Fortune telling before bed for love. The most truthful fortune telling for dreams - how to see your betrothed

I tried this fortune telling only once in my life and was disappointed with the results. However, a few years later, when the result of fortune telling manifested itself in life, I was happy and remembered it with a smile. The fact is that at the time of the fortune telling, I was only 17 years old, I had my first boyfriend with whom I was head over heels in love, and it seemed to me that this was once and for all, that he was my destiny. Could I imagine any other guy next to me if all my thoughts were absorbed only by the first one? Of course not! And having told my fortune, I saw a completely different one, who even at that moment did not come close to the parameters of my taste.

My first boyfriend was blond, with a toned body and fair skin. From him, as from my first love, I developed a taste for pumped-up Russians. And the one I saw in my dream was, at that moment, exactly the opposite of my tastes. The guy was brunette, dark and thin. The absolute opposite of my boyfriend and my idea of ​​the ideal of beauty. In addition, I felt some kind of psychological pressure from him. It was expressed in his desire to subjugate me to himself, which at the age of 17 was an alien sensation to me, and caused strong hostility and feelings of disgust towards the object he saw.

A few years later, I broke up with my first boyfriend, moved to live in another city, and in a new place I needed to make friends. Two floors below lived a guy of Tatar nationality, incredible beauty and charisma, who was a year younger than me. He was such a small, puny guy, a little shy of girls, which gave the impression that he was still a virgin.

Over the course of a year, my neighbor helped me carry heavy bags more than once, and gradually we began to communicate and become friends. And somehow I didn’t notice how the friendship grew into something more and I fell in love with him. Now this guy is my husband, and 10 years have passed since our first meeting.

My husband is a dark brunette with blue eyes, the build of a young guy, has character and believes that a woman should sit at home, cook and raise children, and not work. Also, my husband, the breadwinner in the family, believes that a woman should unquestioningly obey her husband. This applies to everyday problems. Decision on major purchases always remains with him. And in our family he is the head who makes serious decisions. And his passion for psychology, which he studied in his youth, sometimes manifests itself in our everyday life in the form of pressure on me in certain situations. In general, in a word, my husband is the same man whom I saw in a dream when I was doing fortune telling.

And now, 10 years later, when I know the fate of my first love (he is divorced, he has a child from his first wife, he drinks and smokes and almost never works), I understand that it was in vain that I was upset during the fortune-telling. After all, I got a non-drinking, non-smoking, loving husband, who protects his wife and does not allow her to work. We have no financial shortcomings; my husband earns well. Yes, and I found myself sitting at home and sometimes writing articles in which I share my experience in various fields activities, or sew whenever I feel like it. I have always dreamed of a life as free as it is now. My husband always allocates money for all my hobbies, as long as I don’t have to work. In a word – I’m happy with him and in general!

And now I want to tell you about the fortune-telling that showed me my beloved husband in a dream

It was, as I remember now, from Thursday to Friday. It is believed that these days people have prophetic dreams. That's why I chose Thursday. On Thursday evening I bought herring, boiled potatoes for it and ate a salty dish for dinner. I didn't drink a lot of water, but I did drink a cup green tea sugarless. A couple of hours later, I poured water into a glass and put it under the bed, and went to bed. I was a little thirsty, but not to the point of dying. Before going to bed, I whispered the following words:

Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me water to drink!

I fell asleep with the thought that when I was about to fall asleep, my first boyfriend would come to me and hand me a glass of water. And when I woke up, at three o’clock in the morning, from an unreal feeling of thirst and automatically, in the dark, I crawled under the bed for a glass of water, drinking it greedily, I began to remember what I had dreamed.

And I dreamed of a lifeless desert with yellow sand and an incomprehensible sense of the season. It seemed like the sun was burning, burning its rays on my skin, which I even felt in a dream and at the same time, as if it were this winter, but without snow. The air temperature is sub-zero, there is no wind and the sand is like in summer – not frozen, but loose.

And I remember that suddenly, out of nowhere, a very small lake appears in the dry desert, even more like a huge puddle. The water is crystal clear and the bottom is visible. I lean over him and drink greedily. The water was as icy as winter, and it made my teeth ache. But I don’t care and I drink and drink, but I can’t get drunk. And I hear from behind male voice, which is telling me something. I don’t remember how the words sounded, the only thing I understood was that the appearance of a lake in the desert was not accidental. It appeared thanks to his efforts. For a second, I still looked up from drinking and turned back. It was a second glance, thanks to which I remembered that the guy was thin, dark brunette. I don’t remember his face in detail. I didn’t even see the color of his eyes, oddly enough. This was probably because he was standing five meters away from me.

