Interesting facts about nails and hair. Incredible Facts About the Human Body

Today, manicure is such a common procedure that no one thinks about how it was before. But the history of nail care, like any beauty procedure, goes back centuries. In this article we have selected for you the most interesting facts from the history of manicure.

How was it?

1. In Ancient Egypt they were sure that long nails helped to communicate better with the gods; they were a symbol of wisdom. Only noble people were allowed to grow their nails; slaves cut them very short. And by the color of the nails one could judge importance and position. The brighter and richer the manicure, the higher the position in society. Cleopatra preferred to paint her nails with henna, which gave them a terracotta hue.

2. In Ancient China, not only women, but also men grew their nails. Women thus demonstrated that they belonged to a high class and never engaged in physical labor. For men, long nails were a symbol of masculinity. The favorite colors of manicure were gold and silver, and since the reign of the Ming dynasty, they were replaced by red and black. By the way, the first prototype of nail extensions appeared in Ancient China - lengthening nails using silver tips.

3. In Ancient Rome, the same principle applied as in Egypt: the longer and brighter the nails, the higher the class and position in society.

4. In France in the 17th century, an interesting manicure was in fashion: men grew the nail only on the little finger. And there was also the habit of not knocking on the door, but scratching it with a fingernail.

5. In the East, vegetable dyes were injected directly into the base of the nail - then they did not have to be painted, since they immediately grew colored.

By the way, oddly enough, the man had the longest nails. His name is Nelvin Feisel Booze, and his nails, which he has not cut for 25 years, are 953 centimeters in length.

History of modern manicure

1. The first orange manicure stick we are used to today appeared back in 1830.

2. European manicure dates back to 1917, when Dr. G. Coronu invented a liquid for removing cuticles.

3. The first manicure salon appeared in 1918.

4. The year that changed everything is considered to be 1932. It was then that the first varnish in history appeared. It was a rich red color. And “thank you” for this should be said to Charles Lashman.

5. In the 60s. acrylic extensions were born, and one American dentist became its inventor. According to one version, he did this after a severe finger injury, as a result of which he tore off his nail and could not work; according to another, he wanted to wean his wife from biting her nails.

6. With the heyday of Hollywood in 1976, the ORLY company made French manicure popular today - their task was to come up with a kind of universal manicure for actresses that could match any costume.

Nails (nail plates) Since ancient times, they have been not only a tool of labor, but also a weapon against the influence of wild nature. With the development of civilization, gradually, these functions of nails became applicable only in extreme situations, and increasingly pampered hands began to use nails as a natural protector for the phalanges of the fingers and toes. As a rule, they are the first to take on bruises, cuts and other household injuries, albeit only partially, but mitigate the consequences of serious injuries.

But a person would not be a person if he did not look for beauty, perfection and harmony around him. And from the face, skin and body, his gaze naturally moved to the phalanges of the fingers and, accordingly, to the nails, since no matter how rich the decorations on the hands were, they would only further emphasize the ugliness of the hands. Beauty is an adornment in itself, and well-groomed beauty, and even framed with tasteful jewelry and, of course, varnishes - no need to explain to you - the dream of any woman, and many men are not alien to these whims.

There are many interesting facts related to nails. Some of these facts are pure superstition, but most of them are scientific. Even some of the superstitious beliefs attract attention because of the presence of logic in them. So here are some interesting facts:

  • Nails are actually the same as hair. Both hair and nails are made of the same protein called keratin.
  • Nail plates are made up of dead cells and, contrary to popular belief, they do not breathe. Therefore they do not need oxygen. However, nail beds and cuticles are made up of living cells and they require oxygen, vitamins and minerals.
  • Nails grow at a rate of 0.1 mm per day (1 cm every 100 days). Thus, it will take 4 to 6 months for the nail to grow completely. For toenails, the period of complete renewal takes from 12 to 18 months.
  • Nails don't sweat. The nail bed does not have sweat glands. Only the skin around the nails may sweat.
  • Men's nails grow faster than women's.
  • In both men and women, fingernails grow faster than toenails
  • Toenails are approximately twice as thick as fingernails.
  • The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger, the slowest growing nail is on the big toe.
  • When nails are washed frequently, they grow faster than nails that are cut occasionally. This is why it takes so long to grow long nails.
  • Seasons and weather also affect nail growth. Nails grow faster in warm climates and during the day than in cold climates and at night.
  • Nails grow faster in young people than in old people. In addition, nails grow much faster during pregnancy.
  • Nails grow at different rates on both hands. If you are right-handed, the nails on your right hand will grow faster than the nails on your left hand and vice versa.
  • Light impact, such as typing on a computer, stimulates nail growth. In fact, it's more like a massage.
  • Nails reflect your health and are an important part of your beauty.
  • Manicure is a very ancient phenomenon. There is evidence that even 4000 years ago it was known to our ancestors, who also loved to bring beauty.
  • The longest nail in history was that of an Indian guy, and it was 122 cm long.
  • If you don't drink enough water, it's bad for your overall health and it also leads to dry nails.
  • Nails are very tough (compared to skin, of course), but even they can be dissolved within 4 days if you put them in one of the most popular drinks in the world, since it is a highly caustic substance.

