A house made of timber is a fairy tale. Construction company "skazka" Development of project documentation

Good afternoon I ordered the construction of a house from this company in 2015. Project Arnkell. All this time the house stood mothballed. Now I have started finishing. The house turns out wonderful. True, one of the bathrooms on the second floor is not very conveniently located, so we had to give up one room and make a bathroom in the room above the lower bathroom. On the ground floor we had to abandon the boiler room. If I had left it, all the necessary equipment would still not have fit in it, but the stairs would have turned out to be very steep. I would be grateful to the company’s specialists if they could answer the question: can a boiler and equipment for heating a house (electricity) be placed on the second floor? Will this damage the structure of the house? Thank you!



7 495 989-63-95

Good afternoon Thanks for your feedback! With your question, please contact the Company office by phone +7 495 140 5575 to engineer Alexander Shvedov. It is necessary to understand the location, type, weight of the equipment to determine the feasibility of its installation.


We don’t build often, but there are still a lot of strange things. Last year, 2018, the work was not completed and was postponed until this year. The brigade arrived 2 weeks later than stated in the schedule, no one warned about the postponements. We arrived, we needed to finish last year’s work, it turned out that the cellar, instead of the declared 2x2x2, was built with an area of ​​1.45x1.45, and the height had not yet been measured, because... there is water in the cellar... no words... The team said that it was impossible to redo the cellar and began finishing the house. The company has been silent for a week, the manager, naturally, was told... what should we do with the pool instead of the cellar? I don’t understand, you need to constantly swear so that everything is done well and on time for your own money? and, by the way, I confirm that it is not always possible to reach the office by phone during business hours, verified.



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

Dear Natalya Ivanovna! Well, why are you conveying, to put it mildly, unreliable information to the public??? All work, according to the Agreement, was completed. Evidence of this is the signed Acceptance Certificates. The only thing that was not completed was the rough floor, which you yourself asked the team not to do, because... communications will be brought into the house, and, accordingly, top part cellar You and I had a verbal agreement to complete everything at the stage of finishing work - which is what we are DOING at the moment!! Moreover, on Finishing work There was not even an Agreement (speaking of deadlines) - we promised to complete the finishing work, and we are fulfilling it. Further. Cellar. Firstly, 5 days ago, when you called the office, the dimensions were 1850x1850 mm (which you announced yourself). "Shrinked" in 5 days? Or an undisguised LIE??? We also had a conversation about water, during which it was decided to find out the origin of the water in the cellar - for almost a year the house was essentially open, without windows/doors. And, if it turns out that the waterproofing layer does not hold, there was an assurance from the Company that the problem would be corrected. You currently have a team of carpenters-finishers working for you who are not at all familiar with the technology of building cellars (“The team said that it is impossible to remodel the cellar”). Maybe you also have “complaints” about the work of carpenters? So don’t be silent, we always listen to Customers’ comments and respond to them adequately. And what should we tell you in a week, if until today your windows/doors have not been installed, and the type of casing has not yet been approved??? Did you and I argue, or did we at least promise something and not deliver??? NO!!! Another LIE on your part!! Or is there a lie on our part in all of the above??? Well, another confirmation that you cannot treat anyone in good conscience... Perhaps we will change the principles of our work, if even you, a seemingly decent person, begins to spread LIES to the masses!!


Here is another demonstration of strangeness: such communication with clients who, despite the shortcomings and shortcomings in your work, pay for everything on time. Clients have the right to know that the schedule is moving forward and that problems are being resolved. You won't believe it, but we, clients, also have plans, schedules in a sense. And, yes, clients need to be warned, just at least out of respect, although... after your letter, what am I talking about... You are busy sorting clients into decent and dishonest, you have no time. BUT, I note that it is your letter that shows your attitude towards your customers and their problems. What does this have to do with the subfloor, carpenters, arguing, etc.? My letter talks about failure to meet deadlines and lack of desire to inform the client that the start dates for work are being moved. The cellar doesn't match the size, why your sarcasms about "shrinking"? Is there a discrepancy? The arrival and measurement of a company representative decides everything, since you think that everyone around you is lying, and only you live “in accordance with your conscience.” And what are you even talking about about “another lie”? Where is the lie? Oddities and silences for weeks are described when the problem has already been reported to the office. The principles really need to be changed, maybe work more actively with clients, don’t remain silent for weeks, report shifts in schedules or actions taken to eliminate inconsistencies, so there won’t be any problems and your so emotional letters blaming everyone around... And, it seems, You get stuck on your keyboard with "!" And "?" or do you dislike your customers and their problems so much that this storm of hatred and indignation is expressed through punctuation marks? Usually, reputable companies that respect themselves and others respond in this way: “We apologize for the inconvenience caused. The client’s opinion is very important for our company. At the moment, we have made efforts to eliminate the shortcomings of the work, we hope for further fruitful cooperation.” And don’t thank me for the updated text of the letter for your future clients, use it to your health! Sincerely, Victoria Valerievna (daughter of Natalya Ivanovna)


Dear daughter Victoria Valerievna! Let's start from the end of your post. Nothing is working on the keyboard and where do you see hatred and indignation? In several exclamation points? Rave. I will repeat once again - we, as a whole, and everyone, are not angels, even after 17 years of work there are minor shortcomings in its organization, but there is no need to outright lie, especially since you have never been present at any discussions/conversations/ negotiations “Another lie” is this, from your first post: “you need to constantly swear so that everything is done well for you and on time for your own money.” No one has ever argued with you or your mom/dad! Neither the foreman, nor the crew, nor the employees in the office. Further. The fact of size reduction really exists, I have never denied it! But the actual measurement size is 1850x1860 mm. And, if YOU don’t know why this happened, I’ll explain - the cellar should be located at a distance from the foundation strip. In the place where it is installed, the distance between adjacent tapes is 2000 mm. As a “sorry”, you were given a good discount on finishing work. And, by the way, your “pool” was made of such high quality that it did not allow water from rain and snow that got into it during the construction of the house to pass through for almost a calendar year! Well, the start date of work has been postponed by 2 weeks. If you pay attention to clause 3.1. Agreement, then the PRELIMINARY DATE FOR STARTING WORK is stated there, and further, according to the text of the same Agreement, “... notify the Customer 3 days before the start”..., in this case, the supply of material. Which is what was done. And the work was completed on time, even slightly ahead of schedule!


Wow, you are all so unhappy with your customers! Yes, they are completely out of their depth, they want their problems to be solved for their money. Brad, of course! Agree! “No one has ever argued with you or your mom/dad!” It’s funny, why argue with us if we paid for everything last year? We had to call and write so that they would remember our problems; until mid-July, your company could not answer us anything. Thanks for the information about the required distance of the cellar from the foundation strip, I didn’t know, I’m not a builder. It’s only a pity that your specialists, it seems, didn’t know either, since they promised/designed other cellar sizes. Thanks for the discount, of course! But, firstly, it was provided for a reason, but because of identified problems, and secondly, it is almost on the verge of a scandal. No, well, thank you anyway, I understand that it’s from the bottom of my heart! Yes, I was not present at the negotiations, but everyone talks, but when it comes to action... Therefore, only correspondence and facts. And it’s interesting not only to build with you, but also to correspond with you.


