Delphinium lilac. Delphinium perennial: planting and care

What kind of flowers do not grow in the gardens of the vast. Extraordinary candles, consisting of many buds, are so pleasing to the eye. They are called Delphinium, Spurfly, Larkspur in different regions. The ability to survive and bloom during the cold season has made them especially popular.

Description and features of delphinium

Delphinium in some areas called spur. It received its first name for the structure of the ear, which is so reminiscent of a dolphin's head. The second name is due to the eye or spur in the sepals.

They survive well in regions with cold winters, and reveal themselves in all their glory in cool summers. That is why they are so popular in central Russia.

Here you can find up to 100 species of this. Life expectancy is dictated by climatic conditions. The same view in different regions can live from 4 to 8 years.

A simple bud generally has 5 petals, with a spur located in the center. Which makes it a flower stalk and suitable for pollinating small hummingbirds or bumblebees.

The color of the flowers is varied, but in most cases, depending on the type, these are buds with a blue and purple tint. Delphiniums are white in color with a distinct scent.

Flowers gather in a standing panicle various sizes from 30 to 100 cm without peduncle. The leaves are similar to, as they are cut into segments to the base. Each part is strongly pointed at the end.

Planting and propagation of delphinium

Growing delphinium is doomed to success if you meet certain requirements when choosing seat. likes to wake up sun rays and stay on it no less than until lunch.

The second condition is that the site must be draft-free. The last condition is the occurrence groundwater, it shouldn't be too close. Because it does not like stagnant water.

In the photo there is a white delphinium

Having fulfilled all the requirements, the question will not arise about whether how to grow delphinium right in your garden. Propagated vegetatively and by seeds.

By dividing the rhizomes:

    Three-year-old plants are suitable for propagation. Great time for delphinium planting spring, when young shoots appear.

    The entire bush is dug up and the root system is examined. If there are rotten areas, be sure to remove them.

    Rinse under running water, divide into sections with roots and shoots.

    In order for rooting to be successful, many gardeners advise planting the separated parts of the root system in pots. After 3 weeks, rooting will occur.

    The cuttings are ready for planting in open ground.

    After planting, mulch the soil with humus or peat.

    Delphiniums can immediately throw out flower stalks. They should not be pitied, but to be plucked. This will make it possible to grow the underground part of the bush.

In the photo there is a hybrid terry delphinium

You can separate the cuttings in another way. To do this, the bush is not completely injured, but only carefully dug up and cuttings with roots and young shoots are separated. They should be planted in rooting boxes in damp sand. If you decide to plant the cuttings directly in open ground, then you definitely need to shade them.

By seeds:

    Planting seeds delphinium at home conditions, occurs at the end of winter. To do this, it is important to remember that planting material must be in a cold place; heat has a negative effect on their germination.

    Soak the seeds for a few minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    Then, rinse under water and soak in any stimulant overnight.

    Remove from the last solution and dry.

    Prepare the soil for growing delphinium from seeds: humus, garden soil, with the addition of sand. Sterilize the mixture in the oven or in a steam bath. To increase looseness, add vermiculite.

    Compact the soil a little and sprinkle the seeds over the surface. Cover the top with the same soil to a small thickness. If the varieties are different, put a sticker with the names.

    Spray the soil with a spray bottle to prevent the seeds from floating.

    The container is covered with glass and covered with dark material on top.

    Maintain the temperature from 10 to 15 degrees C for 3 days.

    Then lower the temperature. You can put it in the refrigerator or take it out onto the balcony for 14 days.

    Periodically spray and ventilate the soil.

    During this time, shoots may appear, place the container on a windowsill at a temperature of 20 degrees C, and remove the black material.

    The signal for picking will be the appearance of 2 true leaves.

    Delphinium seedlings needs hardening when 4 leaves appear.

    Seedlings delphinium, spring planted in open ground after stable weather without frost has established

    Before planting, feed the seedlings 2 times with minerals at 15-day intervals.

Delphinium care

    Delphinium loves loamy, black soil, but always nutritious.

    Since flower bushes can grow for up to 6 years in one place, care should be taken to saturate the soil with compost, humus, and ash. During the growing season, flowers require fertilizing in 3 approaches with minerals.

