How to look for work in the city. Work and career

Text Work and career:

Looking for a job in another city or region is a very common occurrence today. The geography of labor migration is very wide. Applicants travel from the provinces to megacities, change cities with a population of over a million, leave the capital in search of a quieter place, and return to their hometowns and villages. Whatever your goals and motives - a dizzying career, high salaries, a desire to “see the world” or become a first-class specialist in new field– approach your job search in another city with all seriousness.


The first thing you have to decide is whether you will look for a new one work, being in native city, or first move to a new place of residence, and only then throw all your energy into looking for vacancies. It may seem that the second option is more promising: being on the spot, it is easier to navigate the offers, it is easier to arrange interviews, and for potential employers you will no longer be a “candidate from distant Uryupinsk.” However, not all so simple. This option is good for university graduates who do not have work experience behind them, are easy-going and have nothing to do with their native city. If you are an experienced specialist with a solid base of knowledge, do not rush to quit and burn all your bridges. Purely psychologically, it is easier for an employed candidate to search for a new job. In addition, remember that you will need some kind of financial “safety cushion” for the first time: life in a foreign city It often turns out to be much more expensive than it seems at first glance.

To search, use online resources for the region where you want to work. Look for offers on job search sites. Analyze the proposed vacancies, requirements and pay levels. You must have a very good idea of ​​what working in another country can give you. city, what you want to achieve, and also what you can offer to a particular company.

Write a resume. When sending it in response to a vacancy you like, indicate in your cover letter that you are ready to move. If possible, include the reason for your decision. If you are posting your resume online, please indicate the city where you are looking work, and indicate your readiness to change your place of residence, so that the employer from Krasnodar does not decide that the resume of an employee from Novosibirsk came to him by mistake.

Use the help of recruitment agencies in your job search. Try to find in your city such recruiting organizations that have branches or representative offices throughout the country, including city where you plan to live and work. They will select suitable vacancies for you, provide several options to choose from, and perhaps even find companies willing to cover the cost of relocating a future employee to a new place of work.

Modern means communications allow the initial stages of selection to be carried out remotely. HR managers willingly use tools such as Skype conversations and telephone interviews in their work. However, you will still have to come to the final interview. Discuss all the details of your future work, as well as the possibility of partial or full payment of rent or moving expenses (often offered by large companies for highly qualified specialists). You should not be left with the slightest unclear details regarding your new position, because turning back the clock for someone moving to another city is sometimes very difficult.

There are many reasons for moving. Someone is actively searching better life, and some are forced by circumstances. Whatever guides you, it is advisable to find a job in a foreign city before moving, so that when you arrive in a new place you do not think about how you will live.

We are looking in advance

Immediately after moving you will settle into new apartment, start registering at your place of residence. And there is practically no time to search for a job (especially in the first month), so study in advance the labor market of the place where you are going to live and work.

Get ready for innovation

In megacities there are vacancies for any specialty, which cannot be said about small towns. There are fewer employers in the province, but there are plenty of people willing to get their dream job.
Completing special courses, obtaining a second higher education for career advancement, retraining - you will have to get used to all these innovations if the need arises.


A well-written resume is half the success. In the “City of Residence” line, indicate your place of residence. Add information that you are ready to move to such and such a city if you plan to move to a specific city. If you don’t care where to live, just write that you are ready to move to any city. In the second case, the list of potential employers will be larger.
Add more information about whether you are ready to look for housing yourself or whether you definitely need a job with the provision of ready-made real estate.

Job search

Special portals, newspapers, and recruitment agencies will come to the rescue. Talk to friends, relatives. Recommendations make it easier to find the place you want.
If you are registered on social networks, join special groups that will help you find a job.
Almost all companies have their own website. Take a look at the "Vacancies" section.

Moving dates

At any time, the employer can call and ask about the timing of arrival at the new place of residence. If you answer vaguely, for example, “I plan to move before the end of the summer” or “I can’t say for sure yet,” then the employer can automatically remove you from the list of candidates for the position. If you decide to move, at least give yourself an approximate date of arrival at the new place.


Employers from out of town often conduct the first interview via Skype. Prepare thoroughly: write short story about yourself, about your achievements. Business attire and a neat appearance increase your chances of success.
Do not tell your employer about your problems (about the difficulties of moving, about financial problems) and do not demand any concessions.
If you will be at home during the interview, ask your family not to flash background. The video calling area should be fine.

