Get rid of small midges. How to get rid of fruit midges in an apartment: effective ways and methods

Most often, midges live and breed in the kitchen

Why do midges appear in an apartment?

To get rid of midges in the house, it is important to determine where they come from and their main concentration areas:

  1. Black, green, and brown midges appear in indoor plants. The reason may be frequent and abundant watering of the earthen clod. The most dangerous are the larvae, which can destroy plants.
  2. Small flies settle on fruits, berries or vegetables that have been lying around for a long time and begin to deteriorate. These insects are called fruit flies, fruit or vegetable midges, fruit flies; During the breeding process, they attack sweets and drinks.
  3. Stale garbage can become a source of uninvited guests. For example, a rolled berry, an old kitchen cloth that fell behind a bucket, or food for small rodents and birds scattered on the floor.
  4. If the deposits on the pipes are not cleaned in a timely manner, sewer midges appear in the toilet. They come out of kitchen or bathroom sink drains.
  5. Midges can also appear from the apartment of unscrupulous neighbors (typical of multi-storey buildings).

Drosophila love to perch on vegetables and fruits

How to get rid of small midges?

After finding the location of the midges, you can begin to destroy them.


When removing small midges from an apartment with special chemicals should be considered general rules:

  • Everyone must leave the premises except the person carrying out the treatment;
  • carry out the procedure in a respirator and rubber gloves;
  • put all products in the refrigerator;
  • The treatment is carried out in the morning so that the smell has disappeared as much as possible by the time the family returns.
Before starting work, read the instructions from the manufacturer.

Manufacturers have released a completely new drug, Dichlorvos Neo, which does not have a pungent odor, but contains active ingredients the same toxic group.

Dichlorvos - a simple means to combat midges

Spraying should be done in an even layer at a distance of 30 cm from surfaces, special attention need to be given to the trash can. Windows must be kept open during treatment and for 1 hour after it. After the procedure, be sure to wash all surfaces detergent.

The drug is available in the form of an aerosol in a metal container. A volume of 350 ml is enough to treat a room of 30 square meters. m. A stream of the drug is sprayed for 5-7 seconds along the entire perimeter of the room. Toxic components instantly act on midges, causing paralysis and death of insects. Long-acting spray, effective up to 3 weeks after treatment.

Raptor effectively destroys house flies

The spray clears the room of all types of midges. A fairly effective composition gets rid of midges in just 1 application. To combat midges, you should purchase Reftamid-Strengthened or Reftamid-Maximum. The effect of the drug lasts for 4 hours when sprayed in the air and 15 days when treating surfaces or fabric.

Reftamid fights all types of midges

Treatment should be carried out at a distance of up to 25 cm from surfaces, spraying time - up to 1 minute. The aerosol has a rather pungent odor with notes of sweet vanilla.

One of the best means against midges. The spray in a 300 ml can has a depressing effect on nervous system insects, leading to paralysis and death of midges. Affected midges transfer the toxic effect of the reagent to their relatives, increasing the penetration area of ​​the drug.

Raid - the most effective remedy from midges

Spraying in the room should be carried out from the center to the walls no closer than 1 m from the surfaces for 7 seconds. The effect lasts for 2 hours after treatment.

How to fight with folk remedies

Traditional methods of fighting fruit flies:

Clove decoction has a negative effect on midges

You can apply a trail of any wine along the entire length of the adhesive fly tape. Only 10-20 g of drink will be required. Midges will instantly flock to your favorite scent. For greater effectiveness, several baits should be placed in the room. If midges appear in cereals, tapes must be hung inside the cabinets.

Midge traps

Traps made at home are effective.

  1. Place the sweet fruit in a small container. Then you need to close the neck with polyethylene, leaving several small holes. The smell will attract wine midges. The trap can be left overnight. Midges will fly to the tasty bait through the holes. Once filled, the container should be hidden in plastic bag and throw it away. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Wine vinegar with a drop of detergent is a favorite treat for midges. The mixture should be poured into a saucer and left for a while, then washed off along with the midges under running water.

You can also use a special trap for midges “Raptor”. One device is enough for an area of ​​12 square meters. m. The action continues for a month. The composition includes a special liquid, cardboard, on the surface of which is applied adhesive composition, and instructions. The aroma attracts midges, the sticky surface prevents them from getting out.

