of nitrogen fertilizers is the reason why paniculate hydrangea does not bloom, but only produces foliage. The flowering of the bushes stops, and the beneficial substances are used for increased foliage formation.

  • In the spring, at the beginning of bush growth, you should add one square meter soil 25 gr. urea, 40 gr. superphosphate and 35 gr. potassium sulfur.
  • With the onset of the budding phase, the supply of nitrogen fertilizers decreases. 80 grams are applied per square meter of soil. superphosphate and 45 g. potassium sulfur.
  • The use of nitrogen fertilizers is important after flowering has ended. Under each bush, 15 kg of compost or rotted manure should be added.

There are special fertilizers for hydrangeas. They contain a set of minerals and trace elements necessary for the full development of plants. You can use them as the main feeding. Before use, you should carefully study the instructions.

Selection of varieties

Each plant requires certain growing conditions. It is not always possible to achieve them in different regions countries. Varieties initially accustomed to a large number light and warmth, will feel uncomfortable in the northern regions.

Variety selection

On the other hand, a variety intended for cultivation in northern climates is unlikely to take root in hot regions with a dry climate.

Choosing the right variety is one of many basic conditions for the full growth and flowering of hydrangea.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests on hydrangeas are rare, but even they suffer from similar troubles. The most common problems with hydrangea are:

They do not damage flowers directly, but can interfere with plant development, delaying the onset of flowering or stopping it altogether. To combat diseases and pests should be used modern means on a biological or chemical basis, as well as traditional methods.

Knowing why hydrangea does not bloom and produces only foliage, you can easily eliminate all the reasons that interfere with the full development of the plant. By putting these tips into practice, you can enjoy the pleasant flowering of your pets every year.

Often even experienced flower growers They are faced with the problem of a lack of flowers in the garden. This plant is demanding on growing conditions. The slightest mistake in care can lead to its buds withering and falling off, or even not appearing at all.

To ensure long-lasting and abundant flowering young and adult bushes, you need to know what factors most often affect their flowering. In this case, you can quickly fix the problem when it appears.

The main reasons for the lack of flowering and their solutions

Most often, novice flower growers make the following gross mistakes in flower care. Why garden hydrangea does not bloom:

Anomalies in the growth and development of the root system are often encountered, especially in newly acquired plants. This leads to disruption of the development of the bush and lack of flowering.

Let's look at the reasons why hydrangea does not bloom in more detail.

Preparing for winter

Hydrangea does not tolerate frost. Any drop in air temperature below 0ºC can lead to freezing of flower buds. In this case, the plant will not bloom. To protect the bush from frost, it needs to be covered for the winter.

Without waiting for autumn frosts, the leaves are torn off the bush, the branches are tied together with a rope and wrapped in covering material. The bush is bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches. In the spring, it is gradually freed from spruce branches, but is finally opened only with the disappearance of frost and the onset of warmth.


In order for the plant to bloom, it must be pruned correctly. In spring, dry, old and weak branches are pruned.

All well-developed shoots from last year are not touched. Usually it is at their tops that flowers form. If an inexperienced gardener trims these shoots, the plant will not form buds and will not bloom.

Top dressing

Hydrangea does not respond well to excess fertilizer in the soil. It is especially harmful to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil in summer and early autumn.

They are used to enhance the growth of green mass and do not promote flowering in any way. And the rapid growth of shoots in the fall means that they do not have time to ripen before the cold weather and freeze.

Proper feeding of the plant is carried out several times a season. At the end of spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to enhance the growing season. In summer, fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is used to stimulate and maintain flowering. At the beginning of September, potassium-phosphorus preparations are introduced to strengthen the shoots and prepare for winter.

Root development and flowering

To flower, the bush must have a powerful root system. If the roots are poorly developed, there is no hope for early flowering. Bushes that are too young or overfed with fertilizers can take several years to form roots. And only after that such bushes bloom.

Choosing the right place to plant a bush and caring for it will allow you to overcome all difficulties and achieve annual flowering.

The flowering of a bush can also be affected by:

  • Insufficient watering;
  • High air temperature;
  • Excess or lack of sunlight;
  • Heavy clay soil.

Reasons for the lack of flowering in some species and varieties

U various types hydrangeas have their own reasons for the absence of flowers and buds, peculiar only to this variety. Among garden hydrangeas, the following are especially popular:

Let's look at the most likely reasons why they don't bloom.