I’ve been calling for three days, the phones are not answered or not serviced, it’s not clear they’re encrypted, maybe they’re hiding!



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

Dear Klauser (almost kLauser)! The Company's opening hours are 10-20 hours. There are 3 on the site!!! telephone numbers, which work time You can always call! Of course, if you have the desire for it.


We were left with extremely positive impressions after the interaction; they built us a one-and-a-half-story cottage made of laminated veneer lumber. We took the finished LIULF project, to which we made minor changes (we removed the balcony and increased the bathroom area at the expense of the children's room). After signing the contract, I did not have to pay anything extra. The only negative is that before construction began there were very heavy rains, the road was completely washed out, and the deadline had to be postponed by a week and a half. Otherwise everyone is happy. And foreman Sharikov V.G. and his team are real pros!



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

I am from Sochi myself, I built a house there in Upper Yurt. good companies for construction wooden houses We have practically none, we had to look in the Central regions of our Russia. I negotiated with the company G*d-V*d, the price tag there was space, and when they learned that I was from Sochi, they calculated additional overhead costs for almost 400 thousand rubles. Another company from Moscow was also a priority; well, I found too many bad reviews about their work. As a result, I settled on PSK Dom-Skazka. To be honest, I had doubts about the veracity of some reviews from the Internet, and being almost 2000 km away, I could only focus on the quality of work in this way. But one of the selection criteria was not the presence of positive reviews, but the virtual absence of negative ones. I myself own a cargo transportation company and I know that people run to write not when they liked everything, but on the contrary, when even the slightest delay (in our field) is all negative, all assholes. The project was chosen by Torr from laminated timber 175x185 mm in the “Turnkey” package, only the windows were ordered from locals. The foundation was made by “Sochi, poorly Russian-speaking” craftsmen from Abkhazia (in Skazka they said that they have no experience in building in rocky soils - thank you for your honesty). I brought the materials back with my own trucks. Accepted and paid for materials upon loading at production. I confirm that the prices correspond to those stated on the website, I only had to pay for the flight, accommodation and work of the foreman (150 rubles in total), as well as a compartment for the crew (about 32 rubles in both directions). I took them to the bathhouse several times, and, of course, a thank you dinner upon completion of the work. The house was built in 6 weeks, they worked from 6 am to 11-12 pm, and from 4 pm to 8 pm - during the day they ran to the sea. Additionally, I bought a German antiseptic and soaked all the wood. In the south of the Russian Federation, it is customary to recommend only trusted people - so, I recommend this Company! I wrote everything from the heart, without embellishment or emotion. My doors are always open to all employees of Skazka House.



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

On behalf of myself and my parents, let me express my gratitude to all the employees of the company and, of course, mainly to the wonderful team of Evgeniy Murashov, Ivan Murashov and Alexander. The house for my parents' dacha was built just perfect, without the slightest mistakes and strictly on time. neat work. I don’t even know what to add. I just want to recommend this company to everyone. These are honest and responsible workers.



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

Comrades trolls and ill-wishers! How disgusting it is to read your absolutely non-specific reviews about the Dom-Skazka company! Stop lying to them and trying to convince others of it! Only in our SNT Yuzhny, Pushkinsky district, there are six houses built by Skazka since 2012! And I personally know 3 neighbors who left positive reviews here about their work. Come, look, communicate with those who actually built their houses, not just yesterday or the day before, but over the past 5 years. Please note, those who make a choice in favor of this contractor - no one writes that someone’s wall has collapsed or the foundation has sagged, but they write real implausible nonsense about materials that are disgusting! And this despite the fact that we, consumers, pay for these materials only after they are unloaded at our sites, without making any prepayment! That their houses are expensive, well, go to Z***y, it’s cheap there! So what if the floor shakes under your feet and the wall collapses when touched, it’s cheap. I had the finishing touches completed a week ago. Before this, all communications were laid out. The house was built last year according to their new technology. So, those neighbors who were building before its introduction now very much regret that they did not wait. The materials are at the highest level, the builders are also smart. Special respect to manager Nikitin D.V. and foreman Bazanov A.A. I recommend the Dom-Skazka company to everyone and don’t look for an alternative - there simply isn’t one!



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

The team at Dom-Skazka Company sincerely thanks you for your feedback about our work! We build for you!


I want to warn everyone, since all the reviews on the Internet are made for this company. We are building with them, they have frayed all our nerves, we also fell for the reviews. There are a lot of lawsuits against them, the management treats customers after they take the deposit, it is extremely inadequate. It’s impossible to get through by phone, they hang up during the conversation, materials are not delivered, workers are transferred to another site and they say “wait for another team for 2 months, we put you on the waiting list.” If there is some kind of problem, only the customer is to blame, but not the company, no matter what they have their own truth; They don’t pay attention to your words, you’re all lying :)) For example: you tell people that roads on mud roads (from April 1 to April 25) in the villages of the Moscow region are closed to heavy equipment, bring in the material either before or after these dates, they they stick it in the rain right after the snow has melted - and then it’s your fault that they blocked your path. I don’t really understand why they treat the client this way, at least taking into account the fact that we pay in cash and are always on time for work and materials. We will have to start a lawsuit, although there was already hope to finish building something with them and exhale, but it didn’t work out. Avoid “SK Dom Skazka” and all the companies affiliated with it - fairy tales work there, not professionals.



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

Where are you building geographically? We are building a house with them, all that remains is to do the windows and floors. The road didn’t go smoothly for us either, we got caught with a reckless driver.


