If you have sensitive nipples. Why do nipples become hard in men and women? Ectasia of the milk ducts

Nipples can begin to harden in both women and men. This phenomenon does not happen by chance! It occurs due to temperature changes, various kinds of touches and in special life situations. Therefore, today we will look in detail at why nipples become hard and what the consequences are.

Why do women's nipples get hard?

  1. Hard nipples due to low temperature
    Women may experience hardening of their nipples due to extreme cold. Please note that if the temperature drops gradually, this reaction will not occur. A very sharp change in temperature is important here. This process is explained by the reaction of muscle fibers. Due to the cold, they contract and change shape around the nipple. As a result, the nipple begins to harden. It usually returns to normal after 10 minutes.
  2. Pregnancy
    Surely pregnant girls noticed that their breasts constantly changed shape and volume over the course of 9 months. At the same time, the nipples became rougher and harder. This is not a dangerous condition that goes away completely after childbirth. You should worry if your nipples not only become hard, but also hurt. Then it is better to go to the doctor immediately.
  3. Menstrual cycle
    During menstruation and before the start of a period, a woman’s nipples may begin to harden. This property does not manifest itself in every girl. Therefore, if your nipples begin to harden for the first time during your menstrual cycle, you should also consult a doctor.
  4. Arousal and sexual desire
    A girl's nipples may also begin to harden during sex. This occurs in cases of strong excitement and pleasure. After sexual intercourse, the nipples will return to their reverse state.
  5. Bad underwear
    If a girl chooses the wrong bra, it can put a lot of pressure on, rub and make her nipples hard. Also, sometimes the material of the underwear causes skin allergies. Usually at this moment the breasts begin to turn red and itch. Change your underwear immediately and this reaction will disappear.
  6. Inflammation
    If a girl has hard nipples for a couple of weeks and this is accompanied by discomfort and pain, then most likely it is inflammation. You urgently need to take all the tests, check your body and visit a doctor. Inflammation can come from any organ in the body.

Why do men's nipples get hard?

If we were able to clarify all the reasons for women, now it’s the turn to deal with the male gender. Here are the main causes of hard nipples in men:

  1. Diseases
    During viral diseases in the body, the skin around the nipples will harden. This also indicates some kind of inflammatory processes. If your nipple discharges fluid or pus, seek medical treatment immediately.
  2. Excess alcohol
    If a man has had too much to drink, his nipples may also begin to harden. This is a normal reaction of alcohol to the male body. There is nothing to be afraid of here, since everything will pass after sobering up.
  3. Excitation
    Men's breasts are just as susceptible to arousal reactions as women's. During intercourse, nipples may also begin to harden.
  4. Growing up
    During puberty, boys often experience changes in their bodies: body hair grows and their voice becomes rougher. In this case, nipples can sometimes become hard for literally 10 minutes. However, if after this time the nipples do not return to their original state, they hurt and cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor.
  5. Cold water
    If suddenly exposed to a cold stream of water, the nipples may temporarily change their structure and shrink. This is the same reaction to cold as in women.


We have told you the main reasons for hard nipples in women and men. We have described in what situations you should not pay too much attention to hardening of the nipples and worry. However, there are special moments when it is important to urgently seek medical help so as not to cause harm to the body. This should be done if fluid is released from the nipples and they are very painful. Pus may simply begin to develop there, which it is advisable to prevent in the near future.

The nipple is a very delicate part of the female body. There are often cases where the nipples are sensitive or even painful. Pain in this area can vary: from discomfort and tingling to sharp cutting or stabbing pain, which can move to the area of ​​the shoulder blade or shoulder joint. Many girls wonder: why are nipples sensitive and what could be causing this?

Common reasons

There may be several reasons for the development of pathologies. Some can be easily cured, while others require urgent surgical intervention. It is necessary to find out whether very sensitive nipples are a temporary phenomenon or a manifestation of a serious illness. On average, about 15 hormones affect the breasts of any woman. The fact that the nipples become sensitive is proven by this process. Changes in the sensitivity of this delicate part of the body at different periods of a woman’s life may depend on several factors.

