Electronic bracelet for prisoners. House arrest as a preventive measure

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    • 11:07, April 16, 2013
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    Experts from the Russian Research Institute of Space Instrumentation admitted that electronic bracelets for tracking prisoners, the procurement of which, according to the Investigative Committee, Federal service execution of punishments (FSIN) at least 1.3 billion rubles were stolen, in fact they do not fulfill their main function. Any prisoner can easily disassemble and remove devices designed for the prison department using ordinary scissors or pliers, and the FSIN officer supervising him will not even notice this.

    As sources in the special services told Izvestia, even before the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case about billions of dollars of fraud in the FSIN during the purchase of special equipment at the Research Institute of Space Instrumentation and the leading scientific unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Special Equipment and Communications" (STiS), two examinations of electronic bracelets were carried out, officially known as the system of electronic monitoring of supervised persons (SEMPL).

    “The results of the examinations turned out to be discouraging,” a high-ranking interlocutor in the special services tells Izvestia. “It turned out that electronic bracelets are actually unsuitable for the purposes for which they were created. I don’t even understand how the Federal Penitentiary Service can somehow monitor the persons under supervision using these devices?

    According to the documents, experts conducted a number of tests and almost immediately made a disappointing conclusion: “There is no objective control over the location.” We are talking about the lack of reception of signals from the GLONASS and GPS systems.

    “That is, SAMPLE operators from among the FSIN employees cannot determine the exact location of the “client,” the interlocutor explains.

    Moreover, according to expert data, operators cannot even determine the state of charge of the electronic bracelet’s battery. They only have access to battery voltage data. But based on this, they cannot calculate when and at what point the battery will be completely discharged and the bracelet will turn off completely.

    It is separately noted that alarm signals from an electronic bracelet or a stationary monitoring device - SKU (it is installed in the house of the supervised person) are sent to workplace operator with a delay of 8-10 minutes. At the same time, the device provides feedback from the “client” to his curators from the Federal Penitentiary Service. A person can call the inspectors of the Criminal Executive Inspectorate (CII) at any time by pressing the SOS button. However, as the inspectors found out, this requires holding the button for at least 5 seconds.

    - IN emergency This may be impossible, experts conclude categorically.

    Experts also concluded that the bracelet can be negatively affected environment. Due to moisture, the contacts of the bracelet lock quickly oxidize; the device interprets this as an attempt to unfasten the lock and gives a false alarm. That is, with this bracelet, the person under surveillance cannot even wash himself normally. In addition, the device begins to malfunction if the room temperature rises above room temperature.

    The installation of the lock, according to experts, also does not stand up to criticism. It turns out that the bracelet is not attached special tool, but with ordinary pliers.

    “Moreover, for unauthorized disposal of the bracelet, no devices are needed; it is enough to cut the strap with ordinary scissors,” experts explain. The designers planned that the device would signal if the integrity of the strap was broken, but the strap can be easily disassembled and the contacts can be re-soldered so as to lengthen the strap and remove the bracelet.

    As soon as the “client” removes the bracelet, it remains long time without movement, the operator should theoretically receive a signal. However, as experts emphasize, the equipment does not transmit such a signal. During the tests, the bracelet remained in place for almost three days, but not a single message about this came to the control panel on duty. This makes it impossible to understand whether the bracelet is on the person or whether it has long been removed, and the arrested person has gone on the run.

    In addition, experts noted that the bracelet is very uncomfortable. It is attached to the ankle, but can only be worn with wide pants or shoes with low tops. This restriction primarily affects women who love tight trousers and narrow high boots.

    Insufficient design reliability can lead, according to experts, to false alarms or damage to the bracelet without any malicious intent.

    It is worth noting that the stationary monitoring device itself is virtually no different in principle from a cell phone; it contains a SIM card inside. However, as experts have found out, it is not fixed in the device and periodically falls out of the connector.

    According to the Federal Penitentiary Service, 9,827 electronic bracelets are currently used in all departments of the prison department in Russia, including 177 bracelets in Moscow. Of these, 165 are for those sentenced by the court to restriction of freedom, and only 12 devices are worn by supervised persons under house arrest. The most famous of the owners of electronic bracelets are Evgenia Vasilyeva, a defendant in a criminal case involving multibillion-dollar thefts from the Ministry of Defense, and oppositionist Sergei Udaltsov, accused of organizing mass riots.

