Exam in chemistry all materials. How to solve chemistry problems, ready-made solutions

Methods for solving problems in chemistry

When solving problems, you must be guided by a few simple rules:

  1. Read the task conditions carefully;
  2. Write down what is given;
  3. Convert units if necessary physical quantities into SI units (some non-system units are allowed, such as liters);
  4. Write down, if necessary, the reaction equation and arrange the coefficients;
  5. Solve a problem using the concept of the amount of a substance, and not the method of drawing up proportions;
  6. Write down the answer.

In order to successfully prepare for chemistry, you should carefully consider the solutions to the problems given in the text, and also solve a sufficient number of them yourself. It is in the process of solving problems that the basic theoretical principles chemistry course. It is necessary to solve problems throughout the entire time of studying chemistry and preparing for the exam.

You can use the problems on this page, or you can download a good collection of problems and exercises with solutions to standard and complicated problems (M. I. Lebedeva, I. A. Ankudimova): download.

Mole, molar mass

Molar mass is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the amount of substance, i.e.

M(x) = m(x)/ν(x), (1)

where M(x) is the molar mass of substance X, m(x) is the mass of substance X, ν(x) is the amount of substance X. The SI unit of molar mass is kg/mol, but the unit g/mol is usually used. Unit of mass – g, kg. The SI unit for quantity of a substance is the mole.

Any chemistry problem solved through the amount of substance. You need to remember the basic formula:

ν(x) = m(x)/ M(x) = V(x)/V m = N/N A , (2)

where V(x) is the volume of the substance X(l), V m is the molar volume of the gas (l/mol), N is the number of particles, N A is Avogadro’s constant.

1. Determine mass sodium iodide NaI amount of substance 0.6 mol.

Given: ν(NaI)= 0.6 mol.

Find: m(NaI) =?

Solution. The molar mass of sodium iodide is:

M(NaI) = M(Na) + M(I) = 23 + 127 = 150 g/mol

Determine the mass of NaI:

m(NaI) = ν(NaI) M(NaI) = 0.6 150 = 90 g.

2. Determine the amount of substance atomic boron contained in sodium tetraborate Na 2 B 4 O 7 weighing 40.4 g.

Given: m(Na 2 B 4 O 7) = 40.4 g.

Find: ν(B)=?

Solution. The molar mass of sodium tetraborate is 202 g/mol. Determine the amount of substance Na 2 B 4 O 7:

ν(Na 2 B 4 O 7) = m(Na 2 B 4 O 7)/ M(Na 2 B 4 O 7) = 40.4/202 = 0.2 mol.

Recall that 1 mole of sodium tetraborate molecule contains 2 moles of sodium atoms, 4 moles of boron atoms and 7 moles of oxygen atoms (see sodium tetraborate formula). Then the amount of atomic boron substance is equal to: ν(B) = 4 ν (Na 2 B 4 O 7) = 4 0.2 = 0.8 mol.

Calculations according to chemical formulas. Mass fraction.

Mass fraction of a substance is the ratio of the mass of a given substance in a system to the mass of the entire system, i.e. ω(X) =m(X)/m, where ω(X) is the mass fraction of substance X, m(X) is the mass of substance X, m is the mass of the entire system. Mass fraction is a dimensionless quantity. It is expressed as a fraction of a unit or as a percentage. For example, the mass fraction of atomic oxygen is 0.42, or 42%, i.e. ω(O)=0.42. The mass fraction of atomic chlorine in sodium chloride is 0.607, or 60.7%, i.e. ω(Cl)=0.607.

3. Determine the mass fraction water of crystallization in barium chloride dihydrate BaCl 2 2H 2 O.

Solution: The molar mass of BaCl 2 2H 2 O is:

M(BaCl 2 2H 2 O) = 137+ 2 35.5 + 2 18 = 244 g/mol

From the formula BaCl 2 2H 2 O it follows that 1 mol of barium chloride dihydrate contains 2 mol of H 2 O. From this we can determine the mass of water contained in BaCl 2 2H 2 O:

m(H 2 O) = 2 18 = 36 g.