The reason is menstruation

Very often, girls and women are faced with the fact that their nipples become sensitive and their breasts become noticeably larger before the onset of menstruation. This process directly depends on the changes in hormonal levels in the female half of humanity during this period. The second part of the menstrual cycle means more progesterone production. This hormone is directly involved in the development of the inner lining of the uterus and stimulates the formation of glandular tissue directly in the mammary gland. Its maximum effect on the breast occurs on the 6-8th day of the second part of the menstrual cycle. Due to the work of progesterone, the breasts become larger, and the nipples will be much more sensitive. Often girls at such moments wear bras that have special softening components, although usually they did not require any special devices. This phenomenon in gynecological practice is called PMS. According to foreign scientists, this process occurs in 80% of girls during the menstrual cycle.

Very often, young girls confuse PMS with the onset of pregnancy, but all signs subside as soon as ovulation begins to approach. The nipples are sensitive and return to their original normal, no longer bringing such discomfort to their owner. Premenstrual syndrome is a complex system of clinical manifestations that develops in the luteal phase of the female cycle. The mechanism of this phenomenon is poorly understood. Its development depends on the activity of biologically active substances on the woman’s body.

The reason is ovulation

Nipples are also often sensitive when ovulation approaches. During this period, the natural process of releasing the egg from the ovary occurs. Ovulation also occurs due to the work of hormones, in particular estrogen. Under its influence, an enlargement of the follicle is recorded, and the endometrium is attracted to the egg. As the cycle progresses, the estrogen activity subsides and is replaced by luteinizing hormone. It causes rupture of the emerging follicle and release of the egg. At the same time, the breasts become tense and the nipples are sensitive.

Pregnancy as a cause of sensitivity

One of the first signs that a girl will soon become a mother is excessive nipple sensitivity. The development of such discomfort often infuriates women, causing not only discomfort, but also real rage. In this case, it is recommended to change your beautiful bra to the softest and most comfortable one. Some doctors recommend placing pieces of dense fabric inside the bust; this technique will help the girl prepare for the process of feeding the baby and reduce the sensitivity of tense nipples.

Causes of sensitivity in expectant mothers

Girls, being in an interesting position, not yet suspecting pregnancy, wonder why their nipples have become sensitive. A similar effect is attributed to natural phenomena that create certain conditions for the generation of offspring. The thing is that the nipples become sensitive to protect the breasts from unnecessary stimulation. Stimulation can cause the uterus to contract and cause miscarriage. Scientists have proven that such sensitivity is associated with changes in the female body and the preparation of the expectant mother for the process of feeding her baby. Even in the first months of pregnancy, expectant mothers feel that the mammary gland has become larger, denser and touching it causes pain. Such processes occur due to the active work of the hormone prolactin. It is impossible to avoid pain, because this is a natural process that does not require treatment. You can only alleviate the discomfort by using the most comfortable underwear.

Pain when feeding

After your baby is born, you may also develop pain and sensitivity in your nipples. Pain in the nipple area can develop due to the appearance of cracks or abrasions. Such manifestations are characteristic of improper feeding of the child or violations of breast care by a nursing mother. Often, incorrect or incorrect feeding causes the baby to refuse to breastfeed, which can have a very bad effect on his health. Pharmaceutical companies now offer many breast care products for breastfeeding, but you should consult a medical professional before using them.

Diseases causing sensitivity

Increased sensitivity and pain can develop with the following lesions:

  1. Mastitis. An infectious disease in which the mammary gland is hyperemic, painful, and has a dense consistency. Touch causes pain. Conservative and surgical methods are used for treatment.
  2. Candidiasis. A fungal infection that causes the nipples to hurt and itch. The nipples become swollen, blisters and cracks appear on the surface of the skin. If the disease is not treated, it can be transmitted to the baby during feeding.
  3. Lactostasis. A disease caused by stagnation of breast milk. To prevent the development of the disease, you need to put the baby to the breast more often.

