History of triz. Brief information about classic triz

TRIZ - solution theory inventive problems declared by its author G.S. Altshuller as an alternative to numerous and ineffective methods of activating the enumeration of options, allowing “to transform the process of solving inventive problems into an exact science.” What exactly is TRIZ? What are its real capabilities and prospects?

Brief information about classic TRIZ

The theory of solving inventive problems appeared in the 60s in the USSR.

The founder of the theory was G.S. Altshuller (10/15/1926 - 09/24/1998) science fiction writer, engineer, inventor.

TRIZ is a set of methods united by a common theory. TRIZ helps in organizing the inventor's thinking when searching for an idea for an invention, and makes this search more focused, productive, and helps to find an idea of ​​a higher inventive level.

In TRIZ, for the first time, the study and use of the laws of development of technical systems in invention became the main direction.

The main tool of TRIZ was Algorithm for solving inventive problems (ARIZ). ARIZ represents a series of sequential logical steps, the purpose of which is to identify and resolve contradictions that exist in the technical system and impede its improvement. In its development, ARIZ had a number of modifications. Practical use had modifications ARIZ-77 and ARIZ-85V.

TRIZ uses a number of tools to solve problems. These include:

  • Table for resolving technical contradictions, in which contradictions are represented by two conflicting parameters. These parameters are selected from a list. For each combination of parameters, it is proposed to use several methods to resolve the contradiction. A total of 40 techniques. The techniques are formulated and classified based on statistical studies of inventions.

  • Problem Solving Standards. Standard problem situations are formulated. To resolve these situations, standard solutions are proposed.

  • Vepolny(matter-field) analysis. Possible connections between components are identified and classified technical systems. Regularities have been identified and principles of their transformation to solve the problem have been formulated. Based on Su-field analysis, the standards for solving problems were expanded.

  • Index of physical effects. The most common ones for invention are described physical effects and the possibility of using them to solve inventive problems.

  • Methods for developing creative imagination. A number of techniques and methods are used to overcome the inertia of thinking when solving creative problems. Examples of such methods are the Little Men Method, RVS Operator.

Participated in the development and popularization of TRIZ big number talented specialists. Among them is Shuvalov Valentin Nikolaevich.

In the mid-80s of the last century, Theories for solving inventive problems began to be taught to specialists from electrical engineering industry enterprises within the framework of the method of functional cost analysis (FCA) that was being introduced there. However, due to the crisis industrial production In Russia, following the reforms of the early 90s, the use of FSA at industry enterprises completely ceased. TRIZ also turned out to be unclaimed.

TRIZ: reality and illusions

TRIZ was conceived “as an exact science.” What exactly is TRIZ?

The undoubted advantage of TRIZ was that it attempted to use dialectical approaches related to identifying and resolving contradictions to solve inventive problems. For this purpose, TRIZ developed a special algorithm (ARIZ), which is a sequence of logical procedures aimed at representing the inventive problem being solved in the form of contradictions and a number of recommendations for resolving them. In addition, books on TRIZ cited a large number interesting examples and tasks that in themselves had great educational value.

However, the Theory of Solving Inventive Problems had a number of significant flaws, which, obviously, led to stagnation in its development after the death of the author, as well as to significant difficulties in its practical application. What were these flaws?

  1. In TRIZ, an attempt was made to formulate the laws of development of technical systems, which were to form the basis of TRIZ and the basis of a general methodology for solving problems. However, most of the laws formulated are not such. They should rather be called patterns of technology development, and far from complete ones. For this reason, a coherent methodology for solving problems based on the laws of development has not appeared. And the formulated laws were mainly used as methodological justifications for the given examples of inventions.

  2. The dialectical approach (analysis of contradictions), embedded in the main tool for solving problems, which was ARIZ, was distorted by the introduction of new concepts (technical and physical contradictions). These new concepts distorted the essence of the dialectical contradiction formulated in dialectical logic, which led to difficulties in identifying the contradiction when trying to solve real inventive problems using ARIZ.

  3. The improvement of ARIZ (the creation of new modifications from ARIZ-77 to ARIZ-85V) did not go along the path of eliminating inaccuracies in the procedures for identifying contradictions, but along the path of complicating the algorithm. As a result, the latest official modification of the ARIZ-85V algorithm has become extremely cumbersome and unsuitable for practical use design.

  4. In TRIZ, clear mechanisms for the transition from a formulated contradiction to its practical resolution have not been found. This created serious difficulties in solving real problems using ARIZ.

  5. TRIZ declared a rejection of the methodology for activating the enumeration of options, but the bulk of the so-called TRIZ tools were just such methods (the little men method, the RVS operator, Su-field analysis).

