Morning glory: paradise in the garden. climbing flowers

Planting and caring for morning glory (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing scarified seeds for seedlings in March-April, followed by planting seedlings in the ground in early June. You can sow seeds directly into the ground in May.
  • Bloom: from July to October.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose, nutritious, calcareous, not too fertile.
  • Watering: regular but moderate.
  • Feeding: twice a month with solutions mineral fertilizers for cacti or flowering plants.
  • Trimming: in September.
  • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: aphids, spider mites.
  • Diseases: white rust, anthracnose, root, stem, soft or black rot.

Read more about growing morning glory below.

Morning glory flower - description

The morning glory plant growing in our gardens is the garden morning glory, a vine that sometimes reaches a length of five meters. Stems are densely leafy, heart-shaped. Large fragrant flowers on long stalks, abundantly covering the stems, open in the early morning and turn towards the sun until they close at noon, although on a cloudy day they close only in the evening. The shape of morning glory flowers, simple or double, resembles a gramophone trumpet, their colors suit every taste: white, red, pink, blue... Morning glory blooms from early summer until frost. Perennial in tropical latitudes, morning glory is grown in our gardens as an annual.

Types and varieties of morning glory

Of the more than 500 species of morning glory, only 25 are grown in culture. Let's briefly talk about the most popular of them.

Originates from Asia and Australia, its shoots grow up to 5 m long. They are so densely strewn with blue flowers that morning glory looks like a real carpet. The leaves are lobed, palm-shaped, carved.

In the photo: Morning glory Cairo (Ipomoea cairica)

An annual liana whose pubescent stem reaches 8 meters. Leaves are glabrous, oval or lanceolate, opposite. Single red, dark purple, purple, blue, white or pink gramophone flowers up to 7 cm long. There are varieties with variegated and even double flowers. The tropical belt of America is considered the homeland of morning glory. Varieties: Starfish, Scarlett O'Hara, Nochka, Giselle.

In the photo: Purple morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

Or in Japanese asagao (morning face) – a strongly branched annual vine up to 3 m long. The leaves are large, broadly oval, opposite, long-petiolate, dark green. Funnel-shaped flowers of red, soft or dark blue, pink or purple up to 10 cm in diameter. This morning glory blooms from mid-summer to October. Varieties: semi-double Pikoti blue or red with white edging, hybrid Serenade - double corrugated flowers of dark red or lilac color 8 cm in diameter.

In the photo: Morning glory Nil (Ipomoea nil, Ipomoea imperialis)

Or morning glory (Ipomoea rubro-caerulea) - native to the tropics of America. Perennial used in culture as annual plant. The stem reaches a length of 4-5 m. The leaves are large, opposite, heart-shaped, bare, wrinkled, the petioles are long. Funnel-shaped flowers 8-10 cm in diameter are collected in bunches of 3-4 pieces: pale blue with a white tube, but when they fade, they become pink-purple. This morning glory blooms from early June until the first frost. Some varieties contain psychotropic substances used in medicine. Varieties popular in floriculture: Pink Lollipop, Blue Star, Sky Blue, Flying Saucer.

In the photo: Ipomoea tricolor (Ipomoea tricolor)

An annual liana from the American tropics. The branched stem reaches a length of 2-3 meters, the leaves are large, heart-shaped, three-lobed, similar to ivy leaves. Funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm are usually sky blue, sometimes with a white border, but they can be red, burgundy, or pink. They are collected two or three on a long peduncle. They bloom from July to mid-autumn. The Roman Candy variety with variegated white-green leaves is even grown as an hanging plant.

In the photo: Ipomoea hederacea

Morning glory (Ipomoea noctiflora)

Also from tropical America. Stem up to 3 m long, shoots up to 6 m, large leaves Heart-shaped, fragrant white flowers are also large - up to 10 cm, open at night and close with the first rays of the sun, and those unfamiliar with this mystery of Farbitis moonflower ask why their morning glory does not bloom. But on a cloudy day, the flowers close only in the evening, and you will be able to appreciate their amazing gentle beauty. This morning glory blooms from July-August to October.


These are morning glories with lacy carved foliage and small tubular-shaped flowers. Among the most popular in culture: feathery quamoclit (Quamoclit pennata), Slaughter's quamoclit, or cardinal vine (Quamoclit x sloteri), fiery red quamoclit (Quamoclit coccinea) and lobed quamoclit (Quamoclit lobata).

