How to get rid of wasps under the roof of a house. How can you get rid of wasps in the house and exterminate them in your summer cottage?

Wasps are predatory insects that hunt arthropods. Their potential victims include pests that pose a threat to people or gardens. But being close to a wasp's nest is an even greater danger. Its inhabitants are extremely aggressive and often attack people and pets at the slightest threat to their home. A wasp is an insect that is not only physically dangerous, but also annoying and psychologically annoying. If a large number of these hymenopteran creatures appeared on your summer cottage or balcony, then their nest is somewhere nearby. Main question that arises in this case - how to remove wasps not only effectively, but also safely for your health?

Features of wasp control

Wasps are orderlies who destroy many insects that harm people. But if they create a nest near a human dwelling, then it should certainly be destroyed. Wasp control is a challenge professional specialists. For those who are not prepared, the event can end in disaster. A wasp is an insect whose bite in some cases leads to suffocation, as an allergic reaction may occur, including angioedema, which can lead to complications, even death. Repeated wasp stings are the most dangerous. They often provoke anaphylactic shock.

It is best to seek help from a special organization engaged in exterminating insects. If you are thinking about how to remove wasps yourself, then you should understand how to do it correctly. Next we will talk about the most effective methods getting rid of these aggressive insects.

Important information

When using any method of removing wasps, you need to understand that it is important and a necessary condition A way to guarantee complete disposal of them is to remove the nest from its location and then destroy it. All methods used without this final stage They only repel insects for a while. But wasps will definitely make a second visit to your balcony or garden plot soon. A new swarm will move into the empty nest. And it will be again topical issue about how to remove wasps.

In order to get rid of the nest, you still need to find it. It cannot always be found in a visible place. The most favorite places for wasps to create their homes are attics, sheds, balconies, basements and even gaps under wood paneling. If the nest is not visible, you need to observe the insects and identify the place where they return in the evening to “roost” or from where they fly out in large numbers in the morning.

Night is the best time to eliminate a wasp nest

In order to get rid of wasps in the country, it is better to wait until nightfall. At this time, insects are sleeping. During the procedure, the nest must not be illuminated, otherwise its inhabitants will wake up. But, since wasps do not react to red light, you can use a flashlight with glass of this shade. Although insects are not active at night, precautions should still be taken. It is necessary to wear a suit that wasps cannot bite through, safety glasses and a special mosquito net on your head, and thick gloves on your hands. Do not leave open areas on the body. The nest should be sprayed with any insecticidal agent and moved away from it. Everything needs to be done very quickly. The bulk of the wasp population will die out by morning, and those that remain alive will flee. The nest should then be burned or poured with boiling water and buried.

Prevention of wasp infestation

If you already had wasps in the past year, you probably already know how to get rid of them. This will be needed as they may come again. At the end of spring - beginning of summer, scout wasps look for a place for a nest. They prefer those places where nests have previously been located. Getting rid of wasps using conventional means is quite difficult and dangerous. These insects have an extraordinary sense of smell. The use of baits for wasps is fraught with replenishment of their numbers. The smell of a substance that attracts insects will attract individuals from adjacent areas.

Useful advice for those who do major renovation in an apartment or building a house: carry out preventive treatment at this stage. Process by special means secluded places while there is access to them. Subsequently, they will be covered with panels, boxes and other elements, but they can become a habitat for wasps.

Effective means to get rid of wasps

How to remove wasps from a balcony or personal plot? To do this, you can use the professional chemical agent “Troapsil”. It is designed to combat household insects. You can also use the aerosol Moskitol. It is designed for effective extermination of wasps and their nests in non-residential premises(for example, attics, sheds) and outdoors. The drug has a long-term effect.

There is another effective remedy for wasps - microencapsulated spray "Get". They need to treat the nest or the entrance to it (if there is no access to it). Wasps crawling into your home will certainly bring particles of the drug there. They themselves will die from it, and they will poison other individuals with it. The complete death of all wasps living in this nest will occur in about two days.

