How to make a presentation in power point. Instructions for creating a presentation in Microsoft Power Point

06/02/2017 14:19

In line special tools PowerPoint is used for creating presentations. Part of the Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft's software helps both experienced and untrained users create, view, and deliver beautiful presentations. The extensive functionality of the software allows you to visualize your material in a high-quality and varied manner, presenting it to listeners in the form of a bright, effective and memorable show.

By mastering Microsoft's presentation and slide show software, you'll master the art of visualization. Any idea presented with such accompaniment will be better understood by the listeners. Using a presentation, you can teach schoolchildren and students, demonstrate engineering and design projects, films, music videos and photographs, give presentations to an audience, and even stage a theatrical performance. PowerPoint allows you to create a presentation of any complexity: from a simple one (with pictures, tables, etc.) to a complex one, replete with animated special effects. It all depends on the audience, the goal, your imagination and how successful you are in mastering the functionality of the program.

How to make a PowerPoint presentation or ten steps towards your goal

Step 1. Come up with a concept.

First, the text part of the speech is worked out, and then it is accompanied by visualization elements. A presentation cannot replace a report; it is additional: it helps to convey information to the listener and presents it visually. That is why you must first decide on the concept of the report, and only after that think through the plot, script, and structure of the presentation show.

To develop the right concept, answer the following questions::

  1. What goal do you want to achieve with this presentation?
  2. Who will listen to the speech (audience characteristics)?
  3. What visual elements are you planning to use in your presentation?
  4. What is the duration of the performance?

Step 2. Start of the project.

Launch PowerPoint and use the appropriate function to create a new slide show (like a page in a Word document). Click on the option in the navigation bar and decide on the layout. It can serve as a layout for an individual slide or for a presentation as a whole.

Useful tips:
  • A large amount of information is difficult to perceive, it distracts a person and does not allow him to concentrate. Ideally, one slide will contain one block with text, video, photographs, tables and other elements.

Step 3. Templates to help.

For those who are creating a presentation for the first time, it is possible to use predefined templates, which greatly simplifies the matter. And only when PowerPoint is mastered inside and out, you can create custom samples that will meet your specific requirements and tasks.

Since we are creating our first presentation for now, we choose a template that is already preinstalled in the program. To open the menu, click the Office Button and choose New. The “Templates” group and the “Empty and Last” command will appear in a new window. By double clicking on the “New Presentation” button we create a project.

You can also use the “Installed templates” command. By clicking on it, you can choose the type of template from a classic or modern photo album, advertising booklet, quiz, widescreen presentation. The choice of one template or another is determined by the form of the presentation.

Step 4. Customize the appearance.

This step is important and necessary. Open the Design tab and from there go to Themes. Decide on the topic of the document and select the one you need. The appearance of the slides can also be changed. Open the “Slides” tab, decide on a theme and apply it to one or more slides by clicking on the appropriate command.

The program's pre-installed themes are suitable for all presentations. And to make the selected theme unique, there are separate buttons with which you can select the background, color, and animation effects.

Experienced PowerPoint users don't use built-in themes; they create their own. To do this, you need to use your own photographs and images.

  • The text must stand out against the background, otherwise it will be difficult to read.
  • The more color solutions, especially variegated shades, the more difficult the text is perceived. The main thing here, as in clothes, is not to overdo it with colors and make them compatible.
  • Three or four combined shades ideally concentrate the attention of the audience and increase the perception of information.

Step 5. Correct font.

When working with a presentation, just like in Word documents, you can change fonts by choosing the type, color, and size. In a word, if you are familiar with the programs Microsoft Office, then learn how to work in PowerPoint.

To select a graphic design of letters and symbols, open the “Home” tab and decide on the font, its color and size. Then fill in the “Title” and “Text” fields for the slide you are creating.
  • The text located on the slide should be divided into two parts. There are main words and auxiliary words that complement the main idea of ​​the message. And accordingly, an important part of the text should be especially highlighted. This can be done using an unusual font, size, color and, of course, special effects. You can also make sure that the main information comes first, and then the additional information. In a word, in order to convey the main idea of ​​the slide, it is necessary to correctly place the accents.
  • Solid text (same color, font size) is not acceptable. Divide the information into meaningful blocks and use a different font size for each. Headings, subheadings, comments to images, and main text should be visually highlighted.
  • It is important to design the text so that it stands out and visually attracts attention. Underline key words, write in italics or bold, Special attention Pay attention to the headings - they should catch your eye.
  • Do not write more than six lines on a slide, otherwise there can be no talk about the effectiveness of information perception.
  • Preferably choose one font for the entire presentation.
  • Don't use fonts that are difficult to read. The interlocutor should read the line instantly, and not decipher exotic “squiggles”.
  • A large amount of text information on one slide is difficult to understand. 10 succinct words are better than a “sheet” of text.

Step 6. More visibility!

If the plot of the presentation allows and is necessary for better visual perception, use a variety of elements. This could be an image, diagram, clip, collage, diagram, table - anything that serves as visual evidence of your information. To place any element on a slide show, use the Insert tab or familiar commands.

Useful tips:
  • It's best if you don't use images wrapped around text. The text is absorbed more effectively if it accompanies a graphic element located on a separate page (in this case, a slide).
  • All graphic material used in the presentation must be of high quality. Do not insert small images. A stretched photo will ruin the entire presentation.

Step 7. Sound accompaniment.

Music and soundtrack are an attribute of a win-win presentation. Click Insert, open Media Clips, and select Sound. A window with a list of commands will open, select “Sound from file”. Another window will open in which you need to specify the folder with your music and select the file type. Decide on the method of playing the audio track (by click or in automatic mode). If you select the former, the Audio Tools tab will appear. Go to Sound Options and configure playback commands.

Useful tips:
  • Do not play loud music and sound: the audience should hear your speech
  • As you understand, hard rock cannot accompany your performance. Choose calm music.

Step 8. Effects.

Their use decorates the presentation, makes it diverse, adds emotionality and semantic load. Animation effects can be applied to any graphic element or object, if they are appropriate, of course. The animation is configured on the corresponding tab. In order to add an effect for graphics, objects, text, click on it and configure the animation by clicking on the appropriate item. Added effects can be changed.

Useful tips:
  • An abundance of special effects will not diversify the presentation, but, on the contrary, will harm it. The audience is distracted by attention-grabbing animation and misses the textual content.
  • Animated inserts should be used minimally and carry a semantic load.
  • Effects are appropriate for highlighting facts, figures, keywords, and in conclusion.

Step 9. Slide transition effects.

When one slide in a presentation is replaced by another using animation effects, it attracts attention. PowerPoint has many preset transition types - blinds, checkers, rectangles, vertical and horizontal merges.

To apply the same transition type to each slide in your presentation, go to the Animations tab. Click first on your thumbnail and then on “Go to next slide.” Here you can select the desired effect.

The slide transition effects you choose can be customized. If you want to change the speed, click on “Go to next slide” and select the appropriate button. By clicking on it, set the values ​​you need. You can also change the order of slide transition effects. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate group and make settings: slides can change by click or automatically.

