Which is cheaper: timber or profile? Rules for installing metal lathing

Profiled timber this is modern construction material which is made from coniferous species trees by milling and planing. At the same time, a special profile is attached, such material is easy to lay, thanks to the tenons and grooves, the walls are assembled from it like a constructor, which significantly saves time and money, the walls remain geometrically smooth, thanks to the rigid coupling, in the form of a lock and do not require further finishing.

Types of profiles and sizes

Exists three main sizes profiled timber: (dimensions are indicated in clean form)

  • 140 per 90 mm (wall thickness 9 cm) - For country houses and mainly goes like a partition beam
  • 140 per 140 mm (wall thickness 14 cm) the most popular timber size, the so-called “golden mean”
  • 140 per 190 mm (wall thickness 19 cm) used for cottages and houses for permanent residence

By profile type:

  • Finnish- the beam profile has two pronounced spikes
  • Comb- It has a large number of thorns
  • Scandinavian- this is a subspecies with a comb profile.
  • Lunar- or in other words, a “block house”, semicircular on the outside and smooth on the inside, the most popular look timber
  • Smooth- the profile is smooth on both sides, with beveled chamfers.

By degree of humidity:

  • timber natural humidity (25-40%)
  • Chamber drying timber (forced) (no more than 20%)

By harvesting season:

  • Winter forest(raw materials for timber, prepared in winter)
  • Summer forest

Production technology

To produce profiled timber, coniferous wood, spruce or pine is used. We take blanks of unplaned timber measuring 150 by 100, 150 by 150 or 150 by 200 mm, depending on the size we want to obtain. Using the milling method, 0.5 cm is removed from both sides, while the beam is given a profile (a semicircle on one side or even sides, two tenons or a comb), in the other two a profile is formed in the form of a “tenon and groove” At the output we get a planed timber profiled on 4 sides, the whole process takes 1-2 minutes per 1 piece. (beam 6.0 meters long). Profiling is carried out on special four-sided planing machines profile cutters.

The photo shows standard blanks of unplaned timber, ready for milling and profiling

Timber after profiling in stacks, ready for shipment to the sawmill

Close-up, beam profile from the outside under the “block house” (lunar)

The profile of the timber is smooth on both sides with natural humidity under a canopy before shipment

Important: Finish walls made of such timber must be sawn down and cut into a root tenon (another name for a “warm corner”) or its variety, dovetail. Between the crowns they always lay interventional insulation jute.

Cutting the corners of houses, only in the root tenon, according to GOST 30974−2002

Jute insulation between each crown of timber of capital walls and partitions

Thanks to the tenons and grooves, the timber is connected into a rigid, geometrically even structure

For reference:

In one cube of timber 150 by 100 mm - 11 pcs.

In one cube of timber 150 by 150 mm - 7.0 pcs.

In one cube of timber 150 by 200 mm - 5.5 pcs.

This affects the cost of a log house; for example, a house of equal size and area made of 150 by 200 mm timber will always be more expensive. Since the number of beams in a cube is smaller, which means more cubes are needed for construction, take this into account when requesting or planning the construction of a future home

The choice of timber profile does not affect the cost (you can choose either a lunar profile (under the “block house” from the outside) or even on both sides).

  • We have own production profiled timber.
  • There are two in production drying chambers, at your service, chamber drying timber.
  • And also timber for winter harvesting.

Briefly described, profiled timber is a special building material, high-quality and modern, which is made from coniferous wood. The basis can be pine, spruce or cedar. The pro beam has a polished surface. External side This material is similar to a semi-oval (sometimes flat), may have chamfers or be without them. Interior- smooth and even, and the sides are made in the form of a “tenon and groove” specifically for the joint; jute insulation is placed here.

Profiled timber is excellent for building houses, as it has good insulation and jointability.

Such timber is an indispensable element of construction wooden houses. Regarding its purpose, its sections may be different. With the tongue and groove system, houses are built on time and of the best quality, they are simple and well insulated. The beam is not deformed along its entire length, and thus the “screw” of the beam is eliminated.

No best advantage timber than the fact that neither glue nor any harmful chemicals are used in its production. The finished house looks neat and attractive. Such timber outperforms rounded wood in thermal insulation. This is achieved due to the tight fit of the material, an individually selected profile and a lock that has an offset in two planes and a gap size of 3 mm.

The profile has a shape that does not allow rain to flood the openings between the timber, thereby protecting it from rotting. In addition, the timber is environmentally friendly and provides good air exchange. And even in the hottest weather, you will be guaranteed the aroma of wood in the house.