Wasp traps

It happens that the location of the nest cannot be found. How to remove wasps in the country in this case? You can use baits in which the attractant is the food preferred by the wasps. The choice will depend on the time of year. When wasps just begin to show their activity (late spring - early summer), it is optimal to use protein foods - fish, meat - for bait.

How to build the simplest trap for insects? You need to take a two-liter plastic bottle and cut off the top third of it. Then holes are pierced in its side, lower part. At the bottom of the bottle you need to install a small platform for bait. And then pour a solution of soap and water so that there is a gap of a few centimeters before it. A piece of treat should be placed on the constructed “table” for wasps. The trap is ready. Soap will reduce the tension of the water surface, and insects will drown. Having flown into such a trap, the wasp will not be able to get out of it.

Other ways to get rid of wasps

You can spare your land plot from wasps using melon. You need to take its crusts and spray them with the insecticide “Intavir” or “Sherpa”. These preparations do not have a pungent odor and will not frighten away wasps. The inventor of this method was shocked by the result. Leaving on compost heap sprayed melon peels, he found after some time great amount insect corpses.

Don't know how to remove wasps? Chemical means of combating them include the familiar “Dichlorvos” spray. But when using it, you should be wary of the bites of intoxicated but not yet dead wasps. If you think this is the best remedy of all, then before carrying out the procedure of spraying the nest, protect yourself with special equipment.

By the way, in order to prevent wasps from entering a house or apartment, it is recommended to spray curtains, windows and doorways with a sting. But it is better to first find out from family members whether they are allergic to the vapors of this product.

How to remove earthen wasps?

It also happens that wasps establish their nests in the ground. Then, when they are detected, it is more effective to get rid of them by scalding with boiling water. But this will require a large amount of it, so prepare several buckets in advance hot water. Then the insect shelter should be covered with earth and compacted thoroughly.

How to destroy a wasp's nest?

You already know that no matter what wasp remedy is used, you can finally get rid of insects only by destroying their nest. How to do this? Let us describe a simple and well-known method.

You will need a bucket, pan or jar (the size of the container depends on the size of the nest) filled to the brim with water. The container should be carefully brought to the wasp shelter. You need to carefully position it so that the nest is completely submerged in water. It takes about five minutes to keep everything in this state. At this time, the nest becomes wet, and the wasps in it die. To prevent those that escape from the trap from stinging you, you should first put on a mosquito net and gloves. To distract the wasps, it is recommended to place jam or sugar syrup at a distance of several meters from the nest.

What to do if the nest cannot be dipped in boiling water?

Often, insect nests are located in places where it is impossible to use the bucket or pan method. In this case, you need to use another method. Take a polyethylene bag and put it on vespiary and presses tightly against the surface on which it is located. You can secure it using push pins or tape. After this, the corner of the bag must be cut off, and any insecticidal agent must be injected through the resulting hole. You need to tie the hole and wait about one hour. Then you can tear off the nest and remove it along with the bag.

How to remove wasps from the balcony?

Even apartment residents multi-storey buildings are not immune from wasp infestations. A wasp's nest can be found on the balcony. In order to get rid of uninvited guests, you can use a solution of soap and water. The mixture must be poured into a plastic bottle and a hole must be made in its lid. Soapy solution you need to spray both the wasp nest itself and everything around it. First, shake the bottle well and make sure that the soap has completely dissolved in the water. When such a mixture gets on the wasp, it will lick it off and die as a result. This way you will get rid of all the insects living on your balcony. If any individuals survive such a procedure, they will flee.

Wasps are predatory insects that hunt arthropods that may pose a threat to humans. But being close to a wasp’s nest is also a great danger. Its inhabitants are quite aggressive and often attack humans or domestic animals at the slightest threat to their home. Their bite is very painful and can cause an allergic reaction.

The anti-wasp product should be quite effective and completely solve the problem of eliminating them. Typically, insecticidal preparations are used for these purposes, which can also be used to control other insects.