  6. Su-field analysis was represented in TRIZ as a scientific approach, which was based on an analysis of the patterns of structural development of technical objects. However, the assumption of the use of non-existent physical fields in su-fields, as well as the possibility of ambiguous interpretation of su-field structures and the rules for their transformation, rather allow su-field analysis to be classified as a method for activating the enumeration of options, but not as a scientific analysis.

  7. The closest thing to the idea of ​​formalizing the procedure for solving inventive problems was the creation in TRIZ of a table and methods for resolving technical contradictions. This approach was based on a statistical analysis of the invention descriptions existing at that time. However, despite the existing prospects, it was not further developed in TRIZ, and due to a number of existing shortcomings and obsolescence of statistical conclusions, it lost its relevance for practical use.

  8. There is a widespread illusion about the possibility of introducing TRIZ into real production. At its core, TRIZ is a method of thinking aimed at solving inventive problems, the possibility of its application largely depends on the abilities of a particular person for such thinking. For this reason, make TRIZ part of this or that production process impossible. IN best case scenario an enterprise can organize TRIZ training for its employees in order to increase their creative capabilities.

During the period of its active development (80s of the last century), these shortcomings and errors were successfully compensated for by the enthusiasm of TRIZ adherents. However, the existing shortcomings of TRIZ and the departure from TRIZ as a result of the production crisis of its main developers, who were able to see these shortcomings, led to stagnation in the development of the theory. This, in our opinion, is the main reason why lately nothing new worthy of serious attention has appeared in TRIZ.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the importance of TRIZ in putting forward the idea of ​​​​creating a directed search methodology based on the analysis of contradictions in thinking. The relevance of this direction is justified by the fact that everything that has been and will be created by man is the result of the resolution of such contradictions.

TRIZ – theory of solving inventive problems

One of the modern and most interesting teaching methods remains the TRIZ technology - the theory of solving inventive problems.

It was invented by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller, an inventor and science fiction writer originally from Baku. G. Altshuller believed that any person can be taught creative activity. You just need to introduce him to the techniques of creative imagination and teach him to solve inventive problems.

TRIZ pedagogy, as a scientific and pedagogical direction, was formed in our country in the late 80s. Its goal is to develop strong thinking and develop a creative personality prepared to solve complex problems in various areas activities

The TRIZ program came to kindergarten in 1987 thanks to chance. Participants in one of the seminars asked to show a lesson on the TRIZ program with school-age children, but by mistake the listeners were brought to a kindergarten in the preparatory group. This misunderstanding allowed the Trizovites to “discover” the abilities of preschool children and a new age for a child to become involved in solving inventive problems. Currently, TRIZ techniques and methods are successfully used in kindergartens to develop preschoolers’ ingenuity, inventive abilities, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking. This program was introduced into kindergartens under the code name “Umka”.

The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to them, he should teach them to find it. If a child asks a question, there is no need to immediately give a ready answer. On the contrary, you need to ask him what he himself thinks about it. Invite him to reasoning. And with leading questions, lead the child to find the answer himself. If he does not ask a question, then the teacher must indicate the contradiction. Thus, he puts the child in a situation where he needs to find the answer

TRIZ technology helps us develop imagination in children, in the development logical thinking, in developing the ability to pose and solve a problem. There are many methods for this technology -

TRIZ methods and techniques.

One of the methods for activating thinking is the method of focal objects (MFO).

" It was proposed in 1926 by the German professor F. Kunze,

The essence of the method is as follows. Before us, as if in focus, is an object that needs to be improved. By randomly selecting several other objects, for example by opening Dictionary Russian language on any page, we name words at random where the eye falls (preferably nouns). We then “apply” these words to a given object. Unexpected combinations produce interesting results.

The method liberates thinking and leads to unexpected combinations

Work on M.F.O can begin at 2 younger group. In this case, the following tasks are solved:

  1. Invent something new by modifying or improving a real object.
  2. Introduce children to a new object.
  3. Create a story or tale about the object in question using the definitions found.
  4. Analyze a work of art.

Let's look at this with an example.

To improve objects or parts using the focal object method, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. When considering or changing any object, for example, an apple, we randomly select another object that is not related to the apple. The number of selected items can be unlimited, but for convenience in work it is better to select 2–3 objects.

2. How to choose another item? This can be any word from any book (children who can read can choose it). You can offer cards with pictures, laid out images down, you can arrange toys or bright objects and ask them to quickly name any (any) of them.

3. Item(s) found. We invite children to describe it by selecting 5-10 definitions. In order to help children, you can ask them: “What is he (it, she, they) like?” For example, the word “penguin” is selected. We write down (or designate with a picture, a symbol, a toy) on the board the selected definitions: jumping, running, flying (in a jump), swimming, laughing, caring.

4. We substitute the selected definitions for the word in focus, considering the resulting phrases: jumping apple, flying apple, laughing apple, running apple, floating apple, caring apple. You can discuss all the phrases, or you can take the most interesting one.

