What relates to personal qualities. Business qualities

Personal and business qualities affect efficiency and communication. What a successful employee should be like - read the article.

From the article you will learn:

Important business and personal qualities

Business qualities of the employee - ability to perform job responsibilities, secured job description. When choosing an employee, focus on the benefit he will bring to the organization. Take into account personal qualities - they characterize the attitude towards work.

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Business and personal qualities

Business qualities

Level of education, literacy, qualifications, specialty.

work experience, labor productivity, previously held positions.

Analytical skills, attention to detail, learning ability, flexibility.

Adaptation to information systems, mathematical thinking.

Ready for overtime work, scrupulousness.

Customer interaction skills, business communication, planning.

Oratorical and organizational skills, report preparation skills.

Entrepreneurial spirit, ability to deal with several projects at the same time, work with a large amount of information.

Ability to make decisions.

Strategic and creative thinking, desire for self-improvement.

The ability to negotiate or correspond, negotiate, express thoughts, find mutual language.

Ability to teach, work in a team, win people over, and persuade.

Good appearance, diction, physical fitness.

Personal qualities

Accuracy, attentiveness, diligence, discipline, organization, responsibility, punctuality.

Activity, perseverance, ambition, determination, initiative, non-conflict, politeness, sociability, charm, poise.

Decency, loyalty, integrity, honesty;

self-control, patience, independence, stress resistance

energy, enthusiasm.

An employee’s business qualities also depend on his personal qualities, since they are often interrelated. When selecting a candidate for a vacant position, make a list of mandatory and non-essential qualities. Keep in mind that a person cannot combine everything at once. How to identify , read in the magazine " " To read the articles, sign up for demo access to the magazine for 3 days.

Read about professional and business qualities in the electronic magazine “ »

If an applicant has entered more than 5 characteristics into his resume, this means that he is not able to make a choice. The standard “punctuality”, “efficiency”, “responsibility” have become banal, so ask what the employee means by them.

Business qualities in a resume: example

A specialist got a job at the organization and wrote in his resume that he was highly efficient. The manager expected the employee to be willing to work overtime, but it turned out that by this he meant the ability to perform several tasks at the same time.

Pay attention to such business qualities of the employee as “motivation to work”, “self-control”, “professionalism”. Job seekers often embellish skills and abilities. To ensure the integrity of the information, ask for an illustration of the specified characteristics. Weed out people who voice contradictory qualities immediately. If they are unable to decide on the characteristics, do not expect high performance from them.

Negative personal and business qualities of a manager

Ask applicants to include negative business statements as well. qualities for resume, but don't expect honesty. Be lenient if the candidate does decide to fill out the column. Some of the negative characteristics help in work.

Negative qualities include:

  • hyperactivity, restlessness;
  • excessive emotionality, touchiness;
  • greed, impudence;
  • addiction to gossip;
  • vindictiveness;
  • inability to lie, straightforwardness;
  • inability to work in a team;
  • lack of work experience or education;
  • lack of sense of humor;
  • bad habits;
  • self-confidence;
  • modesty, shyness;
  • poor communication skills, conflict.

The applicant who has entered negative qualities is honest and rash at the same time. If you want to know possible problems with him, ask him to list negative qualities and give examples of when they manifested themselves. Give the person the opportunity to present negative qualities in a favorable light, listen to him. They often help with work and career advancement.

Restlessness indicates quick adaptation, the ability to switch from one task to another. Straightforwardness speaks of the benefits brought when concluding a deal and conducting complex negotiations. At the same time, self-confidence promotes independence - a person does not wait to be told what to do, he acts without orders from management.

Professional and business qualities of workers in various fields

Be careful when assessing an employee’s professional and business qualities. Don’t hire the first person you come across to fill the vacancy faster. You should believe the information in your resume, but it should be verified.

Required qualities:

  • For employees in the field of promotion: sociability, sociability, ability to work in a team, charm, energy, self-confidence.
  • In the field of trade: skills of interaction with clients, flexibility of thinking, ability to negotiate, quick response, politeness, activity.
  • Businessmanager qualities : organizational skills, ability to find a common language and work in a team, lack of conflict, resourcefulness. Charm, quick decision-making, attentiveness, and balance are valued.
  • Strengths of a specialist working with large volumes of data: attention to detail, quick learner, accuracy, organization.
  • Professional, personal and business qualities of secretaries: business communication skills and interaction with clients, literacy, negotiation skills, business correspondence, the ability to do several things at the same time. External data, tact, and balance are important.