Buying effective preparations for wasps and hornets is not a problem; any hardware store offers wide choose various insecticidal agents. But many of them have a strong unpleasant smell, are quite low in efficiency and pose a danger to humans.

Types of anti-wasp products

According to the method of application, anti-wasp drugs are divided into two types. The first group combines products that are intended for the manufacture of poisoned traps and baits. They should not have a strong odor, should be highly toxic to insects and pose no danger for humans and animals.

The second group of drugs allows you to quickly securely and safely destroy in the nest of all insects. They must meet the following requirements:

  • ease of use (spray or aerosol);
  • high speed of action on insects;
  • low toxicity to humans.

Insecticidal preparations vary depending on the form of release. Concentrates that should be diluted and subsequently used as a spray. Some of them are quite efficient and economical. Concentrates are usually used to prepare poisoned baits, and they are also used to treat wasp nests.

Aerosol products, which are sold ready-made in spray bottles. They are used to treat wasp nests.

Insecticidal preparations in powder form, which should be dissolved in water or poured into bait to obtain a poisonous treat. These can be means such as borax.

Special gels with insecticides, originally created as good insect baits. It is also worth noting the glues to which hornets and wasps simply stick. So, how to scare wasps away from your home and what means are considered effective and safe for this? Let's look at the most popular of them.

Drug Get

This drug is known as an effective repeller of cockroaches and bedbugs, but it is also used to kill wasps. Get is practically harmless to humans and has almost no odor. It is used both to destroy the wasp nest itself and as a poisonous substance included in baits.

To eliminate the nest, Get diluted in water, adding 100 ml of the drug per 2 liters of liquid. The resulting product is poured into a large plastic bag and at night they throw wasps on the home.

If the nest is hanging on a tree branch, then the neck of the bag is tightly wrapped with tape, and when it is suspended on the ceiling of a private house, the neck is glued to a flat surface. The bag should be removed after two days, when all the adult wasps are dead.

If the nest is located in a hollow tree or in the ground, then it is simply fill with solution Get the drug, and the outlet is clogged with a cloth, which is also soaked in this solution.

To prepare poisoned bait in kvass, fermented jam or beer add Get in a ratio of 1:10, mix and this bait with poison is poured into plastic bottles. You can treat a piece of meat with an aqueous emulsion of the drug and place it next to the wasp’s nest.

Since Get has no odor, wasps can easily eat bait based on it. The main disadvantage of this poison is its rather high price.

Boric acid

This remedy is widely used against wasps. It is also used in various baits as a poison against ants and cockroaches. The main advantages of boric acid are:

More often boric acid added to beer or fermented jam, after which such poisonous bait is poured into a suitable container. Using a suspension of boric acid, you can treat pieces raw meat and place it near the wasp nests.

Dichlorvos product

Dichlorvos against wasps began to be used a very long time ago, when there were no other effective remedies. It is still used today, treating wasp nests with it. But you will need to spray the insects’ home more than once.

A large number of wasps die in one treatment, and in a few days the entire wasp family can be destroyed. When using Dichlorvos you need take safety measures.

It is recommended to destroy the nest only at night, wearing thick clothes with long sleeves, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves. This product is sold at any hardware store. It is inexpensive and usually one bottle is enough to eliminate a small wasp nest.

Delta Zone. This concentrate is an effective drug, successfully used against hornets and wasps. Feature This drug has a very slight odor, so it is suitable for preparing poisonous baits.

Application of Karbofos

Karbofos is very effective against insects and is very inexpensive. It is produced in powder form, as well as in the form of a concentrate, which is used to prepare an aqueous emulsion.

Karbofos is famous for its very pungent and unpleasant odor, therefore it cannot be used as part of poisoned baits, because the smell will simply repel all insects.

The product is used in two ways:

  1. 100 ml of concentrated solution is diluted in a liter of water, the liquid is poured into a large plastic bag, and then pulled onto the nest from below at night.
  2. The wasp nest is sprayed with the resulting emulsion.

