How to glue parquet boards using polyurethane glue. Parquet adhesive on concrete screed: types, requirements and composition of the adhesive, as well as instructions on how to properly use parquet adhesive

Depending on the composition of the product, there are water-dispersed, solvent-based and two-component products. Each is used with certain building materials and provides high-quality coverage in various conditions.

Dispersion glue

The substance is made from an aqueous dispersion of PVA or acrylic, to which synthetic resins are added. The mixture contains no solvents or dangerous volatile elements, so it is environmentally friendly and is especially popular among consumers in European countries.

The product is intended for fastening waterproof plywood (backing) to the base, as well as for fixing planks of wood that are resistant to moisture. Only oak and larch have these properties. The solution holds small piece elements well.

The quality of water-based parquet adhesive depends on the percentage of moisture in its composition; the higher the value, the cheaper the mixture.

Solvent based adhesive

Such products contain a very small percentage of water and are used for fixing plates of any wood. They are used in cases where water-dispersed mixtures are contraindicated, for fixing planks of wood that is afraid of moisture. Solvent based substances different manufacturers They practically do not differ in quality and cost approximately the same.

The hardening process is accompanied by the evaporation of volatile elements that are harmful to the human body. After complete hardening, the release of toxins stops. The mixture does not set for more than 15 minutes, which is convenient when installation work Oh. During this time, you can correct the position of the slats. Maximum strength occurs 5 days after laying.

Solvent-based liquids are explosive and flammable and should be handled with care. It is prohibited to work near an open fire, as well as to smoke in the room where the flooring is being installed. The room must be constantly ventilated.

There are two types of solvent-based adhesives - petroleum-based (rubber) and alcohol-based. The first type includes liquids that can be diluted with acetone, white spirit, solvent, etc. The second type is made on an alcohol basis.

Solutions Aned A1 and Antserkol 5-10-15-20 are universal petroleum-based parquet adhesives that are distinguished by their strength and elasticity, as well as their reasonable price. They retain their characteristics well in the cold. If the temperature and humidity in the room reached the maximum permissible values, very small gaps formed between the floorboards - up to 0.8 mm. The product can be applied without first priming the base.

The work is carried out using a significant amount of solvent with a very unpleasant odor. To protect against toxic fumes, installation of the flooring is carried out using respirators. After the mixture dries, substances harmful to humans cease to be released.

There are some restrictions on the applicability of this tool. If the floor is heated, the layer of mortar will quickly evaporate, and after 5 years the floorboards will be wobbly. If the surface is heated strongly, the substance may completely disappear.

Rubber parquet adhesive Artelit RB-112 is produced by the Polish company Selena. Its main purpose is gluing topcoats and plywood, but it has proven itself when working with any materials. Has excellent initial adhesion and excellent adhesive properties.

Compared to other similar products, it has a significant advantage - it has successfully passed the toxicity test in Ukraine. Manufacturers assure that it is not necessary to prime the base, however, for reliability, the substrate is impregnated special means Artelit WB-222 or Artelit SB-212.

Alcohol adhesives are designed for installing planks of all types of wood on a substrate that absorbs moisture. They contain a minimal amount of water. The product hardens after 72 hours, the flooring can be sanded after a week. After drying, the layer of solution shrinks. The smell of alcohol solvent is not much weaker than petroleum solvent, but it is less annoying. It is believed that this the only remedy, which can securely fix even a massive board.

The disadvantage is the high price, which is why the substance is used quite rarely. The quality is greatly influenced by the shelf life of the product. If the item was made more than a year ago, do not buy it. Of the alcoholic substances, the most reliable is Utsin MK-73.

Polyurethane adhesives

There are two large groups polyurethane products that consumers willingly buy - one-component and two-component.

Single-component ones are designed to work with all types of piece and mosaic parquet of any size. Hardening occurs as a result of the reaction of the contents with moisture in the air. Often used for assembling prefabricated finished coatings, because the mixtures do not destroy the protective and decorative layer.

After drying, they retain elastic properties and do not shrink. Used when installing flooring on a concrete floor. Among the disadvantages, one can note the long hardening time - up to 4 days. Typically, the substrate is not primed before working with such a substance.

From one-component adhesives Artelit HB-820 is popular for parquet; it has a fairly low price. back side low cost is expressed in extra time spent during installation work. The substance has relatively low elasticity, low stickiness, and weak initial grip. For example, after applying the glue, the die should be moved around the solution a little, and then pressed tightly.

For consumers who do not know which adhesive to choose for parquet, we suggest paying attention to the universal solution TenaBond 141M. There are practically no restrictions on the use of this substance. It can fix plywood and floorboards to concrete, metal with any coating, and synthetic materials. This method is recommended for fastening wide floorboards (up to 130 mm). The price of the product is not much higher than that of Artelit HB-820, and the consumption does not exceed 1 kg per m 2.

For critical projects, it is recommended to use Kilto Flex Silan polyurethane parquet adhesive. It reliably fixes even oiled and varnished products large sizes. Used for tacking plywood bases intended for laying solid boards more than 130 mm wide. The product expands well and does not crack even when the size of the coating increases beyond the norm, for example, after the wood gets very wet. After some time it returns to its size.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the product, as well as the release of toxic fumes during hardening. After approximately 24 hours, the mixture becomes safe for humans.

Two-component products are considered the best adhesives for parquet. They are sold in buckets. The container contains the base, and the lid contains a powder of a certain composition. To obtain a solution, the dry component is poured into the emulsion and mixed thoroughly, after which the chemical solidification reaction begins. The mixture dries completely within a day.

The substance is many times stronger than other mixtures. It can be used to fasten materials on any base - wood, concrete, metal. The strength of the connection is not affected by the type of wood or sample size.

Uzin MK 92S glue is considered the most reliable and durable in the world, which is confirmed by many years of operating experience. It quickly glues any size board to a variety of substrates. During installation, it is recommended to use another solution with it, which hardens more slowly. This is due to the fact that if the outer cut dies are produced for a long time, the product may harden, and the installation of parquet near the walls will be performed poorly. The disadvantages of the product include toxicity.

