What do the house and apartment numbers mean? Successful apartment numbers

Do you think house and apartment numbers affect your life?

Says yes! And it’s very significant.

Few people pay attention to how tied our mood is to our home. Pay attention to what happens to your mood when you enter your favorite apartment or your own home.

It's improving! After all, at home, as they say, even the walls are warm...

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the place where their home is located and everything that has to do with their home. The entrance was decorated with family coats of arms, and the doors of churches, temples, and churches were decorated with sculpture and carvings.

Scientists tend to believe that everything in the Universe has energy and vibration, and in particular numbers. Previously, people generally considered numbers as living beings. Knowing all this, it seems natural that numerology has entered our lives so actively.

By referring to numerology, one can explore the entire life of a person. In this article we will try to understand the numerology of the house.

It will not be news to many that the number of a house or apartment reduces or increases harmony in your life. The number of the house also has its own problems, for example, if nothing works out for you in the family plan, we advise you to move to an apartment with number two.

It is important to first calculate the number of the house before moving. However, you should not rely only on knowledge of numerology when choosing a place to live. There are many other factors that influence the energy in your home, but it is important that your energy and the energy in your home match.

Numerology by house number

For residents apartment buildings Both numbers influence, but the apartment number is more important. Apartment number 56 can be determined as follows:

Two is your house number. It all comes down to a single digit number.

But what to do with the letters in the number? In numerology, there is a key for converting letters into numbers for this case:


House number – 29 B.

2+9+2(B) = 13 = 1+3 = 4

Four is the number of house number 27 B.

We've sorted out the arithmetic, let's discuss the aspects of numbers?


If you want to develop in business, housing with the Unit vibration is just for you. Unity teaches us to listen to our experience and follow our intuition. This house is suitable for those who work with people and are tired of them and want to relax. You will be more confident and can easily take risks in business.

Unit Problems. Often in this house you will feel lonely, even if you are surrounded by people close to you. Here it’s every man for himself. But it is not suitable for addicts.


Two's problems. Numerology claims that in such a house you become very sensitive, conflicts and differences of views will become big problem for residents. Unnecessary things often accumulate here.


House number Three is the house for communication. You will feel confident and comfortable in it. Here you can easily reconsider your outlook on life. Meet different views, but interact with love. You can easily express yourself and host parties. Such housing is for those who seek to expand their social life.

Problems of the Troika. In a “three” house, financial difficulties may arise, and impulsive actions and creative disorder can also become a hindrance. Conservatives should not move to such a place.


Four vibrations for those who are tired of uncertainties. If you are not sure about life, we recommend this option to you. Four requires order, balance, economy. If you have like-minded people, we advise you to move to such a place to achieve a common goal. This is a haven for those who are not afraid of responsibility.

Problems of the Four. Often in such a place it seems to people that they are constantly working, but when can they relax? House of Four can unwittingly make you stubborn and stingy. If you are a workaholic, run away from him, he is definitely not for you.


A house with a Five vibration for active people. This is housing for those who stay in one place for a short time. Five means change, a lot of energy, meetings, experience in different fields, communication on the phone, ingenuity, and boredom is unheard of here. The Pyatorochny house is ideal for people with a busy schedule. There is nothing here that can surprise its inhabitants. Your attractiveness will increase, which will push you towards romantic adventures.

Problems of the Five. Very often there are so many events in such a house that you just want to be alone. Here they trust their instincts and decisions are made hastily. We do not recommend moving here for those who are inclined to a quiet life.


A house with a Six vibration is one of balance. Great place for families with children. In such a house, one of the priorities will be duty to society. Those who live here want to help everyone who needs it and not so much. Six is ​​suitable for developing artistic abilities. Money is not counted here, since it is constantly found here. Animals are very loved in such a house. Six attracts flower lovers; they decorate the entire house and yard with them.

Six problems. Excessive kindness and concern for people upsets the balance of this home. In the first place for the six are duty and responsibilities. Many people cannot cope with this type of burden.


House number seven is a place for solitude. Here you can calmly recuperate and analyze past experiences. It is suitable for singles. According to numerology, seven promotes visions, dreams, the study of philosophy, and such a house will help you find the right path. It is suitable for more private people.

Problems of the Seven. In this house, you can forget about material success, as well as business advancements. The focus here is on spiritual values. It is impossible to establish marital relations in such a place.


A house with an Eight vibration is a lot of things. It is for those who want to improve their financial affairs. This house develops organizational skills and helps to improve. Here you can get everything: awards, recognition. Such housing attracts powerful people.

Eight Problems. The difficulty here is the large expenses; you need to constantly attract money and control its expenditure. Eight is not recommended for people who do not know how to handle money.


House number nine is about helping one's neighbor and compassion for others. In such a place it is easy to comprehend wisdom, which even entails prophecy. Here you will rise above limitations and begin to understand others. Nine, thanks to compassion and wisdom, will attract money and people.

Nine's problems. By focusing on the difficulties of others, you do not notice the difficulties of those you care about. Nine requires universal love. There is no place for altruists here; they can completely forget about their own interests.

Friends, numerology by house number does not encourage you to change your favorite home. You just need to think, maybe the number you are living under now is exactly what you need?

Perhaps with help you will understand the reason for your failures and do right choice when choosing a new home when moving or exchanging.

Live happily!