Dear Mr. M*kin and his wife (below, under the nickname Yana and subsequently deleted the continuation of the nickname Mokina). Your situation is comical and causes nothing but laughter. Don’t you guys meet at home and chat here?? We put on public display one of the “honest and unsolicited” reviews from an “adequate” customer. If you are not too lazy, read to the end, you have to deal with clowns. So, yes, indeed, one of our dealers had the imprudence to build a credit house for Mr. M*kin (we do not disclose his full name in order to comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152). On May 22, 2017, work began on laying the foundation; by May 28, everything was ready for pouring the concrete mixture. But, unfortunately, from the 27th (surely everyone remembers the anomalous summer of 17, when in 3 months the sun shone for only 4 days, according to official data from Roshydromet). The road to the site was so washed out that not a single truck could pass along it. The team honestly sat there for almost a week, after which the foreman found a tractor and agreed for 12 thousand rubles. drag the mixer with concrete to the site and back. Having voiced this proposal to the customer, the answer was received that “I don’t care, but for 12 thousand rubles I’ll cover the whole road.” With that, they decided - the team left for the next object, to wait for the weather and the paved road. We waited until August, the road did not appear. Somehow August 15th!!! Between the rains we brought in a mixer and fulfilled our obligations. By the way, the house was supposed to be completed on September 1st, naturally, the crew planned for construction had already signed for other houses (this is for the repost “wait for another crew for 2 months, we put you on the waiting list.”) During the fall, the neighbors chipped in and paved the road And, as you understand, Mr. M*kin did not hand over a penny for it!!!, citing the fact that the road is municipal property and he will not pay (as it turned out later, the road has not yet been transferred to municipal property). Winter has come. After long negotiations, we managed to persuade!!! customer to clear the road of snow. This happiness happened as early as March 13, 2018. Moreover, once a week, he called the office and hysterically demanded the foreman to do this, subject to a clearly stated obligation to ensure the customer’s side “unhindered access of vehicles with a capacity of 20 tons to the work site.” The foreman had to run around for money for the supplied materials for almost a week (“we pay in cash and always on time, for work and for materials”) - either he didn’t order from the bank, or there was a rush at work. Let's go. We've assembled the house, it's time to move it in roofing materials. We call the customer and say that we will deliver the roof in 2 days. It's April 14th. OK, bring it in! ("you tell people, roads on muddy roads (from April 1 to April 25) in the villages of the Moscow region are closed to heavy equipment"). During this time, the neighbors put up a barrier, he managed to get in - it was open, unloaded, drove out - the neighbors pressed in with 2 cars and wouldn’t let him out - he never paid the money for the road. A call to the customer did not give anything - your problems, as soon as you moved in, leave!!! I'm at work and can't come. Scandal. We call the police, they say they won’t let us leave. And here is the climax: the police major calls the customer to figure out the situation, to which he receives the answer: “I don’t know anything about any delivery, the car didn’t go to me!!!” Can you imagine??? The car is parked at his site, there is unloaded material on the site and a team is building a house for him! There are three neighbors and two policemen standing around!! What kind of faces did they have??? Adequate??? As a result, he turned off the phone, the foreman found a caterpillar tractor and he pulled the car 2 km across the field onto the road. It is not known how this story ended now; until the moment of delivery, both the customer and the crew left the cars behind the barrier... Believe me, this is only 1/10 of what this “respectable” citizen threw at the contractor. Of course, after all this, the contract was immediately terminated, no window or interior decoration were not fulfilled. Why didn’t they send it right away, although there were prerequisites at the foundation stage? The bank transferred an advance under the loan agreement, and I didn’t want to spoil my reputation with unfulfilled obligations. These are the “clients” who write “honest” reviews about the work of “unprofessional” construction companies. Every single thing described here is confirmed by telephone recordings and audio-video recordings. Mr. Mo*in, we didn’t lie??? Perhaps they lied to you about something??? Where is the promised court case??? Maybe at least in the courtroom you will take off your cowboy hat, which you never part with even in polite company??


Dom-Skazka is an excellent company that I am not ashamed to recommend to my friends and business partners. I personally have an open, honest approach to the client, leaving only positive memories. They are well aware of their weaknesses and are not afraid to talk about it. This probably helps them do their work on time, on time, conscientiously, as if for themselves. Thank you and prosperity to your business



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

2 years ago

I would like to thank the company employees for country house. Before this, I didn’t have a place to stay overnight at my dacha, only a building for equipment. But a neighbor rebuilt last year and recommended the Fairytale House. Now on quiet evenings he has a campaign. Low bow to the construction team. Everything was done carefully, without damaging the garden or the old well.



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

2 years ago

Having studied a large number of proposals and having visited all the exhibitions in Moscow and Moscow Region, I came to the conclusion that the most important thing is not the number of bonuses that companies offer, but the quality of the material and work in the final result. As a result, my choice fell on the company Fairy Tale House. A long search for exactly “my” project, the configuration I needed, dimensions, negotiations with specialists, coordination of redevelopment, consultations on all issues related to construction and other things, the company manager, a highly professional in his field, helped me with all this - Anatoly Kovalenko. We worked with him continuously the entire time the construction was underway. Due to bad weather conditions, the construction of the house was delayed a little, and I was worried that we might not be able to finish it before the cold weather set in, but the team led by foreman Alexander Bazanov did an excellent job! As a result, I received a wonderful warm house! I hope it will show its good side in operation. I thank the Skazka House company under the leadership of Roman Golovanov, all the specialists who contributed to the construction of my house, and I wish you prosperity and success in your business. Thank you very much Kovalenko Anatoly, Bazanov Alexander and the guys: Andrey, Sasha and Sergey!



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

2 years ago

The Fairy Tale House company built me cottage with a garage made of laminated veneer lumber. The work of the company is impressive, which means experience and work organization. In my work, I often come into contact with construction organizations and private contractors (in the finishing industry), but very few take this approach to business. The result of the work was truly surprising - the quality of the material fully corresponds to what was declared, the work is at the highest level. The house turned out to be truly a fairy tale - contact them only.



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

2 years ago

I keep my promise and leave my review about the company Skazka House. It was a pleasure to work with the Skazka House company. My brother and I built for our parents small dacha. The idea for the building arose by chance; it was supposed to be an anniversary gift. There was not much time, and when choosing a developer, an important condition was compliance with construction deadlines, which many companies guaranteed only in words, without stipulating it in the contract. We had to build outside the summer season, and this is not the best best time for dirt roads. In addition, it was necessary to preserve some of the buildings and leave the apple orchard undamaged. But, despite these difficulties, everything worked out, even better than could be expected. The surprise was a success, for which we bow to the guys and employees of the company. Namely: foreman Alexander Bazanov, foreman Sergei Volkov and 3 members of the brigade - Ruslan, Sergei and Ivan. The parents couldn’t believe it, because two and a half months ago there wasn’t even a house here, there wasn’t even a foundation. By the way, the parents asked to indicate the address of their site: Noginsky district, SNT Raztsvet, uch. 124. Anyone who wants to clearly see the work of the company is welcome.



7 495 989-63-95 Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoye sh., 46

2 years ago

For a year now I have been living in a house built from timber by the Skazka House company. I didn’t specifically write a review immediately after construction was completed. I am convinced that quality needs to be tested over time. By my standards, the house was built too quickly, almost instantly. I haven’t been to the construction site often, and I simply didn’t believe it when, 2 weeks after the start of construction, the foreman called me and invited me to accept the power unit. And a week later they made the roof and installed the windows. My doubts about the quality of construction were dispelled by an expert from the insurance company, although certain concerns still remained. But now I can say with confidence that my fears were in vain, which I am very happy about. Today I hung the last chandelier and remembered with my beloved wife how it all began... I express my gratitude and wish the company success.

This is a close-knit team of specialists who know and love their work. We have established ourselves as a stable and reliable company that respects its Customers and protects its reputation. The gratitude of our Customers for the excellent work done on the design and construction of wooden houses is the best confirmation of our high level.

Construction company "Skazka"- performs full cycle works on creating a wooden house, we offer:

  • wooden house projects, cottages and baths,
  • construction of wooden houses for standard and individual projects,
  • construction of baths from logs and timber.

On January 1, 2010, the Russian construction industry switched to self-regulation and the issuance of licenses for construction work ceased. In accordance with the law, construction, design and survey companies must enter into self-regulatory organizations and obtain certificates of admission to certain types of work (Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 30, 2009 N 624 “On approval of the list of types of work for engineering surveys, on preparation project documentation, construction, reconstruction, major renovation capital construction projects that affect the safety of capital construction projects").

