Where is the safest place in the car? My home is my bunker: what places in the apartment are the safest?

It's unlikely to work out modern world meet a person who has never driven a car in his life. Today, passenger vehicles are much more common than 15-20 years ago, and on the one hand, this is very convenient, because the car enthusiast always has the opportunity to quickly and comfortably get where he wants. On the other side, great amount cars on the roads involuntarily provokes all kinds of traffic accidents. Where should you sit in the car so that the risk of getting hurt in an accident is as low as possible?

What is the safest place in the car?

There is a popular opinion that the safest place for a passenger in a car is in the back seat behind the driver's seat. In fact, everything is not so, because if a car is passing an intersection, and at that time another car crashes into it, then it is the passenger sitting behind the driver who can suffer quite badly.

According to other sources, the safest place in a car is in the back seat, diagonally from the driver. This stereotype is so widespread that the vast majority of VIPs sit in this seat, and such placement is not a consequence of their personal desire, but only of following protocol. However, it is impossible to completely exclude the situation in which, during an accident, one car hits another in the side with right side, and then the passenger sitting in the back seat diagonally from the driver is at greater risk than others.

Where is the safest place in the car? In fact, the passenger who occupies the center seat is most protected. rear seat. If he is fastened, he does not expose himself to the risk of flying through Windshield in a frontal collision, and is not as at risk of being injured when hit in the side of the car as the passengers sitting to the left and right of it.

How dangerous is it to sit next to the driver in the passenger seat?

Some time ago, the passenger's seat in the front seat was considered the least protected in the entire car, because in the event of a threat of an accident, the driver instinctively seeks to avoid a collision. Willy-nilly, in most cases he “substitutes” the passenger sitting next to him. Manufacturers modern cars pay attention to this circumstance, and most of new foreign-made cars are equipped with additional airbags for the front passenger.

For the safety of their children and those closest to them, motorists often look for the answer to the question of where is the safest place in the car. On this occasion, there are many advisers among friends. You can also find many answers on the Internet. But what are they based on, what statistics? In this article we will find out where the safest place in the car is.

What is the safest place in a car?

Earlier long years The safest place in the car was considered to be the rear seat diagonally from the driver. That is why it has come down to us as a tradition for a VIP person to take a seat in a car on the back seat on the right. This location is designated for protocol officials. It was believed that the place diagonally from the driver is furthest from impact in an accident.

However, the safest place in the car will depend on the layout of most roads in the country and the type of traffic (left-hand or right-hand drive). If most highways in a country are equipped with safety zones between oncoming traffic lanes, then statistically there will be fewer frontal collisions than side collisions. If in cities maximum amount intersections are equipped with working traffic lights, then statistically there will be fewer side collisions.

It's worth considering first different kinds without collisions dangerous places for passengers.

- frontal collision - in a frontal collision, the main impact falls on the front left edge, which means that the safest place will be behind the driver;

- side impact from the left - the safest place will be on the back seat diagonally from the driver;

- side impact from the right - the safest place will be on the back seat behind the driver;

It turns out that most often the safe place is left side rear sofa in the car. However, recently statistics were presented that proved that the safest place in a car is the seat in the middle of the back seat.

Several years ago, in the American city of Buffalo, all statistical data on accidents that had occurred over the past three years were processed. And it turned out that, according to the conclusions of this study, the safest place in the car is the middle of the rear sofa. Everything is very simple. In this place, practically nothing compresses the person at the moment of impact, especially in the event of a side collision.

According to official statements officials from the State Safety Inspectorate traffic(Staff Police), those passengers who sit in the middle of the rear sofa have the greatest chance of surviving in severe accidents.

Rule Description
Avoid active driving During active driving in the hot season, brake discs and pads overheat the most. They can simply fail at the most inopportune moment.
Avoid high speeds When driving at high speeds, overheated tires wear out faster and the tire tread wears off faster.
Be careful in road repair areas In summer, road surface repairs are actively carried out. You should be careful when driving through repair areas.

© Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova

Extraterrestrial civilizations inform about safe and dangerous places on the planet during the period of the first preliminary cataclysm. Let us consider in detail the safe and dangerous places on the planet at this time.

This means that in the near future natural phenomena of incredible unprecedented power will rage throughout the planet. Their goal is the gradual complete destruction of the planet.

The incredible power of global cataclysms is incompatible with the life of organic nature and humans. Therefore, with their beginning, humanity and all organic nature will be destroyed.

Great but invisible help from extraterrestrial civilizations

Humanity should be deeply grateful to extraterrestrial civilizations for the opportunity to continue life.

