Encyclopedia of Phlox. Encyclopedia of Plants

Varietal purity is an extremely important indicator for plant collectors. Among phlox fans, heated debates on this topic continue. There are countless varieties of bush phlox. Even experts will not give the exact quantity, since sometimes they cannot determine whether the variety is original or whether it has a double under a different name.

What about the old varieties? It is unlikely that all of them are described and cataloged. And, of course, the true name is in doubt. How to install it? Based on the old descriptions, this can only be done approximately.

Add here folk varieties. How many of them are scattered throughout the gardens! People have long given a name to these phloxes. Under this name they are sold in markets and passed on to friends and acquaintances. But the variety is not officially registered anywhere, which means that this phlox does not even have the right to be called a variety!

This is what I want to talk about. Phloxes are our old favorites. We value them not for their big names, but for their abundant flowering, unpretentiousness and fabulous beauty.

In magazines, the nameless phloxes, which are grown by amateurs, are dubbed “mutts,” “outbred,” or “fence flowers.” They are also called “grandmother’s phlox” because they are sold at pensioner’s markets. On Internet forums, the most ardent phlox lovers call for “fighting for the purity of phlox” and growing only varietal plants in gardens.

How does “grandmother’s” phlox differ from its well-born brother?

Five differences

1. Prestige. The names of all varietal phloxes are registered in official catalogs. When the name of the variety is unknown, scrupulous flower growers will not even think about purchasing it, no matter how beautiful the flower is. Why? It's just not prestigious. Is this right or wrong? If you want to collect as many different colors of phlox as possible, then the lack of a variety name should not stop you. But if your goal is to create a reference collection of varieties, then you will have to be principled and not litter it.

2. Certainty. When buying phlox at the market, when asked: “What kind of phlox is this?” You will most often be answered: “Lilac” or “Pink”. And if they name the name of the variety, then, as a rule, it does not correspond to reality.

Phloxes of “noble origin” have a pedigree, and, ideally, it is described in detail. For many phloxes, the maternal variety from which the descendant was obtained is also indicated. For example, Sandro Botticelli. Author: Reprev Yu.A., year 1963. Obtained from the variety P.G. Gaganova Evening song. The following is a detailed description of the flower. Such a solid origin is already a guarantee that the variety is worth purchasing. Registration of a variety is not an easy matter, so only the most worthy applicants are selected for this procedure.

And most importantly, modern catalogs contain a digital portrait of a flower! Using it you can more accurately determine the variety.

Do you want a specific color? Then you shouldn’t buy a “pig in a poke” on the market. Contact the nursery or order phlox by mail, selecting them in advance from the catalog.

3. Reliability. I don’t want to offend everyone, but markets often sell things that would be a shame to throw away. Perhaps grandma's phlox has long since degenerated, has small flowers, a loose inflorescence and is severely affected powdery mildew. However, in spring the plant looks quite tolerable. Why not sell it? After some time you will notice the forgery, but the seller has already disappeared.

In nurseries, varietal plants are kept under vigilant control. Sick and frail plants are discarded. This is a condition for survival modern world: if you want to have regular customers, take care of your reputation.

4. Guaranteed cleanliness. In order to obtain a large number of seedlings for sale, private owners can propagate phlox by seeds. And, as is known, seedlings do not retain maternal characteristics, since they are free-pollinated hybrids. In nurseries, varietal phlox reproduce only vegetatively. This ensures varietal purity.

5. Price. For many, price is a significant indicator. Plants are usually cheaper on the market. But where is the guarantee that you won’t bring another pink phlox with an unstable, pale color to the garden? At an exhibition or in a nursery, you pay for the authenticity of the variety. Imagine that you are choosing between a purebred dog and a mongrel - you have to pay for the pedigree.

So, decide for yourself what is more important to you: purity of the variety, prestige or cheaper flowers?

In fairness, it must be said that among those plants that we buy from our grandmothers, there are real masterpieces worthy of being given a name. But registering a variety is quite a troublesome matter, which is why many phloxes still walk around our gardens under the name “pink phlox”.

How to determine the variety?

Many amateur gardeners already have a decent collection of phlox. Some were bought at the market, some were propagated by cuttings, some were donated by neighbors. How can I find out the names of the varieties of all these plants?

With the development of the Internet, the task has become much easier. Instead of leafing through reference books in the library, you can go to the website where the phlox catalog is published and compare your photographs with the sample.

For more accurate identification, you will have to visit several sites. The more photos you compare, the better you will learn the characteristics of the variety and more reliably establish its correspondence.

In catalogs, following the name of the variety, its author (originator) and the year of creation (or registration) are indicated. This is followed by encrypted data about the appearance: flower diameter, plant height and flowering time. Then - a detailed description of the coloring.

For example, New (photo 6). Author: Kharchenko E.D., 1952 Description: 3.7-4.3; 65-80; SP. White with blue shadows, bluish dots with a crimson tint in the center, blue buds. The petals are wavy. The inflorescence is round, large, dense. Flowering begins in mid-July. The bush is compact, beautiful, and grows quickly. Winter-hardy, healthy. Long lasting when cut. An excellent, reliable variety.

Photographs provide the most information. The most detailed catalogs contain several photographs of the same variety, taken from different angles. The structure of flowers is shown in close-up, their tubes are shown below. For comparison, flowers were photographed in different time days.

Beginning phlox growers often find themselves at a loss when they learn how many similar varieties exist in catalogs. For example, any white and pink variety with a raspberry ring in the center is without hesitation called Europa. Under this name they sell completely different varieties, moreover, unlike Europe (photos 2 and 3). To determine the authenticity of the variety, it is important to know how wide the ring is, how rich its color is, and whether the ring has a clear or blurry border.

It is very difficult to identify white varieties. In the ROLF catalog ( Russian Society Phlox lovers) from white varieties are given photographs of: July, Zhukovsky, Maria, Merlinka, Michelangelo, Nebesa, Peterhof and others. And subtleties are important here: whether the petals overlap each other or not, what shade the flower tube has, what color the pharynx and bud are... Finally, if you don’t see the difference, compare the height of the plant and the flowering time. Thus, the Zhukovsky variety has almost completely white petals and contrasting lilac buds. In the Anya Popova variety, the petals overlap each other, but in the Nebesa variety they do not connect.

The variegated varieties Mashunya, Natasha (aka Sonata), Mishenka and Peppermint Twist are often confused (photo 4, 5). The stripes on the petals of these plants are of different shades and different widths. These differences are difficult to discern if there is only one variety in front of you. But they are clearly visible when you manage to see two or three flowering plants at once or you have the opportunity to compare photographs (photos 4 and 5).

To the “uninitiated” phlox growers, the varieties Success (aka Laura) and Urozhenets Tarasovka seem the same. But if you look closely, Success has a clearer white star than Native of Tarasovka; in the latter it is somewhat blurry and more radiant.

There is very little information about some old varieties, even in reputable catalogs. And then you have to rely only on photography. One of these varieties is Versailles. The author is unknown, the year is unknown. And only a photograph makes it possible to establish the name of a common variety that grows in almost every garden (photo 1, p. 12). Additionally, we can say that this is a very stable and healthy variety. Apparently, this explains his longevity. Versailles is a real “grandmother’s phlox”, because it was actually planted by our grandmothers, and this was 50-60 years ago.

You can find this article in the magazine "Magic Garden" 2010 No. 4.

Although the homeland of phlox paniculata is North America, we can safely say that these are the most beloved Russian flowers. Since ancient times, they have been used to decorate both rich estates and village front gardens. About these unpretentious, winter-hardy and exceptionally ornamental plants tells Vera Germanovna BORISOVA, Candidate of Biological Sciences,phlox breeder, Poisk agricultural company.

