Cyclomenia flower: care, propagation, replanting and the problem of yellow leaves. Does cyclamen need watering during rest? During flowering

When I was a child, cyclamen grew in our kitchen.
The kitchen is the most favorite place in the house for both children and indoor plants. After all, the kitchen is warmest in winter and smells delicious :)

As a child, I was very surprised that our cyclamen bloomed in winter.
As if spellbound, I looked at pink flowers cyclamen - could not take my eyes off them.
Graceful cyclamen flowers, with their petals directed upward, looked like flames...

Years have passed. I still love plants, I collected . But among them there was no cyclamen yet.

For several winters I visited flower stalls. However blooming cyclamens expensive (and it is not known whether it will survive transportation well or freeze on the way home).

And then in the spring I saw a non-flowering cyclamen on sale and decided to buy it.

I was looking forward to seeing my new one bloom.
I watered the plant because it was watering from above. I fed her with “Ideal”.

I replanted the cyclamen because when I bought it the tuber was completely covered with soil. And for good flowering cyclamen tuber should .

Suddenly in the summer, in June, my cyclamen formed buds and flowers began to bloom!
The first flower lasted two weeks, and gradually other buds opened. So a cyclamen “flame” with seven flowers appeared on my window...
As a result, for two summer months I admired the blooming cyclamen.

After cyclamen fades, it enters a dormant period.
After flowering was completed, my cyclamen stood unchanged for three months, as if frozen.
From time to time I watered the plant in a tray (since drying out the roots of cyclamen is dangerous, it can die).

What’s interesting: during the dormant period, my cyclamen did not shed all its leaves. Although some of the leaves turned yellow and had to be twisted out.
The yellow leaves of cyclamen cannot be cut off, only.

And then in the fall, at the beginning of November, my favorite cyclamen woke up and pleased me with the appearance of new buds!
Now (December 2012) the cyclamen is blooming again, and I am again amazed by its unusual flowers.

In the photo: a cyclamen flower is blooming; blooming cyclamen

It is very interesting to watch the cyclamen flower bloom. At the beginning of dissolution, it looks like a bell, and retains this shape for about half a day. And then its petals bend upward, and the flower becomes like a flame...

So far my cyclamen has 4 flowers open and I'm looking forward to the rest of the buds opening soon.

Ekaterina Alyabyeva (Chelyabinsk)

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How to grow cyclamen at home? Many gardeners prefer this plant not only due to its beautiful flowering, but also due to the long period of its flowering. At proper care behind it can delight its owners with the splendor of constantly blooming flowers from mid-spring to mid-autumn. Caring for cyclamen at home requires timely adoption necessary measures to prevent various problems.

There are two ways to have this wonderful plant at home - grow it from seeds or buy it ready-made in a pot. In the latter case, there are not very many guarantees that the flower will take root as it should, because problems may arise, which are discussed in this article.

What to do if the leaves of cyclamen wither and turn yellow, and how can you help it with other problems that arise in the process of growing a plant in the house? You can find out about this by reading the information provided below.

Origin of the plant

The plant, which captivates with its bright, large, exotic flowers, belongs to the primrose family. Its origin is still unknown exactly. Central Europe, Mediterranean, Greece, Iran, Asia Minor- all these countries can equally lay claim to the title of homeland of this amazingly beautiful flower.

Taking into account the fact that cyclamen has been known since prehistoric times, today it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out the answer to this question.

General information about the species

In nature, there are only about 15-20 species of cyclamens. Most of They grow in central Europe and the Mediterranean. Among this many species, only 2 are grown indoors - Persian (alpine violet) and European (purple) cyclamens. Growing and caring for them at home is not entirely simple.

The two above-mentioned plants differ in size - the Persian species is much larger. European cyclamen is called “alpine violet”. This type throughout the year he feels great in the apartment, provided that the air temperature in the room should be 18-20 degrees. It does not require a specific humidity level. Alpine violet blooms profusely from early spring to autumn. In flower shops, this plant is less common than Persian cyclamen, which is the parent species for a variety of modern hybrids.

A problem that often arises is that cyclamen leaves turn yellow. What to do in such cases? More on this below in the article.

Description of cyclamen

Cyclamen - unique perennial, the nutrients of which are found in the tuber. It gives the plant the strength to grow. The leaves and flowers are located on long petioles, which give the impression that bright, beautiful tropical butterflies are hovering above the greenery of the cyclamen. Flowers come in the most different colors: red, white, pink, lilac. Cyclamens with two shades of flowers are often found.