P. 2. This list does not include types of work on the preparation of design documentation, construction, reconstruction, major repairs in relation to objects for which the issuance of a building permit is not required in accordance with “clauses 1 - 4”, “5 of part 17 of article 51” of the Town Planning Code Russian Federation(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Art. 16; 2006, N 1, Art. 21; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 48, Art. 5711; 2010, N 48, Art. 6246 ; 2011, N 13, Art. 1688; N 27, Art. 3880; N 30, Art. 4563, Art. 4572, Art. 4591), as well as in relation to objects of individual housing construction(detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, designed to accommodate no more than two families); residential buildings with no more than three floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed ten and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall ( common walls) without openings with the adjacent block or adjacent blocks, located on a separate plot of land and has access to the territory common use(blocked residential buildings); apartment buildings with a number of floors of no more than three, consisting of one or more block sections, the number of which does not exceed four, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area. (as amended by the "Order" of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2011 N 536) Types of work on the preparation of project documentation contained in the List can be performed individual entrepreneur independently (personally), and types of work on engineering surveys, construction, reconstruction, major repairs - only with the involvement of workers in the manner prescribed by the “legislation” of the Russian Federation. (paragraph introduced by “Order” of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2010 N 294)

Companies engaged exclusively in low-rise construction of dachas, cottages or townhouses, and falling under the exceptions of the order Town Planning Code, you do not need to join an SRO.

Our builders have more than 10 years of experience in the construction of wooden houses. The construction of each facility is constantly monitored by a qualified construction foreman, he checks the quality of the work performed different stages construction, and also coordinates all emerging issues with the Customer. We always strive for mutual understanding with our Customers and strictly comply with our contractual obligations. If errors occur, we do not shy away from correcting them and provide a guarantee for all construction work. Payment for construction work of houses in our company is carried out in several stages.

Construction company "Skazka" all year round builds wooden houses, takes into account all the wishes of the Customer, competently links the object to the area. In our office we are pleased to offer you finished projects wooden houses, from which you can choose the one you like best and convenient project. We will always help you choose the optimal configuration for your home and tell you in detail about the features of a particular solution. During the implementation of design and construction work You will be presented with the most detailed information about their implementation.

More details about the package

  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • rafter plan;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • Pile metal foundation below freezing depth with pouring of piles with concrete. Metal piles D=108mm with a pitch of 2.5-3m >with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
2.3.Installation of external and internal load-bearing walls from a frame with a section of 140x35 mm with additional insulation of 50 mm and internal partitions 90x35 mm treated with NEOMID antiseptic:
  • Frame with a cross-section of 140x35 mm, dry planed, with a 50 mm overlap insulation device, with a hydro-wind protection device on the outside, with outer skin imitation timber 145x20 mm.
2. Optimal equipment

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • beam layout plan interfloor covering;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • At special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • The basement floor is made of wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm with a subfloor of 25x100 mm, laying 150 mm of insulation and a vapor barrier and waterproofing device. The floors are made of dry planed tongue and groove boards 28 mm.
  • Frame with a cross-section of 140x35 mm, dry planed with a ventilation gap, and filled with 200 mm mineral wool insulation, a vapor-tight membrane on the inside of the room and hydro-wind protection on the outside, and facing on the outside and inside with imitation timber 145x20 mm. Installation of partitions from timber with a cross-section of 90x35 mm, filled with 100 mm mineral wool insulation.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • Interfloor covering is carried out according to wooden beams section 200x50 mm, section and steps in accordance with the project, with installation of 150 mm insulation. and a vapor barrier and hydro-wind protection device. The floors are made of dry planed tongue and groove boards 28 mm. Eurolining ceilings 12.5 mm on the 1st floor.
2.5.Installation of the rafter system and installation of metal roofing:
2.6. Installation of joinery:
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • Internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings, made of planed softwood.
3. Comfort package

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • The basement floor is made of wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm with a subfloor of 25x100 mm, with 200 mm of insulation and a vapor barrier and waterproofing device. The floors are made of dry planed tongue and groove boards 36 mm.
2.3. Installation of external and internal load-bearing walls made of a frame with a cross-section of 140x35 mm with additional insulation of 50 mm and internal partitions 90x35 mm treated with NEOMID antiseptic:
  • Frame with a cross-section of 140x35 mm, dry planed with a ventilation gap, and filled with 200 mm mineral wool insulation, a vapor-tight membrane on the inside of the room and hydro-wind protection on the outside, and facing on the outside and inside with imitation timber 145x20 mm. Installation of partitions from timber with a section of 90x35 mm , filled with 100 mm mineral wool insulation and faced with imitation timber 145x20 mm.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
1. Basic equipment

An excellent option for those who are currently limited in finances, but have unlimited possibilities. By choosing this package, you can complete the finishing yourself or order it later in a more favorable financial situation!

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • The basement floor is made of wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm.

Assembly of a ready-made wall kit from laminated veneer lumber with a cross-section of 140x180 mm, manufactured at the enterprise, including:

2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • The interfloor covering is carried out on wooden beams, with sections and steps in accordance with the design, with a section of 200x50 mm.
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system, timber with a cross-section of 200x50 mm, with a hydro-wind protection device.
  • The roof covering is made of metal tiles on a 40x40 mm block with ventilation of the under-roof space, eliminating the formation of condensation and ensuring compliance with SNiP.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
2. Optimal equipment

An ideal option for those who want to get a ready-to-move-in home for reasonable money! The best price-quality option, in this configuration you will get a noble aesthetic appearance, comfort and ease of use.

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
2.3. Installation of external and interior walls from factory parts of laminated veneer lumber:

Assembly of a ready-made wall kit from laminated veneer lumber with a cross-section of 140x180 mm, manufactured at the enterprise, including:

  • Primary antiseptic treatment of timber using the dipping method;
  • 100% factory production according to the size of a set of timber parts with cut mounting grooves, ensuring fixation of the beam in two directions, marked according to the project, as well as carrying out control assembly of the kit on the covered area of ​​the plant to assess the quality.
  • The assembly of the crowns of the house is carried out on round wooden dowels (birch) with double insulation with flax wool, using tie rods and clamping screws according to the project, installation of wooden casing structures for the installation of window and wooden blocks.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
2.5. Installation of the rafter system and installation of metal roofing:
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system, timber with a cross-section of 200x50 mm, with a hydro-wind protection device.
  • The roof covering is made of metal tiles on a 40x40 mm block with ventilation of the under-roof space, eliminating the formation of condensation and ensuring compliance with SNiP.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
3. Comfort package

Construction country house“turnkey” for a comfortable stay using only the best, environmentally friendly finishing materials highest quality in order to emphasize the status of your home.

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
2.3. Installation of external and internal walls from factory parts of laminated veneer lumber:

Assembly of a ready-made wall kit from laminated veneer lumber with a cross-section of 190x210 mm, manufactured at the enterprise, including:

  • Primary antiseptic treatment of timber using the dipping method;
  • 100% factory production to size of a set of timber parts with cut mounting grooves, ensuring fixation of the timber in two directions, marked according to the project, as well as control assembly of the kit on the covered area of ​​the plant to assess the quality.
  • The assembly of the crowns of the house is carried out on round wooden dowels (birch) with double insulation with flax wool, using tie rods and clamping screws according to the project, installation of wooden casing structures for the installation of window and wooden blocks.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • The interfloor ceiling is carried out on wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm, section and steps in accordance with the project, with 200 mm of insulation laid. and a vapor barrier and hydro-wind protection device. The floors are made of dry planed tongue and groove boards 36 mm. Ceilings with imitation timber 145x20 mm 1st floor.
2.5. Installation of the rafter system and installation of metal roofing:
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system with a beam cross-section of 200x50 mm, insulated with basalt insulation 200 mm thick, with a vapor barrier and waterproofing device.
  • The roof covering is made from soft tiles Shinglas (“SHINGLAS”) on a continuous flooring made of oriented strand board (OSB) 9 mm with ventilation of the under-roof space, a block with a cross-section of 40x40 mm, which eliminates the formation of condensation and ensures compliance with SNiP.
  • Hemming the overhangs with “STILE” clapboard, 14 mm thick.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
1. Basic equipment

An excellent option for those who are currently limited in finances, but have unlimited possibilities. By choosing this package, you can complete the finishing yourself or order it later in a more favorable financial situation!

