What is creatine and why is it needed in sports. Is it possible to stop taking creatine after several years of active use? There are two main ways to take creatine

People's attitudes towards sports nutrition are ambiguous. Someone condemns “jocks” for using chemicals, not understanding what creatine, amino acids or proteins are needed for. Others, on the contrary, approve and even use it themselves, although bodybuilding is not their thing. professional activity. And all because there is an opinion about the harm that these additives cause to the body. Terrible myths about a destroyed liver, male impotence only emphasize the underdevelopment of sports culture among people.

Why do you use sports nutrition? Advice from experienced bodybuilders and professional trainers suggests that with the right combination of supplements, they help you achieve your goals faster: lose weight, give your body definition, increase muscle mass, increase endurance and energy during training.

What is creatine

One of the components sports nutrition- this is creatine. This is an organic acid that is independently synthesized from amino acids such as glycine, arginine and methionine. IN human body, namely in the muscles, contains 95% of the total creatine reserve. If we explain in common language what creatine is needed for, then its main task is to increase endurance, help build muscle mass and give the body definition.

How creatine works

During intensive training The natural supply of creatine quickly runs out. For the average person, this consumption is 2 grams. Accordingly, when physical activity the body requires a significantly larger amount of this acid. The body is not able to synthesize the required volume on its own, so replenishment from outside is an excellent alternative and an indispensable assistant for increase

Who needs creatine and why?

Generally speaking, keratin is necessary for everyone who sets goals: to improve anaerobic performance, increase strength and endurance during training. The main indicators for taking this drug are:

  • increase in strength;
  • increased muscle and anaerobic endurance;
  • building “lean” muscle mass;
  • giving the body relief.

Creatine also helps burn fat by increasing physical activity and extending the time spent in the gym. According to research, creatine is absolutely safe for female body and has no contraindications. But for teenagers it is better to take this drug after graduation (age about 16-17 years).

Rules for taking creatine

There are such concepts as “loading phase” and “support phase”. The first phase is a four-time intake of creatine with a total weight of 10-20 grams over 7-10 days. This is followed by the second phase, during which creatine intake is reduced to 5-10 grams 2-3 times a day. In principle, the loading phase is not mandatory, it contributes to a more accelerated result, but even without it you will see positive dynamics simply later. You need to take creatine clean water or juice with a calculation of 150-200 ml. for 5 gr. drug. It is also necessary to follow the correct intake cycle: creatine is consumed for 35-40 days, then alternates with a 30-day rest. It is not recommended to take the supplement for more than 2 months in a row.

Creatine safety

So, we figured out why creatine is needed in sports. Now let's talk about the second side of the coin. As mentioned, most people who have not personally encountered sports nutrition say that it is harmful and useless. Today, creatine is the most studied sports supplement. It has no side effects, which has been proven by scientists who used an unacceptable amount (25! grams) of creatine in studies. The only drawback when using it at first may be frustration and fluid retention in the body. This only happens during the loading phase, that is, within 2-5 days.

Time for training

If you are determined to exercise in the gym, even if not professionally, but for yourself, consider the options for sports nutrition complexes. After explaining the purpose of your coming to the gym to the trainer, ask for advice: where to buy sports nutrition, what exactly you need to take and how. In addition to sports supplements, consult about your daily diet, exercise routine, and water-salt balance.

Creatine is a type of amino acid that enters the human body with food. Meat and fish (pork, beef, tuna, salmon) are rich in this substance. Creatine is formed in the kidneys, liver and pancreas from methionine, glycine and arginine. The more substance in the muscles, the faster they contract, the more energy and endurance a person has. After taking creatine, athletes experience a 25% increase in strength. Let's take a closer look at creatine - what it is and how it should be taken.

How does Creatine work?

On average, the human body uses 2 g of creatine daily. During sports activities, the body's need for this substance increases. For athletes, runners and bodybuilders to receive sufficient quantity Getting creatine from food is extremely difficult. After all, the decisive factor in achieving sports results is the body’s ability to release a lot of energy. For these purposes, people involved in sports use all kinds of creatine supplements or drinks with a high content of the substance. Creatine supplements come in several varieties:

  • Creatine hydrochlorite.
  • Creatine malate.
  • Creatine ester.
  • Phosphate.
  • Monohydrate.

