Tall bearded irises. Perennial irises: photos and descriptions of varieties, planting and care

Many people consider them rustic, but in fact the bearded iris flower is very multifaceted - a magnificent collection bearded irises This will allow you to simply transform a summer flower garden in any area, making it unique and colorful. Thanks to the huge number of garden varieties of this plant, everyone will be able to choose the flower that will ideally suit their purpose.

In this article, we will look at the features of growing bearded iris - the most popular species among gardeners, we will give a description of the varieties of this flower, and also note the basic rules on how to plant bearded iris and how to care for it.

Botanical description and features of bearded iris

Bearded iris is a perennial rhizomatous plant that belongs to the Iridaceae or Iridaceae family. These bright and unusual flowers can be found on almost all continents, so without false modesty, the bearded iris should be called an international flower. These are such unique flowers that it is difficult to even convey their beauty and main features. Bearded irises in nature can easily interbreed with each other and thereby create new vibrant varieties. It is this feature that has attracted breeders from all over the world and has made it possible to develop several tens of thousands of different varieties of bearded iris.

Exists a large number of legends associated with the appearance of this flower on earth and the origin of its name. Iris is translated from Latin as “rainbow”. This was the name of the ancient Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris, who was the link between the gods and people. She personified a beautiful and fragile girl with two delicate wings behind her back, ready to fly into the skies at the slightest call, sparkling with all the shades of the rainbow. In honor of this goddess, the irises flowers were named, which, like the smallest fragments of a rainbow, decorate fields and meadows. There is another legend about the appearance of this beautiful flower. She takes us back to the times of the reign of the gods and the appearance of Prometheus. At the moment when Prometheus gave fire to people, a rainbow flashed in the sky, which gave people light and joy all day, all evening and all night. This is how nature expressed its jubilation. And when the sun rose in the morning, there was no rainbow in the sky, but the whole earth was strewn with bright irises, which resembled fragments of a multi-colored rainbow.

The first mention of iris flowers was recorded 2000 years ago. The painted flower was discovered by archaeologists in the palace of Minos, and many years later the iris became a sacred and revered flower on the island of Cyprus. Now the bearded iris flower is a favorite flower not only of numerous breeders, for whom working with it is a pleasure, but also of millions of gardeners who appreciate its beauty and unpretentiousness.

Description of bearded iris:

  • Bearded iris is a perennial rhizomatous plant that is widespread throughout the world.
  • Today there is a rather complex classification of iris species, which is difficult for the average gardener to understand. Therefore, fans of this extraordinary flower group all varieties very simply: bearded and non-bearded. Bearded irises are the most popular variety, attracting gardeners with their bright colors and interesting shape of inflorescences.
  • The root system of bearded irises is superficial, sometimes emerging from the ground. It has many small thread-like roots. By appearance has several annual seals that spread and allow the plant to grow.
  • Every spring, an annual peduncle grows from the rhizome, on which flowers subsequently bloom.
  • The leaves of the bearded iris are long and flat, their shape can be sword-shaped or linear, very thin, covered with a waxy coating.
  • The leaves are arranged in two-row fan-shaped bunches at the very base of the peduncle. These are basal leaves. The stem leaves are small and there are very few of them.
  • The leaf color is light green.
  • By height bearded plants are divided into several groups: dwarf - up to 35 cm high, intermedia - 40-75 cm high and tall bearded irises - up to 2 m high.
  • Main decoration bearded iris- its flowers, which amaze with their variety of shades and intricate shapes.
  • The flower consists of 6 petals, which are arranged in two tiers. Three of them rise up with a dome, and the other three are slightly lowered and bent down. The colors of the petals are often multi-colored: red-orange-yellow, blue-blue, purple-blue and white. Among all the variety of shades, there is not only pure red.
  • The name of the bearded iris variety comes from the small beard on the bent petals, which consists of small woolly hairs, often of a contrasting shade. Hence the name of this variety.
  • Bearded iris flowers can be single or collected in small inflorescences. A large bush can have about 10 flowers on one peduncle.
  • Flowering begins around the end of May or early June. One flower can bloom for 3-5 days.
  • Some varieties have pleasant aroma Therefore, they are often grown for industrial purposes to obtain essences for cosmetology.
  • After the flowers fade, fruits appear on the plant in the form of a three-lobed capsule.

Variety of bearded iris varieties

Irises already for a long time They are considered one of the most popular garden flowers, the variety of colors and shapes of which is simply amazing. The most popular are rightfully bearded irises, a group of which includes approximately 35,000 different varieties that differ in height, shape and size of inflorescences, and color. Today there is a very complex classification of types and varieties of irises, which is quite difficult for ordinary gardeners to understand. Many still spread it over the beard on the petals. Let's look at the description of the best bearded irises.

  • Beverly Hills variety. This is a tall bearded iris; the height of the peduncle can reach approximately 90 cm. The leaves of this flower are long and narrow, and have a bright green tint. The bearded iris bush grows quickly. The flower is medium in size, its shade is coral pink with a reddish lace beard. The Beverly Hills variety begins flowering in early July.