An audio track is also added to the slide changing effects. Click the Animation tab and then Go to Next Slide. Select the Transition Sound button. If the sound is in the list, click on it. If you need to add a sound not from the list, click on the “Other sound” command. Find the file on your computer and add it using the "OK" button.

  • Frequent sound when changing slides is unacceptable.
  • Don't use automatic slide changing.
  • Be sure to indicate in the test where the slides change.
  • The person who deals with organizational issues should also have a text with these tips.

Step 10. The presentation is ready!

Each slide is ready and now you can look at the entire presentation. Click "Slide Show" and start watching. If you don't like something in your work, you can always correct it. To return to the slides, click the Escape key. Be sure to save the modified and viewed slide.
  • When a presentation is visually appealing through colorful objects, graphic elements and vibrant animation, that's a good thing. But the skill of the speaker in this matter is still the main thing.


By learning how to work in PowerPoint step by step, you will be able to create vivid, memorable presentations and skillfully present them to different audiences. The Microsoft Office program will surprise you with its every new slide show. functionality. And you will have the feeling that this instrument is impossible to fully master. But each new presentation will be better and better, which means you have learned all its lessons with flying colors.

To download a program to your computer for creating, viewing, displaying slide shows and presentations, use the official source - website.

In this article we will try to cover the topic of creating proper presentation on a computer that can interest and convince listeners. Today our daily life It’s hard to imagine without computer technology. In business, such technologies play a special role; for example, it is not enough to simply talk or write about your idea or business plan.

Colleagues, management and business partners want to see the future project with their own eyes. To visualize business ideas, photographs, graphs, drawings, diagrams, clips, three-dimensional models, etc. are used. Agree that such a visual demonstration is much more informative than “dry” printed text. Particularly important this technique for those who perceive information better visually, and such people, according to scientists, are about 30%, i.e. every third. This method of demonstration is called “presentation” and is widely used in various fields: design, marketing, economics, pedagogy, engineering, etc.

Presentations are indispensable in learning processes, for demonstrating ideas and results, and for comparative analysis.

You can create a presentation on your PC using the PowerPointe program. With the help of which 95% of presentations are prepared. It is part of the standard Office suite. Microsoft Office PowerPoint is an easy-to-use, reliable and informative program for implementing a variety of presentation projects that meet the highest requirements.

Using PowerPoint you can create an effective tool to accompany an oral or written presentation. The program allows you to create graphs, diagrams, photos, and contains various special effects, allowing you to create a memorable, bright project.

Taking the time to learn the basics of PowerPoint is a worthwhile investment in self-development and education, since everyone has to give presentations, speeches, and demonstrations sooner or later.

Creating a presentation using PowerPoint (standard Microsoft program)

You can find the Power Point program on your computer using Windows search.

The most important rule is the presentation is not a replacement for your report or speech, but only complements it, illustrating your words and allowing you to focus on the main points. That is why you first need to carefully think through the plan for your speech and only then make the presentation.

Step 1. Take into account all the details of the presentation!

The most important questions to ask yourself before putting together a presentation are:

  • What is the main purpose of my presentation?
  • What features will my listeners/viewers have?
  • What is the duration, content and dynamism?

Step 2. Let's start creating!

Creating a presentation begins with launching the program. Next, using the “create slide” option, which is located in the right corner of the panel at the top, select a slide layout. This layout not only applies to the entire presentation project, but can also be customized for each slide.

Important! Try not to place several blocks of different types of information (photos, text or diagrams) on one slide at once. This distracts potential viewers, dissipates attention, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the perception of your performance.

Step 3: Use the template!

For everyone again presentations created PowerPoint uses a presentation template. To use it, you need to click “File” and after opening the menu, select the “create” command. A window will appear where the “templates” will be displayed. Here you need to select “new presentation” (by clicking the mouse twice).

You can also select templates for your presentation using the “installed templates” command, which gives access to “classic” and “modern” album, “advertising booklet”, “quiz” and “wide screen presentation”.

Step 4. Select a template theme!

In order for the presentation to have the desired look, you need to go to the “design” tab, go to “themes” and select the document you like. To change the visual appearance of your slides, you need to find the "slides" tab, highlight the slides you want, and click on the theme you want to use for the selected slides.

The themes available in PowerPoint are universal for presentations various types. You can change the color, style, add effects using the corresponding buttons: “effects”, “background styles”, etc.

You can also create topics for presentations yourself, using your own photographs, drawings and solutions.

Important! Please note that the text must be in contrast to the background, otherwise it will be difficult to read. You shouldn’t make your slides too bright or overload them with color, because... this harms the perception of visual images. Optimal solution- use no more than 3-5 colors on one slide that harmonize well with each other, improving perception.

Step 5. Choosing font size and color?

Microsoft's PowerPoint presentation software allows you to change the type, size, and color of the font used for text elements. Working with presentation texts is as easy as working with documents in Office Word.

To write text, you just need to place the cursor in the desired place, for example in the “heading” or “text” field and start typing. To select the required font, you need to go to the “font” group, where you select its parameters: size, color, type.


  1. Classify the text into main and additional. It is better to highlight the main one in some way so that it brings maximum information to the listeners. You can highlight the main text by size, color or special effect, as well as the order in which it appears on the screen. Additional text serves to explain the main text; it is better to apply more “calm” effects to it: smaller font size, less saturated color, etc.
  2. Don't forget about the concept of "readability"! The text should be readable and easy to understand. To do this, it must have a clear structure, which is emphasized by the font size. For example, for the heading you can use a font size of 22-30, for subheadings - 20-24. For captions under tables, explanations, footnotes - 8-10. Body text usually reads well at a font size of 14-20.
  3. Highlight the title, subheadings, and main points in bold or underlined font. When formatting comments, explanations, footnotes, and additional information, use italics.
  4. Don't forget about the "principle of six": 6 words per line, 6 lines per slide.
  5. Don't use different fonts on the same slide! Better yet, use the same font for all slides of your presentation project.
  6. Do not use complex, unclear, or bulky fonts. Best options for presentation are Times New Roman, Bookman Old Style, Verdana, Calibri, i.e. those fonts that are most often used to create printed materials.
  7. Do not overload the slide with test material; remember that a presentation is not a replacement for your speech!

Step 6. Better to see it a hundred times!

To make your speech more interesting and well-reasoned, you need to PowerPoint presentations use graphs, diagrams, drawings, infograms, collages and photos. To place these elements, you need to go to “illustrations” and click on the group. You can also insert a photo or drawing into a presentation using the traditional “copy” and “paste” commands.


  1. Minimize the “picture surrounded by text” technique, because This combination is extremely difficult to perceive. It is better to place the picture on a separate slide, adding text information to it below. In this case, the image will look solid and not overloaded.
  2. Photos and drawings used must be High Quality and the required size. Please note that when stretched, images lose their sharpness, which can ruin the effect of the entire presentation.

Step 7: Insert Musical Accompaniment!

