Personnel potential: concept, essence, main characteristics. Personnel potential of the enterprise

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education




2.3 Analysis of human resources and competitiveness



Appendix 1. “Organizational structure of LLC “TD “Victoria””

Appendix 2. “Balance sheet of LLC TD Victoria for 2014.


In modern conditions, competition is considered one of the main market mechanisms. It is the basis for improving the quality of products, reducing production costs and prices, and a good incentive for economic growth. Competition can be defined as the struggle between independent economic entities for the most efficient use of factors of production, as well as the process of interaction and struggle between enterprises in the market in order to ensure better sales and sales of their products, satisfying the needs of the buyer. An enterprise can exist and survive in competition only if it is competitive, that is, it is able to benefit from its strengths and direct its efforts to the area of ​​production of goods and services where it can become a market leader. Competitiveness is impossible without competitive advantages, which in turn give the company superiority over competitors in all areas of activity.

There are various sources of competitive advantages, one of them may be personnel and personnel potential, since the success of activities is directly dependent on the personnel, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, composition and professionalism. The management of the enterprise must have a clear idea of ​​what resources it has and what kind of personnel potential it has.

Currently in Russia, the degree of use of an enterprise’s human resources potential (the entire set of professional knowledge and skills, personal and demographic characteristics) is too small. Therefore, there is a need to carry out a personnel audit, which can reveal: what potential specialists have, what potential can be used in the interests of the enterprise, what is subject to correction and development, so that personnel can be not only a simple resource, but also a competitive advantage of the enterprise.

The relevance of this problem is expressed in the fact that in Lately there is a clear line of increasing the importance of human resources in the organization. Human resources themselves are the main source of productivity and success of an organization. The efficiency of using the means of production and the success of activities in general depend on them. Given the actively changing needs of production, targeted improvement of the potential of workers is a leading aspect of quality coordination at the enterprise, also the most important factor its competitiveness.

So, at present, the problem of developing a company’s competitive advantages by increasing the use of human resources is considered one of the pressing issues.

The purpose of the diploma project is to consider the concept and essence of human resources, assessing its significance as important aspect development of competitive advantages, search for activities that will improve competitiveness through the effective use of the enterprise’s personnel potential.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

l consider the concept and essence of human resources;

b reveal methods for increasing the efficiency of using human resources;

b identify the importance of labor potential as a factor in increasing competitiveness;

b give a general description of the selected enterprise;

l analyze the personnel potential and competitiveness of the enterprise;

Based on the analysis, develop measures and recommendations to improve the use of human resources.

The object of study of this diploma project is LLC “Trading House “Victoria”. The subject of the study is the human resources potential of an organization as a factor in increasing competitive advantages and the main aspect of its competitiveness.

Theoretical and methodological basis This thesis was based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of management, personnel management, as well as publications in periodical scientific and practical publications and encyclopedic sources.

The practical basis was documents from the enterprise under study (balance sheet, staffing, organizational structure, etc.).

The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The first chapter consists of three points and is theoretical, and the second chapter consists of four points, it is practical.

1. Theoretical basis increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise by improving the use of human resources

1.1 Personnel potential organizations

One of the most important prerequisites for Russia’s successful transition to sustainable development is the formation and appropriate use of human potential. Any specialist as an individual has only his own inherent properties that help him discover his abilities in order to engage in his chosen professional activity.

The etymological meaning of the term "potential" comes from the Latin word "potential", which denotes unexpressed possibility, strength and power. This term is interpreted differently in different sources. "Dictionary foreign words" gives an interpretation of the term as power, strength. "Big Soviet encyclopedia” defines the term “potential” as follows: “... funds, reserves, sources that are available and can be mobilized, put into action, used to achieve certain goals, implement the plan; solving any problem; capabilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area.” " Dictionary Russian words" D.N. Ushakova interprets potential this way - "a physical concept that characterizes the amount of potential energy at a certain point in space," as well as "a set of means, conditions necessary for maintaining, maintaining, preserving something."

If we look from a scientific point of view, this term came to us from the philosophy of Aristotle, who defined act and potency as the basis of ontological development. Being was divided into “potential” and “actual”, and development was a transition from the first to the second. Aristotle considered potential as the ability to correlate actualization and movement. And at the same time, reality always precedes possibility, underlying its implementation.

Among foreign researchers, the question of the relationship between the possible and the actual was studied by P. Laplace, I. Kant, G.V. Leinil, F. Engels, G.V.F. Hegel.

So, at the present time, the scientific literature has various definitions of the term “potential” in relation to various fields of activity, types of phenomena and processes. Table 1.1 shows some of them.

Table 1.1 - The meaning of the term “potential” in various humanities

Characteristics of the term “potential”

Source (encyclopedia)


The ability of a thing to be something other than what it is, in the category of: 1) substance, 2) quality, 3) quantity, 4) place, i.e. the ability to carry out “movement” or “process”, respectively

Philosophical Dictionary


The totality of available funds, reserves, forces in any area

Economic-sociological dictionary


The share of energy used by a person in food consumed by him

I. M. Sechenov


Used in relation to changes associated with nerve impulses

Psychological Dictionary

Social science

Sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve any problem, achieve a certain goal, the capabilities of an individual, a state society in any area

Modern Dictionary of Social Sciences


The totality of available funds and capabilities in any area

Great Economic Encyclopedia

Thus, an analysis of scientific and encyclopedic literature has proven that potential is a concept with multiple meanings.

We can say that any person has a certain potential, which may depend on heredity and life experience.

The study showed that potential is often used as a synonym for resources, which is used in combinations: “ scientific potential", "personnel potential", "industrial potential" and the like. This is confirmed by the words of L.I. Abalkin, who outlined in his works that potential is “a generalized, collective characteristic of resources, tied to place and time.”

In the scientific literature, the question of the similarity of the concepts “potential”, “reserves”, “resources”, “opportunities” is quite relevant. This problem is reflected in scientific works S.A. Drokina and V.P. Gorshenina.

The concepts of “reserves”, “resources” and “opportunities” reflect potential from different sides. Therefore, it is possible to distinguish the following levels of potential manifestation:

b from the point of view of reflecting all properties, potential determines the past (the meaning of “resource”);

b potential defines the present from the point of view of a person’s use of his abilities (the meaning of “reserve”);

b potential is aimed at development (meaning “opportunity”).

The above conclusions are shown in schematic form in Fig. 1.

It turns out that a broad interpretation of the term “potential” determines the possibility of considering it as means, reserves, sources, abilities, resources that can be used to solve any problem. However, past, present and future potential must be taken into account.

Rice. 1 - The meaning of the concept “potential”

Potential means all the possibilities, even hidden ones, that are used by people to solve problems and achieve certain goals. And the personnel potential of an enterprise, in the broad sense of the word, means the skills and abilities of employees used to increase efficiency in different areas production, with the aim of capturing profit or obtaining a social effect.

In a narrower sense, human resources are considered - as free or reserve jobs, they are likely to be occupied by specialists during their development and training. The improvement, streamlining and development of personnel should be facilitated by human resources management. When developing a management program, it is necessary to take into account the need to highlight the concept of “long-term human resources potential”. It includes employees problem solving production development. Here we can distinguish 2 components: the current and target drive. The current personnel potential represents personnel who are initially studied by the administration only to perform main operations in production. The target is intended to solve problems of strategic development, consolidation of production, and improvement of its competitiveness. This is a stock that requires its own management system. It is not used to solve simple current problems.

The concept of “personnel potential” shows the resource aspect of social economic development. Personnel potential is defined as the sum of the abilities of people included in the organization's staff and solving certain tasks.

The economic aspect means the efficiency of activity and its effectiveness, as well as an appropriate approach to all characteristics of employees. This means that this aspect can be attributed to the choice of the most vital development goals and achieving them with greater effectiveness.

Personnel potential represents the total worker not as a simple participant in production, but as the main feature of all stages of the reproduction process.

The social aspect of labor resources is embodied in human potential, the economic manifestation of which is considered to be human resources.