A personal meeting

If a Skype interview is not satisfactory, take a day off from work and go to a direct meeting with the employer. You will be able to assess the situation on site with your own eyes, talk to the staff and meet with management in person. Only after such a meeting will you understand for sure whether you need this place or not.

Set yourself up for success

Don't be afraid of change, believe in your success. After all the right attitude determines the outcome of the conceived idea. If in doubt, distract yourself for a couple of hours with something pleasant: go to the movies, bake a pie, walk around the city, and then boldly conquer new heights.

What you shouldn't be afraid of

1. Unknown. The first time at any job is unusual and difficult. In just 3-4 months everything will fall into place and the difficulties will disappear.
2. New position. If you are the director of a company in your city, it is unlikely that you will immediately be offered a similar position in your new place. You will most likely have to start all over again. This shouldn't hurt your self-esteem in any way. In big cities, everyone starts like this.
3. New team. If you are a sociable person, you will quickly get used to a new place. At first, it may seem that your colleagues are hostile and dislike you. This will pass. Show your work ethic. A hardworking and punctual employee will be appreciated immediately.

Try to find a job in your usual field. There is enough stress in a foreign city: new team, new job. And if the matter is unusual, then it will be doubly difficult.

One day you will want to start your life, give up everything that has shackled your life: old acquaintances, dead relationships and a hated job that does not give you any prospects. You decide to take a brave step - moving to another city. He could be anywhere. Two hundred kilometers from your home, or maybe two thousand kilometers - in a completely different country. You save a little money, rent a house and are guaranteed to encounter a problem that could easily break you. The point is, you need a new job, and employers need static employees they can rely on, not guys who "drop everything and start new life" This is where disagreements, difficulties and refusals to provide work arise.

So, based on the experience of job seekers who started life in a new city, we decided to give you a few important advice. We hope they will help you, and everything will be fine and smooth for you.

1. Plan your escape

If you're non-local, many employers will automatically assume that you're either: a) a heck of a risk taker; b) someone who approaches every job spontaneously, without any strategy. You need to break down these assumptions to present yourself in a more favorable light. But in order to break them, you must at least not correspond to them, that is, if you move to another city, then you must clearly understand why you are moving there.

You must have a realistic career plan that you can talk about at the interview. Also in your arsenal there should be facts that support this plan. Describe your professional goals in your resume. Compare “an unemployed man looking for money” to “a social media specialist who moves to St. Petersburg to improve his knowledge and skills at an innovative company.” The second statement, from the hiring manager's point of view, works better than the first, believe me.

2. Head to a new city

Before moving completely, of course.

You can request unused vacation days to visit the town you want to search in new job. You will get to know the local color better and understand how the city lives. It would be ideal if you schedule interviews during these days to make the most of your time.

Yes, you will have to waste precious vacation days, but this good opportunity to feel the ground under your feet.

3. Do your research

Many people make the terrible mistake of neglecting to do any semblance of job prospect research. The fact is that not all areas will be happy with your profession. You should always look for a city where your specialty is in demand.

The most in a simple way Analyzing job prospects will include studying a local job fair. Also take a look at job search services (like, find out which large companies are represented in the city and what average salary in the region. It would be a good idea to contact recruiting agencies to use third-party resources for the search. If wide possibilities no, then feel free to choose another city. After all, the sooner you are, the faster you will get back on your feet, which means you will begin to live with dignity.

4. Take advantage of the technological revolution

You're at a disadvantage, so take advantage of every opportunity available to stay competitive. No matter how you feel about video chats or social media, it's time to overcome your fear and benefit from the changing environment.

Many employers will choose to limit themselves to video conferencing as a method for conducting the first round of interviews. Others will write to you at in social networks, by mail, somewhere else. So register on all the popular platforms that are out there and use them as an addition to your resume. By the way, maybe your old friends live in the new city. This can be found out by graduations from universities and schools. Such acquaintances can open many doors for you in an unfamiliar city.