    Lawyers for Evgenia Vasilyeva have already complained about the bracelet, which allegedly constantly gives a false alarm, linking this with the low quality of the device.

    Let us remind you that electronic bracelets were produced at the departmental enterprise FSIN TsITOS. At the end of last year, 23.9 thousand devices were produced and delivered, but less than half of them were used. Now, regarding violations in the production of bracelets and inflated prices for them, the Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”). It is possible that high-ranking employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service may become involved.

    According to the department itself, the examination of the quality of electronic bracelets was carried out on the initiative of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

    “During the examinations, a number of inconsistencies with the stated requirements were identified,” the FSIN press bureau explained to Izvestia. — The next batches will be purchased from other suppliers and manufacturers.

    The prison department emphasizes that no one is going to abandon the use of electronic bracelets, and those that are currently in use work without failures.

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“My home is my fortress,” the British say, although in conditions modern world the house can also become a personal prison. House arrest or “house punishment” isolates the offender from society, providing him with deprivation from the beginning of the investigation and sentencing until serving the sentence. But the procedure itself is imperfect, which is most visible in distant towns and villages.

The legislative framework

Speaking of filling legislative framework, we turn to Art. Art. 98, 107, 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which designate measures of restriction of freedom practiced in Russia. In our case, this is house arrest (YES) and a taboo for those who, by the will of fate, have experienced such “hospitality”. Whether the “hero of the occasion” will be punished by serving his sentence in a robe and slippers, the court decides, after weighing all the pros and cons, but always in the manner prescribed by Art. 108.

Taking into account the age, presence of diseases, and family status of the prisoner, the court determines his “deprivations” and appoints a monitor for compliance with the conditions of arrest.

Who can count on “house punishment”?

It can be argued that the above-mentioned arrest is indicated for the suspect/accused/convicted in the absence of the possibility of applying a mitigation of detention to him and it is foolish to apply a prison sentence:
  • In case of an offense fraught with:

    Imprisonment for more than 3 years (citizen – suspect or accused);
    - imprisonment for less than 3 years or no such type of punishment at all.

  • In case of violation of a lighter measure (subscription).
Content under YES are not subject to military personnel, Russian citizens who do not have their own living space, foreigners and stateless persons, which is due to their lack of permanent place residence in Russia.

Bail and house arrest

If the request to apply the DA to the suspect/accused is rejected, then the judge, at his own discretion, taking into account good reasons and all the circumstances of Art. 99, has the right to set bail.

House arrest period

The duration of “house punishment” is determined only by the court based on the arguments of the parties. When a person is accused of a minor violation, the maximum period of stay “under home lock and key” during the investigation is – no more than 0.5 year.

For crimes with the index “severe” and above, the arrest may last up to one and a half years, and in individual situations – even longer.

The DA takes into account the citizen’s presence in custody. The total period of “exemptions from civil life,” regardless of the order in which they are applied, is not longer than the period during which the offender is kept in custody.

If the sentence contains a clause on imprisonment, YES is counted towards the term of punishment using the following calculation: 2 days of arrest = 1 day in prison.

What prohibitions does house arrest provide?

Taking into account the personality of the prisoner, the severity of the act committed and the details of the case, the judge imposes various restrictions and taboos:
  • to unhindered movement outside the place of residence, but walks may be allowed at times determined by the court;
  • to visit certain places, especially entertainment ones, or visiting such places is permissible, but only with the permission of the court and at any specified time;
  • on contacts with persons whose meetings may affect the conduct of the criminal case, while the person is allowed to communicate with relatives, investigators, and lawyers;
  • on postal and communication services, in particular a ban on using the telephone and the World Wide Web, although the exception is the need to call an ambulance, police, emergency response, and, in addition, a conversation with a controller, interrogator or investigator, but about each such “session” the prisoner informs the controller.
Changes in restrictions/prohibitions are carried out by a judge at the request of the prisoner himself, his legal representative or lawyer, as well as an investigator or interrogating officer.

Features of house arrest

House arrest is a rather specific measure of punishment for offenders, and therefore has a number of features that distinguish it from other types of deprivation:
  • Control over the movement of a prisoner is carried out through electronic bracelet, while the path is recorded on the electronic remote control at the police station.
  • When a person is admitted to a hospital, his hospital ward becomes his prison.
  • The prisoner is delivered to the prosecutor's office, police, and court by the vehicle of a compliance officer.
  • Meetings between the prisoner and the lawyer take place in the prisoner's home or hospital ward.
  • “Punishment with home” is possible not only in your own, but also in rented housing, the main thing is to document the reasons for residence.
  • The prisoner, after mandatory warning, may have wiretapping and surveillance cameras installed, with the exception of the bedroom, bathroom and toilet.