But I remember the feeling that I became a hostage of gratitude, and had to go somewhere with him because he got me drunk. I didn’t want this, but he forced me. It was the attempt to force me to do something that caused my apathy towards the boy.

This is the dream in which I saw my betrothed.

Every girl dreams of love, so huge and bright, and always mutual, and really wants to meet her betrothed as soon as possible. If for some reason the meeting has not yet taken place, but curiosity takes over, what will it be like? future spouse, what are his qualities, both mental and external - then they will help you find out about this magical rituals. If you turn to magic for help, perform the appropriate ritual and read the necessary spell, you can make your beloved show his appearance when he comes in a dream.

IN ancient magic There are many rituals and fortune telling for seeing one’s betrothed in a dream, which have always been very popular, and still are today - the relevance of such magical actions is growing day by day. However, before resorting to this kind of manipulation, you should carefully prepare - magic is a very serious thing, and you should also take it very seriously. If you perform rituals just to have fun, you can harm yourself - spirits do not forgive a frivolous attitude towards them. Therefore, before turning to magical actions for help, you should carefully consider whether there is any need for this.

Human sleep is a very mysterious phenomenon and not fully explored by official science. In our dreams, those people whom we want to see come to us, and in dreams we can contemplate those events that easily become reality and become reality. These are the so-called prophetic dreams. To have a prophetic dream, you can resort to effective conspiracies that have helped, are helping and will help for many centuries to come. a huge number willing. Conditions for the operation of prophetic dream spells:

  • the waxing moon before the full moon is one of the most important conditions;
  • appropriate environment - no one should distract from the ritual;
  • concentrating on the ritual, gaining complete peace of mind, which can be achieved through meditation - it is important not only not to be distracted by strangers, but also very important not to be distracted by your own thoughts. With complete relaxation you can achieve not only prophetic dream, but also astral flight.

Sleep spell to make your future husband dream

Before going to bed, you need to disconnect from all the problems of the day, completely relax, lying on the bed, when you feel that you are falling asleep, say the words of the spell: “Let me dream about what is destined to happen. That’s how I want it, so be it!” At the same time, direct your thoughts to your betrothed, as you meet him in some beautiful place, for example, on the seashore. It is advisable to repeat the words as many times as possible until you fall asleep in order to reach your subconscious. Man is a multidimensional creature, simultaneously existing in many bodies and dimensions. And he can control a lot. With the help of such a conspiracy, performed in a completely relaxed state, a communication channel with otherworldly forces will open, with the help of which you can find out your future.

Plot for a prophetic dream

This ritual is performed on Saturday evening, before going to the side. They take a piece rye bread, sprinkled with salt, and the words are said: “Saturday is sister, here is food for you, take bread and salt, and show me the truth in a dream. Let it be so!" They place the bread near their heads and go to bed. At night you will have a prophetic dream.

Conspiracies to dream about your betrothed

Ancient rituals and fortune telling have always been very effective - the connection of ancestors with the spirits of the elements and nature made it possible to reliably recognize the future and predict events. Below are several effective rituals and conspiracies to make you dream future husband.

For the ritual you will need new broom, bought at the market. Before going to bed, you need to pull out several rods from this broom, from which you need to build an impromptu bridge, which, after casting a spell on it, is placed under the pillow. The words of the spell are as follows: “Whoever is destined for me by fate will take me across this bridge in a dream. Let it be so!" Go to bed right away - at night you will dream about your future husband.

If you don’t have a broom, you can use matches, which, like rods, can be used to build a well, which is placed under the pillow. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “My betrothed, mummer! Come to my dream and drink water!”

If you don’t dream of anything, you can repeat these manipulations until the result comes.

This ritual is performed with the help of the new moon on a new moon. Before going to bed, sit by the window so that the light of the new moon illuminates your face. You need to completely relax, you can meditate on the moon for a few minutes, and imagine meeting your future spouse as realistically as possible, and, saying the spell: “Selena is the moon, you are beautiful and free, you know everything, you see everything - tell me who to marry I’ll come out,” - you need to immediately go to bed. At night you will see your future spouse.

Another ritual that is performed on any candle. In the evening, light a candle, focus on the flame, and say the following words to it three times: “The fire is mighty, the fire is great, may I dream of my fiance, bring him into my dream, may my betrothed be with me in it! Let it be so!" The candle must be extinguished and immediately go to bed.

For the next ritual you will need a simple mirror. Mirrors are magical objects, and you must always be very careful with them. It is necessary to use a new mirror so that no one else’s energy influences it during the ritual being performed. They put the mirror under the head (under the pillow) and go to bed, and before that, they say the following spell: “As light and darkness are reflected in this mirror, so will my betrothed appear in it in a dream. Amen!" During the night, you should dream of this mirror, and in it - the reflection of a man - your future husband. The mirror should be hidden as far as possible and not shown to anyone, much less given to anyone.