Phloxes are capable of short time turn your garden into a blooming oasis.Many of us have been familiar with their wonderful aroma since childhood. The height of the bushes is from 40-50 to 150-180 cm. The flower size is from 0.5 to 5.5 cm, and the inflorescence can reach a diameter of 30 cm! There are early, mid and late flowering varieties.

At correct selection phlox can decorate your garden with its elegant inflorescences from the end of June until severe frosts. The variety of colors is amazing. For connoisseurs of delicate tones, there are varieties with white, pale pink, light lilac flowers. For lovers of bright colors, purple, red, and crimson phloxes are suitable. There are varieties that have different shades of purple during the day, and turn blue in the evening; they are called blue.

A significant part of the paniculate phlox assortment was created in our country. Domestic phloxes are not only not inferior to foreign ones, but often surpass them.

Our phloxes are distinguished by their magnificent colors and higher winter hardiness than most “Europeans”. This is natural, since they have undergone natural selection during the harsh Russian winters.

Work on developing new varieties began in our country relatively recently - in the 30s of the last century. Our most famous phlox breeder is Pavel Gavrilovich Gaganov. It was he who created such wonderful varieties as ‘Success’, ‘GirlMoscow Region’, ‘Ivan-Zarya’, ‘Olenka’, ‘Fairy Tale’ and many others. His phloxes are very popular today.

'Success'. P. G. Gaganov. The diameter of the flower is 4 cm, the height of the bush is 70-80 cm, the flowering period is average. Purple-violet with a bright white center. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. The bush is compact with dense dark green foliage.

‘Ivan-Zarya’. P. G. Gaganov. The diameter of the flower is 3.6 cm, the height of the bush is 110 cm, the flowering period is medium-late. Very bright, light orange-red with a cherry ring. Star-shaped flower. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, but airy. The bush is tall, strong, spreading, and grows quickly. Flowering is long lasting.

It is impossible not to name other outstanding breeders— M. F. Sharonov, B. V. Kvasnikova, E. D. Kharchenko. Ekaterina Dmitrievna Kharchenko has few varieties, but each of them is a “pearl”. I really like her‘New’- an almost flawless variety.

New'. E. D. Kharchenko. The diameter of the flower is 3.7 cm, the height of the bush is 65-70 cm, the flowering period is medium-late. White with blue shadows and a purple eye, blue buds. The petals are wavy. The inflorescence is round, large, dense. The bush is compact, beautiful, and grows quickly. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. Long lasting when cut.

Work is actively underway to restore, preserve and increase domestic varieties in one of the largest Russian seed companies - Agrofirm Poisk.

Phlox mother plants in the Yegoryevsky Production Association.

A unique program for obtaining healthy phlox using the microcloning method has been developed and is being implemented here. In particular, new and already popular varieties of our prominent breeders such asYuri Andreevich Reprev and Elena Alekseevna Konstantinova(photo 5-7), as well as varieties of our own selection.

'Margarita'. E. A. Konstantinova. The diameter of the flower is 4.3 cm, the height of the bush is 75 cm, the flowering period is average. Bright crimson-red with a darker small eye, the inflorescence is round-conical, dense. Does not fade, does not deteriorate from precipitation. The bush is powerful, the stems are strong, with dense light green foliage.

'Anna Karenina'. E. A Konstantinova. The diameter of the flower is 4.2 cm, the height of the bush is 80 cm, the flowering period is average. Unusual pink-red with an ashy haze and a bright center. The flower is wheel-shaped with petals slightly curled inward. Winner of many exhibitions.

‘Alarm’. E.A. Konstantinov. The diameter of the flower is 3.8 cm, the height of the bush is 80 cm, the flowering period is medium-late. Carmine red, eye-catching, does not fade. The inflorescence is fractional-conical, branched, large, medium density, long-lasting flowering. The bush is spreading and grows quickly. A very resilient variety.

The selection of paniculata phlox has been carried out at Agrofirm Poisk for more than 10 years. Several thousand seedlings are grown annually. As a result of multi-stage selection and many years of testing, the most promising of these seedlings give rise to new varieties.

It should be taken into account that many seedlings exhibit significant variability in the first years of life. The color, size of flowers, and their shape may change. Often changes concern the shape and density of the inflorescence, as well as the harmony of the bush. (The harmony of a bush is understood as the ratio of the height of the inflorescence to the overall height of the plant.)Young seedlings, as a rule, have larger flowers and a denser inflorescence. Therefore, they are usually more decorative than adult plants grown from them. For an objective assessment, observation of at least three years is necessary, since only in the third year after germination do phloxes develop permanent color and shape. For many seedlings, the quality of flowering is highly dependent on weather conditions.

One of the breeder’s tasks is to select plants that bloom luxuriantly and for a long time from year to year. And this requires even longer observations. Thus, the selection process is quite labor-intensive and expensive if carried out according to all the rules. Over the course of a number of years, you have to care for and monitor many seedlings, the majority of which will eventually be discarded.

Seedling, selected for To become a new variety, it must have the following qualities:

1. Good growth and development.

2. Resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions of the given zone. Good winter hardiness.

3. Resistance to disease.

4. Beautiful and stable color of the corolla (that is, it should not fade greatly in the sun or change color from dew or rain).

5. Long flowering time (at least 25-30 days)

6. Durable (not falling apart) bush, strong, even stems.

7. Good ability to vegetative propagation, stability of varietal characteristics.

But most importantly, you need to make sure that this variety is really new, that is, that it is significantly different from already famous varieties similar type. To do this, you need to carry out the appropriate comparison with similar varieties.

Differences may relate to decorative features(color, size, shape of the flower, features of the inflorescence, height and shape of the bush, etc.) or economically useful(flowering time, disease resistance, winter hardiness, etc.).

I would like to draw the readers’ attention to some promising varieties of our selection. Imagine: “It’s winter, dawn is breaking. Pink and lilac reflections fall on the purest white snow.” This is the picture that appears at the height of summer when you see a large-flowered phlox 'Winter morning':

'Winter morning'. V. V. Korchagin, V. G. Borisova, E. A. Konstantinova. The diameter of the flower is 4.0–4.3 cm, the height of the bush is 70–80 cm, the flowering period is medium-late. The flower is white with lilac-pink shadows, the shadows are thicker towards the center. The petals are slightly wavy. The inflorescence is round and large. The bush is durable and winter-hardy. Good both in the flower garden and in a bouquet.

IN last years Small-flowered varieties with a corolla diameter of less than 3 cm are increasingly in demand. Our small-flowered varieties’Egorka’, ’Droplet’, ’Miniature’, ’Eurostyle Lilac’and others, except original look, are characterized by increased resistance to rain and wind.The number of simultaneously blooming flowers on one peduncle for some of them reaches 150-180 pieces, which is about 3 times more than for large-flowered phloxes! They grow quickly and reproduce easily. Thanks to their calm pastel color, these varieties fit harmoniously into any flower beds, especially those made in a natural style.

‘Droplet’. V.V. Korchagin, V.G. Borisova, 2011. The diameter of the flower is 2.5 cm, the height of the bush is 75 cm. The flowering period is medium-late. Long-blooming small-flowered phlox with delicate lilac flowers. Inflorescences are round, average size. Resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases, very unpretentious.

‘Egorka’. V.V. Korchagin, V.G. Borisova. The diameter of the flower is 2.5 cm, the height of the bush is 65-75 cm, the flowering period is mid-early. The flower is white with lilac shades, the eye is purple, the inflorescences are conical with a protrusion, fluffy, include many small star-shaped flowers.