We find the mass fraction of water of crystallization in barium chloride dihydrate BaCl 2 2H 2 O.

ω(H 2 O) = m(H 2 O)/ m(BaCl 2 2H 2 O) = 36/244 = 0.1475 = 14.75%.

4. Silver weighing 5.4 g was isolated from a rock sample weighing 25 g containing the mineral argentite Ag 2 S. Determine the mass fraction argentite in the sample.

Given: m(Ag)=5.4 g; m = 25 g.

Find: ω(Ag 2 S) =?

Solution: we determine the amount of silver substance found in argentite: ν(Ag) =m(Ag)/M(Ag) = 5.4/108 = 0.05 mol.

From the formula Ag 2 S it follows that the amount of argentite substance is half as much as the amount of silver substance. Determine the amount of argentite substance:

ν(Ag 2 S)= 0.5 ν(Ag) = 0.5 0.05 = 0.025 mol

We calculate the mass of argentite:

m(Ag 2 S) = ν(Ag 2 S) M(Ag 2 S) = 0.025 248 = 6.2 g.

Now we determine the mass fraction of argentite in a rock sample weighing 25 g.

ω(Ag 2 S) = m(Ag 2 S)/ m = 6.2/25 = 0.248 = 24.8%.

Deriving compound formulas

5. Determine the simplest formula of the compound potassium with manganese and oxygen, if the mass fractions of elements in this substance are 24.7, 34.8 and 40.5%, respectively.

Given: ω(K) =24.7%; ω(Mn) =34.8%; ω(O) =40.5%.

Find: formula of the compound.

Solution: for calculations we select the mass of the compound equal to 100 g, i.e. m=100 g. The masses of potassium, manganese and oxygen will be:

m (K) = m ω(K); m (K) = 100 0.247 = 24.7 g;

m (Mn) = m ω(Mn); m (Mn) =100 0.348=34.8 g;

m (O) = m ω(O); m(O) = 100 0.405 = 40.5 g.

We determine the amounts of atomic substances potassium, manganese and oxygen:

ν(K)= m(K)/ M(K) = 24.7/39= 0.63 mol

ν(Mn)= m(Mn)/ М(Mn) = 34.8/ 55 = 0.63 mol

ν(O)= m(O)/ M(O) = 40.5/16 = 2.5 mol

We find the ratio of the quantities of substances:

ν(K) : ν(Mn) : ν(O) = 0.63: 0.63: 2.5.

Dividing the right side of the equality by a smaller number (0.63) we get:

ν(K) : ν(Mn) : ν(O) = 1: 1: 4.

Hence, simplest formula KMnO 4 compounds.

6. The combustion of 1.3 g of a substance produced 4.4 g of carbon monoxide (IV) and 0.9 g of water. Find the molecular formula substance if its hydrogen density is 39.

Given: m(in-va) =1.3 g; m(CO 2)=4.4 g; m(H 2 O) = 0.9 g; D H2 =39.

Find: formula of a substance.

Solution: Let's assume that the substance we are looking for contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, because during its combustion, CO 2 and H 2 O were formed. Then it is necessary to find the amounts of CO 2 and H 2 O substances in order to determine the amounts of atomic carbon, hydrogen and oxygen substances.

ν(CO 2) = m(CO 2)/ M(CO 2) = 4.4/44 = 0.1 mol;

ν(H 2 O) = m(H 2 O)/ M(H 2 O) = 0.9/18 = 0.05 mol.

We determine the amounts of atomic carbon and hydrogen substances:

ν(C)= ν(CO 2); ν(C)=0.1 mol;

ν(H)= 2 ν(H 2 O); ν(H) = 2 0.05 = 0.1 mol.

Therefore, the masses of carbon and hydrogen will be equal:

m(C) = ν(C) M(C) = 0.1 12 = 1.2 g;

m(N) = ν(N) M(N) = 0.1 1 =0.1 g.