For some presentations, it is appropriate and even desirable to use audio. How to insert music or sound? This is not difficult to do: you need to go to the “media clips” tab and stop at the “sound” item. A list of commands will appear in which you need to select “sound from file”. A standard dialog box will appear where you will need to specify the folder from which sound or music will be inserted. The type of audio file is also indicated. After this, we indicate the method of playing the sound. It can be automatic or by command - a mouse click. To select, go to the “sound options” menu and specify the required settings.


  1. Watch the sound volume! Your speech must be heard. Perfect option— take into account the acoustic features of the room where your performance will take place.
  2. Choose calm, neutral music. It is better to give preference to instrumental or classical music that will not irritate or distract listeners from your performance. Avoid rhythmic, intrusive melodies, although there are situations when just such a musical background is appropriate.

Step 8. Show and interest!

The introduction of animation effects that can be added to one or several slides will help diversify your presentation. You can add animation if you select the tab with the appropriate name and go to the “animation” group, and then open the “animation settings” menu. After this, you should click on the object (text, diagram, graphic or photo) to which you want to add an animation effect using the “add effect” button. You then need to follow the steps to insert animation effects, and the effects will appear in the Animation Setup list in the order they will appear in the presentation. You can change the speed, order and direction of effects in “change effect”.


  1. Don't overload your presentation with irrelevant special effects. A large number of moving objects, extraneous sounds, animations irritate listeners and distract from your performance. It is better to limit yourself to 1-2 special effects that will emphasize the significance of the information presented.
  2. You should not use animation effects “just like that” or “for beauty.” They must carry a meaning that is understandable to the audience.

Using animated special effects, it is good to highlight the key points of the presentation, draw conclusions, and summarize. Animation based on text selection has the best effect different colors. On the contrary, moving letters are perceived worse by listeners.

Step 9. Interesting slide transition!

Transitions from slide to slide make the presentation more cohesive and of higher quality. To add transitions, you need to select the “transitions” tab, where you click on the slide thumbnail. Here you can select your favorite effect for changing slides.

The slide changing speed is set in the “transition to next slide” group using the “transition speed” button, where the optimal speed is selected. Also in the “slide change” group, the change order is set: automatically or manually by clicking. The change of slides can be accompanied by a sound effect. To do this, click on the “animation” tab and select the “transition to next slide” group. There, you will see a “transition sound” button, by clicking which you will be able to select a sound file to accompany the process of changing slides.


  1. Don't make the slide transition sound too intrusive or loud.
  2. Take advantage of the click-to-slide transition feature. Sometimes this is convenient - the presentation completely corresponds to your speech, does not “run” forward and does not lag behind.
  3. In the text of your speech, be sure to note the moment when you need to change the slide.
  4. If the slide show is being led by technical staff, make a copy of the talk with notes for them.

Step 10. Let's get acquainted with what happened!

The presentation has been created! To see what you got, you need to click the “show slides” button. If during viewing you decide that one or more slides require adjustments, you can do this by pressing “Esc“. After making changes, you should save the latest version.

Important! Remember that a presentation is a tool that illustrates your speech, but does not replace it. Overloading a presentation with bright colors, music, sound effects, and animation can ruin even the most thoughtful and interesting speech, distracting listeners from it.


Now you can easily make your own presentation using PowerPoint. After completing all 10 steps, you will learn the basics of creating a presentation, but every time you take on new project, remember that you still have many more features to discover in this program from Microsoft.

We invite you to watch a short video tutorial on how to create a presentation in PowerPoint.

Every modern computer user should be able to make a presentation in PowerPoint. Schoolchildren and students can use a presentation to talk about their research or defend an essay, diploma, or course work. Working people may need a presentation to introduce their product. In any case, if you are here, it means you want to learn how to make a presentation.

We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to make a presentation on a computer. Please note that some items may be called differently on your computer, depending on the version of PowerPoint. We wrote the instructions using PowerPoint 2007.

Step 1: Launch PowerPoint

When starting the program PowerPoint, you will be asked to select which document you want to create. Select " Blank presentation" to start making your presentation from scratch.

Step 2: Choose a design

The next thing you should do is choose a design for your presentation. To do this, go to the “ Design" at the top of the page. Look carefully at all the options and choose the one you like best. You can hover over a design to see how it will look in a presentation before it is applied.

You can also choose a different design for each slide. To do this, select the slide, then right-click on the design you want to apply. A pop-up menu will appear in which click on “ Apply to selected slide" This way you will change the design for one specific slide and the rest will remain the same.

Step 3: Add a title

Click on the first box that says " Click to add title". Here you can write the title of your presentation. Then click on the box below to add your name, job title and other details.

Once you have written text in the fields, you can change the font, size, color, etc. You can also move the field or change the size using edges and corners.

Step 4: Add Slides

You will most likely need several slides for your presentation. There are several ways to add additional slides. Notice the separate area on the left side of the screen where your first slide is located. Right-click on the slide, and select the option " New slide " This is the first way to add a new slide.

The second way is to select the " Insert" at the top of the screen, and click on " New slide" Here you can choose a layout for the slide, such as a slide with two text fields and a title, one text field, title only, etc.

The new slide will appear on the left side of the screen below the first slide. The design you chose in step 3 will be applied to the new slide.

Step 5: Add charts, photos, graphs, etc.

If you want to insert a chart, picture, graph or any other graphic object, click on the tab Insert» at the top of the window. Here you will see everything available options, which you can insert into a slide.

Once the graph or picture is inserted into the slide, you can add a frame or change options by clicking on the " tab Format».

Step 6: Add Transitions

To add transitions between slides, click on the " tab Animation» at the top of the window. Here you can hover your mouse over one of the transitions to see what it will look like. Next, select the slide for which you want to apply a transition, and then select the transition itself. You can choose one transition for all slides at once, or set up different transitions for each slide.

Step 7: Change the order of the slides

Once all the slides have been created, you can rearrange them in the presentation. To do this, click and drag the slide on the left side of the window.

Step 8: Launch your presentation

When all the slides are ready, you can start the presentation. Go to the " Slide show" at the top of the window, and select " At first" Switching slides during a presentation is done using the left and right keys on your keyboard.

You can also press the key F5 to quickly launch your presentation. Key ESC allows you to exit the presentation.

Congratulations! You have made a presentation in PowerPoint.

If you have any questions about our step-by-step instructions on how to make a presentation on a computer, write in the comments below. We'll be happy to help!

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PowerPoint for Windows is an application designed to create electronic presentations using various types information: audio, video, graphic, text and their subsequent demonstration using various effects.


Find the Windows 95 PowerPoint icon on your desktop and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

If the program icon is not on the desktop, then you will have to launch the program using the Start button on the taskbar. The taskbar is usually located at the bottom edge of the desktop. Click on the Start button, which will open the corresponding menu.

After clicking, hover the mouse pointer over the Programs item in this menu item and the Programs submenu will expand to the right. In this submenu, select the Microsoft PowerPoint item and click on it; it is possible that in the program submenu you will first have to go to the Microsoft Office item, and then to Microsoft PowerPoint. This depends on how the system menu is configured.



When creating a new presentation, you can use the Wizard program. With the help of which you can: form the structure of the presentation, select a PowerPoint design template that determines the color scheme, fonts and other attributes of the presentation structure. You can also start with a blank presentation that has a default color scheme, fonts, and other settings.