Wasp traps and gels

Traps are widely used in the fight against wasps. They are made from ordinary plastic bottles: the upper part is cut off and inserted into the lower half, neck down. Beer, jam, kvass or mash is poured into the made trap.

To increase efficiency, the bait add boric acid, Get, Chlorophos and other odorless insecticidal preparations.

The trap can be used even without the upper part, since wasps that fly out of it will still die. If used standard design, then the presence of an insecticide leads to the death of all insects and they are easy to shake out of the bottle.

You can get rid of hornets and wasps at your summer cottage or in your house using cockroach gels. Their peculiarity is that they are both poison and bait. Gels are very convenient to apply to any surface.

As for wasps, gel is best apply to different places near their home, which allows insects to quickly find a poisonous agent. You can use any gels against cockroaches, for example, Global, Absolut or Fas, which must be spread directly onto a sheet of paper and placed next to the nest.

Folk remedies

What smell repels wasps? The most effective scent is mint. A strong decoction is prepared from it and rubbed over the exposed parts of the body. But since such a product quickly disappears, this procedure is repeated periodically.

Mint is considered a more persistent repeller. lotion on alcohol based , to which a decoction of mint is added. If you are planning a picnic in nature, then you should stock up on pine or spruce cones, which burn well, emitting smoke that is pleasant to humans and not tolerated by bees.

How to scare wasps away from your home? Possible nearby on the site plant special plants, which are considered repellers of these insects. This could be, for example, mint, any kind of mint except marsh mint.

It should not be grown at home, as it can release toxic compounds. It also repels wasps well, sharp, with lemon “splashes” geranium scent. Melissa has the same qualities. It can be planted in flower pots or in front of the veranda.

Thus, if wasps do not particularly harm humans, then they do not need to be destroyed. They can be beneficial by feeding on agricultural pests. But if wasps and hornets behave too aggressively, then they must be destroyed, since their bites can cause great harm to a person.

The wasp is a rather annoying insect that you want to stay away from. Unfortunately, wasps often build nests under the roofs of houses. Adults feed on flower nectar, but if there is a lack of food, they can try other organic matter. Wasps live in large families in small ball-shaped nests, which are built in empty houses, in hollow trees, in outbuildings, in attics and even under the canopies of balconies of multi-storey buildings.

Why are wasps dangerous for humans?

The females of these insects have a fairly sharp sting, which they use at the slightest danger. The bite is painful and often causes an allergic reaction. Wasps do not die after stinging once, like bees, so any individual will pose a constant threat to human health.

In addition, wasps are carriers infectious diseases– in particular, intestinal. This is understandable, because In search of fruits and other sugar-containing products, insects visit garbage dumps and pits with rotting litter. They spoil the harvest by sucking the juice of sweet fruits and berries.

To prevent a wasp infestation from turning life into a nightmare and ruining your vacation, it is necessary to apply a set of measures to combat these annoying insects.

Wasp control

The destruction of individual individuals will provide only a temporary respite from the annoying neighborhood. If they appear frequently in the visual range, it means that their nest is somewhere nearby. Usually this is a secluded place like an attic, drainpipe, chimney, niches under slate roof. IN apartment buildings wasps build nests behind units of split systems, air conditioners, and under balconies.

It is necessary to destroy the nest and periodically scare away emerging wasps - only then will they leave the territory.

How to get rid of wasps in a country house under a roof

Insects that fly in from time to time are not as scary as those that settle on the site for a long time. Unwanted guests are unlikely to come back again if you treat them with pieces of melon or watermelon sprayed with insecticides. In this case, only low-smelling products are suitable. Most often, wasps become thoroughly established in the area. You have to fight them, getting rid of not only insects, but also their nests.