The plant is short-growing, even the most mature specimens do not exceed a height of 30 centimeters. The leaves can reach sizes up to 15 centimeters in diameter. Small size the bush can bloom at the same time a huge amount flowers (up to several dozen), which gives it a unique charm. The colors depend on the varieties of cyclamens.

Growing and caring for them at home, subject to appropriate requirements and conditions, brings wonderful results of fabulous beauty.

How to choose a plant?

Choosing a plant for your home should be taken seriously. If a flower exhibits even slight yellowing of the stems or leaves, it is better to refuse to purchase it. This is due either to the presence of a serious illness or to improper care in the store. The article below provides information about the reasons why cyclamen leaves turn yellow.

What to do to ensure successful adaptation at home? A flower in a pot should be purchased at the moment it begins to bloom. When purchasing tubers, be sure to pay Special attention by their mass and appearance. Smooth, heavy, wrinkle-free and scratch-free tuber with live buds - good quality.

During the period of adaptation at home, even with a seemingly good specimen purchased in a store, problems may arise. Cyclamen leaves turn yellow especially often. What to do? After all, he immediately becomes not very attractive.

Growing conditions

What worries gardeners most is that cyclamen leaves turn yellow. What to do if this happens? To avoid such problems, you should know about necessary conditions successful growth of this plant.

Cyclamen loves rooms with bright lighting, but direct Sun rays undesirable for him. IN winter period For the plant, a bright room with an air temperature of no more than 12 degrees is recommended.

The home flower European cyclamen (purple) does not have a clear dormant period, and, as a rule, it is not overwintered, although it would not hurt. This is the difference between this type and alpine violet(Persian cyclamen), which begins to shed its leaves after the flowering period (in May-June). She moves on to peace.

The most a good place in the house for cyclamen there are western and eastern windows. If the plant is located on the south side, it should be protected from sunlight. It is also important to regularly ventilate the premises.

Soil and fertilizing

It also happens that cyclamen leaves curl. What to do? Incorrect feeding and poor-quality soil composition are of considerable importance in this case. It is necessary to create good aeration for the roots of cyclamen. To do this, when planting a plant, use a breathable substrate consisting of coarse-fiber peat. The optimal soil composition is equal parts humus, sand, peat and 3 parts leaf soil.

Once every two weeks you should feed cyclamen complete mineral fertilizer, usually used for flowering plants, or organic. Moreover, this must begin with the development of leaves and continue throughout the entire flowering period.

Air humidity

Cyclamen responds well to high humidity. During its growth, the leaves must be sprayed. There is no need to do this during flowering.

In order to increase humidity, you can create a water mist near the plant, and you can also temporarily place it on a tray with wet pebbles. In winter, the plant must be placed away from heating radiators. This is how he is, a little capricious cyclamen.


During the flowering period, when watering, you need to avoid getting excess moisture at the base of the root; it is best to pour water into a tray for this. Moisture must be distributed evenly, without overflowing or drying out the soil.

During the dormant period, Persian cyclamen should be watered less, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The European type of cyclamen is watered equally all year round.

Reproduction of cyclamen

Cyclamens are best propagated by seeds, but this requires a lot of patience, due to the fact that this is quite labor-intensive work. It requires a lot of time and energy. To begin with, you should take into account that each variety has a different ripening time.

To obtain seeds yourself, you need to artificially dust cyclamen. The optimal period for planting is winter or early autumn. If you buy seeds in a store, you need to pay special attention to the date of production - the age of the seeds should not be more than 2 years, otherwise there will be no germination.

Before planting the seeds, they should be left overnight in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The soil must be loose and always steamed. The soaked seeds should be deepened into the treated soil by 1 centimeter and covered with polyethylene. Place the container away from bright lighting. The seeds will germinate in 30-45 days. Throughout this period, it is necessary to periodically water and ventilate the room. Only a year and a half after planting the seedlings in the pot will the first flowers appear on the plant.

Reproduction of cyclamen by tuber - not very good good way. Unfortunately, the structure of the tuber is designed in such a way that the slightest damage contributes to its rotting, especially in winter.

Problems during cultivation

During the growth of cyclamen, some problems periodically arise, which can occur even during dormancy:

    A fungus has appeared on the flower. Perhaps the container has become too small for the overgrown plant. It should be transplanted into another pot.