  • Variety of bearded iris "Burgomaster". Another tall variety, the peduncle of which can reach a height of about 80 cm. The flower is medium in size, the petals along the edge are orange-violet, the inside is dark purple. Inside the flower, the petals are slightly yellowish in color with a pinkish tint.
  • Variety "Batik". This variety of bearded iris can reach approximately 70-80 cm in height. The leaves are narrow and do not lose their bright green color until the end of summer. The flowers are quite large, up to 16-16 cm each. From the name of the variety it is clear that the coloring of the petals will be in the well-known artistic technique of batik. The flower is purple in color with many white veins.

  • Variety "Summer Night". A beautiful, tall variety of bearded iris, which can reach a height of 80-90 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, bright purple with a yellow core. This variety of iris begins to bloom in early or mid-July. The flowers have a distinct aroma.
  • Variety of bearded iris “Starfall”. A tall variety of bearded iris, which can reach a height of 75-80 cm. The flowers are medium in size, their shade is light yellow with a bright orange beard.
  • Variety of bearded iris "Arkady Raikin". A tall iris with a bright, beautiful hue. The flowers are medium in size, the petals are pink-red in color with a contrasting orange beard. The flowers have a strong aroma.

  • Variety of bearded iris "Abkhazia". These are medium-sized flowers that differ late flowering. The flowers are large, brownish-violet in color. The petals are strongly wavy along the edges and have many folds, making the flower appear fringed.
  • Variety of bearded iris “Gvardeisky”. This variety of bearded iris is considered one of the tallest and most fragrant, which will be an excellent decoration for any site. The flowers are large, reaching a diameter of about 15 cm, and have bright yellow petals.
  • Bearded iris variety "Elbrus Diamond". This variety of iris is also very popular among gardeners. A tall plant that can reach approximately 80-90 cm. The flowers are massive, white in color with a bright orange-yellow core and veins on the petals.
  • Variety "Carribian Dream". A medium-sized variety of bearded iris, which has a delicate vanilla aroma. The flowers are large and have bright blue petals.

  • Bearded iris variety 'Crown Heads'. This variety of iris is a real miracle of selection. The plants are of medium height, the middle of the flowers has a bright violet-blue hue, the outer petals are silver-blue. The flower has a wonderful aroma.
  • Variety "Midday in Rio". A beautiful variety of bearded iris in bright purple tones. The petals of the flower are bright purple with a lacy wavy edge. The beard has a golden color.
  • Variety "Nain Lives". A dwarf variety of bearded iris, which can reach a height of about 25-35 cm. The central petals are creamy, the outer petals are dark red-burgundy with a wide light pink border and a central golden spot.

Propagation of bearded iris: common methods

Most often, planting material for bearded irises is purchased from specialized stores. However, if a beautiful bush of this plant still grows on your site bright flower, you can try to breed a lot of additional young plants. Several methods are suitable for this: seed propagation, vegetative propagation- dividing the rhizome, using the bud method. Let us consider in more detail the main nuances of each method of reproduction.

Seed propagation of bearded iris

  • Seed propagation is used extremely rarely, since in the process the plant completely loses its maternal characteristics.
  • First of all, you need to collect the seeds in the fall, and then decide on the sowing time.
  • To do this, seeds can be sown in autumn or spring. However, when spring planting seeds must undergo a stratification process.
  • The seeds must first be soaked and then dried. Next, they are mixed with clean coarse sand and placed in a container, after which they are placed in the refrigerator.
  • If you decide to sow directly immediately after collecting the seeds, be sure to prepare the soil in advance, dig it up and loosen it.
  • After this, place the seeds in the soil to a depth of approximately 1.5-2 cm.
  • Shoots will appear in the spring, but most of them emerge only in the second year after planting.

Propagation of bearded iris by dividing the rhizome

  • This propagation method is considered the most popular and frequently used, since every three years bearded iris bushes still need to be replanted due to loss of decorativeness.
  • You can begin the method of propagation by dividing the rhizome at the end of the iris' summer dormancy.
  • To do this, you can dig up the bush completely or separate sections immediately from the bush growing in the flowerbed.
  • The dug up rhizome must be washed under water, and then divided into the required number of divisions so that each has several healthy buds on its sides, sufficient quantity roots and a fan of leaves consisting of 5-7 leaves.
  • The fan of leaves is shortened to about 15 cm, the roots also need to be trimmed to 10-15 cm.
  • After this, the divisions are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which they must be allowed to dry in the sun.
  • The delenki are planted in a permanent place.
  • Irises planted using cuttings can bloom as early as next year.

Propagation of bearded iris by bud method

  • Sometimes gardeners resort to the bud method of propagating bearded irises. This is especially true in cases where there is an urgent need to breed rare varieties of bearded iris.
  • Each rhizome has axillary buds in the form of small tubercles.
  • It is necessary to cut the rhizome into several links with buds or cut out a bud with a knife.
  • After this, the resulting buds must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or another disinfectant and planted in containers or boxes for growing.
  • In this way you can get a large number of young plants at once.

Preparation before planting bearded iris

Bearded iris is one of the most popular flowers among gardeners, as in this beautiful plant lies in the beauty and brightness of the inflorescences and unpretentiousness in cultivation. However, like any other crop, bearded iris requires careful attention before planting. preparatory work, which consists in purchasing high-quality and healthy planting material and selection on your site ideal place for landing. Only after this you will get a beautiful and abundantly flowering plant.