Arthur Golovin

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Esotericists believe that the numerology of an apartment affects the people who live in it. Astrologers, mystics and numerologists agree with this statement. Lucky numbers attract fortune, wealth, harmony and love, while negative numbers, on the contrary, cause litter, failure and other problems. Therefore, before buying a house, you should make sure that its number will not change your life for the worse. Knowing the basic rules and principles of calculation, this will not be difficult to do.

The connection between the apartment number and the fate of the owner

Numerology is a science that deciphers the meaning of numbers and their impact on personality. It is believed that events occurring in a person’s life depend on the numbers that surround him. It is not only the date of birth and name that influences, but also other values ​​that have to be interacted with.

Everything in the world has vibrations. Any change causes a resonance, which affects life in one way or another.

The apartment number influences a person’s fate. It can bring harmony, good luck or cause serious problems. And if for one person certain number, for example, No. 1 will affect negatively, then for another it will open up new opportunities.

This is interesting! The skill of correctly calculating the address of residence in numerology will help improve financial position, solve problems, cope with diseases, etc.

Full calculation of numerological indicators of a home

  1. Single digit numbersthe best option, since the house is influenced by one number.
  2. Two-digit numbers. It is necessary to take into account not only the vibrations of the first and second numbers, but also the total indicator house or apartment addresses. In many ways, their effect depends on the state of mind of the owner.
  3. Three digit number. Each number affects a specific area. The first is health, the second is feelings, the third is mind. The events that happen around them depend on their amount.

If after all mathematical operations If the result remains, consisting of 2 numbers, then you need to sum up the numbers that make it up: 999 (9+9+9)=27. So – 2+7=9.

Calculate house code

If a person lives in a high-rise building, then he is influenced not only by the apartment number, but also by the house number. In this case, the numerology of the full address is calculated. The number affects all residents.

It is easier for residents of private buildings to determine the “signs of fate”. Their life is affected only by the numerology of the home.

The number of the house is calculated according to the same principle by which the apartment code is determined. The numbers that make up the number are added together until a single digit number is obtained. For example, 33(3+3)=6.

Sometimes, in addition to the number, a letter is also attached to the building: 13 A. In this case, all the components of the number are added up: 13(1+3+1(A))=5.

Table of correspondence between numbers and alphabet:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

This is interesting! Knowing the meanings of the letters, you can calculate the number of your name. It also needs to be brought to an unambiguous indicator.

Address code

The opinions of esotericists on how to correctly calculate the numerology of a place of residence do not always coincide. Some of them think that house, apartment, entrance and street numbers need to be interpreted separately. But most agree that it is more correct to look for the total number.

To make a complete calculation of address, apartment and floor, you need to find each value separately and then sum them up. For example, apartment code number 6, in building 22 “A”, in the 3rd entrance on the 6th floor:

  • room – 6;
  • building – 2+2=4;
  • entrance – 3;
  • landing – 6;
  • general address code – 6+4+3+6=19=10=1.

There are online calculators that can also be used to make the necessary summations. You just need to enter all the parameters, after which automatic calculation will occur.

Interpretation of the house number

Understanding what the address “says”, you can choose a home that will attract good luck and contribute to the development of the activity that a person is engaged in. That’s why apartment numerology is so interesting not only to ordinary people, but also to successful businessmen.


Number 1 is the meaning of the Sun. It is suitable for self-confident people with a core. A house with this number is literally created for leaders. Apartments with code 1 will contribute to personal and career growth.

For family life These houses are not suitable; they have the atmosphere of calm and harmony that children and young couples need. It is code 1 that can cause cheating.

Such numerology should be avoided by weak-willed and driven individuals. Dwellings with code 1 will contribute to the development of insufficiently strong people bad habits that provide an opportunity to escape from the difficulties of real life.


Value 2 is associated with the Moon. It increases magical abilities, sharpens feelings and intuition.

Houses with this number are ideal for young people who love each other. In them, the period of “grinding in” will be short-lived, and the passion that reigned in the hearts of the couple when they moved in will remain forever.

Apartment No. 2 will also help people who lack inspiration. It will contribute to the development of creative and magical abilities, as well as the search for “yourself”. The room has a beneficial effect on raising children and developing culinary talents.

Married couples for whom “not everything is going smoothly” should not settle in houses with code 2. negative emotions. If there is falsity, lies and betrayal in the family, then the vibrations of this number will contribute to a break in the relationship.

People who have not found their match will also not like housing number 2. In it, the feeling of loneliness will worsen. For individuals with mental illness, the situation may worsen.


The numerology of apartment 3 is associated with Saturn. This code is suitable for individuals who have already achieved everything they set out to achieve. For older people, such houses are ideal. They will not take away excess energy.

Life at number 3 is calm and measured. Code 3 is also suitable for a family that consists of several generations. Quarrels here subside on their own.

But there is also a drawback to such dwellings. When children grow up, it will be difficult for them to leave the family nest. Number 3 hinders independence, ambition and perspective. People who grew up here are afraid to leave their comfort zone.


Code 4 is ruled by Mercury. Such houses will appeal to sociable and purposeful people.

Dwellings with number 4 are suitable for individuals who crave adventure and communication. They contribute to the development career growth those whose activities involve the need to interact with society. Artists, singers and poets will feel good here.

Number 4 is not suitable for homebodies, lazy people, or lovers of peace and quiet. They will simply feel uncomfortable in it. Such houses evoke a thirst for communication, travel and new achievements.