    Unexpected wilting of the plant (flowers and leaves hanging over the edges of the pot). In this situation there may be bad smell which indicates damage to the plant wet rot. Unfortunately, there is no cure, and the cause of this disease can be contaminated water or another affected plant. Also, unexpected wilting most often occurs due to improper watering. Water should not get on top part tuber Another reason may be that the plant was planted in untreated soil (without sterilization). In this case, you need to treat the soil with a fungicide that will help eliminate this problem.

    Cyclamen leaves curl. The reasons may be the following factors: simultaneous exposure to low humidity and high temperature air. The existing conditions for keeping the plant should be reconsidered. Another reason is the appearance of cyclamen mites on back side leaf blades (light light coating). At the same time, the flower itself slows down its growth, and the leaves curl up. The mite appears when the environment is too humid and there is insufficient sunlight. For treatment, the plant should be treated with acaricides and the conditions of its maintenance should be brought back to normal.

In conclusion about precautions

It should be remembered that tubers Persian cyclamen contain quite toxic substances that can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and even convulsions. Although a curious fact is that ancient doctors used them as a strong antidote for snake bites.

Although cyclamens cannot be called capricious plants, some problems may still arise when growing them. Improper care and improper conditions for keeping indoor cyclamen, various insect pests and diseases can cause yellowing of the leaves and even the death of the entire plant. In order for cyclamens to please the eye with their flowering, it is necessary to regulate the conditions of their maintenance.

Fungicides will help in the fight against bacterial diseases; pests can be eliminated with the help of biological pesticides.

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    Natural yellowing of leaves

    Cyclamen, or cyclamen, is classified as a cyclical plant. Its flowering can last for months, and then a dormant period begins. During rest, the plant's leaves begin to turn yellow and wither - this is a natural process. The foliage should be unscrewed at the base and removed. When the flower “falls asleep,” move the pot to a cool room and reduce watering.

    Cyclamen can also get sick due to rearrangement or relocation. If the new living conditions of the flower are suitable, then all that needs to be done is to tear off the yellow leaves and wait until the plant acclimatizes.

    Errors in care

    Cyclamen leaves often turn yellow if the plant is managed improper care. The pot should be in a room with an air temperature no higher than +20 degrees. In winter, the temperature may drop to +15+17 degrees. In summer, cyclamen can be placed on the balcony or veranda.

    It is important proper watering and air humidity. Due to excessively dry air and lack of moisture, the foliage begins to turn yellow. Watering should be regular. You should not wait until the soil in the pot dries completely: the earth ball should be moist all the time.

    To water cyclamen, you can use the immersion method:

    1. 1. Water at room temperature is collected in a large basin.
    2. 2. Place a flower pot in the water for 1 hour.

    It is necessary to ensure that water does not get inside the pot. After immersion, the flower is returned to its place and placed in a tray. In an hour, the tuber will have time to become saturated with moisture.

    Cyclamen leaves may turn yellow due to dry air. If the room is too hot, the flower must be sprayed every day and bathed in the shower at least once a week. Indoor cyclamen loves spraying, especially during flowering.

    Despite the fact that cyclamen loves watering, it does not tolerate waterlogging. If there is excess moisture, mold and fungi may appear, which will lead to the death of the flower.

    If cyclomenia is exposed to the sun, this can also cause yellowing of the foliage. These flowers do not like direct sunlight, so they should be placed on a northern or eastern windowsill and shaded with paper. From the hot sun in summer on a southern windowsill, the leaves of the flower quickly wither and turn yellow.


    Persian cyclamen is susceptible to many diseases, although this plant cannot be called capricious. Many flower ailments can be eliminated, but some of them are so dangerous that it becomes pointless to treat the flower, and the owner can only throw away the cyclamen.

    Fusarium wilt

    When affected by this disease, the leaves on the top of the flower begin to turn yellow, while the leaf continues to grow. The second name for fusarium wilt is dry rot. The cause of the lesion in this case is fungi. First the fungus attacks vascular system plants, and then their tissues. Fungal spores can persist in the soil for a long time, and the plant is affected by them through the root system.

    Treatment of fusarium wilt consists of spraying the flower once a week for a month with Topsin-M. You can also spray with Fundazol at the same intervals. The sick plant should be isolated for the period of treatment.