    After 4 years, it is useful to separate delphiniums by rhizomes. It is during this period that the plant qualitatively produces a number of shoots, which in most cases, without voids, take root well. Safe transplantation is carried out at a certain height of shoots up to 20 cm. Tall specimens are very fragile, there is a high probability of breaking them.

    Loosen the soil regularly after watering.

    In rainy summers, sprinkle ash near the bushes. This will prevent fungal disease.

    Remove flower stalks after each flowering to 15 cm at the base of the soil.

    At delphinium care It is worth remembering that fragile shoots with peduncles can stretch up to 2 meters. Therefore, it is necessary to tie the stems.

Types and varieties of delphinium

Delphinium belongs to the ranunculaceae family. The genus includes perennials and annuals. Delphiniums annuals include about 40 species.

The most common annual species:

In the photo there is a field delphinium

Decorative, fluffy bushes stretch up to 2 meters along with flower stalks. Distinctive feature we can call them re-blooming throughout the season.

In some cases, they can bloom three times. The bushes are suitable for cutting. A candle with buds, not counting the peduncle, stretches up to 30 cm. Plants in bouquets look original due to the different range of petals: soft blue, pinkish, purple shades. Depending on the variety.

Delphinium garden or Ajax is a hybrid, its derivatives are the oriental and dubious species. The range in height is from 20 cm to 1 meter. Delphinium flowers in a volume of 5 cm, collected in a standing panicle.

Pictured is the New Zealand delphinium

Perennial delphiniums have many different hybrid varieties. To avoid confusion, they are divided into certain groups:

    Elatum. The group of varieties is united by the color of the buds: purple, blue, light blue.

    Mafinsk group. Tall hybrids up to 2 meters. Petals are semi-double.

    New Zealand delphiniums. A distinctive feature of the group are the buds large size(7 cm), which can be double or semi-double. The flowers are collected in a powerful brush with unusual colors; they can have up to 21 petals in a bud. Stretch up to 2.5 m in length.

    Pacific group of hybrids. The bushes are spreading, up to 2 meters in height. A spike without a peduncle reaches up to 100 cm. The buds are double, semi-double.

    Delphinium belladonna. Not at all like his brothers. Instead of a candle-shaped panicle, they fall down.

Among the variety of species and varieties, you can choose your favorite ones and grow them in a flowerpot.

Hybrid crops are grown in the garden. For the beauty of the buds, their density, frost resistance. Buy delphinium You can go to a flower shop or order through an online store.

Pictured is delphinium Belladonna

They come here from nurseries. Seedlings can be delivered directly to your home by courier. New Zealand hybrids are especially popular among gardeners today.

Diseases and pests of delphinium

Powdery mildew. Favorable environment for fungal disease is rainy, cool weather. Symptoms of the disease: the stem and leaves are covered with a grayish-white coating.

Over time, the plaque becomes brown, which ultimately leads to destruction. In wet weather, you should sprinkle the soil with ash and carry out preventive spraying.

You should not plant bushes too densely; remove faded and excess shoots in a timely manner. If affected, use Topaz and treat the bushes. Severely damaged bushes should be pulled out and burned.

Leaf blight. Symptoms: brown spots appear on leaves on both sides. This leads to drying and premature falling off. Control: treat the bush with fungicides, and collect and burn fallen and diseased leaves.

Black bacterial spot. The leaves of the bush are covered with black spots. Moreover, the shape and size are very different. Infection passes from the bottom and rises upward.

Pictured is the Ajax delphinium

The plant can be saved at the first stage if treated with tetracycline. To do this, dissolve one tablet of the drug in 1 liter of water and spray. All infected parts are collected to prevent the infection from remaining on the site.

Ring spot. Symptoms: stems and leaves are affected. Spots clearly marked by a ring are visible on the surface. Unfortunately, it does not survive such an infection.

Therefore, it is necessary to select all the bushes that have become infected, tear them out and burn them. The carriers are aphids. It is with this that we need to fight and do preventive spraying.

Delphinium fly. The insect attacks the buds, where it lays eggs, followed by the development of larvae. They, in turn, feed on the petals. As a result, the pistils and stamens are destroyed. The buds fall off without producing seeds. Spray with insecticides in a timely manner.

Slugs. Seedlings are the most damaged by pests. The fight against them begins far before landing:

    They dig up areas where substances are poured that impede the movement of pests: eggshells, gravel, etc.