In the photo: Quamoclit

In addition to the described species and their varieties, such types of morning glory as Brazilian, palmate, Moorish, lobed and others are slightly less common in cultivation.

Growing morning glory from seeds

Morning glory from seeds - sowing

Morning glory is propagated by seeds, which remain viable for three to four years after harvest. Sowing morning glory seeds into the substrate is done in mid-May, but they are first scarified (the integrity of the shell is damaged) or simply soaked for a day in water at 25-30 ºC for swelling. If the seeds do not swell, their shell must be pierced with a needle and soaked again.

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the soil, and this is where difficulties arise, since each species requires a specific substrate. Species of African origin prefer soil for succulent plants with the addition of fine expanded clay; such soil will not suit American varieties, and you will have to make for them a mixture of two parts of leaf humus, adding to it one part each of peat, vermiculite, coke fiber and half a part of fine expanded clay.

The seeds are planted in small cups with a substrate, two to four in each, and covered with glass or film to form a greenhouse. Water the soil as needed, ventilate, remove condensation, maintain 18-20 degrees temperature regime, and seedlings will appear in 10-12 days.

Morning glory seedlings

When the seedlings grow to 15 cm in height, a cord is tied to the base of the sprout, the second end of which is pulled up and secured: the growing loach will climb along this guide. As the seedlings grow, they will have to be moved once or twice into a large container by transferring them so as not to damage or expose the roots. If you want to get more side shoots, you need to pinch out the seedlings.

Planting morning glory

When to plant morning glory

Landing at open ground grown morning glory seedlings are carried out in late May or early June. At this time, the soil has already warmed up and there is no need to be afraid of night frosts, which could destroy the young vine.

How to plant morning glory

Young shoots are transplanted by transshipment at a distance of 20 cm from each other and a support is immediately installed above them: this can be a lattice of twigs or a stretched fishing line.

You can sow seeds directly into open ground, bypassing the seedling period. This is done at the end of May after frost, choosing a sunny and windless area for planting. Morning glory prefers slightly acidic soil and requires good drainage. Whatever planting method you choose, be careful because morning glory is very poisonous. That is why it is grown outdoors.

Morning glory - care

How to care for morning glory

Caring for morning glory is simple: water regularly, but moderately, so that water stagnation does not form in the roots: from May to August - without waiting for the soil to dry out, and from September - after the soil has dried. Fertilize during the period of active growth every 2-3 weeks with fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants or for cacti. However, an excess of fertilizers, especially nitrogen-containing ones, can lead to intensive formation of foliage, but morning glory does not bloom, so it is important to observe the measure when feeding. The concentration of fertilizers should be as for indoor plants.

From time to time, morning glory needs pruning: you need to remove damaged or diseased-looking shoots; it is best to trim the vine in September, putting the plant in order before the dormant period. In the spring, pruning is carried out to thin out the bush, leaving no more than three stems in each. Sometimes you have to thin out morning glory during the growing season.

Propagation of morning glory by cuttings

Some types of morning glory are propagated vegetatively using cuttings. For example, morning glory sweet potato. From the cut shoots, cuttings are cut 15-20 cm long with two internodes, and the lower cut should pass at an angle of 45º 15 mm below the node. After removing the leaves from the bottom, the cuttings are placed in water. The roots appear very quickly, on days 3-5, and the shoots can be immediately transplanted into the ground and grown at a temperature of 20-25 ºC. Complete rooting in the ground occurs within a week. Terms for rooting cuttings: March-April - rooting of green cuttings, in the summer - rooting of both green and semi-lignified cuttings.

Pests and diseases of morning glory

Among the diseases of morning glory - fungal diseases(white rust, anthracnose, various types of rot - root, stem, black, soft), viral diseases(about twenty different viruses) and the physiological disease white edema. The plant usually becomes infected with fungal diseases through the soil, especially with chronic waterlogging. Some fungal diseases can be cured by removing rotten areas and treating morning glory with a fungicide, but ailments such as soft, root and stem rot cannot be treated, so specimens infected with them must be destroyed. Viral diseases also cannot be treated: affected plants must be burned so as not to infect healthy ones. White swelling - no infection, in addition, only plants grown in a greenhouse or apartment suffer from it. It occurs when too frequent watering superimposed on high air humidity and too low temperature and is expressed in the appearance of blisters and bumps on the leaves, which gradually turn from green and yellowish to brown. Soon the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Try to follow the agrotechnical rules for growing morning glory, and this problem simply will not arise.