5. After the desired (or interesting) phrase has been found, it is necessary to give the apple the necessary qualities. To do this, it is necessary to “introduce” into it those elements that are not characteristic of it, which will change the object the children are considering.

“Flying apple” - you need wings, inflate like a balloon and tie

string; The apple inside is empty, only the peel remains - it is light.

“Running apple” - the apple has grown legs.

"Laughing Apple" - it should have a mouth and eyes.

And “flying” and “laughing” and “running” apples grow on a tree. They need to be collected. How? As soon as you touch the “laughing apple,” it will laugh so hard that it might burst from laughter. He first needs to tell him something sad, and then rip it off. Or the “pluck” should be dark: the apple will decide that night has come and will fall asleep. It’s more difficult with “flying” and “jumping” apples. You want to pick it, but it jumps to another branch or flies away. What should I do? Grab the tail (handle), throw a net, tie a thin thread in advance and hold it...

Children's imagination in the process of inventing such stories, as a rule, has no limits.

In children preschool age This method allows you not only to develop imagination, speech, fantasy, but also to control your thinking. At first, only a lexical explanation of the resulting word combinations is enough, and to consolidate and generalize, you can invite children to draw what happened as a result of collective fantasy.

In speech classes, cognitive development, children of senior preschool age can play with interest the game “Inventors”, in which they invent pieces of furniture, dishes, animals, vegetables and fruits, confectionery, Christmas decorations. To select other objects, subject pictures of 7-8 pieces are used. This creates an atmosphere of mystery, further interests children, and concentrates their attention.

Using the MFO method, you can come up with a fantastic animal, come up with a name for it, who its parents are, where it will live and what it will eat, or offer pictures of “funny animals”, “pictograms”, name them and make a presentation.

For example, “Left Monkey”. His parents are a lion and a monkey. Lives in hot countries. Runs very quickly on the ground and deftly climbs trees. Can quickly run away from enemies and get fruits from tall tree. . .

During the lessons, children become more relaxed and are not afraid to express their thoughts and ideas.

Morphological analysis

Morphological analysis is an example of a systematic approach in the field of invention. The method was developed by the famous Swiss astronomer F. Zwicky. Thanks to this method, he was able to a short time get a significant amount of original technical solutions in rocket science. Usually, for morphological analysis, a morphological box is built, that is, a multidimensional table. The main characteristics of the object under consideration are taken as axes and their possible options are recorded along each axis.

For example, we need to come up with new game with a ball. This can be done using a morphological box. First, let's define the main characteristics of the components and their possible options:

A – what part of the body can play with the ball?

1A - by hand

2A - head

3A – foot

4A - body

IN - what the ball can be

1B – rubber

2B – plastic

3B – wooden

4B - balloon

WITH – what can you use to hit the ball?

1C - with a stick

2C - stick

3C - racket

4C – part of the body

Then you need to build a morphological box:

1A, 2A, 3A, 4A

1B, 2B, 3B, 4B

1C, 2C, 3C, 4C

Combinations of elements are extracted from the constructed box.

For example: 1A, 1B, 1C;

1A, 1B, 2C;

1A, 1B, 3C, etc.

IN preschool institution It is also convenient to use a flannelgraph for working with a morphological box. For example, when working to develop the creative imagination of preschoolers, they use the game “Fantastic Animal”, which is based on the principle of working with a morphological box. A table is constructed where body parts of one animal are located vertically (head, torso, limbs, tail), and body parts of the same name are arranged horizontally different birds, fish and animals. For example: on the first horizontal line there will be the head of a parrot, horse, fish, monkey. On the second - the body of a parrot, horse, fish, monkey. On the third are the limbs of all 15 of these animals. And on the fourth - their tails. Body parts are not drawn, but ready-made ones are displayed on a large flannelgraph in a given order. Children are asked to first choose the head of an animal, then the body... (You cannot take two body parts from one animal).

The “fantastic” animal is lined up on a separate small flannelgraph. After the animal is “built”, you need to give it a name, think about what its habitat will be, how it will eat, move, raise children, etc. After finishing the lesson on speech development, you can invite the children to draw this animal, sculpt it, and play with it.

Here are some possible animals: tullekhryushka, bird-cat, elephant-hopper, etc.

"Rings of Lull"

As an option, you can use, in addition to tables and “morphological boxes,” the so-called “Lullian Circles” (Lullian rings). This method used in working with preschoolers and is very effective.