Responsibility, stress resistance and attentiveness are useful in any field of activity. But the candidate, when writing these qualities into his resume, does not always take them seriously. Some people don't understand what they mean. They notice who's wearing what, but they miss important nuances at work, do not respond to criticism, and responsibility is confused with efficiency.

Assessing an employee’s business qualities

To avoid wasting money and time testing new employees, evaluate them before hiring. If the organization does not have a specialist who can identify personal and professional quality personnel, contact specialized personnel assessment and certification centers.

An employee’s business qualities are assessed using:

When deciding on evaluation criteria, base your on business qualities. To be effective, focus on the characteristics needed for the position. To be confident in an employee, consider personal qualities. Conduct an assessment by ranking candidates. Place + and - according to certain criteria.

Avoid grading mistakes. Give preference to candidates who are suitable for the position, rather than those with whom you personally like. A large list of business qualities should alert you. If an employee does not hesitate to praise himself, check him especially carefully.

One of the most important components of a successful job search is a well-written resume. This small document is designed to distinguish the applicant from other applicants for the position and interest a potential employer. It is important not only to reliably indicate age, education and work experience, but also personal qualities in your resume. Examples from life show that it is precisely this information that Lately Recruiters and managers are seriously paying attention. You can seek help from specialists or try to do it yourself.

Important nuances

Before choosing which personal qualities to include in your resume, examples and samples, you need to study and familiarize yourself with the basic rules for filling out this section.

  • Any information must be reliable and truthful. The deception will sooner or later be revealed anyway, so you shouldn’t fool others or yourself by the nose.
  • Personal qualities should be stated briefly and clearly. However, you should not use only hackneyed common phrases, which do not provide any specific information to a potential employer.
  • This section, like the entire resume as a whole, must be written correctly, without errors and colloquial vocabulary.
  • As a rule, you are asked to indicate the five most important personal qualities, so there is no need to overdo it and indicate everything. It is necessary to carefully analyze which character traits or behaviors may be useful for a particular profession or position. For example, an economist does not necessarily need to be creative, but a salesperson will find it very useful to be able to resolve conflict situations.

Groups and Templates

Personal qualities for a resume can be divided into several groups, each of which has its own template phrases.

  • Work and job responsibilities. These include: high efficiency and hard work, dedication or focus on results, analytic skills, determination, responsibility, ability to adapt, discipline.
  • Relationships with people. Templates: sociability, friendliness, resistance to stress and non-conflict, ability to persuade, ability to work in a team, fairness, politeness, grammatically correct speech.
  • Creative thinking and development. Possible options: easy learning ability, desire for development, desire to improve oneself, creativity, creativity, resourcefulness.
  • Character traits. Typical expressions: perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, activity, punctuality, decency, cheerfulness.

Personal qualities in a resume: examples of writing for some professions and positions

There are many template phrases that can be used when creating a questionnaire. The employer carefully examines the personal qualities in the resume.

Example of a manager:

  • focus on the results of the entire team's work;
  • ability to persuade and direct; availability of skills to quickly analyze the situation and make decisions;
  • stress resistance;
  • increased performance.

Accountant: attention to detail, scrupulousness when working with documents, ability to easily learn and adapt when shifting legal requirements, perseverance, decency.

Lawyer: literacy, ability to find, remember and analyze volumes of information, perseverance when working with documents, ability to quickly make decisions, contact.

Secretary: nice and well-groomed appearance, competent speech and good diction, ability to communicate, ability to smooth conflict situations, efficiency, accuracy.

It is very important to correctly describe personal qualities for professions that involve working with people (managers, salespeople, consultants, etc.). You can use this sample to create a resume.

Personal qualities (example): sociability, ability to easily establish contact, ability to persuade, resistance to stress, non-conflict.

First job

If the resume is being compiled for the first time, and the column about labor activity Since there is nothing to fill out yet, then in the section on the specialist’s personal qualities it is better to indicate the following:

  • desire to develop and improve;
  • fast learner;
  • good memory;
  • activity;
  • creativity and creative approach to work;
  • desire to work in a team.

However, we should not forget about the relevance of qualities for a particular place of work.