From a chemical point of view, creatine is a carboxylic acid that performs the functions of energy exchange between nerve and muscle tissue. Creatine for muscles is used by powerlifters, representatives of speed disciplines, weightlifters and bodybuilders. Entering the body, creatine interacts with fluoride, supplying tissues with energy.

In addition to increasing endurance, taking creatine allows the athlete's body to recover quickly between difficult workouts. When creatine phosphate levels increase, athletes achieve significant gains in lean muscle mass in a short period of time. This circumstance allows obese people to use creatine for weight loss. But during the period when the supplement is taken, physical activity is required, otherwise there will be no effect.

How to use

Creatine supplements are beneficial for older people, obese people and vegetarians. When selecting a drug for course use, consider the purpose of use. If you want to increase muscle mass, choose pure forms of creatine without impurities. For beginning athletes and girls to lose weight, traditional creatine monohydrate, which can be easily purchased at any sports nutrition store, is suitable. To ensure that additional use of creatine produces results after training, professional athletes, when purchasing the drug, advise:

  1. Pay attention to the country of origin. The best sources of creatine are products produced in the USA and Germany.
  2. Beginners should avoid capsules and solutions - the creatine in them can be unstable.
  3. The absorption of creatine is equally effective, no matter what form you purchase it in: bars, powders or tablets.

Information on how to take creatine is written correctly on the packaging. If you purchase German or American supplements, but cannot read on the packaging how to take creatine, then know that best time for its use - the period after training, lasting 1.5 - 2 hours.

Professionals recommend two methods for taking supplements. A common loading phase is 5 5 gram servings of creatine daily between meals. The duration of the phase is 6 days, then you need to switch to daily 5 grams, which should be consumed for one month.

The second method of using keratin involves the use of 3 grams of creatine daily during the course of treatment (30 days). This maintenance phase is suitable for professional athletes who have already achieved positive results.

Other products in combination with creatine

For those who need to gain weight in a short period of time, manufacturers offer a creatine product with a high content of grape sugar. It provokes the rapid absorption of creatine, thus giving the body an insulin jolt. Protein shakes, gainers, and amino acids promote the absorption of creatine. It is recommended to take creatine supplements with sweets, fruit juices, milkshakes.

What is creatine for?

The use of creatine in sports has recently begun. These modern dietary supplements are relatively safe for the body and have no special contraindications. All types of creatine ensure the growth of cellular energy reservoirs and accelerate the muscle regeneration process.

During training, the effect of creatine on the body is to quickly contract muscles, and if you drink it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can easily achieve an increase in muscle mass by 5 kilograms per month and an increase in phosphocreatine reserves by 15%. When using testosterone and other nutritional replacement products, increase the dosage of the creatine supplement according to the instructions. The benefits of creatine for the body include the following:

  • neutralizes lactic acid;
  • increases endurance and strength;
  • suppresses the process of muscle destruction (catabolism);
  • helps to quickly recover after training;
  • forms a clear outline of the relief muscles, increases muscle volume;
  • protects blood vessels and the heart by lowering cholesterol;
  • stabilizes blood composition;
  • accelerates the resynthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid).
  • promotes intensive muscle growth;
  • improves anabolic processes;
  • prevents the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • provides therapeutic effect for heart diseases.

Contraindications and possible harm of creatine

Harm from consuming creatine can be caused by individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use the supplement for people prone to allergies and asthmatics - it is better for them to consult a doctor. Numerous studies and experiments did not reveal any side effects of creatine, because it is a natural product extracted from the muscle tissue of animals. Doctors do not advise combining creatine supplements with alcohol, so as not to worsen your health. Athletes who include creatine in their diet warn that if the dose is exceeded, the following body reactions may occur:

  • Lack of water (dehydration) due to the outflow of fluid to muscle tissue.
  • Stomach upsets.
  • Swelling due to delayed fluid intake.
  • Cramps when water reserves disappear from the body.