Exist three ways to create presentations:

* creating a new presentation based on the proposed structure:

2) On the Presentations tab, click Auto Content Wizard.

* creating a new presentation using a design template:

1) in the File menu, select the New command;

2) On the Presentations tab, click the design template you want to use.

* creating a new presentation from an empty presentation:

1) in the File menu, select the New command;

2) Select the Abundance tab and double-click the New Presentation icon.

The new presentation will use the color scheme, title, and text styles of the default PowerPoint presentation.

To create and view a presentation for the first time, you must complete the following steps:

1) launch PowerPoint. If PowerPoint is already running, select New from the File menu;

2) on the Presentations tab, select a presentation template that most closely matches the topic of the presentation. For example, if the presentation is educational in nature, the template Training.pot;

3) when the example presentation opens in slide view, select the contents of the slide title and type your own title;

4) on each slide, type your own text instead of the example text, insert your own drawings and graphic files where necessary;

6) To see what the presentation looks like on screen, click at the bottom of the PowerPoint window.

To check the visual clarity, spelling, and punctuation of your presentation, follow these steps:

1) open the presentation you are checking;

2) in the Tools menu, select the Check Styles command;

3) select the presentation elements you want to test.


PowerPoint is designed in such a way that it allows you to create presentations in a specific style. There are three ways to control your presentation style: design templates, color schemes, and swatches.

Design templates include color schemes, sample slides and titles with customizable formats, and stylized fonts to give your presentation a "look." A slide in PowerPoint refers to one frame of a presentation. When you apply a new design template to a presentation, the swatches and color scheme are replaced with the new ones. After applying the design template, each newly added slide is designed in the same style, regardless of the auto-layout of the slide. You can use one of the PowerPoint design templates, or create your own template based on any presentation.

PowerPoint comes with a wide range of professionally designed design templates. You can also add your own templates. If you design a custom look for one of your presentations, you can optionally save it as a new template. A presentation saved as a template can contain a custom sample of notes or a sample of handouts.

The color scheme consists of eight balanced colors used as the main presentation colors - text, background, fill, accents, etc. TO

Each color of the scheme is used automatically for different slide elements. You can lock the color scheme for individual slides or the entire presentation.

When you apply design templates, you can select a color scheme from a set of schemes stored in each design template. This makes it easier to select color schemes for a slide or presentation, ensuring color consistency with other slides in the presentation.

The slide master determines the format and arrangement of the titles and text you place on your slides. The title pattern defines the format and placement of titles on the title slide of a presentation or on any other slide declared as a title slide (for example, opening slides). new section). Each design template comes with its own slide and title templates. Masters, in turn, store background elements, such as graphics, that will appear on each slide in your presentation. Any change to the template is reflected on each slide of the presentation, unless it has been changed individually.


A design template is a presentation that has a special format and color scheme that you can apply to any presentation to give it a specific look. You can use any presentation as a design template. A presentation template is a presentation filled with suggested content

and having a non-standard format and color scheme. The presentation template is used as the source material for a new presentation.

PowerPoint comes with a rich set of design templates, but you can modify any of them to suit your needs or create a new design template using the format and color scheme of an existing presentation. You can also create your own presentation template, including

special format and color scheme, as well as content you suggest.

To create your own design template, follow these steps:

* Open a presentation or create a new one using any design template:

1) in the File menu, select the New command;

2) On the Presentations tab, select the design template you want to use.

This presentation will be used as source material for a new design template.

* Change color scheme:

1) in the Format menu, select the Slide Color Scheme command;

2) in the Color Scheme dialog box, select the Special tab;

3) in the Scheme Colors group, select the color of the element that you want to change, and then click the Change Color button;

4) Click the Standard tab, select the color you want, and then click OK. Alternatively, click the Special tab, select a color by dragging the crosshairs with the mouse, adjust the brightness by moving the mouse up or down the scroll bar, and then click OK;

5) click Apply or Apply to all to apply new color respectively, only to the current slide or to all slides in the presentation.

* Add or change slide background elements using slide master and new sample header:

1) in the View menu, select Master, then Slide Master;

2) add an object to the slide master;

3) to return to the original slide, select the Slides command in the View menu;

Tip: If the subject doesn't appear on your slides, select Custom Background from the Format menu and make sure the Exclude master background check box is cleared.

To save your own design template, follow these steps:

2) Enter a name for your design template, and then click Presentation Templates in the File Type list.



Using the Color dialog box, you can select a large number of additional colors. Whenever a color is used that is not part of the current color scheme, it is automatically added to the Other Color list, which contains colors for text, shadows, bullets, background, and lines. To open the dialog box

To change colors, click the corresponding icon on the toolbar (change the background color, symbols, fill, lines, etc.).

A palette of colors not included in the color scheme for each Other Color list, which can contain up to eight additional colors; when adding another one, it will replace the color that was added first and appear first in the palette. A color added to the palette can be removed. The palette is considered empty until at least one color is added to it. Once a color is added to the list, it will remain there even if the color scheme changes. Accordingly, text or an object colored with an additional color will not change its color after changing the color scheme. This can be useful in cases where you need to use specific firm or departmental colors, depending on the color schemes used.

If a color has disappeared from the Other color list, you can, if necessary, include it back if at least one of the objects uses it. For this

Select the object, click Other Color in the Color list, and then select the color you want. In the Color dialog box, click OK and the color appears at the top of the Other Color list.


To create a color scheme, follow these steps:

1) in the Format menu, select the Slide Color Scheme command, and then click the Standard tab;

2) select the color scheme that most closely matches the type you are creating, and then click the Custom tab;

3) in the Scheme Colors group, select the color you want to change and click the Change Color button;

4) select the Standard tab, select the desired color from the palette, then press the OK button, or select the Special tab, select a color by moving the

crosshair with the mouse, adjust the brightness by moving the mouse along the scroll bar up or down, and then click OK;

5) repeat the procedure described in point 4 for each color you want to change;

7) to apply the new color only to the current slide, click the Apply button, and to apply it to all presentation slides, click the When button

change to everyone.


To apply the color scheme of one slide to another slide:

1) in sorter mode, select the slide whose color scheme you want to use in another slide or slides;

2) click once on the Copy Format button (Standard toolbar) to change the color of one slide, go double-click to change

change the color of several slides;

3) select the slide (or several slides by clicking them while holding down the SHIFT key) to which you want to apply the color scheme;

4) if you change the color of one slide, then at the end of the procedure the Copy Format button will automatically be deselected. If you change color

multiple slides, then to deselect the Copy Format button, press ESC or click the Copy Format button (Stock toolbar




To move or copy a slide from one presentation to another you must:

* in sorter mode:

1) open the presentations between which you want to move or copy slides, and then display them in sorter mode;

2) in the Window menu, select the Arrange All command to display both presentations next to each other;

3) select the slide you want to move or copy;

4) to place a slide from one presentation to another, move it with the mouse.

5) To copy a slide from one presentation to another, move it with the mouse while holding down the CTRL key.

Tip: You can select multiple slides to move or copy by selecting them while holding down the SHIFT key.