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • Pile metal foundation below freezing depth with pouring of piles with concrete. Metal piles D=108mm with a pitch of 2.5-3m with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • The basement floor is made of wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm.
  • Primary antiseptic treatment of timber using the dipping method;
  • The assembly of the crowns of the house is carried out on round wooden dowels (birch) with double insulation with flax wool, using tie rods and clamping screws according to the project, installation of wooden casing structures for the installation of window and wooden blocks.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • The interfloor covering is carried out on wooden beams, with sections and steps in accordance with the design, with a section of 200x50 mm.
2.5. Installation of the rafter system and installation of metal roofing:
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system, timber with a cross-section of 200x50 mm, with a hydro-wind protection device.
  • The roof covering is made of metal tiles on a 40x40 mm block with ventilation of the under-roof space, eliminating the formation of condensation and ensuring compliance with SNiP.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
2. Optimal equipment

An ideal option for those who want to get a ready-to-move-in home for reasonable money! The best price-quality option, in this configuration you will get a noble aesthetic appearance, comfort and ease of use.

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • The basement floor is made of wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm with a subfloor of 25x100 mm on a 50x50 mm cranial beam, with the installation of 150 mm insulation and a vapor barrier and hydro-wind protection device. The floors are made of dry planed tongue and groove boards 36 mm.
2.3. Installation of external and internal walls from factory parts of profiled timber:

Assembly of a finished wall kit from profiled timber with a section of 145x145 mm, manufactured including:

  • Preparation of timber for the manufacture of parts - chamber drying of the timber;
  • Primary antiseptic treatment of timber using the dipping method;
  • 100% factory production according to the size of the kit with cut mounting grooves, marked according to the project, as well as control assembly of the kit in a covered area of ​​the factory to assess the quality.
  • The assembly of the crowns of the house is carried out on round wooden dowels (birch) with double insulation with flax wool, using tie rods and clamping screws according to the project, installation of wooden casing structures for the installation of window and wooden blocks.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • The interfloor ceiling is carried out on wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm, section and steps in accordance with the project, with 200 mm of insulation laid. and a vapor barrier and hydro-wind protection device. The floors are made of dry planed tongue and groove boards 36 mm. Eurolining ceilings 12.5 mm on the 1st floor.
2.5. Installation of the rafter system and installation of metal roofing:
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system, timber section 200x50 mm with insulation mineral wool 200mm thick, with vapor barrier and hydro-wind protection.
  • The roof covering is made of metal tiles on a 40*40 block with ventilation of the under-roof space, eliminating the formation of condensation and ensuring compliance with SNiP.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
3. Comfort package

Construction of a turnkey country house for comfortable living using only the best, environmentally friendly finishing materials of the highest quality in order to emphasize the status of your home.

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • Monolithic reinforced in several rows reinforced concrete slab 150 mm thick corrugated sheet, with a waterproofing device (Gidroizol), insulation with 150 mm extruded polystyrene foam and a reinforced screed 50 mm thick. for laying tiles, laminate, etc.
2.3. Installation of external and internal walls from factory parts of profiled timber:

Assembly of a finished wall kit from profiled timber with a section of 190x190 mm, manufactured including:

  • Preparation of timber for the manufacture of parts - chamber drying of the timber;
  • Primary antiseptic treatment of timber using the dipping method;
  • 100% factory production according to the size of the kit with cut mounting grooves, marked according to the project, as well as control assembly of the kit in a covered area of ​​the factory to assess the quality.
  • The assembly of the crowns of the house is carried out on round wooden dowels (birch) with double insulation with flax wool, using tie rods and clamping screws according to the project, installation of wooden casing structures for the installation of window and wooden blocks.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • The interfloor ceiling is carried out on wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm, section and steps in accordance with the project, with 200 mm of insulation laid. and a vapor barrier and hydro-wind protection device. The floors are made of dry planed tongue and groove boards 36 mm. Eurolining ceilings 12.5 mm on the 1st floor.
2.5. Installation of a rafter system and installation of a roof made of soft Shinglas tiles (“SHINGLAS”):
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system with a beam cross-section of 200x50 mm, insulated with basalt insulation 200 mm thick, with a vapor barrier and waterproofing device.
  • The roof covering is made of soft Shinglas tiles (“SHINGLAS”) on a continuous flooring of oriented strand board (OSB) 9 mm with ventilation of the under-roof space made of a block with a cross-section of 40x40 mm, which eliminates the formation of condensation and ensures compliance with SNiP.
  • Hemming the overhangs with “STILE” clapboard, 14 mm thick.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
1. Basic equipment

An excellent option for those who are currently limited in finances, but have unlimited possibilities. By choosing this package, you can complete the finishing yourself or order it later in a more favorable financial situation!

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • The basement floor is made of wooden beams with a section of 200x50 mm.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • The interfloor covering is carried out on wooden beams, with sections and steps in accordance with the design, with a section of 200x50 mm.
2.5. Installation of the rafter system and installation of metal roofing:
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system, timber with a cross-section of 200x50 mm, with a hydro-wind protection device.
  • The roof covering is made of metal tiles on a 40x40 mm block with ventilation of the under-roof space, eliminating the formation of condensation and ensuring compliance with SNiP.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • Monolithic reinforced concrete slab reinforced in several rows with a thickness of 150 mm of corrugated sheeting.
2.3. Installation of external and internal walls made of aerated concrete blocks 300 mm thick:
  • Assembly of load-bearing external and internal walls from aerated concrete blocks 625x250x300 mm, and internal partitions from aerated concrete blocks 625x250x100 mm density D500, assembly with glue with laying of masonry mesh in rows, with reinforced monolithic belts interfloor ceilings and lintels;
  • Installation of a decorative plaster facade with additional insulation 30 mm, CERESIT VWS INSULATION SYSTEMS BASED ON FOAM POLYSTEROL, texture “bark beetle” 2.5 mm, plaster Ceresit ST 35 “bark beetle” 2.5 mm color white.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
2.5. Installation of the rafter system and installation of metal roofing:
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system with a beam cross-section of 200x50 mm, insulated with 200 mm thick mineral wool, with a vapor barrier and hydro-wind protection device.
  • The roof covering is made of metal tiles on a 40*40 block with ventilation of the under-roof space, eliminating the formation of condensation and ensuring compliance with SNiP.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.
3. Comfort package

Construction of a turnkey country house for comfortable living using only the best, environmentally friendly finishing materials of the highest quality in order to emphasize the status of your home.

More details about the package

1. Development of design documentation:

  • floor plans, facades, sections, axonometric 3D views;
  • foundation plan;
  • roof plan;
  • layout plan for basement beams;
  • layout plan for interfloor beams;
  • rafter plan;
  • joinery specification;
  • wall scans;
  • specification of components;
  • components, details.