We define high-quality composition substances:

m(in-va) = m(C) + m(H) = 1.2 + 0.1 = 1.3 g.

Consequently, the substance consists only of carbon and hydrogen (see the problem statement). Let us now determine its molecular weight based on the given condition tasks hydrogen density of a substance.

M(v-va) = 2 D H2 = 2 39 = 78 g/mol.

ν(С) : ν(Н) = 0.1: 0.1

Dividing the right side of the equality by the number 0.1, we get:

ν(С) : ν(Н) = 1: 1

Let us take the number of carbon (or hydrogen) atoms as “x”, then, multiplying “x” by the atomic masses of carbon and hydrogen and equating this sum to the molecular mass of the substance, we solve the equation:

12x + x = 78. Hence x = 6. Therefore, the formula of the substance is C 6 H 6 - benzene.

Molar volume of gases. Laws of ideal gases. Volume fraction.

The molar volume of a gas is equal to the ratio of the volume of the gas to the amount of substance of this gas, i.e.

V m = V(X)/ ν(x),

where V m is the molar volume of gas - a constant value for any gas under given conditions; V(X) – volume of gas X; ν(x) is the amount of gas substance X. The molar volume of gases under normal conditions (normal pressure pH = 101,325 Pa ≈ 101.3 kPa and temperature Tn = 273.15 K ≈ 273 K) is V m = 22.4 l /mol.

In calculations involving gases, it is often necessary to switch from these conditions to normal ones or vice versa. In this case, it is convenient to use the formula following from the combined gas law of Boyle-Mariotte and Gay-Lussac:

──── = ─── (3)

Where p is pressure; V – volume; T - temperature in Kelvin scale; the index “n” indicates normal conditions.

The composition of gas mixtures is often expressed using the volume fraction - the ratio of the volume of a given component to the total volume of the system, i.e.

where φ(X) is the volume fraction of component X; V(X) – volume of component X; V is the volume of the system. Volume fraction is a dimensionless quantity; it is expressed in fractions of a unit or as a percentage.

7. Which volume will take at a temperature of 20 o C and a pressure of 250 kPa ammonia weighing 51 g?

Given: m(NH 3)=51 g; p=250 kPa; t=20 o C.

Find: V(NH 3) =?

Solution: determine the amount of ammonia substance:

ν(NH 3) = m(NH 3)/ M(NH 3) = 51/17 = 3 mol.

The volume of ammonia under normal conditions is:

V(NH 3) = V m ν(NH 3) = 22.4 3 = 67.2 l.

Using formula (3), we reduce the volume of ammonia to these conditions [temperature T = (273 +20) K = 293 K]:

p n TV n (NH 3) 101.3 293 67.2

V(NH 3) =──────── = ───────── = 29.2 l.

8. Define volume, which will be occupied under normal conditions by a gas mixture containing hydrogen, weighing 1.4 g, and nitrogen, weighing 5.6 g.

Given: m(N 2)=5.6 g; m(H 2)=1.4; Well.

Find: V(mixtures)=?

Solution: find the amounts of hydrogen and nitrogen substances:

ν(N 2) = m(N 2)/ M(N 2) = 5.6/28 = 0.2 mol

ν(H 2) = m(H 2)/ M(H 2) = 1.4/ 2 = 0.7 mol

Since under normal conditions these gases do not interact with each other, the volume of the gas mixture will be equal to the sum of the volumes of the gases, i.e.

V(mixtures)=V(N 2) + V(H 2)=V m ν(N 2) + V m ν(H 2) = 22.4 0.2 + 22.4 0.7 = 20.16 l.

Calculations using chemical equations

Calculations according to chemical equations(stoichiometric calculations) are based on the law of conservation of mass of substances. However, in real chemical processes, due to incomplete reaction and various losses of substances, the mass of the resulting products is often less than that which should be formed in accordance with the law of conservation of mass of substances. The yield of the reaction product (or mass fraction of yield) is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the mass of the actually obtained product to its mass, which should be formed in accordance with the theoretical calculation, i.e.