Other effective ways

  1. A modern way to deal with uninvited neighbors is a vacuum cleaner. Pipe without brush on maximum power remove the places where midges settle the most. It is important not to release them back after the process is completed. Therefore, it is better to immediately remove the garbage bag and pack it in a bag.
  2. A fumigator used against mosquitoes. If you turn it on in the habitat of midges all night, in the morning there will be no trace of them left.

You can fight midges using a fumigator

With a spray bottle and humidifiers, you can achieve good results with periodic use. Wet wings will prevent midges from flying. The room should be constantly moistened.

Prevention of small insects

Keeping your apartment clean, especially in the kitchen, is the most effective way to combat midges. Set the frequency of home manipulations.

  1. Regular wet cleaning premises, daily removal of food waste. Hob should be wiped weekly with special compounds. Wash the trash can periodically using disinfectants.
  2. Avoid food spoilage and throw it away at the first sign of spoilage.
  3. The sink and washbasin must be cleaned using household chemicals, use special products for siphons and pipes. You can use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning. The reaction will help remove internal deposits.
  4. You can insert matches into the soil of indoor flowers with the sulfur heads facing down. In addition, it is important to follow the watering regime. You can sprinkle the ground with a small amount of ground pepper. You should not water flowers with tea leaves - this can also become a source of damage. Upper layer soil from flowers affected by larvae must be replaced with fresh soil.
  5. Clean your pets' feeding and toileting areas regularly.
  6. You can prevent the occurrence of midges by planting geraniums in advance. Beautiful plant has a specific aroma that midges cannot stand. This will prevent the appearance of fruit and flower guests.

Clean your kitchen regularly

If midges are found in cereals, they should be thrown away immediately and the storage container should be thoroughly rinsed. If you find onion midges, you need to completely sort out the vegetables and throw out the rotting heads.

If the advice does not help, you should call representatives of the sanitary service. They will treat all rooms with stronger compounds.

Timely identification of the source of spread and the use of effective methods guarantee a positive result. Home hygiene, storing food in the refrigerator, and periodically cleaning sewer pipes will prevent the appearance of midges. In addition, they simply will not have anything to eat. And if it appears effective ways will come to the rescue.

Every summer we have an infestation of midges in our bathroom, and in our kitchen too (we live in a dorm, so it’s difficult to get them out), so I found how to get rid of them, it might be useful to someone.

How to get rid of midges at home

You keep your home clean. Regularly sort through vegetables in order to detect rotten fruit in time. Do general cleaning weekly, looking into everything hard to reach places. But one day you find uninvited guests in your kitchen? Who is the boss in your house? Get rid of them.

How to get rid of midges at home

Drosophila midges are harmless insects at first glance. They can enjoy the well-deserved respect of geneticists, because it is up to them to a large number of experiments.

However, the sight of a swarm flying in front of your nose is not a pleasant sight. You are not a scientist - a geneticist. Then, perhaps, you should read our article and learn about the most effective ways to deal with these guests.

How to get rid of midges at home short term? How to prevent them reappearance and how to protect your flowers from their invasion? We will talk about this in our article.

Where do midges come from?

It is no coincidence that geneticists have fallen in love with Drosophila midges, because they reproduce at a breakneck pace. This is why midges in an apartment can become a real disaster. The midges are taken from our favorite fruits. Females lay eggs in unripe fruits and if created favorable conditions. The fruit is ripe and begins to rot, then these creatures will certainly begin to grow and multiply.

Where do midges come from if your home is perfectly clean? Even if this is so, then these creatures can quite happily breed in pieces of food stuck in drain pipes. If you did not take out the bucket on time or forgot to sort out the onions and potatoes in time, then their intrusive presence is guaranteed to you.

What can we say about those houses in which perfect cleanliness not always supported. However, these guests can easily fly to you from your neighbors; you cannot monitor the cleanliness of their apartment, or from the basements.

The question of how to remove midges is actually not that simple. However, our advice will help you. Are there any midges? Urgently start looking for their breeding place. Typically, fruit flies live in some spoiled fruit or vegetable. Look through all the hard-to-reach places not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. There might be a puddle of spilled syrup somewhere or just a piece of spoiled food. They will surely love these places.

Have you found their breeding site? Throw away this rot immediately.