Stage 1. Selecting varieties and seedlings of bearded iris

  • First of all, you need to decide on the choice of a specific variety of bearded iris. This is not easy to do, since today there are more than 35,000 varieties of this beautiful view plants.
  • Choose a variety of bearded iris depending on the planting location. Tall varieties can be purchased for the central part of the flower bed, and shorter varieties will look ideal as a border plant.
  • You should only buy iris cuttings in a specialized store or garden center; this is the only way to be sure of the quality of the purchased material. You can also take iris cuttings from friends at the moment when the bearded iris is being transplanted.
  • In stores, delenki are most often sold in transparent bags with filler, for example, sawdust.
  • Carefully inspect the division; it is better to choose large and healthy divisions that will take root and bloom faster.
  • The purchased division must have at least one link with buds and roots. The rhizome itself should be dense and elastic, without signs of rotting or softening. Yellowish spots should be clearly visible on it - signs of the appearance of future roots.
  • Delenka can be purchased at any time of the year, as this planting material is not afraid of drying out. The main thing is not to store it in a bag.

Stage 2. Choosing a place to plant bearded iris

  • Bearded iris is considered an unpretentious crop and does not require creation special conditions for growing, but for getting bright blooming flower It is important to choose the right place.
  • Bearded iris will grow well only in a sunny area; only slight shading is allowed in the afternoon.
  • You should not plant irises in the shade of trees or shrubs, as the rhizome of this plant does not tolerate any shade.
  • The place you choose should be protected from drafts and strong winds, as a strong gust can simply break the delicate flowers of the bearded iris.
  • It is best to plant irises on an inclined plane, as these flowers do not like stagnant moisture at the rhizome.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for bearded iris

  • To plant irises, it is important to find an area with a neutral or slightly acidic soil reaction. If there is none, then if the soil is strongly acidic, you can add lime, and if the soil is severe, peat and sand can be added.
  • The soil should be light and breathable; even rocky soil will do.
  • You should not plant bearded irises on clay soils, which retain moisture.
  • There should not be a large number of weeds on the soil, which can become carriers of diseases. Large amounts of organic matter are also very bad for flowers.
  • Before planting, carefully dig up the selected area and loosen the area well.

Planting bearded iris - instructions

  • Bearded iris is planted in the fall, when the roots of the plant become hard and dense and do not break.
  • Next, in a place prepared in advance, dig the required number of holes for planting, the size of which will depend on the size of the cuttings.
  • It is important to put a good layer of drainage at the bottom of each, since this plant does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of moisture at the roots. For drainage, you can use small stones, expanded clay or coarse, clean sand.
  • Next, in the center of the hole you need to pour a small mound of soil and place a section of bearded iris on it, and distribute all the roots around it.
  • After this, you need to sprinkle the roots of the iris with soil, and the rhizome itself is lightly covered with a layer of clean sand about 1-2 cm.
  • If you plant cuttings in the fall, be sure to cover them with mulch to prevent them from freezing. During summer planting, the plants will have time to take root.
  • After planting, the plants need to be watered.

Agricultural technology for growing bearded iris: secrets and nuances of care

Bearded irises are quite unpretentious plants, however, despite this, they constantly need regular and close care, which should consist of basic actions familiar to every gardener. Proper care of bearded irises will ensure beautiful, brightly flowering plants.

  • Watering. Bearded irises have the ability to accumulate moisture in their rhizomes, so they can go without watering for a long time. Applying water to the roots of these plants is only necessary in extreme heat and obvious drying of the soil. Young cuttings also need plenty of soil moisture.
  • Loosening and weeding. Irises also need regular loosening. however, it is important to remember here that the root system of this plant is superficial, and the tuber can generally be located on the surface. Therefore, you need to loosen it very carefully, trying not to damage the tuber, which will have difficulty recovering. It is important to constantly remove weeds that can become a source of disease.
  • Feeding. Bearded irises respond well to fertilizing, but it is necessary to choose fertilizers with a minimum nitrogen content, and also apply less organic matter. Usually the plant is fed three times per season. The first feeding is done in the spring before flowering begins - around the end of April. In this case, you can use sodium nitrate. The second feeding is carried out during the budding period, when ammonium sulfate can be used as a fertilizer. The third feeding is recommended two weeks after flowering. At this time, you can feed the irises with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
  • Transplanting irises. A few years after planting, the rhizome of the plant begins to grow, and central part becomes lifeless. In this case, it is recommended to transplant the bearded iris, since the flower loses its decorative effect, the peduncles become shorter and the flowers become smaller. It is recommended to replant irises every 3-4 years. Dwarf forms of bearded iris can be replanted less frequently, as they can grow in one place for up to 10 years.
  • Trimming. After the iris has faded, its flower stalks must be cut off, and before the onset of winter, the leaves of the plant are also cut off at a height of 10-15 cm.
  • Shelter for the winter. Russian varieties bearded iris can overwinter without shelter. however, more delicate imported varieties are still worth covering. To do this, the soil is mounded with peat and covered with fallen leaves, preferably oak leaves, since rodents do not live in it. After this, the plants are covered with spruce branches.