* In the Moscow region, early varieties usually bloom in late June - early July, medium - in mid-July, medium-late - in late July - early August.

Chairman of the phlox section of the Moscow Flower Growers club, Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Russian phlox growers have something to be proud of. In the field of phlox selection, we are, perhaps, “ahead of the rest.” It’s not for nothing that the Dutch love to come to our exhibitions and visit the gardens of our breeders. I’ll tell you right away how a variety differs from a seedling: only a registered seedling is called a variety. Unfortunately, currently in Russia and Moscow few people register their seedlings. But registering a seedling and turning it into a variety does not yet guarantee the quality of phlox. At the same time, in our collections you can find many interesting seedlings that have stood the test of time and therefore are fully worthy of the title of variety.

Pavel Gavrilovich Gaganov is the most famous domestic originator of phlox. Back in pre-war 1937, he created phlox Success, who later became a national favorite. It is difficult to find a phlox lover today who does not have this variety. Among the varieties of Pavel Gavrilovich, it is necessary to note another very unpretentious and therefore widespread variety - Olenka. This phlox can be planted upside down, but it will still grow and bloom. Success And Olenka- two of the most suitable varieties for those who are starting to collect a collection of phlox.

It is to Gaganov that we owe the appearance of smoky phloxes. In 1935 he developed the variety Smoky coral with an unusual color of the petals, pink with a smoky coating. In the sixties, such smoky varieties as The Dragon(1958), Dusk (1953), Ural tales(1953). In this group, one phlox is better than the other, it’s difficult to single out which one is the best. The coloring of the Dragon variety is such that even an inexperienced phlox grower will never confuse this variety with any other. Each variety of Gaganov has its own “face, its own zest”. The smoky phlox Ural Tales is not inferior in popularity to the Dragon; there is something bewitching about this variety. Its bright color and curled edges of the petals attract attention. Now in Holland, based on it, a new series of phloxes is being created - Mystique Series.

Pavel Gavrilovich is the author of the first large-flowered variety with a flower size of more than 5 cm. This phlox is called Slav(1936), it has a large dense inflorescence, delicate lilac-pink color of the petals. Even in our time, there are quite a few varieties with this size of flowers.

The famous Russian breeder has a lot wonderful varieties, unfortunately, not all have survived. The brightest among them are Gaganov's favorite, Ogonyok Gaganova, Svyatogor. Regarding the Favorite, one can say: “The spool is small, but expensive.” A short, robust plant with a dense inflorescence has a bright, unique color; the flowers are velvety and do not fade in the sun. Look at the phloxes of the great master and be sad with me that there is no such garden in Moscow where you can admire the blooming phloxes. Near Berlin there is the garden of Karl Forster, a famous German breeder who created his varieties at the same time as Gaganov. Flower lovers from all over the world go on excursions to this garden. In 1958, Pavel Gavrilovich created a new phlox and, as a sign of respect for the outstanding breeder, named it Carl Forster.

I dare to hope that we won’t be sad for long. A member of our section, Igor Matveev, a biologist by training, a phlox grower by vocation, became the curator of the phlox collection in Botanical Garden Moscow State University. And our section decided to help create a truly unique phloxarium, where there would be areas with varieties of famous breeders, with varieties that were winners of phlox section exhibitions from 1967 to 2010, with phloxes of the modern Moscow breeder Yuri Andreevich Reprev.

Simultaneously with Gaganov, Ekaterina Dmitrievna Kharchenko worked in Ukraine at the National Botanical Garden of Kyiv, her varieties New, Childhood, Apple blossom, Nikolay Shchors, Festive Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko loved by many phlox connoisseurs. These are phloxes with a quality mark.

We were lucky that Yuri Andreevich Reprev, having become interested in collecting phloxes, in the 60s met and met with the then famous breeders P.G. Gaganov, A.P. Popov, E.D. Kharchenko. Meetings with P.G. Gaganov aroused his interest in breeding work. From his collection we received many domestic varieties of phlox.

You can write a poem about Reprev’s varieties; one can only wonder how a man created so many beautiful phloxes in his free time. These are varieties widely known to lovers: raspberry Pushkinsky, white-blue Zhukovsky, light blue Blue joy, smoky Ciurlionis, Secret, Gray lady, pink Aelite, Bogatyr, Katenka-Katyusha, purple-violet Moscow secret, lilac Russian And Sandro Botticelli, light purple Naughty and many others.

All of the listed phloxes have passed the test of time and the “strength test”; they are widely represented in the collections of members of the phlox section and in the gardens of Muscovites, and are often shown at exhibitions. This is the most objective criterion for the success of a variety.

I am often asked at lectures which phloxes are better, Russian or foreign. I immediately honestly admit that I prefer to have in my garden Russian varieties. Most of the foreign phlox we receive are industrial varieties. If you need to plant a field, clearing or lawn in a park, then they are good, that’s what they were created for, they don’t have large flowers, small inflorescences, strong stems, but they lack zest. Give our soul originality and beauty at the same time. If it’s the size, then it’s Russian, so that the flower is more than 5 cm; if the color is, then it’s not the same as everyone else’s, hence the appearance of smoky phloxes and the priority in their creation. Remember large-flowered varieties Elena Alekseevna Konstantinova: Master, Olympics, Miss Olga, Mirage, Igor Talkov, Vladimir. What foreign varieties can compare with them! A Michel Mercier Olga Borisovna Shevlyakova! Where can you find such a bright color burning in the sun. There are no modern foreign varieties that are five points larger in color or size than ours. And all because our phloxes are an exclusive piece product, while foreign ones are mass production.

Members of our section have been and continue to be actively involved in breeding new phloxes. We have many beautiful, worthy seedlings with the characteristics of the variety. Many of them have stood the test of time, found wide distribution and gained fame ( Milky Way , Blue porcelain, Crown Fetisova I.V., Versace, Vision, Florence Kolokolenkova T.N., Heat, Kuma Kulikova E.F., Anna-Maria, Monomakh's Hat, Sophia, silver ring Khvatova V.N., Isabelle, Michel Mercier Shevlyakova O.B.).

U Wentz violet-lilac center and silver-gray shading along the edge of the petals. The bush is not very tall, but the inflorescence is large, round-conical; as it blooms, it becomes even larger due to the side shoots. In white-lilac Kumas The inflorescence is so dense that the leaves are practically invisible. Michel Mercier - the first beauty at the phlox flower ball. It looks especially attractive in a sunny place, where the burning purple color is visible in all its glory, which is very advantageously emphasized by an even darker center with bright yellow stamens. Vision- phlox with a quality mark. He has all the best with a very big plus: a beautiful pink-lilac color, a dense, elongated inflorescence, large flowers and long time flowering. Phlox Monomakh's hat really good in a number of ways, its flowers are velvety, violet-purple, and the inflorescence is large. At our phlox exhibitions he was among the prize-winners.

Quite recently they showed their first works by N.L. Teplov. and Kruglov. Attracted attention soft pink Ariadne, lilac with a dark pink ring in the center shimmering, bright reddish-orange with haze Gunsmith Teplovoy N.L. Visitors to the exhibition really liked the lilac-lilac color Cornflower and hot pink Vasilisa Kruglov.

But it’s best to visit our phlox exhibitions and see everything with your own eyes. I invite flower lovers to admire phlox at our summer exhibitions. There you can get acquainted with new and old foreign varieties, as well as with the achievements of the Russian breeding school, and make your choice.