Of the pests, the main enemies of morning glory are aphids and spider mite. You can get rid of aphids by treating the plant with soapy water, but spider mites are afraid of spraying cold water, but these methods only work if you detect uninvited guests right away. If they have settled down and settled in, then they will have to fight both aphids and spider mites systemic insecticide such as acarina, karbofos, fitoverm or actellica.

How to collect morning glory seeds

When to collect morning glory seeds

Experts recommend collecting seeds from the second and third buds. When the flowers wither and a brown box forms in their place, let it dry and open slightly. This will happen in about a month. Pour the seeds from the box into a paper bag and write the name of the variety on it. As already mentioned, morning glory seeds remain viable for three to four years.

Morning glory after flowering

Morning glory in winter

Morning glory in our latitudes is grown as an annual, so in the fall, when the leaves wither and fall off, you can cut the morning glory stems and dig up the ground, removing the rhizome. Next spring you will sow the seeds and a new morning glory will grow. Or it may happen that you don’t have to sow the seeds, since morning glory reproduces well by self-sowing, and if seeds from ripened capsules spilled into the place where it grew this year, then it is quite likely that next year young shoots of morning glory will begin to grow in this place.

Lianas in the garden give us not only aesthetic pleasure, but also bring practical benefits.
Liana-like plants perform the “” function perfectly. They can , or .
At the same time, climbing plants create elegant carpets of abundant greenery and flowers, provide coolness on a hot day, and create a living curtain from the prying eyes of neighbors. In addition, with the help of pergolas or arches effectively entwined with vines, you can divide the garden into functional zones.

Experimenting with annual vines in the garden

If you are still looking for the style and appearance of your garden, it is wiser to experiment with. With their help, in the near future you can see what a specific project will look like. And if you suddenly don’t like something, you can make adjustments to the project painlessly for the plants.
For example, it is very easy to abandon new crops of annual beans than to adjust the project with. After all, planted perennials (, etc.) will have to be uprooted, spending considerable time and effort on this, torturing the rooted plants.

Last gardening season (2011) I had the opportunity to experience three species annual vines, new for me.
I needed to pick up beautiful liana- a worthy candidate for the central arch in my garden. It was necessary to replace the clematis growing there, which disappointed me year after year. He did not cling to the support provided, as other clematis do. As a result, I had to spend a significant amount of time fixing it to the arch and giving it the appropriate aesthetic appearance.
In the meantime, my new hybrid clematis(variety “General Sikorsky”) is growing up in school, I started testing new annual vines.

As candidates for decorating the arch, I planted: morning glory "Serenade", (hyacinth beans, climbing lilac) and.
I’ll say right away that in the competition of these three vines, kobeya became the undisputed leader!
. And the heroine of today’s article is terry morning glory.

Features of terry morning glory “Solar Serenade”

Morning glory (Ipomoea) is the largest genus of flowering plants in the bindweed family (Convolvulaceae). The name of this plant - “loach” - is determined by its ability to twine. It comes from two Greek words: ips ("worm") and homoios ("similar"), given because of the similarity of the shape of the morning glory's climbing stem to the worm.

Double flowers of morning glory are extremely rare. Non-double morning glory with funnel-shaped flowers of various colors are usually grown in gardens.

Morning glory imperial terry varieties I sowed “Solar Serenade” (Ipomoea x imperialis Sunrise Serenade) for the first time. This vine produces a mass of beautiful greenery with heart-shaped leaves. And her flowers, as you can see, are very exotic!

Terry morning glory “Sunny Serenade” - into a magnificent climbing plant up to 300 cm high. This variety is famous for its fully double cherry-red flowers with a white center, decorated with exquisite corrugation. The diameter of its large flowers is about 8 cm.