* in structure mode:

1) open presentations between which you need to move or copy slides, and then display them in outline mode;

2) select the slide you want to move or copy;

3) to move a slide from one presentation to another, select the Cut command in the Edit menu;

4) to copy the slide and display it in both presentations, select the Copy command from the Edit menu;

5) in the Window menu, click the presentation to which you want to add a slide;

6) click the place where you want to insert the slide;

7) in the Edit menu, select Paste.

To translate to a specific slide you need:

1) in slide mode or notes mode, move the mouse with the button pressed along the vertical scroll bar. While moving near the strip

scrolling will display the numbers and titles of the slides;

2) in outline mode, double-click the slide icon;

3) in sorter mode, double-click the slide image;

4) In Notes mode, double-click the slide image.


When creating a new slide, you can select any of 24 auto layouts in the New Slide dialog box. Each of them offers a different type of slide layout,

depending on what you want to do. For example, there is markup that contains placeholders for title, text, and chart, as well as markup

and with placeholders for the title and graphics. The title and text placeholders are made according to the formatting conditions of the image of the slide of this

presentations. You can move them around and resize them if needed, and reformat them if you're not happy with the slide master. To

Type text into the title or text placeholder, click it, and type your text.

You can also change the layout of a slide after it has been created. Click the Slide Layout button at the bottom of the PowerPoint window, and then select New

markup in the Slide Layout dialog box. If the new markup is missing the placeholders you used (for example: if you created a chart and

there is no placeholder for the chart in the new markup), no information will be lost. All objects will remain on the slide, and you can rearrange them if desired.

them so that they fit into the new markup.

When you create a new slide, frames with a dotted outline appear. These frames serve as placeholders for objects such as the slide title,

text, charts, tables, organizational charts and graphics.

To add text to a placeholder, click, or to add a specified object, double-click.

To change the slide layout:

1) in slide mode, select the Slide Layout command in the Format menu;

2) click the desired slide layout, and then click the Apply button;

3) if necessary, rearrange objects so that they fit into the new markup.

Tip: You won't lose added text and graphics that are outside the placeholder labels. They are shown on the slide, but you will have to move them yourself.


Not all slides need to follow the slide template in every detail. For example: in some slide you can use a different background color or shadow pattern; You can cancel a background graphic element (for example: a company logo) so that it does not appear on a specific slide. On another slide, you can use your own size or color for the title or text, or set your own footer. You can also use a different color scheme for your slide than the master color scheme.

To create a slide with a background different from the sample background:

3) in the Background Fill group, select one of the elements (for example: Texture or Toning) and make the necessary changes;

Graphic objects can be filled with solid or tinted colors, patterns, or textures. You can also fill an object with a background color, pattern, or texture and then place it in front of other objects, creating a masking effect. Each time you fill an object, the old fill is replaced with a new one. When you change an object's fill, you can easily restore the default fill.

When you change the fill color of an object, you can use one of the eight coordinated colors in the color scheme, or you can specify a color that is not in the current color scheme. Changing the fill color overrides previous fill settings, including shaded or textured fills.

If you use a standard color from a color scheme and later change the presentation color scheme, the object's fill color changes to match the new color scheme. If you select a color that is not in the current color scheme, it will remain the same even if the color scheme changes.

To replace the fill color with a color from the color scheme:

1) select the object you want to change;

2) click the Fill Color button (Drawing toolbar). This function fills the selected object with a color, texture, pattern, or shaded fill. You can also remove the fill or change its color;

To create a slide with a title or text format different from the sample format:

2) make the necessary changes to the title and text format using PowerPoint menu tools and commands.

Note: changes made will not affect other files and samples.

To create a slide with a color scheme different from the sample color scheme:

1) in slide mode, display the slide you want to change;

2) in the Format menu, select the Slide color scheme command;

3) select the Standard tab, and then click the desired color scheme among the standard schemes;

You can also select the Special tab and modify the current color scheme.

To do this you need:

1) in the Format menu, select Slide Color Scheme;

2) in the Color Scheme dialog box, click the Special tab.

3) in the Scheme Colors group, click the color of the element that you want to change, and then click the Change Color button;

4) select the Standard tab, select the desired color from the palette, and then click the Ok button. or select the Special tab, select a color by moving

crosshair with the mouse, adjust the brightness by moving the mouse along the scroll bar up or down, and then click OK;

5) click the Apply or Apply to All button to apply the new color only to the current slide or to all slides in the presentation.

Note: The changes you make will not affect other files and samples unless you click the Apply to all button.

To create a slide with background elements different from those used in the sample:

1) in slide mode, display the slide or title of the slide that you want to change;

2) in the Format menu, select the Special background command;

3) check the Exclude sample background checkbox;

4) click the Apply button so that the changes affect only the current slide.


Selecting or deselecting an object

Do the following

Select filled object

Select an unfilled object

Deselect object

Select text in an object

Click anywhere inside the object. Resizing handles indicate that the object is selected.

Click the object frame

Click outside the object

Move the mouse cursor over the text

Selecting an object that is hidden by another object.

To do this, press the TAB key and cycle forward (or backward by pressing SHIFT+TAB) through the slide objects until resizing handles appear on the object you want to select.

Advice: if you want to work with an object located on one of the lower layers, move it to upper layer, selecting the Place on top command from the Picture menu.



The sound and clip inserted into the slide must be digitized; this means that they must be in the form of electronic files.

Microsoft Media Player plays clips in PowerPoint and Windows 95 in .AVI format. In addition, Media Player plays sound created using Sound Recorder (.WAV format) and Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) devices. Media Player is a program installed with Windows 95 that is used to play media files and control playback media. devices such as CD and video players.

In PowerPoint, you can use Media Player to insert a video clip or audio clip from a CD into a slide, and then edit the inserted clip. After the clip is inserted. Media Player runs in the background until you change your settings. If you need to edit the video clip, select Edit from the Media Player menu; Controls appear that let you set, for example, audio volume or edit portions of a clip. During a slide show, Media Player plays the clip you inserted into the slide. All you will see on the screen is the clip and (if necessary) a control bar.


PowerPoint 95 comes with audio that you can use during your slide show. Some sounds, such as the sound of a typewriter or applause, can be played using buttons on the Animation Effects toolbar. To play one of the programmed sounds when a specific object or text appears during a demonstration, select that object or text, and then click the button representing the sound you want on the Animation Effects toolbar.

To accompany your demonstration with other sounds or music, insert the desired music or sound object into the slide during which you want to hear it. Then, using the Animation Settings command from the Tools menu, set the music or sound parameters so that they sound at the right moment.

To play sounds and music, you will need to install special equipment on your computer. To see what you have installed and what settings you are using, look at the Media and Sound categories in the Windows Control Panel.

To insert music or sound you need:

1) in slide mode, select the Sound command from the Insert menu;

2) go to the directory containing the sound or music file you want to insert;

3) select the file and then click Insert

To insert a video clip into a slide:

When you insert a video clip into a slide, you can label it in two ways: as a poster or as an icon. If it is displayed as a poster, the first image will appear on the slide.

other video clip. If the slide is displayed as an icon, the icon will appear instead of the first frame. The way you choose to display a video clip does not affect how the video

The lip will scroll.