Two-component parquet adhesive Uzin MK 92S is made from two ingredients supplied in the kit, one of which is very toxic. Contact of the substance with the skin can cause severe pain, so protective gloves are sold with the product. Traces of a chemical burn on the affected skin disappear after three weeks. The mixture remains dangerous throughout the entire installation process, but then it loses its aggressiveness. When they talk about the environmental friendliness of Uzin MK 92S, they mean its condition after hardening.

IN the latest development Uzin MK 92+ took into account the wishes of consumers and increased the hardening time, which makes it possible to obtain a beautiful coating under high temperature conditions.

Requirements for parquet adhesives

To lay flooring elements, buy solutions that have the following properties:
  • Parquet adhesive must reliably fix the coating for a long time, because... wooden surface does not deteriorate for more than 50 years.
  • Once cured, the product retains elasticity, which allows the floorboards to expand freely with changes in humidity and temperature.
  • The substance does not shrink over time, which leads to sagging of the flooring and the appearance of squeaking.
  • The product should not contain elements harmful to humans that are released during the operation of the coating.

Criteria for choosing adhesive for parquet

When choosing an adhesive solution, many factors are taken into account - the type of planks, their dimensions and characteristics, the type of base and its properties, etc. To choose the right product for the base-substrate and parquet-substrate pairs, use our recommendations.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of choosing solutions for some materials:

  1. If you don't know which adhesive for parquet and underlayment is best, buy a substance with high adhesion to lumber and cement.
  2. After drying, a strong elastic layer should remain that absorbs stress between the two materials.
  3. Lower requirements are imposed on the connection of plywood with concrete if the material is additionally secured with self-tapping screws. In this case, the fasteners will hold the shape of the canvas, and the glue will only fix the material in a stationary state. The substance can be used on water based, costing much less than similar flooring compounds.
  4. Piece oak or ash elements measuring less than 70x420 mm without a stable wood coating are glued to plywood with dispersion glue.
  5. High-quality factory-finished parquet flooring made from hardwood (oak or ash) is recommended to be laid on plywood with one- or two-component polyurethane adhesives. Such compositions make it possible to avoid warping of the wood, which cannot be eliminated on already painted samples.
  6. The plates, completely coated with varnish, are glued with a product that has maximum peel strength. Before work, you need to conduct a test - fix the strip with glue and, after drying, try to tear it off. Peeling varnish coating after application of load is unacceptable.
  7. Piece blanks without coating, which absorb water well (from fruit trees, maple, beech), are attached to plywood using means with minimum quantity water.
  8. Wide planks with a locking system are resistant to moisture. Under the influence of water, dimensional lumber noticeably warps. The adhesive for such elements must remain elastic after hardening, which helps reduce stress in long samples. Also, the composition must have sufficient strength to reliably fix the coating.
  9. Solid boards up to 120 mm wide are glued to plywood with products that create an elastic layer high strength and withstanding the expansion of lumber. Large elements are prohibited from being fixed with water-dispersion solutions.
  10. Wide samples (more than 120 mm) are secured with compounds that have good resistance to vertical tearing. This is due to the fact that much greater stress arises in the connection between parquet and the substrate than in other cases. The elasticity of the adhesive composition does not matter for wide boards.
  11. In the case of gluing wide dies (from 120 mm) to a weak cement screed it is necessary to use a composition with high adhesive properties. In this way, high levels of adhesion to the base are ensured at the molecular level.
  12. If the boards are more than 120 mm wide and you plan to mount them on a secure base, use Adesiv two-component adhesive, which has high level strength. A more expensive option would be to lay the material on a woven material (multimol), which forms an intermediate layer between the screed and the flooring and relieves the tension between them. In this case, you will need 2 times more glue, because... multimol is also laid on glue.
  13. Wide-format boards from 120 m are glued to a durable cement base using polyurethane compounds. The connection is elastic and has great tear strength.
  14. To fix industrial parquet, you can use any type of glue that is suitable for a specific type of coating. The main selection criterion is the strength and elasticity of the connection.
Which glue to choose for parquet - watch the video:

Many people mistakenly believe that installing parquet boards with glue is a difficult task that can only be done by specialists. It turns out that there is nothing particularly difficult in this work. It is only important to choose the right composition and follow the instructions. Let's look at how to choose the right adhesive for parquet on plywood. This installation technology is considered one of the most reliable and least labor-intensive.

What tools will you need?

When working you will need the following tools:

  • Roulette.
  • Grinding machine.

Preparatory work

Until everything is finished Finishing work, parquet cannot be glued. If you ignore this rule, the flooring will deteriorate very quickly. And one more point: after laying the parquet is completed, the walls cannot be painted.

Important! Pay attention to the microclimate in the room, since parquet boards are quite sensitive to changes in temperature and air humidity.

As a basis for parquet board use well-sanded plywood.

Important! Before you start installing the parquet, it is important that it sits in the room for some time.

Parquet laying technology

Now about how to glue parquet:

  1. The plywood is coated with an adhesive, and the parquet board is mounted directly on the glue. It is most convenient to use a special spatula.
  2. For good fixation, parquet dies are additionally shot using a pneumatic tool.
  3. Immediately after laying the parquet, you need to wait until the composition hardens properly.
  4. Only after complete polymerization of the glue can you begin to grind the surface.

Important! The time for the glue to completely harden is about one week.

Sanding is necessary to clean the floor covering from dirt that formed during installation work. It is necessary that the floor is perfectly level. Most convenient to use grinder drum type. Working with it is quite simple, even without special experience. Using this device, you can successfully get rid of all defects and unevenness of the floor.

To get rid of microcracks formed during the connection, the entire surface of the floor is puttied. The use of special solutions allows you to choose the shade of putty exactly to match the parquet board.

Important! Adding parquet dust to the putty allows you to achieve a complete shade match.

The next stage after putty is the final sanding of the parquet board, followed by varnishing. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The windows in the room must be closed.
  • Air conditioners and humidifiers should not be used.

This is explained by the fact that you need to get a smooth, uniform surface, without dust deposits. Otherwise, the floor will turn out matte and not very attractive in appearance.

How to choose the right parquet adhesive?

