What to plant on a grave in the fall. Flowers in the cemetery: which ones to carry and what can be planted? What plants and flowers are best for decorating a grave?

Every person visiting a burial site loved one, wants to see his grave well-groomed - after all, this is all we can do for the person who has left us. It is very important to choose the right plants to decorate the grave. Low, creeping grass is best suited for these purposes. When choosing grass for planting, you need to remember that it should require minimal care, since we do not always have the opportunity to visit the cemetery often.

The grass must meet the following requirements:

- grow on any type of soil;

— withstand low winter and high summer temperatures;

- withstand prolonged droughts and heavy rains;

- not be exposed to diseases and harmful insects;

- do not require transfers,

- to be short, to cover the grave mound with a continuous carpet.

There are many varieties of lawn grasses.

What grass should I plant on the grave? First of all, it's evergreen perennial herbs. These include:

  1. Periwinkle

It reaches a height of no more than 20 centimeters. It forms a very dense cover, killing weeds and other grasses; it is not for nothing that its translation from Latin means “winner”. The length of the roots is about 1.5 meters. Flowering begins in May, blooms for about two months.

  1. Euonymus Fortune

The plant is decorated with leaves, the edges of which are variegated yellow or white. IN middle lane Russia practically does not bloom.

Easily propagated by creeping shoots and does not require constant care.

3. Iberis evergreen

A very beautiful fragrant shrub, shaped like a cloud, very branched. The height does not exceed 50 centimeters. Has dark - green color leaves. Small inflorescences of flowers are collected in umbrellas. Flowers come in different shades - white, cream, lilac, depending on the variety.

Tolerates a long absence of moisture and does not require fertile soil.

Flowering begins in May and lasts about two months.

4. Goryanka Colchis

Thanks to unusual shape flower, the grass in Germany is called “elf flower”. Long creeping rhizomes allow the plant to cover large areas. It has dark green leaves and yellow, simple-shaped flowers that form clusters. The height does not exceed 40 centimeters. It blooms in May for about two weeks. It is advisable to cover it with dry leaves for the winter.

5. Soddy saxifrage.

During flowering, the plant looks like a beautiful carpet with a floral pattern. The flowers have 5 petals, from which paniculate inflorescences are collected, which are directed upward. Colors can be of different shades - white, yellow, lilac, red. The average height is 50 centimeters. It reproduces independently by separating root rosettes. It takes root very quickly. It blooms for three months, starting in May. Wood can be used ground cover plants, which include:

1. Cotoneaster horizontal.

By the name you can tell that this plant is creeping. Elegant in form. The height does not exceed 50 centimeters. The shoots are dense and resemble the backbone of a fish. The leaves are dark green. Does not require special care, frost-resistant.

2. Juniper horizontal.

The plant is a creeping shrub with many shoots. It has needle-shaped silver or bluish-green needles, black cones. In spring it is most beautiful, as it has a bluish tint to the needles. There are about 60 varieties of the plant. Does not require care, grows on any soil.

from herbaceous perennials:

1. European hoofweed

Unusual, very beautiful plant, no more than 15 centimeters high with lush green leaves in the shape of a horse’s hoof. Forms a beautiful dense carpet.

Leaves grow on a long climbing stem Brown, buds appear at the base of the leaves in the fall. In spring the plant blooms, in autumn fruits appear in the form of a box with seeds. These seeds are eaten by ants.

The plant tolerates frost well and grows on different types soil

2. Sedums

The plant can grow practically without the presence of water, on depleted soils. At the same time, it forms a dense, unusually beautiful carpet. The leaves are sharp at the edges, collected in rosettes, the flowers form umbrellas. The plant is easily propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing bushes of an adult plant.

  1. Creeping tenacious

The name of this plant contains information that it grows in all weather conditions, does not select soil, and is free from diseases and harmful insects. The dense cover of grass does not allow weed seeds to break through to the surface of the earth.

With the help of this grass a unique living carpet is created.

The height of the plant does not exceed 30 centimeters.

Perennial, characterized by a very long flowering and wonderful aroma. Very attractive foliage is gray-green with teeth along the edge. Forms a dense carpet of flowers in white, pink, yellow shades. The height of the plant does not exceed 30 centimeters. The stems of the plant are long, the shoots take root, thereby occupying an increasingly larger area. The plant does not require careful care, but does not like waterlogging.

5. Loosestrife (meadow tea)

A perennial plant with a horizontally located stem, the length of which is about 30 centimeters. Tender green leaves oval shape and yellow single flowers form a continuous cover of the surface. The plant is perennial. It reproduces by shoots with roots that quickly take root. It blooms for about 20 days in different months, depending on growing conditions. Transfers winter cold and the heat in the summer. Grows on any type of soil.