House number 5 will maintain harmony in married couples. Here their love will last forever. Such apartments encourage open communication. Not only household members feel comfortable in them, but also their guests.

Number 5 suits sociable and hospitable individuals. The owner of an apartment with this code will always be the center of attention.

The vibrations of the five enhance not only positive, but also negative feelings.


The number 6 refers to Venus. This code helps create comfort and harmony.

Apartments number 6 are suitable for families and those who want to meet their soulmate. In such dwellings an atmosphere of love, tranquility and kindness reigns. Couples who often quarrel will find here mutual language and will be able to accept each other's shortcomings.

Single people who move into house code 6 quickly find a mate. Children growing up in such dwellings marry early.

House 6 is not suitable for careerists. They reduce ambition, make a person lazy and discourage success in business. Extreme sports enthusiasts should not settle here either.


The numerology of apartment 7 is associated with Uranus. This figure helps in analytical work and promotes the development of magical abilities.

Houses with code 7 are calm and cozy. Here anyone can find answers to all their questions. Detectives, writers, scientists and explorers will achieve success in work activity. In such homes, recovery from a serious illness will occur faster.

But there will be no wealth in the house with number 7. But this does not mean that material well-being cannot be achieved.


Eight is ruled by Mars. This number promotes various endeavors.

You need to live in houses with code 8 active people who love to try new things all the time. Here they will be able to achieve success in a new business. This applies not only to hobbies and work, but also to building a family.

Such dwellings are contraindicated for people with a tendency to bad habits. In them, the love of alcoholic beverages will develop into alcoholism.


The numerology of an apartment with the number 9 is patronized by Neptune. This number creates vibrations of wisdom and altruism.

Individuals who want to benefit other people will feel comfortable here. Such houses are suitable for religious workers, teachers, volunteers, esotericists, numerologists, poets, musicians, etc.

For individuals who value loneliness, homes with nine vibrations are not suitable. They will quickly begin to be annoyed by their household, neighbors and acquaintances. Nine also does not like down-to-earth personalities.

Compatibility of date of birth and address

In numerology, significance is attached not only to the apartment number. Date of birth and name play an important role.

People who have recently begun to study numerology are often interested in the question of whether the date of birth of the apartment owner should influence the choice of home. The answer to this question is ambiguous.

The fact is that the apartment address must correspond personal qualities. The date of birth partly determines the character and temperament.

People who cannot understand themselves should familiarize themselves with the name and date of birth code. This will make it possible to identify the strengths and weak sides and use the housing code that will develop only the necessary traits.

Bad and good number combinations

The numerology of the apartment has a feng shui meaning. Adherents of this philosophy believe that there are combinations of numbers that attract financial troubles, quarrels and problems at work.

Positive and negative digital combinations:

  • favorable – 1-8-6, 9-7-7, 8-2, 8-6, 8-2-8, 4-8;
  • unsuccessful - 7-2, 8-5, 2-4, 4-6, 6-5, 9-9.

Apartment numerology helps a person to correctly interpret the vibrations exerted on housing. If you choose a house taking into account its address code, you can avoid many problems and improve your situation.

Incredible facts

How do you feel in your home?

Does your life feel cohesive and everything is in its place, or does the place feel foreign and out of sync with your desires and personality?

In numerology each address emits a special energy and becomes the “personality” of the house.

Your house numbers have important and can affect several aspects of your life.

Read also: Birth numerology: calculating the most important years in your life

If you want to move to new apartment or looking for a new place to live, you can tell a lot about the atmosphere of the place.

Add up all the numbers of your address, including the house number and apartment number, and reduce the amount to a single digit.

This number is your house number.

For example, your address:

Tverskaya street, 13, apartment 29

1+3+2+9=15=1+5= 6

Your house number is 6

Letters also have numeric value. If you live in an apartment or house that contains a letter, you need to add up the numerical value of the letter.

1- A, I, C, B

2- B, J, T, S,

3- B, K, U, b

4- G, L, F, E

5 - D, M, X, Y

6- E, N, C, Z

For example, house 15A

1+5+(A=1)= 7

By the way, did you know that you can change the vibration of your home by writing a different number on your door.

Let's say that you live in a house with the number 7, but would like to live in a house with the number 3.

Add the number 5 to inside doors, and 7+5=12=1+2=3 and you get 3.

Numerology: Number 1

A house with energy 1 is a place where its residents will strive for independence. Such a place will promote innovation, development of individuality, ambition, energy and leadership.

This house is best suited individual entrepreneurs and people building their own business. Unit supports independence, independence and personal freedom in people. Living here, you will learn confidence, courage and perseverance.

Problems at home with number 1

If you like a cozy and soft space, then this house is not for you. The unit focuses on independence rather than partnership.

If long term relationship are of paramount importance to you, it will be more difficult for you to establish and maintain reciprocity in relationships.

Plus, if you can't stand being alone, a home like this might exude too much personality and would be better suited for privacy.

Pros: Great place for active life. Ideal for achieving success, developing independence, individuality and achievement.

Minuses: This house concentrates on the energy of the Self to the exclusion of others. One is the number of loneliness.

Numerology: Number 2

A house with 2 energy is a place of love, family and partnership. Such a home will promote inclusion, care and provide a loving and safe environment.

The energy of this house promotes loving relationships, dedication to a group, and is a very harmonious place to live.

This space is best suited for people who are looking for a life together - couples, couples with children, best friends. Two supports diplomacy, caring for the needs of other people. People living in this house will learn love, relationships, peace, harmony and emotionality.