η = /m(X) (4)

Where η is the product yield, %; m p (X) is the mass of product X obtained in the real process; m(X) – calculated mass of substance X.

In those tasks where the product yield is not specified, it is assumed that it is quantitative (theoretical), i.e. η=100%.

9. How much phosphorus needs to be burned? for getting phosphorus (V) oxide weighing 7.1 g?

Given: m(P 2 O 5) = 7.1 g.

Find: m(P) =?

Solution: we write down the equation for the combustion reaction of phosphorus and arrange the stoichiometric coefficients.

4P+ 5O 2 = 2P 2 O 5

Determine the amount of substance P 2 O 5 resulting in the reaction.

ν(P 2 O 5) = m(P 2 O 5)/ M(P 2 O 5) = 7.1/142 = 0.05 mol.

From the reaction equation it follows that ν(P 2 O 5) = 2 ν(P), therefore, the amount of phosphorus required in the reaction is equal to:

ν(P 2 O 5)= 2 ν(P) = 2 0.05= 0.1 mol.

From here we find the mass of phosphorus:

m(P) = ν(P) M(P) = 0.1 31 = 3.1 g.

10. Magnesium weighing 6 g and zinc weighing 6.5 g were dissolved in excess hydrochloric acid. What volume hydrogen, measured under standard conditions, will stand out wherein?

Given: m(Mg)=6 g; m(Zn)=6.5 g; Well.

Find: V(H 2) =?

Solution: we write down the reaction equations for the interaction of magnesium and zinc with hydrochloric acid and arrange the stoichiometric coefficients.

Zn + 2 HCl = ZnCl 2 + H 2

Mg + 2 HCl = MgCl 2 + H 2

We determine the amounts of magnesium and zinc substances that reacted with hydrochloric acid.

ν(Mg) = m(Mg)/ М(Mg) = 6/24 = 0.25 mol

ν(Zn) = m(Zn)/ M(Zn) = 6.5/65 = 0.1 mol.

From the reaction equations it follows that the amounts of metal and hydrogen substances are equal, i.e. ν(Mg) = ν(H 2); ν(Zn) = ν(H 2), we determine the amount of hydrogen resulting from two reactions:

ν(H 2) = ν(Mg) + ν(Zn) = 0.25 + 0.1 = 0.35 mol.

We calculate the volume of hydrogen released as a result of the reaction:

V(H 2) = V m ν(H 2) = 22.4 0.35 = 7.84 l.

11. When a volume of 2.8 liters of hydrogen sulfide (normal conditions) was passed through an excess solution of copper (II) sulfate, a precipitate weighing 11.4 g was formed. Determine the exit reaction product.

Given: V(H 2 S)=2.8 l; m(sediment)= 11.4 g; Well.

Find: η =?

Solution: we write down the equation for the reaction between hydrogen sulfide and copper (II) sulfate.

H 2 S + CuSO 4 = CuS ↓+ H 2 SO 4

We determine the amount of hydrogen sulfide involved in the reaction.

ν(H 2 S) = V(H 2 S) / V m = 2.8/22.4 = 0.125 mol.

From the reaction equation it follows that ν(H 2 S) = ν(СuS) = 0.125 mol. This means we can find the theoretical mass of CuS.

m(СuS) = ν(СuS) М(СuS) = 0.125 96 = 12 g.

Now we determine the product yield using formula (4):

η = /m(X)= 11.4 100/ 12 = 95%.

12. Which one weight ammonium chloride is formed by the interaction of hydrogen chloride weighing 7.3 g with ammonia weighing 5.1 g? Which gas will remain in excess? Determine the mass of the excess.

Given: m(HCl)=7.3 g; m(NH 3)=5.1 g.

Find: m(NH 4 Cl) =? m(excess) =?

