Using gray interior doors. Light floors and light doors in the interior: features of the combination and interesting ideas Light gray doors in the interior

The way the doors and floors look, their condition, texture and color can say a lot about the house as a whole, about the character of the owners, about their tastes and preferences. Therefore, when starting renovations in an apartment, you need to carefully consider how you want all these elements to look.


Once upon a time, the norm for any respectable apartment was a dark wenge-colored floor. Any person entering the house saw dark floors, which stylistically could be completely unrelated to the color of the baseboards, walls, doors and furniture, united by one color scheme or some other design concept. This state of affairs was standard and did not bother anyone. For some time now, when creating the image of an apartment, designers and ordinary people began to pay attention to the combination of floor and door colors. Recently, the combination of light floors with light doors has become increasingly popular.

Light doors have their own characteristics, both positive and negative:

  • White and light, including the doors, creates the impression of lightness and solemnity. Next to white doors, even bulky furniture does not seem heavy and does not leave a feeling of cramping.

  • Light doors, unlike dark ones, fit well into almost any interior style. It is only necessary that the shade of the door leaf be combined with the shade of the furniture, wallpaper and floor.

  • A white or light-colored door visually increases the space, which is very important in small rooms.

  • A glossy light door leaf also has its advantages. It seems like there is more sun in the room with it. The effect of its presence is especially important in the gloomy space of the hallway.

  • If the walls are decorated with materials similar in color to light doors, even a small room will seem large.
  • Of course, light-colored doors are easily soiled, but modern cleaning products make it easy to deal with this problem.

  • Compared to door leaf dark colors, white and light-colored may seem frivolous and lacking in impressiveness. This simplicity and uncomplicatedness is compensated by the use of trim of a different color.

Row similar features Light floors have:

  • With their help you can increase the illumination of the room. This is especially important for small rooms facing north. This flooring will add coziness to the room; it will make it seem larger and more comfortable.

  • Room with light floors psychologically perceived as a place with a lot of air and lightness. To achieve this effect, you should choose a coating of beige, cream, butter or light yellow shades.

  • A light floor will make the room visually wider. It should be borne in mind that if it turns out to be lighter than the wallpaper, the room will appear larger in height rather than in width.
  • Light flooring goes well with any furniture, doors and walls. Against its background, dark, impressive furniture will not seem gloomy and massive. Dark door against a light background flooring can create an advantageous contrast, which is sometimes necessary for certain design solutions. Light floors and doors will be an excellent duet, emphasizing the lightness of the entire environment.

  • Of course, compared to dark floors, light ones do not seem respectable enough. Many people consider this a disadvantage, even if expensive white oak is used to create the floor.

To prevent light floors from looking cheap, it is better to choose matte materials rather than those with a glossy sheen.

  • When choosing a coating of a light shade, there is a risk of “overdoing it” with its airiness and getting a completely different effect than was expected. Instead of a cozy atmosphere, you can achieve the opposite, so you need to evaluate in advance all the nuances of choosing the future color of the floors.

  • Thus, pure white color under certain lighting is greatly distorted. You can get an undesirable result when such floors take on yellowish or creamy shades in the light of the lamps. It should be taken into account that daylight and halogen lighting do not distort the color. If it is not, then in order not to create a yellowish tint, it is better to choose floors with a gray undertone.

  • On light floors, dirt is sometimes more noticeable than on dark floors, so it is recommended light coating select for rooms where traffic is not very high (for example, for bedrooms and children's rooms).

Choosing a color

The choice of color for floors and doors is determined by many factors: what design of the apartment is provided as a whole, what color wallpaper and ceilings should be in certain rooms, how light penetrates into the house, and so on.


There are a number of colors that are most in demand when installing doors.

  • White. This color is called universal for interior doors, since it is neutral, it goes well with the entire decor of the room. It will not conflict with any floor color and will go well with any wallpaper and furniture. White is good for small apartments, which it makes visually larger. It is most beneficial to use white door leaf in the hallway in combination with light floors. If you complement the white interior door with glass inserts (frosted or stained glass), it will take on an elegant look.

If it's clean white door seems too tacky to you, or you just don’t like this shade, opt for a color very close to white (for example, Ivory). Expensive door models are made from solid oak or ash, which look good in interiors classic style. Oak gives the impression of good quality. Ash doors will look elegant and at the same time durable.