Problems at home with number 2

If you strive for strong self-expression, this place is not for you. The Two encourages and focuses on relationships, suppressing independence and individuality.

If in this moment Whether you want to advance your career or get out of a codependent relationship, you may feel like it's difficult to put yourself first.

In such a house, people become more sensitive and emotionally dependent. If you live alone in such a house, you may feel depressed because you cannot share your life with another person.

Pros: A wonderful place for a family nest. Ideal for creating loving relationship and families. A cozy and caring space.

Minuses: In such a place, you will more often want to stay at home away from active activities and you can start living in your own little world. You may be overly concerned with the problems of those you live with.

Numerology: Number 3

A house with 3 energy is a place full of joy and laughter, optimism and cheerfulness. Sociability, emotional self-expression and creativity reign here.

Its energy promotes communication, inspiration and creative expression. This house supports people who want to start a family, engage in innovative activities and creativity. In other words, those who want to live life to the fullest and feel joy in the house.

Three can teach people to be more sociable, promotes joy and emotionality.

Problems at home with number 3

If you are looking for privacy, this may not be the place for you. The energy of a 3 encourages social activity and joyful self-expression, to the point of excluding a more serious approach to life. It will be difficult for you to find time for yourself in such a house.

People living here may become too spread out and find it difficult to complete projects and maintain commitments.

You may also find that money seems to slip out of your hands. Since the three is associated with communication and emotions, you may experience big differences moods, as well as periods of disbelief in one’s own strength.

Pros: A great place to develop creativity and sociability. Suitable for parties and entertainment. Cozy space, inspiring others.

Minuses: Money problems may arise in such a house. A person tends to get scattered, and it is difficult for him to concentrate and complete things. If you are not a creative person, you may experience depression and become more cynical.

Numerology: Number 4

A house with vibration 4 is a place of security and stability.. Its energy promotes hard work, development and implementation of plans, devotion and protection.

Such a house is suitable for business development, family and substantial investments. People living here will adhere to traditional values, work hard and be practical.

Four will teach people to serve, set practical goals, honesty and security.

Problems at home with number 4

If you prefer a space with free-flowing energy, this is not the place for you. The Four focuses on security and may not support lighter, more creative impulses.

For people with a desire for sociability and a love of entertainment, the energy of a house with the number 4 will be overwhelming.

This is a more serious vibration where stability and organization reign. This kind of house is very down to earth and good to keep here houseplants or grow a garden.

A person who lives in such a house for a long time can get bogged down in a routine, and it is important for him to learn to find a balance between work and rest, as well as practicality and emotions.

Pros: A great place to feel stability and security in life. Ideal for a slow and steady process that will stand the test of time. Also promotes knowledge seeking and learning.

Minuses: The atmosphere at home may be too heavy and conducive to constant work. If a person does not make an effort to relax and have fun, the energy at home will be overwhelming.

Numerology: Number 5

A house with vibration 5 is a place for parties and entertainment.. It's about fun, fearlessness, adventure and progressive ideas. Its energy promotes variety, flexibility, pleasure and freedom.

People living in this house will want to live life to the fullest, will solve problems recklessly and never lose heart.

Five will teach you to accept many things, be freer, constantly change and boldly face your fears.

Problems at home with number 5

If you are looking for a stable and permanent space, this is not the place for you. Five encourages freedom and pleasure and does not support seriousness and conservatism.

If the most important thing for you now is to build a stable future, the energy of house 5 will interfere and will not give the expected results.

Such a house encourages change and variety, and may not be suitable as a permanent place residence, unless your lifestyle is constantly changing.

It is also worth remembering that the five is the energy of excess, and here you will be inclined to indulge in excesses in food, physical pleasures and alcohol. If you have an addiction, then you can succumb to various addictions.

Pros: A great place to have fun and be active. Suitable for meeting and meeting interesting and extraordinary people and living on a grand scale.

Minuses: The pace of life in such a home can be very fast, and you may feel out of balance. This is a strong energy of fun, pleasure and activity. If there are children living in the house, then most likely it will be very noisy. You may be too impulsive in such a home.

Numerology: Number 6

A house with the energy of number 6 is a center of beauty and care. This the place is suitable to create a family, and its vibration promotes warm relationships, compassion and service to others.

This is an excellent place for children, it is suitable for both business development and a family nest.

People living in this house will always feel cared for, but one must be careful not to give too much to the point of exhaustion. You may also be prone to perfectionism in this house.

This location is suitable for business in the service sector, for example massage room, consulting, interior design - anything that will help people feel better.

Living in this house will teach you to help, trust your ideas, love and acceptance.

Problems at home with number 6

If you are not used to taking responsibility, this place is not suitable for you. The Six encourages service and does not promote individuality and independence. It values ​​home and family and is also suitable for artists.

While living in this house, you need to remember to invite guests and not turn away from the rest of the world.

Pros: A good environment for families and people who value a homely atmosphere. Children and animals thrive here, and the house is tastefully decorated and filled with creative energy.

Minuses: In the house of six, you may feel more responsible than ever. It is important to find a balance between caring for yourself and caring for others. You may also spend too much time in your little cocoon and less interaction with the rest of the world. There is no need to cut yourself off from other people and new experiences outside your family circle.

Numerology: Number 7

A house with 7 energy is a place of solitude and reflection.. Here you will want to search for spiritual truths, take time for yourself and develop your intuition.