MIRRA company has several nail care products in its cosmetic arsenal, and the most popular of them today is Iron Nail. An equally effective remedy for strengthening nails is Potassium gel.

The gel contains:

  • calcium pantothenate – a source of calcium, moisturizes the nail plate;
  • flax oil – rich in omega-3 fatty acids;
  • Rapeseed seed oil – rich in natural fats, eliminates the lack of water and nutrients.

Calcium pantothenate helps strengthen thin and weak nails so that they grow long, strong and beautiful. The product forms a durable coating that increases the nail's resistance to damage and brittleness. Calcium gel enriched with calcium and natural oils makes nails more resistant to aggressive external environments. The product is easy to apply and dries quickly.

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There are a sufficient number of interesting facts related to nails. Some information is simple belief, but much is actually considered scientific evidence. Some of the beliefs attract attention due to their authenticity. Consider the following:

1. Nails, like hair, consist of the same protein, which is called creatine.

2. Nail plates are dead cells, and contrary to popular belief, they cannot breathe. Due to this, they do not require oxygen. But cuticles and nail beds are living cells, and they, like others, simply need oxygen, vitamin and mineral supplements.

3. Nail growth is approximately 0.1 millimeter per day (which is one centimeter in one hundred days). It follows that for full growth, nails need a period of up to six months. On the lower extremities, the full cycle of nail renewal is approximately one and a half years.

4. The first Shellac gel polish was released by CND. many modern women call gel polish shellac and they are not mistaken, and some think that shellac is a special type of varnish, different from gel polish, remember this misconception. Gel polish or shellac is a noticeable detail in the fair half of humanity, and the beauty of girls’ nails will depend on the choice of high-quality polish, so you need to buy gel polish only from trusted sellers or stores, which is the shellac nail polish on this page. Order nail polish without leaving home!!!

5. Men's nails grow much faster than women's.

6. On the hands of both the male and female half of the population, nails grow at a faster rate than on the feet.

7. The nail plates of the hands are approximately two times thinner than those on the feet.

8. The nail grows fastest on the middle finger; accordingly, the nail plate of the thumb grows slower.

9. Frequently trimmed nails grow much faster than those that are trimmed occasionally. In this regard, the process of growing nails requires considerable time.

10. Climatic conditions and seasons greatly affect nails. In a warm climate and sunlight, nails grow more efficiently; in cool and dark times of the day, the growth of nail plates slows down.

11. The younger generation's nails renew themselves much faster than those of older people. In addition, during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, the growth of nail plates accelerates significantly.

12. An interesting fact is that on both hands, nails grow at different rates. If a person is left-handed, then the nail plates on the left hand grow faster and, accordingly, vice versa.

13. Simple impact exercises (for example, typing or working at a computer) stimulate the process of nail growth.

14. Nails reflect your well-being and are an integral part of a person’s external image.

15. Manicure is a rather ancient procedure. It has been proven that 4000 years ago our ancestors created beauty in this way.

16. According to historical data, the longest nail was that of a young man from India; its length was 122 centimeters.

17. Insufficient water consumption affects the entire body, and for nails this can lead to dryness.

18. Compared to the skin, the nail plates are very hard, but they will quickly dissolve if they are dipped in the most popular drink in the world, which is recognized as the strongest caustic substance.

19. The absence of sweat glands on the nails clearly indicates that the nails cannot sweat, but the skin near the nail plates can sweat.