Profiled timber: positive and negative sides

Buildings made from profiled timber are practical. Their installation is simple and quick enough (for high-quality installation To avoid the formation of inter-crown gaps, the corners are cut directly on the object). This material is recommended for the construction warm houses: It retains heat well in winter and provides coolness in summer. Advantages of buildings made of solid profiled timber:

Technology for the production of profiled laminated timber.

  1. Beautiful and graceful appearance. An ideal flat surface thanks to professional processing, as well as good savings on exterior decoration Houses.
  2. The finished house consists entirely of wood, that is, no chemicals, mixtures, adhesives, synthetic materials not used during construction. High-quality processing Modern equipment uses one of the types of wood: spruce, cedar, larch or pine.
  3. Such timber has low thermal conductivity, thereby holding and heating the room better than rounded wood. This is all thanks to the locks, the gap of which is 3 mm.
  4. Ecology and economy. The material retains excellent heat performance, while its cost is 1.5 times less than its counterparts made from untreated wood. In addition, the amount of timber required for construction is much less. It is worth noting that the combination of price and quality is undeniable.
  5. Natural humidity in houses made of such timber is insignificant, and shrinkage can occur faster than in buildings made of rounded logs. It can be no more than 3.5% - about 4 cm.
  6. An undeniable advantage is that the number of cracks in a house based on profiled timber will be significantly less, since tension is relieved from all sides of the tree. This is done on machines automatically.
  7. There is no need to build a heavy foundation - a columnar or strip foundation is sufficient.
  8. The construction of the structure is carried out much faster (within two months). Construction and installation work is carried out with high quality, largely thanks to such aspects as accurate dimensions and a modern technological connection system. Temperature changes and unfavorable conditions are not a problem for such a house.

Disadvantages of profiled timber

  1. If the material at the base of the house was not dried correctly (or not enough), then in the future you can expect the building to sag, and this is a waste of money and time on repairs.
  2. Timber is a very flammable material. To prevent the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena, the timber should be impregnated by special means, which improves its quality.
  3. The walls may be too thin for use during cold periods, so you need to resort to additional insulation.
  4. After construction is completed, redevelopment or additional additions cannot be made.

Profiled timber: types

Professional construction timber has many characteristics that divide it into different types. Let's look at all types of profiled timber.

Regarding feedstock

As already mentioned, it is based on coniferous trees, the most popular being pine. This can be explained by the fact that coniferous wood quite a lot, it is inexpensive and can be processed quite well. Finished goods have excellent performance characteristics.

Planed timber is made from logs, its cross-section reaches 160-200 mm. The wood used to create such timber is impregnated with resin, which is an excellent protection against various insects. Externally, such a beam can be identified by four longitudinal surfaces.

For windows they often use very durable and rigid window beam. Its production involves gluing pine or oak lamellas. Such timber weighs little and has low thermal conductivity, without defects or problems with subsidence.

Profile or shape

This distinguishing feature profiled timber from others. Professional machines that work with lumber form different sections. For example, consider the two most common profiles.

“Comb” (German profile) - this form is very deceptive, since its purpose is to optimize all construction processes and improving the quality of finished buildings, but in practice the result is not at all the same. Finnish profile- effective and reliable, the name speaks for itself.

The front side of the material, which is responsible for the aesthetics and operation of the house, may also differ. If you use a beam whose front side is straight, the walls will be even and smooth. This is an indicator of the modern standard of wooden houses.

The D-shape of the front part will appeal to lovers of the authentic look of wood. The surface of the walls will be made of logs, thereby maintaining the authenticity of the material.

The remaining types are variations of previous forms. You can make timber yourself. The main rule is to maintain a strong seam between the joints of products and ensure the rigidity of the log house.

Very important role The cross section, or rather its size, plays a role. The most common section parameters: 100-100, 100-150, 150-150, 150-200, 200-200 mm and others. The type of section is selected relative to the purpose of the building. For example, a section of 190-140 mm is used to build external walls, and 140-140 mm is suitable for internal walls. For the construction of small country or summer houses, small sections will be sufficient, but large ones country houses For year-round residence cannot do without thick timber with a large cross-section in order to preserve maximum amount heat.

On average, a beam made from coniferous wood has a length of about 6 m, and from laminated veneer lumber - 12 m.