6. Dianthus grass

A very spectacular plant with bright flowers of various shades depending on the variety. The flowers are small, about 1.5 centimeters in diameter. Their shape is the same as garden carnation. The stem rises above the ground by no more than 15 centimeters. Blooms throughout summer period. Leaves are elongated, small size. Propagates by self-sowing. The plant tolerates harsh winters and dry summers. Does not require fertile soil.

Choosing what grass to plant on the grave , the use case should not be neglected roll lawn. For these purposes, experts grow special lawn grass, then, together with the top layer of earth, they are rolled up and placed at the burial site. The advantages of this method are that a continuous, perfectly even surface cover is guaranteed, there are no weeds, and you do not need to buy planting material yourself.

Often, when growing grass for rolls, mixtures of grasses such as meadow bluegrass, red and sheep fescue, bentgrass, creeping clover, and perennial ryegrass are used. They meet all the requirements for herbs for decorating graves. These are short stature, resistance to very low and very high temperatures, undemanding soil conditions, and immunity to disease. What grass to plant on the grave , everyone decides individually, based on the availability of time to visit the graveyard, material resources, and age characteristics.


Vera Vasilyeva asked what flowers to plant in her parents’ cemetery:
“The fact is that there is no time to care for the cemetery, but I want the plants to always look well-groomed. Tell me if it is possible to plant some perennials. There are no other plantings like trees or bushes.”


Most people take fresh flowers to the graves of their relatives and friends, and some even take seedlings to plant in flower beds. This topic quite delicate, but there are some unwritten rules regarding the selection and planting of plants in the cemetery.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is great work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

In most cases, thuja or juniper, white-trunked birches and thin trembling aspens are chosen for planting on graves, but it is better not to plant modern large trees, except perhaps dwarf varieties. Trees with powerful roots can damage graves, and those that fall during strong winds can break monuments.

Among the flowers there are also plants that symbolize mourning, and you can find out exactly which flowers to plant so that they bloom all summer. For example, for many centuries the iris was considered a mourning flower, and calendula translated from German means “flower of the dead.” It is customary to plant it because its flowers do not fade. The Germans plant sunflowers in the cemetery in memory of deceased soldiers.

Among the inhabitants of Greece, the violet is considered a symbol of sadness. They probably started the tradition of planting Wittrock's violet on graves. And from the old Russian traditions, it is customary to plant strawberries. Here you can see how to plant strawberries. Its berries are not eaten, but left for the birds. This dates back to the pagan period, when the first berry found in the forest was placed on a stump so that the birds would bring it to the souls of the departed.

Important points

Before planting flowers on a grave, you need to find out what kind of soil is in the cemetery: black soil, sand or clay - and how much soil there is. sufficient quantity rays of the sun, since the choice of which flowers can be planted depends on this. Some of them can grow without problems in shady areas and develop without water, while others can do the opposite. There is also no need to purchase rare varieties of plants, they can simply be dug up; today people are not afraid to do this at all.

Let's consider various ways planting flowers.

In the form of a carpet

When choosing which flowers can be planted in a cemetery, you need to pay attention to those that weave along the ground and create an elegant carpet of greenery. Such plants include periwinkle, which blooms with graceful of blue color flowers from the very beginning of the spring period, and from July it pleases with bright greenery. Advantage of this flower- this is that it completely stops the growth of weeds, giving the grave a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. The downside is that this plant can creep into neighboring territories, which may not be very happy with the relatives of people who are buried in nearby places.

Like bunches

An excellent solution is to plant flowers growing in bunches on the grave - iris or narcissus. By the way, the first one is considered to be a mourning flower, so it is appropriate in cemeteries. Such bunches should be planted next to each other so that the soil is not visible. They bloom from approximately early spring until the end of May.

When choosing plants for a grave, you can see which ones the buried person liked, and plant these particular crops as a sign of respect. However, again it is necessary to take into account how demanding they are to care for. For example, roses are unlikely to be able to take root in the poor cemetery soil, and the grave will look poor and unkempt.

What flowers are suitable for a cemetery?

The flowers on the grave should not be full of their own variety, although you can choose ones such as periwinkle so that the ground is covered with a green carpet, and above it there are blue-blue small flowers. In the photo below you can see this option. This type of plant will not allow weeds to break through the thick root system periwinkle. Feel great without watering early daffodils, irises and tulips. They grow in bunches, that is, on Radonitsa you do not need to purchase artificial bouquets to decorate the grave.