The concept of human resources must be considered in connection with the concept of potential in general. This means that human resources are the capabilities of a specific category of workers, specialists and other groups that can be activated during labor activity in accordance with job responsibilities and set goals for a certain stage of development.

The potential of an individual depends on his own capabilities in the future to do something, follow his interests, and achieve his goals. The complex and multidimensional nature of human abilities make it possible to consider potential as a system of all useful abilities that manifest themselves in it. professional activity. In most cases, the social usefulness of abilities is expressed by the status, functions and tasks of the enterprise, goals and other features that characterize a certain professional activity.

So, in an organization, only those human abilities that contribute to the effective performance of the duties assigned to him are considered valuable.

Increasing the efficiency of using human resources is considered complex process, which contains a number of processes that, when successfully and consistently implemented, lead to the creation of a stable, reliable and competitive team.

To characterize human resources, it is necessary to evaluate quantitative and qualitative indicators.

To characterize human resources potential, the following quantitative indicators are used:

b number of industrial production personnel and personnel of non-industrial divisions;

b the amount of working time that is possible at a normal level of labor intensity.

The qualitative characteristics of human resources are aimed at assessing:

b physical and psychological potential of enterprise employees (health, physical development, endurance);

b volume of general and special knowledge, labor skills, educational and qualification level;

b responsibility, conscious maturity, interest, involvement in the economic activities of the enterprise.

A general indicator for quantification working time is the amount of time employees can work before retirement. The dynamics of this indicator, which reflects both the number of employees of the enterprise and the gender and age structure, makes it possible to observe the process of aging of the team. In general, the personnel potential of an enterprise is not a constant value. Its quantitative and qualitative characteristics are in a state of constant change under the pressure of both objective factors and management decisions. The development of human resources is facilitated by continuous education, training and retraining of personnel, career, improvement organizational structures and management style. The higher the level of human resource potential of an enterprise, the higher the real capabilities of the existing work force and the more complex tasks workers can solve.

However, the presence of these advantages does not always mean that the main task of personnel management is to maximize personnel potential.

There are limitations, in particular the workforce, whose personnel potential is too high for specific production conditions. This situation is not desirable because the cost of this labor is too high. Their labor potential will not be fully used and this will cause workers to feel dissatisfied with their jobs, which will certainly be followed by voluntary dismissals.

All this determines the need for constant control over the situation.

So, human resources is the totality of the abilities of the people who are part of the organization’s staff. The potential of an individual employee depends on his abilities, the opportunities with which he achieves his goals. There are quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess potential. Its development is facilitated by education, training, and retraining of personnel, so any organization must monitor the level of education and qualifications of its employees.

1.2 Methods for increasing the efficiency of using the personnel potential of an enterprise

Currently modern society is being reformed, therefore it is characterized by an intensive redistribution of workers from the industrial and economic sectors to the economic and labor sectors. That is, mental work takes the lead.

The development of human resources is carried out through qualitative indicators, not quantitative ones. Today, the effectiveness of the economic development stage should not be based on the achieved level of use of human resources, but based on its potential.

Since human resources are part of the regional socio-economic potential, it is important that they have a reserve of capabilities available so that they can actively respond to unforeseen crisis or emergency situations.

The effectiveness of human resources is the flip side of a human resource, which reflects the degree of its implementation. And the qualitative level of human resources, in turn, reflects the level of economic development.

When studying a specific organization that manages professional development and invests effort and resources in its employees, then the most important point in the process of managing personnel development will be the determination of the organization's needs in this area. That is, we are talking about finding inconsistencies between the professional knowledge and competencies that an employee must possess to achieve the goals of the organization, and the knowledge and skills that he actually possesses. Determining the professional development needs of an individual employee requires the joint efforts of the employee, the HR department and his manager. An organization's needs for the development of its employees are influenced by multiple factors. The need for professional development is determined by preparing a plan individual development employee who is transferred to the HR service. After adjustment, the plan becomes a program for the professional development of the organization’s personnel. This program defines development goals, objectives for achieving them and a budget.

In setting goals and objectives for the use of human resources, the main goal is to guarantee successful work enterprises under certain conditions. Tasks that affect the volume of human resources, its efficient use, may be the following:

l qualified personnel development;

l attracting qualified specialists;

b creation of normal optimal conditions For efficient work frames.

One of the main conditions for solving management problems is the presence of highly qualified personnel who are ready to acquire new knowledge. In this regard, the role of human resources management is increasing as a special type of activity, including: identifying personnel needs; attraction of new personnel and their selection; personnel placement; staff motivation; assessment of management effectiveness; preparation, training, retraining and advanced training.

The following subjects are included in the human resources management process: heads of enterprises, heads of structural divisions, personnel services, legal services, financial department, personnel training department.

This construction of a human resources management system requires the implementation of their own specific functions by all participants in the management process. The planning of the professional career of employees and the creation of motivating conditions are managed by the managers of the enterprise and line managers. The financial department (management) is responsible for determining labor standards, formulating wage policies and providing social benefits. The tasks of the personnel training department are to organize training, advanced training and retraining of personnel in popular areas of interest in the enterprise’s activities.

Basically, the content of the activities of personnel services is based on personnel planning and their professional growth, as well as on identifying and solving social problems. It is clear that the activities of the above-mentioned subjects are characterized by fragmentation, scholasticism and episodic nature. Within the framework of the human resources management program, coordination of the work of all participants follows the set goal - ensuring the successful operation of the enterprise in a market economy.

A wide range of issues that a participant in the management process decides explains the need to optimize human resources. This means that to improve the efficiency of its management, it is important that:

b not only personnel services, but also heads of structural divisions constantly participated in management;

b there must be a clear distribution of functions between all management participants and the coordination of their actions must be effective;

b an appropriate regulatory and methodological framework has been created that will regulate the activities of all management participants;

ь priorities were identified in working with human resources.

Together with the organization of human resources management, which affects the success of all employees, the level of efficiency of the enterprise is directly dependent. It follows from this that the most important task of human resource management is the retention and development of personnel.

This task contains:

b correct distribution of responsibilities of all positions;

b promotion of employees (job-related and professional) based on the results of an assessment of their work and personal characteristics;

b advanced training of specialists when necessary;

b conditions for motivating employees to work more productively;

b business career planning.

This means that the basis of the human resource management policy is three factors:

b recruitment of highly qualified specialists;

b providing conditions in the institution that accelerate professional development and consolidation in the enterprise for the most experienced workers;

b improvement of management organization.

In practice, the task of managing human resources is becoming popular due to the emergence of advanced technological processes: personnel assessment, expanding the information base for making management decisions.

Researchers have proven that the most effective method Human resources management is considered to be its assessment according to parameters that characterize the professional success of the employee. The assessment can be used for the following areas: selection and placement of personnel, planning the activities of specialists, supporting the activities of professionals, training, advanced training of workers, creation, formation of a reserve that promotes leadership position, improving the benefits system, improving working conditions and so on. The human resources management program contributes more to the development of personnel than to their promotion, and also helps to increase the effectiveness of professional development activities. This is considered one of the primary tasks of the enterprise personnel management service.

In order to provide an enterprise with the necessary personnel, it is necessary to be able to provide a high level of training, further increase the level of education of the employee, as well as maintain and effectively use the existing personnel potential.

In order to effectively use human resources, the process of organizing training and advanced training sets the following goals:

b increasing labor productivity and changing technical and economic indicators, thanks to expanding the skills and abilities of workers;

b ensuring creative development of personnel aimed at developing, improving and producing better products.

Personnel training should be divided into theoretical and practical parts. Theory provides the basics, and practice helps to master one or another type of activity during the work itself.

By improving the quality of labor resources, an enterprise can raise its prestige and improve personnel work. Resources are very an important component systems of the enterprise, on which a lot depends.

Thus, the effectiveness of human resources reflects the degree of its implementation. To increase the use of human resources, the enterprise must control the level of personnel development, attract highly qualified specialists and create Better conditions for productive work of personnel.