  • Grey. It can also be classified as universal. If this color has a blue tint, the doors will seem slightly cold, making the interior austere. Gray-beige door leaves, on the contrary, will fill everything around them with warmth. It should be taken into account that gray color visually reduces space, so it is better not to install such doors in small rooms.

There is no place for gray doors in a room decorated in a classic style.

Combining gray with brown or black is not the best option, as it causes rejection for many. On the contrary, a duet with yellow gives the space an atmosphere of sunshine. A light gray door looks great in combination with white furniture, emphasizing its cleanliness.

  • Beige. Neutral color from the light brown group. Its range of applications is wide, but against the background of such doors, dark furniture will not look very advantageous. If you like this color and cannot refuse it, it is better to complement the doors with skirting boards and trim of the same shade. Beige goes well with gray or white, and looks great in the company of grass color.

  • Gold. A door of this tone is chosen by people in love with sunlight. They will be delighted by the color of golden oak, which enlivens the space.

Floor coverings

The colors of floor coverings are presented in the following popular shades:

  • Maple color. Of all the light wood species, maple is closest to white, although with a yellow tint, which is also called cream. You need to be prepared for the fact that maple floors do not retain their original color forever. It will become darker over time.

  • Oak color. Oak itself is not white by nature. It is whitened using special means. After such “dressing”, you can get different shades of oak, from which the buyer will only have to choose the color of the coating: from gray to warm cream.

  • Hornbeam color. There are certain difficulties in processing such wood, so hornbeam floors are much less common than the above options. The color of the hornbeam is whitish-gray. Floor coverings are found in off-white, pearl and sand shades.

  • Birch color. Birch is a very common flooring material in Russia. There are variants of white birch with a yellowish or pinkish tint.

Birch is also tinted, giving it the appearance of the most valuable light wood species.

Stylish combination

In the apartment you can use floors of different colors and textures. Laminate, parquet and parquet board of various colors will get along quite well in one house, you just need to think through the transitions from one color to another, combining them with common elements - a similar wood pattern or shade of “veins”. The combination of dark doors with light floors looks good. The door leaf may not at all match the color of the floor and furniture, you just need to choose trim that matches overall design colors that match, for example, the same baseboard.

Light floors and light doors, different in texture, nevertheless harmonize the space. In the room light wallpaper and light doors should match each other in tone, but have different shades. From a practical point of view, the combination of light floors and doors in a room is more profitable, since they last for many years, and when updating the interior, the owners will not be limited by the narrow framework of combining these basic elements with this or that furniture and wallpaper. Anything will go with a light background. At any time you can combine a light floor with dark furniture or, conversely, light, and a light door and the same floor - with dark walls.

Interior accents

When updating floors and doors, it is important to correctly place accents that highlight the advantages of the interior. The beauty of flooring and doors can be emphasized with furniture of the right color. It is considered good form when the color of the furniture matches the door leaf, and at the same time the door itself differs from the floor by a couple of tones. This technique is good for maintaining the interior in a classic style.

Much attention should be paid to the choice of skirting boards suitable color, since they can perfectly complete the image of doors, a room in general, and flooring in particular. It looks most impressive if you combine the floor, doors and baseboard with a single color. All components, made in white, go well together. Beige, gray or cream colors will also complete the look of your living room or bedroom. Contrasting colors of skirting boards in relation to doors and floors, on the contrary, will emphasize the geometry of the rooms and indicate boundaries.

Doorways are designed in different ways, including traditional door leaves made of wood and eco-veneer. Today the range includes plastic, glass and with decorative inserts, but the most popular are light doors in apartment interiors. Once popular interior option(made of plywood on a frame with white paint) goes into oblivion, preference is given to wood decor. A large selection raises many questions; professional designers will answer them.

Light doors are back in fashion

How does the choice of color and texture affect the perception of the interior and self-awareness?

A harmonious interior has a direct bearing on inner comfort, the aura of the room gives a feeling of inner balance. That is why so much attention is paid to the arrangement of living space. Psychologists and color specialists often recommend “changing the scenery” after experiencing stress.

Stay in beautiful places and fashionable hotels, expensive sanatoriums and holiday homes are literally “brought back to life.” But the same effect has capital or redecorating own apartment, if you do not delay it for more than 2-3 weeks. The degree of transformation depends on desire and financial capabilities.

Universal light shades easily fit into any interior and do not conflict with dark tones

Advice. The doors do not need to be replaced. The easiest way is to repaint or varnish and remove old paint or use spectacular decoration methods. It is recommended to cover the glass insert of the interior door with stained glass film - it will look like new.