If wasps have built a nest under the roof country house or technical structure, it can be destroyed by several methods:

  1. Mechanical. Getting rid of a wasp's nest better in autumn or in early spring when residents leave or have not yet returned to their home. The empty nest is cut off and burned. The place where the wasp's dwelling is attached is thoroughly treated with a solution of chlorine or chlorine-containing preparations. Wasps that return to this place will be forced to look for a new habitat.
  2. With the help of water. If you cannot wait until autumn, the wasp nest will have to be destroyed as soon as it is discovered. If it is possible to bring a bucket of water to it so that the home is completely immersed in liquid, 10 minutes will be enough. During this time, the insects will die and the nest will disintegrate into separate elements.
  3. Chemical. Modern pesticides are the most successful option in the fight against wasps. It should be noted that the products are unsafe for humans. Therefore, it is important to take precautions and protect your face and body with special clothing when processing. The following drugs will help in the fight against wasps:
  • "Troapsil" (Netherlands);
  • “Smelnet” - long-acting microcapsules - up to 8 months;
  • "Gett" is a disinfectant against insects;
  • “Mosquitol. Protection against wasps" - for treating non-residential premises.

Chemicals are available in the form of aerosols and granules. Aerosol agents can be used to treat both the nest and part of the territory, repelling individual wasps. To kill insects in a nest, a bag is placed on top of it and the product is sprayed inside. This operation is carried out at night - when all the wasps are in the nest. It is pointless to destroy a nest with wasps with an aerosol in the morning or afternoon - most of there will be no insects. In addition, active wasps are able to transmit information to the entire swarm. Therefore, it is better not to carry out the operation to destroy the nest during daylight hours.

It is also important to take into account that the package must be strong enough and well secured to the wall of the house so that wasps cannot bite through it or slip out of the crack. Chemicals are also good for repelling individual insects, for example, etc.

How to get rid of wasps in a wooden house

Wood is a fire hazardous material, so all methods of fighting wasps must completely eliminate the possibility of fire in the house and the surrounding area. Therefore, fire as a method of fighting and everything connected with it is prohibited. It is also not recommended to spray the nest with gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids.

If the nest is within visibility, the fight against wasps is carried out using all the methods described above.

To kill wasps, it is better to use microencapsulated bait preparations. “Smelnet” is one of such means. The drug contains Butox containing 5% deltamethrin. This is a veterinary drug that is safe for humans. The principle of its action is defeat nervous system insect by paralysis. After some time, the wasps stop moving and die. The drug has a shelf life of several months, so treatment can be done once. In this case, “Smelnet” is applied not only to the nest, but also to the territory next to it. Thus, the wasps carry it on their legs into the home, where they can infect other individuals.

Also convenient for wooden houses Velcro tapes. Impregnated with a sweet and sticky composition, they attract insects that land on the surface and cannot fly away. By replacing the tapes with new ones, you can get rid of wasps without harm to human health.

Particularly difficult is the case when the nest is located in a remote place and is not visible from the outside. Here you also cannot do without chemicals, but first you need to find out the approximate location of the insects’ home.

To do this, you should observe the flight path of the wasps near the house for several days. Especially good timing it will be evening when the wasps gather in the nest or early morning when they leave their home.

Having discovered a nest, a tube is inserted into the passages in the wall (usually their width does not exceed 4-6 mm), through which an aerosol agent is sprayed to combat wasps. The hole is plugged with tow or cotton wool moistened with insecticides such as Fufanon. At the same time, they try to push the cotton wool as deep as possible into the nest. The hole thus clogged is plastered, adding plaster mixture a little karbofos.

How to get rid of wasps using folk remedies

Traditional methods are harmless to human health and are not 100% effective. However, for small insect infestations they are best suited.