If you were unable to find and buy creatine at the pharmacy, then for high-quality recovery after strength exercises, pay attention to other harmless drugs that are not doping drugs. To improve the quality of training, athletes widely use a number of medications that are sold without a prescription. But before you buy and drink medicinal product, you should consult your doctor.

  1. Asparkam. The drug contains magnesium and potassium, which normalize metabolic processes, increasing the rate of muscle tissue growth.
  2. Riboxin. It is a stimulator of biochemical processes in the body. The drug has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, increasing coronary blood supply. To increase the effectiveness of recovery after training, athletes take Riboxin along with potassium orotate.
  3. Potassium orotate. The drug is a metabolite. In fact, it is a mineral salt that is found in the tissues of all living organisms. The drug helps strengthen the heart muscle, has an anabolic effect and does not cause side effects.
  4. Mildronate. The drug is classified as a cardioprotector that increases the endurance of an athlete. Mildronate regulates cellular immunity and normalizes metabolic processes.
  5. Diabeton B. The drug is a powerful anabolic and is used in the treatment diabetes mellitus. Bodybuilders use Diabeton B in the off-season to maintain anabolism at a high level.

What is creatine?

Those who are just starting their journey in sports often ask the question: what is creatine for and how to take it? Indeed, today sports nutrition developers offer to the market various shapes production of dietary supplements with creatine, they all differ slightly in dosage and administration option.

The most common supplement option is creatine monohydrate, available in the form of gelatin capsules or powder. It is easier to take the supplement in capsules, but the powder is more convenient to use when you need to take several supplements, because this can be done simultaneously by mixing them in.

Creatine hydrochloride- is available in powder form, and its solubility is much better than that of the monohydrate. Hydrochloride is also absorbed better than monohydrate, so there is no need to carry out a loading phase and its dosage is less than when taking other forms of creatine.

Creatine phosphate- also available in powder form, but is less popular due to low efficiency and the need for increased dosage.

Tricreatine malate- in it three molecules of creatine are combined with a molecule of malic acid. This ensures better solubility of the powder, as well as greater chemical stability of the compound.

Depending on the form of release, the administration options are different.

How to take creatine?

Creatine monohydrate. There are two reception options with and without a loading phase.

1. With the loading phase: in the first 5 days it is recommended to take 3-4 servings of creatine: in the morning on an empty stomach, between meals, before training and before bed. Then, in the maintenance phase, take one serving per day. The powder is dissolved in water or juice. When choosing creatine monohydrate capsules, the dosage remains approximately the same. The daily norm in the loading phase is 18-20 grams, in the maintenance phase - 5-6 grams.

2. Without loading phase: 1 serving (5-6 grams) is taken 1 time (if released in capsules - 2 times) per day. Duration of treatment - 1 month.

Creatine hydrochloride Due to better absorption, it does not require a loading phase. The consumption rate is 1.5 grams per day, preferably in the morning; on training days, add another portion half an hour before training. The powder is dissolved in water or juice.

Creatine phosphate can also be taken with or without a loading phase. Taking this product differs from taking monohydrate in an increased dosage - a serving is 7 grams, the daily norm in the loading phase is 30 grams, in the maintenance phase - 7 grams. In the absence of a loading phase, the daily norm is 8 grams. The maximum course of taking creatine phosphate is 8 weeks, after which the daily dose of the supplement should be reduced to 1-2 grams over 2-3 days, then stop taking the supplement.

Tricreatine malate. Take 1 serving of 3.5 grams 1 time per day before training. The powder is dissolved in water or juice.

So, in this article we figured out what creatine is and why everyone involved in sports needs it. Creatine means pumping, it means effective training, it means an increase in muscle mass, and it means increased strength. Happy training to you!

Creatine is the most popular and frequently used sports supplement that helps achieve excellent results many athletes. There are over a hundred studies confirming the effectiveness of this type of supplement. Most users, including elite athletes and non-trained individuals, use creatine to increase fat-free mass and improve anaerobic and aerobic performance. Speaking about professional sports, in bodybuilding, in rare cases, athletes do without creatine.

Why is creatine needed in bodybuilding?