Other causes of pain

  1. Injuries. The skin in the chest area is very soft and delicate and is susceptible to injury. Any crack, bruise or bite will cause unpleasant pain, and it can also become infected. For minor injuries, healing agents help well; for inflammatory processes, you should consult a doctor for treatment.
  2. Postponed surgeries. After undergoing operations in the breast area, such as breast correction, the appearance of pain is a common occurrence. If fluid accumulates or inflammation develops, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  3. Allergic reactions. The reasons for their development may be clothing or poorly washed laundry detergents. To relieve symptoms, you need to change hygiene items and take antihistamines.

The cause of nipple sensitivity can be anything. If there is even the slightest suspicion that a pathological process is developing, you should consult a doctor.

When a person discovers that their nipples have become too painful or hard, they begin to wonder whether these symptoms could indicate a serious health problem. The good news is that pain and hard nipples rarely indicate cancer or other dangerous diseases.

There is nothing alarming about nipples becoming irritated after certain types of physical activity, such as sports training. This usually resolves with simple treatments that mainly involve resting the nipples and some behavioral changes.

In this current article, we will outline the causes of nipple pain and hardness, look at how to manage symptoms of this condition, and indicate when you should see a doctor if you have nipple pain.

The content of the article:

Causes of hard and painful nipples

Sometimes hardness is the natural state of the nipples. The pain that comes with hardness can in many cases be prevented or controlled. The reasons for hard and sore nipples include the following.

1. Exercise and sports

Hard nipples rarely indicate dangerous diseases

Physical activity can cause nipple friction and pain.

This is especially common in women who do not wear a sports bra when exercising or wear a sports bra that is too loose.

This type of friction can lead to soreness, dryness, irritation, and even bleeding.

Long-distance runners, surfers and many other sports may experience similar symptoms.

2. Allergies and sensitivities

Nipples are among the most sensitive areas of the body and respond differently to stimulation. Sensitivity to changes in weather and certain fabrics, including wool, can also cause irritation.

Soaps, lotions and laundry detergents can cause allergic reactions and itching. They can also cause nipples to become red and cracked.

3. Sexual activity

Strong and sharp frictions during sexual intercourse, including those that occur during oral stimulation during foreplay, can cause sensitivity and soreness of the nipples. Usually this condition occurs temporarily after sex and soon goes away on its own.

4. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding often causes nipple problems, particularly mastitis

Breastfeeding can cause a relatively common condition called mastitis. Symptoms include irritation and cracking of the nipples, which can cause them to become infected and sore. Women who develop mastitis should consult a doctor for evaluation and subsequent treatment.

Applying lanolin-based creams and ointments between feedings helps the skin maintain moisture. In addition, a woman should keep her nipples clean.

5. Thrush

The pain can be a consequence of thrush on the nipples. This is one of the types of candidiasis - a common infection that is associated with the activity of the fungus candida albicans. This condition is also common in women who are breastfeeding. Other symptoms include burning, tingling, cracking and soreness.

Thrush can be passed from mother to baby during breastfeeding. In both cases it must be treated. Infants who have thrush usually have white spots in the mouth area.

6. Pregnancy

Sensitivity and soreness of the nipples is a typical condition for pregnant women. In particular, it is often observed during the first trimester, although similar symptoms can occur in the third. A well-fitted bra will help minimize friction, pain and irritation.

7. Menstrual cycles

Nipple soreness tends to develop as the level increases. This usually happens about a week before the start. Pain, tenderness, and other symptoms ease as hormonal levels return to normal.

8. Perimenopause and menopause

As a woman begins to go through and, the breasts and nipples may become more tender, vulnerable and sensitive. This occurs as a result of fluctuations in hormone levels.

9. Birth control products

Some birth control pills have side effects similar to pregnancy symptoms. They tend to go away as the body gets used to the drugs, which may take several months. If side effects do not go away over time, the woman should see a doctor.