Solution: write down the reaction equation.

HCl + NH 3 = NH 4 Cl

This task is about “excess” and “deficiency”. We calculate the amounts of hydrogen chloride and ammonia and determine which gas is in excess.

ν(HCl) = m(HCl)/ M(HCl) = 7.3/36.5 = 0.2 mol;

ν(NH 3) = m(NH 3)/ M(NH 3) = 5.1/ 17 = 0.3 mol.

Ammonia is in excess, so we calculate based on the deficiency, i.e. for hydrogen chloride. From the reaction equation it follows that ν(HCl) = ν(NH 4 Cl) = 0.2 mol. Determine the mass of ammonium chloride.

m(NH 4 Cl) = ν(NH 4 Cl) М(NH 4 Cl) = 0.2 53.5 = 10.7 g.

We have determined that ammonia is in excess (in terms of the amount of substance, the excess is 0.1 mol). Let's calculate the mass of excess ammonia.

m(NH 3) = ν(NH 3) M(NH 3) = 0.1 17 = 1.7 g.

13. Technical calcium carbide weighing 20 g was treated with excess water, obtaining acetylene, which, when passed through excess bromine water, formed 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane weighing 86.5 g. Determine mass fraction CaC 2 in technical carbide.

Given: m = 20 g; m(C 2 H 2 Br 4) = 86.5 g.

Find: ω(CaC 2) =?

Solution: we write down the equations for the interaction of calcium carbide with water and acetylene with bromine water and arrange the stoichiometric coefficients.

CaC 2 +2 H 2 O = Ca(OH) 2 + C 2 H 2

C 2 H 2 +2 Br 2 = C 2 H 2 Br 4

Find the amount of tetrabromoethane.

ν(C 2 H 2 Br 4) = m(C 2 H 2 Br 4)/ M(C 2 H 2 Br 4) = 86.5/ 346 = 0.25 mol.

From the reaction equations it follows that ν(C 2 H 2 Br 4) = ν(C 2 H 2) = ν(CaC 2) = 0.25 mol. From here we can find the mass of pure calcium carbide (without impurities).

m(CaC 2) = ν(CaC 2) M(CaC 2) = 0.25 64 = 16 g.

We determine the mass fraction of CaC 2 in technical carbide.

ω(CaC 2) =m(CaC 2)/m = 16/20 = 0.8 = 80%.

Solutions. Mass fraction of solution component

14. Sulfur weighing 1.8 g was dissolved in benzene with a volume of 170 ml. The density of benzene is 0.88 g/ml. Define mass fraction sulfur in solution.

Given: V(C 6 H 6) = 170 ml; m(S) = 1.8 g; ρ(C 6 C 6) = 0.88 g/ml.

Find: ω(S) =?

Solution: to find the mass fraction of sulfur in a solution, it is necessary to calculate the mass of the solution. Determine the mass of benzene.

m(C 6 C 6) = ρ(C 6 C 6) V(C 6 H 6) = 0.88 170 = 149.6 g.

Find the total mass of the solution.

m(solution) = m(C 6 C 6) + m(S) = 149.6 + 1.8 = 151.4 g.

Let's calculate the mass fraction of sulfur.

ω(S) =m(S)/m=1.8 /151.4 = 0.0119 = 1.19%.

15. Iron sulfate FeSO 4 7H 2 O weighing 3.5 g was dissolved in water weighing 40 g. Determine mass fraction of iron (II) sulfate in the resulting solution.

Given: m(H 2 O)=40 g; m(FeSO 4 7H 2 O) = 3.5 g.

Find: ω(FeSO 4) =?

Solution: find the mass of FeSO 4 contained in FeSO 4 7H 2 O. To do this, calculate the amount of the substance FeSO 4 7H 2 O.