    Sprinkle on them mineral fertilizers in 2 approaches with an interval of 10 minutes.

    The sites are treated with insecticides.

    They use traps.

Repellers are used. They use cans of bleach on the site.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, the range of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it’s worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to great content various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell you about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring to next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup made from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage It cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as other vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup turns out tastier than freshly prepared cabbage soup.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the most colorful garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then poured over apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or shrubs on the site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, released by plants, not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy of flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. Financial and academic year here it starts on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore many significant moments in the life of the Japanese are marked by their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an item of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the many different varieties We will tell you about three of these most popular vegetables, which are distinguished by their excellent taste and relatively unpretentious growing conditions. Characteristics of the eggplant varieties “Almaz”, “Black Beauty” and “Valentina”. All eggplants have medium-density pulp. In Almaz it is greenish, while in the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united by good germination and excellent yield, but in different time. Everyone's skin color and shape are different.

Delphinium (Delphinium)- a genus of annual and perennial beautifully flowering herbaceous plants of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), growing throughout temperate zone Northern Hemisphere, some species are found in the mountainous regions of tropical Africa. Some of the most popular ornamental plants open ground.

  • Family: Ranunculaceae.
  • Homeland: for the most part - China and Southeast Asia.
  • Rhizome: racemose, tuberous, or stem-root.
  • Stem: straight.
  • Leaves: finger-separate, dissected.
  • Fetus: leaflet.
  • Reproductive capacity: propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing bushes.
  • Illumination: prefers the sun.
  • Watering: relatively drought-resistant.
  • Content temperature: frost-resistant.
  • Flowering duration: annuals - July-September, perennials - 20-30 days at the beginning of summer.

Description of delphiniums

The genus includes about 370 annual and perennial species, very diverse in appearance and structure. The height of the stems varies from 10 cm in inhabitants of alpine meadows to 3 m in forest species.

The structure of the leaves is three, five or seven-parted, sometimes multiple pinnately divided, with separate petiole lobes. The segments have jagged or serrated edges and are wedge-shaped or rhombic in shape. Sheet plates often slightly pubescent, in cultivated varieties at the beginning of growth they have a variety of colors, by which the color of the inflorescences is judged.

Thus, brown and reddish leaves are found in flowers of dark shades, green leaves are found in light purple, white and blue varieties. The number of leaves on the stem is determined by both the species and the growing conditions. On poor soils, cultivated varieties form inflorescences after 10-15, on well-fertilized soils - after 30-35 leaves.

Most species, including cultivated ones, have a racemose rhizome, characterized by the absence of a main one and the presence of numerous adventitious roots. In conditions of lack of moisture, the rhizome can transform into a stem root, which has a powerful central root that goes deep into the soil. Some varieties living in arid regions have rhizomes in the form of tubers of various shapes, ranging in size from 0.5 to 4 cm. Such plants bloom in the spring, and with the onset of the dry period they go into a dormant state until autumn or spring of the next year.

Delphinium in the photo

The delphinium flower is simple, with five colored sepals, on the top there is a spur called an eye, with two nectaries and small petals - staminodes of a contrasting color. This structure is adapted for pollination by bumblebees or, in several American species, hummingbirds. The color of the petals can vary, but most species are characterized by a blue or purple tone. Delphinium flowers form a simple paniculate (3-15 pieces) or complex pyramidal (50-80 pieces) inflorescence in the form of a simple or branched raceme.

Some wild species have a bright, unique aroma; white delphiniums smell more intensely.

The leaflet-shaped fruit contains small, up to 700 pieces. in 1 g, seeds, the germination of which remains three to four, and when stored in the refrigerator - an unlimited number of years.

All parts of delphinium contain alkaloids that depress the central nervous system, affecting the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Plants, including garden forms, are poisonous; there are known cases of poisoning of animals and bees by them; even honey collected from them contains poison. In medicine, both folk and official, the use of delphiniums is very limited, although a number of drugs are made from them that have a curare-like effect and have an antimicrobial and analgesic effect.

Origin of the name and classification of delphiniums

The Latin name of the flower delphinium is accepted in floriculture all over the world, although in Russian scientific literature the term larkspur is more common. The origin of the Latin name is associated with the similarity of the shape of the bud with the body structure of a dolphin, according to another version - with Greek city Delphi, where plants were common. The Russian version, larkspur, reflects its use in practice traditional methods treatment of fractures. There is another, outdated name - spur, given for the characteristic features of the structure of the flower.