Note: Any video clips inserted into a slide are linked objects, not embedded. If you move the presentation to another location, you will have to move the video clip. The Packaging Wizard will remind you of this if you use it.

To display a video clip as a poster:

3) select the video clip you want to insert and click Ok;

4) move the video clip to the desired location on the slide.

To display a video clip as an icon:

1) in slide mode, display the slide into which you want to insert a video clip;

2) in the Insert menu, select the Object command;

3) select the Create from file radio button;

4) click the View button and find the desired video clip;

5) select a video clip and click Ok;

6) check the As icon box and click Ok;

7) move the icon to the desired location on the slide.

The icon you are using can be changed. To do this, click the Icon button and select a different icon.

To set the time intervals for a clip to play during a slide show:

1) In Slide view, display a slide that contains an icon, and then click that icon;

2) in the Tools menu, select the Animation settings command;

3) in the Playback Options group, select Play, and then click the Advanced button;

4) select the desired options.

To change the size of a video clip:

1) In Slide view, click the icon or poster of the clip you want to resize;

2) in the Picture menu, select the Size command;

3) check the box Best size for demonstration. Note: If the Best Size for Demonstration switch is checked, the video clip will scroll without skipping during playback.


Ways to control a video clip:

Do the following

Show video clip.

Stop the video clip and return to the presentation.

Pause the video clip.

Resume the video clip.

Jump forward or backward a few frames.

Click the video clip.

Click outside the video clip.

Click the video clip or button.

Move the mouse forward or backward along the control line.

Some ways to edit video clips:

Do the following

Change video clip poster

Set playback volume

Set automatic rewind of a video clip after viewing

Set a video clip to run continuously during a slide show

Make a frame around the frame

Show control bar during playback

Select and copy a single frame

Cut or copy a sequence of frames

Once the desired frame is displayed, select from the menu File applications Universal Player team Update Presentation, and then click Exit And Return to Presentation.

On the menu Insert Clip applications Universal Player select team Volume.

On the menu Change applications Universal Player select team Options and then check the box Auto rewind.

On the menu Change applications Universal Player select team Options and then check the box

Auto repeat.

On the menu Change applications Universal Player select team Options and then check the box Border Around Object.

On the menu Change applications Universal Player select team Options and then check the box Reproduction in Document.

By displaying the frame in the menu Change applications Universal Player select team Select and Copy.

With the first frame displayed, press Shift and while holding it, move the slider with the mouse Universal Player and select the remaining frames. On the menu Change select team Cut or Copy.


When presenting slides, the main thing is their content. The means used, such as constructions and transitions, should help emphasize certain points, but not distract the audience's attention to special effects.

If your listeners primarily read from left to right, design your slides so that the messages flow in from the left. If you need to emphasize the meaning of a message, make it appear on the right. This will attract the listeners' attention and give weight to the point.

The same principle should be followed with regard to sound. If music or a sound effect is suddenly played during a transition or slide build, it is likely to grab the audience's attention. On the other hand, excessive use of sound effects will distract listeners from the main points.

The audience's reaction is also influenced by the speed at which the presentation is presented. A tempo that is too fast will tire listeners, while a tempo that is too slow will put you to sleep. Before you give a presentation, experiment with at different speeds using the Rehearsal switch in the Slide Show dialog box (View menu).

These experiments can analyze the visual and informational impact of the slides. When there are too many words or pictures on a slide, it distracts attention. If there is too much text, try breaking the slide into two or three and then increase the font size.

To view slide show settings for a specific slide in Slide View, click the Show button, which launches an electronic slide show, starting with the current slide (if you're in Slide View) or the highlighted slide (if you're in Sorter View). To return to slide mode, press the Esc key.


For each slide participating in the demonstration, you can set its own time interval, if necessary. You can make the title slide show for 10 seconds, the second slide for 2 minutes, the third for 45 seconds, etc. There are two ways to set time intervals for slides: manually and during PowerPoint rehearsal. If you want to set the time manually, the easiest way to do this is in Sorter view, which shows thumbnail images of each slide in your presentation. You can also enter an interval value for one or more selected slides by choosing Slide Transition on the Tools menu, and then typing a value in seconds in the Advance group.

If you decide to use the PowerPoint rehearsal tool, you can watch the demo and click the button at the moment you decide to move to the next slide. PowerPoint keeps track of how long each slide is shown, so I'll set the time interval accordingly. Having completed this procedure, you can accept the established intervals or repeat everything again. To rehearse the timing of your presentation, simply click the Rehearsal button (Slide Sorter toolbar), which sets or changes the timing of your electronic slide show. When you set these intervals, click the mouse button to move to the next slide or construct the next text or graphic object.

*To add slide transitions to your demo you must;

1) in sorter mode, select the slide(s) for which you want to add a transition;

2) select the Slide Transition command from the Tools menu, which allows you to select the transition used when the selected slide appears during the slide

throne slide show;

3) in the Effect list, select the desired transition.

Note: you can also set transitions for individual slides by selecting Slide Transition from the menu in Slide View.


The amount of time during which the slide should remain on can be set in two ways.

The first method is to enter the time for each slide manually.

The second way is to use the rehearsal feature in PowerPoint, which allows you to set intervals automatically, adjust them manually, and rehearse again to change the timing of the slide.

Note: When learning how to run an automatic presentation, make sure that the Timed slides radio button is selected. Select a team

Show from the View menu, and then select the Slide Time radio button.

Time intervals for showing slides:

1) in sorter mode, select a slide;

2) select the Slide Transition command from the Tools menu. It allows you to select the transition used when the highlighted slide appears during an electronic slide show;

3) click Automatically after ... seconds, and then enter the amount of interval in seconds during which the slide should remain on the screen;

4) Repeat this procedure for each slide for which you want to set time intervals manually.

Time intervals during rehearsal:

1) from the View menu select the Demonstration command;

2) select the Rehearsal radio button, and then click the Demonstration button. The slide show will begin in rehearsal mode;

3) click the Forward button when you are ready to move to the next slide;

4) after completing the installation, click Yes (the time intervals will be accepted) or No (you will have the opportunity to try again);

Note: If you know exactly what interval you want to set for your slide, directly enter this value in the Rehearsal dialog box.


A construction slide is a slide on which each bullet point of body text appears independently of the others, or on which graphic elements appear one after the other. You must specify how each bullet or graphic appears, such as flying to the left, and whether other bullets or graphics already on the slide should be dimmed or flickered. Such features can be installed using the Animation Settings command from the Tools menu.

By default, the construction order is the order in which the objects were created on the slide. When you change the build order, you actually change the order in which slide objects are layered.

Controlling the order in which objects appear in the construction slide:

1) in slide mode, select the text or graphic object that should appear first:

3) in the Build parameters list, select Build. The Build this object field for this object will automatically indicate that it is being built first;

4) repeat this procedure in turn for each object that you want to build.

For each object it will be automatically indicated that it is being built under the corresponding serial number.