5. The reason for moving is important

Employers' fears are mostly true about you. It is not profitable for them to invest in a person who was dissatisfied with his situation, may feel homesick, or wants to return back, succumbing to various sentimental feelings. It is much better, from the company’s point of view, to hire locals: they have an established life in the city, and they have something to lose. How to increase your chances? Become a local, integrate into the city community, understand the essence of the new place and its features. Emphasize that you decided to stay here, you like everything, you are stable, responsible and an excellent specialist. That's when fortune will smile on you.

More and more applicants are attracted work in another city- V big cities higher salaries and better prospects career growth more. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to find a job in another city.

Motives for moving to another city may be different. Someone wants to make money more money, so working in another city is his priority goal. Some people move for personal reasons (eg marriage). And some people just can’t sit still. Most often this applies to young professionals: hometown There is still little holding them back, so they need to seize the chance while they still have this ease of growth (in more strict terms,).

Whatever the reasons for moving, work in another city will not fall on you on its own. You need to approach your job search with all responsibility, and you need to do this before moving. Changing your place of residence in itself is a big stress, especially if you are not going to someone with everything ready. In addition to looking for a job, you will have to look for housing; you will also need some time to get comfortable in another city and “get into the groove.” Finding a job before moving will help remove at least one problem from this list.

Very often work is located in another city through the Internet. They come to help. Don’t neglect them: in large cities, recruiting managers absolutely do not disdain this way of searching for applicants. Be clear about what you want from your future job. Often, when moving to another city, people grab the first thing they come across. workplace, fearing that nothing else would come their way. But if you want to realize yourself as a professional, be patient. It’s better that you move a little later, but the work will be decent.

Take a responsible approach to compiling. When posting your resume, clearly remember or write down exactly which sites you posted it on. Many employers are wary of applicants who need a job in another city. Therefore, it is not enough to simply indicate on your resume that you are ready to move. Clearly describe the reasons for the move (the more significant they are, the better). If you already have a place to live, this is an additional bonus for the employer. And keep in mind that most employers do not pay for travel to an interview.

Some applicants get a job in another city thanks to acquaintances and friends. This is not necessarily cronyism. Often, acquaintances from another city can help you navigate a new environment, tell you where to turn first, and help you weed out dubious options. Sometimes it happens that a person quits and is asked to find a replacement. If someone you know changes jobs and it coincides with your move, why not? A recommendation from a trusted employee can work in your favor. But anyway You shouldn’t rely solely on acquaintances, friends and relatives- the probability of success is low.

You can find work in another city with the help of intermediaries - staffing and recruiting agencies, engaged . The advantage of this method is that the recruiter will definitely check whether a particular company is trustworthy. However, you will have to pay for the services of an agent, and besides, it is not a fact that you will get to a highly qualified specialist.

If you are afraid that you won’t be able to find a job remotely, you can go "reconnaissance". Take a vacation and go to another city for a while - it's good if you have the opportunity to stay with friends. Perhaps it will be easier and faster to find work in another city. In addition, this is a good opportunity to “rehearse” a new life without rushing headlong into it.

Remember: the more actively you search, the faster you will find a job in another city. Your task is not just to convince a potential employer that moving will not prevent you from starting work on time and performing your official duties, but also to make sure that this is true not only in words.

Moving to a different city should not be combined with a change in field of activity. This will only double your stress and achieve nothing. New living conditions can prevent you from working effectively even in your old profession, what can we say about a simultaneous change of place of residence and field of activity. Therefore, it is better if work in another city matches your professional experience.

Working in another city does not always live up to expectations. Most likely, you will have to take a "step back" and start with lower position than the one you occupied previously. Try to come to terms with this - you have to start somewhere. Salaries in big city usually higher than in the provincial one. But keep in mind that prices can be steep. Therefore, try to find out prices for food, housing, transportation, etc. in advance and compare them with expected salary. Do you have enough to live on?

Working in another city is like taking a leap into the unknown. However, if you carefully prepare the ground and approach your job and housing search responsibly, you will succeed!

Looking for a job in another city may be caused by for various reasons. Some are trying to find a job due to a forced move, while others are leaving specifically to build a career. In any case, the applicant is faced with the question: what is important to know for employment and how to successfully pass an interview among many competitors?

Determining the deadlines

Employment for nonresidents raises quite a few problems for which you need to be carefully prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to start your search even before moving - monitor offers from employers and send your resume to companies of interest.