Another favorite habitat of midges is in flowers. Their larvae happily gnaw on the roots of your favorite plants. Naturally the flowers die. A folk remedy for midges in flowers is to stick matches into the ground with the sulfur head down. Reduce watering; the soil should not be soggy. Remove flower gnats by treating all plants. To prevent them from reappearing, you can add a layer of sand or decorative stones. Beautiful and useful.

Powerful and absolutely safe remedy from midges - a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on at full power and your uninvited guests are blown down the drain like the wind. Carefully pull out the bag and throw it away from the house.

You don't know how to get rid of midges in the kitchen? Try making bait for them. The method is simple, but proven. Take a used sweet yogurt cup, you can put pieces of spoiled banana in it. Place a plastic bag over it and secure with a rubber band or thread. Make small holes in the bag. The midges, sensing the sweet smell, will be able to get into your bait and stay there. You wash the glass under water, and your midges float away into the pipe.

There are several more original ways how to deal with midges. Do you drink wine or martinis? It's better if it's a sweet drink. Wine midges will definitely love your glass. Leave a little liquid at the bottom of the bottle and you can catch a lot of these insects.

How to get rid of midges on the balcony

We will tell you how to get rid of midges on the balcony. Midges actively develop from June to October. In cold weather you won't see them. Sometimes whole swarms of midges perfectly settle in the seams of the balcony. How to deal with them? Install a mosquito net. If this does not help, then it is quite possible to treat it with some kind of remedy for flying insects. There is still enough on the balcony fresh air, so the risk of getting poisoned by chemicals is minimal.

Carry out a general cleaning on the balcony and treat the places where they accumulate with a special product, then you can quickly get rid of them.

The situation is more complicated if your balcony is on the ground floor, and midges breed in the grass. You can either mow the grass or hang flypaper on the balcony. Usually these funds are sufficient.

How to deal with midges in the bathroom

Sometimes it happens that midges choose a bath as their habitat. It is warm and quite humid there, and they can always access water. Try to eliminate all possible leaks. Wipe the floor dry with a rag. Be sure to pour boiling water over the drain holes.

Then pour the sweet jam syrup into the bath. A small amount will be enough. The midges will definitely flock to the bait, but don’t yawn. Turn on the shower and wash them off quickly.

These are quite simple, but effective ways, if you want to know how to get rid of small midges. These insects can be quite annoying and ruin the entire look of your home. What kind of comfort and cleanliness can we talk about if these creatures are circling around in a swarm? In addition, if they appear in flowers, they can significantly damage your greenhouse.

How to achieve complete disappearance of midges

It may take several days for the midges to completely disappear, during which you should take care of the cleanliness of your home daily. Don't give them the slightest chance, then they will disappear very soon. Garbage should be taken out regularly and the bin should be washed hot water and dry. Do not leave wet rags or sponges on the sink. Wipe tables dry. Carry out the most thorough cleaning and remove dirt from all crevices. Make your home uninhabitable for these insects.

Conduct a complete audit of your inventory. Review cereals and vegetables, jars of jam. Clean the floor under the refrigerator and behind the stove. Often this is where pieces of spoiled food end up. Do you keep pets? Promptly remove uneaten food from their bowls.

Midges on fruit will disappear only if you store the food in the refrigerator. This will also extend their shelf life. In summer it can be too hot, and fruit can spoil very quickly in the apartment.

Compliance with these simple tips will help you make your home clean and cozy, and also get rid of unpleasant neighbors. If midges breed in the basement of your house, then you should contact the HOA so that they can solve this problem.

Better to resort to chemical methods fight only in extreme cases. Be careful when performing such processing. Be aware of the dangers to your health. Avoid inhalation harmful substances children and pets. It is better to send them from home during the processing. If you keep fish, do not forget to cover the aquarium; chemicals easily enter the water and can cause poisoning.

Live beautifully, act wisely.

A clean kitchen is a source of pride for any housewife. But sometimes, even in a seemingly ideal kitchen, uninvited guests can appear - small brown midges. These are Drosophila midges (other names are fruit fly, vinegar fly).

Drosophila reproduce quite quickly; after only 10 days, the larva grows into a full-fledged adult, ready for reproduction. Each female lays about 400 eggs during her not very long life (20-30 days).

Therefore, as soon as you notice that there are midges in the kitchen, you need to immediately start fighting them.

Where do midges come from in the kitchen?

To understand how to get rid of midges in the kitchen, you must first find out where the midges in the kitchen come from.