  1. Wasps often visit an apartment or house, flying in from neighbors. Such visits will be significantly reduced if you periodically treat the curtains, Mosquito nets, vent plugs with a vinegar solution.
  2. Traps. Wasps have a sweet tooth and will definitely try delicious honey or fruit syrup poured into tall plastic bottle traps. Small holes are made in these containers and syrup or slightly acidified berry compote is poured inside up to half the volume. Such a trap will attract a significant number of wasps that will not be able to get back out.
  3. Kerosene and gasoline. Many summer residents and homeowners still use these substances to combat wasps.
  4. Repeller. These insects do not tolerate strangers in “their” area. By placing a mock-up nest near your house, you can protect your home from scout wasps. You can make such a false nest yourself or use a paper lantern as it.

Professional wasp control measures

If none of the methods was successful, you will have to call specialists to combat these harmful insects. Professional compositions, high-quality processing will allow you to destroy not only wasps, but also flies, ticks, etc.

The advantages of this method are obvious: effective special tools are not available to the average buyer, but professionals use them. Secondly, during treatment you can leave the area and return to a house and yard that has been cleared of insects. Thus, all the negative costs of fighting wasps (bites, exposure to toxic substances on the body) will not affect the home owner. And finally, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the treatment, you can always make a claim and get re-cleaned from wasps. Some companies provide guarantees for a certain period of time. You can find out about this by leaving a request to call specialists.

The fight against wasps cannot be limited to one day. As a rule, to get rid of annoying insects, not one, but several methods are used simultaneously. Some of them turn out to be ineffective, others help to destroy wasps for a while. If wasps only periodically appear on the site, it is quite possible to get by with prevention. If coexistence with a wasp swarm brings problems, you should try the most effective means for complete victory over predatory insects.

Video: what happens if you open a wasp's nest

Wasps that have chosen to live near humans pose a rather serious danger. I think it’s no secret why wasps are so dangerous. Almost every person has seen a hornet or a wasp, but it is still very interesting to get to know them better. After all, knowledge about the enemy is a great help in the fight against him.

What a wasp looks like - photo

There are about twenty thousand species of wasps all over the world, differing in color, body shape, type of housing construction, size and degree of aggressiveness. In addition to the fact that wasps are aggressive stinging insects, they are known for the characteristic construction of their nests - in appearance they resemble paper jugs. It should be noted that the types of nests are quite different. For example, there are open nests, with honeycombs, and there are closed ones. Some Hymenoptera prefer to build nests in hollow walls and other inaccessible places. It is in such cases that we can say that there are wasps, but where they are flying from is unknown.

A wasp nest can be found in a barn or garage.

Wasps can also take shelter on trees, in the corners of terraces and other similar secluded places. Sometimes the nest consists of honeycombs fastened together.

The body of the average wasp (16-21 mm) is black, with a yellow pattern on the head and chest.

Common wasps nest in the ground, for example in burrows abandoned by rodents. They are even able to expand their home to a significant size, so that more than one thousand individuals can live in it. Their length is 13-19 mm.

Below you can see a closed wasp nest in the ground, which was apparently destroyed by a forest animal.

Hornets prefer to live in hollow trees, in birdhouses, under roofs and in the ground. Hornets are much larger than wasps; working individuals have a body 22 mm long, and females up to 35 mm. Their color is brownish with a yellow pattern on the head and abdomen, the tint of the wings is yellowish.

Wasps in a house or country house are found on the surface of old buildings and fences, where they scrape off wood, which they use to build nests.

Hornets love tree bark.

When building a nest, the female first creates a cell in which she lays eggs; it turns out that along the edges of the nest there are cells in which one egg lies.

Wasps feed on meat, insects, fish, berries and tree fruits. They chew off pieces of food and feed them to the larvae.

Having gotten to know wasps better, it becomes clear that they should be quite comfortable in nature. Then why do they fly into houses and apartments?

Where do wasps come from in an apartment?

Often, wasps settle in a house next to people, considering that this place is convenient for placing their colony. With the onset of spring, females go in search of places where they can build a nest. They fly into the room through the window, open window or even in the cracks window frames. In the apartment, the female looks for a secluded place and begins to build a nest there. IN big house or apartment, you may not notice insects right away. But in a month, when the offspring appear, it will be impossible not to notice the wasps.