Sun-loving crops

If the grave is under constant sunlight, then you should choose plants for which the following conditions are acceptable:

  • iris. This is one of the most reliable options for planting in a cemetery;
  • violet and pansy. These are the most unpretentious varieties of decorative flowers that are best suited for a grave. They delight with their decorative form for a long period of time. At the same time, such flowers are unpretentious.
  • we can’t visit burial sites every week to weed the graves, especially when it’s summer, so don’t pass by low-growing perennials– calendula, echinacea and rudbeckia. Borders made from sedum and low phlox look great.

If you have time to clean cemeteries a couple of times a year, pay attention spring planting- daffodils and tulips. They begin to bloom immediately after the snow melts; in particular, it’s nice to see how bright green shoots appear from under last year’s foliage, brightening up the still bare, unsightly soil. Special attention pay attention to flowers of dwarf forms, because the size of the fence does not allow them to grow in width.

Perennial flowers

The most optimal and unpretentious plant option is perennials. They will be able to bloom for many years without requiring constant and careful care. This category, in turn, is divided into several more types.

Tall perennials

We plant tall plants along the edges near the fence so that they do not shade the monument or gravestone. Hosta, ostrich feather fern, tall hybrid irises, tall phlox, goldenrod, astilbe - these representatives flora will be an excellent solution for edging and perimeter planting. You can see this option in the photo below.

Low-growing perennials

Among low growing plants We take a group of ephemeroids (spring and autumn) - dwarf tulips, crocuses, scillas, colchicums, and also muscari. It must be taken into account that they are decorative only during flowering. But dwarf irises, which reach a height of about 18 centimeters, loosestrife, and saxifrage can bloom in the spring, but will remain green throughout the season.

The advantage of herbaceous perennials is that they do not need to be replanted annually. Through vegetative propagation they cope with this moment on their own. For planting in the cemetery, you can use both tall perennials and medium- or low-growing ones.

Important: when planting flowers on a grave, it is necessary to take into account that rhizomatous perennials, thanks to their branched rhizomes, can grow greatly, so this process must be constantly monitored by digging out excess shoots.

Layout and arrangement of the burial site

A grave in a cemetery is something like a garden where memories of a person live, so planning can be quite emotional moment, which is filled with a special mood. Whether this kind of garden will become ascetic, with only one grave, or a classic family burial with a couple of places, a bench, flower vases and candlesticks - it depends on the taste of the one who arranges it.

Drawing up a plan for the burial site:

  1. Burial place

Let's look again where our kindergarten is located. A hill, a coniferous or deciduous forest, a depression, a sunny or shaded place - all this determines the selection of materials and colors. To ensure easy care, you need to think about all the points. If only coniferous trees grow near the grave, then falling pine needles will clog the pebbles, so we will choose a different covering - it could be sand, slabs, and so on. If there is a dusty road nearby, the polished monument will soon lose its beautiful appearance. If the soil is acidic, then we plant plants that like such conditions. When choosing flowers, we take into account how often you can water them. These are just examples of what to look out for.

You can draw a picture of the cemetery and sketch out layout ideas on paper. This way it will be immediately clearer. The space between the graves is covered with sand or gravel; in rare cases, you can choose lawn, pebbles, or mulch. You don’t have to fill everything with the material, but just place large slabs where you walk or make a path of smaller tiles. It is better to coordinate the material and color of the covering with the monument.

  1. Color spectrum

The color choice also has important, however, you don’t need to get carried away with bright colors. It is better to have several shades and some bright accent. The background color is mainly green, it can be combined with grey, purple and pink. Yellow, white, and red are good for accent. These flowers will always look great against a darker background. In a sunny area, bright colors always stand out, and in a shaded area, light ones.

You can make a place of memory like a green lawn with a tombstone, an area for a candle and a flower vase. Then you won’t have to worry that something hasn’t been weeded or watered, thereby giving time that could be spent on caring for the cemetery to your living loved ones to talk and remember the events associated with the deceased.

  1. Plant selection

Choosing plants is very difficult, because you always want something new. However, here, as in any garden plot, it is necessary to select plants that match one another in color, style, texture and size. Scented thyme grows in sunny areas and looks good with low-growing coniferous bushes.

There is no need to select capricious plants for the cemetery. Here it is necessary to plant unpretentious ones that do not require special care and bloom at different times. You can look at what grows on nearby graves so that you can understand how they look and feel in this place. Remember that under pine trees the soil is acidic, and under deciduous trees it is alkaline.