Bearded irises - photo

Bearded irises are the most popular members of their family and have long been favorites of many gardeners. These luxurious flowers, with their bright colors, can replace a whole flower bed of other flowering plants, and will not require any additional effort or expense from you.

Unpretentious but spectacular irises have long been loved by gardeners. They look luxurious in flower beds, beautiful flower beds. These perennial rhizomatous plants are famous for their endless variety of forms, color palette. If you are attracted to irises, the varieties with photos and names that are presented in the article will help you choose the most beautiful and original look flower culture.

More than 4,000 varieties of irises are known

The classification of irises is simply impressive; moreover, there are currently more than 4,000 varieties. They often have different shapes, colors and sizes. Every year, breeders discover new varieties, thereby replenishing the rich collections of world selection. Many of them are selected for exhibitions.

The most common types include the following groups, namely:

  • bearded and beardless irises;
  • bulbous;
  • interspecific and specific hybrids;
  • xyphiums.

The above groups are conventionally divided into a number of groups, among which the most popular are standard dwarfs, border bearded, Siberian, Japanese, Californian, standard tall irises and other plant species.

Pictured is bearded iris Babeling Brook

To choose the appropriate variety of irises, we recommend looking at photos of the most beautiful and aesthetically attractive flowers. You will get acquainted with some of them in the article. Experienced florists recommend giving preference to those species that are suitable for growing in a particular region, taking into account the climate.

Varieties of bearded irises, photos with names

Bearded iris Babeling Brook- This luxury flower with original form. Its height is approximately 80 cm. The flowering period occurs around June. It is better to plant the plant in an area protected from the wind; it prefers light soils. The color of the petals is pale blue. Looks ideal when planted in a group.

In the photo is the bearded iris Arkady Raikin

Arkady Raikin, the photo of which is in the article belongs to the group of tall irises. The flowering period of this masterpiece is average. Its reddish-pink color is combined with a contrasting orange border. The aroma of iris is pronounced.

Photo of bearded iris Sambuca

bearded iris Sambucaflaunts on a branched and fairly strong peduncle. The flowering period usually occurs in July. The height of the plant is 75 cm. The petal is dark purple in color. As for propagation, it can be obtained by seed or vegetatively.

In the photo there is a bearded iris Elbrus Diamond

Elbrus Diamond is a large bearded iris with an orange-red beard. It belongs to the group of tall plants of this species. It has a strong aroma, medium ripening time and disease resistance.

In the photo there is a bearded iris Sapphire Dawn

Sapphire dawn- another popular variety of irises. The play of its rich blue shades will delight even the most demanding florist. The petals of this variety are wavy and somewhat corrugated, with a fluffy-delicate beard in the center.

In the photo there is a bearded iris Burgomaster

Bearded iris Burgomaster– one of the best representatives of its class. Its bush is quite dense, and it has a mass of graceful petals with a corrugated edge. They are distinguished by their purple coloration with orange accents in the center. The aroma of Burgomaster is light, the flower size is medium, as can be seen in the photo.

There are many other varieties of bearded irises; photos, names and descriptions can be found on the Internet. These include the following types: Blue Staccato, Gvardeisky, Starfall, Sultan Palace, Wabash, Prejender, Summer Night, Gold of Canada and other varieties of irises.

Video about iris varieties:

Delicate and bright irises, varieties with photos and names are a popular topic for discussion among gardeners and owners. The demand for these flowers is due not only to their decorative purpose. They are also famous for their medicinal properties. Even jam is made from the petals of these plants. We suggest you plant at least one of the iris varieties on your site.

Variety of iris species

One may be mistaken in thinking that plants such as irises do not deserve close attention because of their short flowering time. Blooming buds remain fresh and attractive for only a couple of days in hot weather and up to four in cooler weather. But experienced flower growers who grow several varieties at once on their own plot know what to delight with the riot of bright colors these flowers bloom almost without interruption - from mid-May until the first weeks of August.

Bearded iris varieties photo

For arranging flower beds, bearded irises are often chosen, photo varieties with the names of which we will now consider. They are divided according to color into iridescent, two-tone, bordered, as well as one-color and two-color. By choosing several varieties at once, you can decorate your garden very beautifully, turning it into a real paradise, fragrant and gorgeously blooming. The most popular are:

Summer night

Fragrant buds of a rich blue hue with a beautiful yellow core. They are classified as tall plants with a medium flowering period.

Mid-early pale yellow irises with an orange beard. These plants are also very tall (from 75 cm), but their smell is not so strong.

The flowering period of this tall flower is average. The pink-red bud with a contrasting orange border pleases with its spectacular appearance and strong aroma.

Late bearded irises with large purple-brown flowers. Large folds of leaves resemble fringe. These plants usually grow to medium size.


Mid-early ones, they have bright yellow massive inflorescences reaching 15 cm in diameter. They are classified as tall and especially aromatic.

Large white with yellow-orange core and veins. One of the best representatives of tall species with an excellent aroma.