Most often, wasps settle in attics, loggias and balconies, and sneak into the room to look for food.

Insects can gnaw passages even through cement mortar, let alone wooden blocks.

Destruction of wasps - necessary measure, since their bites are very dangerous for humans.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous?

A wasp sting is extremely difficult for a person to bear. And if bees sting only in defense, then wasps are very annoying, they fly into vehicles, get under clothes and into bags.

With the help of a sting, the female wasp lays eggs, but when threatened, she releases a toxin from there.

By the way, only the female has a sting. The danger of bites lies in the injection of poison, more than once. The venom contains serotonin, histamine, amino acids, peptides and a strong neurotoxin. The substances act on red blood cells and hepatocytes in human blood. Repeated entry of the poison into the bloodstream provokes an allergic reaction. The consequences can be dire - Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis and death.

In addition, a wound will appear on the skin, and bacteria can penetrate into it, after which inflammation will develop, developing into a purulent process.

According to experts, insect venom can cause partial paralysis, myocardial ischemia, vascular collapse, bronchospasms, hemorrhagic vasculitis, and this is not a complete answer to the question of why a wasp sting is dangerous.

By the way, not everyone has allergies. Many people experience discomfort after a wasp sting and forget about it after a couple of days. The causes of an allergic reaction depend on heredity and sensitization (the allergen was encountered for the first time, a false reaction).

Allergy symptoms - redness and itching at the site of the bite, pain, swelling, dizziness, Quincke's edema, loss of consciousness.

Being bitten by wasps is very unpleasant and even dangerous, which means you need to minimize the risk of their appearance in advance.

How to protect your home from wasps

Wasps and hornets are attracted to sweets, open food, and strong-smelling perfumes, so you should definitely install mosquito nets on your windows. Do not leave sweets, pies or sugar on the table or nightstands. You can also put a mesh on all cracks and ventilation shafts. The smell of vinegar and the drug “SOCHVA” with the smell of smoke repels insects. Wasps will fly around the windows if the curtains on them are sprayed with a solution of food vinegar. After half an hour, a person will no longer feel the smell, and insects have a keen sense of smell, vinegar will definitely scare them away.

If wasps have already settled in the neighborhood, then it’s time to act more harshly.

Wasps - how to get rid of insects in an apartment

Since a wasp nest in the house causes a lot of trouble, the question of how to get rid of wasps is acute. The fight against them first of all involves. To locate their home, it is necessary to monitor the movement of insects. You can even use a trick, put meat or fish on a saucer, the workers will take the food and fly off to feed the female and the larvae.

The nest indoors does not need to be immediately sprayed with pesticides. So the wasps will get angry, and then there will be no mercy for anyone. It is better to wait until the insects fall asleep and carefully prepare for the “operation”. Need to find clothes thick fabric, leather gloves, reliably protect your eyes, face and neck. Make sure that every area of ​​skin is covered and protected from bites. Children and pets should not be in the room.

The first stage of the operation - the destruction of wasps - involves putting a bag on the nest, preferably a very tight one, and tightening it at the attachment point. Then, cutting a small gap, insert a cap of spray (“Karbofos”, “Dichlorvos”) and fill the wasp’s nest.

In those places where it is not possible to put a bag on the nest, the fight against wasps looks a little different. In this case, a tube is attached to the spray, on which a rag is pre-wound, to block the exit from the hive. The tap hole is plugged with a tube and the insecticide is injected. In ten minutes the wasps will die. Now the nest can be removed and burned, and the room can be ventilated.

On the balcony and loggia, the nest is destroyed in a similar way. You can also pour boiling water over the nest, although there is a risk of scalding your own body. The place where the hive was attached must be thoroughly cleaned, treated with a solution of vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Otherwise, the remaining smell will attract wasps, and they will form a new colony here.

A wasp nest under the roof or under the eaves of windows is just as dangerous, because wasps can or have already made passages into the building. It is necessary to inspect the surface; insect passages are holes 4-6 mm wide.