What to plant in a cemetery? In these places, ground cover plants are mainly planted. Important point: You can easily pick up needles and fallen leaves from them. You can also plant plants that quickly reproduce by shoots and do not grow very much, but these need to be regularly limited. Bulbs will also feel good here - daffodils, muscari, scylla, snowdrops and so on.

When deciding which flowers to plant on a grave so that they bloom all summer, they are often based on the preferences of the deceased. If you can’t rely on this parameter, then rely on your taste, trusting your soul and heart. But the conditions of the cemetery make their own adjustments.

When choosing flowers to plant in a cemetery, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the area where the grave is located (in the shade or in the sun);
  • soil quality (chernozem, clay, sand);
  • unpretentiousness of plants. Most of us visit the cemetery occasionally, so it is especially important to choose drought-resistant crops that grow without watering, relying only on rain.

It is better to plant simple plants in burial places; you should not spend money on outlandish, unusual, exotic flowers. Unfortunately, thefts from cemeteries are not at all impossible.

About the color of flowers

There is an unspoken rule that the grave should not look colorful. It’s better if everything is laconic and solemn. Give preference to discreet and touching options, adhere to measure and tact. But there are always exceptions, because a lot depends on whose grave it is.

If a very young man, girl or child is buried, who during his lifetime loved bright colors, then cheerful, “cheerful” flower beds will emphasize the memory of him.

Emphasis on the monument

You can plant shrubs at the head of the monument, which will serve as a backdrop for the tombstone. Rowan, juniper, chokeberry, hydrangea, viburnum, cotoneaster, and white dogwood would be appropriate. Almost all of them are unpretentious in care. They always look decorative thanks to their beautiful leaves, flowers and fruits.

When choosing a shrub, keep in mind that its roots should not be widely growing, otherwise they may destroy a monument or grave. The plant should not block the view of the monument.

Perennial ground covers are traditionally planted on the grave itself. They cover the ground with a decorative carpet and reliably prevent the growth of weeds.

Flowers should be beautiful for a long time, before flowering, during flowering and after. Therefore, choose those that provide maximum decorative effect:

evergreen with glossy dark green foliage, blooms with blue or purple flowers (see photo). For many peoples it is considered a memorial, symbolizing eternal memory. Unpretentious. Grows well in both shade and light. You just need to make sure that it doesn’t grow on other people’s graves.

The evergreen plant will cover the grave with a dense mat. It blooms twice during the summer, at the end of May–beginning of June, and then again in August–September. Flowers come in different colors (white, purple, red, pink). On fertile black soil they produce a lot of greenery, but few flowers. More suitable for poor dry soils. The flowers are small, but there are so many of them that during flowering the foliage is not visible behind them. Unpretentious to the soil, drought-resistant. They do not tolerate excess moisture well. Photophilous.

. Loves fertile soil, drought-resistant, does not like excess moisture. Valued for its beautiful, fluffy, silvery leaves. Its flowers are small and inconspicuous. Grows in height 20-60 cm.

Another hardy and undemanding fast-growing perennial. The foliage is very dense, blooms very luxuriantly, the flowers are white with a yellow throat. The plant can only be planted in the sun; it does not tolerate even partial shade.

A plant with evergreen leaves grows in lush bushes up to 30 cm high. The width of the bush can be up to 1 m. It blooms profusely for about a month (April-May) with white flowers, behind which the greenery is practically invisible. Loves light, tolerates light partial shade.

Grows well in partial shade and will cover the soil under a bush or around a tree. Severe drought is poorly tolerated, but in a normal summer there is enough rainfall for it not to lose its decorative value. There is a sun-loving variety of survivor - Atropurpurea. Its leaves are greenish-brown and wrinkled. Covers the ground with a continuous carpet 10 cm high. It looks very noble in the sun. Peduncles with blue flowers grow up to 30 cm in height.

It is distinguished by increased endurance and unpretentiousness. There are many varieties of heather. The colors of the leaves are very different, from light green to brown. It looks especially attractive during flowering (July-August). But the flowers remain firmly on the stems for another couple of months, until late autumn, creating the impression flowering plant. Young heather seedlings require regular watering in hot weather until they take root well. It grows into a continuous carpet.

Grows well in sun and partial shade. It is not demanding on soil and watering.

- an evergreen plant with deep green leaves. Grows well in dense willow shade. Prefers fertile soil that retains moisture well.

- another forest dweller. It loves shade, can withstand light drought, but can die in constant sun.