The spectacular flowers of double morning glory "Sunny Serenade" last much longer than those of other morning glory. Double flowers open in the morning and flaunt on the vine almost all day (they close in the evening around 17.00 -18.00). This distinguishes double morning glory from ordinary non-double varieties, which show the flower in full opening only in the morning and live for only about four hours. And it is for this reason that many gardeners refuse to grow morning glory in favor of other vines.

To get early flowering of terry morning glory, it is advisable to grow it through seedlings.
Shoots will appear faster if you first soak the morning glory seeds overnight in warm water. Germination after soaking the seeds is good!

It is recommended to sow morning glory for seedlings at the end of March or in April, sowing 1 seed in individual pots to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
Morning glory crops are kept in a bright place at a temperature of about 22 degrees. It is advisable to place sticks next to the growing shoots to provide support for the sprouts.
Morning glory seedlings are planted in the garden after the end of spring frosts.

Sowing morning glory on permanent place in open ground is carried out in May.
Morning glory shoots appear on the 10-15th day. Too frequent seedlings must be thinned out, maintaining a distance between plants of about 40-50 cm.
When sowing terry morning glory in the garden (seedlings must be protected from return frosts!), it blooms only from August until autumn frosts.

Bearing in mind that morning glory does not like transplants, last year I sowed the seeds in open ground.
If I had known in advance that the terry morning glory “Sunny Serenade” would turn out so extraordinarily beautiful, I would, of course, have acted differently. I would sow its seeds early in cups for seedlings.
And the double morning glory, sown immediately in open ground in mid-May, began to bloom in my garden only on August 20... And even though it bloomed until late autumn, but “it won’t be enough!”, as the famous cartoon character said :)
Therefore, I advise everyone to grow terry morning glory seedlings in order to admire its flowering for as long as possible.

Morning glory prefers fertile, well-drained soil and a sunny location.
I water the morning glory as the soil dries out (but keep in mind that this vine does not tolerate stagnant water!).
Be careful with feeding the vines - their excess can cause the growth of the green mass of morning glory, but at the same time there will be poor flowering!

When the last gardening season ended, based on the results of the flowering of new vines, I drew conclusions for myself on their use in the garden.
I abandoned the idea of ​​​​placing the terry morning glory “Sunny Serenade” on the central arch of my garden in favor of the beautiful kobei. But letting elegant vines of terry morning glory grow along other garden verticals that require decoration (for example) will be very useful!

Lyudmila Rezhnova (Dubna, Moscow region)

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The luscious leaves of the vine with the epic name "morning glory" create a real tropical carpet in the garden. With the arrival of the first summer warmth, it begins to sparkle - these are the fragrant “gramophone” inflorescences that bloom. Anyone who has seen morning glory in bloom will not deny that this is a real miracle of nature that came to us from distant countries. Fortunately, you can grow this plant on your own property without much hassle.

Morning glory is a flower from the humid tropics. This is a large genus from the Bindweed family. Among the representatives of the genus there are trees, bushes, long vines, and edible root crops. Morning glory is used in landscape design, but some gardeners grow morning glory at home.

In floriculture, garden vines are mainly used for landscaping gardens, balconies and verandas. Their stems actively grow up to 5 in length, climbing any elevation or hanging gracefully if morning glory is growing in a pot. They are distinguished by their unique beauty, do not require very painstaking care and easily take root in a new place.

To the number botanical features Morning glories include the following:

  • During the flowering period - from June to frost - morning glory (the second name for farbitis) is abundantly covered with buds of delicate flowers. They can be red, soft blue, dark purple, scarlet...
  • The bending stems of the plant are densely covered with foliage. Morning glory leaves take on a heart-shaped shape and are a rich green color.
  • Coming from the tropics, the perennial vine does not survive the winter well, so in gardens you can only find annual morning glory.
  • The inflorescences, reminiscent of a gramophone, bloom on elongated stalks, which adds sophistication and sophistication.
  • Fragrant flowers wake up along with the sun, delighting those around you until lunchtime. Although, if the day is not very sunny, the inflorescences may close in the evening.

Morning glory, varieties and popular varieties

Of all the types of these vines, no more than 25 have taken root in cultivation. Here are the most common ones in gardening:

  • Ipomoea purpurea is an annual vine with densely pubescent stems. This species can stretch up to 8 m in length. The foliage is oval, less often lanceolate. Inflorescences are large, up to 7 cm, solitary. The color is different - bright red, sky, black-violet, milky, purple. The natural habitat is the tropical zones of America. Famous varieties include: Giselle, as well as Scarlett O'Hara, Starfish.