How does a house arrest bracelet work?

The movements of the arrested person are monitored around the clock and displayed on a map at the police station. An electronic bracelet worn on the ankle and a stationary device installed in a living room or hospital ward transmit a signal that is output to the controller.

The complete set and operating principle of such an electronic bracelet are described in more detail in this video.

It is impossible to remove this bracelet yourself. But if the signal disappears, the FSIN inspector will promptly arrive or call to find out the reason.

You can familiarize yourself with the manufacturing process of this electronic bracelet by watching the video presented.

What is considered a violation of a preventive measure?

There is no doubt that during such an arrest, all the specifics of the prohibitions and restrictions are explained to the prisoner in great detail. But there are cases when the conditions are violated, either accidentally or intentionally: most often this is the use of the telephone or the Internet, communication with prohibited persons, or violation of movement.

I would like to note that evading the conscientious fulfillment of the conditions of arrest is more expensive for oneself. At any time, they can conduct a search, seize computers/phones, analyze correspondence or website visit history, and, as a result, try to accuse the person of violating the terms of the punishment.

Losing the opportunity to stay comfortably in your home is the minimum that a violator risks if he ignores the conditions outlined by the court. House arrest can be interrupted at the request of the investigator during investigative actions or the controller if the case is brought to court. Therefore, everyone decides the dilemma of “complying or violating the conditions” individually.

Pros and cons of arrest “in house slippers”

The prisoner begins to concentrate:
  • on household chores: cooking, cleaning, washing;
  • watching TV shows and TV series;
  • on reading literature;
  • physical education classes;
  • studying the “geography” of the local area.
It is clear that these are indisputable advantages: to do what you are interested in Everyday life there wasn't enough time. The result is positive: improvement, addiction to self-care, improvement intellectual level, improvement physical fitness. And of course, it helps a lot if the court does not prohibit communication with other people.

A positive aspect, in addition to those mentioned, is staying in comfortable sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Negative aspects can be considered loneliness, under certain conditions (no relatives and/or pets) and incompatibility with work activity (unless there is an opportunity to work at home). Absence from work during this period is counted according to good reasons, but no payments, including salary, are due or accrued to the offender.

I would like to note: staying in a pre-trial detention center is stressful, but sometimes not justified, and even for a lawyer it is not easy to get there. Citizens are not aware that to talk with a client in a pre-trial detention center, a lawyer often gets in line early, around 7:00, although this is not a guarantee that he will “get” to the client. The reason is simple - there are not enough premises, and the pre-trial detention center often suffers from staff shortages. House arrest would partially solve this problem.

House arrest (video)

The presented video describes the procedure for placing the culprit of an accident under house arrest.

The criminal complained to MK in St. Petersburg about an expensive device

Last week, the former head of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Alexander Reimer, was arrested. The investigation suspects him of stealing three billion rubles when purchasing electronic bracelets for those arrested. As it turned out, the bracelets were not only purchased at exorbitant prices, but also turned out to be simply useless - supposedly they can be removed using ordinary scissors.

The signal was received - the task force did not arrive

According to the Federal Penitentiary Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, electronic bracelets in our region today are worn by about a hundred people sentenced to house arrest by the court (in total there are 10 thousand “bracelet inmates” in Russia. - Ed.). This method of isolation is considered humane. Usually, bracelets are placed on those who have committed minor crimes or are sick and cannot stay in the isolation ward during the investigation.

This device looks like a large wrist watch, it is attached to the leg using a plastic strap. There are stationary devices - they are installed in the apartment of the arrested person and operate within a radius of 50-100 meters. Mobile devices fit in a small bag and give the house arrest much greater freedom of movement. He can even go to work. According to FSIN employees, a mobile device can be programmed for a “home-to-work” route, prohibiting visits to entertainment venues - cinemas, theaters, restaurants, football matches.