There are a lot of varieties. Undemanding to soil. Well-lit areas or partial shade are preferable for them. Suppresses weeds by densely covering the ground.

(stone rose, hare cabbage). About 50 species of this plant are known, different sizes and colors. The young plant is not picky about the soil, tolerates drought well, and loves the sun. The following feature has been noticed: under the scorching sun this plant will look gorgeous “ stone rose", and in the shade it loses its attractiveness, becoming an ordinary "rabbit cabbage".

(function). Among the many varieties, you can choose the height and color you need.

They love light, are undemanding to the soil, and are resistant to drought.

Most famous variety– creeping thyme, popularly called thyme. Grows well in fertile soil, in partial shade or sun.

How to make a grave always blooming

You can ensure continuous flowering using seasonal flowers. They will create bright accents during their flowering and decorate graves, like bouquets of fresh flowers.

in spring bright accents Muscari, primroses, daffodils, and begonias will bloom. Peonies can also be planted in the cemetery. It is better for them to look for a place near the monument. Can act as a tapeworm tree peony. If you have the opportunity to plant and dig up bulbs in time, you can plant tulips and daffodils in the cemetery. Next, focus on flowers that bloom all summer.

They bloom for a long time in summer:

  1. Poppies, they are considered symbols of sadness and grief, are very appropriate in a cemetery. You can choose perennial or annual varieties.
  2. Delphinium. Give preference to dwarf varieties.
  3. Daylilies. They bloom for a long time and are unpretentious. It is better to choose low-growing species.
  4. Irises. They bloom in early summer. The varieties are striking in color and size of flowers. You can choose according to your taste, but remember that the simplest and most familiar ones will not attract the attention of thieves.
  5. Marigold. They bloom from early summer until late autumn. Unpretentious to soil and watering.
  6. Gatsania or african daisy. Blooms from June to October. The flowers are mostly warm colors. They withstand drought well.
  7. Gomphrena spherical. In brightly lit locations it also blooms tirelessly; from June until almost frost it will be a bright spot among other greenery. Loves fertile, loose soil and is drought-resistant.
  8. Carnation. One of the most unpretentious varieties to care for is Turkish clove. Long flowering Dutch carnation is different. These perennials love sunny areas and soil with sand or clay.

When deciding what plants to plant on a grave, walk around the cemetery and see what grows well in neighboring graves. It will immediately become clear which flowers are comfortable there, and for which the soil and terrain are suitable. Other people's graves may be an indicator in this case. Taking into account your own observations, draw conclusions and make decisions.

Planting flowers on the grave and decorating the area adjacent to the monument with them is a long-established tradition. However, not all decorative crops look good on graves. There are a number of plants that are most appropriate in a cemetery.

Choosing plants for landscaping a grave

Most often, pretty plants that are familiar from childhood are planted in cemeteries, which are especially dear and especially emotional. When choosing plants or flowers for a grave, you should give preference not to colorful exotic wonders, but to simpler perennial crops.
When choosing flowers for the grave of a loved one, it is worth considering what preferences the deceased had for plants, what he liked and were especially dear to his heart. If you cannot make a choice based on this parameter, determine what is closest to you. Choose plants with your heart - this is the most correct option. If you decide to plant flowers on the grave, to give the burial place a well-groomed and beautiful appearance, remember that the main thing is not showiness, but a sense of proportion. Color palette plants also matter.
Green or silver color plants should be the main one. It is better to choose inflorescences in white, blue or red. Warm, sunny colors are used less often. But you can rely on intuition rather than certain standards.
Focusing on beauty, do not forget about practicality. Plants will grow in a limited amount of soil, often quite specific - sandy or clayey in composition, depleted, poor quality, almost always dry. And to survive in such soil, plants must be unpretentious and hardy.
For landscaping a grave, it is better to use perennial plants that can grow for decades without transplanting or dividing. Plants and flowers for the grave must have frost resistance appropriate to the region.
When choosing flowers for a grave, you should consider how often you visit the cemetery. If you live far away and rarely visit the grave, planting fast-growing ground covers may result in their uncontrolled spread. And plants that require constant care will die. In this case, it is better to choose conifers, including creeping junipers. They will forever cherish the memory and will not lose their beauty.

Perennial flowers for the grave

Crops that are used in landscaping in cemeteries can be divided into 3 groups:

Solitaires- These are shrubs and trees. They frame the monument and/or decorate the territory. Such plants are never planted on a grave. They are placed as a backdrop for the tombstone, creating a harmonious balance between the stele and its surroundings. A good choice is to use compact plants that do not have deep roots. For example, yew or pine, barberry, hydrangea, viburnum, weeping birch.