1.3 Labor potential of an enterprise as a factor in increasing competitiveness

Currently, for any enterprise, one of the most important success factors is its high competitiveness, determined by the presence of competitive advantages. In fact, the following competitive advantages of an enterprise are distinguished: resource, technological, global, innovative, cultural. Certain advantages of an enterprise compared to competitors in a given area help the enterprise to resist its rival and get ahead of it. It could be anything: modern technologies, the latest high-performance equipment, relatively low production costs, the highest quality products, additional earnings, that is, large profits that exceed the income of others. One of the factors of competitiveness, probably the main one, can be considered the labor potential of personnel, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. When applied to the personnel of an enterprise, management is considered to be the development and implementation of managerial influence on a group of characteristics of the labor potential of the employee and team in order to bring them into line with the current objectives of the enterprise and its development strategy. There is a need to fully exploit the opportunities associated with the role of the human factor in production.

Everyone knows that the labor process is the consumption of labor power. The same number of personnel may differ in their ability to work due to their differences in preparedness, age, and attitude to work, hence the different amount of work that they can do in the process of activity. In this case, we are talking about different labor potential of groups of the same number of people. Potential in general characterizes the capabilities that can be used to achieve certain goals.

Labor potential is a complex combination of physical and creative abilities, skills, knowledge, experience, spiritual and moral values, attitudes and traditions.

The labor collective of an organization is formed by the employees employed in it. This means that the labor potential of an enterprise should be understood as the total labor capacity of its team, opportunities in the labor process, and the composition of personnel based on their age, physical fitness, existing knowledge and skills.

The labor potential of an organization is the organization’s ability to achieve its goals of using the existing labor potential of employees under conditions that ensure its implementation.

The labor potential of an employee is the available and possible resources that are continuously formed in the process of human life, realized in organizational behavior and determining his ability to work. This is the possible working capacity of the employee, his resource capabilities in a specific area of ​​activity. In practical activities, the potential is not always fully used.

Some sources argue that labor potential can be considered not only as the mass of labor owned by a production facility, but also cover the conditions for using this potential, that is, the technical side of labor, the level of mechanization, organization, etc. At first glance, this approach makes sense. In fact, the employee’s ability to work is revealed and used to its full potential under certain technical, economic, social and other conditions, and the results of work will depend on this. However, with this understanding, it is not the labor potential that is characterized at all, but the production potential of the enterprise.

One of the most important indicators, which characterize the production capabilities of the enterprise, is the number of industrial production personnel. The higher the number, the higher, other things being equal, the volume of production output. This way of increasing production volume is called extensive in the classification. But the number of personnel indicator is insufficient for a holistic characterization of labor potential, especially for management purposes in a market economy. It is necessary to find a system of such indicators that will fully characterize all aspects of potential. It can be represented as follows: 1) functional, temporal and spatial structures; 2) assessment from the perspective of human resources; 3) assessment from the perspective of the human factor of production.

So, the essence of labor potential reveals the employee’s ability to participate in socially useful activities and the characteristics of the employee’s qualities, which reflects the degree of his development, suitability and readiness to perform certain activities.

Like any other system, labor potential can be presented as a set of interconnected components and elements. The labor potential system is shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2 - Employee labor potential system

Psychophysiological components are interconnected with the basics of the employee’s labor potential. This ensures the existence of the personality as a biopsychosocial type.

Value-orientation components represent the level on the basis of which a person is able to determine “good” and “bad”, independently choosing the strategy and tactics of labor behavior.

Normative-role components contribute to the individual’s mastery of social norms and roles, and also perform the function of integrating the employee into the organizational environment, directing and controlling the actions of personnel in the organization.

Innovation components directly provide contacts and active relationships occurring in the organization. These components provide an opportunity for active implementation in the organizational environment, helping to accept and transform it. The speed of adoption and transformation depends on the innovative potential of the employee.

Some researchers note two distinct aspects of labor potential: production-qualification and psychological. From the side of management practice, a system of indicators is of great importance, with the help of which any aspect of potential can be quantitatively characterized.

In assessing labor potential, quantitative and qualitative characteristics are required. For quantitative characteristics, the following indicators are required: the number of industrial production personnel, personnel of non-industrial divisions, the amount of working time. Qualitative characteristics are aimed at assessing the physical and psychological potential of the enterprise’s employees, that is, this is the volume of all knowledge, work skills and abilities that determine the ability to perform quality work.

All components of human resources perform their own functions; they are presented in Figure 3.

Rice. 3 - Functions of structural components of labor potential

The elements of the labor potential system are interconnected, therefore labor potential is perceived as a single whole, in which elements of various properties have general properties. And at the same time, the qualitative-quantitative ratio of elements is constantly changing.

The labor potential of the enterprise team is not a constant value. Its characteristics are constantly changing under the influence of various objective factors, as well as under the influence of management decisions. With an increase in the level of labor potential of an enterprise, the capabilities of the workforce increase, which means that the complexity of tasks that can be solved by a team increases.

The concept of labor potential is a generalized indicator of the human factor of production; it allows us to see the entire spectrum of a worker’s productive ability not only from the perspective of its real state, but also the conditions of formation and reproduction, as well as opportunities for social development.

Labor potential is part of the entire economic potential of the enterprise.

Availability of the necessary labor resources, the professional and qualification level of which corresponds to modern requirements- there is a condition for the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Labor is a means of maintaining a standard of living and satisfying basic human needs. Decent work is a broader, more complex concept that includes the most important qualitative characteristics.

People are the main aspect of both production and the entire organization as a whole. A person is considered not only a factor of costs, but also of income, increased productivity, and the level of quality of management decisions. It is necessary to take a reasonable approach to investing in a person so that he is always able to work, and all conditions are created for the full development of the abilities and capabilities that he possesses.

Everyone knows that under any socio-economic conditions, the main driving factor of production has always been and will be the working person. In the process of activity, participating in the development of society, a person acquires various qualities, increases professional and qualification capabilities, which ultimately turn into national wealth. To summarize, it can be noted that the success of an enterprise depends not only on the level of qualifications of personnel, but also on the effective use of personnel and their skillful management.

In conclusion, it can be noted that to be successful, any enterprise must have competitive advantages. One of them is labor potential. It helps achieve your goals.

personnel labor competitiveness

2. The potential of an enterprise as the basis of its competitiveness (using the example of LLC TD Victoria)

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Trading house "Victoria" is a limited liability company that produces and sells alcoholic beverages. The production is located at the address: 385000, Russia, Republic of Adygea, Maykop city, Promyshlennaya street, 56-B; Department wholesale trade located at: 385000, Russia, Republic of Adygea, Maykop city, Adygeyskaya street, 169-B.

LLC TD "Victoria" has existed on the alcohol market since 2001 and acts not only as a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages, but also as a distributor of products, that is, it carries out wholesale purchases of alcohol from large Russian producers for the purpose of subsequent sale to dealers in the regional market. The company works guided by the motto: “Quality, service, reliability.” It is these principles that underlie all of its activities.

TD "Victoria" began its activities with the organization in 2001 of a store for the retail sale of wine and vodka products in the capital of the Republic of Adygea - the city of Maykop. In September 2002, premises were rented for warehouse. From now on, the company specializes in the purchase, supply, storage and sale of wine and vodka products wholesale and retail, from warehouses and through stores. In July 2003, additional property was acquired. In March 2004, we began our own production and bottling of grape wines, vodka and alcoholic beverages, the revenue from which as of October 1, 2010 amounted to 78% of total revenue.

The trading house has taken part in various exhibitions throughout its existence and won many awards due to the quality of its products.

LLC TD "Victoria" has a strong presence in the market thanks to its quality and affordable prices. The plant's technologists abandoned flavors and artificial colors. Only natural products are added to product blends and processed according to old technological requirements. TD "Victoria" products own production supplies to almost all corners of Russia: the Republic of Tatarstan, the city of Moscow, Kaluga region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Astrakhan region, Vladimir region and so on. The company has its own vehicle fleet of about forty units, which is constantly updated.

Today the company is a classic example Russian manufacturer alcohol products.