The genus includes annuals and perennials. There are approximately 40 species of annual delphiniums, of which two are grown in decorative floriculture: field and Ajax.

Wild delphinium in the photo

Perennial delphiniums, in turn, are divided according to their place of growth into Eurasian, American and African.

IN separate group hybrid delphiniums are isolated and include the vast majority of varieties grown in gardens.

Below are descriptions and photos of some delphiniums decorative species and varieties, grouped in accordance with the above division.

Common ornamental annual species

Delphinium field (D. Consolida), a bush up to 2 m high with twice or thrice dissected leaves and loose inflorescences up to 30 cm long. It has been grown in gardens since 1572. There are garden forms of different colors, grown mainly for cutting. The blue flowers of the Frosted Sky variety, the dark blue Qis Dark Blue and the soft pink Qis Rose are spectacular.

Delphinium Ajax, or garden (D. ajacis), an annual hybrid, the result of crossing species is doubtful and oriental. Height from 20 to 100 cm, tap root, leaves strongly dissected, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. Blooms from early summer to autumn. It has been used in cultivation for several centuries, has many varieties and garden forms, including tall, up to 1 m, double delphiniums with dense inflorescences of hyacinth-shaped flowers, and dwarf plants, no higher than 30 cm. The latter include Dwarf Hyacinth-flowered cultivars with double pink, crimson, white and purple flowers.

Popular varieties:

Russian size;

Messenger White.

Blue, pink, blue varieties of delphinium:

delphinium astolate.

The most big number The species is included in the Eurasian group, some are used in decorative floriculture.

Among them:

Delphinium tall (D. elatum L), a native of the northern mountains of Europe, Siberia and Mongolia, up to 1.5 m tall with bare or slightly pubescent stems, and blue flowers collected in sparse racemes. In cultivation since 1578, it is often used to create hybrids. There is a giant form up to 3 m high.

Delphinium labiosa (D. cheilanthum Fischer), another plant of northern origin, which is the progenitor of cultivated varieties. Height from 45 to 95 cm, stems glabrous, leaves green above, bluish below, densely pubescent. Blue flowers form a simple brush.

Delphinium grandiflora or Chinese(D. grandiflorum L., D. chinensis), grows in Eastern Siberia, Korea, China, Mongolia. The plant has straight, often branched stems from 20 to 50-80 cm in height, with white pubescence, trifoliate leaves divided into narrow lobes and large bright blue, sometimes white or pink flowers. Simple and double forms are grown in gardens; the low-growing, up to 30 cm, variety Blauer Zwerg is popular.

In rocky gardens, low-growing delphiniums are used:

blue (D. glaucum), no higher than 40 cm, with large cornflower blue flowers with a black eye, not winter-hardy, but easily renewed by self-seeding;

Kashmiri (D. cashmerianum), light purple with a black eye, 20-40 cm tall, with garden forms various colors;

short-spur (D. brachycentrum Ledeb), 15-30 cm high, with dense appressed pubescence and a few large blue flowers.

Among the American species we note:

delphiniums red (D. cardinale);

The group of African species includes delphinium macrospur (D. macrocentrum Oliv.) with semi-closed blue-green flowers, cultivated in England and Sweden.

Hybrid groups and common varieties

Hybrid delphiniums include all varieties obtained by crossing different representatives of the genus. They are combined into two types:

Delphinium Belladonna (D. belladonna Bergmans), varieties that appeared in the 19th century, hybrids of large-flowered and labiate species. They are characterized by low (up to 1.5 m) growth, deeply dissected leaves and branched paniculate inflorescences with simple, non-double flowers. Most of the varieties included in the group are delphiniums blue and of blue color(Piccolo, Capri, Arnold Böcklin),

Some are white delphiniums:

Connecticut Junks;


Delphinium cultivated (Delphinium cultorum Voss), includes the remaining varieties bred by hybridizing tall, large-flowered, and Barlow's delphiniums. These are plants from 20 to 150 cm in height with simple, semi-double and double flowers of various colors, collected in pyramidal racemes. The following groups of hybrids are distinguished:

Pacific (pacific), 12 famous varieties, created by the American Reineld in 1934-1940, are distinguished by a powerful, up to 2 m, leafy bush and dense pyramidal inflorescences up to 1 m long with semi-double large flowers. Seedlings transmit the hereditary characteristics of their parents, which at one time contributed to the rapid spread of the culture in ornamental gardens. In conditions middle zone Delphiniums are not winter-hardy enough and are used as biennials. Popular delphiniums:

Genevieve with pink flowers;

purple King Arthur and Black Knight;

white delphinium Galahad and others.