Photo N.R. Ivanova, N.K. Kvyatkovskaya, G.V. Kruglova, O.B. Shevlyakova, V.N. Khvatova

Varieties of phlox amaze the imagination with their diversity. It seems that they are created for literally any occasion and occasion. In the catalog of phlox varieties on this page you can find varieties for making bouquets, low-growing ground cover species, flowers for. Descriptions of phlox varieties will help you get a first idea about them, and you can reinforce it by looking at the images. The presented names of phlox varieties are official. It is necessary to remember that in everyday life they may have other, “folk” names, so you should still be guided not by the names of the varieties, but by their appearance and detailed descriptions. Get acquainted with the varieties, choose those suitable for the flower arrangement in your area. The information provided includes all botanical characteristics. They will help determine whether the variety is suitable for certain climatic conditions.

The best varieties of paniculate phlox: description and photo

The following are varieties of paniculate phlox, which is extremely common in garden plots.

‘Alexander Immer’

Flower diameter 3.0 - 3.7 cm; purple-raspberry, even tone; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is flat-spherical, small, of medium density. Bush 45 - 50 cm high, durable. This best variety paniculate phlox with medium flowering period, winter-hardy, moderately resistant to fungi.


The description of this variety of paniculate phlox should begin with the fact that its flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.5 - 4.0 cm; white, slightly bluish; In hot weather, a star-shaped peephole may appear. The inflorescence is round, of medium density. Bush 50 - 55 cm high, semi-spreading, medium leafy. It reproduces well. Medium flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, tolerates adverse weather conditions well.


Flower diameter 3.8 - 4.2 cm; light pink with a light raspberry ring; does not fade in the sun. The petals are slightly wavy. The inflorescence is round-conical, very large, dense, beautifully folded. Bush 60-70 cm high, compact, durable. Stems are pubescent. The leaves are matte and directed downwards. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Dense pinkish-lilac large non-opening buds in a small dense conical inflorescence; In some years, partial opening of single buds is observed. The bush is 50 - 70 cm high, compact, durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well. Medium flowering variety, winter hardy.

Look at this variety of paniculate phlox in the photo, which shows all its advantages.


The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.9 - 4.0 cm; salmon pink with a center highlight; fades a little in the sun. Petals with wavy edges. The tube is purple. The inflorescence is hemispherical, quite dense. The bush is 65 - 70 cm high, compact, powerful, durable, grows quickly. The leaves are dark green. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to fungal diseases, tolerates adverse weather conditions, and is heat-resistant.


Flower diameter 4.0 - 4.2 cm; light purple with a large radiant white star. The inflorescence is round, large, dense. Bush 50 - 70 cm high, compact, durable. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

'Dove of peace'

The flower is wheel-shaped, slightly convex, with a diameter of 3.6 - 4.0 cm; pure white. The inflorescence is pyramidal, large, dense. The bush is 70 - 90 cm high, erect, durable, well-leafed, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The variety has a mid-early flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates adverse weather conditions well.

Varieties of blue phlox

The following are blue varieties of phlox, which are actually purple in color with different shades. Blue flowers appear in certain lighting. But this gives additional charm to the flower.

‘Blue Otrada’

Flower diameter 3.8 - 4.0 cm; during the day, light bluish-violet with a highlight in the center and a small dark purple eye; In the evening and indoors it is bluish. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, of medium density. Bush 80 - 100 cm high, durable. Stems are pubescent. Medium grade late date flowering, winter-hardy, moderately resistant to fungal diseases.

'The Dragon'

Flower diameter 3.7 - 4.0 cm; at first dark purple-violet, later gray-silver; in the center is a bright purple-violet star. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. Bush 70 - 90 cm high, durable. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


The flower is 3.6 cm in diameter, shaped like a hyacinth flower with rounded petals; white with bluish-violet shades. The buds are blue. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, medium-density, openwork. The bush is 80 - 100 cm high, powerful, semi-spreading, growing quickly. The stems are thin and strong. It reproduces well. Medium flowering variety, resistant to fungal diseases; has great vitality.


The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.0 - 3.8 cm; light lilac, lighter towards the center, with lilac shadows along the edges of the petals and a purple ring. The inflorescence is spherical-conical, branched, large, and quite dense. The bush is 50 - 65 cm high, durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well. A medium-late flowering variety, moderately resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Igor Talkov’

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 4.3 (to 4.8) cm; dark purple with a whitish center, half of the petal is lighter in tone; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is hemispherical, large, dense. The bush is 70 - 75 cm high, compact, durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well. A mid-early flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases. Has great vitality. Look at these varieties of phlox in the photo, which illustrates all the aesthetic properties of the flower.

Pink varieties of phlox

Pink varieties of phlox are distinguished by their sophistication both in bouquet arrangements and when decorating flower beds. The most interesting of them are presented below.


The flower is wheel-shaped, 4.0 cm in diameter; light coral (pink, warm tone with a salmon tint) with a carmine ring. The inflorescence is oval, dense. The bush is 70 - 85 cm high, erect, very durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The leaves are not pubescent. Flowering is abundant and very long lasting. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.

"Smoky Coral"

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 4.5 (to 5.0) cm; coral pink with a grayish-smoky tint to the edges of the petals. The inflorescence is spherical, compact, large, dense. The bush is 60 - 80 cm high, compact, powerful, durable. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.


Flower diameter 3.8 - 4.0 cm; light pink, even tone; does not fade in the sun. The tube is short. The inflorescence is round-conical, quite large, very dense. Bush 50 -60 cm high, compact, semi-spreading, durable. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower with a diameter of 4.5 (to 4.8) cm; light salmon pink with a carmine ring. The inflorescence is round-conical, very large, dense. Bush 65 - 70 cm high, compact, durable. Medium flowering variety, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 4.3 - 4.5 cm; delicate pink shadows on the white field of petals. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. Bush 60 - 70 cm high, durable, beautiful. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases. Look at these varieties of phlox in the photo, a description of which can be found under the name of each flower above on the page.

'Johann Sebastian Bach'

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 4.0 - 4.3 cm; red-crimson with gray shading. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, branched, of medium density. The bush is 80 cm high, semi-spreading, durable, growing quickly. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

Varieties of red phlox

Varieties of red phlox have a rich palette of petal color shades. The most unusual of them are offered below.

‘Gaganov’s Favorite’

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.5 - 3.7 cm; very bright, brilliant blood red, even thick tone, velvety; does not fade in the sun, does not deteriorate from rain and dew. The inflorescence is spherical, large, and very dense. The bush is 40 - 50 cm high, compact, durable, grows slowly. Medium-late flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 4.0 - 4.5 cm; pinkish-pearl with a dim raspberry ring; does not fade in the sun, does not deteriorate from rain. The petals are diamond-shaped with pointed tips. The inflorescence is round, large, loose. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, erect, durable, grows well. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, and is moderately resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Maria Fedorovna’

Flower diameter 5.0 - 5.5 cm; deep carmine pink with a salmon tint, with slight highlighting and a small ring slightly darker than the main tone; does not fade in the sun. The petals are slightly wavy. The inflorescence is pyramidal. The bush is up to 100 cm high, erect, grows quickly. Characteristic is cracking of the stems. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.