It encourages calmness, accumulation of knowledge and introspection. This perfect place, where you can search for yourself. People living in the house will strive to find faith in themselves and others, and will be able to learn more about a topic that truly interests them.

Seven will teach you to trust, develop your spiritual principles, listen to your intuition and discover your own “I”.

Problems at home with number 7

This house is not suitable for those who want to succeed in the material world. Seven encourages internal development, not practical successes. If increasing your earnings or building a career is important to you at the moment, the energy of this house will hinder this.

Also the house of seven can be problematic for relationships and marriage, and you will have to make efforts special efforts to connect and communicate effectively with your partner.

Also in this place there is a temptation to withdraw into oneself through addiction. To an extreme degree, a person may begin to live in his own head and feel intellectually superior to others.

Pros: An excellent place for writers, scientists, researchers, and anyone who wants to become an expert in their field. This home creates a feeling of refuge and privacy. You may suddenly experience a 7 energy in your home. To experience a sense of peace rather than isolation from others, use water elements in your home.

Minuses: You may feel lonely in such a house. If you like a vibrant life, the vibration of this house will not suit you. Since the Seven loves to escape reality, it will be extremely difficult for you to fight the addiction to alcohol and smoking in this house.

Numerology: Number 8

A house with the energy of the number 8 is the center of power and prestige. The vibration of this house promotes material wealth, management and achievement. Eight supports the desire for success in the material world.

People living in this house may feel as if money and advancement become their main concern. For this reason, it is important not to forget about emotional communication with family members who may feel neglected.

The energy of the house strengthens skills in financial sector, and in highest form will teach you giving to others and integrity.

Living here will teach you power, endurance, management and organization.

Problems at home with number 8

If you are looking for a calm and discreet environment, this is not the place for you. Eight encourages financial achievements and material wealth. You will find it difficult to think about spiritual aspects and engage in introspection in a house with the energy of the number 8.

This is the house of abundance in the areas of life. The number eight also requires elegance and gives importance to external gloss.

Pros: If you want to achieve material wealth, this is the ideal place. It often feels like a lot is going on behind the scenes. Perfect for family businesses and business meetings.

Minuses: Although the number eight attracts money, there is also an energy of risk involved, which can lead to losses. You need to understand that you will have to have a certain margin of safety in such a house. You may feel a constant urge to accumulate or improve your home appearance for demonstration to others. People living here can become workaholics. It is important to find a balance between work and rest.

Numerology: Number 9

A house with 9 energy is a place of humanity. Its vibration promotes charity, creativity, spirituality, selflessness and forgiveness. In this house it is important to strive to change and improve the world.

People living in this house may feel like they want to contribute and share with those in need. This is a place where you need to be able to let go, where you can help yourself and others.

This house attracts others, and those who live here often become spiritually advanced.

Living here will teach you to give wise counsel, have compassion for others, comprehend universal truth and let go of the past.

Problems at home with number 9

This place is not suitable for those who want to concentrate on themselves. Nine encourages love, compassion, and acceptance of others. If you are currently striving for personal achievement, the energy of this house will hinder it.

This is where your intuition becomes very strong. You may feel that others are turning to you for advice more often. People are attracted to your home by the energy of love and giving.

Nine is also a “global” number, and you will tend to travel more often or receive guests from other countries.

It is also a refuge for healing from past wounds, where you have the opportunity to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. It is important to express your emotions and creativity here.

Pros: This is a great place for humanitarian purposes. The house is suitable for teachers, artists, psychologists, musicians and philanthropists. This place attracts spiritual growth.

Minuses: Home is good for those who are willing to compassion and sacrifice. At times it can become a house of loss. Nine is the energy of completion and transformation. Here you will experience personal and spiritual growth, but the path will not be easy or simple.

What does a house number mean in numerology? How does the meaning of a house number affect a person’s life?

The numbers surrounding you carry information that cannot be ignored. Understanding the meanings of numbers will make your path through life smooth and less dangerous.

Among the most important and meaningful numbers from your environment is the house in which you live. This number can predict some events, both happy and not so happy, that are likely to happen to you while you live in this house. Either way, it's important to figure out the number of a house before you move there. Naturally, there are many other considerations when choosing a home, but it is very important that its energy resonates with your own, personal energy.

In order to find out the number of your house, you need to sum up all the numbers that make up the house number and apartment number until you get a single digit number. Let's say if the house number is 26 and the apartment is 22, then the number of the house will be 3 (2+6+2+2=12=>1+2=3). If you live in a private house, then only the house numbers are added up.

House number number: interpretation of meanings

House number 1

This is a home for independent, self-confident people. A house with number 1 will support the individuality, courage, determination and integrity of those who live in it. This is a great home for those who are ready for personal entrepreneurship. If you are too tired of caring for others, then this house is for you, as long as you are ready to be alone again.

Problems at home "1"

This home can create feelings of isolation and loneliness, even if there are other people living in it. If you are a dependent person, then house 1 can be very problematic for you: it will require independence from you. He can also teach you a lesson in tolerance, which can be another problem. In House 1 you will have to want to become independent. And one more problem: in a house with the number 1, everyone is a master, but there is not a single servant!

Key aspects of house "1": independence, courage, honesty, activity, new beginnings, innovation, personality, leadership.