Paniculate hydrangea is the most frost-resistant species. It tolerates cold so easily that it does not need to be covered at all for the winter. Its buds do not freeze over, since the inflorescences form on the shoots of the current year. However, this species may not bloom for some other reasons.

The main reason why paniculata hydrangea does not bloom is the unsuitable composition of the soil.. For such a plant, heavy loamy soil with weak acidity. Lungs sandy soils not acceptable for this species.

Also, very often the plant refuses to bloom due to lack of nutrition. Therefore, special attention must be paid to feeding.

Why large-leaved hydrangea does not bloom: most often due to freezing of shoots and buds. There are many varieties of this species that have varying winter hardiness.

While some of them can be grown in open ground, covered for the winter, others freeze out even with careful covering. Such varieties can only be grown indoors as potted plants.

Pruning large leaf hydrangea must also be carried out carefully. Flowers form on last year's shoots, which cannot be touched during pruning. If you shorten them, then flower buds will be removed and the plant will not bloom.

This species is quite frost-resistant. However, if the bushes are not covered, in severe winter conditions most of flower buds will freeze. In summer, a frozen bush will not bloom. Therefore, the plant needs to be covered for the winter.

This species needs to be fed regularly., first with fertilizers for leaf growth, then with fertilizers for flowering. Without feeding, the plant will refuse to bloom.

The reason why tree hydrangea does not bloom may be improper watering. In dry soil, especially in summer heat, such a bush develops very slowly and never blooms.

Garden hydrangea has refused to bloom for several years now.

Your garden beauty pleased you with its annual flowering, but for several years now there have been no flowers on it. What is the reason? If the bush was protected from frost and properly fertilized and watered, the most likely reason for the lack of buds is diseases and pests. Sick or affected harmful insects the plant will not bloom.

Aphids settle on garden hydrangea, spider mites, weevils and many other pests. To kill insects, it is recommended to treat the bush with insecticides.

Hydrangea is most often affected by viral mosaic disease and fungal diseases : downy mildew and gray mold. To destroy fungi, the bush is treated with fungicidal preparations. In case of a viral infection, all affected areas of the plant are cut out and burned.

Proper feeding of garden hydrangea for flowering

What to do if garden hydrangea does not bloom - perhaps the reasons are feeding. Feeding hydrangeas - mandatory procedure for proper growth and flowering. Spring, summer and autumn are fundamentally different in the composition of the fertilizers used.

At the beginning of spring When leaf mass is actively growing, the plant requires nitrogen fertilizers. Usually a mixture of urea and potassium sulfate is used. One tablespoon of these substances is diluted in 10 liters of water. An adult hydrangea bush requires about 5 liters of solution. Sometimes slurry is used for irrigation, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

At the end of spring When the period of bud formation begins, it is recommended to feed the plant with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Superphosphate gives the best results. One tablespoon of this substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. You can also use any other mineral complex fertilizer.

During summer period , when the plant is actively blooming, it is fed 2-3 times with special fertilizers for flowering plants garden plants. It is also useful to acidify the soil in the place where the bush grows.

To do this, use whey or citric acid. The serum is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. Citric acid take on the tip of a tablespoon and dissolve in 10 liters of water.

Early autumn To strengthen the shoots and prepare for winter, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate in 10 liters of water and water the hydrangea bushes.

Now you know why hydrangea doesn’t bloom in the garden, but what to do if you have a houseplant?

Why doesn't hydrangea bloom indoors?

IN room conditions The following reasons are possible why hydrangea refuses to bloom:

  • Wrong choice of lighting;
  • Unsuitable soil composition for the plant;
  • Lack of moisture in the soil and air;
  • Sudden changes in temperature;
  • Bush age.

So that the plant in the room blooms every year, it must be kept in a lighted place, but straight Sun rays should not fall on the leaves. If there is too little or too much lighting, flowering will most likely not occur.

The plant loves acidified soil. Also for indoor varieties it shouldn't be very heavy. Clay soil won't do.

It is better to choose a purchased fertile soil mixture without clay, but with a small amount of peat. Also, we must not forget about the annual transplantation of the bush in new soil so that it blooms long and abundantly.

The flower does not tolerate dry soil and too dry air. For creating optimal conditions For its growth and flowering, it is necessary to keep the earthen ball in the pot always moist, and spray the leaves with settled water.

A sharp change in temperature in the room where the flower grows should not be allowed. In such conditions, it does not grow buds. If the buds have already formed, then a sharp drop in temperature may cause them to fall off.

Over time, the plant, even with good care, stops blooming. It is recommended to grow the bush for no more than 4-5 years, after which it is better to replace the plant with a young one. You can read more about caring for hydrangea at home.