There are different degrees of timber moisture: dry, dried and timber with natural moisture. The latter are combined into one stage, since there are no additional costs in their production to achieve minimum humidity. Such a log house will dry completely only when it is erected. Of course, there are a number of disadvantages here: rot and mold, as well as a decrease in humidity, as a result they become deformed and shrink. linear dimensions wood

Dry timber has a moisture content of no more than 20%. Its price is much higher than previous varieties, but the quality of operation is much better. Construction with such material is faster, shrinkage does not exceed 3%. Cracks that form during operation are insignificant and do not in any way affect the thermal insulation of the house as a whole.

In construction there are two absolutely different technologies production:

  1. Solid wood is the most cheap way manufacturing. A section of 160-200 or 200-200 mm is used here. All four sides can be processed on special machines. Varieties used here coniferous trees.
  2. Gluing boards, or lamellas, cannot be called budgetary and has some disadvantages, including allergic reactions to the glue. However, the strength and durability of the building, its attractiveness and elegance prove high quality glued timber.
  3. Absolutely new technology lumber, which has recently entered the market, is called " warm timber" It is designed specifically for living in record low temperatures. Therefore, its thermal insulation indicators are extremely high: at a temperature of -60 degrees the house will remain warm and cozy. Warm lumber is much cheaper than glued lumber. Its structure is multi-layered and glued together under fairly high pressure; only dry lamellas (planks) are used.

A little about sizes

As mentioned earlier, not all sizes are suitable for the construction of one or another part of the house. Many companies and firms provide services for custom production lumber. What remains common is standard sizes, and thickness, which is 100, 150 and 200 mm.

Small wooden structures do not need material with a thick section. It can be a gazebo, veranda or small summer cuisine. A thickness of 100 mm is ideal here; a full-fledged residential building cannot be built from such material, but for a house that is used only in the summer, this is an excellent choice.

A thickness of 150 mm is already suitable for big house. It is thicker than the timber that is used for rafter system roofs with a section of 100-150 mm, but at the same time cheaper than a section of 200-200. The standard here is a form with a comb look. In winter, such houses do not freeze.

Cottages, mansions or simply large residential buildings - all these buildings have in common a size of 200 mm or even 220 mm. A cross section of 200-150 and 200-200 mm is used here. The walls of such buildings are highly resistant and do not let the cold inside.

Brief sequence of construction of a house made of timber

The construction of any house begins with the choice of a project, as well as with the choice of the thickness of the timber. In this case, do not forget about the purpose of the building.

The next step is pouring the foundation. This is the longest stage. There are two commonly encountered types. The simplest one is columnar. It is used in cases where a basement or other underground premises is not required. The second is tape. It is more stable in heaving soils, but is more expensive and construction takes longer.

The next stage is a game with a constructor. Supports for partitions made of timber are installed, and a special insulation is placed between its crowns. Gathering external walls, the timber is connected using a tongue-and-groove system. During assembly, it is imperative to select openings for doors and windows.

Whatever the purpose of building a house, at this stage there is a break from a month to a year. This is done specifically to ensure that the house shrinks. Otherwise, there will be a displacement of openings, partitions and some sections of walls. But if the timber was subjected chamber drying, then no break is required - the work will be completed in the shortest possible time.

Then the roof is erected, doors and windows are installed, and the floor and ceiling are installed. Apply protective impregnation and insulation (if necessary). Electrical, sewerage and water supply, communication networks, heating are being installed.

Profiled timber is a high-tech material used in all branches of construction. They make it from coniferous trees: larch, pine, cedar, spruce.

Profiled timber differs from ordinary timber in its appearance, as well as in its functional properties. In this article we will analyze in detail the functional differences between different types of timber.

If speak about appearance, then the main thing honors is the side that faces the street when building a house. It can be flat, or it can have a semi-oval shape, and the side that will be in the house is always flat.

However, during construction, the most important thing is the upper and lower parts of the beam; they represent a system "Tongue and groove" for perfect joints. This means that it is possible to construct a building from timber in a short time and with high quality!

Sometimes the gap between the tenon and the groove is made larger and placed there jute insulation, thereby reducing the thermal conductivity of the house.

Profile beam divided into types according to the following parameters:

  • Raw materials
  • Geometric profile
  • Size
  • Production technology
  • Drying degree

Let's dwell on the two most important parameters and consider them in more detail - production technology and drying. According to production technology timber happens:

  1. Whole. This variety is obtained from planed on four sides solid log . This is the most cheap option construction.
  2. Glued. This latest trend V modern construction. This material is distinguished by its super strength, aesthetics, and durability compared to solid timber.