Doors in light colors are often cheaper

Light shades, including the tone of the door leaf and wood texture, have a beneficial effect on perception and mental well-being. But this does not exclude the use of dark contrasts and bright accents. On the contrary, they make any interior more expressive and memorable, as in the photo.

Most often, these shades are chosen for a light painted door:

  • white or milky;
  • light beige;
  • tender peach;
  • Ivory;
  • pearl gray;
  • golden yellow.

Light colors add lightness and cleanliness to a room without the need to carefully select a color palette

Everyone has their own favorite color, but there is a subconscious perception:

1. Black and dark blue door Associated with entering the unknown, but gives a feeling of serenity and prosperity, especially with expensive gilded fittings
2. Yellowish wood tones Calms, but keeps the intellect in good shape, maintains a working mood
3. Orange and peach tones They lift your spirits and harmonize your inner world.
4. Cool shades of blue They calm you down and help you immerse yourself in thought (a white door with a blue-blue insert or a stained glass pattern)
5. Beige and brown combinations Gives a feeling of stability and reliability, but inhibits creativity
6. Cool greenish shades Relaxes visual analyzers, calms and internally harmonizes
7. Gray and light lilac tones They are neutral and help you relax after emotional stress and excess information
8. Reddish and burgundy shades (Red wood, stain or paint) restore strength, activate inner potential
9. White color and light colors Neutral in perception, an excellent background for decoration, giving a feeling of peace and balance.

Contrasting trim and baseboards add expressiveness to doors, creating a visual boundary between the opening, floor and walls

The monochromatic color scheme of furniture and doors looks harmonious and attractive

If you want light-colored doors to fit into the interior design as much as possible, choose the same wood shade to match the floor. This is the largest surface of the total texture:

  • parquet;
  • laminate;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • linoleum “for parquet”.

Door leaves with a shade selected several tones darker than the ceiling and walls look laconic

In addition to the color palette, the interior with light doors of different designs is visually perceived differently:

  1. Narrow vertical stripes and inserts, panels and moldings visually raise the ceilings.
  2. A doorway with wood lining creates a feeling of prosperity.
  3. Light interior doors in interiors with large patterns or dark walls bring a certain optimism, freshness and novelty.
  4. A door with fancy decor and sinuous lines of inserts will help revive a pale, nondescript interior.
  5. If you want to disguise the passage to another room, the door can be hidden with a mirror, but you need pedal fittings to open them.
  6. A surface with a picturesque pattern or covered with photo wallpaper on the theme of going out wildlife gives a feeling of unlimited space.

Carved doors with stained glass look incredibly beautiful

Attention! Phosphorescent or luminous paints - new trend, they are used to outline the perimeter of the door. This is useful for people who have to get up often at night, but have difficulty with disorientation in space.

The color of the door panels is selected to match the walls, floors and furniture

Structural types of doors

When undertaking a renovation with the replacement of interior doors, do not forget that at the same time you can get rid of some of the inconveniences associated with an unsuccessful layout. Often on one square meter the corridor area can open 3-4 doors. This creates certain difficulties when 2-3 people leave different rooms at the same time.

Sliding doors are ideal for narrow corridors

There are several options to solve this problem:

  1. Where possible, replace swing doors so that they open into the room rather than outward. Swinging outwards is required by the rules fire safety, but this property may never be needed, and the interior door opens into the corridor dozens of times a day.
  2. Sliding doors or sliding door leaves on rollers at the entrance to adjacent rooms can be installed on a common guide rail. They will not take up space in narrow corridor, but need some effort when using.
  3. Folding (“accordion”, “screen door”) models are used inside the room - for zoning space or isolating a specific place.
  4. Double doors (two halves) can be symmetrical or one part is wider. As a rule, the smaller part is fixed with a door latch in the stake and the upper plane of the opening. This is more convenient than opening a wide, massive door every time.

Replacing an inconvenient option with light interior doors in the interior of an apartment will simultaneously solve issues of aesthetics and ergonomics.

Sliding white door on black guide rail

Advice. Installed door closers"themselves" will close any swing doors. It is not necessary to buy expensive models made from natural solid wood. Today there are many budget alternatives that look no different from wood.