The founder of this method was Raymond Lull (1235-1315) - poet, philosopher, missionary;

These circles are very easy to make yourself. Several circles of different diameters, for example four, are cut out of cardboard or thick paper. All circles are divided into 6 sectors (the number of sectors may vary, but their number must be the same on all circles). In accordance with the task, for example, to come up with new types of jackets, sectors on each circle are filled. On the largest circle, each sector represents a specific color: white, black, green, pink, blue, yellow. On the second, smaller circle, the purpose of the jacket is also indicated by sector: work, sports, for walking, weekend, girls', boys'. On the third circle, even smaller, the size, size, shape of the jacket is indicated in each sector: wide, long, narrow, short, thin, thick. The fourth circle, the smallest, indicates the material from which the jacket can be made: cotton, fur, bologna, oilcloth, tarpaulin, nylon. The circles are strung on a rod (pin, nail). For ease of use, an arrow-pointer is tightly attached to the same axis. The circles rotate around an axis alternately, starting with either the largest or the smallest. The arrow indicates possible options.

"Rings of Lull" can be used in any organized joint activities teacher with children, integrating with other areas.

For example: educational field“Communication” - circles are used depicting sounds and objects with the same sounds (at the end, middle, beginning of words).

Area “Cognition” - circles for games with environmental content (animal and its home, animals and their young, birds and their tails, trees and their leaves, fruits, etc.), as well as circles with images of objects different sizes(more - less, etc.), with numbers (composition of a number).

Reading area fiction» - circles with an image fairy-tale heroes and their dwellings or objects.

There are many combinations, you just need to use your imagination.

It is impossible not to note the versatility of the “Rings of Lull” manual; using only a few rings you can get either different variants games, or add-ons to the used game.

The effect of the game is enormous - knowledge of language and the world in their interrelation, development of creative thinking and imagination, enrichment of vocabulary, and much more.

This gaming method of teaching helps create an interested, relaxed atmosphere, relieves psychological and physical stress, and ensures the perception of new material.


“What if...” - this phrase is very often heard by children when they want to solve something, that is, there is a search for solution options - some options are more successful, others less so. Sometimes you can even solve the problem with their help. This is the trial and error method. (MP&E).

In class, children understand that they can make any, even the most unimaginable, assumptions. The guys begin to fantasize with all their might. At the same time, quite often in their assumptions they avoid the problem itself. But for kids this is not a barrier. Using MP&E, you can reach a compromise solution to the problem.

When communicating with children, you constantly have to experiment: if it doesn’t work, we try something else. And often the phrase “What if...” accompanies us like a faithful assistant.

M&E has existed for a very long time, it exceeds the age of humanity. Even nature has been using it for a long time in its development. Many discoveries have been made using this method, but a lot of money and time have been spent on it.


METHOD PURPOSE: Development of systems thinking.

A comprehensive acquaintance with a subject or phenomenon is helped by the method system analysis. It allows you to look into the history of the creation of an item, break down the item into details, and even look into the future of the item. The system operator can begin to be used in the 2nd junior group when getting acquainted with everyday objects, the immediate environment, and when describing toys. The system is characterized by the RVS operator (size, time, cost). By changing one of these operators, you can change the properties and qualities of an item. For example, when solving the problem of saving Kolobok, we will change the “size” operator, increasing the Kolobok so that the fox cannot swallow it. In the fairy tale about Cinderella, the “cost” operator changes.

The system operator gives:

1. The most complete understanding of the subjects under consideration.

2. Develops imagination and fantasy.

3. Allows you to solve creative problems, makes the solution varied and interesting.

Modeling by little people.

PURPOSE OF THE METHOD: Acquaintance with internal structure substances

It is TRIZ that helps children understand what is happening in the world of inanimate nature: why stone is solid and water is liquid, why snow melts in warmth, and water turns into steam when heated. There is another method in TRIZ technology - this is the method of SIMULATION BY SMALL PEOPLE. Little people, in the understanding of us adults, are molecules (of course, you all remember this from your school chemistry course). Remembering that everything around us consists of molecules - tiny particles that are connected to each other in a certain way, it is easy to explain to children why substances are solid, liquid, and gaseous;

Studying TRIZ allows children to understand that anyone can learnthink creatively, find optimal solutionsthe most difficult problems and even becomeactive inventor.This requires such mental qualities as observation, the ability to compare and analyze, combine, find connections, dependencies, patterns, etc. - everything that together constitutes creative abilities.

TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving)

“Resolving contradictions is the key to creative thinking.
The means of working with children is pedagogical search.
If the child does not ask a question, then the teacher asks it himself: “What would happen if...”
Occupation is not a form, but a search for truth.”