But the technology for manufacturing glued analogues is very expensive, and therefore not everyone can afford such building material.

By degree of drying timber happens:

  1. Dry. Here the criterion is the percentage of moisture in the timber. If the material has undergone a drying process, then there should be moisture in it less than 20 percent. This is dry timber.
  2. Natural humidity. Timber with natural moisture may have percentage about 50. The lower the moisture content of the timber, the higher its performance qualities, and therefore the higher the cost.

Basic timber dimensions

In any case, before you start self-installation , it is advisable to consult with a specialist in this field, read literature on this topic, watch videos that clearly show the process.

You can learn more about the benefits of profiled timber by looking at video.

“Dry leveling” of walls and ceilings is the key to successful subsequent interior decoration the entire apartment. Drywall perfectly copes with the task assigned to it, while simultaneously increasing heat and sound insulation. This is probably why he is chosen for preliminary finishing works Many apartment owners who decide to make renovations use leveling walls. But in order for the structure to give you everything you expect from it, you need to know what and how to make the sheathing from: metal profile or from wooden beam? The reliability of the installed sheathing, the duration of its operation and the smoothness of the walls in your home depend 90 percent on it.

What to choose: profile or timber?

There are not so many materials offered by construction markets and stores for sheathing (frame) for drywall: wood and metal. In some cases, manufacturers also offer plastic, but it is, firstly, too soft and bends under the influence of the weight of the gypsum board, and secondly, it is not as common as the previous two, and therefore is quite rarely used in repair work. Let's figure out what is most suitable for solving our problems.

A wooden frame is superior to a metal frame in only two respects.

  1. Price. The profile costs much more. Especially if you compare its cost with the costs of unedged board, or even a slab, which can well be used when installing sheathing for drywall made of wood.
  2. Strength of fixation of self-tapping screws. In a metal profile they are held in place by only one turn, in a beam - by each screw.

Despite these disadvantages, galvanization is usually still chosen, since making sheathing for plasterboard from metal is more reliable, of better quality, easier and faster. And the insufficient strength of the gypsum board fastening is eliminated by more frequent installation of self-tapping screws.

What you need to know when installing sheathing

Exist certain rules How to make sheathing for drywall correctly. If you follow them, it will turn out to be reliable and strong, capable of serving the inhabitants of the apartment for many decades.

If you need to hide fairly large communications in the design (for example, fan pipe), a double set of rack and guide strips is installed, which are connected by cross members from profile scraps - this will increase the degree of rigidity of the box.

Errors when using the profile

Inexperienced drywallers repeat the same mistakes from generation to generation. Because of them, many are so disappointed in plasterboard structures, that in the future they begin to look for alternative ways. Meanwhile, it’s enough to just remember – and follow! - a few simple rules.

Timber profiles, types of timber profiles for assembling a house and bathhouse.

When making profiled timber, unplaned timber is taken, which is given a clearly defined standard shape on machines - a profile.
At the same time, the profile of the beam along the entire length is strictly consistent in size, the tenon and groove of the beams exactly coincide when installing the house.
Thanks to this, the walls are built even along their entire length, the adhesion rigidity of the walls increases, the deformation of the walls is almost eliminated, and there is no need to adjust the timber on site. All these factors reduce the time and cost of construction, the shrinkage of the house is small, the walls do not require additional finishing.

Timber profile manufacturing technology:

Wooden beams are processed on special machines. When producing profiled timber, timber with dimensions of 100x150mm and 150x150mm is used. and 150x200mm. standard length- 6 meters, after processing on the machine, the timber becomes profiled in the following sizes: 90x140mm, 140x140mm and 140x190mm.
Profiled timber is made from a whole array of coniferous wood, spruce or pine.
Profiles come with one tenon, with two tenons, with beveled chamfers, with outside under a block house (semicircular), and on the inside it is flat or on both sides it is flat, with a large number of spikes (the so-called “comb”).

Company Terem Stroy uses forest only good quality, prepared in Novgorod and Vologda regions and applies the following types profiles for house construction:

1. Profiled timber with two tenons, semicircular on the outside (like a block house), flat on the inside.

2. Profiled timber “straight with chamfers”, the walls of the house are straight on both sides. This type of profile is the most popular when ordering houses and baths made of timber.

The internal walls of the house are made of profiled timber 100x150 cm, with a wall thickness of 100 mm, the profile type is “straight with chamfers”

A wooden house assembled from profiled timber with a wall thickness of 150 mm. We recommend for permanent residence, and with a wall thickness of 100 mm. - for seasonal.