House number 2

A house with the number 2 is a calm, wonderful home for two. In fact, this is a home where it is good to share everything you have, because the desire for peace and harmony is so strong in it. An aggressive, intolerant person will have a bad time in this house because house 2 requires patience and supports sensitivity and kindness. In addition, it will require thoroughness and willingness to cooperate.

People living in House 2 can be very attached to each other because they are highly attuned to energy and feelings. This good house for partnership or marriage - but not for those who want to live alone. The number 2 best represents a sense of camaraderie.

Problems at home "2"

In a 2 house there may be a tendency to hoard things - too many things. After all, how many sea shells or salt shakers do you need in your home? In addition, any conflict or disagreement will become a problem for those living in the vibration of this house.

In extreme cases, the vibration of the number 2 can attract people prone to petty nitpicking or criticism (after all, the 2 is about detail, right?). House number 2 strongly requires balance in relationships.

Key aspects of house "2": tolerance, cooperation, warmth, tact, attention to detail, sensitivity, balance of opposites.

House number 3

This is a fun house where you can feel confident in life because enthusiasm and charm permeate the house number 3. Creative exuberance can be found here. This house supports self-expression, communication, creativity and feelings. This is the home where you will expand your vision of life.

Here you will gain a natural sense of confidence, which will of course lead to positive results. House 3 is a conductor of active creative, sexual and spiritual energy. In house 3 your public life. In a house with the number 3, romance flourishes, but requires honesty and loyalty.

Problems at home "3"

The problem here is too much excitement, too much enthusiasm and too many friends: the number 3's job is not to scatter its energy. House 3 is sometimes in chaos, sometimes called " creative disorder" This house will be tiring for someone whose essence is expressed by the strong number 4. It is better to live in such a house for carefree people!

Key aspects of house "3": creativity, openness, optimism, happiness, brilliance, friendship, imagination, love of life.

House number 4

This is your house if you need security and stability: house 4 gives integrity, solidity and practicality. This a good place for construction solid foundation your future, because this house requires order and economy.

House 4 gravitates towards stable work for those who live in it. It is also ideal for people or work groups working towards a common goal.

This house is suitable for any construction, gardening and everything related to the earth. Family affairs and problems of relatives will require common sense and practicality from you here. And lastly, house 4 has a serious type of vibration and will therefore be a safe haven for those who are not afraid of hard work and discipline.

Problems at home "4"

Sometimes life in House 4 can feel overwhelming. He may develop a hoarding tendency or become rigid and inflexible. Relax - there are many other numbers in life that can help you. How about a sprightly little car with the number 3 on it? Or threes in a phone number?

So, when moving into a house with the number 4, be prepared to do a certain amount of work so as not to come into conflict with this house. In the end, 4 is hard work, which cannot be avoided in this house.

Key aspects of house "4": reliability, plans for the future, organization, discipline, down-to-earth, thrift, hard work.

House number 5

If you feel like you are standing still, this is the home for you. House 5 is the house of activity, movement and change. Here you will find many trips, continuous phone calls(five is the number of sales and retail chains) and an extremely busy daily routine.

House 5 is the center of activity. It stimulates connections, the collection of life experiences and information, especially regarding ethnic cultures.

It is difficult for a routine to start and stay in house 5, where everything is constantly changing. Lots of people come and go, unexpected events happen, and anything can happen except boredom.

House 5 stimulates ingenuity, enterprise and encouragement. Diversity is the norm here, which sometimes leads to chaos and a hectic life. No conditions last long enough in this house. Lots of romantic stories happen in house 5 because those who live here have a special magnetism, impulsiveness and enthusiasm, are much more talkative and perhaps more competitive. Anyone familiar with numerology would not be surprised to see 5 talkative, enthusiastic merchants in the house.

Problems at home "5"

Life in this house can sometimes feel like a chaotic whirlwind. More. What is certain is that hasty decisions will be made here, but nevertheless, thanks to a heightened instinct, right decisions. Still, before making a decision, it is better to slow down and think about everything carefully.

It’s hard to feel rested here, and if you decide to remain virgin and be alone, run away from this house, it’s not for you. And finally, due to the excessive spirit of change, house 5 can be characterized by a high turnover of inhabitants.

Key aspects of house "5": change, variety, activity, personal magnetism, sociability, trade, press, risk-taking.

House number 6

A nest and a family are the symbols of this house, and for this it is perfectly suited. Love for children, pets and family traditions- this is a classic of house 6, in addition, it is good for those who want to develop their artistic abilities.

Money, comfort and good things are simply attracted to this house, and life in it is filled with the energy of goodness and a humanistic spirit. Plus it's a great home for homeschooling or consultations at home, because the energy of the house 6 is warm, nurturing and reliable. Close ones, love relationship will fill your life in this house.

Problems at home "6"

Too much giving and caring can upset the balance. By giving too much to others and taking too little for yourself, you can end up in the role of victim. This position is inharmonious, and under the influence of the vibrations of the number 6 you will have to correct it.

In house 6, duty and responsibilities will always come first. And if you rebel against the rules, this house is not for you. At the same time, house 5 offers a lesson in responsibility - so maybe you'll stick around here after all.

Key aspects of house "6": beauty, children, balance, love, care, homeliness, teaching, advice, service, responsibility.

House number 7

A house with the number 7 is a retreat, a refuge for those in need of rest, recuperation, reflection or internal work. This house is just for those who want to be alone, reflect and seek divine inspiration. Education, study, science are successful here, and house 7 will bring joy to the writer, scientist or student, because it is completely focused on deep research.