LLC Trading House "Victoria" produces grape and fruit wines from its own wine materials obtained during the grape processing season. Advanced production methods, modern processing methods, and a high-quality approach to the selection of wines allow us to create wines with pronounced varietal characteristics while preserving the amazing characteristics of aroma and taste. Equipping the workshops with modern equipment allows us to achieve stability and maintain high quality products.

The Victoria trading house offers its consumers a wide range of alcoholic products: vodka, liqueurs, tinctures, balms, wines. Our own production accounts for more than one hundred items. The assortment list includes both bottled products and wines bottled in “Tetra-Pak”, “Pet-Pak”, “Bag-in-box” packaging with volumes from one to twenty liters. Well-known Russian companies use the services of bottling products under their own brand using the equipment of the Victoria Trade House.

Also, bottling services are provided by the Federal retail chains, and this is an indicator characterizing financial stability company for a long period of time and the trust of the largest manufacturers.

The trading house carefully plans its work with regular and new clients. He finds an individual approach to everyone, develops programs. Payment terms are negotiated with each partner, taking into account a flexible system of discounts. The company's marketing department constantly studies the alcohol market and conducts marketing research.

Trading house "Victoria" maintains partnerships with leading manufacturers and suppliers in Moscow, Armenia, Krasnodar Territory, Dagestan, Vladimir and Belgorod regions.

The production structure is part general structure organization and is manifested in the relationship between the main and auxiliary production units. The production structure of an organization is its division into divisions (productions, workshops, sections, farms, services, etc.), carried out according to certain principles of their construction, interconnection and placement.

On average, the Victoria Trade House employs about 310 people.

The general director manages the activities of the enterprise. He independently decides on the activities of the enterprise, acts on its behalf, has the right to sign and dispose of the property of the enterprise, hires and dismisses employees. The director bears financial and administrative responsibility for the accuracy of the data in accounting and statistical reports.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is presented in Appendix 1.

The organizational structure of TD Victoria LLC is linear-functional, it consists of a single founder, who controls all other employees and all structural divisions. The entire structure is divided into production and trading house. Production includes the following divisions: management, accounting, EGAIS, legal department, supply department, sales department, economic planning department, personnel department, general department, first-aid post, factory laboratory; finished product warehouse, material warehouse, electrical section, boiler room, mechanical section, repair and construction section, transport section, liquor shop, wine materials shop, blending shop, bottling shop, primary processing shop, security, etc. The trading house includes: management, garage, warehouse, sales department and others.

Let's consider the activities of the enterprise for 2012-2014. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, which will show a real picture of the development of the enterprise and its future prospects. To do this, you need to fill out and analyze Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise


Value of indicators by year

Absolute deviation, thousand rubles.

Relative deviation, %

1.Average number of employees, people.

2. Average annual cost of PF, thousand rubles.

3. Average annual cost of working capital balances, thousand rubles.

4. Sales revenue in comparable prices, thousand rubles.

5. Profit from sales of products, thousand rubles.

6. Capital productivity per 1 rub. OF, rub./rub.

7. Capital-labor ratio, rub./person.

8. Labor productivity, rub./person.

9. Return on sales, %

10. The size of the state payment fund. employees, thousand rubles

11. Average monthly salary, rub.

Cost, thousand rubles.

Net profit, thousand rubles.

According to Table 2.1 it is clear that:

1. The company has seen a downward trend in the number of people over three years (2012-2014). In 2014, the considered indicator decreased by 38 people. (or 11.73%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 decreased by 28 people. (8.92%). The reason for the decrease in this indicator was the reduction in the company's staff, which was caused by the modernization and reconstruction of the enterprise.

2. The average annual cost of PF in 2014 increased by 31,277 thousand rubles. (by 43.21%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 - by 26,579.5 thousand rubles. (by 34.63%) due to the fact that new fixed production assets were introduced.

3. The average annual value of working capital balances in 2014 decreased by 1808.5 thousand rubles. (by 39.94%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 - by 963 thousand rubles. (by 26.15%) due to

4. Analysis of the net income (revenue) indicator shows that over the course of three years this indicator changes smoothly. In 2014, revenue increased by 11,002 thousand rubles. (or 0.93%) compared to 2012 and by 43,773 thousand rubles. (by 3.82%) compared to 2013. The change in sales revenue depends on the size of the sales market and the volume of production of a given enterprise.

5. The profit indicator from product sales has been growing rapidly over the course of three years. In 2014, profit increased by 43,247 thousand rubles. (by 362.54%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 - by 46,403 thousand rubles. (by 529.07%) due to an increase in the volume of products sold.

6. Capital productivity indicator per 1 rub. OF in 2014 decreased by 4.84 thousand rubles. (or by 29.60%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 - by 3.41 thousand rubles. (by 22.86%). This situation is explained by the fact that the volume of manufactured products and the average annual cost of PF have increased.

7. In 2014, the capital-labor ratio increased by 138.91 thousand rubles. (or by 62.46%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 - by 116.87 thousand rubles. (by 47.81%) due to an increase average annual cost fixed assets and reducing the average number of employees.

8. The labor productivity indicator has been growing for three years. In 2014, it increased by 521.56 thousand rubles. / person (or 14.34%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 - by 510.14 thousand rubles. / person (or by 13.99%). The reason for the increase in this indicator is the change in the enterprise’s income and the decrease in the number of full-time employees in 2014 compared to 2013 and 2012.

9. Return on sales in 2014 increased by 3.63 thousand rubles. (by 359.41%) compared to 2012 and by 3.87 thousand rubles. (502.60%) by 2013 due to an increase in profits from product sales.

10. In 2014, the indicator of the size of the wage fund (labor costs) increased compared to 2012 by 45,450.4 thousand rubles. (or by 116.94%), and compared to 2013 - by 1140.7 thousand rubles. (by 1.37%). This is explained by an increase in wages of full-time employees and a decrease in their number.

11. In 2014, the average monthly salary increased by 14,572 rubles. (or by 145.78%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 - by 2,494 rubles. (or by 11.30%). These changes occurred due to an increase in the cost of living and the minimum wage in the country, as well as due to changes financial situation enterprises.

According to the cost of products sold (sales) for 2012, 2013, 2014. There has been a downward trend in cost of sales over three years. In 2014, the considered indicator decreased by 40,610 thousand rubles. (or by 3.54%) compared to 2012, and compared to 2013 it decreased by 1,643 thousand rubles. (by 0.15%). The reason for the decrease in this indicator could be the fact that in 2014, compared to previous years, the average number of employees decreased.

Having examined the data on the amount of net profit of the enterprise presented in the table, we can say that in 2013 the enterprise made a profit, and in 2014 - losses. In 2014, this indicator (loss) increased by 269 thousand rubles compared to 2012. (or by 8.6%), and compared to 2013 it decreased by 123,356 thousand rubles. (or by 97.32%).

Having examined the main technical and economic indicators, we can say that, in general, the enterprise’s activities are successful. An indicator of operational efficiency can be called revenue growth.

The growth rate of net profit in 2014 compared to 2012 was 8.6%.

An increase in sales profit makes the enterprise more profitable, which is proven by the increase in this indicator in 2014 by 43,247 thousand rubles. or by 362.54% compared to 2012.

In general, the activities of TD Victoria LLC can be assessed positively.

2.2 Assessing the use of labor resources

To assess the use of labor resources, you must first analyze the personnel composition of the enterprise. Analysis of the personnel composition of an enterprise involves studying employees according to characteristics of gender, age, length of service and other socio-demographic characteristics. Provides for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel, determining the level of quality of placement by position and degree rational use specialists.

Based on calculations of staffing needs, TD Victoria LLC draws up a staffing table. It includes: a list of structural divisions of the organization, positions, as well as data on the number of staff units. A standard form is provided for the staffing table - form No. T-3.

The staffing table at TD Victoria LLC is drawn up by an accountant and agreed upon with the manager, who approves it.

Let's consider the enterprise's supply of labor resources. It is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category and profession with the planned need. The security of the enterprise is determined using the data from the analytical table. 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Staffing of the enterprise with labor resources

Number of people fact.

Number of people plan.

Number of people fact.

Number of people plan.