Perennials create a continuous covering on the grave. These are carpet and texture crops.

Seasonal accents- both perennial and annual plants, intended to decorate the grave at certain times of the year. Most often they play the role of living bouquets.

Noble textures of ground covers

The main plants for decorating a grave are ground covers. It's not just their ability to fill the soil and create coverings that look like luxurious carpets. These plants are not afraid of close proximity, are able to adapt well, and do not require weeding or constant care.

Phlox subulate(Phlox subulata) - short, modest and unassuming, grows and creates decorative pillows in sunny places. This plant takes root well in both large and small areas and goes well with granite and marble.

Chistets Byzantine(Stachys byzantine) – silver-velvety foliage on graves looks calm, equally good in the sun or partial shade.

Has similar silver tones yaskolka, but it has brighter flowering. The greenery of the chickweed is not so spectacular, and its ability to grow only in the sun is inferior to the chistets. Cerastium is best used as a border or framing plant.

Dianthus deltoides

Dianthus grass

Iberis sempervirens

Iberis evergreen


A calm, neat background forms Iberis evergreen(Iberis sempervirens). The Iberis carpet is bright green and looks like foam. This plant can grow in partial shade.

Creeping tenacious(Ajuga reptans) is one of the most unpretentious ground covers. It grows in dense turf, and the ability to choose leaves with different shades of green and purple allows you to create a soft, noble background. This is one of the best ground covers that keeps weeds at bay.

In a number of countries, periwinkle is considered a funeral plant. Periwinkle(Vinca minor) grows well in the shade, under the canopy of trees often used in the design of cemeteries - birch, spruce, cypress, thuja and rowan. It is not afraid of a lack of light, a bright location, constantly grows and has evergreen foliage. Periwinkle is considered a symbol of memory, eternal love, is endowed with magical and mythological significance and is more than appropriate in the design of a grave.

Also a symbol of immortality, like periwinkle, is considered one of the most versatile garden perennials - ivy, or curly(Hedera helix). It is capable of curling, braiding any surfaces and supports, creating amazingly beautiful effects of green tombstones. But ivy requires control. It can easily hide everything underneath, braid gravestones and spread to neighboring ones.

Calluna vulgaris

Common heather

Juniperus horizontalis

Juniper prostrate

The following ground covers can also be used in the design of graves:

  • creeping junipers (Juniperus) of the most compact varieties;
  • European hoofweed (Asarum europaeum) is an excellent shade-tolerant ground cover with very bright greenery;
  • Waldsteinia with the same bright leafy carpet and buttercup-like yellow flowers;
  • saxifrage (Saxifraga) - can help in landscaping even the most problematic areas, goes well with different breeds stone;
  • Juvenile (Sempervivum), growing even in extreme rocky or sandy soil.

An alternative to ground covers - capable of filling the soil and creating continuous turf garden perennials with increased endurance:

  • garden geraniums (Geranium) and their luxurious foliage create a very beautiful background and seem especially reverent;
  • hosta (Hosta) - when growing, it can fill the soil on a tombstone no worse than any ground cover;
  • sedum (Sedum) and sedum (Hylotelephium), unpretentious, hardy, growing quickly in carpet plantings, withstand extreme drought and bright sun;
  • thymes (Thymus), fragrant, textural and very beautiful in carpet compositions, tolerate dryness well;
  • heathers (Calluna), which will help to decorate graves with acidic soil specific in composition and characteristics;
  • lavender (lavandula) with its aroma, calm and noble beauty;
  • a symbol of grief and sadness, wormwood (artemisia) has long been used in the design of graves - their gray-silver foliage looks noble and perfectly conveys grief and solemnity, noble sadness.
Flowers on the grave - living bouquets

You can place small accents - living bouquets from garden flowering perennials, which will serve as a symbol of memory of the deceased.
Spring can offer the largest selection of seasonal plants that suit your mood and atmosphere. Touching forms, brevity and expressiveness, the tremulous fragility of your favorite spring flowers seem to emphasize the passage of time and enhance the feeling of the fragility of human life.

Optimal in size and unpretentiousness muscari(Muscari) is an option that will save you a lot of hassle. They are ideal for graves due to their color and miniature size. It can grow, but it still looks elegant.

Other options - Begonias(Begonia) primrose(Primula), Colchicums(Colchicum), May lilies of the valley(Convallaria majalis), daffodils(Narcissus) compact varieties, violets(Viola) are also appropriate for landscaping tombstones. But it is better not to plant tulips and other bulbous plants that need to be dug up.