ν(FeSO 4 7H 2 O)=m(FeSO 4 7H 2 O)/M(FeSO 4 7H 2 O)=3.5/278=0.0125 mol

From the formula iron sulfate it follows that ν(FeSO 4)= ν(FeSO 4 7H 2 O)=0.0125 mol. Let's calculate the mass of FeSO 4:

m(FeSO 4) = ν(FeSO 4) M(FeSO 4) = 0.0125 152 = 1.91 g.

Considering that the mass of the solution consists of the mass of iron sulfate (3.5 g) and the mass of water (40 g), we calculate the mass fraction of ferrous sulfate in the solution.

ω(FeSO 4) =m(FeSO 4)/m=1.91 /43.5 = 0.044 =4.4%.

Problems to solve independently

  1. 50 g of methyl iodide in hexane acted sodium metal, and 1.12 liters of gas were released, measured under normal conditions. Determine the mass fraction of methyl iodide in the solution. Answer: 28,4%.
  2. Some alcohol was oxidized to form a monocarboxylic acid. When burned, 13.2 g of this acid was obtained carbon dioxide, for complete neutralization it required 192 ml of KOH solution with a mass fraction of 28%. The density of the KOH solution is 1.25 g/ml. Determine the formula of alcohol. Answer: butanol.
  3. The gas obtained by reacting 9.52 g of copper with 50 ml of an 81% nitric acid solution with a density of 1.45 g/ml was passed through 150 ml of a 20% NaOH solution with a density of 1.22 g/ml. Determine the mass fractions of dissolved substances. Answer: 12.5% ​​NaOH; 6.48% NaNO 3 ; 5.26% NaNO2.
  4. Determine the volume of gases released during the explosion of 10 g of nitroglycerin. Answer: 7.15 l.
  5. A sample of organic matter weighing 4.3 g was burned in oxygen. The reaction products are carbon monoxide (IV) with a volume of 6.72 l (normal conditions) and water with a mass of 6.3 g. The vapor density of the starting substance with respect to hydrogen is 43. Determine the formula of the substance. Answer: C 6 H 14.

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). But it’s not too late to catch up and finally understand the solubility table and formulas. And not only in them, if you make a clear plan and choose the right materials. Anna Tikhonova, chemistry teacher and author of the FarSmatceutika telegram channel, talks about preparing for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry.

For those preparing for the main school exam

This year the exam format has remained almost unchanged: instead of 34 tasks there will be 35. But because of this, the system for converting primary scores into test scores will change slightly. The exam consists of two parts: the first involves choosing numbers or a sequence of numbers (29 tasks), the second - answers with a detailed answer (6 tasks). Maximum amount primary points that can be scored for the first part - 40, for the second - 20. Usually my students start to panic at this stage - when they find out about the assignments. But in reality, everything is not as scary as it seems.

1. Find someone you can ask questions to.

It is not necessary to hire a tutor. This person could be a teacher at school or a student you know who is studying at the chemistry department. The main thing is not to be shy about asking even the stupidest, in your opinion, questions and try to close the gaps that arise during preparation. Believe me, the fact that you have at least some thoughts about chemistry already indicates that the process has started. Feel free to raise your hand during the lesson, ask the tutor, participate in discussions in thematic communities and don’t be afraid to look stupid in the eyes of others.

2. You will have three official cheat sheets for the exam. And you need to understand them

This periodic table, solubility table and voltage series of metals. They contain about 70% of the information that will help you pass the exam successfully. The remaining 30% of your success comes from your ability to use them.

To understand the periodic table, you must first study the periodic properties of elements: the structure of atoms of elements, electronegativity, metallic, non-metallic, oxidizing and reducing properties, valencies, oxidation states. If you remember them, you won’t have to remember the properties of each individual element or each individual substance in nature. Just look at the table and remember the periodic law.

A tip for those who always forget everything: F (Fluorine) is the strongest non-metal and the most electronegative element, and Fr (Francium) is the opposite (the strongest metal and the least electronegative element). This will help you start somewhere.