“I’ve been under house arrest for four months now,” says St. Petersburg resident Grigory Merenkov (name changed. - Ed.). — This is my first conviction. A ridiculous fight in a restaurant - and, as a result, a year in bracelets. It’s good that they didn’t actually imprison him. While it was winter, I easily hid the bracelet under my wide winter trousers. But now it will be more difficult - the device is attached to the ankle and sticks out. Some work colleagues have already “exposed” me. After all, I always carry a harness under my arm that contains my mobile phone. control device. It's the size of a large cellular telephone with SOS button. In theory, I can call an inspector at any time. But, as I learned, I have to keep my finger on the button for almost a minute for the signal to reach the control panel. In an emergency, this will not be possible. My bracelet has already given false calls - when I was washing in the bathroom, the lock contacts oxidized, and the device interpreted this as an attempt to unfasten the strap. Once he reacted when I was sleeping at home... However, no response group ever came to me. I was told that inspectors simply record alarms in a log and that’s it.

According to Gregory, you can get rid of the bracelet easily and simply - just lengthen the strap.

“On Internet forums, wretches like me share their experiences of escaping surveillance,” Grigory laughs. — The bracelet only beeps when the strap is unfastened. But you can resolder the contacts, lengthen the belt and remove the device. They say many people do this.

All bracelets lead to prison

But now the Investigative Committee has found out that both inpatient and mobile systems there were no electronic units responsible for processing signals from the GLONASS system. It turns out that the bracelets are fiction? Expensive useless “tchotchkes”? Let us remind you that each bracelet cost the budget 100 thousand rubles, although the real price is at most 10 thousand.

In the Federal Penitentiary Service in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region They say vaguely that “there are failures in the system,” but none of those arrested have ever escaped surveillance.

— It was planned that there would already be 300 thousand people under house arrest by 2016, but this is unlikely. The electronic bracelets with which convicts live will soon begin to fail en masse, says Sergei Borodin, an engineer at the TsNIPS 24 design bureau. — The period of use of each is three years. But in reality, bracelets last even less. Their battery is weak. And the conditions for wearing them are such that the batteries simply cannot withstand the load. Dust and water get into the devices. There may be mechanical damage. Therefore, electronics often give false signals. Now that the supply of bracelets has been stopped, and new ones have not yet been released, many people will go to prison - there will be no alternative in the form of house arrest.


Prisoners counting losses

There have already been several cases recorded in Russia where convicts refused to wear electronic bracelets, preferring a real prison to house arrest. It turned out that prisoners are afraid of damaging an expensive item, for which the prison department charges the full price - from 100 thousand rubles and more. According to official data, convicted citizens have already lost or broken electronic bracelets worth a total of one million rubles. According to court decisions, they must compensate for the loss of government property - down to the penny.

Bracelets instead of bars
Why plant if you can “ring”?

From now on, those convicted of minor crimes, instead of being sent to prison, will be sentenced to restrictions on freedom of movement. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who has repeatedly spoken out in favor of humanizing the penal system, signed a corresponding decree in early September. According to it, a special bracelet will be put on the convict’s hand. And all movements of the convict will be controlled using this device.

Freedom can be limited

— In our country, the practice of imposing imprisonment for minor crimes is very common. We understand perfectly well the consequences that occur when a person serves a sentence of this kind. “We, of course, need to engage not only in humanizing the execution of punishments, but also... look at alternative measures of punishment,” the president noted. “After all, restriction of freedom as a punishment may not necessarily be associated with staying in prison. Very often in other countries freedom is limited by, for example, recording a person’s stay in one place using technical means control, such as special bracelets and so on.

— We agree that we need to use more often alternative views punishments for minor crimes, for example, theft of a mobile phone or some goods in a store, agrees the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (FSIN). “Now it turns out that the state is spending a lot of money on the maintenance of prisoners who could not have been imprisoned at all.

Discussions that those who have committed minor crimes can be sentenced not to prison terms, but to restriction of freedom, have been going on in Russia for several years. In 2006, the Ministry of Justice finally moved from words to deeds and submitted a bill on the so-called “controlled freedom” to the Russian government for consideration. It was proposed to introduce special bracelets for people convicted for the first time and for minor crimes. Wearing such jewelry, so to speak, was supposed to replace serving time in prison or a colony. Thus, the convict could live at home, and law enforcement officers could ensure that he spends no more time outside the home than the time allotted to him by the court. It was planned that convicts would wear the bracelets from two months to four years.

But the adoption of the law was stuck. It turned out that there were no domestic products, and foreign products were allegedly not suitable for Russia due to low frost resistance. Then the idea was born to establish the production of bracelets in Russia. While our government was wondering this way and that, the leadership of the European Union allocated a grant of three million euros to Russia for these purposes.