2. Construction and installation work on site:

2.1. Foundation structure:
  • The foundation is piled with a monolithic grillage with a reinforced section of 250 x 400 mm, made of concrete grade B22.5 (M300) with general reinforcement with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in the longitudinal direction and transverse and vertical lintels with AIII ø 12 reinforcement in increments of 400 mm. with installation of vents for ventilation; reinforced concrete piles with a diameter of 250 mm with a laying depth below the freezing depth.
  • Under special conditions and a separate need for construction, the type of foundation is determined in accordance with the technical conclusion based on the results of a soil survey.
2.2. Basement installation:
  • Monolithic reinforced concrete slab 150 mm thick reinforced in several rows with corrugated sheets, with a waterproofing device (Gidroizol), insulation with 150 mm extruded polystyrene foam and a reinforced screed 50 mm thick. for laying tiles, laminate, etc.
2.3. Installation of external and internal walls made of aerated concrete blocks 300 mm thick:
  • Assembly of load-bearing external and internal walls from aerated concrete blocks 625x250x300 mm, and internal partitions from aerated concrete blocks 625x250x100 mm density D500, assembly with glue with laying of masonry mesh in rows, with reinforced monolithic belts of interfloor floors and lintels.
  • Installation of a decorative plaster facade with additional insulation 100 mm, CERESIT VWS INSULATION SYSTEMS BASED ON FOAM POLYSTEROL, texture “bark beetle” 3.5 mm, plaster Ceresit ST 35 “bark beetle” 3.5 mm color white.
2.4. Interfloor covering arrangement:
  • The interfloor ceiling is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab reinforced in several rows with a thickness of 150 mm and corrugated sheeting.
2.5. Installation of a rafter system and installation of a roof made of soft Shinglas tiles (“SHINGLAS”):
  • This stage includes the installation of a wooden rafter system with a beam cross-section of 200x50 mm, insulated with basalt insulation 200 mm thick, with a vapor barrier and waterproofing device.
  • The roof covering is made of soft Shinglas tiles (“SHINGLAS”) on a continuous flooring of oriented strand board (OSB) 9 mm with ventilation of the under-roof space made of a block with a cross-section of 40x40 mm, which eliminates the formation of condensation and ensures compliance with SNiP.
  • Hemming the overhangs with “STILE” clapboard, 14 mm thick.
2.6. Installation of joinery:
  • Installation in the openings of 60 mm plastic windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism and double-glazed windows, fittings, white;
  • Installation of an external entrance door.
2.7. Installation of temporary interfloor stairs:
  • The internal interfloor wooden staircase with steps, without risers, with fencing and railings is made of planed coniferous wood.

The secret of positive reviews about the fairy tale house company has been revealed! We agree in advance with customers to write a review, and in exchange for this we install the kit for free drainage system. We must pay tribute to the fact that they do not give any “scripts” or pre-written texts; you only write the impressions that you experienced from working with this company. Guys, my advice is to subscribe! Quality of materials, responsibility and control are guaranteed! A little over a week ago, the Dom-Skazka company finished our suburban area construction of a house from dry timber. The basis was the TEKK project, which was significantly expanded (a carport for two cars was added, the size of the terrace was increased, making it L-shaped). I really liked everything right away, but I understand that “shoals” may emerge later. If this happens, I will definitely explain it in the next review. Bye-five!

I won't write much. I will only say one thing that this construction company represented by general director Golovanov Roman Alekseevich is a very unscrupulous company. On the website of the bailiffs you can freely obtain all the information about the number of court decisions made and enforcement proceedings initiated that are not carried out by the construction company "Dom-Skazka". Beware of this one construction company.

Not very happy with the work of this company. They built for us two-storey house For year-round residence By individual project. The project is very complex - 4 offices from this portal refused to build such a house, which naturally affected the design flaws and manufacturing of the wall constructor. What must be given credit for is the technology of joining corners - it is truly unique and of high quality; a friend from technical supervision highly appreciated the very idea of ​​​​connecting without an end outlet to the street. Now about the sad thing: as I said, there were gaps in the project, the timber was sawed 3 times, and therefore the delivery deadline was delayed by more than a week. It’s a pity for the team that was without work for a total of more than 10 days. Otherwise, all terms of the contract have been met. From total number 7 pieces of timber (dry 140*140 mm, 63 m3) were rejected, replaced without any complaints, although the foreman tried to “kick out” the replacement. Photos of the defect sent to corporate mail did their job - they were replaced in 2 days. My opinion is for House-Fairy Tale in general - they work honestly, efficiently, but with complex projects it is better to look for another company if, like me, the deadlines for the completion of the house are important. Architects without construction experience in fact, which is upsetting.

Unfortunately I have to write my review about this company, I’ll make a reservation right away - this is mine Subjective opinion, since it is based on a short conversation with a company specialist, Dmitry Nikitin, to whom I previously sent my project for calculation. As a result, I received a completely unreasonably inflated cost of the work and, after clarifying where these figures came from, I received wishes for a successful search for a contractor. I can only regret that I turned to this specialist, I hope that not everyone in this company has such a negative attitude towards customers..

Gennady, good afternoon.
We have never positioned ourselves as a company selling economy class houses. Customers come to us who value, first of all, the quality of materials and the manufacturability of the process.
We are ready, especially for you, to replace materials from the taiga of the Northern Urals with forests from the Kostroma region with the appropriate quality of wood. And also “to farm” corner connections chainsaws at the construction site. With this you can save up to 10% of the cost of the house. Also, by reducing the cross-section of the genital lags, rafter legs and replacing metal tiles with Russian ones - another minus 3-5%.
Contact us. Miser pays twice...

A company of fraudulent intermediaries. They take money in advance, and when you ask where it was spent, they refuse to work. They filed a lawsuit, but they changed the name and continued to deceive people. Beware of working with Fisenko!!!

Dear Grishin Yuri Sergeevich!
The House-Skazka company never takes money in advance for either materials supplied or work performed! Our integrity is confirmed by the status of “Recommended Contractor” from this Respected resource.
Any potential Customer can come to our production site (only 60 km from the Moscow Ring Road, the address is listed on our official website) and dispel their doubts about the fake “company of a rogue intermediary”
The Company has not changed its name since 2012, when a reorganization was carried out with full legal succession. Therefore, tales about shift names - full lies. If we assume that you have some kind of “court decision”, you have the right to present it to the reorganized legal entity, or, for ease of resolving the issue, send it to us by e-mail: [email protected] or call +7 495 140 5575.
Foreman Evgeniy Valentinovich Fisenko was expelled from our ranks back in 2015 and no longer spoils our reputation.
In the meantime, your review qualifies as slander (Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