Drosophila feed mainly on rotten vegetables and fruits, unmistakably picking up their smell. Therefore, the appearance of brown midges in the kitchen is sure sign that food is rotting somewhere.

You need to carefully check all cabinets, shelves, vases, pots, bags and corners - all possible places where food could remain and begin to rot. The most favorite food for small midges are sour rotting fruits, loosely closed jars of sour jam or compote, but they also do not refuse potatoes, onions, carrots, other vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, even cereals.

When feeding on rotten food, fruit flies lay eggs directly into the rotting food. After a day, the egg turns into a larva, which feeds on what is around it. After another 4-5 days, the larva becomes a pupa, and 10 days after laying the egg, an adult midge emerges from the pupa.

At the source of decay there are tens and then hundreds of eggs, larvae, pupae and adult midges, which fly to a new food source, if they have access to one, and lay new eggs. It is better to stop this process at the very beginning.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen

After the source has been found - the place where the midges come from in the kitchen, the rotting product must be immediately put in a bag, tied and thrown away. And then begin to destroy the midges that have managed to scatter throughout the kitchen.

The most reliable method to remove midges from the kitchen is to completely deny access to food. After some time, the insects will simply disappear. But this is often not easy to do. Midges are able to penetrate the smallest holes in grocery bags.

A good way to get rid of the remaining midges in the kitchen for sure is to make midge traps with my own hands. For example, you can do this:

  1. Take a jar and put bait in it (for example, an apple or pear core or a spoonful of jam, which will quickly sour at room temperature).
  2. Insert a paper funnel with the pointed end down, leaving a very small hole so that midges that infest the kitchen can get in through it, but cannot get out back.
  3. Attach the wide base of the funnel tightly with tape to the neck of the jar.

Having prepared such a trap in the evening, by morning the midges that have flocked to the smell will gather in the trap. All that remains is to throw them away along with the jar without regret.

A glass trap is made using the same principle. Cover the plastic cup with bait tightly plastic film. Several small holes are made in the film with an awl or a large needle. Midges that have infested in the kitchen will very skillfully crawl into the food, but they will not get back out.

Some people use a vacuum cleaner when catching midges, drawing in flying insects with a powerful stream of air. But there is a possibility that some of the insects have hidden, and after some time the midges will appear again.

Sticky tapes for catching insects are very helpful. The tapes emit a pleasant sweet smell, thus attracting midges, which land on the tape and stick to it. All that remains is to carefully remove the tapes and throw them away.

The chemical industry also offers a number of ways to remove midges from the kitchen. They are based on application various means that kill insects. But when using such means, you need to be very careful, isolate all products, children, and pets.

After carrying out any measures to get rid of midges, you need to carry out a general cleaning of the kitchen, wash all surfaces and floors with detergent, and ventilate well.

Frequent uninvited guests of our home, especially in summer period, become midges. They appear suddenly and are annoying with their presence, but in addition to a banal inconvenience, insects can cause significant harm to humans. Midges actively spoil food, and some existing species They may even bite. They are found in sweets, fruits, and indoor flowers, which serve as excellent bait for insects. The good news is that removing midges at home is not so difficult.

Where do midges come from in an apartment: sources of appearance

Many people are interested in the question: why do midges appear? After all, they can start up in an apartment, even if the windows and doors are tightly closed. To combat such insects, it is important to establish the source of their occurrence, and only after that is it worth fighting the annoying midges. Biologists say that the most common reason for the appearance of small midges in the house is rotten or simply contaminated fruits and vegetables brought from the store or collected from the garden.

Even before the fruits reach our table, eggs have been laid in many of them, which, in a state of remission, wait for the fruit or vegetable to begin to rot. Spoiled vegetables and fruits are the main food of midges, so the rotting process signals the insects that the time has come for the larvae to hatch from their eggs. After a very short period of time, they develop into adult midges.

The lifespan of midges is very short - only about a day. However, if the apartment has an abundance of nutrient medium for them, for example, rotten fruits or vegetables, then midges multiply very quickly. The result is a lot of flying insects. What to do to prevent this outcome? An effective solution will be the prompt elimination of the source of their occurrence.

Many varieties of house flies like to live in living areas such as an aquarium, cages of rodents, birds or other animals. Often, an invasion of red biting insects occurs due to unkempt conditions. lunch place dogs or cats. Leftover food or an unwashed plate can be a great breeding ground for midges. Therefore, it is necessary to clean up after animals more often and change the water in the aquarium so that insects do not have the opportunity to lay eggs in different places in the apartment.