New Zealand delphiniums, bred in our time by New Zealand breeder Ted Dowdeswell. One of the most modern and popular groups of F1 hybrids with very large double and semi-double flowers, collected in dense brushes, frost-resistant and durable. Varieties of delphiniums in this group:

white Innocence;

Double Innocence (terry);

pink `Blushing Brides, `Sweethearts and Dusky Maidens;

blue Royal Aspirations, `Blue Lace, Pagan Purples and others.

Marfinskie, created by breeder Malyutin in the village of Marfino, Moscow region, adapted to the conditions of the middle zone, have strong stems up to 2 m high, dense inflorescences with large semi-double flowers. Common varieties of soft pink delphiniums:

Pink Sunset;

Blue Venus;

Blue lace;

White - Daughter of Winter;

Violet - Morpheus.

Elatum, a group of hybrid varieties of tall delphinium, including blue delphiniums:




Blue Amethyst;


White - Lady Belinda.

One of the brightest representatives of tall perennials is the spectacularly blooming delphinium. It attracts attention with its unusual shape and rare shades of flowers: pink, blue, soft white. Growing from seeds will require experience and knowledge. In general, the requirements for caring for delphinium are the same as for other subtropical flowers. It can be sown in open ground in the fall, but most gardeners recommend planting seedlings at the end of winter, at home, to protect the flowers from unstable snow cover and a protracted spring.

Short description

Delphinium from the buttercup family is also called spur. There are both annual and perennial varieties. Flower growers love the plant for its very beautiful bloom and increased endurance. Delphinium grows well even in dark places and tolerates light frosts without serious consequences. However, growing this crop is labor-intensive, so it is rarely possible to find it in gardens and flower beds.

Important! Delphinium is a herbaceous plant in which all parts are poisonous. Once in the human body, the toxin depresses the central nervous system and disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to wear special protective gloves when caring for this exotic flower!

Where is the best place to buy seed material?

Only experienced gardeners and breeders know how to properly store seeds exotic plants. You should know that you cannot keep them at room temperature, as they lose their viability. It is best to place planting material in a refrigerator or special chambers in which the temperature does not exceed zero degrees.

Delphinium seeds sold in stores or markets in most cases (60-80%) do not sprout. And it’s not the fault of the gardener who planted them in the wrong substrate or applied the wrong fertilizer - it’s the seeds themselves. In non-specialized retail outlets, sellers do not adhere to the technology of storing exotic flowers. Having packaged the seeds in paper bags, they simply place them in a warm place. As a result, there are no shoots, the money spent is lost.

A good option would be if you purchase delphinium seeds from people who breed them. It is necessary to cut brown boxes from healthy and sufficiently developed bushes. The pronounced dark brown color indicates the maturity of the planting material. You can pick the boxes that have just begun to show brown spots, but then they need to be placed in a cool room and kept until the shade completely changes.

From the ripened pods, the seeds must be carefully poured onto a sheet of paper, dried and placed in a glass container. The jar must be placed in the refrigerator or freezer or take it out onto the veranda/balcony. In this way, the seeds can be stored for 15 years. Then you will need to “wake up” the delphinium, i.e. carry out stratification.

When to plant seedlings

You can sow these exotic flowers:

  • in the fall, as soon as the flower seeds are collected;
  • before winter - in open areas (after the ground freezes);
  • if delphinium is grown from seeds for seedlings at home, then it is better to plant it in the second half of February.

Preparation of materials

In order to grow seedlings, you will need seeds and soil of a certain composition. Growth stimulants will also help, as they will make the stratification process more successful.