Only the help of extraterrestrial civilizations, who warn us about the mortal danger of future events - the beginning of global cataclysms on the planet, will allow humanity to make the Transition to the next cycle of life.

Extraterrestrial civilizations have given humanity all the Instructions for the continuation of life. Today, informed humanity is fully armed with knowledge about the Transition.

In addition, for a long period, extraterrestrial civilizations artificially maintain a weakening magnetic field. They smooth out its spasmodic chaotic throws, which would constantly cause strong natural shocks in the different parts planets. Intensifying and becoming more frequent, these natural disasters would cause deep fear and despair of humanity, which does not have the ability to resist them.

To warn ignorant humanity, extraterrestrial civilizations have developed a special scenario. In accordance with it, before the start of global cataclysms, three preliminary cataclysms of incredible force will occur. They indicate the epicenters and trajectory of a natural shock, and also inform the inhabitants of the Earth about safe places on the planet. This is a great help from extraterrestrial civilizations.

The weakening of processes in the sun will cause chaotic cataclysms of incredible power simultaneously in different places on the planet, the place of occurrence of which would be impossible for humanity to predict. Consequently, there could be no question of any continuation of life. Confused and completely crushed by the incredible force of the rapidly increasing natural phenomena humanity would be quickly destroyed. The same fate awaited humanity chained to the Earth on the other side - as a result of an already fully prepared revolution of the planet’s poles.

The most important thing is that it was extraterrestrial civilizations that showed humanity on Earth the only way of salvation from future cataclysms of incredible power, as well as from destruction when the planet’s poles were turned upside down. This is a Transition to another safe level of the material world - the Highest level with the help of a synchronous unification of the consciousness of the entire civilization.

They revealed to us for the first time great secret of our consciousness - the action that arises during the collective unification of consciousness with a single goal. This action will help us transform the body for the Transition. The only condition is the level of consciousness and its ability to cause this action. Extraterrestrial civilizations tell humanity in detail the method of forming a homogeneous resonant environment of consciousness for the Transition.

Extraterrestrial civilizations warn that an incredibly strong preliminary cataclysm will occur after December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the quiet life of our civilization on Earth. At this moment, the planet seems to come to life, engulfed in numerous epicenters.

Warnings about this event are presented in the complexes of extraterrestrial civilizations with the effect sunbeam in Ireland and Scotland, including New Grange, Lochcrew And Maeshowe.

The main symbol in these complexes is the cross, which crosses out the life of humanity at the level of Crystalline structures.

The destruction of civilization will happen for two reasons. First of all, this start soon global disasters. However, on the other hand, the location of the complexes far to the north means that the planet’s magnetic field will weaken immensely and a pole reversal will occur. Humanity needs to have time to make the Transition to another level of the material world on time.

Dangerous and safe places on the planet during the first cataclysm

Extraterrestrial civilizations inform that during the first preliminary cataclysm after December 21, 2012, not all places on the planet will be equally dangerous and indicate safe areas.

These places, like the epicenters of a natural shock, reflect the distribution in space and time magnetic field Earth. It is known that the Earth is a dipole. The Earth's magnetic field is the result of the movement of molten iron in the outer core of our planet. The planet's magnetic field, as well as the position of the magnetic poles, is not constant.

A critical weakening of the Earth's magnetic field manifests itself in the form of the emergence and expansion of ozone holes- first over South Pole, and since 2011 over the North Pole.

Ozone holes occur annually during the period of the weakest magnetic field - on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes - March 20-21 and September 22-23.

These are the dates of the two preliminary cataclysms, represented by the shadow effect of the descending serpents in the Mexican complex of Chichen Itza on the day of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

There are several huge areas on the planet where strong deviations from the magnetic field of the dipole are observed. These are the so-called global magnetic anomalies, for example, Brazilian, Siberian, Canadian. Thus, the Brazilian magnetic anomaly corresponds to the weakest magnetic field on the planet. Navigation devices in airplanes and spacecraft malfunction over its territory.

The area of ​​the Brazilian anomaly is constantly expanding due to the constant weakening of the magnetic field. It is on the territory of the Brazilian anomaly that the main epicenters of the two preliminary cataclysms will arise.

Predictions of the Great Prophets

Famous soothsayers and prophets indicated the safest and most dangerous places on the planet during periods of global catastrophes. Thus, Nostradamus indicated that the territory of eastern Siberia would be safe. It is known that in the region of the East Siberian world magnetic anomaly, the planet’s magnetic field reaches its maximum.

Yitzhak Kaduri, the famous Jewish leader, during the period of natural disasters, called on all Jews to gather in Israel, as the safest place.