10. Certain medicines and plants

Medicines prescribed to treat depression and anxiety may cause pain and other symptoms in the breasts and nipples.

Some herbal medicines, including those taken to improve breast milk production, sometimes also lead to breast tenderness and pain.

11. Ectasia of the milk ducts

Milk duct ectasia most often develops in women who are approaching menopause. This condition is not associated with breast cancer and does not increase the risk of developing it.

Mammary duct ectasia is a condition in which the milk ducts become enlarged and blocked, resulting in nipple changes, sensitivity, redness, pain, and thick discharge.

Milk duct ectasia can cause mastitis or other types of breast infections. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to manage symptoms. In rare cases, blocked ducts require surgery.

12. Breast abscesses

A breast abscess is a collection of pus that may be associated with breastfeeding or mastitis. Sometimes an abscess is the result of a piercing or other break in the skin that allows bacteria to enter the breast tissue.

Breast abscesses can lead to pain, localized fever, as well as redness and a general fever. If you have an abscess, you should consult a doctor who can drain the formation. Doctors drain small abscesses with a needle and syringe, but larger ones often require an incision.

13. Eczema

Eczema can cause itching and pain on one or both nipples. Nipples affected by eczema often appear red, flaky, and crusty. In such cases, discharge from the nipples is not excluded.

This type of eczema can be treated with hydrocortisone, but you should visit a doctor before using this drug to get an accurate diagnosis. The fact is that some other conditions, including cancer, can mimic the symptoms of eczema.

14. Raynaud's phenomenon

Raynaud's phenomenon is common in nursing mothers. However, breastfeeding does not cause this condition, which can develop in anyone.

People with Raynaud's phenomenon experience spasms of the arteries that supply blood to the nipples. Restricted blood flow causes numbness, burning, pain, and a white or blue discoloration of the skin. When blood flow is restored, the nipples become reddish.

15. Paget's disease

Tender and overly sensitive nipples can be a symptom of a rare but very dangerous disease called Paget's disease. This is one of the types of breast cancer, the proportion of which in all cases of breast cancer ranges from one to four percent.

The first signs of Paget's disease on the nipples are redness and crusting. Later the following symptoms may present:

  • tingling;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • pain;
  • burning;
  • change in nipple shape;
  • bloody or yellowish discharge.

If other areas of the breast are not affected, doctors will likely suggest surgery and radiation (radiation) therapy as treatment. However, chemotherapy or other treatments may be required. It all depends on the stage the cancer has reached before diagnosis.

16. Breast cancer

Pain in the nipples rarely indicates breast cancer, but sometimes this symptom, along with some others, can signal the presence of malignant tumors in the mammary glands.

Pain, redness, peeling, thickening and discharge from the nipples are possible symptoms of breast cancer.

Painful and hard nipples in men

Irritation may result from nipples rubbing against sportswear

Not only women, but also men experience nipple pain. The latter more often detect this symptom as a result of injuries, which, as a rule, result from sporting events. Nipple irritation in men sometimes occurs as a result of contact with clothing during exercise. Additionally, men may also develop mastitis.

The risk of breast cancer in men is much lower than in women. However, the condition also develops, and its symptoms may include the following:

  • redness;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • nipple retraction.

It is important for men to have regular checkups with their doctor and lead a healthy lifestyle, especially if they are at increased risk of developing this form of cancer. One risk factor is a family history of cancer.


Many home treatments can be used to relieve nipple sensitivity and soreness. These methods include:

  • massage;
  • cold tea bags;
  • warm compresses;
  • humidifiers.

Cold tea bags may ease nipple pain

There is no evidence that these strategies are helpful, but some may provide symptom relief. If something unusual happens to a person’s nipples, then it is better for him to go to the doctor to determine the cause and subsequent treatment.

If symptoms appear after sports training, they can be combated with special products that protect the skin of athletes. It should be used before every workout to reduce friction.

If symptoms occur after using new skin care products, including shampoo, you should stop using the product and see if relief occurs.