TRIZ is the theory of solving inventive problems. The founder is Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. main idea its technology lies in the fact that technical systems arise and develop not “at random,” but according to certain laws: these laws can be known and used for conscious - without many empty trials - solving inventive problems. TRIZ turns the production of new technical ideas into an exact science, since the solution of inventive problems is based on a system of logical operations.
Technology G.S. Altshuller has been successfully used for many years in working with children at stations young technicians, where its second part appeared - creative pedagogy, and then new section TRIZ is a theory of creative personality development.
Currently, techniques and methods of technical TRIZ are successfully used in kindergartens to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers.
The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place. To give educators a tool for specific practical education in children of the qualities of a creative personality, capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and solving their small problems.
The starting point of the TRIZ concept in relation to preschoolers is the principle of natural conformity of learning. When teaching a child, the teacher must follow his nature. And also the position of L. S. Vygotsky that a preschooler accepts the educational program to the extent that it becomes his own.
The TRIZ program for preschoolers is a program of collective games and activities with detailed methodological recommendations for educators. All activities and games involve independent choice child topic, material and type of activity. They teach children to identify contradictory properties of objects and phenomena and resolve these contradictions. Resolving contradictions is the key to creative thinking.
The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. A teacher should not give children ready-made knowledge or reveal the truth to them, he should teach them to find it. Learning to solve creative inventive problems is carried out in several stages.
At the first stage, classes are given not as a form, but as a search for truth and essence. The child is introduced to the problem of multifunctional use of an object.
The next stage is the “mystery of the double” or the identification of contradictions in an object, a phenomenon, when something in it is good and something is bad, something is harmful, something interferes, and something is needed.
The next stage is resolving contradictions. To resolve contradictions there is the whole system game and fairytale tasks. For example, the task: “How can you transfer water in a sieve?” The teacher creates a contradiction: water must be in the sieve in order to transfer it, and there should not be water, since it cannot be transferred in the sieve - it will leak out. The contradiction is resolved by changing the state of aggregation of the substance - water. The water will be in the sieve in a modified form (ice) and it will not be there, since ice is not water. The solution to the problem is to transfer water in the form of ice in a sieve.
At the invention stage, the main task is to teach children to search for and find their own solution. Children's inventiveness is expressed in creative imagination, in thinking, in coming up with something new. For this purpose, children are offered a number of special tasks. For example, design a new study chair that you would like to sit on. Come up with a new toy, etc.
The next stage of work in the TRIZ program is solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special methods. All this work includes different types children's activities - play activities, speech, drawing, modeling, appliqué, design, etc.
On last stage, relying on acquired knowledge, intuition, using original solutions problems, the baby learns to find a way out of any difficult situation. Here the teacher only observes, the child relies on own strength, your mental and creative potentials. Situations can be different, from any area human activity. Children are also placed in experimental situations where they need to make quick decisions.
The TRIZ program provides educators and children with creative methods and tools that a person can master regardless of his age. By owning a single tool, children and adults can more easily find mutual language, understand each other.

Basic provisions of TRIZ
Main functions of TRIZ
1. Solving creative and inventive problems of any complexity and focus without enumerating options.
2. Forecasting the development of technical systems (TS) and obtaining promising solutions (including fundamentally new ones).
3. Development of the qualities of a creative personality.

Principles of designing TRIZ classes.
- Minimum communication of information, maximum reasoning.
- Optimal form of organizing discussion problem situations- brainstorm.
- Systems approach(everything in the world is interconnected, and any phenomenon must be considered in development).
- Inclusion in the process of cognition of all available to the child mental operations and means of perception (analyzers, cause-and-effect inferences and conclusions made independently; subject-schematic visualization).
- Mandatory activation of creative imagination.
Thus, TRIZ, on the one hand, is an entertaining game, on the other hand, it is development mental activity child through creativity. What does creativity give to a child?
- Gives you the opportunity to express yourself.
- The desire to receive new information about the environment.
- Develops the need for cognitive activity.
- Gives you the opportunity to create, to create.
- Promotes the development of analytical skills.
- Develop the ability to develop and prove your point of view. TRIZ techniques and methods will help with this.
When conducting classes, you can use the following forms of work with children: conversation, role-playing and didactic games, listening to music, staging and modeling situations, performing practical work. Important role execute diagrams, tables, symbols and other ways of presenting information. Fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, and works of children's writers are used as illustrative material. Great place are occupied by poems selected in such a way that the moral, as well as the conclusion contained in them, do not “stick out” to the foreground, but “hide” within the situation, often mixed. The teacher’s skill lies in letting children see this morality for themselves and draw the appropriate conclusion.
As a result, the following stand out: positive sides TRIZ:
- Children’s range of ideas is enriched and their lexicon, creative abilities develop.
- TRIZ helps to form dialectics and logic, helps to overcome shyness, isolation, timidity; The little person learns to defend his point of view, and when he finds himself in difficult situations, to independently find original solutions.
- TRIZ promotes the development of visual-figurative, causal, heuristic thinking; memory, imagination, affects other mental processes.
Main stages of the TRIZ methodology
1. Finding the essence
Children are presented with a problem (question) that needs to be solved. And everyone is looking for different solutions, for what is true.
2. “The Mystery of the Double” - identifying contradictions: good and bad
For example: the sun is good and bad. Good - it warms, bad - it can burn
3. Resolving contradictions (with the help of games and fairy tales).
For example: you need a large umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one to carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.
1. Brainstorming method
2.Directory method
3.Focal object method
4. System analysis method
5. Method of morphological analysis
6. Goldfish method
9. Modeling with little people
10. Trial and error
11. Thinking by analogy
19. Typical fantasy techniques