‘Michelle Mercier’

Flower diameter 4.2 - 4.5 cm; purple, very bright, velvety, “burning” in the sun, with a bright red eye and yellow stamens; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 80 cm high, needs support, grows well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Moscow Dawns’

Flower diameter 3.7 - 4.0 cm; raspberry with a whitish center and a raspberry ring; fades slightly in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, durable, grows quickly. The leaves are dark green. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions. Look at the varieties of phlox proposed above with the names in the photo, which illustrates everything that is said in the description:

White varieties of phlox perennials with photos and names

White varieties of phlox are distinguished by a rich variety of color combinations on the petals. Pure white phlox is not very interesting. It is much more pleasant to grow flowers with colorful splashes on a white field.


The flower is wheel-shaped, 3.8 cm in diameter; milky white with purple dots in the center. The petals overlap greatly. The pipe is mauve with stripes. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense, beautifully folded. The bush is 80 - 90 cm high, compact, powerful, erect, durable. It reproduces well. Medium-late flowering variety, winter-hardy.


Flower diameter 3.5 cm; bluish-light violet with a white center (in the sun the mass is pale blue). The inflorescence is spherical-conical, very large, dense. The bush is 60 - 70 cm high, compact, erect, closed, durable, well-leafed, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.


Flower up to 4.2 cm in diameter; original color of the flower: bright purple shadows along the white field of the petals, in the center there is a crimson ring. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. The bush is 80 cm high, compact, durable, grows quickly. The stems are thick. It reproduces well. Medium-late flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 4.2 - 4.5 cm; white with a bluish tint. The petals are slightly wavy. The buds are bluish. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, of medium density. The bush is 80 cm high, durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Maria Fedorovna’

Flower diameter 3.3 - 3.8 cm; on the white field of the petal there is a wide, dense pink stripe in the center; in the center of the flower there are crimson rays; The color is unstable, reversion is possible - the appearance of monochromatic and hatched flowers. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, compact, durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well. Early flowering variety, winter hardy.


The flower is wheel-shaped, 3.2 - 3.3 cm in diameter; on the white field of the petal there is a wide purple-crimson stripe in the center; does not fade in the sun, but becomes a little lighter as it blooms; The color is not stable, reversion is possible. The inflorescence is pyramidal, of medium density. The bush is up to 100 cm high, durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well. An early flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Nadezhda Pavlova’

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.3 - 3.6 cm; white with a purple-violet ring. The inflorescence is pyramidal, dense. The bush is 80 - 90 cm high, compact, erect, durable, well-leafed, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, closer to mid-late, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases. Look at all these varieties of perennial phlox in the photo, the names of which are suggested above on the page:

Orange types and varieties of phlox (with photos)

Types and varieties of phlox in the modern world of floriculture have the most unusual shades petal colors. Look further at the orange varieties of phlox that will successfully decorate absolutely any flower garden.

‘Moscow Fairy Tale’

Flower diameter 4.0 cm; salmon-orange with a thin raspberry ring. back side petals are light. In hot weather the flower is star-shaped. The inflorescence is pyramidal, of medium size and density. Bush up to 60 cm high, erect. Medium flowering variety.

‘New Joys’

The flower is wheel-shaped, 4.3 cm in diameter; orange-red; does not fade in the sun. The petals overlap; The reverse side of the petals is light. The inflorescence is oval, dense, beautifully folded. The bush is 80 cm high, durable, grows quickly. It reproduces well.

Medium flowering variety, winter hardy


Flower up to 3.5 cm in diameter; bright fiery; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is pyramidal, of medium density. The bush is 80 - 90 cm high, powerful, erect, closed, densely foliaged. Stems are anthocyanin colored. The leaves are light green, with brown veins underneath. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period and is moderately resistant to fungal diseases.

'Cecil Hanbury'('Cecil Hanbury')

Flower diameter 3.7 - 4.0 cm; orangey-pink with a slight raspberry tint, a highlight in the center and a raspberry star; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, and quite dense. The bush is 80 - 90 cm high, durable, slightly loose, heavily leafy. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases. Look at these types and varieties of phlox in the photo, which illustrates the richness of shades:

Perennial varieties of low-growing phlox

Perennial varieties of low-growing phlox look great in ridges and embossed flower beds. The following are varieties of low-growing phlox with different types petal colors.

‘Maria Nagibina’

Flower diameter 3.0 - 3.5 cm; pale pink with a lilac tint, with a wide carmine ring. The petals curl upward to form a star-shaped flower. The inflorescence is pyramidal, dense. Bush 20 - 25 cm high, erect. The leaves are concave and point downwards. Medium flowering variety, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 4.0 cm; light pink, pale pink as it blooms. The inflorescence is round-conical, quite large, dense. Bush 20 - 25 (up to 30) cm high, compact, durable, well-leafed. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 3.5 - 4.0 cm; light pink with a carmine ring. The inflorescence is round, large, dense. The bush is up to 40 cm high, compact, durable, and grows quickly. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. It reproduces well. Medium flowering variety, winter hardy.


Flower diameter 3.6 - 4.3 cm; warm pink with a salmon tint, with a white eye; does not fade in the sun; in hot weather a thin raspberry ring may appear. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. Bush 40 cm high, erect, durable. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.


Flower diameter 3.8 - 4.0 cm; white with a slight bluish tint and short lilac rays from the center. The buds are blue. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. The bush is 20 - 25 cm high, durable, beautiful, grows quickly. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. It reproduces well. A mid-early flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 3.7 cm; unevenly lilac-pink with a small white eye. The inflorescence is round, medium in size, dense. Bush 30 cm high, compact. The stems are strong. Medium flowering variety, winter hardy.


Flower diameter 4.0 - 4.3 cm; white with blue-blue shadows and purple dots in the center. The buds are blue and bright. The inflorescences are round and dense. The bush is 20 - 25 cm high, compact, erect, durable, well-leafed, grows quickly. Flowering is long lasting. It reproduces well. The variety has a mid-late flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.

Varieties of blue paniculate phlox with large flowers

Blue varieties of phlox amazingly set off the splendor of roses and the simplicity of marigolds. Look at the varieties of paniculate phlox with large flowers further on the page where they are given brief descriptions, names and other necessary information.


The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.5 - 3.7 cm; during the day, lilac, even tone; in the evening, in cloudy weather and indoors blue-blue; a white eye may appear. The petals are slightly wavy. The inflorescence is round-conical, medium-sized, dense. The bush is 65 - 70 cm high, compact, durable, grows quickly. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, and is moderately resistant to fungal diseases.


The flower is wheel-shaped, up to 4.0 cm in diameter; soft pink with a large white center and a bright carmine ring; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is spherical-conical, large, dense. The bush is 60 - 70 cm high, erect, durable, well-leafed, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates adverse weather conditions well.

‘Autumn Bouquet’

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.0 - 3.5 (up to 3.8) cm; pale lilac pink; turns white as it blooms. At the beginning of flowering, the edges of the petals are curved upward. The tube is deep lilac. The inflorescence is round, medium in size, dense. The bush is 60-70 cm high, compact, erect, durable, well-leafed. The leaves are dark green. Flowering is long lasting. The variety has a mid-late flowering period, is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to fungal diseases, but tolerates adverse weather conditions well.

'Sandro Botticelli'.

Flower with a diameter of 4.5 (to 5.0) cm; during the day lilac, even tone; bluish in the evening; fades slightly in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, quite large, of medium density. The bush is 70 - 75 cm high, durable, grows quickly. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

'Blue ocean'

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.8 - 4.0 cm; violet-lilac during the day, turns blue in the evening; fades slightly in the sun. The inflorescence is round, medium in size, dense. The bush is 60 - 65 cm high, durable, grows quickly. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Lilac Caprice’

Flower diameter 3.5 - 3.6 cm; pale lilac with darker shadows and a purple ring. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 60 cm high, loose, grows well. Flowering is abundant. Medium early flowering variety.