When should you see a doctor?

While pain and other nipple problems can cause discomfort, they rarely indicate cancer.

They usually go away on their own or disappear with little therapeutic effort. However, if a person experiences unusual symptoms, it is better for him to tell his doctor about them.

Important! Women and men who are at high risk of developing breast cancer should always consult a doctor if they have nipple pain, especially if the pain is accompanied by discharge.

The female body is very mysterious and includes many processes that directly depend on hormonal levels. This also affects the sensitivity of the nipples. But what else can cause their increased susceptibility, what are the reasons for this phenomenon and is it related to pathologies.

What is nipple sensitivity

The nipples are riddled with various receptors and endings that respond to touch and all kinds of irritants. Most women may not feel anything when lightly stroked, but for some, any contact with external factors triggers a reaction. What could this depend on and why do nipples suddenly become overly sensitive? Reasons why this may happen:

  1. During the period of PMS.
  2. During menstruation itself.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. While breastfeeding.

This is when the mammary glands and nipples begin to swell due to the excess flow of blood plasma. This is why the sensitivity of the nipples and breasts increases.


Sensitive nipples are common during pregnancy. Statistics say that 80% of the manifestations of excessive susceptibility of this zone in women occur even in very early stages, as the hormonal background begins to experience enormous changes. They become such in order to protect the reproductive organ from interrupting the development of the child, since oxytocin is produced when the breast is stimulated. This hormone is responsible for contractions of the uterus. When this area becomes sensitive and it is painful to touch the nipples, it is advisable for the woman to avoid stimulation of the mammary glands, which has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy, especially when it is in the early stages.

Naturally, it will not be possible to avoid such changes, so this discomfort will have to be endured. To alleviate this factor, you can change the bra to fit your existing breast size and be made from natural fabrics.

Nipple sensitivity increases due to breastfeeding. At this moment, they not only react to touch, but also hurt a lot. The reasons for this are the incorrect position of the child or mother, simultaneous feeding from a bottle and breastfeeding forms improper sucking. Pain may also occur due to untimely replacement of the chest pad. This increases the moisture content of the skin on the nipples, making them overly soft. Pain can provoke inept termination of the feeding process and separation of the baby from the mother's breast.

Dry, sore, or irritated nipples may cause these symptoms. Also, don’t forget about uncomfortable underwear. At the time of breastfeeding, it is better to give preference to natural materials that were used during pregnancy.


Women's nipples become very sensitive before menstruation. Why is this happening? In the second phase of the cycle, when ovulation has already passed, progesterone begins to be actively produced. This hormone allows the endometrium to thicken to the required thickness and preserve the fetus. This substance reaches its peak 7 days after the start of the second phase. Then women begin to notice that their nipples have become much more sensitive, and their breasts have increased slightly. Such reasons are often confused with pregnancy symptoms, but over time everything falls into place.


If your nipples suddenly become sensitive, this may indicate the onset of ovulation, when the egg leaves the ovary. The reasons also lie in hormones. In the first phases, the presence of estrogen is more dominant. It allows the follicle to grow and affects the endometrium. At such a time, the female breast is the softest and most relaxed, and when the middle of the cycle approaches, the body feels the beginning of reformation. A latinizing hormone is released, which affects the rupture of the follicle and egg rejection. At the same time, this substance affects the woman’s breasts. This is why she becomes more aroused and her nipples and areolas are very receptive.

Important! This factor occurs only in the middle of the cycle, so it cannot be confused with pregnancy or PMS.

Presence of pathologies

The sensitivity of the nipples increases if there are some pathological processes in the female body. Often this symptom occurs when the patient suffers from hormonal ailments:

  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Polycystic disease, etc.

Also, the fact that nipples have become more receptive can be affected by the presence of tumors in the mammary glands. At the same time, an increase or deformation of the shape of the breast is observed, and the painful sensations do not give rest for a long period and become more acute each time.

Mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands can cause sensitivity in this area. Such pathologies do not pose a particular threat to the health and life of a woman, but require immediate specialized intervention. Since without adequate timely treatment they can develop into tumors or acquire other complicated forms.

Individual predispositions

The sensitivity of the nipples can be explained by the individual characteristics of the human body and skin. The causes of manifestation arise during puberty and are present on an ongoing basis. It is worth noting that there are very few such women, but at the same time they work and live normally, since the susceptibility of this area does not bring them discomfort.


When pain and sensitivity last for a long time, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo diagnostic procedures in order to rule out the presence of diseases. If this is related to hormones, the doctor will prescribe medications and a special diet. We should also not forget about the psychological aspect: negative emotions, stressful situations, conflicts arising in intimate terms, etc.

If there is a need to take oral contraceptives, then before using them you need to consult a doctor who will recommend a suitable drug. You should also properly care for the skin of your breasts and nipples, using hypoallergenic products and gels for intimate hygiene.

The female breast is a target for 15 hormones produced in the body. The increased sensitivity of the nipples during various periods of functioning of the patient's genital area confirms this conclusion. In everyday life, women practically do not feel excessive irritability of the mammary glands. But during certain periods, the breasts swell and the nipples become overly sensitive to external irritants. Usually this condition is not a pathology, however, a similar problem can occur with some diseases.

Increased sensitivity of the nipples of the mammary glands during the menstrual cycle

Quite often, young women note that their nipples have become sensitive just before the start of menstruation. This condition is directly related to changes in hormonal levels in patients during this period.

The second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by increased secretion of the hormone progesterone. This substance takes an active part in the growth of the endometrium of the uterus and enhances the development of glandular tissue in the mammary gland. The peak of its effect on the female breast usually occurs on the 6th - 8th day of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Due to the effects of progesterone, the mammary glands increase in size, and the sensitivity of the nipples and areola increases sharply. During this period, many women are forced to use bras with special softening pads, although in everyday life they could do just fine without underwear.

A similar condition in gynecology is called PMS and, according to foreign authors, occurs in 80% of menstruating women. Quite often, young girls confuse premenstrual syndrome with pregnancy, but after the end of menstruation, the symptoms usually subside.

PMS is a complex set of symptoms that occurs during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. This period is characterized by psychopathological, vegetative-vascular and endocrine disorders in the female body. The mechanism of pathogenesis of this symptom has been little studied. The occurrence of the process is associated with the effect of biologically active substances such as histamine and serotonin on the patient. The main symptoms of PMS are very sensitive nipples and mastodynia, that is, swelling of the mammary glands.

Increased irritability of the nipples and areola can also be a sign of ovulation. During this period of the menstrual cycle, the egg is rejected from the female ovary.

Female sex hormones also play a major role in this process. Estrogen comes to the fore during ovulation. Under its influence, the follicle grows and the attraction of the endometrium to the egg increases. During this period, the mammary glands are characterized by a lack of tension, their tactile sensitivity is minimal.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the effects of estrogen are replaced by the latinizing hormone. The substance is the main cause of follicle rupture and egg rejection from the body. At the same time, the effect of the hormone extends to the mammary glands of young women, which leads to increased tension in the breasts and increased sensitivity of the nipples.

Increased tactile sensitivity of a woman's nipples during pregnancy and lactation

There is a common belief that high sensitivity of the nipples is one of the first signs of conceiving a child. It is difficult to disagree with this statement.

When pregnancy occurs, a global hormonal change begins in the female body. All organs and systems of the expectant mother begin to prepare for the process of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. However, not all hormones produced serve this purpose.

Many substances produced by the patient’s endocrine glands have quite versatile effects. An example is the hormone oxytacin. In a woman’s body, this substance is responsible for preparing the mammary glands for feeding the unborn baby and stimulates lactation.

Nature intended it so that to enhance the production of oxytacin in the patient’s blood and mammary glands, physical stimulation of the female breast and nipples is necessary. Under the influence of the baby's sucking movements or constant massage, the mammary glands are massaged, the milk hormone is intensely released, and milk comes in. In addition to enhancing lactation, oxytacin promotes uterine contraction, which reduces the likelihood of inflammatory diseases in young mothers after childbirth.