This year the government gave the go-ahead - an experiment began in the Voronezh region. More than 200 convicts voluntarily put on similar bracelets. To fully provide the department with such devices, according to representatives Federal system execution of sentences will take no more than two years. This will be a real salvation for the Russian penitentiary system. After all, in 2008 alone in Russia, more than 1 million people were registered by criminal inspections. About a third of them ended up behind bars. Experts say this is too much. A person often ends up behind bars simply because the courts have no choice: either release him or put him in prison, there is no third option. If some kind of intermediate punishment appears, judges will have a choice and people will be deprived of their freedom much less often.

The introduction of electronic bracelets will help not only relieve the workload of pre-trial detention centers and colonies, but also prevent the convicted person from repeating mistakes. It is no secret that once behind bars, a convicted person degrades as a person, ties with loved ones are severed, he loses his job and friends, but absorbs the criminal culture. Alas, alternative types of punishment, including fines, compulsory correctional labor, house arrest and a ban on engaging in certain types of activities, have not yet been popular in Russia: they were applied to only 3-4% of convicts. With the advent of electronic bracelets in Russia, the situation should change radically. By the way, the convict who wears the bracelet is not only restricted in his freedom of movement, but he may also be required to attend a rehabilitation center, spend a strictly defined amount of time outside the home and not approach certain objects. Compliance with such conditions will again be monitored using electronic bracelets.

Such types of punishments have become firmly established in law enforcement practice. foreign countries. According to experts, this helped reduce the number of crimes committed. After all, it seems like a person is free, but at the same time under constant supervision, the slightest movement is controlled.
So that this good initiative moves from experiment to everyday life. Russian life, it is necessary for the government and the State Duma to adopt a bill on “controlled freedom” for criminals, and the very concept of “controlled freedom” be introduced into Russian regulations. So the recent Presidential Decree is only the beginning of a deep reform of the penal system. The most important thing is to allocate money for transformations.

Considerable funds will be required. A European grant of three million euros is a drop in the ocean. It is necessary to establish the production of appropriate devices in Russia (the experiment uses Israeli-French bracelets). The signals of the bracelets and the movement of their wearers must be monitored by special equipment and specially trained people. This is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. Each person serving such a sentence must be delineated individual route, everyone will have their own restrictions on communication and visiting public places. All this will be determined by the court depending on the elements of the crime.

What does he look like?

The shape of the bracelet does not differ from ordinary ones electronic watch. True, only specially trained law enforcement officers fasten and unfasten the strap of such a “watch”, which cannot be parted with even in the shower. If desired, the bracelet can also be worn on the leg. This “decoration” cannot be removed so easily: there is an LED drive in the strap, which will immediately give a signal to the operator. The bracelet comes with a transmitter (it looks like mobile phone and hangs on the belt) and a stationary transmitting device (it is installed at the place of serving the sentence, for example, in an apartment). This pleasure costs 2500 euros.

The device operates in three modes - radio communication, satellite tracking and a combination of these two. If the convicted person is at home, a stationary radio transmitter operates, similar to a telephone without buttons. An operator can contact the convicted person at any time through it. As soon as you leave the house, the radio signal disappears and the one on your belt turns on - GPS. There are also modifications of the bracelet with a built-in satellite tracking system.
A specially trained operator controls the signal at his computer console.

Their example for us is science

Electronic bracelets have become widespread in USA. Those sentenced to serve such a sentence (there are 150 thousand such people in the USA) are put on a bracelet, which, through a regular home phone transmits signals to the police station. This makes it possible to control the stay of convicts at home during certain hours and allows them to leave home only while working. IN Lately However, Americans have begun to use GPS bracelets, which allow the police, using satellites, to monitor all the movements of their wearer. First of all, they are put on all those convicted of crimes of a sexual nature who are released from prison.

In Europe, the Scandinavians distinguished themselves in this field. IN Sweden electronic bracelets and total control are chosen by those sentenced to terms of up to 3 months - petty thieves and drivers involved in accidents. IN Germany At the request of convicts, the decision to put an electronic bracelet on them is made not by the court, but by the prosecutor’s office. Those who expect to be released on parole also choose bracelets.

IN Israel at the request of lawyers, the court can make such a decision even in relation to those under investigation. As an experiment, such bracelets began to be used in France, Switzerland and South Korea. In Austria, electronic anklets are worn on parolees who were sentenced to less than three years. By wearing such a bracelet, Estonian prisoners can also be released from prison early. In this country, bracelets have been used since 2006.