‘Lilac Miracle’

The flower is wheel-shaped, 5.0 cm in diameter; during the day lilac, even tone; bluish in the evening. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, of medium density. The bush is 80 - 90 cm high, powerful, durable, grows quickly. Medium flowering variety, winter hardy.

Varieties of perennial phlox: names and photos

Varieties of perennials in the country and personal plot. Below are varieties of perennial phlox with photos and names, among them you can find a suitable type for your flower garden.

‘Pink Tale’

Flower diameter 4.5 - 4.7 cm; light pink with a bright crimson eye. The inflorescence is round, quite large, of medium density. The bush is 70 - 90 cm high, compact, grows slowly. Medium flowering variety, resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Blush Girl’

Flower diameter 3.3 - 3.5 cm; white with pink shadows along one half of the petal (in hot weather the “blush” disappears). The buds are pink. The inflorescence is round-conical, medium-sized, dense. Bush 100 cm high, loose. The variety has a medium flowering period and freezes slightly in severe winters.

‘Pink Rayonant’

Flower up to 4.0 cm in diameter; pink with a light carmine tint and a large blurred carmine star in the center. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 70 cm high, durable, grows quite slowly. Medium flowering variety, winter hardy.


The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.8 - 4.0 cm; white with a blurred carmine red eye. The inflorescence is pyramidal, lush, of medium density. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, compact, powerful, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The variety has a mid-early flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates adverse weather conditions well.

'Russian beauty'

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 3.7 - 3.8 cm; deep pink with a raspberry tint, a slight highlight in the center; half of the petal is lighter in tone; fades to light pink in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, medium in size, quite dense. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, durable, grows quickly. Stems are dark. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 4.5 - 4.7 cm; bright red with a cinnabar tint, even, pure tone; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is round, of medium density. Bush 45 - 50 cm high, compact, durable. The variety has a mid-early flowering period, is winter-hardy, and is moderately resistant to fungal diseases.

'Shy girl'

Flower diameter 3.8 - 4.0 cm; pale pink, warm tone, uniform color (apple tree color). The inflorescence is spherical-conical, medium-sized, dense. The bush is 60 -70 cm high, durable, grows well. Medium-late flowering variety.

'Old man'

Flower diameter 3.6 - 3.8 cm; purple-violet; As it blooms, the original silvery shading appears and gradually intensifies, the flower appears silvery, the center of the flower remains purple-violet. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 70 - 90 cm high, compact, durable, grows quickly. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases. Look at these varieties of perennial phlox in the photo, which shows the appearance of each flower:

New early varieties of phlox

New varieties of phlox are always in high demand. We invite you to pay attention to the following early varieties of phlox, which will delight the eye with flowering in any climatic conditions.

'Sleeping Beauty'

Flower diameter 3.5 - 3.7 cm; white with a barely noticeable lilac-bluish shadow (blue). The tube is purple. The inflorescence is spherical, flat, large. Bush 60 - 70 cm high, durable. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, and is moderately resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 3.8 - 4.0 cm; purple-raspberry, even tone; may appear in cool weather white center; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is pyramidal, of medium size and density. Bush 90 - 110 cm high, erect, well leafy. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.

'Taras Shevchenko'

The flower is wheel-shaped, 3.7 cm in diameter; deep coral pink with an orange tint and slight lightening towards the center; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. Bush 80 cm high, powerful, durable. Medium flowering variety.


The flower is wheel-shaped, 3.0 - 3.5 cm in diameter; soft bluish-lilac with a light raspberry ring; morning and evening bluish. The petals are slightly wavy. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. The bush is 65 - 80 cm high, semi-spreading, durable, growing quickly. Leaves are elongated. It reproduces well. A mid-early flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

‘Apple Blossom’

The flower is wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 4.5 (to 4.8) cm; soft pink, warm tone with a large white center; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is umbellate, large, dense. Bush 50-60 cm high, compact, durable. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower up to 5.0 cm in diameter; deep pink with a carmine ring; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. The bush is up to 80 cm high, compact, durable, grows slowly. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

Ground cover varieties of phlox


This ground cover variety of phlox has a flower with a diameter of 3.7 cm; light purple (almost white) with transitions to white, with a cherry ring; in the evening and in cloudy weather it turns blue. Petals are corrugated. The inflorescence is spherical-conical, very dense. Bush 50 - 60 cm high, compact, durable. It reproduces well. The variety has a medium flowering period, winter-hardy, and low resistance to fungal diseases.

'Dear friend'

Flower diameter 4.3 cm; pink, warm tone with a pink-purple blurred center. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. Bush 65 cm high, compact, durable. Medium flowering variety.

The best varieties of tall phlox

The best varieties of phlox are those that can be planted along the fence and forget about the existence of the fence. Varieties of tall phlox can be viewed further on this page: the description will allow you to understand how suitable they are for the site.


Flower diameter 3.0 - 3.5 cm; at the beginning of the bloom there is a thick beige haze on the lilac-lilac background (beige-pearl effect); in the center there is a large white radiant star with a purple halo, occupying 2/3 of the radius of the flower’s corolla; as it blooms, the star becomes lilac-lilac, and the edges of the corolla become silver (the star zone and the edges of the petals reversely change color); in the morning the star has a cool lavender hue, in the center there is a thin ring of the same shade as the star’s halo. The inflorescence is round-conical, dense. The bush is 80 - 100 cm high, compact, erect, grows well. Medium-late flowering variety.


Flower diameter 2.4 cm; soft pink with a thin white ring; At the beginning of flowering, the center is slightly more intense in color. The reverse side of the petals is white and pink. The inflorescence is round-conical with projections, large, dense. Bush 100 cm high, erect. Leaves are lanceolate, concave. Medium flowering variety.


Flower diameter 4.2 - 4.5 cm; mid-tone lilac-purple (evenly purple); As flowering progresses, a silver-gray haze appears and intensifies. The inflorescence is round and quite dense. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, powerful, semi-spreading, durable, growing quickly. Medium flowering variety.


Flower diameter 3.5 cm; lilac-lilac; The color is more saturated in the center and gradually becomes lighter towards the edges of the petals to a thin white edge. Basic tone buds. The tube is purple. The inflorescence is oval-conical, large, of medium density. Bush 90 cm high, erect. Medium flowering variety.


Flower diameter 3.5 cm; pink-raspberry; The color is more saturated in the center and gradually becomes lighter towards the edges of the petals to a thin white edge. Basic tone buds. The tube is dark pink. The inflorescence is oval-conical, large, of medium density. Bush 90 cm high, erect. Medium flowering variety.


Flower diameter 4.4 - 5.0 (5.6) cm; During the day, ash-dense pink with a bright raspberry-pink star in the center; silver in the morning and evening. The petals are slightly elongated, slightly separated from one another. The inflorescence is inclined, round-conical, of medium size and density. The leaves are dark green, elongated. The bush is 80 - 90 cm high, semi-spreading, grows slowly.


The flower is wheel-shaped, 3.0 - 3.5 cm in diameter; white with delicate pinkish-lilac shades and a lilac-pink ring; in hot weather it lightens to white. The petals overlap. The inflorescence is large and dense. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, compact, durable, grows quickly. Stems with short internodes. Medium flowering variety.


The flower is wheel-shaped, 3.5 cm in diameter; pure pink with a bright carmine wide ring. The inflorescence is conical with projections, large, dense. The bush is 135 cm high, erect, grows quickly. Late flowering variety.