Note: the usual construction order coincides with the order in which slide objects are placed on layers. By changing the construction order, you change the order of placement on layers. Review your construction slides and make sure the layering order works for you.

Setting the order in which objects appear:

2) in the Tools menu, select the Animation Settings command;

3) check the Start upon completion checkbox.

Note: If you select the Start when completed checkbox for the first construction object on a slide, this object will automatically appear as soon as the slide itself appears,

Reversing the order in which text appears in an object:

1) in slide mode, select a text object;

2) in the Tools menu, select the Animation Settings command;

3) in the Construction parameters list, select the text level;

4) check the Reverse order checkbox.

To assign an effect or other action to an object after it appears in a slide show:

1) in slide mode, select the construction object;

2) in the Tools menu, select the Animation Settings command;

3) in the Step after construction group, select the desired effect.

Note: for each slide object in the construction sequence, you can select a different effect from the others.


An electronic slide show can be done manually by changing slides using the mouse. Each transition is simply a frame change.

Another way to demonstrate is to set time intervals and select the desired slides using the Demonstration command from the View menu. You can set the demonstration to repeat in a continuous loop.

You can also perform a demo based on a playlist. Such a list allows you to hold several presentations one after another. PowerPoint makes it possible to demonstrate slides on several computers on the network simultaneously. To do this, there is a Conference command, which allows you to check your notes and preview other slides on one computer, and continuously show slides on other computers.

As you show your slides, you can use Notebook to take notes, add text to note pages, and record action items that will appear as the last slide of your presentation.

Taking notes during a demonstration is especially helpful if you are giving an informal presentation. For example, you can use PowerPoint to present your ideas for a management meeting. Then, during the meeting, create a list of action items that can be both displayed on screen and printed.

If you choose to take notes during a presentation conference, a Notebook will appear on your screen. Conference participants will only watch the slide show.

Start a slide show:

1) in the View menu, select the Demonstration command;

2) select the All radio button to show all slides in the presentation or select the From radio button and set the sequence of slides;

3) in the Promotion group, select the slide promotion method;

4) click the Demonstration button.

Comment: If you have set slide intervals for your presentation and want to advance to automatically, select the By slide timing radio button.

To access your notes or take new notes during an online slide show, you must:

1) during a slide show, right-click;

2) click Notebook;

3) select the tab containing the desired options.

Chronometer display:

1) during a presentation conference, right-click and then click Chronometer;

2) to close the chronometer, click the Close button.

Creating a list of actions during warehouse demonstrations:

1) During the slide show, right-click and then click Notebook;

2) Select the Actions tab and enter action elements.

These actions will be shown on the last slide of the presentation.


PowerPoint Viewer is a program that allows you to view a presentation on computers that do not have PowerPoint installed. You can include the Viewer on the same disc along with your presentation. PowerPoint Viewer is free and does not require an additional license. However, the Viewer does not support all PowerPoint features. If you present a presentation using Viewer, you will not be able to open the file from another application unless it is installed. Besides. The Viewer does not support features such as animation builds and transitions.

To show slides using PowerPoint Viewer you need to:

1) in the Explorer window, select PowerPoint Viewer;

2) select the presentation you want to show;

3) click the Show button.

Detailed instructions for working with PowerPoint for Windows

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Worth saying "public speaking" or "presentation" and someone nearby will turn around in alarm.

This nervousness comes from our terrible memories of awkward presentations in class and failed negotiations at work.

Hence the simple idea: The ability to give a PowerPoint presentation is a skill that needs to be built and developed.

It is not necessary to become a recorded speaker - it is enough to learn how to speak to any audience on different topics.

You can master this specialty on your own and give presentations like a professional.

Are you ready to learn PowerPoint presentations the right way? ()

The very thought of a presentation is daunting. It’s not clear where to start in order to be on time. To make it easier for you to master the art of public speaking, I have compiled a step-by-step list of activities for this lesson.

We will combine Microsoft PowerPoint presentation techniques with theory. As a result, you'll have a simple set of steps for writing and delivering a successful presentation.

Take the lesson step by step and you'll have a great PowerPoint presentation for an engaged audience.

1. Contents first

The first thing you need to do to create a successful PowerPoint presentation is not to do anything in PowerPoint, but to think about its content.

It would be a big mistake to start by discussing the design and animation of the slides for your upcoming presentation. The primary task that needs to be solved is writing content. Before opening PowerPoint, write your speech.

Remember two simple points when you start writing text:

  1. Badly- You start creating a PowerPoint presentation by choosing a beautiful theme and your favorite colors.
  2. Fine- put yourself in the place of the audience and decide what they learned and felt at the end of the presentation.

To organize my thoughts, I use simple apps like Notes for Mac or Evernote. Sometimes I sketch ideas on the back of a notebook, or even on a napkin. You can take a sheet of paper for the exercise and fill out all the points of your essay plan.

Remember: we must know the purpose of our speech before we start talking in PowerPoint.

Let's take a closer look at my steps when writing presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint:

Step 1: Describe the purpose of the speech

I confess, I threw my data and ideas into PowerPoint to see how it would look in the end.

This aimless wandering is a surefire recipe for boredom and loss of audience attention during your speech. That's why it's so important immediately determine the purpose of the presentation.

Here are some examples of goal setting:

  • Train audience the latest developments in the Swift programming language.
  • Update my team’s knowledge about the development of a large project in the company.
  • Convince audience to use your product to grow their freelancing business.

The main types of presentations can be broken down into smaller tasks and this will be an easy and reliable way to define the goal.

Before you open PowerPoint, write (or specify) the objective of your presentation.

Before you start writing text or a collection of data with illustrations.

Do the following: Write the purpose of the presentation on a piece of paper or in the application, of your choice. Keep it in front of your eyes while composing content so you don't stray from your end goal.

Step 2. Determine your audience

Who will be listening to you and what do they know about the proposed topic?

It seems obvious, but many speakers approach any audience with one standard. Whereas any information should be adapted to the level of listeners and their knowledge of the subject.

If I'm speaking in a meeting of economics doctors, my presentation about blockchain will be different than in front of a group of high school students. Tailoring your content to your audience will help them get the most out of your presentation.

Do this: Describe your audience under the objective you identified in step one. Write down their level of familiarity with the topic and what they might be interested in.

After assigning a goal, add audience composition to your plan.

To define your audience, consider the following:

  • How familiar are they with the topic before the presentation is announced?
  • What do they know before the presentation? you? If they are colleagues, that's one thing. It’s different if it’s a group of strangers.
  • What are their expectations from the presentation: to find a solution to a problem, gain knowledge, or have a little fun?

Everything must be taken into account when writing the text. The approach to familiar audiences should be different from that to unfamiliar audiences.

It is better to have several options for speaking to suit different audiences. Each audience has its own presentation.

Consider your audience's needs and how to make a great PowerPoint presentation that is persuasive and memorable:

Step 3: Identify the key points of your presentation

We set the purpose of the speech and got to know our audience. Now we need to write presentations taking into account these introductory notes.

I haven't recorded my performances before. I thought it would be enough to have the main theses in my head. Unfortunately, this is a false idea; we understand ourselves much better than outsiders.