At night, these passages must be treated using any wasp repellent, after which pieces of cotton wool moistened with insecticides - “Fufanol”, “Sipaz” - should be pushed into the passages. Plaster the holes with Karbofoos added to the mixture.

If it is impossible to destroy wasps yourself, let the relevant services solve the problem.

Ground wasps - how to get rid of insects in your summer cottage

Most the right way To get rid of earthen wasps on the site - call a specialist. After processing the problem will be solved by for a long time. But if the wasp nest is small, you can get rid of the insects yourself.

  1. Wasps cannot tolerate the smell of petroleum products. If possible, you should water the nest and the soil around it. diesel fuel. This must be done carefully so as not to anger the inhabitants of the nest.
  2. Another way to get rid of wasps in the country is to pour poison or gasoline into the sprayer. The contents are carefully sprayed near the nest. The surviving wasps will still leave this place forever.
  3. The nest can simply be burned, but this must be done in the fall, when there is no one left alive except the queen. The place where their home was located needs to be treated with chemicals.
  4. Ground wasps will die from exposure to various powders and gels. The chemical is poured near the nest, applied to the bait, and the insects themselves will carry the insecticide into their abode. Then all that remains is to get rid of the nest.

What means allow you to effectively and without negative influence on people's health to get rid of annoying insects?

Effective remedies for wasps - drugs

Almost all insecticides are now universal and are aimed at killing many insects. But fighting wasps requires taking into account some nuances.

A fast-acting insecticide will give you 100% results in getting rid of adult wasps, queens and larvae. Baits and traps are effective against insects flying to the site in search of food.

Anti-wasp drugs are conventionally divided into two types.

The first group is means for preparing traps and baits. They are highly toxic to insects, but safe for humans and do not have a persistent strong odor.

The second group is means for quick and reliable destruction of wasps.

The form of release of the drugs is concentrates in the form of sprays, aerosols, powders and gels. There is also a special glue to which wasps stick.

Drugs that kill wasps:

  • a powerful remedy for wasps - “Get”. The drug has a slight odor, is not dangerous to humans, it is included in baits and used to completely destroy the nest;
  • boric acid is also included in the baits. The substance is odorless, harmless and accessible, and has a powerful toxic effect on insects;
  • Dichlorvos has been used for a long time, it can be replaced with another aerosol preparation. But its use requires precautions;
  • "Delta Zone" - effective drug with a weak odor, which allows it to be used in baits;
  • "Karbofos" is an effective and inexpensive product, but has an unpleasant, pungent odor;
  • insecticidal gel is both poison and bait. The gel is convenient to apply to various surfaces or pour into nests. The gel “Absolut”, “Fas” or “Globol” will destroy the wasps;
  • Cardboard is smeared with special glue, and sweet bait is placed in the center. Naturally, they will flock to the treat. It is very easy to get rid of stuck insects later. The adhesives “Kapkan”, “Apcoll”, “Alt” and many others are equally effective.

It is difficult, almost impossible, to get along with wasps, and fighting them is a severe necessity. Whether to do it yourself or with the help of specialists - everyone decides for themselves. It is not easy to destroy wasps; usually the fight takes place in several stages. Because a common person does not have experience in using pesticides, the quality of processing may suffer from this, and professionals will carry out a complex of work, after which insects will not appear for a long time.

And of course, the most compelling argument to turn to specialists is the skills of professionals in the field of wasp removal tactics. It is worth noting here that the method or technology for removing wasps in the case of a nest closed type(in a wall or other inaccessible place) must be very delicate, as with ants. This is achieved by luring out workers and gradually poisoning the entire hive, as well as some other techniques. Otherwise, following the approach of “stir up, burn, gouge, etc.”, having achieved the destruction of wasps, you can cause significant damage to property or even burn down the house.

Effective wasp removal should allow you to get rid of them with least losses. It is important to prevent catastrophic consequences, as in the following video.