The most beautiful varieties of phlox

Well, the time has come to present the most beautiful varieties of phlox for cultivation in the garden. When starting to study beautiful varieties of phlox, it is important to understand that their cultivation will require a fairly large space. So don't be greedy. Buy only the best types.


Flower diameter 4.3 cm; bright, crimson red with a darker eye. The inflorescence is round-conical, dense. Bush 75 cm high, compact, durable. Medium flowering variety.


Flower diameter 3.5 - 3.6 cm; lilac-purple with a white center; As flowering progresses, a silvery haze appears, the white center gradually acquires the color of the main tone. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 90 cm high and grows well. Medium flowering variety.


The flower is 4.3 cm in diameter, reminiscent of a forget-me-not flower; lilac during the day, blue and bright in the evening. The inflorescence is hemispherical. Bush 70 cm high, compact, durable. Medium flowering variety.


Flower diameter 4.0 cm; purple-raspberry, bright; As it blooms, a silvery haze appears, the center of the flower remains crimson. The inflorescence is medium in size and dense. The bush is 80 - 85 cm high, grows slowly. Medium flowering variety.

‘Bird Sirin’

The flower is star-shaped, 2.0 - 2.4 cm in diameter; during the day, lilac with a whitish star; In the evening and in cloudy weather it turns blue. The inflorescence is large, branched. The bush is 70 - 80 cm high, durable, grows quickly. Stems are dark. The variety has a medium flowering period and has great vitality.


The flower initially has a cup-shaped shape, as it blooms, the cup-shaped shape may not be retained in all flowers, with a diameter of 4.0 - 4.5 cm; dark purple-crimson with a darker center. The reverse side of the petals is light. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. Bush 100 - 120 cm high, powerful. Medium-late flowering variety.

‘Faina Ranevskaya’

Flower diameter 3.8 cm; matte red. The inflorescence is pyramidal, large, and quite dense. The bush is 100 cm high, powerful, erect, durable, grows quickly. The stems are thick. The edges of the leaves are drooping down. Flowering is long lasting. Medium flowering variety, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 3.5 - 4.0 cm; deep purple with a carmine eye; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is spherical, medium in size, quite dense. Bush 60 cm high, compact, erect. The variety has a medium flowering period and is moderately resistant to fungal diseases.


The flower is 3.7 - 4.2 cm in diameter, light pink with a faint crimson ring; deteriorates from humidity and temperature changes. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, of medium density. Bush 70 - 90 cm high, erect, durable. Flowering is long lasting. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and does not tolerate unfavorable weather conditions.

'Blue Bed' ('Blue Bird')

Flower diameter 4.0 - 4.3 cm; white with lilac-blue shadows and a purple ring. The buds are lilac-blue. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 80 cm high, durable, well-leafed, grows quickly. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

'Blue Paradise'

Flower diameter 3.7 - 4.2 cm; during the day, lilac with a slight highlight in the center and a dark purple ring; in the morning, evening and in cloudy weather, blue-blue with a dark blue-violet ring. The petals are slightly wavy. The inflorescence is round-conical, of medium size and density. The bush is 100 - 120 cm high, semi-spreading, durable, growing quickly. Stems are dark. The variety has a medium flowering period, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 1.5 - 2.0 cm; bright, dark crimson; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, of medium density. The bush is up to 150 cm high, powerful, and grows quickly. Flowering is long lasting. Medium-late flowering variety, winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


Flower diameter 3.7 - 4.0 cm; pink with a slight highlight in the center and a ring darker than the main tone; does not fade in the sun. The petals are slightly wavy. The inflorescence is round-conical, very dense. The bush is up to 90 cm high, compact, dense, erect, durable, well-leafed, grows quickly. Stems are dark. Leaves are elongated. It reproduces well. The variety has a mid-late flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.


Flower diameter 3.8 - 4.0 cm; raspberry pink; does not fade in the sun. The inflorescence is round, medium in size, dense. Bush 70 cm high, compact, durable. Medium flowering variety, winter hardy.

'Dorffroide' ('Dorffreude')

Flower diameter 3.5 cm; pink-lilac with a pale carmine ring; As it blooms it turns pale. The inflorescence is round-conical, loose. Bush 100 cm high, erect. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.


The flower is wheel-shaped, 3.5 - 3.8 cm in diameter; white with a carmine ring. The inflorescence is pyramidal, large, dense, beautifully folded. The bush is 80 cm high, compact, powerful, dense, erect, durable, well-leafed, beautiful, grows quickly. It reproduces well. The variety has a mid-late flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases, and tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.

'Jules Sandot' ('Jules Sandeau')

Flower diameter 4.0 - 4.5 cm; raspberry pink with a thin ring slightly darker than the main tone. The reverse side of the petals is light. The petals are slightly wavy, the edges are slightly raised. The inflorescence is round, medium in size, dense. Bush 50 - 60 cm high, compact, durable. Stems with a brownish tint. The leaves are dark green, wide, shiny. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, resistant to fungal diseases.

Varieties of annual phlox (with photos)

Varieties of annual phlox can often be grown in a perennial culture. This is indicated by the winter hardiness parameter. If it is high, then the bushes will successfully overwinter under snow cover.

‘Silberlax’ ('Silberlachs')

Flower diameter 4.0 cm; silver-pink-lilac with characteristic shading, dim highlighting towards the center, with a ring slightly darker than the main tone. The inflorescence is round-conical, large, dense. The bush is 90 - 100 cm high, compact, erect, durable, well-leafed, beautiful, grows slowly. Stems are dark. The variety has a medium flowering period, is winter-hardy, and is moderately resistant to fungal diseases.

Phlox, Phlox. Phlox are beautifully flowering herbaceous perennial plants; Drummond's phlox (Phlox drammondii) is the only annual among them. The flowers are fragrant, collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences, less often solitary. Many natural species are spring-blooming (May) plants; paniculate phlox (Phlox paniculata) blooms in July-August.

Types and varieties of phlox

About 60 species, native to North America, where they grow in wet floodplain meadows (large phlox) or on rocks.

Phlox classification:

According to the habit of the bush, phloxes are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

I - tall or bushy (from 30 to 150 cm in height) - paniculate phlox, Arends phlox, etc.;

II - creeping (from 5 to 25 cm in height) - subulate phlox, lovely phlox, spreading phlox, etc.

Depending on the flowering period, varieties are divided into:

early (beginning of flowering - the first ten days of July);

medium (early August);

late (third ten days of August).

Based on the duration of flowering, three groups of phlox are also distinguished:

I - long-flowering (more than 35 days);

II - average flowering duration (25 - 35 days);

III - short-flowering (20 - 25 days).

Of the second group, the most popular are: Douglas phlox - a plant 5-7 cm high (blooms in June-July); phlox splayed - a plant 20-25 cm high with bluish flowers collected in loose inflorescences (blooms in May-June); phlox awl-shaped - a plant 8-15 cm high with small leaves and with flowers of white, crimson or pink (blooms from mid-May for a month); Drummond's phlox.

Phlox paniculata

One of the most popular plants. The height of the bush is from 40 to 180 cm. It has straight leafy stems ending in dense paniculate inflorescences (spherical, conical, cylindrical or pyramidal in shape). Leaves are opposite or alternate, lanceolate, entire. The flowers are large, from 2 to 5 cm in diameter, collected in terminal inflorescences umbellate, pyramidal or cone-shaped. The color of the flowers is white, pink, red, purple, except yellow or pure blue. The plant has a racemose root system consisting of numerous adventitious roots. These roots branch strongly and can develop a soil volume of 30 cm in depth and 50-60 cm in diameter. The assortment of paniculata phlox is currently very wide.