Abundant reproduction of midges can occur due to the presence of indoor plants in the apartment. Often the process of insect reproduction is stimulated by watering flowers with tea leaves - midges love it very much. Additionally, small gray flies may appear near pots or directly in the soil if the moisture is excessive. Therefore, you should not overwater the plants.

Where else can midges come from if there are no rotten fruits, animals or severe dampness at home? The answer is simple - from the sewer. When food particles get into pipes, they can get stuck on bends or siphons, continuing to decompose there. This constantly provokes the emergence of new midges, which fill the apartment again after each subsequent extermination. Insects can get into a home only with the help of the person who brought them from the market, but the future life of midges depends on the cleanliness of the room and timely cleaning of the sewerage system. Below are the types of midges in the apartment with photos.

What to do if you have fruit or flower gnats

If there are midges in your apartment, the first thing to do is necessary measure will determine the place of their reproduction and what insects feed on. The primary search should be aimed at vegetables and fruits. Next, you should check the bathroom and kitchen drains. Perhaps the reason for the appearance of midges was a drop of honey that went unnoticed during cleaning or a piece of spoiled food that rolled under the furniture. However, if all these hypotheses were not confirmed, pots with indoor flowers probably became the habitat of midges.

How to get rid of fruit flies?

  1. Conduct a full-scale inspection of all vegetables and fruits in the home. If spoiled products are found during the inspection, throw them away immediately, and all fresh vegetables and place the fruit in the refrigerator.
  2. Test the grains by pouring them into sealed, dry jars. Bulk products should not have any traces of spoilage, but if there are any, the “contaminated” groceries should be taken to the trash.
  3. Vacuum walls, ceilings, floors and all surfaces where small black flies have been observed. To kill insects, you need to turn on the device and direct it to the place where midges accumulate; they will quickly be drawn inside. Shake the bag away from the house.
  4. How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment in an easier way? Hang regular sticky insect traps around your kitchen. After 2-3 days, their number will decrease significantly.
  5. A proven remedy against fruit flies is simple bait - containers with unfinished alcohol. Leave an open bottle of beer or wine on the bottom, in the morning there will be great amount insects that are trapped.

How to poison midges - removal methods

  • Treat the washbasin, sink modern means for eliminating blockages in pipes and siphons. Alternative way is to treat the neck of the sink with soda quenched with vinegar. After intensive foam formation, the sink and drain should be rinsed with plenty of running water.

    How to get rid of midges in an apartment using folk remedies:

    Video: 2 reliable ways to destroy midges

    Prevention of midges

    • Maintaining cleanliness of the apartment, timely removal of garbage.
    • Cleaning sewer pipes and siphons using special means.
    • Frequently wash the trash can.
    • Timely disposal of spoiled vegetables or fruits.
    • Growing geraniums at home (midges really don’t like strong smells).
    • Installing mosquito nets against midges on windows.

Takes ~2 minutes to read

Being uninvited and quite dangerous guests in a residential area, harmful fruit flies damage food, indoor flowers, and can also bite a person and transmit some infections when bitten. What to do if they appear and how to get rid of midges in the apartment? After all, harmful little vermin appear in a room very unexpectedly, annoying people with their existence. And due to their rapid reproduction, the arrival of insects can turn into a real disaster.

Where, when and why do midges appear?

In order to know exactly how to remove midges from an apartment, you need to find out the source of this unpleasant invasion. And having figured out the reasons for their appearance, begin to neutralize them.

The most basic motivations for their appearance are:

  • Garbage cans and bags. Perfect option for breeding and feeding brown midges and black fruit flies.
  • Spoiled vegetables, fruits and bread. Midges simply love rot, laying their offspring in such products.
  • Pots with indoor plants. At high humidity, pests necessarily settle on the surface of the earth and the containers themselves.
  • Water drains. Small food residues remain in the kitchen drainage system, which serves as a reason for attracting insects and their rapid reproduction.
  • Pets. Unpleasant insects can appear in the remains of animal food or in untimely purified water in the aquarium.