Irises of the Alatau variety are not tall. The flowers are usually small and two-colored: the outer part is purple and the inner part is milky white. The yellow border makes them even more attractive.

Siberian iris varieties photos with names

Ease of care, winter hardiness and many varieties make this species ideal for growing in the northern part of Russia, where severe frosts are not uncommon. In this case, you should choose Siberian irises for the garden, photos and characteristics of which are described below.

Long-flowering, purple in color with a pretty creamy edging and an original golden center. They are suitable for well-drained soil and moderate watering - up to once a week at average importance and air temperature.

Multicolored irises, captivating with their unusual colors. Representatives of this variety can grow up to half a meter in height and bloom for a whole month. It is worth noting that excess moisture in the soil and shaded areas are harmful to them, so it is recommended to plant them away from trees.


Practically the same as all other Siberian varieties of irises whose photos and names we are considering, Rigamarole grows up to 70 cm high and pleases with soft lilac flowers with a golden core and a whitish rim of the petals, which form a bud resembling a rose. One of the most unpretentious species. For good growth, it is enough to water the plant in a timely manner and, if necessary, apply mineral fertilizers.

Roaring Jelly

Excellent for breeding both in nurseries and in open flower beds. With proper care, the buds bloom several times a season with violet-crimson flowers with a lighter center and golden veins against a blue spot, without fading at all in the sun.

Esther C.D.M.

A unique snow-white iris with massive green leaves and stem. Frequent watering (a couple of times a week) and well-lit planting areas are suitable for it.

Highly decorative varieties of irises

The most exquisite and unusual irises, decorated with fringes, small and large. They will be an ideal decoration for any garden.

Blackberry Jubilee

The most disease resistant. The flowers are huge and ruffled, colored red-violet with a pale yellow center. The plants bloom late, but delight with their flowering for two months. It takes root on any soil and prefers illuminated flower beds.

Coronation Anthem

Irises of the photo variety and description of which we have already reviewed, almost all bloom once. But the massive and tall Siberian species Coronation Anthem can bloom again. Each seedling produces up to two stems with 4-5 ovaries blue flowers with a yellowish center.

Crimson Cloisonne

One of the newest late and, on top of everything else, capricious varieties. Large burgundy flowers with lilac veins and a yellow center appear only in June. They are comfortable in shaded, cool areas.

Dance and sing

Fragrant and amazingly beautiful iris with giant light yellow flowers. Ideal for growing among low-growing carpet plants. Bright sunlight, light shading in intense heat, abundant watering is all that is needed for its growth.

Dawn Waltz

Delightful tall flowers with strong leaves and stems and large light lilac blossoms with a pale yellow center. The main feature is a very long (up to two months) flowering in sufficiently moist and fertilized soil.

Double standards

Cold-resistant, they grow to about 65 cm and attract attention with their large, bright, dark purple buds. The funny yellow centers make them really delicate and adorable. They need neutral soil and frequent watering, especially in the first year of life.


When listing the most fastidious varieties of irises, the first thing that comes to mind is the Siberian Kaboom. It can grow up to 70-80 cm with lush double flowers of a rich blue-violet color with a crimson tint, if you pay enough attention to watering and fertilizer.

Bottom line

Before you start planting flowers, the first and most important step is the choice of varieties. This is especially true for areas with unstable or special climatic conditions. If you approach this issue incorrectly, caring for and growing irises and any other flowers can be too difficult and costly. Also, in most cases, incorrectly selected plants die.

Having looked at the most famous and popular varieties of irises for northern latitudes, photos with names of which will help when purchasing in nurseries, everyone will probably want to decorate their garden with such stunning fireworks in rainbow shades. And this correct solution, since taking care of these plants will take a little time, but in return will give you a lot of pleasure. When growing flowers in the garden, do not forget about preventive methods of treatment against pests, and they will delight you with their colorful petals for a long time.

Irises are perennial herbaceous plant with a thick, fleshy and creeping rhizome. Usually the stem of the plant is branched at the top. The basal leaves are sword-shaped, blue-green in color, the stem leaves are linear.

The flowers are large, single, located on the tops of the branches in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a three-lobed multi-seeded capsule. The iris gets its name from the different shades of its flowers. They can be: white, yellow, sky blue, purple, or resemble a rainbow. The word iris is translated as rainbow.

Iris is a champion in the variety of flower colors. Its petals contain all the colors of the rainbow: from warm sunny, red-orange-yellow to cold blue-violet and deep dark purple, almost black.

Irises are a special group of plants and each flower in it is a gift skillfully created by nature. Find a bright spot or a slightly shaded spot in yours and plant a collection of irises. Plant it, you won’t regret it!

Irises photos - the best varieties

  1. For your viewing, we offer varieties of bearded irises, beautiful, graceful, large:

Variety - Paradise bird

The petals are silky, shiny lilac-crimson with a wavy frill along the edge and a red-coral beard.

Variety - Sunset in Avalon (Avalon sunset)

These irises are like a gift from the passing day in the soft reflection of the sun and delicate subtle aromas. Rich, warm and joyful orange in the ruffled petals of large flowers glows with coral, apricot and salmon shades of happiness.