Colchicum byzantinum

Colchicum Byzantine

Mouse hyacinth

The second half of the year also has its favorites.
Poppies(Papaver), also considered a symbol of sadness and sorrow - a good choice for summer-flowering accents both when it comes to perennial and annual plant species.
It’s not for nothing that helichrysum has earned its popular name - immortelle(Helichrysum). Yellow inflorescences and silvery greenery look simple and elegant.
Dwarf varieties delphinium(Delphinium) look like bouquets, strict.
The prim and cold beauty also matches the mood of the cemeteries. lilies(Lilium) and dwarf varieties daylilies(Hemerocallis).
And at the end of summer the seemingly impregnable, somewhat harsh anaphalis(Anaphalis).
In landscaping graves you can also use dwarf or ground cover roses .
Occasionally planted and peonies, both herbaceous and tree-like, but their place is not on the grave, but among the tapeworms in the environment.
Looks good any time of year boxwood. Small clipped spheres of boxwood (Buxus) or other clipped bushes from this shrub symbolizing immortality will help place expressive accents on graves.

A cemetery is a peaceful place where loved ones and relatives rest, and everyone wants to pay tribute to the deceased in the kingdom of heaven. I would like for, in addition to the monument and fence, calm and unpretentious vegetation to grow near the grave. When choosing plants for a cemetery, pay attention to their aesthetics, decorativeness, and whether they are suitable for planting in a cemetery. On the day of remembrance at the cemetery, not only the beauty of the flowers is important, but also the secluded shade in the surrounding area. To do this, you need to choose the right tree to plant near the grave. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly care for a burial site.

The main criteria for planting plants on a grave:

  • ease of care;
  • weather resistance;
  • neat and aesthetic appearance;
  • availability (the variety should not be rare and expensive).

What flowers to plant on the grave

For planting in a cemetery, from a variety of varieties, prefer the favorite flowers of the deceased. If you can’t plant such flowers on a grave, then select alternative views. To avoid bringing cut bouquets to honor the memory, dig a suitable flowerpot and plant whatever you want on the grave, roses for example.

Decorative design

Saxifragas. The plant is very unpretentious and does not require watering. Grows easily in clay-sandy soil. These are low bushes with annual stems, but their shoots are perennial. They bloom in mid-May and softly transform into a flowery carpet of pink shades.

African chamomile. An annual flower, the structure is similar to an ordinary chamomile. The stems are low, up to 30 cm. It blooms throughout the warm season, is not afraid of drought and windy weather, and can easily do without systematic watering. The inflorescences are varied, from orange to burgundy, and the shades of the petals are usually two-tone.

Marigolds, or Chernobrivtsy. Easy to care for. Bushes can grow both in length and width from the planting line. They are often planted near the grave, as they not only look beautiful and neat, but also have a ritual meaning among the people. It was believed that marigolds protect souls from intrigues evil spirits and black magicians.

Phlox subulate. They do not require special care, they knock out weeds. When flowering, fill the area with a colorful carpet. Flowers bloom by mid-summer. They are planted in the flower garden at the grave.

Sedum is caustic. Covers the area with a plant carpet with yellow flowers. Perennial after flowering remains the same cover with year-round green shoots. Excellent flowers for planting in a cemetery.

Evergreen perennials

European hoofweed. A perennial plant with leaves that fall only after wintering. The shape of the leaf is similar to that of a hoof, hence the name. In early May it is covered with flowers, but due to the wide foliage they are not visible.

Creeping tenacious. Among this plant there are both annuals and perennials. Based on the name, which characterizes the tenacious feature, the shoots instantly fill the place where it is planted. The only problem is that it needs to be trimmed sometimes so that the entire territory of the grave and its surroundings does not become overgrown. The flowers come in a variety of colors, from yellow to purple.

Common Dubrovnik. The plant loves light and warmth. Overwinters with green foliage. Prefers dry types of soil.

When choosing flowers to plant in a cemetery, choose blooming but discreet inflorescences to plant around the grave of the deceased. The top of the hill can be planted with an evergreen carpet. The fact is that the soil in the cemetery does not have any beneficial properties for vegetation. It is not fertilized and usually consists of clay and sand. In addition to decorating the grave itself, it is necessary to equip the area around the fence with vegetation. It could be like ornamental shrubs, and a small tree.

Shrubs and trees to decorate a cemetery or grave

To plant shrubs in a cemetery, first of all you need to pay attention to their properties. If the rhizome grows to a large size in diameter, it can disturb the base of the monument or a neighboring burial. Caring for bushes requires periodic pruning of branches for a more aesthetic appearance.