Number of people fact.

Number of people plan.

Average headcount



Other employees

So, from Table 2.2 it is clear that the percentage of staffing at the enterprise has been decreasing over the course of three years; if in 2012 it was equal to 101.25% of the average number, then in 2014 it had already decreased to 98.62% due to a decrease in the number of personnel by individual categories.

The staffing level for the “managers” category in 2012 was 103.13%, in 2013 it decreased to 98.88%, but in 2014 the staffing level was 100%.

In the “specialists” category, understaffing was revealed, since if in 2012 the staffing level was 98.46%, then in 2014 it dropped further to 96.49%. This indicates that the company requires qualified specialists.

The staffing level for the “workers” category in 2012 (101.23%) and 2013 (100.63%) was full, but in 2014 this figure decreased and became equal to 97.99%.

The quantitative characteristics of the personnel are represented by the average number of personnel. Let's analyze the structure of the average number of personnel for 2013-2014, presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 - Structure of the average number of personnel

From table 2.3. it can be seen that in general for 2013-2014. The average number of personnel decreased by 28 people, the growth rate was 91.08%, and the growth rate was 8.92%. The situation is the same in all categories, absolute changes are expressed everywhere negative numbers and accordingly, the growth is also negative, this is explained by the fact that the number of personnel has decreased.

The qualitative characteristics of the personnel are expressed by categories of personnel by gender, age, length of service, and educational level.

Number of personnel by gender for 2012-2014. shown in Figure 4.

Rice. 4 - Number of personnel by gender for 2012-2014.

From the analysis of personnel by gender, it is clear that at the enterprise the number of men is almost twice as large as the number of women for three years, this is explained by the specifics of the activity, that is, the enterprise has many jobs and specialties that are more characteristic of men, such as: drivers, engineers, mechanics, builders, etc.

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The human resources potential (HR) of an organization in the broad sense of the word represents the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees that can be used to increase its efficiency in various areas of production, in order to generate income (profit) or achieve a social effect.

Personnel potential can also be considered in a narrower sense - as temporarily free or reserve jobs that could potentially be occupied by specialists as a result of their development and training.

The category “personnel potential” is not identical to the category “personnel”. This concept includes not only the personnel themselves, but also a certain level of joint capabilities of the personnel to achieve given goals. The personnel potential of an organization depends on the potential of the personnel of this organization, but is not their sum. It has a property of integrity that is fundamentally different from the properties inherent in the potential of each individual employee. 1

Personnel potential synthesizes what was called the human factor in the literature of the Soviet period, and in the Western literature - the personnel of the organization, its management structure, as well as the forms characteristic of this organization managerial relations, or management styles.

The concept of “personnel potential” implies consideration of personnel as active elements of the organization, in contrast to the term “human (labor) resources”, which equates personnel to other types of resources. This emphasizes that the main thing in an organization is not the potential of individual employees, but its unified personnel potential, as, for example, the main thing in a system is not the elements themselves, but the interaction between them.

The concept of “personnel potential” requires a more detailed study and a clear identification of the object and subject of personnel potential management.

The object of management is an individual worker, as well as a certain combination of them, acting as a labor collective. The totality of employees can include both all personnel of the enterprise, which are subject to general management decisions, and personnel of a structural unit of a department or workshop. The objects of human resources management are the following aspects of economic activity:

Determination of a rational personnel structure;

Arrangement of workers in the process of activity;

Increasing the efficiency of using human labor;

Improving the quality composition of the total workforce in organizations.

The subjects of enterprise personnel potential management are managers and specialists of enterprise personnel services, as well as managers at all levels who perform the management function in relation to their subordinates.

The essence of human resources reflects the qualitative and partially quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of the enterprise’s employees.

The personnel potential of the organization is less than the labor potential of the organization by the amount of the potential capabilities of unskilled and semi-skilled workers, non-staff workers and part-time workers. This is their main difference.

According to some authors, human resources are the total abilities of an enterprise's personnel workers, which are necessary in order to select, carry out and coordinate actions that provide the enterprise with strategic advantages in the markets for goods, services and knowledge. 2 However, not all personnel management specialists agree with this definition of human resources, since the concept of human resources, in addition to the total abilities of an enterprise's personnel employees, also includes such important qualities as labor motives, moral values ​​and others 3. In addition, this definition underestimates the role of the enterprise’s human resources in achieving the organization’s goals and does not reveal the true essence of the “human resources” category.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the personnel potential of an enterprise is a set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel, including: the composition and structure of personnel; physical and psychological capabilities of workers; intellectual and creative abilities; professional knowledge and qualifications; communication and cooperation skills; attitude towards work and other characteristics aimed at achieving the mission and goals of the enterprise.

The number of personnel in an organization is determined based on the volume of production and the potential capabilities available to the personnel, and the quality of the generated potential is measured by the degree of balance between the professional and qualification characteristics of the employee with the requirements of the developing social economy.

Both domestic and foreign scientists consider human resources potential from two points of view:

    from the point of view of its formation;

    in terms of its use.

Forming the human resources potential of society as a whole means preparing the unemployed population for work, involving the entire working population of the country in material and spiritual production. In other words, formation is the creation of the real potential of living labor, knowledge and skills, covering the entire society and each individual. At the same time, when forming personnel potential, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristics: demographic, medical and biological, professional and qualification, social, psychophysiological, ideological and political, moral and others.

A measure of the quality of the formed human resources potential is the degree of balance between the professional and qualification characteristics of an employee with the requirements of a dynamically developing social economy. The use of human resources is the implementation of labor and qualification abilities and skills of the employee, the workforce and society as a whole. In the conditions of transition to the market, the essence of the rational use of personnel of any enterprise lies in more fully identifying and realizing the abilities of each employee of the enterprise, strengthening the creative and meaningful nature of work, raising the professional and qualification level of employees, taking into account its comprehensive stimulation and appropriate assessment of the contribution of each employee to the final results activities. Even if the organization has a perfect material and technical production base, has the latest equipment and technology, the production process cannot be carried out normally if the qualifications and other abilities of workers are irrationally used.

The formation and use of human resources is considered by domestic authors both quantitatively and qualitatively. From a quantitative point of view, the availability (sufficiency) of personnel for each structural unit and the enterprise as a whole is determined based on the volume of production buildings and the potential capabilities available to the personnel, and from a qualitative point of view, the degree of compliance of the professional and qualification level of workers with the complexity of the work performed. In conditions of intense competition between enterprises in the market for goods and services, the consequences of non-compliance in the first and second cases are the following undesirable phenomena: defects due to the fault of the employee, failure to fulfill contractual obligations, unsatisfactory maintenance of equipment and underemployment of the existing equipment fleet, high staff turnover, etc. To prevent such negative phenomena, it is necessary to carry out regular analysis at the enterprise comparing the type of work and the skill level of workers. This makes it possible to assess the use of workers taking into account their potential capabilities and ensure the rational placement of workers in specific jobs and structural units, according to periods of employment during a shift or year. 4

Only the presence of the entire set of characteristics listed above will ensure the optimal formation and effective use of the enterprise’s personnel potential.

The practice of existing organizations and enterprises shows that the processes of formation and use of human resources are closely interrelated.

The formation of human resources is the creation of a real potential of living labor, knowledge and skills, covering the entire society and each individual.

The use of human resources is the implementation of labor and qualification abilities and skills of the employee, the workforce and society as a whole. In modern conditions, the rational use of human resources consists in more fully identifying and realizing the abilities of each employee of the enterprise, imparting a creative character to work, increasing the professional and qualification level of employees by stimulating and assessing the contribution of each employee to the final result.

The effective formation and use of the organization’s human resources is facilitated by:

Establishment of scientifically based labor standards;

Timely revision of them depending on production conditions;

Carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces;

Determining the required quantity and reducing unnecessary jobs;


Organization of the introduction of advanced techniques and methods of work;

Use of flexible work schedules.

The personnel potential of an organization, both in terms of its number, structure, and professional qualifications, is formed under the influence of external and internal factors (socio-political factors, government regulation, the situation on the labor market, socio-demographic situation, achievements of scientific and technological progress, the state of national education systems, moral and cultural factors, industry prestige, etc.).