You won't find hydrangea in a bouquet. The reason for this is appearance. The flower is so beautiful that it is a pity to pick it from the bush. It happens that the plant refuses to bloom. This is of great concern to gardeners and beauty lovers. Read the article about why hydrangeas don’t bloom.


The genus of this plant includes up to eighty species. Hydrangea also has another name - hydrangea, which is translated from Latin language means "vessel of water". The birthplace of the flower is the Land of the Rising Sun.

Hydrangea is a bush up to sixty centimeters tall. Some garden species this deciduous ornamental plant have high frost resistance. The texture of the large dark green leaves is rough, the edges are jagged. The flowers are white, red, blue and are collected in huge inflorescences of spherical or conical shape. Stunningly beautiful plant!

How to make garden hydrangea bloom?

  • Plant it in a sunny area protected from the wind.
  • The ground under the plant should be mulched with peat in a thick layer.
  • When shoots appear, they need to be pinned to the ground.
  • In order not to wonder in the spring why garden hydrangea does not bloom, for the winter, after the listed preparatory work, it should be covered on top with a box previously upholstered with heat-insulating material.

  • With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow melts, the hydrangea needs to be opened so that it does not rot. But, if suddenly the temperature starts to drop, cover it again. The fact is that when the plant is freed from its shelter, shoots begin to grow instantly, and even a slight frost can destroy them.
  • It is recommended to feed hydrangea with special fertilizers: “Florena” or “Rosop”.

What to look for when buying planting material?

When purchasing flowers, you should carefully examine the seedlings so that in the future the question does not arise about why hydrangeas do not bloom. If they have buds, it means they were stimulated to flower. They were watered using the drip method with fertilizer added to the water. Such plants, if you purchase them, will not bloom for a couple of years, or even die. After planting a seedling in the ground, it is not recommended to suddenly change the usual growing conditions. The plant needs to adapt and take root. To do this, fertilizers must be added to the soil over the course of two months at intervals of two weeks. This will teach the roots to independently extract food from the soil.

Why don't hydrangeas bloom? This may occur due to a poorly developed root system. In order for the seedlings to quickly grow and bloom profusely in the future, during planting you need to mix the garden soil with a substrate, the amount of which should not greatly change the structure of the soil.

Why don't hydrangeas bloom in open ground?

This flower has many varieties. For example, large-leaved garden hydrangea can long years grow on the site, please the eye with the shape of the bush, the color of the leaves, but not bloom. Young tree-like and paniculate hydrangeas also do not bloom, because they do not have enough strength to do so or they are provided with unsuitable conditions for growth. But this happens rarely, do not be alarmed. Why doesn't hydrangea bloom in the garden? There are many reasons, let’s consider some of them using the example of large-leaved hydrangea:

  • A recently planted hydrangea may not bloom because its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. Over time, when the plant gets stronger, everything will work out. This also happens when it is planted in the ground. In this case, you will have to admire the beauty of the bush’s shape and leaves for a couple of years.
  • Many gardeners regularly cut off the top part of last year's shoots, considering this to be correct. Alas, you should know that this is where hydrangea flowers appear.
  • If flower buds during spring frosts suffer, it is likely that the plant will not bloom this year.
  • The question often arises about why hydrangeas do not bloom outside. Yes, you just chose a species that is not suitable for your climate, that’s all. There may be no other reasons. It is known that the northern regions have short summers, and flower buds simply do not have time to ripen.

Preparing hydrangea for winter

This culture tolerates well winter time of the year. But why doesn’t hydrangea bloom in the garden in the spring, after a frosty period? The solution to this issue may depend on how well and correctly the hydrangea is protected from low temperatures. The most important thing is to protect the tops of the shoots from freezing. And to do this, take care already in September by covering the bush with lutrasil or film, since there are always frosts at the end of the month. But it’s too early to hide the flower for the winter.

One of the reasons may be an uncomfortable winter. Therefore, before the ground freezes, the inflorescences should be cut off. The upper part of the shoots should remain; buds will form on it. The branches of young plants are bent to the ground and covered with peat along with the roots. If you don’t have it, then use the ground. Hydrangeas that are five years old and older have very fragile branches. To avoid breaking them, stones are placed in the root zone, then a cushion of spruce branches and leaves is placed. The whole thing is covered with boards on top and sprinkled with a thick layer of earth. The work must be done carefully so as not to injure the plant. In the spring, the embankment is gradually removed. The plant is rejuvenated: all damaged and diseased branches are pruned.