Modern doors made from combined materials look no worse than their solid wood counterparts, but are much cheaper

Modern interior door designs are issued from different materials imitating light wood (and other shades):

  • veneer (thin cut of valuable wood over budget materials);
  • eco-veneer with wood decor;
  • laminated plastic doors of different shades;
  • decorative plywood;
  • moisture-resistant MDF;
  • laminate (carpentry);
  • composite materials.

Pressed derivatives based on wood waste with paint coatinggreat way savings. Doors inside an apartment are subject to less load than entrance doors, so the operational requirements for them are much lower.

Folding doors in the bedroom

Plastic doors are perfect for bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity.

The catalogs contain many aesthetic models - from a regular door with simple panels to spectacular inserts made of different types of glass:

  • transparent;
  • frosted;
  • mirror;
  • grooved;
  • stained glass;
  • sandblasting.

It is worth paying attention to such a property as sound insulation. Much here is determined not by the material, but by the design of the door - its tightness to the frame. The noise absorption factor also depends on the amount of textiles and properties finishing materials adjacent rooms.

Light wood shades

The flexibility of processing and the texture of wood have always been decisive, but color has also been given considerable importance. Natural wood of light shades was most often used in the interior:

  • oak (different shades of species native to Europe, Asia, Australia and America);
  • holly;
  • hornbeam;
  • alder;
  • nut;
  • birch (Karelian and burl are valued);
  • pine (different hardness and shade);
  • maple (several varieties with different textures).

Among the accompanying materials, bamboo and cork are often used, but they are applicable in the interior only as decoration after special processing of application to the base.

Paneled solid wood door in a classic interior

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain any shade of door leaf decor that imitates valuable species– wenge, zebrawood, mahogany. But from time to time some shades are in fashion, obtained by impregnation with stain (on wood) or obtained artificially - computer graphics.

Among solid wood doors you can find affordable options. For example, alder canvases combine the aesthetics natural wood and reasonable cost

Among the most fashionable shades of wood decor used in laminate and eco-veneer for doors, designers especially value:

  • Halifax white oak;
  • polar pine Åland;
  • alpine pine and cascina;
  • gray oak "foggy London";
  • champagne sugar maple;
  • natural oak (Nebraska and Gladstone);
  • bleached ash;
  • natural cocobolo;
  • light acacia lakeland;
  • beech elmau, etc.

These and other tones of light interior doors are widely presented in catalogs. If several different wood textures are used in the design of rooms, it is important to choose a beneficial combination that complements each other in the overall palette. But there are also traditional combinations of a certain texture and natural colors and shades:

  1. Light oak goes well with shades of fresh spring greenery and rich colors of citrus fruits - the combination is appropriate in a cheerful kitchen interior.
  2. Mahogany goes well with the emerald color of textiles and leather upholstery in brown tones- a classic combination for an office in the English style.
  3. Yellowish beech wood in the interior with light doors in the women's bedroom goes well with burgundy, purple and lilac tones textiles
  4. Ebony wood (black wood) of elegant stylish furniture looks advantageous against the background of white walls and wood decor made of gray or bleached oak.
  5. Cherry harmonizes perfectly with cold colors if the color of the furniture and the door exactly matches.
  6. Alder will suit the noble interior in gray tones.
  7. Gray oak with a striking rustic texture combines elegantly with white leather furniture - an excellent solution for a living room where the door and floors are the same color.
  8. Smooth beige doors in the interior of a bedroom or teenager's room harmonize perfectly with the design in caramel and chocolate tones.

Canvases made of white painted natural wood fit perfectly into Scandinavian style interiors

In a classic interior, birch doors with voluminous inserts and carved trim are often used.

Key Design Rules

This or that shade of wood may be perceived more appropriately if it is duplicated in the design of a room or an entire apartment. This could be the upholstery of upholstered furniture or the color of curtains, the pattern of tile trim or functional decor.

It is best when the furniture and everything that is made of wood or imitates its texture is chosen in the same color, as in the photo.

If several interior doors open into common area, then they all must be executed in a common concept

When choosing the color of the door, pay attention to its texture and structure.

Classic combinations are preferred because they are time-tested. It does not overload the psyche and will never go out of fashion.

In contrasting combinations, you need to be careful so that it all doesn’t become too colorful. If white furniture, she will be lost against the background of white walls. But the noble shade of the laminate on the floor and floor doors will be well complemented by colored curtains and other textiles.

Classic combination - white doors and dark floors

You shouldn’t rely on gray for the entire room if you choose a fashionable door shade with an eye-catching insert design. This can be depressing, we need bright accents for the mood.