Prisoners vote "yes"

This year, as we have already said, the experiment began in Russia. The experimental subjects were prisoners from a colony-settlement in the Voronezh region. According to the conditions of the experiment, they can leave the colony if they wear an electronic bracelet. Of the 3 million euros allocated by the European Union, 500 thousand will go directly to the purchase of bracelets, and 2.5 million will go to employee training, personnel training and equipment installation.

The experiment should last three years, but the convicts have already approved such a control measure. The final results should be announced by the end of the year. It is expected that by this time the State Duma will have already adopted the long-suffering law on restriction of freedom as a form of punishment.

According to preliminary estimates, our courts could sentence about 50 thousand people to this type of restriction of freedom every year. Which will help relieve the pressure on pre-trial detention centers, prisons and colonies. True, for this to happen, the FSIN must switch to bracelets domestic production. There are already samples. Cost from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. At such prices, surveillance of a convicted person using new system will cost four times less than keeping him in prison or colony.

In addition to the transition to alternative types of punishment, it is planned to create prisons with various types modes. They should replace the current strict and general regime colonies.

— For those who have committed minor crimes, there will be humane approaches. Such convicts will be kept in colony settlements, promises the FSIN. The system of medical correctional institutions and educational colonies will remain unchanged. For the social rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents, the authorities will develop educational programs.

Recently, in addition to the presidential decree, the Ministry of Justice approved instructions that establish the procedure for serving a sentence of restriction of freedom. Those who can count on a suspended sentence, mothers with minor children and pregnant women will be sentenced to house arrest. The same document determines how control will be exercised over those on probation and those who have received a deferment of sentence.

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Electronic bracelets

Why was my son given an electronic bracelet after 4 months had already passed since his restriction of freedom (10 months in total) for causing moderate harm to health? Did he bite his ex-stepfather's finger?

How old is your son?

In the court order on restriction of freedom, there is not a word about the use of an electronic bracelet, but the criminal inspectorate of his department is on me, is this correct?

Yes. This (the procedure for executing restrictions on freedom) is described in sufficient detail, for example, here: https://rg.ru/2010/10/27/svoboda.html

Are probationers given an electronic bracelet?

Federal law dated December 27, 2009 No. 377-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation in connection with the entry into force of the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation on punishment in the form of restriction of freedom.” Citizens convicted of crimes of minor and medium gravity may be sentenced to restriction of freedom and, accordingly, wearing an electronic bracelet as the main type of punishment. In this case, restriction of freedom is established for a period of 2 months to 4 years. Bracelets are not applied to those released on parole.

I have a restriction of freedom. Can I wear an electronic bracelet? After all, they didn’t tell me about him in court?

The execution of the sentence and control over the serving of the sentence is carried out by the Criminal Executive Inspectorate.

The bracelet is usually worn when a preventive measure in the form of house arrest is chosen. In your case, the verdict has already been decided and you need to comply with the restrictions that the court has set for you and do not forget about the mark for registration with the Penal Inspectorate. If you commit violations of the regime of serving your sentence without having valid reasons, the Penitentiary Inspectorate may file a petition to replace the restriction of freedom with deprivation.

They installed an electronic bracelet when I work in the city, but I don’t know, it was installed to track me so that I was at home at night or so that I didn’t leave the city yet.

Hello, Ivan. The bracelet works on the Wi-Fi principle. You move away from the base, there is a gap, and where you are no longer matters. So look at the restrictions imposed, what they want to find out with the help of a bracelet.

Tell me, which article of the law describes the replacement of punishment with an electronic bracelet?

Yulia, I have already answered your previous question. Read the answer to it, everything is written there, I’m not going to duplicate the answer, it’s correct! No one will name you another article!

Is it possible to travel to a neighboring area with an electronic bracelet?

Good morning, Igor! When the procedure for obtaining this bracelet took place, the rules for its use should have been explained to you. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and once again clarify the territory in which you can be with this bracelet.

They put an electronic bracelet on me. I wanted to know if I could leave the area for the funeral.

Good evening! Yes, you can travel outside your area of ​​residence to attend a funeral. To do this, you need to contact the police with a statement and a document confirming the need to leave. Wish you luck.

How legal is it for the management of Zhilkomservice to introduce electronic bracelets?