Which better glue for parquet on plywood? - There are several options here:

  • According to experts, the best option is water-dispersed compositions with a water percentage of no more than 25.
  • For parquet made from expensive exotic wood, it is recommended to use a two-component water-dispersion composition with an even lower specific gravity of water (maximum 11%).
  • When using varnished parquet, the best option would be two-component composition on polyurethane based.

How to glue parquet? Overview of different types of glue

This information will help you choose the right composition suitable for different materials.

Water-dispersion composition for gluing parquet boards

An example of such a composition is Sader Tarbicol KP5 - vinyl glue on the water. When it hardens, it releases moisture. That's why:

  • Not suitable for boards made of cherry, beech and exotic woods.
  • Maple and ash boards can be mounted if their thickness is more than 1.5 cm.

Organic solvent adhesive

This group of compounds is produced on the basis of rubber or synthetic resins:

  • The adhesive can be used on plywood, oak, ash, beech or maple wood.
  • The maximum thickness of bonded surfaces is 22 mm.
  • The polymerization time of the composition is from 4 to 5 days.
  • The glue tolerates moisture and low temperatures well.

Two-component compositions - polyurethane or epoxy-polyurethane

The main advantage of these compositions is their versatility and unpretentiousness. They are equally suitable for gluing solid and parquet boards. The peculiarity of these compositions is that they contain neither water nor, oddly enough, solvents. Polymerization time ranges from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. You can sand the floor already on the third day.

Important! The only negative is the insufficient elasticity of the connection.

One-component polyurethane-based adhesive

It has a limited scope of application (for moisture-resistant wood varieties), since polymerization occurs from the absorption of moisture contained in the air. The composition does not contain solvents and is very easy to use.

Its disadvantage is that gluing parquet in a dry room may be ineffective due to insufficient atmospheric moisture. Parquet sanding is done after 4 days.

Silane composition on MS polymers

Of the entire review, this glue gives the most elastic connections:

  • Equally suitable for treated and untreated parquet boards.
  • Creates additional sound insulation, combined with heated floors.
  • Can be used for gluing boards made from exotic wood.
  • Hardening occurs quickly, the board can be sanded on the 3rd day.

Hybrid glue

A universal composition used for all types of boards. Does not contain water or solvents. Hardening occurs from contact with the atmosphere, the time for complete polymerization is 2 hours.

In order to glue parquet, special astringent mastics are used, which belong to the fast-hardening subtype. The mastic is applied to the dry base under the parquet. It can be applied both warm and cold.

If the base of your parquet is made of chipboard or wooden sheets plywood, then there is no need to lay a layer of primer.

Please note that it is very important to apply the primer to the absorbent substrate.

Step 1 of 3 step instructions on how to glue parquet flooring. Apply glue.

Each parquet flooring has a special groove. There are shelves in the inner groove. Many builders are already aware of what parquet consists of, but this may not be clear to the average person, which is why we describe everything in such detail. The glue is applied to the top of these shelves. To do this, the container in which the glue is poured usually has a special attachment - a device to make applying the glue easier. Glue cannot be applied to the bottom of the groove.

Step 2. While gluing the parquet, wipe off the excess.

You should fill no more than 4/5 of the entire surface of the parquet strip with glue. In order to determine how much area you have already filled with glue, you can lift the bar and look.

It is important not to overdo it here. If you have poured too much glue, more than 4/5 of the surface, then the boards may be weakly connected to each other, which will lead to parquet defects in the future.

The very first boards are glued to each other along the end planes. They need to be placed as close to each other as possible along their long edges.

Step 3. We knock down the boards and wait. This is the final step in our instructions on how to glue parquet.

Then you need to knock the boards so that their tongue-and-groove connection becomes stronger, after which the boards need to be pressed together. For these purposes you can use wooden block. Here, too, it is very important not to overdo it, because the seams along which the parquet elements are connected to each other are quite fragile.

It is very important to ensure that the glue does not get on the outside of the parquet under any circumstances. If you see that when you press on the parquet, the glue comes out of the parquet seams, then you should immediately remove the glue using a wet sponge or rag.

After you have laid the first row of parquet, you need to wait a while for the glue that you applied to the parquet in the first row to dry a little and harden. Usually half an hour is enough. In the same way, it is necessary to wait time and let the glue dry in the place where they pass water pipes under or near the floor. When you lay the final row of parquet, you will also need to wait a while.

Which glue is best for you?

Before gluing the parquet, you need to choose the right glue for it.

First, we determine the type of parquet. If you have solid oak parquet and its thickness does not exceed 15 mm, then dispersion type glue is suitable for you. This glue should not contain solvents. If you are working with a cork backing, then this glue will also work.

If you dilute this dispersion adhesive with water in a ratio of 50 to 50, then it can be used as a primer for laying cement screed.

If your “patient” is a parquet board, consisting of several layers and coated with varnish, then an adhesive based on artificial resin will suit you.

This glue is also suitable for working with piece parquet, which is based on oak, maple, ash or beech wood.

The thickness of such a board should not exceed 22mm.

The same type of glue allows you to glue many different exotic types of parquet.

This type of glue can also be used to cover the cement screed with a plywood sheet on top.

If you have a treated type of parquet or untreated parquet, then you should use a special parquet glue on MS polymer. Or a silane type of glue. The same type of glue is used if you need to glue parquet from an exotic type of wood or install a heated floor.

Adhesives for all types of parquet and solid boards

The most multifunctional type of glue is 2-component polyurethane. With it you can glue almost any parquet board of any size. It is also suitable for gluing solid boards. You will not find any water or solvents in its composition.

There are also epoxy-polyurethane adhesives. Craftsmen also use them for almost all types of parquet. The exception is the various exotic types of wood from which parquet is made.

Parquet board is a natural and high-tech material for floor finishing. Installation of parquet flooring completes the finishing work of the room. The floor surface for laying the boards must be prepared and carefully leveled. If parquet is laid on a floor made of concrete slabs, then to level the surface, a screed of concrete or a cement-sand mixture is poured.

Installation of parquet boards.