Variety - Silkirim

Delightful, sophisticated and elegant. The upper petals are lush, strongly wavy, brownish-pink with beige shades of “baked milk” of the graceful lower petals, edged with a slightly ruffled lingonberry-brown frill.

Variety - Mission Ridge

The flowers are large, corrugated, airy silk. A soaring blue-white sail of the upper petals against the background of a wide blue-blue wave of the lower ones.

Variety - Victoria Falls

The coolness of the sky blue and the undulating picturesque water flow are reflected in the gorgeous blue flowers with large petals bordered by a light wavy frill. Irises captivate with their purity and richness of color and exquisite flower shape.

Variety - Amsterdam

Luxury, richness and royalty of the lower petals with thick, almost inky veining on a purple background in complete harmony with the spirituality and nobility of the delicate, graceful and wavy upper petals. This union is strengthened and emphasized by a contrastingly bright coral-red beard with radiant, radiating short pearly-white stripes.

Sort – Player (Depht of field)

A flower of enormous life-affirming power, bright, orange. The petals are wavy, textured, with pronounced venation and a corrugated frill along the edge.

Variety - Ruffles and lace

Flirty irises, glowing with the joy of the morning dawn with delicate transparent pink flowers. The petals are light, wavy with pronounced venation and an openwork, like lace, frill along the edge.

Variety – Muffin (Golden Muffin)

The flower is always beautiful and sunny with golden and wavy upper petals and velvety lower ones. Along the central vein of the lower petals there is a light reddish-bronze with dark burgundy stripes.

Variety - Wine and roses

Harmony of beauty and grace. Above the wavy wine-red lower petals bordered by a soft lilac frill, a magical dance of light wavy orchid-pink upper petals with a subtle pattern of veins the color of cherry buds, illuminated by the warm rays of a golden-coral beard.

Variety - Pretty pink

The flower is airy and light, like a statue, all covered in lace and ruffles. The petals seem to be made of printed silk, textured with pronounced light crimson veining and a corrugated edge.

Variety - Cherry garden

A very expressive dwarf variety. The petals are a rich dark cherry color with a thick purple tint and a beard glowing with sapphire rays.

Variety - Fall fiesta

A very attractive variety with creamy white wavy upper petals that blend harmoniously with the honey tones of a pastel terracotta color. Irises exude a pleasant subtle aroma of lily of the valley.

Variety - Windsor Rose

Crystal pink petals with an elegant wavy frill along the edge delight with their beauty, give tenderness, and envelop with the subtle aromas of spring and blooming summer.

Variety - Brown Lasso

Beautiful and expressive flowers with sun-gold upper petals against a background of fluted lavender lower petals with a wide light brown border. The beard is silky, fluffy, egg-yellow, like a chicken.

Variety - Attention! (Attention please)

Stop sign, impossible to pass by! Amazing beautiful flower bright dark cherry shades, contrastingly in harmony with the golden-yellow background of the lower petals and orange-yellow beard.

Variety - Flamengo (Flamemco)

The contrast of color is reminiscent of a storm of passions and emotions of the upper petals with the illumination of the white-hot golden shine of the lower petals with a wide corrugated border of thick red-terracotta specks.

Variety - Sapphire dawn

A flower with the charm of the blue southern sky before dawn. The petals are strongly wavy with a ruffled frill, at the base of the lower petals there is a “moon path” with a fluffy pale blue beard in the center.

Variety - Black dragon

An exclusive one-color variety with velvety blueberry-black flowers with a purple tint and a black-purple beard.

2. Here are varieties of xiphoid irises. This variety of irises begins to bloom later than the bearded iris, prolonging and repeating this beautiful moment. The flowers are very large, open, live long:

Variety - Pink Ice

Very delicate, enchanting flowers with wavy and light chiffon petals in touching shades of flamingo pink and warm, like a fragile hope for a thaw, sunbeams in the center.

Variety – Exciting (Moonlight waves)

Irises with the color of radiant whiteness of lunar silence. Magnificent, very large flowers with open pearly-white wavy lower petals and small upper petals with light golden highlights at the base.

Variety - Graceful

An elegant, graceful and impeccable variety - an aristocrat with airy, light, cloud-white flowers, painted along the edges of the petals with bluish-lilac shading.

Variety - Scallops (Cascade crest)

A flower with luminous purple sparkles and stripes with a contrasting lemon-yellow radiant spot in the center of the petals.

3. Louisiana irises:

Variety - Rhett

Very strong magical temperament of purple-red shades of the color of ripe cherry with a piercing, like a cupid's arrow, dark purple ray in the middle of the lower petals.

4. Siberian irises. Marked as unpretentious and long-lived:

Variety - Snow Queen

Always spectacular and inimitable in its splendor, with wavy snow-white petals illuminated by golden rays of sunlight at the base.

Variety - Dance, ballerina dance

This is one of the most popular varieties. Lavender pink, graceful, airy and light, like a ballerina's dance.

Variety - Explosive character (Temper tatum)

It is a temperamental fusion of the energy of red, blue and violet. The flowers are “velvety” with an amazing play of red-purple and blue-lilac shades.