3. Review math. You can’t pass chemistry without it

Of course, no one asks you to integrate or differentiate, and in general you can use a non-programmable calculator during the exam. But repeating the topics of percentages and proportions is a must. There are not so many formulas that are necessary to solve problems. You only need to remember the basics: formula for calculating the mass fraction, mass of a substance, volume, amount of substance, density and product yield. Knowing them, you will be able to display others without any problems.

Try to derive the mass of the solution from the mass fraction formula or, knowing the mass and molar mass substance, determine its quantity. After a few weeks of training, you will notice that all these formulas are interconnected and, if you forget something, you can always derive the formula you need from another one.

4. Table of chemical reactions - your assistant

There are indeed a lot of substances in chemistry; they can be systematized and patterns can be identified. The table of interactions between substances will help you. Print it out and keep it in front of your eyes when you first start solving chains or reactions.

Photo: chemistrytutor.wordpress.com/2008/05/15/inorg

How to use it?

  • Learn to identify the class of substances (oxides, acids, salts, bases, metals and non-metals) and understand the types of reactions and how they differ from each other.
  • At least two substances react. Determine which class the first substance belongs to. Find the corresponding item in the table on the right (or at the top).
  • Do the same with the second substance, look for the item at the top of the table (or on the right).
  • Look at the intersection of these two points in the table - this is the answer that is obtained in the reaction.

You cannot use such a cheat sheet during the exam. But during preparation, you can easily remember what happens if, for example, an acid and alkali react, and other substances. And this is about 80% of the tasks on the Unified State Exam.

5. Take FIPI books and go from simple to complex

In fact, it doesn’t matter which textbook you choose to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Take the one where you will understand the material and which contains all the topics that will appear on the exam. As for tests, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here either: I recommend using FIPI books. The material they give is as close as possible to what will be on the exam. And you can solve texts on the topics you have studied directly on their website.

It’s worth starting with the blocks that are most common:

  • atomic structure, periodic properties of elements
  • types of chemical bond
  • classes of inorganic substances
  • hydrolysis
  • electrolysis
  • interaction of substances with each other and classification chemical reactions
  • problems on the topic “solutions”
  • chemical equilibrium
  • organic chemistry (classes of compounds, their methods of preparation and chemical properties)

The remaining blocks are more difficult. After you complete the tasks for the main blocks, you will understand which topics you have gaps in and which you know well. Reinforce the topics that you know better than others, and return to studying the theoretical basis of those topics that are worse. Learn the topic and do 20 exercises a day. If you have little time to prepare, focus on assignments whose topics are clear to you. It is better to completely solve a problem with redox reactions (redox reactions) than to do nothing.

6. Theory is good, but without tests it’s still impossible

If it seems that you know everything from theory and you don’t need to waste time solving tests, this is not so. Most mistakes on the exam happen because the student misread the task or does not understand what is expected of him. The more often you take tests, the faster you will understand the structure of the exam and the complex and mysterious wording of the task.

For example, task No. 30 says: “From the proposed list of substances, select substances between which an ion exchange reaction is possible. In your answer, write down the molecular, complete and abbreviated ionic equations of only one of the possible reactions.” Very often, students skip the stage of writing the full ionic equation and immediately write the abbreviated one, because it’s faster. This is not a mistake, but I can deduct one primary point for this.

7. But you definitely don’t need to read unnecessary articles and literature

Sometimes, while preparing for an exam, a student gets so carried away that he begins to read highly specialized literature. And when answering a simple question, he confuses himself: it seems that zinc hydroxide exhibits amphoteric properties and reacts with both acids and bases, but in such and such an article it was said that new research says something completely different. And this calls into question all fundamental knowledge about chemistry! Of course, I'm exaggerating, but the point is that the purpose of the exam is to test your knowledge school curriculum. And the strategy “the simpler the better” works perfectly in tests.

Chemistry is not the best suitable item to test knowledge in test format. The test involves answer options, and the correct answer becomes obvious, or doubts arise due to close answer options. This greatly interferes with the student’s ability to concentrate and answer questions. Of course, it is much easier for poor students to pass chemistry in the Unified State Exam format than with classic version. But for the rest of the students, the Unified State Exam in chemistry became a big problem.