Nobody is perfect

From the information presented in the previous paragraphs, it is clear how to write personal qualities in a resume. The examples given above will help you understand and fill out this section correctly. But what if the employer asks you to state your shortcomings?

Under no circumstances should this item be ignored or left blank. Because ideal people simply do not exist. Reluctance to indicate your weak sides may alert a potential employer. In this matter, it should be remembered that some negative character traits or behavioral characteristics are simply unacceptable for some professions, but for others they have no meaning or, on the contrary, can be very useful.

So, let's look at personal qualities in a resume: examples, weaknesses in a favorable light:

  • Excessive scrupulousness or perfectionism. For a party organizer or animator, such a deficiency will most likely greatly interfere with their work. But such an accountant or financier will be just a godsend for a manager.
  • Excessive activity. For professions that require perseverance (analysts, accountants, economists, accountants, seamstresses, telephone operators, etc.), this is a big drawback, but for those from whom “moved mountains” are expected (managers, salespeople, journalists, etc.) ), This negative quality in fact, simply irreplaceable.
  • Inability to deceive or be cunning. For a seller, most likely, such a drawback will be significant, but an assistant manager with such weak side will suit a potential employer.
  • Having bad habits. Today, many firms and enterprises refuse to employ people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, but a person who smokes cigarettes will fit quite harmoniously into the position of sales manager at a tobacco company.
  • Appearance. Eg, excess weight may be a huge disadvantage for many professions, but for a help desk dispatcher or a telephone operator taking taxi orders, such a disadvantage does not matter at all, since no one will see it.

Resume for interview

When writing your characteristics, you should take into account the likelihood that during the interview the applicant will be asked to confirm what he wrote with specific actions. Therefore, it is worth seriously considering what personal qualities to include in your resume.

Example: a person applying for the position of an analyst wrote about his ability to quickly find any information. During an interview, he may be asked to do this to ensure that he has this skill in practice.

Or another example: an applicant for the position of sales manager, who easily finds an approach to people, may be asked to meet and get the phone number from the first person he meets.

Such checks are now very popular and are used in hiring processes in many large companies.

Running a business is a process in which an entrepreneur is faced with a million different nuances and issues not directly related to his main activity. Especially when it comes to small businesses, where you have to do everything yourself. There are many examples of such combinations, one of them is drawing up a profile for an employee.

Let's look at what an employee reference sheet is, why it is needed, and most importantly, how to draw it up correctly? In order to look like a worthy employer in the eyes of the surrounding business community.

What is an employee profile?

Characteristic is short review(in our case, the employer) about a specific person (employee) with clarification of his professional, business, personal qualities, as well as a description of his work experience at a specific workplace.

It should be noted that the job description does not indicate a general biography or achievements and stages of work outside of this enterprise. That is, we write only about work in a specific company, other stages of life are indicated in the resume or individual characteristics. The situation is similar with indication of family status or education.

In most cases, the employee reference is issued on the company’s letterhead; if this is not available, then the full details of the company or entrepreneur must be indicated in the first section. Such a paper is signed either directly by the manager or by an authorized person with a wet stamp.

How to correctly write a job description for an employee

This document must necessarily consist of three main parts (minimum).

The first part is general

In it we indicate:

  • - last name, first name, patronymic,
  • - date of birth
  • — in the absence of a letterhead, indicate the full details of the company
  • - length of service in the employee’s specific company

The second part is work experience

We write in it

  • — stages of labor activity. Transfers, promotions, demotions, etc.
  • — we describe incentives, awards, reprimands (with the obligatory indication of reasons)
  • — indicate completion of advanced training courses, professional training, education.

The third part is personal characteristics

We write in it

  • — presence of professional qualities;
  • — experience and skills of a specialist to perform quality tasks quickly and efficiently;
  • - communication skills;
  • — the relationship of the employee in the team;
  • - ability to work, etc.

Of course, this is a general layout for writing a reference for an employee from the place of work and no one is stopping you from making adjustments or adding information of your own, for example, about additional skills or knowledge (not related to professional activities but used in the workplace)

Examples of characteristics for an employee

Example one

Form for organizations (firms, enterprises, individual entrepreneur details)

Ref. No. ____ “______” _______________ 20___


Issued to Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

Sergey Ivanovich Ivanov has been working at Sell Everything LLC since January 1, 2006. By ___________ (fill in if issued to a non-working employee)

Work experience at the company is 10 years.