Thus, the formation and use of human resources is influenced by a whole system of external and internal (in relation to the enterprise itself) factors. Factors in the formation and use of the personnel potential of an enterprise are the external and internal environmental conditions in which the processes of formation and use of personnel potential are carried out. By external factors we mean conditions that an enterprise cannot change, but must take into account when forming and using its own personnel. Internal factors represent conditions that are largely amenable to control influence on the part of the enterprise.

Taking into account modern disparate author's approaches to the classification of such factors, a generalized classification of factors for the formation and use of the personnel potential of an enterprise in market conditions is proposed. Formation factors are divided into external and internal in relation to the industrial enterprise. Let's consider only external factors:

    Socio-political factors. For a long time, the employment policy pursued in our country was characterized by extensive tendencies (a focus on maximizing the demand for labor, expanding the public fund of working time, etc.), which often prevented enterprises from correctly selecting workers for jobs. At the same time, in our opinion, the interests of both the enterprise and its employees were not taken into account. Strengthening the position private form property in the 1990s. in the Russian Federation, the intensity of movement of workers on foreign market labor, the provision of state support to the unemployed population create objective prerequisites for the formation of high-quality personnel potential and its effective use in the enterprise.

    Government regulation. During the transition to a market, one should not forget that, despite the general recognition of the market as a self-organizing system, its effective functioning is impossible without government intervention. State regulation of the formation of personnel potential today is carried out by three main groups of methods:

2.1. Legislative, laying the general institutional basis for the development of any socio-economic process (when addressing issues of formation and use of the personnel potential of an enterprise, one should take into account issues of labor legislation, its possibility of change in the foreseeable future, features of legislation in the field of labor protection, employment, etc.);

2.2. Administrative, with the help of which any administrative rules and regulations, regulations, instructions, recommendations, etc. are approved and put into effect;

2.3. Economic methods by which the state stabilizes the situation on the market (pricing, taxation, establishment of socio-economic norms and standards, as well as minimum social guarantees, etc.).

    The market situation as a network of equal relations based on the purchase and sale of products and services, property relations, the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer, the owner and the employee. During the transition to the market at enterprises, there is a gradual shift away from the rigid system of administrative influence on personnel to market relationships, property relations based on economic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the formation and use of human resources based on a change in priorities. In modern conditions, the main thing inside the enterprise is the personnel, and outside it - the consumers of the products (services provided). Through an effective personnel management system, it is necessary to turn the consciousness of each employee towards the consumer, and not towards the boss; to the final result of the enterprise’s activities, and not to waste; to an proactive, highly qualified productive worker, and not to a thoughtless, faceless performer. Any changes in the goods or labor market must be immediately reflected in the processes of formation of personnel of the enterprise and their use.

    The socio-demographic situation characterizes the composition and structure, as well as the forms and intensity of the movement of personnel of the enterprise both within it and outside it. In the context of the transition to the market, it becomes very important for the enterprise to preserve, develop and make the most effective use of existing personnel and ensure the influx of young, proactive and highly qualified “fresh” forces from the existing labor resources.

    Achievements of scientific and technological progress (NTP). The introduction of new technologies and new equipment, the development of new types of products in conditions of intense competition determine the constant updating of the theoretical and especially practical knowledge of enterprise employees in connection with changes in the volume and content of the functions performed. This is taken into account when recruiting new employees or when developing labor incentive systems, as well as career advancement based on the growth of professional skills, knowledge, and experience of the enterprise’s personnel.

    State national system education. Availability of state and non-state educational institutions, content of professional educational programs, advantages and disadvantages of forms of vocational training in the country, the cost of vocational training, on the one hand, as well as career models, regulations on personnel training, plans for staff development, content of employment contracts, models of jobs (positions), acceptability of admission conditions and training in colleges and universities, on the other hand, influence the decision of the enterprise management to hire new employees who already meet all the requirements or to invest the enterprise’s funds in the development of the human resources potential of permanent staff.

Of course, modern problems of the development of higher and secondary vocational education in our country (for example, insufficient funding for education from the federal and local budgets, the weak material and technical base of educational institutions, the concentration of highly qualified teaching staff in large cities and their shortage in the field of new areas of science, equipment, technology, economics and business in peripheral cities and regions of the Russian Federation, etc.) negatively affect the processes of forming the personnel potential of the enterprise.

    Moral and cultural factors. Shared values, social norms, behavioral guidelines developed by society, a group of people, which regulate the actions of an employee and force him to behave one way and not another, without any visible coercion, determine in the new conditions the transition to social norms based on common economic sense , not forgetting about the moral side in personnel management and the processes of formation and use of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

    Industry prestige. It's no secret that in modern conditions in certain sectors of the national economy there are practically no problems associated with the formation of human resources, due to the very stable personnel composition of workers in these sectors, as well as due to favorable conditions labor in enterprises of these industries (for example, in the extractive industries, electric power industry, etc.). However, there is an increasing differentiation of the population by income level. This promotes the movement of qualified workers into industries with higher wages, from government agencies to commercial firms;

1. Any organization can achieve the highest goals, worthy profits, if there is a decisive condition - if it is staffed with appropriate training and experience. Personnel policy, In helping to achieve the set goals, it must solve the following tasks:

Effectively use the skills and potential of each employee;

Provide the organization with experienced, highly qualified and motivated employees;

Create conditions in the organization for the most complete satisfaction of staff with their work, in which they can achieve maximum self-expression;

Stimulate and support the desire of each employee to maintain a favorable moral climate in the team;

To support among employees the desire to achieve the common benefit of their team and the organization as a whole.

Special attention in personnel policy, based on the so-called managerial career management programs, attention is paid to the development management personnel. A fundamentally important component personnel policy there should be a coordinated system of remuneration and moral incentives for its results.

The organization's personnel policy should include a system of social security and guarantees in order to ensure a number of additional payments and services to the organization's employees. The most important direction of personnel policy is to provide employees with access to information about the economic activities of the organization. Ultimately, personnel policy should become an important element of the personnel management system, integrated with management, investment, financial and production policies.

2. It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of “personnel potential” and the identical concept of “staff potential”, on the one hand, and the concept of “personal potential”, on the other. Personal potential - this is the presence, level of manifestation, significance strong-willed qualities an individual employee. Concept “personnel potential is not identical to the concept of “personnel”, since personnel refers to the totality of workers different professions and specialties, the level of their education and training. The personnel potential of an organization is based on the potential of personnel, but is not their sum. Personnel potential has property of integrity, synthesizes what in the recent past was called the human factor. The category “personnel potential” considers personnel in as active elements of the organization (as opposed to the term “labor resources”). This emphasizes that the main thing in an organization is not the potential of individual employees, but their interaction in the system , in a single personnel potential. In this regard, personnel management is considered in connection with the structure, goals and objectives of the organization.

The development of human resources is based on a system of continuous education, training and retraining of personnel, their professional career, improvement of organizational structures and management style. Along with the formation and development of human resources, renewal processes operate, which include resignation and replenishment of the personnel reserve, as well as the use of competitions, elections, appointments, nominations to occupy certain positions. Thus, the formation and development of an organization’s personnel potential goes through certain stages that make up the life cycle of personnel use. Personnel development is the main content of personnel management.

Personnel planning in the organization

1. Goals of personnel planning

2. Operational planning work with personnel

1. Personnel planning in an organization has the goal of proper organization long term work with the staff. It is important for the management of the organization to have at a certain time, at the appropriate workplaces, in the required quantity and the required qualifications, such personnel that would ensure the solution of production problems. At the same time, personnel planning should create conditions for motivating higher productivity and job satisfaction. The following needs of the organization are subject to planning:

The need to replace personnel by year due to retirement, dismissal, transition to disability, etc.;

The need to reduce the number of personnel due to the introduction of new technologies, reduction in production volumes, downtime, non-payments, etc.;

The need to increase the number of personnel in connection with the expansion of production and the development of business activities.