  • Ipomoea Cairo is a tropical representative of Asia. The liana forms stems 5-6 m long, with beautiful carved leaves. During the flowering period it is covered with white-blue inflorescences.

  • Morning glory is a flowering morning glory with leaves that resemble ivy greens. The inflorescences are small, 5 cm in diameter. In most varieties, the color of the buds is sky blue with a barely noticeable white edge. Crimson and scarlet colors are less common. Most beautiful view― Roman Candy. It has unparalleled leaves with white veins and is often grown as a hanging crop.

  • Morning glory sweet potato or morning glory is a vine with wide heart-shaped leaves, often purple in color. It is grown in baskets on the balcony as an hanging crop. Varieties: Pink Frost, Margarita, Blackie.

  • Ipomoea Nile is an annual plant that grows stems of medium length (up to 3 m). The leaves are quite large, long-petioled, dark green in color. The flowers are also large, often up to 10 cm in diameter, their shape is funnel-shaped, the colors of the petals are pale blue, cornflower blue, indigo, lavender, and may have a white edge. There are semi-double varieties (Pikoti) and double varieties (Serenade).

  • Tricolor morning glory perennial - planting this species often ends with the plant growing as an annual. The stem of the vine grows up to 4 m in length. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, often wrinkled, growing on long petioles. Inflorescences are often grouped in bunches of 3-4 pieces, 7-9 cm in diameter. Morning glory petals blue color with a pale white tube. After wilting, the color of the bud changes to a purple-pink hue. Varieties of tricolor morning glory: Star, Lollipop, Flying Saucer.

  • Moonflowering morning glory is a unique, cheeky vine, the inflorescences of which bloom in the moonlight and fade by morning. Whoever planted this species for the first time may not even notice that the morning glory has already faded. The flowering period occurs in the second half of summer.

  • Ipomoea kvamoklitii - a colorful look with openwork leaves and inflorescences weird shape, which resemble stars on a stick. The color of the flowers is peach, pale red. Varieties: Slaughtera, Cardinal liana.

How to grow morning glory from seeds

Morning glory is not a picky plant, and if you organize a place for it correctly, it is not difficult to grow it in the garden or in a flowerpot on the balcony. In tropical climates, vines reproduce by self-sowing, but at home you will have to sow the seeds yourself and then plant them in a suitable place.

Features of sowing morning glory seeds

The seeds of this vine can remain viable for more than three years. Before planting, you need to pre-soak them in cool water (20-25⁰C) for at least 20 hours. Instead, many scarify them (slightly damage the seed coat) and immediately sow them into the substrate.

At the time of selection the right soil For seeds there are many difficulties. The fact is that morning glory happens different types and when choosing soil you need to take it into account geographical origin. So, soil for succulents is suitable for African seeds. But for varieties from American latitudes you will have to make the soil yourself. To do this, you will need three parts of humus, two parts each of perlite and peat, and part of medium-sized expanded clay.

The best time for sowing is mid-May. Seeds are sown three at a time in small cups with substrate. Then the containers are covered with film.

Caring for morning glory seedlings

The seedlings will hatch in 14-18 days. In order for morning glory seedlings to develop, the cups with seedlings are watered as the soil dries, ventilated, and condensation is regularly removed from the glass. Suitable temperature for seedlings is 20⁰C.

When the seedlings grow to 12-15 cm, you need to build a support for them. A thin cord is carefully attached at the base of the sprout, and the other end is secured a little higher. A young loach will curl along this support.

As the seedlings grow, they plant them in larger flowerpots, or immediately transplant the morning glory into open ground. At the same time, the tender roots of the vine cannot be exposed, so the transshipment is done with the entire earthen lump. If you want to create curvy side shoots, carry out pinching.

Morning glory, planting in a flower bed

You can plant morning glory seedlings outside by the end of May. During this period, the liana will already be able to get used to the new place. The sprouts are planted according to the principle of transshipment at a short distance between each other, this can be 15 cm or more. A support is immediately organized: you can stretch a fishing line, make a lattice of twigs, but it is better to plant the vine right next to a fence or wall.