What do you need to bloom at home?

Many housewives are interested in the question of why indoor hydrangea does not bloom. To get her to do this, you need to provide proper care. To do this, you need to place the hydrangea in a bright room, which is always ventilated, but so that the sun's rays do not directly hit the leaves.

The flower prefers acidic soil, which should always be moist; this is the most important thing for hydrangea. Therefore, it needs to be systematically watered and sprayed from above. In spring it’s a good idea to take the plant outside Fresh air, and pluck out the shoots that appear from the root half their length, leaving only the strongest.

  • Why home hydrangea not blooming? There can be many reasons, but one of them is the temperature difference in the room. It must be stable, especially during the flowering period.
  • If the plant suddenly suddenly stops blooming, it is recommended to cut the shoots in half.
  • It is very important to change the plant to a new one after 3-4 years. This will ensure its annual flowering, subject to all care rules.

  • To avoid the question of why hydrangea does not bloom at home, play it safe and rule out reasons such as replanting and replacing soil. This procedure must be repeated every year. When replanting a plant, you need to thoroughly loosen the clod of earth at the roots. You can use soil for azaleas by mixing it with soil and horn flour. Good fertilizer served coffee. It can be mixed with the ground or scattered over its surface. You can ease the hassle and buy ready-made soil for

Helpful information

There is an opinion that White color Hydrangeas can be easily changed to another by using a special solution. This is not entirely true. White hydrangea varieties are not capable of changing color. Only large-leaved hydrangea can do this, which can change color if the soil is highly acidic. But even if a bluish tint appears on the flowers, it will be blurry and dirty-pale.

It should be remembered that the plant can bloom even with unpruned shoots. But paniculata or when pruning branches produces stronger shoots. But it’s better not to trim large-leaved ones. You need to know that it forms inflorescences at the top of the shoots. They can, of course, be pruned in the spring. They will also give strong side shoots, but will not bloom. It is better to rejuvenate the bush by removing thick and damaged branches.

Hydrangeas or garden hydrangeas are amazingly beautiful and lush-flowering plants that look very impressive on summer cottages, flower beds. These beauties can reach a height of up to one and a half meters! Both a single hydrangea and a composition of several bushes in the garden will always delight magnificent inflorescences different colors.
This is favored not only by the variety of shades of spherical and corymbose inflorescences, but also by the shape of the flowers themselves. Flowers are located in the center of the flower ball female type, and the larger and brighter male ones, which consist of four or five enlarged sepals, decorate the edges. In addition, this plant can be not only a shrub, but also a small tree, and even a liana. The possibilities for site design using hydrangea are endless!
Typically, the flowering period of hydrangea lasts from late spring to early autumn. But sometimes gardeners who planted this plant several years ago do not wait for the inflorescences to appear. It happens that hydrangea blooms poorly, but why is unknown.
Reasons for lack of flowering
Before you look for reasons explaining why garden hydrangea does not bloom and decide what to do, you need to know about some characteristics of the species. Thus, tree and paniculate hydrangeas are very demanding in terms of maintenance conditions. In addition, young plants will not form inflorescences until they gain strength, and this lasts for years. More interesting: It is difficult to say exactly what year after planting hydrangea blooms, because the quality of the soil, the level of lighting, and the regularity of watering all matter.
In most cases, this plant does not bloom due to the fact that its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. If you purchased flowering bush, planted it on the site, and the flowering gradually faded away, don’t be surprised. Unscrupulous sellers Growth stimulants are often used to make hydrangeas bloom. As a rule, for another two years after such forced flowering, plants do not release inflorescences, gaining strength.
The second reason is improper pruning of plants. Old varieties of large-leaved garden hydrangeas produce inflorescences at the top of the shoots that grew last year. If you have not bothered to protect the bush from frost for the winter and prepare it for winter, then these shoots will have to be removed due to freezing. More interesting: It is quite natural that during the flowering season your hydrangea will not please you with lush inflorescences. Moreover, it will not bloom for several years to come.
Pruning of shoots should be done at the end of October. At the same time, several pairs of young buds are left on the shoots. In spring, these young shoots are shortened again to make flowering more luxuriant.
Garden hydrangea bud formation occurs in the fall. If frost hits at the beginning of spring, when they begin to awaken, they will freeze. How long does hydrangea bloom? It is not recommended to remove the cover from the bush until the air temperature at night is at -5 degrees or higher.
The homeland of hydrangeas is Central Asia, where the climate differs from the domestic one. When buying plants in stores, pay attention to varieties that are well acclimatized for our natural conditions. The fact is that heat-loving hydrangea may simply not have time to lay new flower buds during our short summer, and therefore bloom on next year will not be.
By providing garden hydrangeas with proper care, you will get an excellent decoration in the garden, and fragrant lush inflorescences will please the eye for a long time. Let your hydrangea bloom as long as it wants!