Installation of parquet flooring is carried out only on a dry screed surface, so it should be started no earlier than a month after pouring. Before installing the parquet board, a vapor and waterproofing layer is installed on the screed; if necessary, an insulating layer can be used. When mounting boards on a screed, plywood can be used as waterproofing. After priming the screed, an adhesive layer is applied to it and plywood sheets are laid, filling the gaps with sealants.

The structure of the parquet board.

When laying the coating it can be used bitumen mastic, the layer of which immediately functions as both a primer and waterproofing. The parquet is laid on top of a layer of glue, selected to compensate for the difference in linear expansion of the parquet, screed and base. If the parquet board is placed on a screed, then a certain installation method is used:

  1. The floating option is based on creating a one-piece structure (using lock connection) without attachment to the base. Allows easy partial repairs.
  2. The glue-mounted option involves fixing the boards with glue to the surface of the base.

Glue mounting method

The smallest amount of reserve (3%) is required when using the simplest pattern - deck laying. The boards should be left in the room for 2 days (to equalize the humidity) before installation. Adhesive for plywood and parquet can be used as one-component or two-component. Before starting work, the premises are marked.

To carry out the work yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • notched spatula;
  • tamping block;
  • restrictive wedges.


  • parquet board;
  • moisture-resistant plywood 2 cm thick;
  • parquet glue;
  • adhesive sealant;
  • screws;
  • nails.

Tools needed for work: hammer, hammer drill, tape measure, screwdriver, hacksaw.

The work is done like this:

  1. To lay plywood, a layer of glue is applied to the screed, then each sheet is secured with screws (by making holes for them in the floor) at 32 points, starting the fixation from the center.
  2. The sheets are mounted staggered, the gaps are filled with sealant. A gap of 5 mm is left at the walls.
  3. The first row of parquet is installed using limiting wedges to create a gap of 10 mm (but less than the width of the plinth) from the wall.
  4. Using a spatula, apply glue to a small area of ​​the plywood covering and the ends of the boards; the parquet boards are tacked together using a block and nailed to the plywood.
  5. Each board is then pressed against the floor to ensure good adhesion. The exposed glue is wiped off.
  6. The next rows are shifted relative to each other by half the board.
  7. Using a plumb line, periodically check the evenness of the laid sections.

After laying the parquet board, the coating should not be touched until the glue has completely dried.

Option without rigid fixation

If a floating option is used for installation, then the parquet covering is not rigidly connected to the base of the floor. Then the linear expansion can be compensated by the movement of the parquet boards. This method of laying the flooring helps prevent deformation of the parquet due to changes in humidity and temperature. The floating coating is installed using lock system provided on the boards.

Types of fastening parquet boards.

Installation is carried out using the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • tamping block;
  • restrictive wedges;
  • hacksaw


  • polyethylene film (0.5 mm);
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • construction tape;
  • parquet board.

The work is done like this:

  1. Strips of film are spread over the screed with an overlap, making small projections on the walls. The joints of the strips are taped with tape.
  2. Cardboard (backing) is laid end-to-end on top of the film, sealed with tape.
  3. The boards of the initial row are laid parallel to each other (in the lock), while top part the lock should be facing the wall.
  4. Hammer the boards using a block and a hammer.
  5. Then, to create a compensation gap (2 cm), wedges are laid between the wall and the coating.
  6. Subsequent rows are laid offset (starting from cutting the board) and pressed (without gaps) with end side to the previous rows.
  7. The covering is ready after installation and pressing of the last row.

Immediately after installation, the floor surface can be walked on.

In addition to the traditional one, there are other, more decorative options laying parquet flooring. With a diagonal pattern, the room visually expands; a herringbone pattern is often used. The supply of material required for these methods increases by 15% compared to laying in the direction of sunlight. The braiding method, laying in squares and artistic are also used.

When finishing the floor with parquet boards, the material can be used without additional training, which is convenient when independent execution works The material laid on the screed is durable and resistant to changes in humidity and temperature in the room. Finishing of the floor, made of parquet boards, for a long time retains its original appearance. Laying parquet, carried out in compliance with the work technology, allows the best way take advantage of the material.

In order to glue parquet, special astringent mastics are used, which belong to the fast-hardening subtype.

The mastic is applied to the dry base under the parquet. It can be applied both warm and cold.

If the base of your parquet is made of chipboard or wooden plywood sheets, then there is no need to lay a layer of primer.

Please note that it is very important to apply the primer to the absorbent substrate.

Step 1 of 3 step instructions on how to glue parquet flooring. Apply glue.

Each parquet flooring has a special groove. There are shelves in the inner groove.

Many builders are already aware of what parquet consists of, but this may not be clear to the average person, which is why we describe everything in such detail. The glue is applied to the top of these shelves. To do this, the container in which the glue is poured usually has a special attachment - a device to make applying the glue easier. Glue cannot be applied to the bottom of the groove.

While gluing the parquet, wipe off the excess.

You should fill no more than 4/5 of the entire surface of the parquet strip with glue.

In order to determine how much area you have already filled with glue, you can lift the bar and look.

It is important not to overdo it here. If you have poured too much glue, more than 4/5 of the surface, then the boards may be weakly connected to each other, which will lead to parquet defects in the future.

The very first boards are glued to each other along the end planes. They need to be placed as close to each other as possible along their long edges.

How to lay parquet on a concrete floor: laying on a screed, all options

We knock down the boards and wait. This is the final step in our instructions on how to glue parquet.

Then you need to knock the boards so that their tongue-and-groove connection becomes stronger, after which the boards need to be pressed together.

For these purposes, you can use a wooden block. Here, too, it is very important not to overdo it, because the seams along which the parquet elements are connected to each other are quite fragile.

It is very important to ensure that the glue does not get on the outside of the parquet under any circumstances. If you see that when you press on the parquet, the glue comes out of the parquet seams, then you should immediately remove the glue using a wet sponge or rag.

After you have laid the first row of parquet, you need to wait a while for the glue that you applied to the parquet in the first row to dry a little and harden.

Usually half an hour is enough. In the same way, you need to wait time and let the glue dry in the place where the water pipes run under the floor or next to the floor. When you lay the final row of parquet, you will also need to wait a while.