Good luck and love to you!

Spending the night in a new place? We offer dream fortune telling to find out what awaits you in the future. This one is one of the lightest and most comfortable. Below we will talk about how to correctly perform the ritual in order to see in a dream the answer to the question you are interested in.

In the article:

Sleep is the door to the unknown

Since ancient times, the state of sleep was considered special and even mystical. In many magical traditions, there are practices with the help of which one learns the present and the future, receives answers to a variety of questions, and communicates with the dead and the living.

In the broadest sense of the word, all dreams are prophetic. All dreams contain elements of prophecy, knowledge or warning. But these warnings may be communicated explicitly or hidden in symbols.

Vrublevskaya G. “Self-instruction manual on dream interpretation”

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, had their own ways of working with what they saw in dreams. These can also include fortune telling. Among the most common ways to see what you want in a dream is to use special rituals and.

There are several simple rituals that are performed before bed.

If you want to know about your betrothed in a dream

The majority of fortune telling in dreams have one goal - to find out what the betrothed looks like. That is why this type of prediction was practiced together with other fortune-telling on Christmastide or Christmas Eve.

There are several rules for conducting rituals, which are always recommended to be followed very strictly. First of all, there should be no one in the room where the fortuneteller will sleep. It is better to guess on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Among the precautions against evil spirits The ancient Slavs had a rule: to make the bed inside out on the night of fortune telling. The fortuneteller herself also wore her nightgown inside out, and went to bed in the opposite direction from her usual one.

Divination rituals

Among the most popular and simple ways find out the name and appearance of your betrothed - go to bed in a new place, where you have never spent the night before, with the words:

Dream about the bridegroom in a new place.

Separately, we can highlight several rituals that “attract” the betrothed in one way or another.

    • Soap and a comb are placed under the pillow. CONSPIRACY:

My betrothed, mummer, come, wash and comb me.

    • Place a well of matches under the pillow. CONSPIRACY:

My betrothed, mummer, come to me to drink some water at the well.

    • The fortuneteller goes to bed wearing a sock or stocking on only one leg. CONSPIRACY:

Betrothed-mummer, come undress me.

Fortune telling using cards for a future dream

At night, four kings from a regular 36-card deck of cards are placed under the pillow. The deck must be new and must not have been used for games or fortune telling. CONSPIRACY:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me!

King of Spades in a dream indicates that the betrothed will be older than the fortuneteller. King of Clubs symbolizes a widower, king of hearts predicts a young and rich man, and diamond- the one who the fortuneteller really wants.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Write on small pieces of paper male names. Place them under your pillow at night, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, take out the first piece of paper that comes to hand. Whatever name you get, they will wait for your betrothed.

When packing, remember that you may not see anything. In this case, don't be upset. After all, you can always try again. However, there is no need to use this fortune telling often.

In addition, you should not focus only on the man you dreamed about. After all, in a dream you see only one of the possible options, but no one will say that it is the only correct option for you.

Several rules of prophetic sleep

If you want to look into the future with the help of dreams, so to speak, on an ongoing basis, and not just once, as our ancestors did, do not forget about the following rules:

  • When you wake up, immediately write down what you saw, so you can review your notes later and identify patterns that you may forget about during the day. Also, using a diary, you can track recurring scenes or images.
  • Explore a few of the most. See how the same symbols are interpreted. Try to see if these values ​​are the same for you personally.
  • Remember that often some symbols seen are interpreted the other way around, for example, tears are a sign of joy. Therefore, you should not be afraid of bad dreams.
  • If you are still frightened by what you dreamed and do not want it to come true in reality, tell as many people as possible about your dream.

There is still no clear definition of what sleep is. Scientists say that this is just a set of pictures, psychologists consider it signals of the subconscious, and magicians consider it a door to other worlds. Be that as it may, with the help of simple practices you can see what you want in a dream. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and strictly follow the rules.

In contact with

Fortune telling for the betrothed
In most cases, it is customary to tell fortunes about the groom on Monday. In addition, the ritual should be performed before bedtime and in private. For fortune telling, you need to prepare a mirror, a piece of paper, lipstick, and three bay leaves. Next, you need to apply makeup on your lips, then write the name of the person you are interested in on paper. young man and kiss what is written. This leaf should be placed on the mirror, and the mirror under the pillow. Prepared bay leaves should also be placed there, on which to write the names: Ananias, Azarius and Misail.
After performing the above actions, you need to say the following words of the conspiracy:
"I look at starry sky, I look at the clear moon, let whoever thinks about me appear in a dream at night.”
It is this night that the girl should dream about her future groom.