Edgar Cayce, the famous American prophet, warned of a natural shock that would hit the cities of the eastern and western parts North America. At the same time, the cities of the west coast - San Francisco and Los Angeles - will be destroyed before the cities of the east coast.

The natural shock will cause the waters of the Gulf of Mexico to join the Great Lakes within minutes. At the same time, he showed the direction of water flow in successive - one after another - names of states from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes.

Edgar Cayce indicated that the Chicago area and surrounding areas would not be affected. The safety of these places is due to the location of the very strong Temagami magnetic anomaly (The Temagami Magnetic Anomaly).

Edgar Cayce predicted that in the blink of an eye the landscape of many countries in the world would change: Japan, England, some countries Western Europe and others.

Extraterrestrial civilizations complement the information of predictors and prophets

They inform that one of the preliminary cataclysms will have several epicenters caused by the displacement of tectonic plates.

The focal point of the strongest natural disaster on Earth will be the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. From this place a blow of incredible force will pass through East coast North America. At this moment, the tectonic plates of the west coast of the United States in the area of ​​​​the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles will detonate - shift from impact and shaking.

Another epicenter of the cataclysm will arise in the area of ​​the Brazilian magnetic anomaly - in Pacific Ocean, near the western coast of Peru, at the intersection of the Peruvian Current or Humboldt Current and the natural phenomenon - El Niño Current.

From both epicenters, impacts will spread to the western coast of Europe and eastern part Eurasia. The territories of New Zealand, Australia, as well as Japan and other countries of the eastern part of Eurasia will be subject to natural shock.

The symbol of cataclysms in the Dictionary of Extraterrestrial Civilizations is a dragon. Extraterrestrial civilizations warn that the cataclysmic dragon is capable of swallowing a person whole, so humanity should not engage in battle with it. They show this with a human head sticking out of the dragons' mouths.

Extraterrestrial civilizations built on the territory of the main epicenter of the cataclysm on December 21, 2012. – in the area of ​​the Gulf of Mexico and on the Yucatan Peninsula there are a huge number of warning pictograms. Among them: the pyramid of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl in the Mexican complex of the pyramids of the Moon and the Sun with 365 heads of dragons, Templo Mayor in Mexico City ( former capital Aztecs Tenochtitlan), Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Tulum, Xochicalca, Tikal, Coba, Calakmul, Tula, Labna and others.

Countless dragons swarm on their territory: they climb down from the railings, wriggling their huge bodies crawl along the walls, their huge heads with wide-open toothed mouths protrude from all corners - just trying to grab unwary tourists.

The fastest and most powerful dragons have already captured their prey - only human heads stick out from their mouths - this is all that remains of indecisive humanity, which never made the Transition...

Light, shadow and sound effects . Some of the complexes transmitting vital information about dangerous zones, extraterrestrial civilizations were supplemented with light, shadow and sound effects. So, in the Mexican complex of Chichen Itza, on the Kukulkan pyramid, twice a year a huge 40-meter dragon crawls to the ground, which notifies the beginning of the cataclysm.

Clapping your hands at the foot of the same Kukulcan pyramid causes a sound reminiscent of the cry of a quetzal bird. Thus, extraterrestrial civilizations indicate the only way to preserve life - a transition-flight to another safe level of the material world.

Extraterrestrial civilizations demonstrate the enormous power of a laser beam capable of transforming our bodies for the Transition with the help of a huge stream of sun rays at the zenith in the Xochicalka complex in Mexico.

These bright effects attract attention and annually attract a huge number of people from all over the world.

Increased levels of radiation on the planet due to the destruction of nuclear power plants.

After the first natural shock, there will be an increased level of radiation on the entire planet due to the destruction of nuclear power plants. Therefore, the Transition will have to be made under very difficult conditions.

Warnings from extraterrestrial civilizations are confirmed

Warnings from extraterrestrial civilizations about natural disasters, which were presented on our website, have already been confirmed twice. Thus, on August 22, 2011, Typhoon Irene occurred, which scientists called the “hurricane of the century” due to its incredible strength. The speed at its epicenter was about 200 km/h.

In accordance with the second warning, on March 20, 2012, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 occurred near the city of Mexico - in the direction of the main impact of the first pre-cataclysm.

Humanity must decide on the Transition on its own

We should all take into account that the possibilities of extraterrestrial civilizations are not limitless. They are only only help us overcome the last incredibly difficult period of life on the planet during the onset of global cataclysms.

With all their love for us, they will not be able to help continue life on a planet that is subject to complete destruction.

Humanity must make every effort to make the Transition to another level of the material world in the next cycle of life before the second pre-cataclysm. Otherwise, the civilization of the Earth will no longer be able to make the Transition.