When choosing light interior doors, you need to focus on several indicators:

  1. Material, its decorative properties.
  2. Soundproofing.
  3. Price-quality ratio".
  4. Reputation of the manufacturer (quality guarantee).
  5. The design of the fittings is important (how expensive it looks).
  6. Reliability and accuracy of insertion of the latch with the lock.
  7. Choose a model with a frame (slope lining) or in exact accordance with the dimensions of the previously dismantled door.
  8. The decor of the door leaf should match the style of the interior (classic, country, minimalism, art deco, baroque, empire, etc.).
  9. Constructive convenience (open in the right side, 1- or 2-leaf).
  10. Cheap plastic and ordinary painted doors are not suitable for an expensive interior.

Light doors are widely used in minimalism, perfectly complementing the ascetic character of this style

White door in the interior

Pay special attention to the design of the room where the modern white door will be installed. But it will become a worthy decoration in the design of the room if it is in harmony with textiles and furniture.

A white door looks better with spectacular glazing or designer inserts. Then she “will not get lost” against the background of white walls and plastic windows with transparent tulle. This interior creates the feeling that there is a lot of light and air - great option For small room on the north side of the house. This color does not consume space, which is why white doors are chosen for small apartments.

White doors in combination with light walls or furniture visually expand the space of the room

Advice. If there is little natural light in the room, choose one with glossy paint (with maximum light reflection) and a mirror insert.

The combination of white doors and white windows is considered classic.

White doors for the most part do not have complex carved patterns, so they are easier to clean from dirt

There is an opinion that white and light interior doors are easily soiled and not practical. It all depends on the frequency of cleaning and the practicality of the coating. Every fingerprint is visible on the black lacquered door leaf. They have to be cleaned much more often than white door leaves and noble walnut or light-colored oak decor.

In our photo gallery you can choose for inspiration the option that best suits the design of your home.

Video: how to choose door color

Doors perform many functions: they delimit space, hide life inside the house from prying eyes, and protect from cold and noise. But in lately the door began to perform one more task important role- it has become an element of decorating a room and creating original style. Now, when purchasing a product, the first thing to look for is a door in a color that matches the general interior room, and only then all its other qualities are taken into account.

Design with light door structures

Light-colored door designs are very popular today, as they create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Such doors easily fit into any design. All that is necessary is to coordinate the door shade with the color palette of the furniture or wall and floor decoration. Moreover, an approximate matching of shades will be sufficient.

Types of light door designs

Today there is great amount options for paintings in not too bright and light shades. And even a simplified classification allows the designer’s imagination to run wild.

Basic colors and shades of door panels:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • grey;
  • Ivory;
  • beige;
  • cream;
  • silver;
  • golden.

The most common color of interior doors is white. It goes well with other design elements and decorative trims, which, in turn, will add zest to the design of the room.

Suitable for decorating any room - both the kitchen and the bedroom, as well as any floor covering - both laminate and linoleum.

White door panels

Advantages and disadvantages

Light doors in the interior of an apartment have the following advantages:

  • When they are installed, a certain airiness and lightness appears. The space looks cozy and uncluttered.
  • Light colors suit any home interior. There is no need to bother with choosing one design or another.
  • Visually increases the space, especially if white doors and light floors are combined. This advantage allows you to use this technique in small spaces. To obtain a greater effect, glossy samples are used, which, due to the play and reflection of light, visually expand the room even more. The glossy finish will also create the feeling of the presence of the sun, which warms the house.
  • Creates a camouflage effect. Using wall decoration with materials of the same color, they create the impression of endless walls.

Airy interior of the room


  • On light-colored door structures, the slightest dirt is immediately visible. This is especially true for the handle area. That is why light-colored products require constant care.
  • The white color of door panels is characterized by its simplicity in comparison with dark tones. A dark door in a light design adds some charm to the design.

How to choose the right door color

When choosing a door color, you need to pay attention to such nuances.

Door design type

  • Door blocks can be single-leaf or double-leaf. When choosing a product with one leaf, a variety of options are possible. color solutions. If there are two doors, which are mainly installed in rooms in baroque or classic style, milky, beige and golden colors are suitable.
  • Sliding doors. This design is always visible indoors, so its color design must be taken responsibly.
  • The classic version of the door design on display is mainly white, cream, as well as bleached oak and ivory. Bleached oak in the interior it is worth noting separately, as it looks very stylish and rich.