Hired on January 1, 2006 as a sales consultant.

On January 1, 2010, he was transferred to the position of senior sales consultant.

On January 1, 2015, he was transferred to the position of head of the sales department.

On October 10, 2012, he received the title of seller of the year, for the most high level sales

During his work, he was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which he successfully completed, in marketing and management programs.

Ivanov S.I. has a large amount of knowledge in his specialty, systematically improves his professional knowledge through self-study, and uses the latest developments in the field of sales in his work. Has excellent business negotiation skills.

Personal qualities - punctuality, delicacy in communication with clients and subordinates, is respected in the team, has leadership qualities. Demanding of himself.

Position I.O. Last name Signature

Example two

"______" _______________ 20___


This characteristic was issued by full name, date of birth: ___________________________, working in _________________________________________.

(name of organization and its details)

c “______” _______________ 20___ to present in the position of _________________.

The employee is a professional with ___ work experience. During this time, I did not go to advanced training courses; I carried out advanced training on my own. Disciplinary sanctions never been exposed.

He is on friendly terms with his colleagues, without strong leadership qualities. Friendly and reserved, always ready for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, conflict-free. Bad habits are missing. Life priorities and guidelines correspond to generally accepted moral principles. Systematically participates in public life team.

This characteristic was issued for submission to ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position I.O. Last name Signature

Sample characteristics from the robot site

Positive sample

One of the guarantees of the success of any activity is the professionalism of the person involved in it, which is why it is so important to look at the business qualities of the employee. They allow you to understand what he is capable of and what you can entrust to him. It is advisable to analyze them when applying for a job; it is also important to remember about personal qualities, on which behavior with colleagues and management often depends. The list of both varies for different professions. They can change if necessary for career advancement.

Business qualities are extremely important when applying for a job


Business qualities are a person’s ability to perform functions if he has a certain level of knowledge, education, work experience and personality characteristics. Without identifying and assessing them, it is difficult to entrust him with the performance of duties and count on their high-quality performance.

Exists different approach to determine business and professional qualities. Some people tend to believe that an employee’s professional qualities are the least important. The most popular position is that professionals reveal in more detail the characteristics of a specialist’s properties. Business are universal qualities for different types work.

Description of personal qualities

Personal qualities play no less important role when applying for a job important role than business ones. Personal properties reveal the characteristics of a specialist as a person and show how he interacts with other people. Some of them are laid down from childhood, formed in the family, the other part develops in society, in school and student groups. Some personal characteristics can only be discovered during work, positive qualities can and should be developed to achieve professional goals.

Professional and personal qualities are important for work. They are reflected in the resume of a candidate for a position, often business ones follow from personal ones.

With the same professional characteristics the employer studies a list of personal attributes. The applicant should strive to show strengths his character and personality so that the leader makes an objective choice.


An approximate list of personal qualities of an employee:

  • honesty;
  • communication skills;
  • responsibility and integrity;
  • hard work;
  • politeness and tact;
  • determination;
  • flexibility and ability to accept someone else's point of view;
  • self-criticism, the ability to see one’s mistakes and admit them;
  • stress resistance.

This list shows positive qualities; there are also negative aspects of personality that are easy to identify through opposites positive properties. It is difficult to find an ideal employee; everyone has these and other characteristics in different proportions.

Top 20 most popular personal qualities on a resume

Description of business qualities

Business qualities for hiring can be classified on various grounds, including motivation, range of job responsibilities, focus on colleagues, management or contractors, time of acquisition of qualities.

One of the common and broad classifications is the division into positive and negative. They will be considered separately, since in different situations the same property can be good, but in another case turn out to be bad.

Also, some job characteristics are important for the boss, while others are important for the average specialist.


Among them are those that characterize the attitude towards work responsibilities:

  • discipline;
  • perseverance;
  • independence in making individual decisions;
  • self-learning;
  • accuracy in working with documents;
  • ability to plan and distribute your time;
  • foresight;
  • creativity;
  • the ability to clearly formulate your thoughts;
  • ability to make quick decisions.

Those that show the nature of relationships with others:

  • ability to find a common language with clients;
  • knowledge of business etiquette;
  • ability to speak in public;
  • ability to organize events;
  • skill to work in team;
  • ability to persuade;
  • professional integrity;
  • balance, striving for the golden mean.