Thus, December 21, 2012 is a beacon indicating the date of the end of the quiet life of humanity on Earth and the beginning of global cataclysms of destruction of the planet.

Each person cares not only about the comfort of his flight, but also thinks through options for behavior in a possible emergency situation. If unforeseen situations arise during a flight, the chance of survival increases for people who sit in certain seats. For each model, such “safety islands” can be in different compartments of the aircraft.

Where are the safest seats on a plane?

By general rule safe places On an airplane, what helps passengers survive a crash are the seats at the back of the plane. In second place are the emergency exit seats.

The most dangerous places are in the center of the plane and in its front part.

Statistics: the safest seat on a plane during a crash

According to statistics, there is 1 plane crash per 1 million flights. There are 59 times fewer victims of plane crashes than in road accidents. Often, plane crashes occur when the plane gains altitude during the first 3 minutes, or during the landing approach within 7.5 minutes. There are 2 times more cases related to aircraft landing. At such a moment, it is important to think about your own safety and carefully listen to the flight attendant’s instructions.

According to Popular Mechanics magazine, seats in the rear of the plane are considered safe. The 2007 study included comprehensive analysis American National Safety Council statistics on car accidents that have occurred over the past 30 years. The largest percentage of citizens who survived the crash of airliners, namely over 70%, was in the tail section, and only 55% of passengers were in economy class seats in the section above the wing. As for the side, according to statistics, passengers have an equal chance of surviving a crash both when located on the right side and on the left.

The number of survivors in the front compartment of the plane is only 49%, which is very strange, because VIP luxury seats are most often located in these places.

These statistics are due to the fact that in the event of an unsuccessful landing in an emergency situation, according to the laws of physics, the impact falls on the nose of the aircraft. The impact reaches the rear seats with a significant degree of shock absorption: the impact is reduced by about 30%.

The most dangerous places are located in the central part, where the fuel supply tanks are located. In the event of an in-flight emergency, there is a high probability of fire in these compartments, which increases the risk of death for passengers.

The safest seats on an Airbus 320

Capacity varies from 150 to 180 passengers. But, regardless of the location of the seats in the cabin, traditionally the seats in the 12th and 13th rows are considered the safest for people. They are located in close proximity to emergency exits, where there is most space. The only drawback is that in these rows there is no way to stretch your legs or adjust the seat to a comfortable position.

Interesting fact! In the event of an emergency landing, people located near the emergency exits have a better chance of survival, since they will be able to quickly get out of the aircraft.

Uncomfortable seats in the last rows are statistically recognized as the safest in the event of an emergency landing.

The safest places in Boeing

Boeing aircraft are deservedly considered one of the most comfortable commercial airliners. The convenient arrangement of seats, various modifications for citizens with different income levels, allows Boeing to arrange seats depending on the needs of customers.

As a general rule, business class on such planes is located in the front of the plane: the first 3-5 rows. The large distance between passengers helps them relax and enjoy the flight.

Despite high level VIP-class service, such places are the most dangerous in Boeing. The statistics above showed that such seats are not much safer than seats located in the center of the aircraft.

The remaining seats in the Boeing are designed for economical transportation and are equipped with 3 people next to each other.

The distance between them does not exceed 75 cm. The only comfortable economy class seats in Boeing are 2 rows of seats at the emergency exits, which are located in the middle of the aircraft.

If the passengers managed to survive the impact, but the cabin caught fire, causing them to fall acrid smoke, passengers sitting at emergency exits have a greater chance of survival in such extreme conditions.

The least comfortable seats are in the back, where it is impossible to lean back and stretch your legs. But, despite the discomfort of passengers who were “lucky enough” to find themselves in not very comfortable seats in the tail compartment of the airliner, in the event of a Boeing plane crash they have a high chance of survival.

At Boeing, as at Airbus, engineers considered the places above the fuel tanks, in the center of the plane, to be the most dangerous. The greatest damage in a disaster will be caused to this compartment due to the high risk of fire.

Why is the tail of an airplane the safest place?

The experiment, which was carried out by the Americans and cost more than 1.5 million USD, showed that if economy class customers are seated in the rear tail of an aircraft, their chances of survival in the event of a plane crash increase.

During the crash test, a Boeing 727 aircraft was directed towards the ground at a speed exceeding 220 km per hour.

The passengers in the front of the plane took the blow: their chances of survival were virtually zero, while the people in the rear survived. The fact is that there are no flammable elements in the tail - fuel sensors, engine sensors, etc. In addition, there is an emergency exit door nearby, which increases the chances of a successful outcome.

You can survive only if all safety rules are followed: seat belts are fastened, the seat back is in a horizontal position.