Luck in this house is achieved through knowledge, skill and specialization. The vibration of seven enhances intuition, daydreaming, telepathic abilities, spiritual development and metaphysical research. This is a home for very private people.

Problems at home "7"

This house is not for those who want to achieve material well-being or advancement in business. He also works for marriage. Partnership or cohabitation. Seven is mainly looking for solitude, so this house is not for those who cannot live alone or want to socialize regularly.

Key aspects of house "7": inner life, solitude, analysis, reflection, recuperation, specialization, closedness, unusualness, study or science.

House number 8

If you are ready to put the material side of your life in order. Move to a house with number 8. It will support organization, vision and management of financial affairs. Thanks to discipline and insight, you can seriously strengthen your position while living in house 8.

8 brings public recognition and respect for your Good work; With the vibration of this house, success and material wealth are possible. Here you will need intelligence, strength and determination.

House 8 is not home, but rather a place of business activity. It attracts people of power, money, business thinking and success because power, money and success are the three attributes of the number 8. Eight is also the number of self-improvement, so in the house of 8 you may find that your spiritual aspirations increase material achievements.

Problems at home "8"

Under the vibration of the number 8, money comes and goes. There are usually big expenses in house 8 - and it's no surprise that you need an influx big money! The challenge in this house is to stay focused and organized while you are focused on material wealth.

Careful financial management, honesty, decency and justice - all this will have to be learned while living under the powerful vibration of the eight. This is not a house for extravagance - bad financial management under vibration 8 will bring misfortune upon you.

Key aspects of the house "8": material prosperity, power, leadership, self-improvement, business, common sense, wealth, skillful money management.

House number 9

This house of compassion and tolerance, a huge space for humanity. If you have no racial or social prejudices, are a philanthropist or have a passion for helping the world, this is your home. The vibration of the number 9 will allow you to see possibilities and rise above limitations and pressures. This is a home for open-minded people. In this house you will receive rewards for your past efforts.

House 9 is a good place to accomplish something, to heal all sorts of wounds, or to achieve a deeper understanding of other people. Intuition, dreams, healing, spirituality, art, theater, philosophy and even metaphysical teachings will all be a source of inspiration for those living in house 9. Living in house 9, you will find people and money drawn to you due to your humanitarian perspective, compassion and wisdom.

Problems at home "9"

Passionate, dramatic emotions can accompany a house with the number 9. Since 9 rules strong feelings, one may fear that their intensity will be unleashed in unbridled displays of emotion.

Nine also means impartiality and universal love, because the greatest good for the largest number people you may lose sight of those you live with. 9 is a very powerful number that requires powerful feelings and lessons for those under its influence.

Key aspects of house "9": dedication, fulfillment and completion, liberation, tolerance, wisdom, art, strong feelings, favor of fortune.

Since ancient times, the personal number of the entire family has been considered to be the number of the house in which people live. This figure has strong energy and is able to influence residents. It carries great meaning and can determine fate, and in order to find out what the number of your apartment or house means, you need to turn to numerology.

The meaning of house number in numerology

The value of the family number can be single-digit, double-digit, and also, given the modern buildings of urban apartment buildings, three-digit or even four-digit. And yet, the fewer numbers, the simpler. But don’t despair, if your number is multi-digit, this does not mean that it is unlucky.

  • One number means that the residents of their home have the opportunity to respond to any incidents in their lives, change events, and thereby solve their problems.
  • The two-digit option is an indicator of the dependence of fate on the will, desires and mental anxieties of those who live in the house. These people are happy with everything and are very happy when everything works out for them, but if losses and failures happen in their lives, they take it too seriously.
  • Three numbers or more indicate that the residents’ happiness is just around the corner, and they can only get it if they harmonize three important components of their life: health, mind and feelings.

Calculation of personal number

The apartment number influences fate and is considered a harbinger of events in the near or distant future. A one-digit number can tell you this without additional calculations. To find out its meaning, you just need to know it. But in order to determine the value of a multi-digit number, it is necessary to identify a personal numerological number; To do this, you need to resort to mathematics and calculate the numbering.

For example, the apartment number consists of the following numbers:

  • 57 - 5+7=12=1+2=3 (the numerological number in this case is 3);
  • 811 - 8+1+1=10=1+0=1;
  • 1039 - 1+0+3+9 =13=1+3=4.

If you calculate not only the apartment number, but also the house number, then the meaning of fate must be determined by two personal numerological numbers: apartment and house. And the calculations should be done in a slightly different order. It should be borne in mind that priority in this case is on the side of the apartment.

  • For example, your address is: Karl Marx Street, building 23, apartment 66 (which means the personal numerological number of the house is 5, because 2+3=5, and the apartment is 3, because 6+6= 12=1+2=3);
  • If your address contains letters, they need to be converted into numbers, for example: Vaneeva Street, building 5b, apartment 9 (which means the numerological number of the house will be 7, since 5 + 2 (second digit of the alphabet) = 7, and apartments - simple digit 9).

Numerology of apartment and house numbers

Numbers surround us throughout our lives. From the point of view of numerology, they warn a person, exerting their influence on some events in his life. It often happens that the house is clean, comfortable and good and good people, but when you enter the threshold, you begin to feel uneasy. Or, on the contrary, the apartment is a terrible mess, but everyone is happy in this mess. And in this case, people resort to numerology to determine what the apartment number means.