Experienced gardeners practice direct sowing of morning glory in a flower bed. This can also be done at the end of May. A sunny part of the garden, without drafts, is suitable for this. For morning glory, the soil needs to be slightly acidic, with very good drainage.

Morning glory in the garden, care rules

Difficulties in caring for morning glory usually arise during the period of growing seedlings. When the sprouts have grown and successfully taken root in the garden, the most simple care is needed.

What care is required for morning glory

Morning glory should be watered frequently, but with a small amount of water. She loves moisture, but quickly gets sick if there is too much water at the roots. In summer you need to water daily, and with the arrival of autumn - as the soil dries out.

Ipomoea requires moderate fertilizer. During the growing season, you can apply fertilizer twice a month for flowering crops; for African varieties, fertilizers for indoor succulents are suitable. The concentration for morning glory can be taken the same as for feeding indoor plants. If you apply too much nitrogen-containing fertilizer, instead of abundant flowering, morning glory will grow thick greenery.

Propagation of morning glory by cuttings

A number of varieties are propagated by cuttings. Cuttings are cut 18-19 cm long, always with two full internodes. The cut is made at an angle of 45⁰. All leaves in the lower sector are cut off, the cuttings are immersed in a container of water. When the first roots appear, they are transplanted into the substrate. Rooting of cuttings can be done from March to June.

Diseases and pests of morning glory

The main enemies of morning glory are spider mites, fungi and aphids.

If morning glory leaves turn yellow, this is the first signal of pest infestation. If you do not treat the greens with an insecticide in time, sooty fungus can frolic in the liquid that aphids secrete.

In addition, many varieties of fungi and rot can enter the plant from the soil and completely destroy it. Therefore, you need to frequently inspect morning glory and, if suspected, immediately treat the shoots with a fungicide.

Ipomoea perennial, care after flowering

If the vine is perennial, it is important to prune - all broken, diseased-looking leaves and shoots are removed. In September, more severe pruning is carried out before wintering. True, this vine grows for several years in one place only in warm regions. In cold climates, after wilting, the vine is cut off and the rhizome is disposed of. And in the spring you can plant collected seeds and again enjoy the richness of this vine.

When to collect morning glory seeds

It is better to collect seeds from the third bud. After it withers, a box will form, which will ripen in 30-35 days. When it opens a little, you need to remove the seeds from it and store it in a paper envelope.

Morning glory, care on the balcony

Morning glory is considered a poisonous crop with an intoxicating aroma, so it should be grown in open spaces. Morning glory will feel great on the balcony or veranda. Care is the same as in open ground.

It’s even hard to believe that an ordinary field bindweed has such a luxurious sister as morning glory. And if the modest inhabitant of the middle latitudes, well known to many summer residents, has long gained fame as a malicious weed, then its relative is one of the favorites in floriculture ornamental crops. The elegant name “morning glory” translated from Greek does not sound very euphonious - “like a worm”, but it very accurately reflects the appearance exotic beauty: powerful, densely leafy vine stems wrap around everything that gets in their way. The main decoration of morning glory is its delicate, fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers, which open at dawn and close by midday. The colors of these cute gramophones can be very diverse - blue, snow-white, pink, purple, scarlet, light blue, inky violet.

Morning glory migrated to garden culture from the tropical forests of Africa and America, but, despite its southern origin, it thrives in mid-latitude climates and blooms luxuriantly from early summer until the onset of cold weather, without requiring special attention.

Landing dates

Morning glory is propagated by seeds, which are sown for seedlings in the first ten days of May. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place of growth in early summer, when night frosts have subsided. At the same time, vine seeds are sown in open ground, bypassing the seedling period.

Growing seedlings

Large, thick-skinned morning glory seeds are sown in the ground after preliminary scarification or soaking. To break the integrity of the shell, carefully rub the seeds sandpaper or a nail file. If you decide to soak the seeds, simply immerse them in warm (+25–30° C) water for a day until they swell. Sometimes the seeds refuse to swell, then they need to be carefully pierced with a thin sewing needle and soaked again.

When growing seedlings, special attention should be paid to the composition of the soil. African morning glory will love cactus mixture diluted with fine expanded clay. American species in this matter they are more capricious - it is advisable to prepare the substrate for them from leaf humus, peat and vermiculite (2: 1: 1). To improve aeration, add 1 part of coconut fiber and 0.5 parts of fine expanded clay to the resulting mixture.