If the issue of increased comfort is not fundamental, then it is better to choose seats at the rear of the plane or near the emergency exits.

In an emergency, this provides benefits that are more likely to save the lives of passengers than those seated in business class, first class, or the center of the aircraft. In any case, passengers must observe basic safety precautions when taking off and landing the aircraft.

Most airline customers are afraid to fly. When purchasing tickets, some passengers choose seats based on the level of comfort, while others prefer cheap options. But there is also a category of people who try to choose only safe places in order to at least slightly reduce the risks of a plane crash and get a chance of survival.

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The safest place on a plane if it falls

In 2007, the popular science magazine Popular Mechanics published information that best places located at the rear of the aircraft. The results were obtained through an analysis of statistics from the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States of America. To assess the situation, the largest air disasters over the past 35 years, the causes of passenger deaths and patterns were taken into account Vehicle. The safest place on the plane can be considered the so-called last seats. It’s comfortable to sit on them during the flight, but you can’t even compare them to the comfortable conditions of first class. The advantages of the second are obvious. Although, not all passengers understand why pay more.

Experts compared the number of victims in the incidents, taking into account the places where they were at the time of the crash.

Which seats on the plane are the safest and most comfortable?

Why it turns out that the cheapest seats on a plane are the most optimal from a safety point of view is not understood by everyone. The fact is that these positions experience the smallest load when falling. The nose of the liner always falls faster, therefore it accounts for the most swipe upon contact with the ground. In the tail are the most inexpensive and uncomfortable places.

Important! The interior layout of passenger aircraft differs significantly from each other. The same company can be used for the flight different types aircraft.

To choose the most comfortable spot not for safety, but for comfort, experts recommend:

  1. Check the information on your aircraft on the airline's website in advance. On the resource pages you can find data on the type of transport, level of cabin comfort, spacing between rows, location of toilets, etc.
  2. Use a special self-service kiosk or order tickets online via the Internet, thanks to which you can choose your seat by looking at its location according to the map.

You can always ask a consultant at the airport for advice if you book your ticket in person at the ticket office. The safest seat It may also be near the emergency exit if the aircraft has landed and passengers need to be evacuated urgently. It is difficult to talk about survivability in this case, because situations can be completely different, ranging from banal malfunctions to terrorist attacks. When falling from a great height, the survival rate for all passengers is zero.

Which part of the plane is the safest?

It’s worth noting right away that if an Airbus or other plane crashes from an altitude of 8-10 km, then it makes no difference where exactly your seat is in the cabin. Risk reduction is only possible in cases where the plane makes a dangerous landing from a low altitude or an accident occurs in the first few minutes after takeoff. There is a chance to survive if the altitude is low and your place is at the rear of the aircraft.

According to statistics, it is the tail section of the aircraft that is the safest. If you are planning to fly, choose your flight and seats wisely. Especially if you are afraid and nervous about traveling.

The safest plane

Today, the Boeing 777 is reliable from a safety point of view. Production of this type of transport began in 1995. A total of 748 cars were created, which are especially popular among travelers all over the world.

In 20 million flight hours, only 4 accidents were recorded, but they cannot be considered plane crashes. The aircraft model is equipped with the most powerful General Electric GE90 engines in the history of aircraft manufacturing. Wide-body aircraft capable of seating 300 to 500 people.

Rating of the safest aircraft

It is difficult to definitively answer which aircraft is the best. There is a whole TOP of aviation, which, according to experts, is worthy of attention and is considered relevant. The list was created taking into account data on plane crashes that were recorded over the past 100 years.

Number in the rating Vessel name
1 Boeing 777
2 Airbus A340
3 Airbus A330
4 Boeing 747
5 Boeing 737NG
6 Boeing 767
7 Airbus A320
8 Boeing 757

  • number of accidents;
  • number of models put into operation;
  • service life;
  • total flight time.

Why an airplane is the safest mode of transport in the world

Airplanes often suffer disasters, but this does not affect the fact that it is the most safe way movement. Experts say that the chances of dying while driving a car or bicycle are much higher.

It is a fact that 0.6 people die per 100 million miles. As an example, let’s take information for 2014, when 21 accidents involving air transport occurred in the world. In total, according to the data, 990 people died, of which eleven aircraft were passenger aircraft, and the remaining ten were cargo aircraft.

In total, thirty-three million flights were operated in 2014. There was only one accident per million flights. Statistics point to the fact that the likelihood of dying in a plane crash on an ordinary passenger flight on an Airbus or other aircraft is minimal, and amounts to 1 in 8 million. As a result, we can say that you have a greater chance of getting into an accident when driving to the airport than getting into a plane crash.