Variety - Lady Vanessa

Irises show the power of the magic of these delightful flowers in the harmony of magnificent lilac-lavender-purple shades, juicy and expressively rich, on wavy, slightly corrugated lower petals with a white spot at the base, and light, touchingly delicate upper petals on thin silk.

5. Japanese irises:

Variety - Smile (Laughing)

Irises with graceful and very expressive cheerful lemon-yellow sparkles of laughter at the base of bright purple petals.

Variety - Kayun Capers

Delicate and charming Louisiana iris, a close relative of the Siberian iris. The flowers are open, with a golden-yellow radiant center and orchid-pink wavy petals, skillfully painted with thin purple threads of clearly defined venation.

Variety – Charming frills

Amazingly good! Refined and irresistible. Flowers with a magnificent wavy amethyst-bluish border around the edge of snow-white petals and a radiant golden-olive center.

Japanese irises are available in early and late flowering varieties. Choose the right varieties to prolong flowering in your area.

Feel free to decorate your landscaping garden plot and the irises will answer you with their splendor and tenderness.

The classification of irises still causes many discrepancies, because very often plant varieties come from interspecific and intervarietal crossing. Therefore, amateur gardeners have created their own conditional division into species based on common characteristics.

The most common in cultivation is the group of bearded irises, the main difference of which is the presence of a beard of hairs on the outside of the perianth. Annual growths are clearly visible on the rhizome of the plant. Bearded irises include hybrids of such species as German iris, variegated iris, pale iris, and others. Therefore, the most correct name for varieties of bearded irises would be varieties hybrid iris.

The variety of colors (from pale cream and white to dark blue) and plant height allows you to choose a variety to suit any. Tall bearded irises grow above 0.7 m, medium-sized ones - from 0.41 m to 0.7 m, low-growing (dwarf) ones - up to 0.4 m.

Americans are leaders in iris breeding. The Russian Iris Society (ROI) has also developed its own classification, different from the American one. The only group that does not cause controversy in both countries is the standard tall bearded irises, the most widespread and well-known class throughout the world.

Bearded irises

This group is divided into several subgroups, differing in peduncle height, flower size and flowering time:

  • High- characterized by large, luxurious flowers and a long (from 0.7 to 1.20 m) peduncle.
  • Curb– peduncle from 0.41 to 0.7 m.
  • Petite tall- the sizes are the same as those of the previous group, but differ in small flowers and a thinner stem.
  • Sideshow- differ in flowering time, reaching a height of 0.41 to 0.7 m.
  • Standard dwarf— the size of the peduncle varies from 0.21 m to 0.4 m.
  • Miniature dwarf– bloom very early and have the most small flowers. The height of the peduncle is up to 0.2 m.

All plants presented have different terms flowering: from very early to late. By choosing the right varieties, you can enjoy their beauty almost all summer.

Structure of the bearded iris flower: standards, beard, fouls

The colors of bearded irises can be one-color, two-tone, or two-color. Two-color, depending on the color transition, are divided into: amena(white standards), variegata(standards are yellow, fouls are deep red), iridescent(colors change gradually), plicata(petals are decorated with strokes, dots, borders), luminate(light-colored veins on a dark background), fancyplicata(the color combines veins and various strokes or dots).

Breeding bearded iris - not very difficult task, so hundreds of new varieties appear every year. The largest farms for breeding these flowers are located in the USA, Australia and France. In Holland they specialize in bulbous irises.

New items from the 2017 world selection:


SPICE GIRLS - a flower of delicate yellow-orange shades. The inner lobes of the perianth are strongly corrugated, pale yellow. The lower lobes are brighter, orange-brown in color. The beard is dark orange.

CAMPFIRE TALES - bright orange color. The lower lobes of the perianth are pale brown with a golden border. The beard is light brown, with white markings on the petal around it. The upper lobes are strongly pressed against each other.

FACE LIFT – with unusual shape flower, similar to a gypsy's skirt - very flared, with wavy edges. Delicate creamy color with yellow veins. The beards are orange.

COWPOKE – Standards (upper perianth lobes) bright apricot. The follae (lower parts of the perianth) are velvety, berry-black, with purple veining around a red-orange beard.

Standard dwarf:

COLD HEARTED – grows up to 30 cm. Standards are soft burgundy, slightly wavy, fouls are deep red-burgundy in color, with a smooth edge, cream beard.

VOLCANIC SPRITE - grows up to 28 cm. Standards are pale purple, white at the edges, dark red-violet at the base; fouls - pale purple, white at the edges, brick red in the middle; the hairs on the beards are white, light yellow; The flower has a light pleasant aroma.

TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL - all the petals are icy blue-violet, the beard is white, with golden-yellow tips.

RHOSLYN BERRY – loose, open flower. Standards are crimson-violet, fouls are the same color with a dark red spot in the middle. The beard is purple. Has a light pleasant aroma.

Non-bearded irises

Swampy or water-loving

This group includes hybrids of swamp, bristly, multi-colored, and smooth iris. The advantages of all varieties of the group include their moisture-loving nature (indispensable for planting near ponds and in shallow waters), resistance to adverse factors, and early and long flowering. The shape and color of flowers in moisture-loving hybrids are quite modest - most often they are yellow or blue irises of various shades. The leaves are narrow, sword-shaped, long. Easily propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Prefers acidic soils with high moisture content.