Evergreen spruce forests

Dwarf spruce. The varieties of these shrubs differ in shape and height. They can be either spherical or branched, both blue and bright green in color. Spruce trees do not require a large area to grow, so they are quite suitable for planting along the perimeter of the fence.

Boxwood. evergreen shrub. Its difference from other similar shrubs is its tolerance to decorative pruning and bright green beautiful leaves. This bush is widely popular in the states of America and European countries. Gardeners give preference to boxwood not only when decorating burial sites and crypts, but also when decorating the garden and yard. Thanks to their resistance to cutting, the bush can be given any shape, from spherical to rectangular.

Flowering shrubs

Lilac. A popular and widespread bush in the CIS countries. Ancestors believed that lilac has a great connection with other world, protects the peace of the dead and has powerful power in the fight against witchcraft. It’s not for nothing that it has been planted near cemeteries and churches for centuries. Apart from its spiritual power, the bush looks quite beautiful and exudes pleasant aroma. But once a year it requires pruning of branches, as it grows quickly. Another benefit of the bush is that on days of remembrance of the dead, a small shade is provided.

Derain white. A persistent shrub that is widely used to complement garden design. In mid-summer it is decorated with a white inflorescence, and in winter the branches take on a coral color. They tolerate frosty temperatures and drought well and easily adapt to soil that does not have beneficial properties. It is not variegated, so it is excellent for planting in a cemetery.

Barberry. The plant is resistant to drought and frost. The bright yellow flowers bloom in early summer and have a pleasant scent. At the end of summer the bush bears fruit. A carefully planted bush near the grave of the deceased will not only add beauty due to the calm colors of the plant, but will also perfectly decorate the hedge of this peaceful place.

Mid-spring or early summer is a time to remember deceased loved ones and relatives. These days, relatives pay tribute to their ancestors. Mysterious and mysterious time. I want to sit by the grave, mentally communicate with the soul of the deceased, and talk about my affairs. The custom obliges you to bring flowers, various sweets to the grave and simply show your attention to the soul of the deceased. The weather can be hot at this time, and you really want to sit side by side for a longer time at a monument or ritual cross...

A correctly selected tree will bring benefits not only at the present time, but also in the future for descendants. Foliage rustling softly in the wind will bring back pleasant memories and promote calm and a peaceful state. According to ancient beliefs, it was believed that a tree planted near a grave would attract singing birds and this would bring joy to the souls of the dead. Trees that bear fruit are usually not planted in cemeteries; they symbolize vital activity, which is incompatible with burial places. So what tree should you plant in the cemetery?

Trees with ritual symbols


Willow. The weeping willow has a kind of mourning symbolism inherent in sacred places. It will look very harmonious near the grave. The only caveat: the planting must be at a safe distance from the burial so that the roots do not destroy the monument. It has a very harmonious foliage appearance and is undemanding in care, although it can more often be found near bodies of water.

Birch. This tree has long been considered a ritual tree. The ancestors revered the birch and believed that this tree was sacred. Basically, it was planted on women's graves, as it was believed that the soul temporarily rested in birch leaves. It has a powerful root system, so it also cannot be planted too close. In the fall you will have to remove fallen leaves, but this is nothing compared to the beauty of a birch tree.


Rowan. Quite a practical and useful tree. His beauty and capriciousness will not leave indifferent those who want to honor his memory. Its advantage is that the roots are not as powerful as those of other trees. Bright red fruits will complement the harmony of a secluded place. Has ritual significance: ancestors believed that rowan protects peace departed soul. Of course, there will be less shade than other vegetation provides, but planting it near the grave will not harm its beauty.

Common cherry. An incredibly beautiful tree, especially when flowering. There are low-growing varieties of cherries; they are suitable for planting. The Slavs revered this tree as a symbol of love and sadness. Sometimes they planted them at the graves of brides and young lovers. The only negative is that the fruits will fall onto the grave, thereby clogging it.

The place where the memory of relatives is honored, do not make it bright and sloppy. Caring for a grave doesn't have to be difficult. Experienced gardeners advise not to use too decorative and expensive types plants, there are people who would not be ashamed to simply steal a rare flower or shrub. So what should you plant in a cemetery? Vegetation should not attract much attention; the well-groomed nature of the grave comes first than its pomp. Take into account the features of the landing site and know a sense of proportion.

Well, the most simple solution There will be artificial flowers on the grave. For example, like these bronze roses in the photo below

What matters is not what will grow or lie near the grave, what matters is your memory.