Which glue is best for you?

Before gluing the parquet, you need to choose the right glue for it.

First, we determine the type of parquet.

If you have solid oak parquet and its thickness does not exceed 15 mm, then dispersion type glue is suitable for you. This glue should not contain solvents. If you are working with a cork backing, then this glue will also work.

This adhesive can also be used in subfloor preparation to bond plywood sheets to a concrete subfloor.

It is also used when laminate flooring needs to be glued to a concrete floor.

If you dilute this dispersion adhesive with water in a ratio of 50 to 50, it can be used as a primer for laying cement screed.

If your “patient” is a parquet board, consisting of several layers and coated with varnish, then an adhesive based on artificial resin will suit you.

This glue is also suitable for working with piece parquet, which is based on oak, maple, ash or beech wood.

The thickness of such a board should not exceed 22mm.

The same type of glue allows you to glue many different exotic types of parquet.

This type of glue can also be used to cover the cement screed with a plywood sheet on top.

If you have a treated type of parquet or untreated parquet, then you should use a special parquet adhesive based on MS polymer.

Or a silane type of glue. The same type of glue is used if you need to glue parquet from an exotic type of wood or install a heated floor.

Adhesives for all types of parquet and solid boards

The most multifunctional type of glue is 2-component polyurethane. With it you can glue almost any parquet board of any size.

It is also suitable for gluing solid boards. You will not find any water or solvents in its composition.

There are also epoxy-polyurethane adhesives. Craftsmen also use them for almost all types of parquet. The exception is the various exotic types of wood from which parquet is made.

The quality of laying the parquet board and the durability of its operation depend on the correct choice of glue.

Glue the parquet board to the screed. Truth or Myth

Parquet can be laid in two ways: on glue and floating on a substrate. It is for the first method that you need to choose a suitable adhesive mass.

Adhesive for parquet boards must meet the following quality requirements:

  • The service life of the adhesive must be long enough to hold the floor covering in place throughout its life.

    In the case of parquet boards, this period sometimes reaches a hundred years.

  • Once dry, it must retain elasticity to allow the wood to expand under the influence of humidity and temperature.
  • When drying it should not shrink.
  • A high-quality adhesive composition should not contain a lot of water.

    Its excess leads to deformation and rotting of the parquet board.

  • It should not have a strong unpleasant odor or various toxic substances in its composition.

Let's look at the types of adhesive mixtures.

Dispersion glue

Example of dispersion adhesive

Water-dispersed adhesive is considered the most harmless due to the non-toxic fumes that are released when the mixture dries.

It does not have a strong, repulsive odor, which is why it is often used for laying parquet in residential premises.

However, due to the water base this group adhesive mixtures are not suitable for every type of parquet board. It is most applicable to oak parquet- most moisture resistant.

Flooring made of fruit trees, ash, maple, beech or alder are too susceptible to warping and rotting as a result of getting wet.

In addition, the water base conflicts with parquet boards made from exotic oily woods.

Solvent based adhesives

One-component adhesive

Due to the fluidity of this adhesive composition, already glued dies can be corrected within 15 minutes. Complete drying of one-component parquet board adhesive is achieved after 5 days, but you can start sanding the floor earlier.

Solvent-based adhesive mixtures are flammable, and therefore storing and using them near open flames is strictly prohibited.

Two-component adhesive

Two-component adhesive is the most durable of all known groups.

Chemical reaction of the hardener and glue mixture leads to its rapid hardening after 24 hours.

Two-component glue is the best option

Reactive adhesive is three times stronger than other adhesives, dries twice as fast as organic adhesives, and is applicable to any type of wood because it does not contain water in the base.

It is used for gluing dies to any base: concrete screed, wooden floor, plywood substrate. Solid board and planks already coated with varnish are laid only with 2-component glue.

The disadvantages include high cost and toxic fumes, which, however, do not emit after the glue has completely hardened and do not pose a threat to the health of household members.

An overview of a good varnish option and installation tips is given in the video below.

Don't be lazy - check it out.

Now, based on the type of parquet board you have chosen, you can easily choose the appropriate adhesive.

Good luck with your repair and beware of fakes.

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Requirements for glue for parquet boards
Types of glue
Water-dispersion adhesives
One-component solvent adhesive
Two-component mixtures

The installation of a finished floor is an important part of the arrangement of the apartment, because thanks to the floor a considerable part is created general design premises.

One of the most prestigious solutions for flooring is parquet boards. It consists of several layers, where the most upper layer The one we touch is made from expensive wood, such as beech.

The remaining layers of parquet boards are made from cheaper materials, for example, pine, which has good resistance to moisture, mildew and mold.

Parquet boards are laid on the floor in two ways: “floating”, where the thickness of the board should be 14 mm, or the boards can be glued to the base.

If you decide to use the second method, then you will need a special glue for parquet boards. The choice of this glue is also an important matter, because high-quality glue will help create even and strong seams, which will undoubtedly affect the overall beauty of the floor; It is also worth considering what kind of base the parquet is laid on.

Requirements for glue for parquet boards

General requirements for adhesive that are important when laying on concrete or wood:

  1. Parquet board is a long-term material that can last for several decades without losing its original properties, therefore, when choosing an adhesive, you should pay attention to its service life.
  2. Any wood, including parquet boards, changes in size with changes in humidity and temperature in the room, so the glue must create an elastic seam that will accept deformation changes.
  3. The adhesive composition should have a minimum moisture content, because it can easily be absorbed into the joints of the boards, which will swell and become deformed.
  4. The glue should also not shrink, otherwise the floorboards will begin to creak.
  5. Watch out for glue toxicity.

    Many adhesive compositions can release toxins into the air of the apartment when hardening, which is easily eliminated by simple ventilation, however, some compositions continue to release harmful substances even after complete hardening, which can harm the health of residents.

  6. The last requirement applies only to adhesives for concrete screed: the composition must have good adhesion in order to further secure the concrete surface.

Types of glue

If you decide to glue parquet to the subfloor, then do not rush to decide which parquet adhesive is better, because first you need to decide on its type.