HR planning will be effective when it is integrated into the overall development plan of the organization.

2. Personnel planning is implemented through the implementation of a set of interrelated activities, combined into operational plan work with personnel. The operational plan includes the following main sections:

Planning of personnel requirements (search, selection and hiring of personnel from internal and external sources);

Planning for adaptation of personnel (newly hired, changed jobs, etc.);

Planning the use of personnel (taking into account advanced training, age, changes in the technological process, working conditions, etc.);

Planning of training and advanced training of personnel;

Planning a business career, career and professional advancement (from the moment of hiring to dismissal);

Planning the release (dismissal) or reduction of personnel (rationalization of production, reduction in production volumes, etc.);

Planning of expenses for the organization's personnel, including the personnel service

The term “potential” in its etymological meaning comes from the Latin word potential, which means hidden possibilities, strength, power. A broad interpretation of the semantic content of the concept of “potential” consists of considering it as “a source of opportunities, means, reserves that can be put into action, used to solve a problem or achieve a certain goal; capabilities of an individual, state, society in a certain area.” The concepts of “potential” and “resources” should not be opposed. Potential (labor, economic, military, scientific, financial, personnel) is a generalized, collective characteristic of resources, tied to place and time.

The concept of “personnel potential” reflects the resource aspect of socio-economic development. Personnel potential can be defined as the totality of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems.

The personnel potential of a society is understood as the totality of the abilities of all employees to achieve certain goals and requirements facing society. For example, to have an economy of a certain level, to reproduce its components at all stages of the production and economic cycle with a certain degree of efficiency. The content of human resources and its main features can be formulated based on the definition of personnel.

Personnel are qualified workers specially trained for a particular activity.

Thus, human resources potential is understood as a measure of the abilities and capabilities of employees to materialize their knowledge and skills in order to ensure the viability and development of the organization.

Personnel potential is formed by the integration and dynamics of such moments and aspects of human life as personal properties; general performance; professional qualification knowledge, skills, experience; creative inclinations, ability and orientation of the individual. The reproduction and growth of human resources, as well as the degree of labor efficiency corresponding to it, depends not so much on any one element, but on their integration, as well as their balance both for an individual and for groups of workers.

Traditionally, the personnel policy at the enterprise is based on the promotion and training of the personnel reserve, which should be recorded in the enterprise standard for organizing the reproduction of management personnel. The system of postgraduate advanced training for managers and specialists is also aimed at this. Today this is not enough. The proposed view on staffing has a fundamentally important addition to existing practice and is addressed to the chief engineer of the company and the personnel service.

Personnel reserve and potential as characteristics of personnel are interconnected. It is clear that the difference between reserve and potential is productive with an emphasis on the dynamics of the company's production base to ensure the flexibility and reliability of management necessary in market conditions. The personnel reserve, as is known, is considered to be the number of actually existing specialists employed in their positions and already prepared (or being prepared) to ensure that their competence meets the requirements of other, usually more responsible positions. The reserve is formed specifically for a given set of positions. Its function, first of all, is to ensure the reliability of the control system.

As a complex and multi-structural socio-economic formation, the potential of an enterprise’s personnel includes the following components: personnel composition, professional, qualification, gender and age structure, personnel structure by length of service and level of education.

The personnel composition of an enterprise can be assessed using certain quantitative, qualitative characteristics and performance indicators. Main quantitative characteristics personnel of the enterprise are the list, attendance and average number of employees of the enterprise, as well as the structure of employees.

The number of personnel in an organization depends on the nature, scale, complexity, labor intensity of production (or other) and management processes, the degree of their mechanization, automation, and computerization. These factors determine its standard (planned) value. More objectively, the personnel is characterized by the list (actual) number, i.e. the number of employees who officially work in the organization at the moment.

The personnel structure of an organization is a collection of separate groups of employees united according to some characteristic. It can be statistical and analytical.

The statistical structure reflects the distribution of personnel and its movement in terms of employment by type of activity, as well as categories and groups of positions. Thus, personnel of the main types of activities are distinguished (persons working in the main and auxiliary, research and development departments, management personnel, engaged in the creation of products, services or providing maintenance to these processes) and non-core types of activities (workers of housing and communal services, social sphere). In turn, they are all divided into categories: managers, specialists, other employees (technical performers), workers.

The analytical structure is divided into general and specific. In terms of the general structure, personnel are considered according to such characteristics as profession, qualifications, education, gender, age, and length of service. The private structure reflects the ratio of individual groups of workers, for example, “those engaged in hard work with and without the help of simple devices,” “employed in processing centers.”

The criterion for the optimality of the personnel structure is the correspondence of the number of employees of various job groups to the volume of work required to perform each job group, expressed in time expenditure.

Let us consider in Table 1 in more detail the main features of structuring the enterprise’s personnel.

Table 1 - Personnel classification

Industrial production personnel are personnel directly involved in the production of products and maintenance of production, and social infrastructure workers are personnel of non-industrial units. Non-industrial personnel include workers employed in institutions and organizations on the balance sheet of the enterprise: trade and Catering, housing and communal services, medical and health institutions, educational institutions and courses, as well as preschool education and cultural institutions.

Workers are workers directly involved in the production of products (services), repairs, movement of goods, etc. These also include cleaners, janitors, cloakroom attendants, and security guards.

Depending on the nature of participation in the production process, workers, in turn, are divided into:

  • 1) main (those directly involved in the technological process of manufacturing the main products of the enterprise, i.e. products intended for sale to the outside);
  • 2) auxiliary (occupied with all types of maintenance of workplaces technological process main production, i.e. engaged in the movement and transportation, storage and warehousing of objects and products of labor, technical control of product quality, and the production of electricity intended for the enterprise’s own needs.

Based on the nature of the production in which workers are employed, workers employed in main and auxiliary workshops are distinguished.

Managers are employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions (directors, managers, foremen, chief specialists, etc.). They manage the resources of the enterprise, make decisions about their use, develop strategies and tactics for the development of the enterprise. Depending on the level of management, all managers can be classified as top, middle and lower levels of the organization.

Senior managers include, in most cases, the chairman of the Board of Directors, the president or vice president of the company, members of the Board of Directors and other categories of managers who determine the general policy and development strategy of the organization.

The lowest level of management includes heads of workshops, production sites, heads of departments, sectors and services in the functional management bodies of the enterprise.

Specialists are workers engaged in engineering, technical, and economic work (engineers, economists, agronomists, dispatchers, etc.). They do not make independent decisions, but provide executives and managers at various management levels with the materials, calculations, recommendations and other production information necessary for decision-making, without which competent management of complex modern production is impossible.

Other employees are workers who prepare and process documents, accounting and control, and business services (cashiers, agents, clerks, statisticians, etc.). They perform basic production tasks and decisions made by managers, participate in the implementation of innovative projects of the enterprise or the organization of production of goods and services, as well as the sale of finished products on the market.

The qualitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel are determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

The professional structure of an organization’s personnel is the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties (economists, accountants, engineers, lawyers, etc.) who have a complex theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired through training and experience in a particular field.

The qualification structure of personnel is the ratio of workers of different skill levels (i.e., degree of professional training) required to perform certain job functions. In our country, the skill level of workers is characterized by a category or class (for example, for drivers), and for specialists - by category, category or class. For example, according to their qualification level, design engineers can occupy the positions of “chief”, “leading”, “senior” designer of categories I, II and III.

The gender and age structure of an organization's personnel is the ratio of personnel groups by gender (men, women) and age. The age structure is characterized by the proportion of people of the corresponding ages in total number personnel. When studying the age composition, the following groupings are recommended: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60- 64, 65 years and older.

The structure of personnel by length of service can be considered in two ways: by total length of service and length of service in a given organization. The total length of service is grouped into the following periods: up to 16 years, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 years and more. The length of service in a given organization characterizes the stability of the workforce. Statistics highlight the following periods: up to 1 year, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30 years and more.

The structure of personnel by level of education (general and special) characterizes the identification of persons with higher education, including by level of training - bachelor, specialist, master; incomplete higher education (more than half of the study period); specialized secondary; average general; lower secondary; initial.