Questions to think about:
How to transfer water in a sieve (change the state of aggregation - freeze water);
How to Grow Fast (Change Over Time)
How to save a bun from a fox?
TRIZ recommends having conversations with children on the following topics:
1) historical: how was the wheel, airplane, fork, pencil, etc. invented?
2) on walks: who is the mother of the wind, who are his friends, what does the wind whisper about, what does the wind argue with the sun?
3) Reception of empathy: what does this bush feel? Does the tree experience pain?

Signs of creativity:
Agility of thinking
Quick orientation
Non-standard approach to problem solving
Transfer of characteristics of certain phenomena, objects, situations to other conditions

Today there are many methods for raising a child to be a comprehensively developed personality. One of them is TRIZ. What could this mean? this abbreviation? This is a theory for solving inventive problems. What kind of technique is this? Read about it below.

What is TRIZ

This abbreviation stands for "theory of solving inventive problems." What is she? This is the science of how modern man must solve problems. The theory was developed by Soviet scientist Heinrich Altshuller. Who is he? This is a science fiction writer and inventor-engineer rolled into one. This man developed a theory, and then confirmed it in practice, that if you look at any problem, the solution to it can be found in the same way. That is, by performing the same algorithm of actions, you can solve all problems.

If such a wonderful manual was developed already in the 40s of the last century, then why do people today face some insurmountable obstacles? The fact is that not all teachers know what TRIZ is. After all, we have all heard about speed reading, but how many people on earth own it? The same applies to language learning systems. There are many different manuals and courses, but for some reason only a small part of our compatriots speak two or three languages ​​perfectly.

Why was TRIZ created?

The main goal of the theory of solving inventive problems is to find a single solution. For many PR professionals and creatives, this may seem strange. Just one solution? But, as you know, the most best idea- is always the simplest and lies on the surface. Before the TRIZ theory was developed, people believed that to find optimal solution you need to examine the problem inside and out, brainstorm and find 100500 various options solutions. But if you think about it, in the end they always left one option, and the one whose implementation would require the least amount of costs, both physical and material.

TRIZ principles

  • Inventions. Thanks to them, a person improves the world in which he lives. And as you know, we live according to laws already created by nature. People improve the system in many ways. Those who the best way fit into daily life, remain, others are simply forgotten over time.
  • There are always contradictions. This principle is easiest to understand with an example. The efficiency of any mechanism will be directly proportional to its volume, just like that for a long time thought the engineers who assembled the computers. And indeed, just 10 years ago the most powerful computers There were those devices that had very heavy dimensions. But with the invention of new ways of storing data, the size of the computer has decreased. The contradiction has disappeared.
  • For every problem there is a solution. Everything will depend on the resources available to the person or the system. Let's explain with an example. Adults want to give children as much information as possible. But children's books are always small. How do you compress stories? Thanks to pictures and poems, you can shorten some of the text.

Who is the system intended for?

We have found out what TRIZ is, and now we need to understand who can be taught this theory. Like most experiments, scientists performed this on children. After all, the success of a new method of education cannot be tested on anyone else. Therefore, preschool children became “guinea pigs.” When the TRIZ system showed that the scientists were not mistaken, and children were taught to think more systematically, they continued to study with them in school age. More than one decision has already been made here complex tasks. The children were given tasks, but there were no leads or hints.

And also the TRIZ system has proven itself quite well as an improvement program for adults. It is clear that the brain is more plastic at a young age, but it is worth understanding that a person is able to perceive new information at any age. Therefore, today a person has any age group There is an opportunity to study according to the TRIZ system. Moreover, this can be done both at home and in special institutions who conduct courses, seminars and intensive courses.

How long does training take?

The theory of solving inventive problems is a whole science. Moreover, by analogy with physics or chemistry, we can say that you should study it all your life. How can it be, because in kindergarten and at school, children are trained with exercises, and when entering higher education educational institution, the person no longer practices TRIZ constantly? Everything that has settled in his subcortex is what he uses.

This is exactly how many people live in our country. But if we draw parallels with a language, for example with English, it becomes clear that it is quite possible to learn it in 10 years. But if you don’t put the language into practice, the knowledge will quickly evaporate. Therefore, the answer to the question of how long it takes to learn how to use TRIZ can be as follows: any adult can master the basics in a month, but it will take more than one year to hone the acquired knowledge in practice.