First of all, you should pay attention to the subfloor: adhesives can be suitable for either screed or wooden subfloors, but you can also find universal compounds on the market.

Do not forget that the layer of parquet board that interacts with the glue can also be different.

There are several types of glue: dispersion glue, one-component and two-component glue, which we will discuss separately below.

Water-dispersion adhesives

Dispersion adhesive for parquet has a whole bunch of positive qualities: it is odorless, environmentally friendly and easy to apply, which ensures its wide popularity in European countries, but not everything is so smooth.

The dispersion composition includes a large number of water, which can damage the parquet board.

As the liquid evaporates, it causes deformation of the wood, so this glue can only be used with wood that has good resistance to moisture, for example, larch, oak or oily exotic trees.

The base to which you attach the parquet boards should also be made of materials that can withstand moisture, such as moisture-resistant plywood.

There is also a whole list of requirements for parquet boards:

  1. Water-dispersion adhesive is recommended for use only with multi-layer parquet boards;
  2. Apple, pear, cherry, beech, alder, ash and maple cannot be glued with this composition, because they quickly swell when exposed to moisture.
  3. The thickness of the board also plays a significant role: it should be thicker than 10 mm (for more details: “Length and thickness of parquet - standard dimensions”);
  4. The surface of the board must not be treated; varnished boards must not be fixed with this composition: the varnish will not allow the wood to dry out, which will cause its deformation.

Price is also a huge advantage of dispersion adhesive, and the more water in the composition, the cheaper the product will cost you.

Do not forget that parquet does not like moisture, so it is better to take more expensive glue, where the percentage of water will be lower. Typically, such glue is presented as a ready-made universal mixture, which is suitable for gluing waterproof wood.

The glue can also glue the parquet board to the concrete screed.

The water-dispersion composition also has another minor drawback - long term grasping.

Typically it will take 5 to 7 days for the composition to dry. Read also: “Which parquet board is better – make a smart choice.”

The following brands are examples of good dispersion adhesives:

  • With Swiss glue “BONA B-720” you can glue parquet boards made of any non-fruit wood to moisture-resistant plywood.

    The glue has a fairly low price: about 5 USD. (300-500 rub.) per kilogram with a consumption of 1000-1400 g per square meter. This brand has one of the lowest water content in the composition, which is 22%.

  • Finnish glue of the Kiilto Standard brand contains much more water (36%), so you can only glue oak or hardwood parquet with it.

    The price of this glue is slightly higher than the previous copy, but its consumption is also lower: 600-1200 g per square meter.

  • If you are laying parquet over a “warm” floor system, then water-based adhesive “Tarbikol KP-5” is suitable for you.

    They can be used to glue boards with a thickness of 10 to 15 mm. Due to the high water content, the glue has a low price and consumption is approximately equal to Finnish glue.

One-component solvent adhesive

One-component parquet board adhesive can be applied to a wooden base or concrete screed. The composition does not contain any water, so it can be used to fasten even fruit-bearing wood. One-component mixtures are easy to apply, set quickly and dry completely, in addition, they hold the parquet to the base much better.

Methods for laying parquet boards on a screed

Advantages of laying parquet using one-component solvent adhesive:

  1. You can fasten absolutely any wood;
  2. The adhesive has a flowing structure, which allows you to adjust the boards during installation of the floor covering;
  3. The glue will strengthen the concrete screed due to its good adhesion;
  4. The mixture can maintain its fluidity when exposed to air for up to 15 minutes, which greatly simplifies working with it.

Polyurethane-based adhesive is one of the most common one-component compositions.

They can be used to attach wood of any species to concrete or wood, but the thickness of the boards should not exceed 17.5 mm.

The advantages of this composition include:

  • The mixture does not need to be dissolved and prepared for use;
  • The high elasticity of the mixture significantly reduces glue consumption;
  • You do not risk damaging your wood due to moisture;
  • The glue does not have an unpleasant odor, because it hardens by absorbing moisture from the surrounding air or wood;
  • The glue slightly increases the sound absorption level of the finished floor covering, which will additionally protect you from noise from below and make sounds softer inside the room.

Now it’s worth talking about the disadvantages:

  • One of the main disadvantages is the toxicity of the composition due to solvents.

    It is better to choose more expensive brands that will not release toxins into the air after drying;

  • Installation of parquet will have to be carried out carefully, avoiding exposure to fire, because the composition has a high risk of fire;
  • The last drawback is the price, which depends on the quality of the composition itself.

Most popular brands:

  • Adhesive brand "UZIN - MK 73" is made on the basis of synthetic resins.

    This glue can be used to attach various multilayer boards to concrete or wood. The glue also tolerates heat easily, so it is suitable for application to a screed with a heated floor system.

    This is not the cheapest glue, with an average consumption of 800-1200 g per square meter.

  • If you care about the level of ecology inside your home, then Ansercoll brand glue, which is made on the basis of organic solvents, is suitable for you.

    You can also attach any wood to concrete or wooden base. The price of glue is reasonable, and the consumption is 800-1500 g per square meter.

  • Tarbikol KPA brand adhesive is suitable for installing thick parquet boards up to 22 mm. The composition is alcohol-based and has a low level of toxicity. You can attach any boards to a concrete, wooden or ceramic base.

    The glue consumption is quite small (600-1200 g per square meter), and the price is also low. Read also: “How to lay parquet flooring with your own hands - tips and secrets.”

Two-component mixtures

Speaking about which adhesive for parquet is better, it remains to talk about two-component or reactive adhesives.

They are called reactive because of the principle of operation: you mix two components, after which they react, harden, firmly gluing the surfaces.

This is the most expensive option for adhesives, but it can be used to attach parquet from thick boards to any base. The glue does not contain water, so it can be used to glue any type of wood, and it also perfectly secures varnished products.

To prepare the mixture you will need a construction mixer. The mixed composition is applied to the surface with a spatula.

One of the main advantages of this glue is its fast setting (it will take a couple of days to dry completely). The fastening strength is also a big advantage.

A two-component adhesive composition has two:

  1. High price;
  2. Increased toxicity, and you can only work with such glue in special protective equipment ah (gloves and a respirator).