The most common varieties in Russia are:

BERLIN TIGER - yellow irises with dark veins, reminiscent of the skin of a tiger. Height – 60 -70 cm

VARIEGATA is a variety whose main decoration is not small yellow flowers, but two-color white-green leaves.

CREME DE LA CREME – the flowers are soft cream, with small purple veins at the base of the petals.

FLORE PLENA - bright yellow irises, with a bordered spot of darker color in the middle. Can reach a height of 1.8 m.

GOLDEN QUEEN – bright yellow iris without streaks or splashes. Height – up to 90 cm

Siberian irises

Siberian irises include many different hybrids of both the Siberian iris species itself, as well as the blood-red iris and the hornwort iris. These species are distinguished by the presence of 28 chromosomes in their cells. They are widespread in nature. The culture has created a huge number of interspecific hybrids that are distinguished by winter hardiness, flower beauty, and stable leaf color that does not turn yellow all summer. Most (up to 95%) varieties of Siberian irises are created on the basis of 28-chromosomal hybrids. In landscape design, Siberian irises are used in mixborders, group plantings on the lawn, to create a border around trees and shrubs. Plants are highly valued for their ability to withstand severe frosts even without snow cover, resistance to soil waterlogging, abundant flowering, and beautiful bush shape. Siberian irises do not require constant planting and can grow into huge clumps without losing flowering quality. The color range of modern varieties is huge, and some flowers can even look different in the morning, afternoon or evening.

Modern varieties:

BOOK OF SECRETS - up to 70 cm high, small standards, white with a warm yellow tint, fouls - white with a golden spot. It has a slight aroma and is very popular for cutting.

BUNDLE OF JOY – terry variety. Standards - from 6 to 9 pieces of lavender color, fouls - with a blue spot.

DIRIGO BLACK VELVET – height 107-112 cm, dark blue irises, fouls with bright yellow spot, rugged with dark veins.

DANCE AND SING – height 65 cm, a plant with a very large flower, wide, almost non-corrugated petals. The color is soft yellow, the standards are whiter. Has a faint pleasant aroma.

Siberian iris DANCE AND SING

DEAR CURRIER - pale blue standards with dark blue veins, fouls - deep blue with a light border and a small spot of yellow. Petals are corrugated.

Siberian iris DEAR CURRIER

Chrysographs- Chinese-Siberian irises or Sino-Siberian irises, which came to us from China. They are similar to the Siberian iris, but have a set of 40 chromosomes and are distinguished by a looser bush and light green foliage. The petal is easily recognizable, as it is decorated with strokes and spots. Breeding work in this group is carried out recently and in culture they are still quite rare.

Japanese irises– under this name various varieties of plants of the species “Iris xiphoid, also known as Kaempfer’s iris” have been united. Breeding work with this group of plants is most actively carried out in Japan, where it got its name. In Russia, Japanese irises overwinter without shelter only in the southern regions. These flowers do not tolerate stagnation of water and waterlogging; they prefer slightly acidic soil. In Russia, the selection of these plants is carried out in Barnaul (Dolganova Z.V.) and in Vladivostok (Mironova L.N.). Japanese irises by Zoya Vladimirovna Dolganova take root well in central Russia, but flowers from Vladivostok are more capricious due to the warm and humid climate in which they grow.

Spuria. These are irises of the Xyridion genus. The group includes the following types: spuria, pontic, cereal, note, salt-loving, oriental iris, monnieri, golden and many other types. They differ in the height of the peduncle and the size of the flower. Basically, these flowers are found in nature growing wild and appeared in cultivation quite recently. Some varieties prefer dry soil, while others prefer waterlogged soil. In general, spuria irises are quite unpretentious.

Louisiana- a group of heat-loving irises, whose breeding and selection are carried out by gardeners in America and Australia. It includes 5 wild species - six-ribbed, brown-yellow, short-stemmed, giant blue, Nelson. In Russia, Louisiana irises are mainly represented in botanical gardens, and in open ground Only a few varieties with blue and pink flowers have taken root and bloom successfully.

Californian or Pacific Coast irises have long, narrow, leathery evergreen leaves. They prefer acidic soils, do not tolerate replanting very well, and are therefore difficult to reproduce. In nature, their habitat is the states of California, Oregon, and Washington. Plants belonging to this group, which includes at least 10 species, usually have small bush sizes, bloom in early summer and differ in flower color.

Bulbous irises

In Russia, botanists exclude bulbous plants from the genus Iris, however, in the Western tradition there are bulbous irises, and with this name they come to us for sale from nurseries and farms in Holland. Dutch irises are widely represented on our shelves.

Bulbous irises include three types: iridodictium (reticulate iris), juno (iris Bukhara), xyphium. Reticulated iris is the most winter-hardy and stable in the conditions of central Russia. Blooms in early spring, does not require annual digging of bulbs, has a large number of varieties of various colors.


As you can see, there are a great many varieties of irises in the world. We sincerely hope that the photographs and descriptions of flowers presented in this article will help you choose the appropriate varieties for your landscape design.