How to pass the Unified State Exam in Chemistry?

As with any exam, the Unified State Exam in Chemistry requires careful preparation. For answers to test question precise knowledge is required, and not approximate numbers, which are enough with the classic answer. If in writing a reaction by hand the conditions can be written in a range, then the Unified State Exam requires an exact answer to the question posed. Therefore, preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry is somewhat different from preparing for other exams. First of all, the role of practice and preparedness for such issues increases. They can best teach you how to pass the Unified State Exam in preparatory courses for college. Professors who may have participated in the preparation of assignments take part in the training. Therefore, they know better than anyone the subtleties of the questions, and the prepared traps that tend to bring down the student. But not everyone has the opportunity to attend expensive courses. In addition, some people do not necessarily need a high score in chemistry, but they still need to pass the Unified State Exam.

Online Unified State Exam tests - a type of self-preparation for the exam

In such cases, cooking itself comes to the fore. Even a school cannot provide a student with sufficient preparation for such a difficult exam. All responsibility falls on the student himself. One of the best ways Self-preparation is considered to be online Unified State Examination tests. On educational portal the site can be accessed online Unified State Exam test in chemistry, to independently prepare for the upcoming exam. Online tests on our website differ in that you do not need to register or enter any personal data to complete it. The online Unified State Exam is available to everyone an unlimited number of times. Another advantage is unlimited time. If you are faced with a difficult question, you can open a textbook or search the Internet for the answer to the question. In this way, knowledge gaps can be identified and addressed. Constant training also allows you to get used to the Unified State Exam format and learn to extract the exact knowledge from textbooks that is necessary to answer exam questions.

State final certification 2019 in chemistry for 9th grade graduates educational institutions is carried out to assess the level of general education training of graduates in this discipline. The tasks test knowledge of the following sections of chemistry:

  1. The structure of the atom.
  2. Periodic law and Periodic table chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev.
  3. The structure of molecules. Chemical bond: covalent (polar and nonpolar), ionic, metallic.
  4. Valency of chemical elements. The degree of oxidation of chemical elements.
  5. Simple and complex substances.
  6. Chemical reaction. Conditions and signs of chemical reactions. Chemical equations.
  7. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Cations and anions. Electrolytic dissociation acids, alkalis and salts (average).
  8. Ion exchange reactions and conditions for their implementation.
  9. Chemical properties simple substances: metals and non-metals.
  10. Chemical properties of oxides: basic, amphoteric, acidic.
  11. Chemical properties of bases. Chemical properties of acids.
  12. Chemical properties of salts (average).
  13. Pure substances and mixtures. Rules safe work V school laboratory. Chemical pollution environment and its consequences.
  14. The degree of oxidation of chemical elements. Oxidizing agent and reducing agent. Redox reactions.
  15. Calculation of mass fraction chemical element in matter.
  16. Periodic law D.I. Mendeleev.
  17. Initial information about organic matter. Biologically important substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
  18. Determination of the nature of the solution environment of acids and alkalis using indicators. Qualitative reactions to ions in solution (chloride, sulfate, carbonation, ammonium ion). Qualitative reactions to gaseous substances (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia).
  19. Chemical properties of simple substances. Chemical properties of complex substances.
Date of passing the OGE in chemistry 2019:
June 4 (Tuesday).
Changes in structure and content exam paper 2019 compared to 2018 are missing.
In this section you will find online tests that will help you prepare for passing the OGE(GIA) in chemistry. We wish you success!

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2017 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in chemistry consists of two parts. The first part contains 19 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 3 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 19 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 15. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

When completing tasks A1-A19, select only one correct option .
When completing tasks B1-B3, select two correct options.

When completing tasks A1-A15, select only one correct option.

When completing tasks A1-A15, choose only one correct option.