Popular brands:

  • Composition of the brand “Tabicol PU 2K” capable of gluing any wood to concrete, wood and ceramics.

    Its price is higher than many analogues, but the consumption is only 800-900 g per square meter.

  • "Wakol PU-210"- polyurethane based adhesive. Excellent adhesion to any surface. Material consumption is 800-1400 g per square meter.

The strongest connection will create an adhesive called “ACM VK-L12”. The adhesive is intended for narrow parquet boards. Consumption is 800-1500 g per square meter.

Parquet adhesive

When the parking plate is installed with adhesive, it should be noted that the quality of the adhesive used is reflected in the life of the flooring.

It follows that the choice of adhesive should be considered very seriously. Before deciding which adhesive should stick to your hardwood flooring, you must determine the material used to make your hardwood flooring. This point is very important because there are different adhesives for each type of tree. How to choose parquet adhesive?

This article will help you understand this problem.
Parquet panel adhesive is used for gluing flooring or mosaic parquet for all types of floors.
The base of parquet glue is almost always PVA, the consumption of glue for parquet panels in this case will be economical, and important factor is to ensure high fire safety.

These types are solvent-free, but they also have high flow efficiency and ductility. You can also buy parquet adhesive that is highly resistant to freezing.

Correct laying of parquet on screeds without plywood by hand

There is also a parquet board bonding adhesive that is suitable for gluing parquet boards when greater stability and strength are required.
Modern adhesive parquet comes in several types and is divided into reactive adhesives (one- and two-component), dispersion adhesives (water-based composite) and adhesive resins (made using alcohol).

To do right choice, what kind of parquet adhesive you need, you need to understand the main purpose of each type. The technique for placing parquet boards on adhesives is approximately the same for each type, but some differences are still present.

Placing parquet boards on adhesives
A one-component adhesive designed for gluing all types of work (including critical shapes and “thick” wood), laminated, large-format, mosaic parquet on substrates that meet installation requirements, for most jobs without the prior use of undercoat.

Polymerization of this type of adhesive occurs due to a reaction to moisture in the air. It does not shrink, remains elastic and does not contain water or solvents. Placing a parquet board on glue is very convenient, as it preserves the factory decorative coating in case of falling on it.
Two-component parquet board adhesive is suitable for strong adhesion of all types of mosaic, mosaic, multi-layer and large-format parquet, as well as parquet made from sensitive wood species.

Two-component parquet and solid panel adhesive suitable for all types of substrates. It consists of two components. This glue is a reaction type. They do not contain water, solvents, amines and harden due to chemical reaction, as soon as the ingredients are mixed. The two-component hard slab parquet adhesive hardens quickly and has good adhesive ability, resulting in high strength.

Only during the day can you start polishing the parquet.
Dispersion adhesives are used to assemble parquet flooring from sustainable wood, industrial parquet and mosaic materials. This type of glue is made on the basis of PVA acrylic or water dispersion with the addition of synthetic resins. It contains no solvents or hazardous substances, so it does not affect the health of the operator. The main disadvantage of this glue is the moisture in it, which flows into the pores of the wood and can cause deformation of the parquet.

Therefore, there are restrictions on the use of water-based adhesives. Since the size and type of parquet wood must be taken into account.
Fluid (alcohol) adhesives are used for gluing cosmetic, industrial, mosaic and multi-layer parquet of all types, but with specific dimensions for absorbent substrates.

Such adhesives do not contain water, although they do contain solvents, but are likely to shrink when dried. This glue hardens in 72 hours. Sanding the parquet in this case must be done after 10 days.
The technique of placing parquet boards on glue is very simple. The answer to the question: how to use adhesive on the floor you only had to do the following steps: apply a homogeneous mass of adhesive on a clean and dry, previously degraded surface using a brush, roller or spatula.

Some adhesives are prepared in suitable syringe bottles and applied from the bottle nozzle to the substrate. The parquet parts that do not contain adhesive must be pressed tightly together, then the adhesive must be cured. Just remember that there is no hardwood floor adhesive applied, and in the event of an impact it must be removed immediately. In general, installing parquet boards with glue is quite simple, so the main thing is precision and attention.

The main component of parquet glue is PVA glue.

It is practically non-flammable and also has a relatively low cost. In other cases, the price of parquet adhesive is much higher. Parquet adhesives do not contain solvents, have increased plasticity and are very economical to use. We have developed special types of frost-resistant parquet adhesives that can withstand temperatures down to -30°C while maintaining their properties.

It is advisable to use some types of parquet adhesives when adhesive is needed to join parquet panels and in this case greater stability and strength is required, for example when gluing parquet.
Which adhesive is best for parquet boards?

Pay attention to the types of adhesives that are most affected:
— Adhesives for water dispersion, most with low water content. It is used for gluing parquet pieces that are not large in size and are resistant to wood, based on plywood. The main advantage of this glue is that it is environmentally friendly, odorless and convenient to use.
— A popular adhesive is an artificial resin based adhesive, including a solvent composition.

They are used for gluing plywood to concrete base and are suitable for the most stable types of wood. Their disadvantage is the presence unpleasant odor, flammability, and also when using a massive plate, low strength of the adhesive seam.
— Two-component parquet adhesives They are considered the most universal because, regardless of the substrate, they are suitable for all types of installation and all sizes of parquet flooring.

They have the most durable adhesive seal and are also durable in use. This adhesive is suitable for solid parquet.

When using it, you need fast work and parquet experience, since the preparation time is ready for consistency of about 2 hours.
— One-component polyurethane adhesive for parquet panels has a particularly elastic structure. It is recommended to use these types of glue on concrete surfaces. Similar to two-part adhesives, these types of adhesives have varying performance but are more long time production.
Now that I understand the basic shades of this or that parquet adhesive, and after determining the choice of the material itself, it would be nice to think about a professional teacher who will be involved in transforming the space.

On initial stages work must be carefully aligned possible questions about parquet work and determine the cost of laying parquet boards with glue.
And finally, if you decide to do all the work, use the masters' secret in this matter.

The technology of laying the floor adhesive and the subsequent results left a feeling of satisfaction with the work if, before continuing the deposition on the parquet adhesive, which must be transferred to it for two weeks in a room with a temperature of about 20 ° C, a humidity of 45-60.