The list is not exhaustive, but contains a basic set, which, if desired, can be supplemented with some personal qualities of the employee.


Definitely negative qualities:

  • greed;
  • quarrelsomeness;
  • touchiness;
  • envy;
  • self-confidence and arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • talkativeness and tendency to spread gossip;
  • aggressiveness;
  • manifestation of laziness;
  • vindictiveness.

Some properties can be called negative under certain circumstances:

  • hyperactivity;
  • modesty;
  • straightforwardness;
  • emotionality.

Reflection in the resume

When hiring business and personal properties are taken into account first. Without knowing the person, an employer can only choose a suitable candidate based on a resume or interview. Sometimes the problem arises of which employee qualities are most suitable for a resume. The applicant makes a mistake if he lists them in large quantities, without choosing the main ones related to this position. For the manager, this is a signal that he does not know how to isolate the necessary information.

The wording in the resume should be clear, concise, logical, and not inconsistent with the rest of the information. It is desirable that they reflect the strengths of the individual, so that from the text it is possible to trace the connection between business qualities and professional achievements.

Sometimes applicants for a position indicate not only their best sides, but also the worst. This can have two meanings: it demonstrates the person's honesty and shows his shortsightedness. It is advisable to note your shortcomings at the interview, where they will ask about them. It is important to emphasize the desire to correct your shortcomings.

An example of the correct beginning of a resume

Qualities for different professions

Each field of activity presupposes the presence of certain business qualities that must be indicated in the requirements for the vacancy; they are important when applying for a job.

  • For managers, dedication and responsibility are important;
  • an accountant must be scrupulous and persevering;
  • the secretary cannot do without accuracy and patience;
  • A sales manager must have developed communication skills and be flexible.

When writing your resume, you should pay special attention to your professional qualities. It is by them that the employer will judge whether you are suitable for the company or not. Accordingly, professional qualities for a resume need to be selected and listed very carefully in order to attract the recruiter who will communicate with you at the interview.

Professional qualities for a resume

Professional qualities - this is how one can characterize the totality of personal qualities, as well as all the skills that a person managed to acquire throughout his career. professional activity. They can help you improve in the future and bring tangible benefits to your company.

Sometimes there are qualities that can be called professional only conditionally. For example, if an applicant describes a “developed sense of humor” as one of them, they are unlikely to attract the recruiter’s attention. Unless a person is looking for a job as a party host - then the sense of humor can still be called professional.

How to get an effective resume with a favorable description of your professional qualities?

We offer professional help job seekers who want to take their job search seriously and get quality results.

Strong professional qualities for a resume

  • desire for professional growth;
  • ability to persuade;
  • increased performance;
  • analytical thinking.

All this will allow the recruiter to get his bearings and understand how to communicate with you and what qualities of yours to best try to reveal during an interview.

For example, the same lack of experience can be complemented by such qualities as result orientation and quick learning. Thus, the employer, realizing that one cannot expect instant results from a new employee, still gets the opportunity to create from him exactly the kind of specialist that is required. If your future employer is forward-thinking, you have a good chance.

Examples of professional qualities in a resume

It must be remembered that when listing any of the professional qualities, you need to coordinate this list with the requirements for the position. For example, accuracy can hardly be considered a professional quality and defining criteria for a candidate applying for a top manager position. But it can turn out to be a very tangible advantage for the position of secretary. Therefore, when choosing professional qualities for your resume, consider how relevant one or another of them will be for you in a future position.

Here are a few situations related to certain professions that require certain specific qualities.

Example of professional qualities for a manager's resume

  • responsibility;
  • performance;
  • ability to negotiate;
  • enterprise;
  • ability to make quick decisions.

Example of professional qualities for an accountant resume

  • diligence;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • organization.

Example of professional qualities for a sales manager resume

  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • public speaking skills;
  • ability to quickly navigate a situation;
  • creativity.

As you can see, the difference in professional qualities is obvious. It all depends on what vacancy you intend to apply for. But do not forget that the list of qualities should not be too long. If it contains about 10 points (or even more), then there is a high probability that your resume will be put aside: after all, the recruiter will get the feeling that you are simply praising yourself. Show moderation and the recruiter will appreciate your professional qualities in your resume.