An electronic bracelet is an electronic device worn on a controlled person who is under house arrest or sentenced to restriction of freedom for the purpose of remote identification and tracking of his location, intended for long-term wear on the body and having a built-in system for monitoring unauthorized removal and opening of the case. . What do you mean by the introduction of such procedures by the leadership of the FSW and to whom?

Tell me how to correctly write an application to replace the deprivation with an electronic bracelet if one third of the term has passed. And who should it be given to?

The application must be submitted to the court at the place where the sentence is served. In order to write this application, you need to familiarize yourself with your documents. Drawing up an application to the court and further consultations are paid.

What documents do you need to collect to get out using an electronic bracelet? Thank you.

Good afternoon Apparently you mean a change in the type of restriction on freedom of movement. Rehabilitative grounds are needed. If they exist, the document is collected accordingly. The procedure for changing restrictions on freedom - legal services are paid.

They put on an electronic bracelet, were convicted under Article 112 and were sentenced to 1 year of house arrest. Is it possible to remove it and continue serving house arrest?

Hello Evgeniy! Don’t hesitate to try or try to remove the bracelet, because if the signal disappears, a FSIN inspector will promptly arrive or call to find out the reason. Changes in restrictions/prohibitions are carried out by a judge at the request of the prisoner himself, his legal representative or lawyer, as well as an investigator or interrogating officer.

4 sat for 2 years, after how long can you write electronic bracelets.

Hello, you already submitted the question on this site today, I answered it for you. You can file a petition in the district court after two-thirds of the term.

Term 8 years 2 years sat after how long can you write on electronic bracelets with 228.4

Hello, after two thirds of your sentence you can already write a petition to the district court at the place where you are serving your sentence. Thank you for your contact to our website. Good luck to you.

Is it possible under Article 228 to go on an electronic bracelet and if so, after what period of serving the sentence?

Hello! Yes, it's quite possible. For deadlines, look carefully at Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. When you can file a petition depends on the part of the article.

Unfortunately, they did not mention the part of Article 228 under which you were convicted. Imprisonment can be replaced with a less severe type of punishment, including restriction of freedom, depending on the part of Article 228 under which you were convicted from 1/3 to 2/3 of the term of serving the sentence for part 1 to 1/3 of the term of punishment for part 2 - 1/2 of the sentence, for part 3 this is 2/3 of the sentence.

The Federal Penitentiary Service filed a claim for damage to property, i.e. an electronic bracelet in the amount of 90 rubles.

Hello, dear visitor to our site! What is your question? The Federal Penitentiary Service has the right to file such a claim against you. All the best.

Good day! If damage has taken place, then the FSIN has the right to do so. Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Good luck to you and all the best! We hope the answer helps you!

What documents need to be collected for electronic bracelets.

Hello! Anna, you should clarify your question. Has the punishment already been assigned, or do you want to replace the unserved part of the punishment with a more lenient one?

My husband is sitting in jail. How can I get an electronic bracelet and change my prison sentence to house arrest?

Good evening! The punishment is determined by the court and if the sentence comes into force, then you won’t be able to get anything. All the best.

Good evening. There is no way he will be able to get house arrest, as much as you can apply for a change of regime so that he goes to forced labor or that he is given parole with a bracelet, he also will not be able to walk, so the answer is a restriction of Freedom. Have a nice pleasant evening.

I have an electronic bracelet, it constantly shows that I go outside, what should I do?

Good afternoon Dear Danil, to do this you need to contact the institution where you were wearing this bracelet and report errors in the electronic device.

Do parolees wear electronic bracelets or not? 2/3

Federal Law of December 27, 2009 No. 377-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the entry into force of the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation on punishment in the form of restriction of freedom.” To restriction of freedom and, accordingly, wearing an electronic bracelet Citizens convicted of crimes of minor and medium gravity may be sentenced as the main type of punishment. In this case, restriction of freedom is established for a period of 2 months to 4 years. Bracelets are not applied to those released on parole.