TRIZ in kindergarten

The theory of solving inventive problems has the same structure. To understand it, you need to break it down into points and illustrate it with examples.

  • The first stage is when children are given a task, and they must solve it without the help of adults. What might a task look like? It should be formulated in the form quick question, where you can find the answer. Examples: how can you find out what time it is if you don’t have a watch on your hand; how to find yourself smart person in the world? You can even ask a standard riddle: how to put an elephant in the refrigerator?
  • TRIZ in kindergarten involves finding contradictions. Let's give an example. The sun is good, it gives the earth light and warmth. But if there is no rain, then a drought will begin, which can then turn into a fire.
  • The final stage is the resolution of contradictions. When a task is set, for example: It's raining, what should I do? A contradiction was found: take an umbrella, but it is too big and does not fit in the backpack. All that remains is to draw a logical conclusion: You should take a folding umbrella, which will protect you from the rain and fit perfectly in your bag.

TRIZ at school

As is known, training program everyone educational institutions is certified, approved and, as a result, does not change for years. And if TRIZ technologies exist in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, then this system is not officially used in schools. Some teachers introduce it as an additional or elective activity, but not on an ongoing basis. And as we have already found out, knowledge that is not confirmed by sufficient practice has no particular value.

How can you entertain children during an elective class? TRIZ for preschoolers are easy problems, mainly based on fairy tales or their life experiences. Children 9-12 years old can already be given serious tasks, the answers to which they will come up with, and not look for in their past. What could it be?

Example assignment. Two neighbors live in a dorm room. One of them watches TV in the evening, the other reads. There is only one light bulb in the room, hanging in the center on the ceiling. The light prevents one of the neighbors from watching TV, as it illuminates the screen. What can you come up with as a solution to such a problem? The answer is quite obvious. You need to glue a piece of opaque tape to the light bulb on the TV side, then the glare will stop, and the second person will still be able to calmly read in the light.

Can adults improve their inventive abilities?

Despite the fact that with age the brain loses its plasticity, a person’s ability to learn remains. The use of TRIZ is useful for people of any profession and any age. After all, everyday problems are sometimes no less annoying than work problems. Today, in this century digital technologies, everyone can download books on TRIZ theory, or, if you don’t have time to learn the basics on your own, you can sign up for specialized courses. You can gain knowledge in a condensed form in 2-3 weeks.

What games to play with the guys

TRIZ in kindergarten is not lessons. New knowledge is presented to the children in the form of a game. One of them is called "Masha the Confused Man". The child approaches a deck of cards on which objects used in the household are drawn. For example, knives, forks, spoons or a mixer. He pulls out a card, and there is a knife. He explains to the group that the knife is lost. Now the child should complain that he does not know what he will use to cut the bread. And the group must offer solutions to the problem. For example, bread can be cut with a fishing line, a ruler, or broken off by hand. Or you can cut it with a hacksaw or pick it out with a fork.

Another example of TRIZ problems is the Teremok game. The task of children is to learn to see general signs at different objects. Each of the children is given a card on which an object is drawn. One child becomes the leader and climbs into the house. In his hands he holds a card with a picture of, for example, a guitar. A friend approaches him, holding a picture of a fishing rod. The presenter voices the conditions: I will let you into the house if you name the common signs between me and you. A child with a picture of a fishing rod begins to list that both the guitar and the fishing rod are made of wood, both of these objects have threads and fishing lines, etc.

How to look for answers

TRIZ for preschoolers is not only a way to solve imaginary problems, but also a way to develop imagination. Therefore, when in an everyday situation it is necessary to quickly come to some conclusion, the child can do this with ease. How? How more people solves all sorts of problems, the more analogies will remain in his head, thanks to which he can quickly find answers.

For example, if a child has already solved the problem that bread can be cut not only with a knife, but also with a ruler or spoon, then on a hike he will be able to quickly find his way when there is not something cutting at hand. The main task of TRIZ is not to solve problems for the sake of solving them, but to find answers to life's questions.

A problem with a ready-made solution

TRIZ games in the garden are popular. But not all educators can quickly come up with suitable tasks for children. That's why we offer this option. A ceramic mug retains heat well, but also heats up quickly. We need to figure out how to make it so that, without changing the material, we can produce an object of the same type, but with the condition that it will be comfortable to hold in our hands. Children may suggest using various wrapping materials, cup holders, or knitted “clothes.”

It is worth saying that such mugs will be very expensive to produce, since in addition to cutlery will have to buy more additional items. It's worth waiting until some child comes up with the idea of ​​attaching a handle to the mug. This answer will be correct. After all, the handle is made from the same material as the mug, which means there will be no extra costs. You can come up with an activity with TRIZ elements quickly, you just have to practice. Here are more examples. How to move a chair around the apartment so that it does not leave marks on the surface? How to quickly defrost food?