Manicure is one of the ways to care for the human body. The procedure includes treatment of fingernails, consisting of massage, baths, polishing and shaping of nails, decorating and extensions (optional). We invite you to get acquainted with the facts about manicure that you probably did not know.

  • The word manicure arose more than 3 thousand years ago and was obtained by adding the foundations of the Latin words “hand” (“manus”) and “care” (“cure”).
  • Nails are plates which can only be updated after 4 months.
  • Nail plastic surgery appears in the fetus already in the third month of pregnancy.
  • Nail extension products are applied to the place of the cuticle, from where the nails grow.
  • In Ancient Egypt, the color of nail plates already existed, and was strictly regulated according to social status. For example, queens had bright nail colors, while slaves had dark ones.
  • In the burials of ancient Egyptian mummies nails were found painted brown and green.
  • According to archaeologists and historians, Her preferred nail color was terracotta.

  • In ancient China, nails were painted also in different shades, the most common were red and black tones.
  • Nail paint was prepared by the Chinese from a mixture of gelatin and egg white, to which natural dyes were added. It is difficult to call these substances varnishes; rather, they resembled a paste.
  • This colored paste was applied in a thick layer onto your nails and wait for the color to absorb and dry. Then the surface was polished to a shine using pieces of suede.
  • Ancient China had a kind of false nails- they were tips made of gold. Naturally, high-ranking nobles wore them.
  • In Europe coloring pastes appeared during the reign of Catherine de Medici - approximately 60-70 years of the 16th century. Then it was not recommended to have long nails and wear a bright manicure. However, this has been established to this day in Europe.
  • Observations have proven that those who work at a computer have nail plates that grow faster. This is explained by the fact that hitting the keys is perceived as a massage that stimulates the bloodstream.
  • The world's first colored varnish, which we know today was created by Charles Revson while working at Revion. This took place in 1933.

  • also put forward the idea of ​​matching the colors of nail polish and lipstick. Today it is one of the leading principles of fashion and style.
  • In the 30s of the 20th century a manicure cost only 38 cents. It's hard to imagine how much it would be at today's exchange rate.
  • Special tool for manicure was created for the first time in 1830 - small elegant scissors and a “hoof”.

The human body is a universal mechanism, where each organ deserves special attention. You can find out the most interesting facts about nails and their features right now.

1. The laying of nails in humans occurs in utero. In the third month of pregnancy, the fetus begins to form nails, teeth and other hard tissues of the body.

2. Nails grow on average 1 millimeter per week. This indicator varies depending on genetic information, diet and balance, individual nail care and the person’s health status. Surprisingly, literally after 4 months the nails will completely change their appearance to a new one.

3. During the cold season, the nail plate grows several times slower compared to the summer period.

4. Nail and cuticle care products are most effective when applied at night. When a person rests in the dark, his nails actively grow. But, in addition to this, it is necessary to use only the highest quality varnish and nail care products, which, by the way, can be purchased without even leaving home through the online store -

5. Active massage of the fingertips when hitting the computer keyboard or piano keys promotes nail growth. This fact clearly indicates the distinctive characteristics of left-handers and right-handers, whose nail plates grow faster on the dominant hand. Excessive tapping on a hard surface naturally leads to splitting of the nail plate.

6. Unreliable fact, nevertheless discussed. On the longest fingers, the nail plate grows faster than others.

7. The root of the nail makes up one third of the entire length of the plate.

8. According to world statistics, 10% of the population develops the habit of removing nails with their teeth.

9. Water, penetrating into the thickness of the nail, makes it much thicker. This fact is constantly questioned by researchers.

10. Famous dentist Fred Slack invented false nails for society ladies. The prototype of the invention was ordinary foil, a piece of which he secured on an injured nail using a filling material.

11. The very first nail polish was red. Later, other shades appeared on the world market.

12. The pregnancy period is characterized by more rapid growth of nails than the period of lactation and breastfeeding.

13. In Ancient Egypt, people preferred to differ from each other by dark colors of the nail plate. The darker the nails, the higher the person’s status in society. At that time, green color was popularized for dyeing.

14. Dr. Koronyu became known as the developer of a new trend - manicure. In 1917, he created a special liquid for removing cuticles, and a year later he organized the first salon specializing in manicure procedures.