I spent more than a year searching for a company that would meet all my needs. After studying a large number of proposals and visiting all the exhibitions in Moscow and Moscow Region, I came to the conclusion that the most important thing is not the number of bonuses that companies offer, but the quality of the material and work in the final result.
My requests became more specific over time, I was looking for a company that:
1. Builds from quality material, With correct parameters and technical characteristics.
2. Emphasizes construction technology and its compliance during the construction process.
3. Attracts high-level specialists and professional skills to work.
4. Deadlines for execution.
5. Competent documentation (project, contract, specifications, technical specifications, etc.)
As a result, my choice fell on the company Skazka House and the Draupnir 8*9 project with a porch in the “dacha” configuration. A long search for exactly “my” project, the configuration I needed, dimensions, negotiations with specialists, coordination of redevelopment, consultations on all issues related to construction and other things, the company manager, a highly professional in his field, helped me with all this - Anatoly Kovalenko. We worked with him continuously the entire time the construction was underway. The number of questions I asked about each nuance probably exceeded a thousand, but I always received answers and if any questions arose, they were resolved instantly.
Due to bad weather conditions, the construction of the house was delayed a little, and I was worried that we might not be able to finish it before the cold weather set in, but the team led by foreman Alexander Bazanov did an excellent job! Having analyzed “bad” experiences from Internet sources, I was very worried about compliance with all technologies, starting from the foundation and the frame itself, “ the right pie", the roof and other things, because it depends on whether the house will “work” correctly, so she monitored every movement of the workers, which most likely greatly disturbed them. As a result, I got a wonderful, warm home! I hope it will show its good side in operation.
I thank the Skazka House company under the leadership of Roman Golovanov, all the specialists who contributed to the construction of my house, and I wish you prosperity and success in your business. Many thanks to Anatoly Kovalenko, Alexander Bazanov and the guys: Andrey, Sasha and Sergey!

PS The house is currently in the process of being painted. I will answer any questions.

Alexandra, good afternoon.
Thank you for your feedback, we are working for you.
Answering questions is our job. There were, of course, some small misunderstandings during the construction process, but if you wrote such kind words to us, I think they were insignificant.
If you allow, I will publish several photos of your house taken by the foreman.
Good luck in everything!


Today, House-Fairy Tale has completed the construction of the next stage of work - namely, the extension of the veranda and the installation of windows throughout the entire house. The work, as usual, was completed flawlessly. I am very glad! The house was built in September 2016 from planed profile beam, dried in the chamber. Our neighbors tried to dissuade us from building with dry material; they said there was no point in overpaying, it would all crack anyway. Six months have passed, and this is quite enough to conclude that they are wrong. No additional cracks appeared at all. Not a single beam moved, not a single beam turned black. I am attaching a photo for everyone to see. I think that those who understand wood and construction from it will understand everything without praising this company.

Thanks to all the employees of the House-Skazka company. We ordered the construction of a house according to our design with individual layouts. Of course, this cost us a pretty penny, a little hassle with the design, but, overall, we got exactly what we wanted and are happy with the Skazka company. Construction crew managed to turn our project into reality, although there were questions about the project, fortunately for us, the company's foreman Alexander is a very smart and competent man, and he coped with the not entirely competent design. The house is simply gorgeous, the guys really did their best and approached their work responsibly. Special thanks to consultant Dmitry Nikitin, who accompanied us at all stages of construction. The house was delivered on time, which we are very happy about. No matter what, Thank you.

The fairy tale house is a strange office. Our cooperation ended before it began. My husband and I are closely looking for a developer to build a house made of profiled timber based on an individual 9X9 project. After a lengthy analysis, a “short list” was formed, which included “Fairy Tale House” and another company. Moreover, “Fairytale House” was a priority: I liked the equipment, and the prices for the foundation pleased me. I called the specialist, Dmitry Nikitin, several times and discussed the details. As a result, we agreed on a meeting. I definitely said that if everything suits us, we will conclude an agreement.
When my husband and I arrived at the appointed time, there was no one in the office (although the working day had not yet ended). After some time, I managed to get through to Dmitry, who said that there should be another specialist in the office, and that he would try to find him... Then silence.
Apparently we were lucky that we didn’t have time to “start cooperation” with this office.

"Skazka" is the optimal home for permanent residence. House area 66.43 sq. m., and its dimensions are 5 by 7. A distinctive feature of the house is the attic.

Our company will be happy to build a house according to this project. The total cost of building a house depends on the configuration. Additionally, we are ready to remodel the project free of charge or build a house according to any of your projects or sketches.

Construction costs may differ slightly from those posted on the website.

Equipment options

Complete set of frame houses




  • Sand cushion: 300 mm

Power frame

  • Frame strapping: timber 150*150 mm
  • Vertical racks made of planed boards chamber drying(14-18% humidity), 1 grade, 150*50 mm
  • The pitch of the racks is no more than 580 mm, using a reinforced fastening system and additional protection frame from “cold bridges”
  • To protect the frame: outer side- four-layer diffusion membrane, inner side three-layer polyethylene film

Interior partitions

  • Vertical racks made of chamber-dried planed boards (14-18% humidity), 1st grade, 100*50 mm.
  • The frame posts are mounted on both sides with a vapor-permeable Izospan membrane.

Internal load-bearing walls and partitions

Thermal insulation from environmentally friendly slab basalt insulation ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS or Paroc EXTRA

  • External walls - 3 layers (150 mm).
  • Interior partitions - 2 layers (100 mm)
  • Interfloor ceilings - 2 layers (100 mm)
  • Attic floor (second floor ceiling) - 3 layers (150 mm)

Roofing - metal tiles

  • Steel thickness: 0.5 mm
  • Assorted colors

Exterior facade decoration

  • (Egger/Kalevala, class E1)

Interior wall decoration

Moisture-resistant OSB-3 board, 2500*1250*9 mm


  • Profile thickness 70mm
  • Fittings: ROTO NT

Complete set of block houses


  • Sand cushion: 400 mm
  • High-strength reinforcement d12 mm class AIII
  • Factory-made concrete, grade M300 (B22.5)

Double waterproofing of the foundation is used.


Basement and interfloor ceilings

External and internal load-bearing walls

All wooden structures antiseptic in two layers, with a special fire-bio protective composition. Installation power frame the house is made using a galvanized fastening system with double reinforcement.

Roofing - metal tiles

  • Covering: polyester, with a quality guarantee of 15 years
  • First galvanizing class – 275 g/sq.m
  • Steel thickness: 0.5 mm
  • Assorted colors
  • Reinforced rafter system from board 200*50 mm, 1st grade, with a pitch of 580 mm


  • Window PVC structures REHAU SIB-Design, standard sizes
  • Profile thickness 70 mm
  • 2-chamber double-glazed window (3 glasses), 5-chamber profile (white), mosquito nets
  • Fittings: ROTO NT

Complete set of brick houses


Tape monolithic heavily reinforced pile-grillage

  • Plinth height 600 mm, tape width 400 mm
  • Bored reinforced piles with a diameter of 200 mm, a depth of 2000 mm
  • Sand cushion: 400 mm
  • High-strength reinforcement d12 mm class AIII
  • Factory-made concrete, grade M300 (B22.5)

Double waterproofing of the foundation is used.


Basement and interfloor ceilings

  • Reinforced basement and interfloor floor joists are made of 50*200 mm boards, with a pitch of no more than 580 mm
  • First floor subfloor being installed

External and internal load-bearing walls

  • External load-bearing walls from aerated concrete (gas silicate) blocks, 300 mm thick (possibly 375 mm). Density D500
  • Internal load-bearing walls made of aerated concrete (gas silicate) blocks, 300 mm thick (possibly 375 mm). Density D500
  • Reinforcement of masonry every three rows
  • Aerated concrete (gas silicate) blocks are placed on a special masonry adhesive
  • Decorated window and door openings
  • Brick construction reinforced belts under the ceilings

All wooden structures are antiseptic in two layers, with a special fire-bio protective composition. Installation of the power frame of the house is carried out using a galvanized fastening system with double reinforcement.