What does the system provide?

After a month of TRIZ classes in preparatory group You can already see the first results. Children begin to become interested in the world around them and try to solve paradoxes. And this desire is laudable. TRIZ technology in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is gaining momentum every year. If further preschool education will apply this theory and master it in practice, then perhaps the next generation of children will grow up to be geniuses.

What can you get from TRIZ training? The ability to look at problems from a different angle and find a solution where none was previously visible. Moreover, you no longer need to spend hours on collective brainstorming; one person, thanks to his power of imagination, is quite capable of coping with even the most complex task.

Imagine you are faced with a problem of how to improve something, or how to make something work. How to come up with something new? This is why the Theory of Solving Inventive Problems was invented. In this topic I’ll try to tell you what it’s about.

For warming up

Life situation: in good weather, the windows in the apartment should be open, but if it rains outside, there will be a need to close them. We have no desire to monitor this and close them ourselves. What solution comes to mind?
An interesting fact: things that we have already seen before, or simply some ready-made solutions, always come to mind.

Correct problem statement

One of the first problems that everyone faces is not understanding the condition. For a given problem you need to build alternative questions, which also solve the problem.

For example: find an inexpensive rapid method for detecting air leaks in car tire(this is the problem as given by the PKD).

Alternative questions (this is the problem as understood (PKP)):

  • How to Find a Leak in a Tire
  • How to Predict the Possible Location of a Tire Leak
  • How to find a way to fix a tire leak on your own
The first option is clearer than the original one, since it is more specific. The more specific the problem is, the easier it is to solve it.

Activation method for enumerating solutions

There are many ways to activate a variable approach to solving inventive problems (in case you need to come up with something specifically new, and not new way application of an existing one). I will give the main ones:
  1. Morphological method
    We create a table where the axes are parameters and characteristics that are important to us. For each axis we describe the possible achievements of this characteristic. Thus, by choosing one method from each axis, you can choose the most correct and best option solutions for the entire technical system.
  2. Rethinking the task
    The same problem can be solved in different ways depending on the goal. For example: it is necessary that the battering ram does not break when colliding with a door.
    You can change the material of the ram; try to make the ram become stronger when it hits the door (like rams and their horns during a collision).
  3. Method of analogies
    Direct analogy: any similar situation or problem solved in another field of activity, science or nature.
    Personal analogy: an attempt to look at the task, identifying oneself with the object, an attempt to enter its image, to find personal analogies in a person’s experience.


Consider a regular cup. If you pour boiling water into it, it will become hot and it will not be easy to hold it in your hands. But we want to use it!
Let's formulate the problem (a contradiction. After all, it is the contradiction that forces us to solve the problem): We need something hot to be poured into a cup without being scalded when you pick it up.

What are we working with?

One way to keep the poured liquid warm without letting the cup heat up is to make it out of a thicker material. This will not lead to significant changes in production other than additional material costs. A similar solution would be to change the material from which the cup is made.

What if there are other options? You can make sure that the cup has a place that does not heat up. This idea led to the creation of handles for cups.

The cup remained a cup and gained almost no weight. Additional costs are minimal since the handle is made of the same material.

Why not do it differently?

Of course, these are not the only ways to solve the problem. Except for one BUT. How simpler solution, the easier it is to apply.

A technical object is ideal if it does not exist and the function is performed
In other words, a solution is best if it requires nothing more than what we have in the condition.

Solutions for other areas

Sometimes some tasks that were big problem for a long time in one area, have already been resolved in another.

A small example

Being in complete darkness, you need to navigate in space. If we can't see, who can? (we immediately form a contradiction within ourselves: a person cannot see in the dark, but he needs to be able to navigate in it).

Here you can remember animals that feel good in the dark. Cats and the bats. In the first option, you need at least a weak light source (direct or reflected). And in the case of a bat, light is not needed at all; they move using reflected sound.

Echolocators were made using bats as an example, but night vision goggles were based on the ability of cats to navigate in low light.

Another interesting example

And another example from the animal world: how to get rid of lacing in clothes? One of good decisions- tie clothes with an additional piece of this same clothing, which formed the basis of most robes.

The second fairly common solution is to use fasteners instead of fastenings, a version of which is Velcro (their prototype at one time was burdock fruits).


A brief diagram of the use of TRIZ in general view can be represented as:

1. Define the problem and formulate it (the problem as given and the problem as understood)
2. Find a contradiction and what prevents you from solving the problem (what is the problem of the situation)
3. Highlight the resources we have
4. Apply existing solution techniques (in space, time screen, solutions from other areas, and so on)
5. Analyze the solution and see if it can be improved

I hope that despite the brevity, I was able to explain in general terms what TRIZ is (or at least encouraged me to find out more).