    Gray rot

    When cyclamen is affected by gray rot, the tuber tissues first soften, and then the leaves begin to turn yellow. The foliage is covered with a whitish coating, which is easily erased when touched. This disease is also spread by fungi.

    Most often, gray rot affects flowers that are kept indoors in winter. high humidity if they are watered too much.

    In most cases, cyclomenia affected by gray mold dies. But, if the disease is detected on early stage, the flower can be saved by spraying with fungicides such as Rovral, Ronilan and Euparen.

    Non-infectious rot

    When affected by non-infectious rot, the color of the tuber becomes soft, the foliage begins to turn yellow and wither. The cause of the disease may be excessive watering and high humidity in the room, incorrect substrate acidity.

    Sick plants cannot be saved; they can only be destroyed.


    Cyclamen can not only get sick, but also be attacked by insect pests.

How long does cyclamen bloom at home: after purchase, European and Persian - how do they differ? Does cyclamen shed inflorescences and leaves? Is it necessary to replant cyclamen after flowering at home? You will find answers to these questions in today's article.

It would be wrong to call cyclamen annual plant and even more so get rid of this beautiful plant after flowering. At home cyclamen can grow and bloom for up to 15 years! Flowering times and duration depend on the species. There are two: Persian and European. Each species has its own varieties.

The difference between the European cyclamen and the Persian

In appearance, both flowers are identical - perhaps they distinguish two plants placed next to each other by the color of the buds, but if we look deeper, we will notice a significant difference.

Cyclamen persica : marbled leaves; the diameter of the tuber is larger - 15 cm and only 1 growth point; the inflorescences and leaves are larger in size than those of the European one. And most importantly: it blooms from mid-autumn until the end of winter, and then goes into a dormant period until the next season, completely shedding its inflorescences, leaves and leaving only a tuber in the ground.

European cyclamen : flowers smaller than Persian; leaves up to 30 mm in diameter; With back side there is no rich purple tint; the tuber rises 1/3 above the surface of the substrate; The tuber has several growth points. Can be kicked out again.

How long does cyclamen bloom at home?

  • Up to 3-4 months.
  • Persian: from October to March.
  • European: from October to early spring + re-forcing after a couple of months of rest.

Much in the re-blooming of the European cyclamen and the awakening after a long hibernation of the Persian depends on home care. If you abandon the plants, then, obviously, you shouldn’t even expect any re-development.

How to care for cyclamen at home?

Despite the existing differences between the two plants, Persian and European cyclamens have similar care system, so even if you have both species growing, you can create the same conditions for them, but just move the Persian to a cool and shaded place for a period of rest.

How to care for cyclamen at home:

  • Air temperature from +10-12°C at night during the growing season to +15-18°C during the day for normal flowering.
  • Minimum permissible temperature air +10° C.
  • Air humidity 50%.
  • Add moderately, settled, soft water.
  • During the dormant period, place in a cool place without sun.
  • It is possible to replant in early spring - 2 times a year or 1 time every year.

Regularly remove dead leaves but do not disturb the buds - just help them after flowering, when they dry out.

↓ Write in the comments how long does cyclamen bloom at home? What species did you choose to grow?

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How to transplant cyclamen into another pot?

How does cyclamen propagate at home?

How to get cyclamen seeds at home?

How to plant cyclamen from seeds?

Why do cyclamen leaves curl?

When does indoor cyclamen bloom?

Cyclamen is considered capricious plant. But this did not stop him from winning the hearts of Russians and firmly taking places on their windowsills. For big ones, bright flowers blooming in the middle of winter, flower growers are ready to create for him ideal conditions . In any others, it may begin to show character: it will stop blooming and begin to shed quickly yellowing leaves. How to find out what the plant is unhappy with and what can be done to save cyclomenia from death will be discussed in this article.

Cyclamen can shed its leaves for several reasons. You can understand whether this is a reason for concern if you carefully observe the flower. If it begins to turn yellow and wither slowly, and then just as slowly gets rid of old leaves, then it’s time for a seasonal rest. In this case, there are no health problems.

Northeast Africa is considered the birthplace of cyclamen. The sunny, humid climate of this part of the world allows the flower to grow to incredible sizes and bloom profusely. However, to recreate in ordinary apartment ideal conditions are incredibly difficult. If this fails, the plant turns yellow and sheds its leaves. In this case, you need to analyze what exactly could upset the plant so much. It could be:

  • too high or low temperature air. Cyclamen prefers to grow and bloom at home at 12 - 17 degrees above zero. In winter he feels great on glazed balconies, however, during severe frosts it is better to bring it indoors.