Competing bodybuilders around the world know that creatine is a key substance used in muscle development. Indeed, clinical studies confirm that if you use the supplement in combination with training, it will not only increase muscle tissue, but also accelerate the growth of muscle strength. The basis of its effectiveness is the combination of creatine with proper training. Don't expect your muscles to explode on their own if you don't strength training.

The use of creatine causes muscle cells to swell due to the retention of water in them and thus the supplement allows for increased hydration of muscle cells. Therefore, creatine is needed in bodybuilding, because the described processes lead to the appearance of large and full muscles.

The substance creatine is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid, which plays a key role in the energy metabolism of muscles and nerve cells

In addition, this substance has a number of characteristics:

  • as an amino acid, is structural element protein necessary for muscle growth;
  • stimulates muscle protein synthesis to maximize protein delivered to muscle cells to support mass gains;
  • serves as a means of activating muscles to receive all the chemicals necessary for the greatest effect in the process of increasing muscle mass;
  • continues to work even after stopping the use of creatine supplements, because the muscle built by regular strength training will remain, although maintaining the resulting strength indicators will be a little more difficult;
  • improves the recovery process after grueling workouts.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a natural constituent of meat, mainly found in red meat. It is reproduced naturally in the body from the amino acids glycine, arginine, and methionine.

This process occurs in the kidneys, liver and pancreas. With 100-140 grams of creatine in the body, a person is at rest, without serious physical activity, spends about 2 g per day.

Role in the body: what is it for?

Energy metabolism in muscle tissue is carried out using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules. The accumulation of these molecules directly depends on the amount of creatine, since the amount of ATP in the body is limited. That is, creatine is responsible for maintaining a stable amount of ATP.

This substance is necessary for energy metabolism and movement.

All nutrients entering the body and being “fuel” for humans first go through various chemical reactions and are converted into ATP. It is through these molecules that muscles carry out their activities. Muscles use the energy of ATP, after releasing the energy, ATP is converted into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) by the removal of the phosphate group.

Entering the body, creatine combines with phosphate and turns into creatine phosphate. When ATP reserves run out during physical activity, creatine phosphate is able to cleave off a phosphate group, which subsequently combines with ADP to form ATP.

The effectiveness of creatine

Research and reviews from athletes indicate that with the right combination of creatine intake, strength training and a proper diet, you can increase from 2 to 5 kg of lean muscle mass within 30 days. This fact makes it one of the most popular sports supplements today.

The substance has an anti-inflammatory effect even in cases of serious and chronic inflammation, for example, arthritis. Exhibits an immune effect on the central nervous system (in case of ischemia).

Nutritional supplementation with creatine has been implicated in the treatment of muscle atrophy. Moreover, the supplement is tested for the presence healing properties to suppress the growth of certain types of tumors in mammals. Based on the test results, it is suggested that creatine may have anti-cancer effects.

But you shouldn't abuse the substance. Increasing doses on your own may have negative consequences.

When doing bodybuilding, constantly maintaining a high intensity of training is very important, so creatine is simply necessary here.

Strength is growing

During active training, muscles need much more energy than at rest, so the need to replenish muscles with ATP molecules increases significantly. In this process, creatine helps to become an additional source of energy, which makes the workout more intense and the athlete is able to do more repetitions. Thus, working to the limit of one’s capabilities, by combining the use of creatine with competent training, a person significantly improves his strength indicators.

Body weight increases

The initial effect of using the supplement occurs due to an increase in the amount of water in the muscles. In the long term, the supplement favors the development of muscle fibers, increasing weight and productivity in gym. In one study, participants completed a six-week training course and the results showed that those who used creatine gained 2 kg more muscle mass compared to those who did not.

Building quality muscles

Due to the filling of muscle cells with water and its accumulation, the muscles become more prominent, larger, and fuller. This factor is one of the decisive ones when choosing creatine as the main way for bodybuilders to achieve maximum results.

Taking creatine can also have a positive effect on muscle relief

Who should take a sports supplement?

In light of the above benefits, we can conclude who needs to take creatine and who is most likely to experience the positive effects of taking it.