Double-leaf light door designs

Combination with interior elements

  • The combination of finishing materials of the same tone has become very popular. For example, a light floor and light doors create an atmosphere of harmony in the room. But this does not mean that they should have the same material. Wood can be of natural tones and look different in each product, have its own tone and texture. You can use linoleum and golden-colored doors. Light floors with white doors are used in a minimalist or Scandinavian style.
  • Light walls with white door structures also combine harmoniously. Designers recommend choosing one color, but decorating the walls and door in different shades. Using this technique, all interior details are brought together.
  • A good combination of warm shades of the floor and door leaf. Optimal combination- these are pinkish, golden, light yellow and woody tones. These combinations have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, increasing his mood.
  • An excellent option is to combine different shades in one door leaf, which means choosing one color that will be used to paint the main product, and the trim or other inserts can be painted a darker tone.

Light floor and light doors
  • An ivory door in the interior speaks of wealth and luxury and is suitable for any room - both the kitchen and the bedroom, and harmonizes well with gray laminate.

This shade is diverse; it can also include beige, cream, pink and milky. They are very lively and harmonize well with many styles. Ivory doors and dark laminate or linoleum go well together, and with the addition of light curtains the room will sparkle in a completely new way and become very stylish. Also good option a combination of dark and light tones is a canvas with dark inserts. All shades of ivory are perfect for classical and baroque styles.

Room dimensions

  • Small apartments are expanded through the use of light shades. They do not tolerate a wide variety of color palettes.
  • When choosing a door design for a room with high ceilings You need to take into account that dark colors will clutter the room, and windows and doors will look heavy.

Room style

  • The door leaf must be selected depending on the style of the room. So, for a room in the Provence style, light blue tones are suitable. Bouquets of wildflowers, lavender and other delicate shades - all characterize the provincial style. Despite the fact that the blue tone is considered cold, when combined with a warm beige shade, a special atmosphere is created that combines coolness and comfort. But a door of this tone should not contain anything unnecessary. Laminate flooring is welcome; linoleum is not suitable.
  • Beige doors harmonize well with eco-style, as they are combined with green tone and stone inserts characteristic of eco-style. For example, in a room where the floors are made of wood and one of the walls is finished brickwork, a door with a beige tint will come in handy.

Features of antique door finishing

Doors with an antique finish are very popular, as they fit many styles and look luxurious.

  • A door leaf with patina is one such design option. They can be with gilding and other brown elements. Basically, the patina has the color of gold, cappuccino or silver, and it is this design that best conveys the effect of antiquity.
  • After finishing the door leaf with this method, you get the feeling that through upper layer the bottom color shows through.
  • This design allows you to create your own original design, which will make the room stylish and unique.
  • The interior with such doors usually contains antique elements that will make the house cozy and stylish.
Canvas with patina

Everyone strives to create their own style, but the rules for combining colors must be followed. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake, you need to listen not only to your preferences, but also to the advice of experts:

  • When choosing the color of the door block, you must take into account the floor tone. Sharp color contrast provided large space visually it will make it even larger, but in the case of small rooms, such a design will, on the contrary, reduce the space.
  • Dark doors in an interior of warm light colors are also a little inappropriate.
  • When decorating narrow rooms, light colors of door structures visually expand them, moving the walls away from each other.

Light doors in narrow rooms
  • To make the wall and the opening look seamless, you need to choose one tone to match the light doors and light wallpaper; this combination is very common in the interior.
  • The law of trinity must be observed, which implies a harmonious relationship between the floor, doors and baseboards.
  • If the room contains more than one door, they should be painted the same color as the laminate or linoleum. This is necessary to divert attention from several doorways.
  • If you want to use many different shades as a base, then you need to observe moderation. Although all light shades combine well with each other, if they are in excess, the picture may not be very attractive. Those colors that you like can be distributed among different rooms, satisfying your desire without overloading the room.
  • Door structures must match the texture of the floor. For example, plastic door and laminate do not fit together.
  • Door blocks made of MDF are successfully combined with linoleum and laminate.

To summarize, it becomes clear that the interior of a room with light doors is one of the most common, as it has many advantages. White color makes the room light, airy and cozy. With the right shades, door designs will decorate any home interior. To choose the appropriate color, you need to decide on general style premises, the texture of the flooring and walls, and also listen to the advice of professionals.