The concept of human resources is associated with specific individuals. It includes the presence, level of manifestation, significance business qualities, i.e. it is about the potential of individual employees.

The potential of an employee is his possible working capacity, his resource capabilities in the field of labor. In the course of practical activities, potential opportunities are not always fully used.

The main components of employee potential are:

psychophysiological component: state of health, performance, endurance, abilities and inclinations of a person, type of nervous system, etc.;

socio-demographic component: age, gender, Family status and etc.;

qualification component: level of education, volume of special knowledge, labor skills, ability to innovate, intelligence, creativity, professionalism;

personal component: attitude to work, discipline, activity, value orientations, morality, etc.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion. An employee's potential is not a constant value; it can change both upward and downward. The creative abilities of an employee accumulated during work activities increase as new knowledge and skills are acquired, health is improved, and working conditions are improved. For each specific position, the potential of the personnel is recorded in professional qualification requirements, which include a system of required qualities and the level of their manifestation necessary to perform the relevant functions, vest rights and bear responsibility.

To determine whether an employee is capable of performing management functions, the employee assessment process should be carried out from the moment the employee is hired, using various methods. When assessing employees, it is necessary to ensure maximum consideration of their experience, knowledge, and skills in order to develop recommendations for professional growth.

Personnel potential is an integral element of the enterprise management system. Its level depends on the interconnected organizational, economic and social measures to form the distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on the creation of conditions for the use and development of the labor potential of each employee. Personnel potential is formed by the state and the management of the enterprise and finds concrete expression in the form of qualified personnel for all management functions. The development of the human resources potential of an enterprise can be both external and internal.

The classification criterion here can be the orientation of human resources towards the enterprise’s own personnel or towards the external environment when forming personnel.

External personnel potential is characterized by the fact that potential employees have visible tasks and development prospects at any level. You can start working either from the lowest position or from a position at the senior management level. The company is ready to hire a qualified specialist if he has the desire to reveal his potential and work experience in related organizations. Such human resources are necessary for developing organizations whose main goal is to conquer the market, focus on rapid growth and strive to become a leader in their industry.

Internal personnel potential is characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on including new employees only from the lowest job level, and the replacement of the reserve occurs from among the organization’s employees. Personnel potential of this level is applicable for enterprises focused on creating a certain corporate culture, developing responsibility, and involvement in business development. Consequently, personnel potential is not only the qualifications of personnel, but also their socio-psychological orientation.

Personnel potential is a single whole system, where the external and internal parts of personnel management must be balanced. In this case, there is a need for economic feasibility of investments associated with hiring, training and employee opportunities to reveal their talent. In this case, risks of varying degrees may arise (Table 1)

In this regard, the following principles are proposed for human resource management:

    Respect for the employee, his professional characteristics, moral and leadership qualities;

    The responsibility of each employee, that is, he must personally imagine what exactly he should do in the company;

    Unity of command in the organization, that is, to know to whom the employee reports, what measures of responsibility can be applied to him;

    The quality of work, while penalties should not humiliate the personal dignity of the employee, but show him the harm and consequences of his wrong actions;

    Motivation, when all employees without exception should be rewarded morally and financially for their achievements.

Table 1: Degree of risk during organizational change.


High degree

Average degree

Low degree






Managed risk


managed risk

There are quite a lot of interpretations and approaches in the literature on the issue of principles. The most correct approach can be considered as set out in Order of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation No. 118(6).

Here, in addition to functional management, an organizational approach is introduced, since it is closely related to the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The organization of management at all levels must be systematic. Otherwise, the personnel potential of the enterprise will not be able to effectively ensure the implementation of the decisions made.

The most relevant for small and medium-sized enterprises in conditions of fierce competition in the market is to carry out organizational changes when demand in the market decreases or increases. In this case, when selecting and hiring workers, the assessment of the personnel required by the enterprise should be carried out taking into account:

    Their leadership qualities;

    The ability not only to implement, but also to design innovations;

    Desire to develop criteria for the most promising business;

    Distribute your potential among priority areas.

Thus, recruitment consists of creating a personnel reserve that is ready for any changes in the management system. This type of recruitment method is more convenient, as it contributes to a more correct assessment, increases job satisfaction, and the employee correctly perceives the need for organizational changes.

Promotion and horizontal movement of its employees costs the employer less. Incentivizing employees to improve their skills is no longer required, since the employee improves himself by participating in new projects. Internal recruitment methods are varied. This can be done using administrative methods. You can also inform all departments about open vacancies within the enterprise, bringing information to each of the employees. Offer to recommend one of your colleagues for a different type of work and at the same time give him recommendations. This is advisable when the company is interested in retaining its staff.

If an enterprise needs to accelerate its development and requires new personnel, then recruitment from the external environment is used. For temporary and well-paid jobs, you can use personnel leasing.

An agreement is concluded on the provision of workers for hire, which is based on the employment of workers for a certain time. Such an employee enters into a contract with the enterprise, and he is sent on a business trip for a certain period to meet the temporary need for personnel of this profile. This form of meeting the employer's personnel needs is widespread in most European countries and the United States.

The use of personnel leasing is most effective in holdings, when joint projects are being developed to create or promote new products. This allows not only to improve the skills of personnel, but also to create a common corporate culture.

Many authors write about the advantages and disadvantages of such approaches to the formation of human resources. Features of internal and external human resources, as well as advantages and disadvantages, can be classified (Table 2).

Table 2: Features of internal and external human resources.


Internal human resources

External human resource potential


Increased involvement in the business, knowledge of employee potential, the possibility of moderate payment, synergy effect

New approaches to solving problems, lower costs of motivation, creating a company image, increasing competitiveness


Psychological incompatibility in a new place (envy of others, employee’s potential does not meet expectations, no leadership qualities)

The adaptation period is longer, negative experience of another organization, incompatibility with the position, inability to work in a group

Assessing human resources potential in market conditions is necessary to analyze the activities of an enterprise and develop appropriate development programs. At the same time, we cannot agree that any artificial methods and indicators (pure and conditionally pure products, standard processing costs, etc.) are not needed to determine the results of activities.

They should be, but the assessment of potential must be complemented by the organizational culture of the organization. Labor efficiency depends not only on the individual himself, but also on the most complex group relationships within the enterprise. Recently, there has been more and more talk about the corporate culture of an enterprise as an important lever for increasing the efficiency of human resources. A big role here is played by the system of values, traditions and style of relations between employees, between subordinates and superiors. An appropriate stereotype of people’s behavior in the sphere of work allows for better use of human resources.

Personnel potential, in combination with organizational culture, expresses the level of integration and professional maturity of the workforce in the process of implementing the mission and goals of the enterprise. This is because this combination of capabilities and culture is not rigid, like, for example, the organizational structure or budget of an enterprise. This is a synthesis for practical action.

An enterprise with high personnel potential and organizational culture will have such features as competitiveness, dynamism, a cult of employee development, a small number of management personnel and the friendliness of employees.

"Organizational approach to the formation of human resources

allows you to solve the following problems of the enterprise:

    At enterprises, the personnel reserve is very often not legally and documented in any way. Hence, career workers are unknown, which reduces their motivation to work.

    The existing system of personnel selection and hiring is based on entrance testing or previous personnel certification. This is a rather subjective approach.

    The adaptation system for new employees should provide for the specifics of the operations they perform. In modern conditions, enterprises either do not have it, or there is a standard one.

    The HR department of enterprises poorly carries out marketing research into the human resources potential of the market. This leads either to a shortage of personnel with certain qualifications or to a high turnover of workers.

    The normative consolidation of the enterprise's personnel policy is poorly implemented. Local legal acts of the enterprise are not consolidated into a single document, which complicates the operation of the system as a whole.

To solve these problems, the personnel potential of an enterprise must be formed not only on a functional basis, but also on an organizational basis. It provides for the reengineering of the functions of the enterprise's personnel services, the legal registration of the personnel reserve, the creation of an organizational culture and the development of a unified program for the strategic development of the enterprise's personnel potential.