Prepared seeds are sown in seedling cups of 2–4 pieces and kept under a film until germination at a temperature of +18–20° C. The crops are regularly ventilated and watered with a spray bottle as necessary. The film is removed after 10–12 days, when the first shoots appear.

When young vines reach a height of 15 cm, support pegs are installed next to them to set the direction of growth. If the seedlings develop too quickly, then before planting in open ground they will have to be transplanted into a larger pot.

Planting in open ground

Morning glory is grown in sunny, windless areas. The soil for planting is preferably loose, slightly acidic, nutritious, but not oversaturated with organic matter. Young plants are transferred into shallow holes, maintaining a distance of 20–25 cm between neighboring bushes. The soil under the vines is generously watered with settled water and suitable supports are immediately installed along which the morning glory will grow upward.

If you decide to skip the seedling period, you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. Make small holes in the soil, place 2–4 prepared seeds in each hole, cover and water. The support structure will need to be installed when the seedlings grow to a height of 10–15 cm.

Basic care

  • Water the vine moderately, without waiting for the soil to dry out completely. However, there is also no need to allow moisture to stagnate at the roots.
  • Every 2–3 weeks, the bushes are fed with complex fertilizer for flowering plants or for indoor succulents. Overdose nutrients, especially the nitrogen component, is undesirable, otherwise morning glory will actively grow lush foliage instead of flowering.
  • Periodically, the vine should be pruned. Weak and unhealthy-looking shoots must be removed. In spring, pruning is carried out for the purpose of shaping the bush - no more than 3 stems are left on one plant.

Diseases and pests

Chronic waterlogging of the soil in a flower garden often leads to infection of morning glory with fungal diseases such as anthracnose, white rust, and all kinds of rot. Having discovered the symptoms of the listed ailments, the affected areas of the plant must be pruned and the bushes treated with a potent fungicide (Ridomil Gold, Horus, Fundazol). Besides, high humidity air in combination with excessive watering and low ambient temperatures can cause plants grown from seedlings to develop white swelling. The disease is characterized by the appearance of knobby growths on the leaves, the color of which gradually changes from greenish-yellow to brown, the leaves wither and fall off. To prevent this problem, it is enough to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology.

More than 500 species of morning glory are known in nature, of which only 25 have been introduced into garden culture. The following have won particular love among flower growers:

  • Ipomoea purpurea is an annual growing vine native to the American tropics. The pubescent stem of the plant grows up to 8 m in height. Against the background of bare lanceolate or oval leaves, simple or double gramophone flowers, painted in bright red, soft pink, dark purple or sky blue tones, look very impressive. Popular varieties– Giselle, Scarlett O’Hara, Nochka, Starfish.
  • Ipomoea Cairo is a beautiful flowering vine with carved palm-shaped leaves and blue flowers, reaching a height of 5 m. It grows naturally in Asia and Australia. Distinctive feature kind - abundant flowering, thanks to which the plant resembles an exotic carpet.
  • Morning glory tricolor is another native of the tropical zone of America. Decorative perennial 4–5 m high with wrinkled long-petioled leaves and large funnel-shaped flowers (8–10 cm in diameter), collected in “bouquets” of 3–4 pieces. During the flowering process, the pale blue color of the inflorescences gradually turns purple-pink. The best varieties– Blue Star, Flying Saucer, Sky Blue, Pink Lollipop.
  • Ipomoea Nile is a highly branched annual plant 2–3 m high with dark green broad-oval leaves and huge (up to 10 cm in diameter) gramophone flowers of blue, red, lilac or pink color. The Pikoti variety and the Serenada variety series are in high demand in floriculture.
  • Morning glory moonflowering is a tall (3–4 m) vine with large leaves and delicate fragrant white flowers. The name of the species is due to its unusual feature: Flowers bloom only at night and close at sunrise. The daytime flowering of the moonflowering morning glory can only be admired in cloudy weather.
  • Ipomoea ivy is a tropical liana with a long (up to 3 m) branched stem and three-lobed heart-shaped leaves. The color of the not too large (about 5 cm in diameter) flowers is usually blue, but there are varieties with red, burgundy and pink gramophones.
  • Morning glory Kvamoklit - vines with beautiful openwork leaves and medium-sized tubular flowers. The most popular quamoclites in floriculture are feathery, fiery red, lobed and Slaughter.