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In order to ensure that the result of renovating an apartment or house is stylish and spectacular interior, everything must be taken into account down to the smallest detail. So, it is especially important to choose the right color schemes - this is where you should start. The shade of interior doors plays an important role in the design of the room. If the colors are chosen incorrectly, the room will end up with a design that is more awkward than elegant. To prevent this from happening, along with numerous shades of door leaves, manufacturers offer universal option– these are gray interior doors.

These inconspicuous, at first glance, door blocks, are actually quite functional. They are a compromise between light and dark door colors and their shades, and also go well with the bright tone of the interior. Products in gray colors can be used anywhere. These can be office premises, apartments, cottages, work premises. Let's see how you can effectively use gray to organically complement your interior. We will also consider situations in which gray doors can lose all their advantages.

Using a gray door in an office

The office comes first workroom. The interiors here should be such that, while in them, workers can concentrate as much as possible on the assigned tasks, work and not be distracted. Among the most popular options color ranges calm tones are used to decorate office premises. These are blue and also neutral shades. These colors will go well with gray doors.

If the room is made in bright colors, then gray door leaves can dilute the rich palette and unobtrusively encourage employees to work. Today they are perfect for office space Finnish doors. They are the most optimal choice from everything that is offered on the market.

In offices you should not use gray doors with glass inserts. The specificity of using doors in offices is that they are used very often - they are constantly closed and opened. Glass may not withstand the load. As an exception, we can only name models with reliable tempered glass.

Many designers and interior specialists are sure that gray office doors go very poorly, almost terribly, with brown floors. Professionals try to avoid such combinations.

We use gray doors in an apartment or house

If in office premises similar door tones are the best choice, but in apartments such solutions are not so common. For all their versatility, these doors in residential premises are used only for certain styles. These are loft, country, hi-tech, shabby nickname and similar stylistic trends.

In living spaces, it is very important to choose colors so that they match each other. The gray palette has hundreds of shades - this makes it possible to create combinations of various items and interior details. If the details of the room are dark, then you should choose light gray - white floors and trims also go well with this shade.

But gray and black look very rough together. Muted shades of purple or even blue are best in this situation. To make the room look interesting and original, you can add bright colors. It can be yellow, crimson, green or turquoise.

In shabby styles it is common to use a lighter palette. Shabby is vintage. Here, not only the doors in gray colors look very authentic, but also the floors and furniture. Gray is the color of old wood.

In high-tech, rich gray color looks best. Designers love gray interior doors in modern styles for their very versatility - they can be easily combined with aluminum or stainless steel parts.

In a minimalist design, such doors are also a compromise. In the case of white walls, white door panels blend into the surface - this is boring. Dark colors create unnecessary contrast in this case. But gray doors in the interior will not stand out or dominate, especially against the background of light walls.

If you want something rustic, for example, country, then some abrasions and an aged effect on the door would be appropriate. The canvas in gray tones combines favorably with furniture in the same style.

All of the above is not an instruction for action, because with the right approach, you can effectively use a gray door leaf in literally every style. For example, such doors are preferred in French, vintage, modern, classic and minimalist interiors.

The French are very fond of gray doors in the interior - warm shades are especially held in high esteem. This tone resembles a mixture with beige. These gray-beige tones are called nothing less than French gray. Therefore, it is not surprising that in urban French interiors the doors are often not white, but gray. Often they use light shade with abrasions.

The presence of gray doors in modern classic interiors is typical. Usually modern classic Most of all gravitate towards neutral colors. The design serves as an example living rooms, typical for Great Britain and America. White doors are common here, but gray ones are by no means uncommon.

Questions and answers

Interior design specialists are asked a lot of questions about gray doors and their relevance in certain cases. The answers to them can be very interesting and you can learn a lot of interesting things from them.

For example, many are interested in whether gray door blocks are suitable for rooms where the floors are brown, red, beige or other similar shades. Gray is very neutral, which means it can blend in optimally everywhere and will be combined with other colors. Nothing will conflict with each other.

What can you combine the color of the door panels with? Very often, gray doors in the interior are complemented by platbands, plinths, and gray cornices. This is not mandatory, but a desirable condition. It looks very nice when the baseboard and the door are the same color - it helps to unite the rooms into one, but sometimes you can do without it. You can choose skirting boards to match the color of the walls or floor. You can also combine doors with windows and pieces of furniture (both upholstered and cabinet).