Once you have identified your audience, write down the main points of your presentation. Four to five main points that will be the cornerstones of the topic of the speech.

Put highlight markers - in your notes app.

For a speech to be persuasive, each statement must emphasize the main idea. Again, everything written must be related to the specified purpose.

Since there is no single rule for entries, there is no need to mess with this. It is necessary to organize the content and indicate the exact direction of thoughts, stopping at key points.

Step 4. Create your own anchor points

Let's work with the records. When we have clarified the main thing, it’s time to look deeper.

Every home Let's describe the idea in more detail. These will be the anchor points of the main points or the second level of entries.

Let's build a pyramid of content composition. Its design will add integrity to the presentation. This will be a contour with reference points leading to the goal.

You can read more about the process of writing a presentation in useful lessons:

You could say the hard work is over. Now we have all the ingredients for a great PowerPoint presentation - all that's left to do is put it together.

2. Enhance your content

You must have four recorded talking points, we will use them as a basis. You have:

  • Purpose of the presentation- the driving force and reason, the reason for which you gather listeners.
  • Specific Audience- who will gather? What do they know about the topic of the speech?
  • Abstract- the route for your presentation that you will follow throughout the speech.
  • Support- individual facts, thoughts and data, what you will share with your audience.

With this baggage, you can move on to PowerPoint to build a presentation. Let's open the application and get started.

Step 1. Working in PowerPoint with notes

Since you have your notes on paper or in an app, you can use them to create your PowerPoint presentation. Feel free to upload it to PowerPoint.

To contact him, find the sign View in the PowerPoint ribbon and click on . On the left side of the window, click on one of the white squares.

To add a new section, click Enter. After adding a note subtitle, PowerPoint will update the slide.

Click Control + Enter to add a second level of notes. Enter the points and PowerPoint will populate the slides with your data.

You create PowerPoint slides using a traditional sidebar presentation layout.

Use your outline from Part 1 of the lesson to create the content for your PowerPoint slides. Of course, some of the original notes will have to be rewritten and made shorter in order to focus the attention of the audience.

Step 2: Provide hints for each slide

We have seen enough presentations where the speaker read out his speech verbatim.

This is the fastest way to lose your audience's attention. If I can read the captions on the slides, I will do so and ignore the comments.

The key points are not the entire sentences from the notes. They are an expression essentially the ideas you promote during your speech.

To keep the audience's attention, use larger fonts and shorter sentences. By concisely presenting the key points, you will create an unforgettable PowerPoint presentation.

Step 3: Layout PowerPoint Layouts Well-Ordered

Layouts serve as places to place content elements, images and media support. When they are placed in the right order, a good PowerPoint presentation turns into a great one.

To select them, find the button Layout in the table Home PowerPoint ribbons. Go through the list of options to place the desired layout in the appropriate location for its content.

These are layouts different ways content location. Regardless of the volume of the summary, changes will only affect its placement, but the content will remain the same.

Layout of elements on a PowerPoint slide.

In accordance with the PowerPoint presentation theme, you arrange the layout elements in the desired order. If I know that a slide will need an image, I choose a layout with space for it.

For an outstanding PowerPoint presentation, choose the best layout that matches the content of your slides and the overall flow of your speech.

3. The appearance of your PowerPoint presentation

You'll be much more confident if your presentation theme looks great. PowerPoint has several built-in themes, but it's much more useful to have your own option.

Step 1. Working with a custom PowerPoint theme

My favorite PowerPoint theme resource is Envato Elements. This is an incredible offering of great PowerPoint presentation themes. For a flat fee you get access to a huge library of creative resources:

Envato Elements has great PowerPoint presentation templates.

Here is a collection of more than 400 PowerPoint templates for commercial use. Subscribers can download an unlimited number of PowerPoint templates for future big presentations.

The best thing about custom themes is that they support the idea behind your slides. It's easy to fit your content into any layout.

I almost always prepare a presentation under tight deadlines. I don't have time to build all the illustrations, graphics and images from scratch. And Elements has enough themes for any type of presentation.

You'll always find your PowerPoint templates theme on Envato Market. Discover new trending projects among your favorites:

Step 2: Vary your presentation topics and styles

To select a PowerPoint theme, go to the table Design on PowerPoint's ribbon. Click the arrow to select the thumbnail of the PowerPoint theme that best suits your presentation.

Choosing a theme in PowerPoint.

Choosing a topic and posting content usually go hand in hand. Substituting a theme may require reworking the content to ensure a complete match. Learn more about working with professional Powerpoint templates for presentations:

4. Add clarity to your presentation

Visualizations(visibility) The best way break up the monotony of your story. A well-placed diagram or picture will attract the attention of the audience and present the fact clearly.

Check out the lessons below to learn the secrets of PowerPoint presentation techniques and how to use them for visual impact:

    Adding video to PowerPoint presentations is a little more difficult than it seems. In this detailed tutorial you will learn step by step how...

    PowerPoint Charts - Powerful visual material. Learn how to make great graphs and graphs right in Microsoft PowerPoint in this tutorial.

    The end is near, all the hard work of writing the text and putting it into an attractive package is about to pay off.

    Let's look at preparing a PowerPoint presentation. For many, this is the most alarming moment - the approaching show.

    PowerPoint has some great features to keep you from worrying. Don't forget about them while preparing.

    Step 1. Prepare speaker notes

    Since the slides do not contain the entire text of our presentation, they were invented for this purpose. Speaker Notes.

    At the bottom of PowerPoint, click the button Notes to open speaker notes. This is the perfect place to enter lines or keywords for your speech.

    Use PowerPoint cheat sheets.

    Learn how to quickly add Speaker Notes to a PowerPoint presentation:

    Where will they be seen? These will appear in Presentation view (more on that in a minute) or if you print a copy of the slides. In any case, I use them for hints and to remember the main points of the speech.

    Step 2: Using Presenter View in PowerPoint

    Presentation mode is ideal when you have connected your device to an external display. What you see on your monitor may be different from what your audience sees on the screen.

    To enter the mode, select Use Presenter View on the sign Slide Show on the PowerPoint ribbon. By entering the slide show mode (keyboard shortcut F5), you can change the view.

    In slideshow mode, you'll have your view complete with cheat sheets below.

    An example of cheat sheets on the speaker's monitor.

    If you have a second screen, it will be even more convenient. You will be able to keep the clues in front of your eyes and glimpse the next slide.

    Resume & Learn to Make a Great PowerPoint Presentation

    I teach on Envato Tuts+ because I love helping readers in areas that will grow their businesses and careers. Presentations can be a little overwhelming at first, but they're really just a set of skills that can be mastered with a little time and effort.

    Materials for this lesson good foundation start building presentations. Repeat these steps to use them in preparing your PowerPoint presentation today.

    Don't forget: your PowerPoint presentation serves a precise purpose and captivates your audience. For more information on how to be creative in your presentation and inspire your audience, read here:

    We are also building a library on Envato Tuts+. Look for more great PowerPoint lessons for development:

    Your best advice How to make great PowerPoint presentations? Let me know in the comments.