On the domestic market you can easily find such luxury varieties morning glory beauties, like Ultraviolet, Milky Way, Gypsy, Beauty of Moscow, Moon in Love, Cherry Shawl, Violetta, Mystery, Robin, Pink Shimmer, Kiozaki (mixture), Carnival of Venice (mixture) and many others.

The morning glory flower (farbitis) is a beautiful climbing plant that can decorate a high fence, arch, or any fence. On climbing vine funnel-shaped flowers are located bright colors. The bindweed plant is notable for the fact that it begins to bloom in July, maintaining flowering until October. The plant feels great when grown in middle lane and does not require special care.

Scientists count more than 500 varieties of morning glory, of which only 25 are cultivated, and among them there are both annual and perennial species. The most famous types of farbitis are morning glory purple and tricolor.

In landscape design, morning glory is often used for vertical gardening territories. It can be combined with other bindweeds: campsis, ivy, grapes, hops. Ipomoea looks great climbing around deciduous trees.

Gallery: morning glory (25 photos)

Planting in open ground

When growing morning glory an important condition is the location of the flower and its lighting. The plant loves partial shade. In the sun, it quickly closes the flowers, and in too shaded places, morning glory grows poorly and blooms poorly. When choosing a location, you should also consider the direction of the wind. In a place unprotected from the wind, the stems may be damaged.

Planting Farbitis in open ground will not be difficult for you: the plant sprouts well from seeds and quickly begins to grow. The vine is planted in open ground not only with seeds, but also with seedlings. Just make sure that the seedlings are not overripe. Absolutely any soil is suitable for planting, except sandy loam.

If you want to grow Farbitis seedlings, this must be done in March. If you pre-soak the seeds in water, this will speed up their growth. Morning glory seeds are quite large, so plant two or three seeds per container. Water the seeds moderately warm water. Seedlings should be kept at a temperature of 18 to 23 degrees. After a week you should notice the first shoots.

Plant seedlings in open ground in early or mid-summer. The soil at this time is already warmed up and frosts will not threaten the life of the flower. Replant the plant using the transshipment method. The distance between two seedlings should be at least 20 centimeters from each other. Make sure that the plant is equipped with strong support for its stems.

Rules of care

Caring for Farbitis is not difficult, but you still need to know the basic rules. So, caring for morning glory includes:

  1. Timely watering and fertilizing.
  2. Installing a strong support for the vine.
  3. Inspection of stems and removal of damaged ones.
  4. Pest treatment if the situation requires it.

The flower requires the greatest care and attention during the flowering period.

Watering and loosening the soil. The plant does not like drought, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, you should water the flower little by little and often. Be careful not to accidentally overwater the morning glory, otherwise its roots may begin to rot. In summer, watering should be done daily, in autumn - as needed. It is necessary to loosen the soil around the stems. This is necessary so that oxygen reaches the roots and the applied fertilizers are absorbed faster. It is necessary to loosen the soil several centimeters deep.

Every three weeks during the flowering period of morning glory it should be fed. As a fertilizer, use fertilizer for cacti and any flowering plants. Do not use a large number of fertilizers containing nitrogen. In this case, foliage will quickly form, but such a plant will not bloom. The normal dosage is similar to that for indoor plants.

In autumn it is necessary to prune farbitis. In September, remove all damaged and diseased shoots. This way you will prepare the plant for winter. Spring pruning is performed only if you are going to replant the vine.

Collection and storage of seeds

Morning glory seeds begin to appear in August, but it is better to collect them in September. In August, small round boxes with seeds are formed, which ripen well. In September, the flowers begin to fade, and the seed pods are well warmed up by the sun's heat and dry out. It is at this moment that they should be collected. Check if the seeds are dry enough. To do this, break one ball and look at the color of the seeds. If they are black, they are ready to be harvested.

Collect the seeds in a dry, clean jar and place it in a dark place until spring. If the seeds are sufficiently dried, they will not spoil.

Reasons for the lack of flowers

If farbitis does not bloom or blooms but poorly, most likely it has been overcome by pests or some kind of disease. The most common of them:

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