Numerology of apartment and house numbers provides an opportunity not only to find out your destiny, but also to understand the reasons for such circumstances, and can also help you choose a new home, because, oddly enough, numbers can enhance the harmony of a person’s life. As for choosing an apartment, you should not focus on the entrance or floor number, because the main energy lies in the numbers of the apartment, and then the house and everything else.


The number speaks of a home in which you need to make plans, they will definitely be realized. This number is a symbol of novelty. A person can leave all his problems, unpleasant life moments in the past and build a life with clean slate. The unit is great for moving to another city or country. The vibration of this number is considered the most suitable for new events that will take their course and successfully.

When choosing a unit, it is worth remembering that it presupposes confidence, independence and strength of character, as well as some adventurism. You shouldn’t rely only on it and take the ups and downs calmly, since the former will always outweigh the latter. It is necessary to take into account that the owner of this number will attract people to him and will constantly be in the center of attention of others. For a good life, it will be useful to have perseverance, creativity and the ability to get along with neighbors. If such qualities are just emerging, then housing number 1 will help their development.


This option is perfect for very sensitive people who rely more on their intuition in everything and try to maintain warm, friendly communication in their family and relationships with friends and loved ones, because the deuce favors this. Number 2 symbolizes a couple and is perfect for newlyweds who dream of a harmonious relationship and long-lasting love.

It is better for guests to come to such a house with pure thoughts and the most sincere feelings, since the deuce will not tolerate lies and falsehood and will quickly lead to someone who is unfaithful or dishonest. clean water. And the negative energy of such people will intensify, and all the hatred will show itself in all its indecency.

Residents will be able to discover their psychic abilities or study their “I”, as well as solve the secrets and riddles that fate presents to them. For example, at the right moment, when the mother cannot keep track of the baby, the hair dryer may turn off or burn out, etc.


This number is perfect for a family living in a house or apartment for several generations. In such a home, everyone is in love and harmony, since the troika carries the energy of pleasant and friendly communication and mutual understanding.

However, there are also negative qualities: it is very difficult to leave this house, it does not seem to let the person go, and he, in turn, does not dare to move, get married or get married and create his own nest. It often happens that everyone lives big family: mother-in-law with her new daughter-in-law and grandchildren, or son-in-law with his mother-in-law and wife.

Three is perfect for those who are content with little, want to live in peace and have no pretensions to wealth and fireworks of emotions. This number protects people from ambitions and changes, so older people who have already achieved everything in their lives and want peace and quiet will feel good in such housing.


Four will bring stability to the family, life in the house will be calm and measured, and the relationships between the residents can only be envied. In such a house you need to work hard and constantly strive for the best, and then there is a chance that your goals will be achieved.

This number is good for creative people or those who have started to lead new business, since the four will encourage ideology and any achievements of the owners. It is in such harmony that you can create a brilliant masterpiece or come up with something unusual and significantly change your life.


This number fills the house with positive energy and joy, and people living under its sign with happiness and communication. Five prevents people from being lonely and will always fill the house interesting events and meetings. In such a house there will be no feeling of boredom or despondency.

This great option for two loving people, which is the exact opposite of the lack of love in a relationship, because for dysfunctional couples, a “five” will be the beginning of a quarrel or divorce.


The number six symbolizes harmony, especially in those families where there is joy and balance. The option will do for both young people, adults and the elderly. The only one negative trait Six is ​​the lack of desire to achieve anything, it seems to relax a person and make him passive to everything that happens in life.

This number is not suitable for businessmen, as well as for those who like risk. For such people, this figure is dangerous, since it can bring trouble to the family and in this way stop and calm the owner who is heated and eager for new discoveries. It is recommended to follow beliefs, signs and traditions in an apartment or house with this numerological number.


This number is intuition and under its leadership live the most insightful people who cannot make mistakes and always make the right decisions. Seven is suitable for people with the profession of analyst, detective and researcher. The number will give a person strength, intelligence, confidence, restraint and the necessary peace of mind. Getting rich in such housing is difficult, but possible. This is due to the fact that residents do not receive money of great importance in life, because their achievements are more important to them.


A house or apartment with the number eight is a chest of miracles. Such housing can accomplish everything possible and impossible. Residents can make even the most unimaginable dreams come true. No obstacles will follow if their desires are based on love, creativity, well-being and happiness. This house is perfect for careerists and those who want to become rich.

The Eight will open up many opportunities for its players, which they just have to take advantage of. It is worth considering that the house will require constant rearrangement and repairs, for which there will always be enough money and effort. The only negative quality can be attributed to the fact that this number is not suitable for people with weak energy and addictions. Therefore, for those who drink alcohol or smoke, the eight is not recommended, as it will only strengthen these addictions. This home is more likely for those who have refused bad habits or refuses them.


Housing with this number is considered the dwelling of the sages. Nine is suitable only for those people who realize themselves in social activities, politics, religion, etc., since people will constantly come to their house for advice, help or support. The residents of this house must love all people and want to help them. If a person does not experience such feelings and chooses loneliness, then this option not for him.

Nine will help those who are able to lead the crowd. At the same time, this should not be a burden to people, since those around them will feel it, which will cause an uncomfortable life for the owner himself. Down-to-earth, unfriendly and limited people nine is contraindicated, because if there is negativity, it will only strengthen the negative energy, and make everyone around them enemies.

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