Popular varieties of paniculata phlox by flowering time:

Early varieties: "The Scarlet Flower "(carmine red with dark spot), " Muscovite" (dense lilac-pink with a purple eye), " Krasnaya Presnya"(light crimson), " Troza" (blue-violet), Arctic" (white);

Medium varieties: "Aurora" (coral pink with white center), " Africa" (bright purple with a carmine eye), " New"(lilac blue with dark center), " Panama" (white);

Late varieties:"Viking"(dense pink), " Kirmeslander"(white with red eye), " Winter Merchen"(white).

Popular varieties of paniculata phlox by color:

White:"Europe" (white with light carmine eye), " Hochgesang"(pure white), " Alyonushka"(white with a bright crimson eye), " Mishenka" (white with light purple-violet stroke), " Pink Bride" (white with a bright fuzzy crimson-red center);

Smoky:"Vrubel"(dark purple, smoky with a raspberry ring), " I.S. Bach"(reddish-crimson with a gray haze and a carmine ring, slightly wavy petals), " Ural Tales" (dark pink with a smoky ring around the center);

Pink:"Fesselballon"(pink with a red eye), " Sieberlachs"(pink-lilac, silver), " Girl of the Moscow Region"(pink with a faint crimson eye), " Youth" (light pink), "Fairy tale"(pink with salmon tint), " Youth" (pink-lilac with a large white center);

Salmonids:"Jules Sandeau"(bright salmon pink with a small crimson eye), "Waltz"(salmon pink with a highlight in the center), " The joy of life"(salmon pink with a red tint), " Regina"(salmon pink);

Red:"Starfire" (Dark red), " Alarm"(carmine red with a coral tint), " Svyatogor"(scarlet-red);

Orange:"Ivan-Zarya" (orange-red);

Purple:"Aida"(purple-lilac), " Gangway" (purple-reddish);

Lilac, lilac:"Prospero" (pale lilac with a large white center); " Amadeus"(light lilac with a large white center), " Blues"(lilac), " Storm"(lilac-violet with a small crimson ring), " Mirage"(pale lilac, violet-purple bud), " Lilac Miracle"(lavender-lilac);

Raspberry:"Katyusha", "Kobzar""(raspberry-purple), " Moscow Dawns"(crimson with a whitish star and a crimson eye), " Taras Shevchenko"(raspberry with a lilac tint);

Blue, violet, lilac-blue:"Blue Moon" (dark purple with a bluish tint), " Le Madhi" (dark violet-blue with a faint carmine eye), "Blue Otrada"" (light bluish purple with dark purple eye), " Blue smoke"(light bluish), " New"(white-lilac-blue), " Night"(lilac).

Phlox paniculata variety Success

Phlox drummonda

Perennial herbaceous plant, cultivated as an annual. The bushes are erect, 20-50 cm high, densely branched. The flowers are carnation-shaped, white, red, pink, purple, yellow, bicolor, fragrant, collected in wide dense racemes.

All varieties are divided into two groups:

grandiflora- plants up to 45 cm tall, large flowers,

low compact- dwarf plants, 15-20 cm tall.

Popular varieties and mixtures of Drummond phlox:

"Feueiball"- 25-35 cm high, the inflorescences are large, bright red with a star-shaped eye;

"Schneeball"- 18-22 cm high, dense inflorescences, 7-9 cm in diameter, white flowers with a yellowish-green tint;

Variety mix b Beauty Mixed- low 15-20 cm in height, flowers are very bright, of various colors;

Variety mixture Grandiflora- 35-45 cm high with large inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter;

Variety mixture Perricoat Mixed- only 10 cm high with small flowers, 1.25 cm in diameter, different colors and long flowering;

Variety mixture Twinkle Mixed- 15-20 cm high, star-shaped flowers.

Annual phlox requires a sunny, warm place with rich, limed, fairly moist soil.

Phlox divaricata, canadensis

The bush is 20-30 cm high, the stems are thin and strong. The leaves are ovoid, pointed, up to 5 cm long. The flowers are small, fragrant, white, lilac, purple, collected in hemispherical inflorescences. Blooms in May-June.

Creeping low-growing phloxes are one of the best jewelry sunny rocky rockeries.

Phlox subulata, Phlox setacea

An evergreen creeping subshrub 15-17 cm high. Blooms profusely from mid-May, repeated flowering is possible in late August-early September. The color of the flowers is varied: from white, pink, to purple and lilac with different shades and intensities. The species winters well, but in low places it can become damp.

The species is propagated by dividing the bush during the season and by cuttings before and after flowering. The juvenile needs a transplant every 3-4 years.

Popular varieties of phlox subulate:

Aurora- flowers are pale pink, almost white; CandyStrips- the flowers are white with a pink stripe in the center of the petal; Maischnee- white flowers; MiniPurple- flowers of bright purple color; Temiscaming- flowers are very bright dark crimson-purple.

Phlox amoena

An erect bush, 20 cm high. The stems are thin but strong. Leaves are lanceolate, slightly pubescent. The flowers are small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in dense umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The color of the flowers is white, pink, carmine.

Phlox care

Phloxes are quite whimsical. The place for planting them is chosen so that the plants are shaded during the midday hours, otherwise their flowers fade. The greatest decorative effect is achieved on loose, sufficiently fertilized and moist soils. Phlox is very sensitive to soil acidity and drops at a pH less than 6.5 in the summer. lower leaves. Depending on the acidity of the soil per 1 sq. m add 100-200 g of slaked lime. To ensure intensive growth and abundant flowering plants are fed five times per season. In early spring, apply per 1 sq. m 1-1.5 buckets of humus or compost and 30-40 g/m 2 phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. In mid-May, feed with mullein infusion (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20). After 2-3 weeks, fertilize by adding 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt or ash per 10 liters of infusion. At the end of June, feeding consists of superphosphate and potassium salt (15-20 g per 10 liters of water). After each feeding, the plants are watered abundantly. In late autumn, the above-ground part is cut off and burned. The culture is frost-resistant, so it does not require shelter for the winter. Phlox can be affected by powdery mildew, white spot, blight, verticillium wilt, curl, stem and northern root-knot nematodes.

Partner plants - for tall plants ideal partners would be roses, lilies, delphiniums; low-growing rockery plants are suitable for creeping plants.

Phlox propagation

Bush phloxes are propagated by dividing the bush, leaf, stem, root cuttings and seeds. Dividing the bush is the easiest way to propagate. Optimal time dividing and planting divisions - autumn, from the second half of August to mid-September, or spring - from the second half of April to early May. The delenka should have three to five old stems with buds at the base and a well-developed root system. Reproduction stem cuttings carried out from the end of May to the end of July (before the plants budding). Most in a productive way Propagation by leaf cuttings is considered. In July, before budding, a leaf with a part of the stem 2-3 mm thick and up to 1 cm long is cut from the stem. The leaf cutting must have a well-developed bud, which germinates when the cutting is planted in nutritious soil. The bud should be in the ground at a depth of 1 cm, and the leaf should be cut in half. Propagated by root cuttings in the fall. The roots are cut into pieces 6-8 cm long and planted in open ground. Phlox is propagated by seeds exclusively for breeding purposes. Creeping phlox is also propagated by cuttings into the ground or greenhouses in the second half of summer. Phlox charming and spreading are sometimes propagated by seeds. In this case, sowing is carried out immediately after collecting the seeds, otherwise they lose their viability. For 1 sq. m, 12-20 specimens (ground cover and annual species) and 6-8 specimens (paniculate species) are planted.