Among them:

  • bodybuilding athletes;
  • strength athletes;
  • elderly;
  • suffering from neurodegenerative diseases;
  • people with low natural creatine levels (eg vegetarians).

Athletes and athletes

Creatine used by athletes is approved by the International Olympic Committee and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Depending on the athlete's level of physical activity, the body's natural supply of creatine may be quite low, leaving the individual in need of replenishment. But this aspect is not a necessary condition maintaining good athletic shape. Before starting to take the supplement, you should consult your doctor.

Side effects

Side effects of using creatine may include:

Second most common side effect creatine - gastrointestinal distress, which is manifested by abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea
  • muscle cramps;
  • dehydration;
  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea or nausea;
  • acne or pimples (rarely detected).

If a person has any kidney disease, taking creatine supplements is prohibited because the kidneys cannot filter by-product creatinine, which is produced during the metabolic breakdown of creatine.

Although the supplement is generally accepted as legal and effective, the safety of long-term use has not been established clinically, and research in this area is ongoing. Some of them showed positive results. For example, a study conducted in May 2005 found that 200 patients who took 10 grams of creatine per day experienced no significant changes in health compared to those who took a placebo. Moreover, the patients took the supplement for 310 days, and their health status was constantly monitored.

Creatine in bodybuilding for mass growth

Creatine may seem to promote "artificial" weight gain at the expense of water, but cells that are more hydrated are more anabolic. Creatine also increases the activity of muscle satellite cells, helping to increase the overall capacity for long-term muscle growth.

The most effective of all forms of creatine is monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate is the common and most studied form of creatine. It has repeatedly proven its value in many studies. Some bodybuilders compare its effectiveness for mass growth with the effects of steroids on human muscles.

One more scientific fact about creatine is its ability to further enhance the production of anabolic hormones, which are represented by testosterone and somatotropin

Creatine for girls

Most studies of this type of sports nutrition have been conducted on men. But despite this, it has been scientifically proven that creatine monohydrate benefits both sexes in building a beautiful body.

It is much more difficult for women to build high-quality muscle mass than for men, due to less testosterone, the hormone responsible for muscle growth. Helping your body become strong, despite this factor, is possible with the use of creatine as a sports supplement.

Due to the fact that muscle mass increases, more calories are burned, because the larger the muscles, the more calories and energy they need. This helps girls in the process of losing weight and reducing the level of body fat.

How to use?

  • take each time at the same time of day;
  • The recommended initial dose of use is 5 g;
  • first you need to decide whether the body needs to be “loaded” with creatine and in what quantity (depending on weight);
  • alternate the monthly course with a month's rest;
  • after repeating 3-4 courses, stop using it for 6 months so that the body can rest from it.

Thus, creatine is a variety of sports nutrition that helps to gain quality mass, increase strength, improve body contour, and, most importantly, the use of creatine is not accompanied by serious side effects. This number of advantages makes it an indispensable assistant not only for bodybuilders, but also for athletes of other sports. Allows you to combine creatine with protein. In this case, protein acts as a material for building muscles, and creatine acts as a source of strength.

The sports nutrition market has a huge selection of supplements for various purposes. A popular and frequently purchased product is creatine. It has a lot of useful properties and increases the physical performance of the athlete. What is creatine for and how to use it correctly? Before purchasing, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the features of the product.

What is creatine and what is it used for?

Creatine is a substance synthesized from food of animal origin. It is a carboxylic acid containing nitrogen, which takes part in the energy metabolism of nerve and muscle cells. The substance was first discovered by a French scientist in 1835 and named it by the Greek word kreas, which translates as meat. In the body, creatine is produced from three amino acids - arginine, glycine and methionine. Some of the substance is excreted in the urine, while the other remains in the skeletal muscles. Creatine is naturally found in meat, fish and other animal products.

What is creatine for an athlete? Once in the body, the substance combines with phosphate and supplies the muscles with energy during active and prolonged workouts. This quick source nutrition for muscle tissue, which allows you to improve athletic performance and make exercise more productive.