In order for the plants to grow well-developed, luxurious flowers, it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds. For this:

  1. Prepare a disinfectant solution from potassium permanganate or fungicide (Fitosporin, Maxima), diluted with water according to the instructions in the instructions.
  2. Place the seeds in a fabric bag and immerse it in the working solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Take it out and rinse off the remaining disinfectant liquid under running water.
  4. Place on a small plate and soak in settled water. There should not be too much liquid; 2-3 drops of a growth stimulator (Zircon, Epin) must be added to it.
  5. After one day, drain the liquid and place the seed material on a damp cloth in a thin layer.
  6. Roll the fabric and place it in a plastic container.
  7. Place the container in the refrigerator and periodically add 10-20 ml of water to it. It should only cover the bottom of the fabric roll. If there is too much liquid, the seeds will rot.
  8. An alternative to water is wet moss, which is used to transfer fabric rolls with seeds, after which the material is placed in the refrigerator.
  9. Stratification lasts a week, and when the embryos hatch, move the workpiece to the windowsill and keep it under phytolamps for a couple of days.
  10. Plant the germinated delphinium in an open area or in containers filled with fertile soil.

The described method is suitable for planting seedlings in February and is designed for growing at home.

Another way to prepare seeds:

  1. Soak the seed in early spring and wrap it in gauze.
  2. Place in a plastic bag.
  3. Bury it in the ground.
  4. After 1-2 weeks, remove and plant in the ground.

The best time for this method is April, when the snow began to melt. Temperatures can range from –5-10 to +3-6° C.


Planting perennial delphinium requires preliminary preparation soil. You need to take garden soil and mix it with peat and humus in equal proportions. It is recommended to add a small amount of perlite to the mixture (0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil) to make the soil structure more loose. This will also help retain moisture in the soil.

Preliminary soil preparation includes not only the creation of a fertile substrate, but also its steaming for the purpose of disinfection. The procedure is carried out using a steam bath for one hour. Such soil will be completely safe for seed.


Spread the delphinium seeds evenly over the prepared soil. The sown flowers should be sprinkled on top with fertile soil, the layer height should not exceed 3 mm. After this, lightly compact the soil so that when watering the seeds are not lifted by water. Finally, you need to spray the delphinium evenly warm water from a spray bottle.

Advice! If planting granular seeds, use tweezers for convenience. And in order not to forget in the future where which variety was sown, it is recommended to stick labels with the names of the flowers on the containers.

Considering that the exotic giant grows better in the dark, it is advisable to cover the crops with a special covering material, black film or regular plastic bag. It is also possible to simply place the containers in the dark until the first shoots appear.

Seeds do not need to be kept indoors for them to germinate well. high temperature, +10° C is enough for them. Do not raise the temperature to +20: there is a high probability of destroying future seedlings. It is recommended to harden flowers to increase their level of endurance to negative factors environment. The procedure involves alternating temperature regime- cold / warm.

Shoots should be expected to emerge after planting in 7-10 days. As soon as they appear, you will need to remove the covering material. After the true leaves appear, the delphinium must be pruned.

Features of picking delphinium from seeds

To spread the sprouts, you can use the same substrate as when planting, but it is advisable to add 1 spoon of complex mineral fertilizer to it.

Picking process:

  1. After mixing fertile soil with fertilizer, spread it into small containers and pots.
  2. Moisten the soil and make a hole in the center.
  3. Using a small spatula, carefully remove the seedlings from the seedling container.
  4. Transplant them into prepared containers.
  5. Sprinkle the roots of the plants with fertile soil up to the root collar.
  6. Water carefully so that young roots are not exposed. If necessary, you need to sprinkle them with earth.

After the plants have become a little stronger, they need to be hardened off. fresh air. After two weeks of such events, the flowers are ready to be transplanted into the open area.

Popular varieties of delphinium

Among floriculture lovers, the most popular varieties of delphinium are:

  • Marfin hybrids from Russian breeders, who are distinguished by a high degree of winter hardiness and pronounced decorativeness. The height of the stem is within 180 cm, the inflorescences occupy 100 cm. The plants attract attention with their semi-double large flowers various colors.
  • Hybrids Belladonna, bred as a result of crossing tall and large-flowered varieties. This is a variety of Dutch selection, characterized by tall growth, their height can reach 2 m. The inflorescences are short, branched (paniculate), consisting of 5-20 large flowers. Mostly these are flowers with blue, blue or white eyes. The flowering period is long.
  • Elatum hybrids are tall plants, their height is 150-180 cm. The flowers are quite large, semi-double. The inflorescences are moderately dense, with a blue-blue color.
  • Pacific hybrids. Delphinium was bred in the USA, has a tall stem, large inflorescences and flowers. The bushes surprise with their luxury; they can grow for up to 6 years. Standard care, support required.
  • - the most popular hybrid, highly decorative. The plant has very large dense inflorescences, the purest color of various tones. The New Zealand delphinium is not afraid of low temperatures, is durable, and does not lose its original qualities during reproduction.