Roofing - metal tiles

  • Covering: polyester, with a quality guarantee of 15 years
  • First galvanizing class – 275 g/sq.m
  • Steel thickness: 0.5 mm
  • Assorted colors
  • Reinforced rafter system made of boards 200*50 mm, grade 1, with a pitch of 580 mm
  • For guard roofing system Four-layer diffusion membrane is used


  • REHAU SIB-Design PVC window structures, standard sizes
  • Profile thickness 70 mm
  • 2-chamber double-glazed window (3 glasses), 5-chamber profile (white), mosquito nets
  • Fittings: ROTO NT

Complete set of timber houses

Wall material to choose from

Solid timber


  • Affordable price
  • Wide use
  • Minimum delivery times
  • Easy to assemble at home


  • Additional costs for finishing or sharpening
  • Imperfect appearance
  • Additional costs for antiseptic
  • Increased cracking

Glued laminated timber


  • Excellent appearance
  • Very low shrinkage and shrinkage
  • Does not crack
  • Does not require additional processing


  • Increased price
  • Reduced vapor permeability of the material

Profiled timber


  • Great looks
  • Making connections with overhangs (into the bowl)
  • Tighter connection between crowns and at corner joints


  • The need for a break for shrinkage
  • The appearance of cracks on the surface over time



  • VS-108/300/2500mm, TU 5260-001-84045723-2011
  • Piles are driven using special equipment
  • Pile wall thickness 4 mm, blade thickness 5 mm
  • Inside the piles are filled concrete mixture M300
  • The metal head is welded, 200*200 mm
  • The pile is covered with a 2-component factory protective compound


  • Plinth height 600 mm, tape width 300 mm
  • Sand cushion: 300 mm
  • High-strength reinforcement d12 mm class AIII
  • Factory-made concrete, grade M300 (B22.5)

Double waterproofing of the foundation is used.


Basement and interfloor ceilings

  • Reinforced basement floor joists are made of 50*200 mm boards, with a pitch of no more than 580 mm
  • Reinforced interfloor joists are made from planed chamber-drying boards of grade 1, 50*200 mm (14-18% humidity), with a pitch of no more than 580 mm

External and internal load-bearing walls

  • External walls and gables made of timber 150*150 mm (possibly 200*200 mm)
  • Internal load-bearing walls made of timber 150*150 mm (possibly 200*200 mm)
  • Between the beams it is laid in 2 layers interventional insulation"jute fiber" or "flax wool"
  • The corners of the house are assembled using the “warm corner” technology
  • Installation of timber crowns is carried out on a wooden dowel

All wooden structures are antiseptic in two layers, with a special fire-bio protective composition. Installation of the power frame of the house is carried out using a galvanized fastening system with double reinforcement.


  • Reinforced rafter system made of boards 200*50 mm, grade 1, with a pitch of 580 mm
  • Step-by-step lathing 100*25 mm
  • Temporary is being mounted roof covering from roofing felt

Complete set of log houses

Wall material to choose from

  • Rounded (calibrated) log
  • Carriage (Norwegian cabin)
  • Planed log
  • Shaped log
  • Barked log



  • VS-108/300/2500mm, TU 5260-001-84045723-2011
  • Piles are driven using special equipment
  • Pile wall thickness 4 mm, blade thickness 5 mm
  • Inside the piles are filled with M300 concrete mixture
  • The metal head is welded, 200*200 mm
  • The pile is covered with a 2-component factory protective compound


  • Plinth height 600 mm, tape width 300 mm
  • Sand cushion: 300 mm
  • High-strength reinforcement d12 mm class AIII
  • Factory-made concrete, grade M300 (B22.5)

Double waterproofing of the foundation is used.


Basement and interfloor ceilings

  • Reinforced basement floor joists are made of 50*200 mm boards, with a pitch of no more than 580 mm
  • Reinforced interfloor joists are made from planed chamber-drying boards of grade 1, 50*200 mm (14-18% humidity), with a pitch of no more than 580 mm

External and internal load-bearing walls

  • External walls and gables made of logs 240 mm (possibly 280 mm)
  • Internal load-bearing walls made of logs 240 mm (possibly 280 mm)
  • Inter-crown insulation “jute fiber” or “flax batting” is laid between the logs in 2 layers.
  • Dowels, sealing tape for sealing
  • Beams - treated with fire-bioprotective composition.

All wooden structures are antiseptic in two layers, with a special fire-bio protective composition. Installation of the power frame of the house is carried out using a galvanized fastening system with double reinforcement.

Roofing - metal tiles

  • Covering: polyester, with a quality guarantee of 15 years
  • First galvanizing class – 275 g/sq.m
  • Steel thickness: 0.5 mm
  • Assorted colors
  • Reinforced rafter system made of boards 200*50 mm, grade 1, with a pitch of 580 mm
  • A four-layer diffusion membrane is used to protect the roofing system

Complete set of houses from SIP panels



  • VS-108/300/2500mm, TU 5260-001-84045723-2011
  • Piles are driven using special equipment
  • Pile wall thickness 4 mm, blade thickness 5 mm
  • Inside the piles are filled with M300 concrete mixture
  • The metal head is welded, 200*200 mm
  • The pile is covered with a 2-component factory protective compound


  • Plinth height 600 mm, tape width 300 mm
  • Sand cushion: 300 mm
  • High-strength reinforcement d12 mm class AIII
  • Factory-made concrete, grade M300 (B22.5)

Double waterproofing of the foundation is used.

Internal load-bearing walls and partitions

  • Performed using frame technology
  • Vertical racks made of chamber-dried planed boards (14-18% humidity), 1st grade, 100*50 mm and 150*50 mm

Roofing system

  • To protect the roofing system: the outer side is a four-layer diffusion membrane, the inner side is a three-layer polyethylene film.

All wooden structures are antiseptic in two layers, with a special fire-bio protective composition. Installation of the power frame of the house is carried out using a galvanized fastening system with double reinforcement.

Thermal insulation

  • External walls - non-flammable polystyrene foam (150 mm)
  • Interior partitions - environmentally friendly slab basalt insulation (100 mm)
  • The floor of the first floor is non-flammable polystyrene foam (150 mm)
  • Attic floor (second floor ceiling) - environmentally friendly slab basalt insulation (100 mm)

Roofing - metal tiles

  • Covering: polyester, with a quality guarantee of 15 years
  • First galvanizing class – 275 g/sq.m
  • Steel thickness: 0.5 mm
  • Assorted colors

Exterior facade decoration

  • Ventilated facade: counter-lattice made of timber 35*35 mm
  • Painted galvanized ebbs are mounted on the base along the outer perimeter

Interior wall decoration

Moisture-resistant OSB-3 board, 2500*1250*9 mm


  • REHAU SIB-Design PVC window structures, standard sizes
  • Profile thickness 70mm
  • 2-chamber double-glazed window (3 glasses), 5-chamber profile (white), mosquito nets
  • Fittings: ROTO NT