I bought an adidas miCoach Fit Smart electronic fitness bracelet, but it turned out that this moment it cannot fully function, since it requires an account in the Adidas miCoach application. Adidas stopped registering new users in the miCoach application in connection with the purchase of the competing Runtastic application and decided to develop its new acquisition by ceasing support for miCoach, for which the Fit Smart fitness bracelet was designed to work. It is stated that the Adidas miCoach Fit Smart bracelet can be used in the Runtastic application, but, unfortunately, its functionality in this case is very limited and I cannot fully take advantage of all the characteristics and capabilities for which this bracelet was purchased. Calls to the miCoach support service in English did not lead to anything; in response, they stated that this device should not be sold and advised to return the product to the seller with the wording “tell me that the support service gave the go-ahead.” And I'm not kidding, I can send you screenshots. In fact, this bracelet is still on sale; it can be found, for example, on Yandex Market, as well as negative reviews for the same reason that I described above. I believe that I have rights as a consumer. To put it mildly, violated. What would you recommend?

Hello! You need to write a claim to the manufacturer and seller on the grounds of Article 12 of the Russian Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights!” If refused, file a claim.

Is it possible to use an electronic bracelet under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?

Hello. Under this article, the court, as a rule, imposes actual imprisonment. To apply a more lenient penalty, compelling reasons and the perseverance of a lawyer are required.

Good afternoon An electronic bracelet can be used if a preventive measure is determined in the form of house arrest, this issue must be decided by the court, since house arrest and detention are a preventive measure that is chosen by the court.

Good afternoon Art. 159 part 4 does not provide as a separate punishment - restriction of freedom, in which bracelets are used. Therefore, the answer is No.

I have an electronic bracelet on. I need to go to another city to register a company, but they ask me for documents for the company, but my documents have already been submitted to the bank for verification, but what documents can I not provide them with if I don’t have them on hand? How to be.

Hello. Have you submitted the original documents to the bank? Then ask the bank for a receipt stating that they accepted the documents from you. Thank you for visiting our site.

I have a girl under house arrest with an electronic monitoring bracelet, and this morning the warden arrived or whatever his name is, I don’t know and says that she was gone from 3 to 4 in the morning, although she was at home, how can he prove otherwise.

Good day! Refer to the testimony of witnesses, demand evidence of violation. Good luck to YOU! Always happy to help

Hello! It will not be easy to prove; they will believe technology more than words. Maybe you have video surveillance cameras in your yard or entrance, this could help

Good afternoon. It's useless to prove, you can't fool satellite communications. Get ready to be punished for an administrative offense. And soon they may change the measure of restraint to detention.

Request confirmation that your girlfriend is not at home at this time. Refer to the testimony of witnesses that she was at home. Let him explain to you where, in his opinion, the girl was at that time, who can confirm the fact of absence. Contact the witnesses who were at that moment in the place where the law enforcement officer indicates to you, show a photograph of the girl and ask them to confirm that they did not see her at such and such a time and on such and such a date. You can successfully resolve your issue with legal assistance. Thank you for using the site's services!

Where should you apply for a change of residence when you are wearing an electronic bracelet? And is it even possible to move with a bracelet, at least to a neighboring city 40 km away?

Good afternoon. If the court decision specifies a specific place of residence to which the restriction is associated, it is necessary to prepare a petition to the court to replace the restriction with one related to your place of residence. If the court satisfies it, then your husband can live with you. Or you will need to move to where the court has indicated his place of residence. While in the colony, you need to apply at the location of the colony, after release - at the place of residence of the spouse.

Question about the electronic bracelet. Is it possible to use the pool and sauna?
When they put it on they said that you can wet it for no more than 30 seconds, is that true? There are no instructions about water in the leaflet.

In the Memo to a person in respect of whom a preventive measure in the form of house arrest has been chosen, on security measures and rules for operating an electronic bracelet (Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia N 26, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 67, IC of Russia N 13, FSB of Russia N 105, FSKN of Russia N 56 dated 02/11/2016) in the warning chapter it says “3. The electronic bracelet does not interfere with the observance of personal hygiene rules.” From the description it follows that the bracelet is waterproof. The strap is disposable, it is not removable, but only cut off. The device itself battery designed for three years. If the accused intentionally damaged technical device, then he is subject to a fine in accordance with Art. 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Disobedience to a lawful order or requirement of a police officer..."

My boyfriend took off the electronic bracelet, after which the check came. What can he do for this now?

For refusing to wear a tracking device, your boyfriend may, through the court, change the restriction of freedom to imprisonment at the rate of 2 days of restriction for one day of imprisonment.

My boyfriend took off the electronic bracelet, after which the check came. What can he do for this now? It was in vain that he did this. Now the court will have the right to replace his restriction of liberty with actual imprisonment, based on the circumstances of the removal of the bracelet, the consequences, personal characteristics and other significant circumstances of the case.