It often happens that a gardener buys a flowering hydrangea in a container, plants it in the ground - but it dries out and the flowers wither. Or after wintering, hydrangea does not bloom - neither in the first, nor in the second, nor in the third year. Why doesn't hydrangea bloom? How can you help the plant? Let's figure it out.

Why hydrangea doesn't bloom: typical gardener mistakes

The most problems arise with large-leaved hydrangea (garden, marcophila, large-leaved), since not all varieties of this delicate plant are adapted to our conditions. We will talk about large-leaved hydrangea.

Hydrangea buds are freezing

Large-leaved hydrangea blooms on last year's shoots, buds are laid on the tips of the shoots in the fall. If you cover the hydrangea too late, or open it too early, the buds will freeze and the hydrangea will not bloom. What can (and should) be done? The remaining leaves on the bush are torn off, the bush itself is tied with a rope, wrapped with covering material and film. Mulch is poured around the bush - dry leaves, straw. With the arrival of frost, the hydrangea is bent to the ground, fixed with staples, and covered with spruce branches. In the spring, the hydrangea is opened gradually, finally removing it from its shelter with the disappearance of night frosts, that is, until the beginning of summer.

Improper pruning of hydrangea

If you cut off the shoots of large-leaved hydrangea in spring or autumn, is it any wonder why the hydrangea does not bloom. We remind you once again that hydrangea blooms on last year’s shoots, in the upper part of the shoots.

Improper feeding of hydrangeas

If the hydrangea is overfed with nitrogen fertilizers, the plant may not have time to harden by the arrival of frost, and, again, will not survive the winter. Therefore, to feed hydrangeas, like most garden plants, remember one simple rule: in late spring and early summer we apply nitrogen fertilizers (for green growth), in the summer - potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (to maintain flowering), in late summer - phosphorus fertilizers ( to help the hydrangea survive the winter, preserving the buds of the shoots for flowering next year).

Problems with growth and acclimatization of the root system

First of all, this is a problem with large-leaved hydrangeas, which were planted from containers in open ground. It often turns out that sellers of hydrangeas to give wild flowering feed the plant with fertilizers, organizing drip irrigation. This hydrangea has a poorly developed root system - it is not used to getting food for itself with roots, but received everything ready-made with fertilizers, and on special soil. And when you plant it in your garden, the spoiled plant is not able to absorb nutrients, and withers before our eyes. Without emergency measures, such a hydrangea not only will not bloom, but it may even disappear altogether.

What to do in this case? Correct the “disservice” of sellers and gradually wean hydrangea from bait. Firstly, container blooming hydrangeas no need to cut roots, as is often advised, you don’t need them soak or shake off the substrate. The plant already spends a lot of energy on flowering, and under such conditions the hydrangea will no longer be able to develop the root system. It will wither away.

Secondly, the first two months add fertilizer, gradually reducing the dose.

Thirdly, when preparing a planting hole for hydrangea, make sure that the place will be shaded at noon, otherwise garden hydrangea may not tolerate the heat, and even heavy watering will not help. You need to add a mixture of soil from your garden with a nutrient substrate from a container of hydrangeas into the hole, and in an area of ​​at least 20 cm from the roots of the hydrangea. In this way, you will help the hydrangea adapt to new conditions.

Hydrangea variety is not suitable for climatic conditions

Large-leaved hydrangeas have recently begun to be planted in open ground in our area; new varieties are constantly appearing, which are praised and convinced that there are no problems with care. And then buyers, especially from northern regions countries cannot understand why hydrangea does not bloom. It's sad, but even if everything is observed agrotechnical techniques greenhouse hydrangea seedlings do not always have time to set buds for the next year during the warm season (if the summer is short). The result is a gorgeous green bush, but the hydrangea does not bloom.

Don't rush the hydrangea - let it develop a strong root system that could nurture the color. U paniculata hydrangeas this period takes about 6 years. In addition, hydrangea can bloom simply due to insufficient watering, poor location, heavy soil, etc. Just carefully study the rules, choose (if you are a beginner) - and you will definitely succeed!

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"