“Technologies today make it possible to conduct an initial interview with a job seeker via Skype, so you need to start looking for a job shortly before moving,” says recruitment specialist Oksana Ismailova. – A typical mistake applicants in this case is a vague indication of the timing of the move. If your resume does not indicate a specific date when you can start work, then the likelihood of being rejected increases dramatically. If you really cannot name the date of the move with one hundred percent certainty, you need to make sure that you have the opportunity to come for an in-person interview. An employer must see a potential employee as a responsible person who can clearly plan his time.”

When writing your resume, make sure to include as much information as possible. the exact date readiness to start work. Phrases like “I’m planning to move in the next six months” will not leave you any chance of getting a job in a serious company.

Some job seekers prefer not to think about looking for a job until they move, hoping to find a job immediately after arriving in the city. This is one of the main mistakes. Firstly, the first month will take up a lot of time with housing issues, and secondly, unforeseen difficulties may arise in the requirements of employers. And thirdly, do not forget that if you are moving to Big City, and especially to the capital, you will face very high competition.

“It’s rare that out-of-town applicants manage to find a job without a preliminary search within the first month,” says Oksana Ismailova. – Sometimes there is no time left to monitor the market, and quite often difficulties arise with registration. Large companies are wary of candidates without registration, so this issue must also be considered in advance. I really don’t recommend buying a fake registration - in a serious company it will be very easy to figure it out, and your life in the new city will end there.”

Studying the labor market

An equally important issue that you need to be prepared for is supply and demand on the market in a foreign city. Very often, the same industries in different cities have their own specific characteristics, and all your past work experience gained in your region may simply be useless.

“Even just having been on business trips, it’s easy to see that the services market is in different regions has many differences, says Marketing Department Specialist Sergey Ashmarin. – Some of my colleagues left for the capital and returned back after a few months because their experience did not meet the company’s needs, although here they were excellent specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to begin studying the specifics of the market long before moving. Moreover, if possible, these should be not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical. It is necessary to establish the necessary business connections and constantly exchange information. A good option There will be professional training focused on the specifics of the region.”

The information provided by the applicant in the resume will not be convincing if there are no recommendations from past jobs. When applying for a job in another city, this point is especially important, so make sure that your current employer writes a letter of recommendation for you with positive feedback.

“When considering out-of-town candidates, the employer will pay attention, first of all, to achievements in professional field, says Oksana Ismailova. “Therefore, the winners will be those candidates who provide letters of recommendations from past jobs. It is also important when filling out a resume to focus on professional achievements and numerical indicators, and not just list previous jobs. Indicate in detail everything that you were able to achieve, what new things you did for the company, how much you increased production or sales figures, whether you participated in business negotiations, what kind of partners we were able to attract.”

If you previously worked for companies that are leaders in your region, then this should also be noted. But it’s not worth listing those places where you worked for several months and achieved nothing. A potential employer is unlikely to be happy with an employee who could not prove himself even in his own city.

After compiling your resume, you need to send it through the search channels that are most popular in the city where you plan to move.

How to pass a preliminary interview

The first interview with out-of-town candidates is most often conducted via video conference. However, this does not mean that you can take it lightly. You need to prepare for a video interview no less carefully than for a face-to-face meeting, so take care of the appropriate business appearance and carefully think through your speech.

“You don’t need to talk to a potential employer in a dressing gown and with an unkempt appearance, even if this conversation is conducted on Skype,” says Oksana Ismailova. – It is from the first interview, regardless of whether it is in person or conducted in video format, that an impression is formed about a potential employee, which will be quite difficult to change. Therefore, you need to take care of your appearance, as well as about the situation that the interlocutor will see. Try to give the impression of a responsible and businesslike person. Also, be prepared for questions regarding your arrival time and the possibility of visiting the city in the next few days. The applicant must understand that when hiring a person from another city, the employer also bears considerable risks. Therefore, if you cannot clearly determine the time frame within which you are ready to start work, then the chance of finding a job is practically zero.”

To summarize: finding a job in another city is associated with considerable difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to begin studying the labor market long before the expected move. It is especially important to pay attention to the specific features of your industry in a foreign region, correctly compose a resume, listing all your achievements, prepare a letter of recommendation and indicate the time frame within which you can start working. If these recommendations are followed, the candidate has every chance not only to be as prepared as possible for the interview, but also to choose the company that meets his expectations.