Cyclamen should not be placed near heating devices. Heat and dry air are detrimental to the plant.

  • improper watering. Most cyclamen varieties have a moderate appetite. They should be watered about once a week, when the substrate is almost completely dry. It is necessary to ensure that the entire earthen lump is moistened without turning into a swamp. Drought is also detrimental to the flower. The soil in a pot with cyclamen should not be allowed to remain dry for several days;

  • direct sunlight. Cyclamen loves diffused light. Rays falling directly on the delicate leaves of a flower can cause burns. The result is yellowing and falling off;
  • a lack of nutrients . Special fertilizers must be applied regularly: after transplanting into a new pot, once every two weeks, after the appearance of buds, once a month.

To feed cyclamen, it is better to use fertilizer with a minimum nitrogen content.

Natural process

Cyclamen is a cyclical plant. After flowering, which can last for several months, it goes into retirement.. At this time, its leaves also begin to turn yellow and dry. They must be removed by unscrewing them at the base.

The fallen flower is either left in the pot or the tuber is dug up. In the first case, the plant is moved to a cool, shaded place and watering is severely limited.

In the second the onions are cleaned and stored in a dry, ventilated place at a temperature of 10-25 degrees above zero. They are planted in a new substrate in late summer - early autumn.

After transplantation, the plant will grow quickly and will delight you with flowers in 2-4 months.

Cyclamen can also get sick and drop its leaves due to changes in its life.: after a transplant or moving to another place. If the new conditions meet the needs of the plant, then all that is required of the owner is to remove the yellowed leaves and wait until the flower comes to its senses. Of course, without ceasing to carefully care for him.

Plant pests

Yellowing cyclamen leaves may indicate that V flower pot pests appeared. How to recognize who exactly is preventing the plant from living when it begins to disappear and what to do to revive it can be found in the table.

Fungi Fusarium The plant turns yellow and dries out gradually, the process begins from the tops of the leaves. The flower is taken out of the pot, cleaned, the affected areas of the tuber are removed, treated with a fungicide and planted in fresh calcined soil.
Gray rot or Botrytis First, a gray coating appears on the leaves, and only then they begin to quickly turn yellow.
Erwinia The leaves turn yellow and die very quickly. The affected areas are removed with a sharp blade and the entire plant is treated with a fungicide.
Ticks Red tick A cobweb forms on the underside of the leaves, then the plant turns yellow. The affected leaves are removed, and cyclamen is treated with an insecticide.
Cyclamen mite The damage process begins with leaf deformation. Having changed shape, they turn yellow and fall off. All means are powerless, all that remains is to destroy the plant.
Viruses Bronzing of leaves The leaves first become deformed, then turn yellow and dry out. Treatment is impossible. The flower must be destroyed to prevent infection of other plants.
Ring mosaic Round light spots form on the leaves, which then crack and turn into holes.

Preventing diseases at home

The best treatment is prevention. Simple measures will help maintain the health of the flower and prevent the occurrence of diseases. About once a month, water the plant with a weak solution of one of the following products::

  • phytosporin;
  • foundationazole;
  • copper sulfate;
  • gamair;
  • Alirin B;
  • potassium permanganate.

These products will not give pests a chance and will make the flower stronger, strengthening its immunity.

What to do if cyclamen is sick, how to revive a flower

If it was not possible to prevent the disease, the flower began to turn yellow and lose leaves, then treatment should be started immediately. The action plan is as follows:

  1. Carefully examine the above-ground part of the plant and use a sharp blade to remove all affected areas, leaving only healthy green tissue. The cut areas are treated with any disinfectant.

  1. Now it’s the tuber’s turn. It is taken out of the ground and also remove all questionable parts.
  2. The plant is left in a dry, ventilated area for several days to stop possible rotting processes;
  3. Then the flower is planted in new, pre-calcined soil. For several days it is placed in the shade and watered moderately. After a week, the plant can be returned to its usual place.

Disease is not a death sentence for a plant. This is just another, rather difficult, stage of his life. Whether the flower will be able to cope with it depends entirely on its owner. Thanks to perseverance, patience and responsibility, even a fairly weakened plant can be revived, so it will delight you with flowers of stunning beauty for a long time.