It is believed that an adult weighing 70 kg requires about 2 grams of creatine per day. But during physical activity, the body’s need for the substance increases 2-3 times, and it is quite difficult to get the optimal dose of the substance from regular food. For example, 1 kg of beef contains only 4.5 grams of creatine, tuna and salmon contain about 4 grams of the substance per kg.

To reach the norm you need to eat 1 kg of meat every day - this is an unrealistic task. It is much easier to take special supplements that contain creatine in its pure form - it is quickly absorbed and immediately goes directly to the muscles, without overloading the body.

Benefits of Taking Creatine

How to take creatine - time, method of administration

Take creatine before and after training, highest value has a pre-workout supplement. During active exercise, take the supplement on regular days in the morning and between meals. The powder form can be diluted in water, but it is better to combine it with juice and carbohydrates. energy drinks, since glucose enhances the absorption of creatine. The required portion of powder is diluted in approximately a glass of liquid.

There are two ways to consume creatine – regular and loading. At the usual way You need to drink 3-7 grams of creatine several times a day. The exact dosage is calculated depending on the weight and sports goals of the athlete. The emphasis is on pre- and pre-training techniques. The supplement should be consumed regularly for 1.5-2 months, and then take a break for 2-3 months.

How to take loading creatine? For the first week, the athlete needs to take an increased dose of creatine - 4-5 g (one teaspoon) 5-6 times a day, for the next 7 weeks drink only 2.5-4 g of the substance 2 times a day. Afterwards, you need to take a break for several months to avoid the body getting used to it. This method is suitable for those who want to immediately get a pronounced effect and invigorate the body with an increased dose.

Types of creatine, features and benefits

The most effective and proven form is creatine monohydrate. It can be sold in powder, capsule and liquid form.

The powder form is the leader in absorption rate; it instantly dissolves in the stomach and quickly reaches the muscles. However, in terms of the degree of absorption, this type is inferior to all others, since up to 50% of the powder is simply excreted by the body along with urine. In terms of cost, the powder type is the least expensive, which makes it very profitable. As a minus, creatine must be diluted with water, which sometimes makes it difficult to prepare a solution outside the home.

Creatine tablets are convenient to take with you and can be easily consumed immediately before training. The dosage of the substance can be easily calculated by the weight of capsules or tablets. The rate of dissolution in the body is low; the tablet form takes a particularly long time to be absorbed. At the same time, the degree of absorption of capsules and tablets is extremely high, the substance is absorbed almost 100%. This makes this type of creatine extremely effective, but also the most expensive.

Liquid is one of the most controversial types of creatine. For a long time it was believed that when stored in liquid for a long time, creatine loses its beneficial features. Now modern manufacturers have improved the formula and added components that allow you to maintain the benefits of creatine throughout the year. Despite this, liquid creatine remains the most ineffective form and many athletes claim that they did not notice any results after taking it.

Popular nerd brands, cost

Among all the variety, there are several brands of creatine that have proven themselves on the market:

  • Optimum Nutrition is available in powder form and gelatin capsules. The powder has a special micronized structure, in which creatine particles are 20 times smaller than usual. Thanks to this, it completely dissolves in water and is well absorbed by the body. average cost jars of powder 600 g about 1500 rubles.
  • Creatine Micronized by Dymatize- This is one of the most effective and well-known types of creatine, also with microparticles. The company always carefully monitors the quality of its products. It is recommended to take this creatine without loading. The cost of 1 kg of creatine is from 1600 to 2100 rubles.
  • Ultimate Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate– Creatine in its pure form. Effective, safe and high quality product. Distinguished by its inexpensive price– 1 kg costs from 1200 to 1600 rubles. Encapsulated forms are also popular.
  • MuscleTech Creatine comes in a variety of creatine forms. There is both pure creatine monohydrate and with the addition of amino acids and energy complexes. The average price for 1.4 kg is from 1600 to 2500 rubles.
  • BioTech produces Crea Force chewable tablets without impurities and artificial additives, containing caffeine, taurine, amino acids and plant extracts. A complex of 200 tablets costs 1,600 rubles.

Taking creatine goes well with weight gainer and amino acids. Supplements can be taken in different time day, or together; for convenience, some athletes mix creatine with protein.