Effective methods of control

Having determined the reason why midges appear in the apartment, you should begin measures to destroy them. They are:

  • Full inspection of all perishable products. After the inspection, any spoiled food found should be thrown away immediately. Cereals stored in the kitchen must be poured into dry and clean containers from time to time to avoid the creation of dampness in their environment.
  • Disinfection of drainage passages. Effective method In order to remove midges from an apartment, there will be a systematic treatment of the sink and the siphons located under it. All actions to destroy small pests in the sewer can be carried out using modern chemicals.
  • The work of a conventional vacuum cleaner. This unit is a fairly effective assistant when faced with the dilemma of how to kill midges. Having turned it on at full intensity, you should vacuum the room, and then take the dust collector with all its contents outside.
  • Installation mosquito net. To prevent the appearance of small fruit flies from the street, care must be taken to install this protective element on the balcony opening and on the windows.

Destruction of midges from indoor plants

When found small insects in containers with plants, you should immediately reduce the amount of watering to avoid the proliferation of pathogens. After all, negative microorganisms contribute to the rotting and decomposition of vegetation, which serves as excellent feeding for the brown fruit gnat. Methods for neutralizing insects from the surface of the earth and flower pots:

  1. Manganese potassium, diluted in the ratio: 0.1 g per 1000 ml of water. Water the soil once every 5 days.
  2. Sprinkle the surface of the soil with ground red hot pepper.
  3. Matches planted in the ground with their heads. For a pot with a volume of 100 ml, 10 pieces around the perimeter.
  4. Complete replacement of soil.
  5. Treating with approved insecticidal agents: Aktellik, Aktara.
  6. Dust the soil mixture in pots with wood ash.

Smells that repel insects

  • Essential camphor. A powdery substance purchased at a pharmacy is heated. When steam is released, containers with hot ethereal substance are carried through all rooms. This method will quickly scare away insects, leading to their complete neutralization;
  • Pelargonium is zonal. Leaves of this indoor flower have a specific fragrance. When growing it indoors, the nasty midges will never dare to settle there.
  • Basil. This king herbs, planted in a pot, will be an excellent assistant in expelling the pest. And by laying out small fresh or dried bunches of it in the kitchen, you can not only enjoy the spicy aroma, but also forget about the midge forever.
  • Horseradish. This vegetable, twisted in a meat grinder, will serve as an excellent repellent.
  • Orange with cloves. This duo will serve as an excellent repeller of annoying fruit flies. Stick the spicy sprigs into the peel and place them in places where small nasty things accumulate.
  • Aroma oils. Lamps with the addition of cloves, eucalyptus, anise, mint, ylang-ylang are installed indoors. After the process of releasing ethereal vapors, the midge quickly leaves its habitat.

Homemade traps

Handmade traps serve as excellent bait that catches everyone small midges in the apartment, and how to get rid of annoying “neighbors” with their help, the following methods are proposed:

An effective method for dealing with midges in an apartment is to place industrial baits indoors. Such octupoles contain a sticky substance that attracts insects. Once on the surface of such baits, pests no longer have the opportunity to escape from there. According to consumer reviews, the best of them are: FT 001 with attractant, Flies Away, Bros.

Chemical methods of destruction

Potent chemicals will help fairly quickly neutralize fruit fruit flies that attack premises during particularly hot summers:

  1. Aerosol sprays: Raptor, Dichlorvos, Reid.
  2. Repellents: Gardex, Breeze-Anti-Mosquito, Reftamid.
  3. Insecticides for tillage in flower pots: Aktellik, Aktara.
  4. Means for cleaning and disinfecting sewer systems: Mole Turbo, Perffi div, Floop, Pothan.

Folk remedies

Chemicals will destroy insects very quickly, but how to deal with midges in an apartment is more safe method? Alternative option folk remedies will replace harmful chemicals:

  1. A proven method is to clean garbage cans, sinks and drains. baking soda with vinegar added to it.
  2. An effective method is spicy ground cloves poured with boiling water. The vapors of such an infusion have a detrimental effect on midges, which, after the aroma spreads throughout all the rooms, stops flying altogether.

Prevention measures

Knowing the reason why and where fruits come from small fruit flies, you need to not just get rid of them. It is also necessary to carry out preventive measures to avoid their reappearance:

  • Systematically remove garbage from the premises, preventing it from accumulating;
  • Maintain constant cleanliness throughout the entire room, especially in the kitchen;
  • Regularly clean garbage cans with water and detergents and disinfectants;
  • Do not leave in sinks dirty dishes and rags, and sewer pipes constantly treat under them with special means;
  • Dispose of spoiled food products and inspect them from time to time.