Delphinium is a real exotic decoration for any garden. Tall plants with large, bright flowers immediately attract attention. To grow them from seeds at home, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology.

- a spectacular plant with tall spike-shaped inflorescences. Tall, multi-colored peduncles are completely covered with flowers in blue or pink shades and look very elegant. There are a number of other plants that are similar to delphinium in the way they produce flowers.

Description and photo of flowers with spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences

The main advantage of a group of flowers similar to delphinium is their tall peduncles covered with buds different colors and sizes. Straight flower stalks, like multi-colored candles, rise above other plants, giving the site an elegant look.

Levkoy (or matthiola gray) is a herbaceous plant or subshrub with erect stems from 20 to 80 centimeters in height. The smooth or fleecy stems of the plant are covered with lanceolate or elongated leaves.

The top of the stem is covered with large double flowers of white, pink, purple, cream or yellowish color. Levkoy flowering begins in mid-June and ends only in November. Distinctive feature gillyflower – pleasant aroma, intensifying towards evening.

Marvelous unpretentious perennial Lupine requires virtually no care. It is able to grow and delight with its flowering in any conditions. Lupine reproduces independently by self-seeding and tolerates even the most severe frosts in open ground.

The most decorative of all types and varieties is perennial lupine. This is a herbaceous plant with straight peduncles up to 1 meter high. The candle-shaped inflorescences are covered with small buds that bloom in early summer.

The flowers last on the stem for about a month, then seeds form in their place. If the flowering stems are cut off, the lupine may bloom again.

Physostegia is a herbaceous perennial of the Lamiaceae family, growing in natural conditions in North America. This plant settled in Russian gardens relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity. Physostegia blooms at the very end of summer, when most plants have already faded.

Physostegia decorates the garden with its white, milky, purple or pink lush spike-shaped inflorescences from mid-August until frost. The inflorescences are about 30 centimeters tall and look like neat, fluffy spikelets. Peduncles stand for a long time when cut, without losing freshness until the last bud blooms on them.

Ixia is a tropical perennial native to South America, blooming in warm countries almost all year round. In our climatic conditions, Ixia blooms in mid-summer and decorates the site throughout August. Ixia is a plant of the iris family, with a strong but thin stem covered with very small leaves.

The plant forms a spike-shaped inflorescence strewn with graceful flowers with curved petals. In nature, Ixia flowers are white, yellow, orange and pink. The most decorative hybrid varieties of Ixia are those that produce flowers of uncharacteristic colors: purple, bright blue, lilac.

Breeders even developed a variety with spotted flowers and petals dark color and light edging around the edge.

Aconite (or fighter) is a spectacular plant that attracts attention unusual shapes inflorescences. The shape of the warrior’s helmet can be guessed in the outlines of the flowers. The flower is believed to symbolize crime, poison and cold. Some plant species are indeed poisonous.

The height of aconite stems is from 50 to 150 centimeters. The color of the flowers is traditionally purple, blue, but there are types of pink, bright yellow, white and even purple shades. Aconite blooms from early July to late September.

Foxglove (or digitalis) has long been considered a real decoration for flower beds. The plant received its popular name from the shape of its bell flowers, which look like large thimbles.

The tall, erect stems of the plant are covered with flowers of red, purple, pink, and cream colors. White foxglove flowers are especially decorative, as the petals are strewn with dark specks. Foxglove flowering begins in June and ends only in early autumn.

Yucca garden

Yucca is an exotic perennial from the agave family. In its natural environment, the plant is found in the subtropical and tropical zones of the American continent. The hard sword-shaped leaves of the yucca form a spiral-shaped dense rosette of green or bluish color.

In the center of the leaf rosette a large peduncle-panicle with drooping cream or snow-white flowers is formed. During the season, up to 200 bells open on the peduncle, each about 7 centimeters long.

Yucca flowering when grown in open ground occurs only with careful shelter for the winter.