What to do if the rooms gray walls And is it possible to install gray doors in this case? The designers are sure yes. And even more - the shades of walls and doors can completely match. This move will make the door leaf almost invisible against the general background. This decision very relevant for small rooms– when the door and wall are the same color, there will be no crushing effect. As a result, a solid line is formed - this will visually lengthen the walls and expand the volume of the room. But there is another option - the doors can be noticeable. There are many shades of gray. The main thing is that all interior elements are harmoniously combined with each other.

Gray doors in the interior can be complemented by platbands and trim of other colors. For example, white or black are perfect in this case. decorative elements. Woody natural shades are also suitable.


The market offers a lot of options for similar doors from various brands. Along with foreign ones, domestic manufacturers are also represented.

Thus, the Chelyabinsk brand “Krasnoderevshchik” offers excellent and inexpensive economy class products. The products are manufactured using European technologies using imported fittings. These door blocks are completely ready for installation right out of the store. The collections also include models of gray doors.

The Sophia factory also offers high-quality doors. The company cares very much about its reputation and constantly participates in various exhibitions. Doors from this manufacturer are expensive, but the costs are worth it. Eat big choice models in various colors.

Doors from the Novgorod brand “Volkhovets” are an excellent option for purchase. The models are very aesthetic, natural veneer is used. IN model range There are interesting collections and gray products with and without glass.

You can also pay attention to the products of the Mario Rioli factory. This is a Russian-Italian brand that has virtually no equal. The collections have both modern models, and more classic ones. The products are of particularly high quality.

Don't be afraid to use gray doors in your interior. They can be effectively combined with existing finishes. Look at the photos in our article - you will probably find interesting option for sale in your apartment or house.

Many people mistakenly believe that the door will not play a special role in the interior. In fact, this element affects the perception of the design of the room. To verify this, it is worth conducting an experiment. Try to renovate your apartment, but don’t change the door. It will immediately be noticeable that something seems to be missing, and the repairs have not yet been completed. That is why when implementing finishing works doors need to be replaced. Today gray doors in the interior are very popular.

Properties of gray color

The main positive characteristic of ash, smoky, pearl and other light gray shades is considered to be versatility. If you study gray doors and their significance in the interior, several properties can be identified.

The best combinations of styles and gray doors in an apartment

Calm and discreet gray doors in the interior will look harmonious in any room. Models with smooth surface canvases decorated with moldings and rectangular inserts will fit perfectly into the composition modern house, which is decorated in a high-tech design.

The model, presented in the form of aged wood, will look appropriate in a chalet and country style room. An attribute of chic classic interior there will be doors with figured panels, engraved glass and a silver palette of the canvas.

What combinations should you avoid?

Despite the numerous advantages of a gray door, we can distinguish such combinations that make the interior ridiculous:

  • in a small room you cannot install gray doors, because they will visually make the room smaller;
  • in a classic-style room, you should not install a simple gray door so as not to spoil the interior;
  • When decorating a room in ethno, empire, baroque, country and eclectic styles, you need to be very careful when choosing a gray door.

What basic interior colors go with gray doors?

If you have a desire to create spectacular room, then it’s worth taking advantage of some of the nuances associated with the play of color. Gray in the interior is in harmony with other shades and adds more qualities to them. How can you understand in what situation such a door can look elegant? The rules followed by designers can help you understand the intricacies of the combination:

Gray doors in interiors of different styles

Gray doors are universal and, when properly combined with other colors, can be used in interiors different styles. For example, for eco style will suit combination of gray with beige, sand and green. A soothing color palette will fill the room with a special mood of harmony with nature.

Gray doors will look organically in a Provence style interior in tandem with blue, yellow, olive and ivory shades, emphasizing the design features.

In interiors in classic and modern style and baroque gray doors will look harmonious in a gray-pink and gold palette, which fills the room with exquisite luxury and a romantic mood.

In modern urban and loft style rooms, gray doors will look advantageous in combination with black. Note that to create a single space, interior doors with a hidden frame are installed.

If we are talking about fusion style, then gray doors with bright fittings and shiny metal handles will fit perfectly into the company of lilac, purple and orange colors.

Gray interior doors made of different materials, with different designs and fittings, are suitable for almost all interiors making the right choice color palette of all room design elements.

So, as you have seen, with the right combination of colors, you can achieve an unsurpassed effect and create exclusive interior! Think gray is a boring color? Then what do you think of the option?

Gray doors in the interior - photo