However, such actions, necessary in the postpartum period, can negatively affect the female body during pregnancy. The high sensitivity of the nipples does not allow the pregnant woman to touch the mammary glands again, thereby reducing the production of estrogen. When visiting an antenatal clinic, an expectant mother will be advised to wear special underwear during pregnancy.

After childbirth and the start of breastfeeding, the susceptibility of the nipples to external irritants remains quite high. During this period, the main problem of a woman will no longer be hormonal surges, but errors in practice.

Pain in the area of ​​the areola and nipples is usually a consequence of the formation of abrasions, abrasions, or abrasions on their surface. This problem is most often caused by improper latching of the breast by the baby, non-physiological position of mother and child during feeding, and poor personal hygiene by the young mother. A simple example: a wet pad in a bra leads to maceration of the skin of the nipple, it becomes too soft and is easily injured when feeding a child.

When the expectant mother visited the antenatal clinic and in the maternity hospital, the woman had to be explained the principles of breastfeeding and caring for the mammary glands during lactation. Often, increased nipple sensitivity leads to premature cessation of breastfeeding, which can adversely affect the baby's health.

The pharmacy chain offers enough products to care for the mammary glands and nipples during breastfeeding, but before using them, a young mother should consult a specialist.

How do various breast diseases affect nipple sensitivity?

The mammary glands are a fairly intimate and delicate organ, so any woman pays special attention to her breasts. Why nipples are sensitive outside of pregnancy and lactation is of interest to a large number of patients.

Many problems of the female genital area quite often lead to increased irritability of the nipples. First of all, these are various hormonal disorders that cause inflammatory processes in a woman’s body, including:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome leads to an increase in estrogen, which causes an increase in the volume of the mammary glands. One of the first symptoms of this disease is increased sensitivity of the nipples of the female breast.
  • Myoma of the uterine body is a mixed hormonal and metabolic pathology. High sensitivity of the nipples is observed in 80% of women suffering from this disease.
  • Various endometrial diseases also resolve when the hormonal balance in the patient’s body is disrupted and often lead to severe sensitivity of the nipples and areola of the mammary glands.

But almost any pathology of the mammary glands in its symptoms has increased tactile sensitivity of the nipples. Such sensations should cause particular concern in women who note changes in the structure of their mammary glands or their deformation. Such symptoms are typical for oncological processes in the female breast and require immediate seeking help from an oncologist or mammologist.

If increased sensitivity in the nipples is accompanied by them, this can become a signal of a serious pathology. Normal serous discharge indicates the development of various inflammatory processes in the female breast. If drops of blood periodically appear on a woman’s nipples, then we may be talking about breast cancer.

Any symptoms in the patient are necessarily accompanied by an increase in nipple sensitivity. The mechanism of development of this symptom in various pathologies is quite different, and many factors play a role in its occurrence: from the growth of connective tissue in the mammary gland to the formation of cystic cavities in the nipple area.

Benign diseases of the female breast do not pose an immediate threat to a woman’s health, but require the closest attention. According to WHO, about 45% of benign breast tumors in women can become malignant within 5 years.

To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations with a mammologist. Since increased sensitivity of the nipples is one of the first symptoms of the development of pathology in the mammary glands, it is necessary not to treat such manifestations condescendingly. Early diagnosis of any disease is a guarantee of successful treatment.

About 1% of women in the world have permanent nipple sensitivity. This is their genetic feature and does not require treatment. If a specialist has identified such a deviation from the norm in a patient, she needs to develop a certain style of clothing for herself to reduce irritation of the mammary glands. In addition, hygienic care of areas of irritation is important.

Gradually, the woman will get used to the condition and will not react to the increased excitability of the nipples. In difficult cases, a psychologist or psychotherapist can always come to the patient’s aid.