Fortune telling by twigs
Option #1
If a girl wants to see her fiancé in a dream, she needs to place a deep container of water near her bed and place pre-prepared twigs on it in the form of a bridge. Next, before falling asleep, she should say the following:
“Come to me, my betrothed, and help me cross the bridge.”
That same night, the girl will be able to see her fiancé in a dream.

Option No. 2

Before performing this fortune-telling, the girl needs to pull out several twigs from the broom and build a bridge from them, then carefully place it under the pillow and say the words:
“Who will lead me through a birch bridge or an aspen bridge or along rye straw into the future?”
At night, the girl should dream that her betrothed comes to her and leads her along the bridge. If they walk across the aspen bridge, then their life together will be full of doubts and sorrows, as well as happiness; if it’s birch, then the girl will feel with her sweetheart as if stone wall. A straw bridge predicts that the future union will not become strong, but if a girl sees in a dream that a guy throws her off a bridge, then real life You can expect big troubles from him.

Fortune telling about the future groom
This fortune telling is different in that it should be performed before bed on Thursday. Before going to bed, the girl needs to say special words:
“Thursday is close to Wednesday, and Tuesday is very close to Monday, even Sunday is close to Saturday, only Friday and I am alone. I lay down on the mountains of Zion, three angels above my head: one of them can see everything, the second will tell me everything, and the third will present my fate.”
That night the girl must dream about her future groom. But if she doesn’t see anything in a dream, then the fortune telling should be repeated only after a year.

Today, like thousands of years ago, people are trying to predict what will happen next week, next month or year - this curiosity is understandable and is due to the fact that everything unknown and secret excites us, we strive to know the unknown... And it helps us find out our future is such a mysterious act like fortune telling.

There are quite a lot of ways to tell fortunes, the main ones being bedtime fortune-telling, Christmas fortune-telling, card fortune-telling, baptismal fortune-telling and many others. What do fortune telling give us and should we believe them? And fortune telling gives us information - sometimes this good news, sometimes bad, but fortune telling always warns against possible errors or troubles. Believing fortune telling or not is the choice of each person, but if the process of fortune telling, for example, on cards, is performed by a professional fortune teller, and not by an amateur beginner, then such predictions come true with almost one hundred percent accuracy. But fortune telling before going to bed does not require any special skills - you just need to follow the ritual algorithm exactly.

If you decide to find out your future yourself, without resorting to the services of fortune-tellers, then a good proven method of prediction is fortune telling by sleep. Many methods of such predictions have come down to us since the time of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers (and therefore have been tested by many years of use), and some are still “young”, but also true. Want to check it out? Then go ahead!

So there are the following modern methods predict the future:

Fortune telling before bed:

  • fortune telling on a chain: in the evening, when everyone is sleeping, you need to sit down and rub a chain in your hands (preferably gold) until it becomes hot. After this, you need to shake it and throw it on the floor. You need to look at the resulting drawing. Interpretation of the picture: circle - a difficult situation ahead, an even stripe - luck, a knot - illness or financial difficulties are possible, a triangle - good luck in love matters, a bow - a quick marriage or marriage, a snake - betrayal is possible.

  • Fortune telling on beans: a small handful of beans should be divided into three approximately equal piles. The first pile symbolizes health: if there is a pair of beans in it, there will be health and well-being, if there is not a pair, there will be troubles and illness. The second pile symbolizes affairs: a pair of beans means good luck in business, not a pair means failures are coming. The third pile is personal life: a paired number of beans - to love, mutual understanding, not a pair - to discord and separation.
  • Dream fortune telling:

  • Thursday evening, going to bed, say three times: “Friday is a bright day, let the one who loves dream!”

  • In the evening, eat some salty food and do not drink it, and when going to bed, say: “Give me something to drink, my betrothed!”

  • Before going to bed, put a stocking on one leg and say the following: “Mummer, come and take off my shoes!” In all these fortune-telling, the guy in the dream should become the groom.
  • Fortune telling for the night:

  • write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper, kiss it with painted lips and put it under the pillow with a mirror at night. If you dream about this person, it means you will be together; if not, it means it’s not destiny.

  • Make a bridge from small twigs and place it under the pillow. Say the following: “Betrothed-mummer, come and take me across the bridge!” The guy in the dream will be the groom.

  • When starting any fortune telling, including fortune telling at night or during sleep, it is important to identify and formulate the most important questions that interest you - otherwise, the information may be “blurry” or insufficient for a clear “picture” of the future. Also, when turning to certain types of fortune telling, you need, firstly, to be mentally prepared for the possibility of receiving information that is not very pleasant for yourself, and secondly, to remember that everything can be changed with some effort - an experienced fortune teller in this case will tell you how to avoid trouble!