Similar climatic conditions should be maintained throughout the entire parquet installation process.

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It is no secret that the stability of a floor covering largely depends on the quality of its floor covering and, in particular, on the choice of adhesive composition. Parquet panel adhesive helps make the coating more durable and reliable. The parquet will not cause external noise because it fits freely to the base, and its service life will increase significantly.

Installing parquet panels with glue is technologically simple, but before choosing, you need to determine the materials from which they are made. This is very important because not all adhesives are universal and may not be suitable for certain types of wood.

Which glue is better?

The main types of adhesive compositions intended for laying parquet panels are:

  • dispersible, on water;
  • Synthetic, containing solvents;
  • Two components made of polyurethane with the addition of special hardeners;
  • One-component based on silane-modified polymers.

It should be noted that when using glue there is no need to carefully level the base, because this function is performed only by the mass of the glue, covering small cuts, cracks and shavings.

But if the rough soil is too uneven, then it is recommended to build a cement screed first.

Waterproof glue

The main feature of water-based adhesives is the absence of a pungent odor. It is absolutely safe, which is why it is successfully used in residential areas. Water dispersion adhesive for parquet panels is very popular among European consumers, but it has one important drawback - it is poorly tolerated by moisture in some types of wood, for example:

Water dispersion dispersions are used for parquet boards made of oak, larch and some exotic woods.

And the blades must consist of three or more layers. Stones that are unstable to moisture can be deformed under the influence of dispersion adhesive and, consequently, change the shape of the floor covering.

Synthetic glue

Adhesive compounds based on rubber or synthetic resins are used for moisture-sensitive parquet panels.

Therefore, they contain a solvent, so when working on laying parquet boards, it is necessary to take into account safety measures and precautions.

In particular, it is prohibited to use synthetic adhesive near open flames or luminous objects, and it is prohibited to have lights in areas where work is being done, fires or smoke.

Store synthetic glue in tightly closed containers in well-ventilated areas.

Solvent-based parquet adhesives are the most popular today.

How to choose parquet adhesive

The high yield index allows you to adjust the position of the strips even after they have been laid, and when open, the adhesive formulation can last up to 15 minutes without installation. The adhesive will fully cure after five days, but the start of floor polishing may be a little earlier.


Thanks to polyurethane and special hardeners, the two-part adhesive composition adjusts and shrinks much faster than synthetic or waterproof adhesive.

Its advantages are as follows:

  • ability to use on any surface;
  • high adhesive strength, almost three times higher than other types of glue;
  • Possibility of sanding in one day thanks to quick setup.

Another name for two-part adhesive is reactive.

He got it for a chemical reaction process. Working with similar adhesives necessary if you have personal protective equipment, since they contain harmful substances. But after the glue becomes completely safe for health.

A two-component adhesive mixture used for parquet boards of any size from valuable species wood or lamellas that are installed directly on cement screeds.

The composition is universal, easy to use with a spatula, you can use it in systems with “warm floors”.

One-component adhesive

A universal adhesive based on a silane-modified polymer can be used for all types of parquet boards, including moisture-resistant wood. Sanding or varnishing can be completed after 48 hours. One-component adhesive:

  • has no smell;
  • elastic;
  • does not contain solvents, epoxy resins and water;
  • it has high adhesion to all surfaces;
  • has acoustic insulating properties;
  • can be used for the construction of heated floors.

The cost of polymer-based parquet adhesive is higher than that of other adhesive compounds, but due to its undeniable advantages, it is undoubtedly becoming increasingly popular among consumers.

There are many manufacturers producing adhesive mixtures for parquet.

And the choice presented on the sales shelves of specialized stores is so wide that it is difficult for an expert to decide this choice. But the main thing that should lead you to buy glue is the type of wood the blades are made from.

One of the ways to lay parquet boards is to install them with glue, is this necessary? How to choose adhesive for parquet boards? How to lay parquet boards with glue? What to glue parquet boards to? And what glue for parquet boards is better to buy?

Let's discuss this together in our article.

Should I glue parquet boards? Is this necessary?

Of course: glue is needed to prevent deformation of the floor covering, as well as to ensure a long service life.

Choosing adhesive for parquet boards

However, in order for all the work not to go down the drain, you must initially choose high-quality composition. It can be determined by the following requirements for glue:

However, the choice of glue should be dictated not only by these features. You should also pay attention to the material of the parquet board, which directly determines what type of glue should be used to treat it - dispersion, one-component or two-component composition.

Water-dispersion adhesives

They are highly valued for their environmental friendliness, harmlessness, comfortable price and ease of application. At the same time, it requires a special type of installation material made from moisture-resistant components, because these compositions contain a lot of water. You should also expect a long setting time - from 5 to 7 days.

In addition, the conditions for using this glue include:

There are cheap options for this glue, but it is better to avoid them in favor of compositions with a minimum water content to ensure best quality parquet flooring.

Solvent based adhesive

Instead of water, these formulations contain artificial resins, rubber and MS polymers, which provide perfect styling wood covering.

In addition, this glue is able to withstand mechanical stress and high loads due to its excellent adhesion to the surface.

In addition, solvent adhesive copes with any temperature changes and changes in humidity due to its elastic structure. It is also worth noting the high setting speed and the special fluidity of the material, which allows you to easily adjust the installation.

At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages: artificial mixtures are highly flammable, have a pungent odor and toxicity that may cause respiratory irritation during application.

Therefore, you should protect yourself in advance with the help of protective equipment, and ventilate the room itself after work.

Especially among solvent-based mixtures, polyurethane-based adhesive stands out, which is used for installing boards up to 17.5 cm thick. What is its feature?

  • Low glue consumption due to its fluidity
  • Does not have an unpleasant odor
  • Does not deform wood
  • Noise reduction

Two-component adhesives

They have a special technology for adhesion of the material to the surface: gluing occurs due to a chemical reaction that occurs when a hardener is added to the original composition.

This is a universal adhesive that is also suitable for cases where one-component compounds should not be used. At the same time, two-component mixtures are the most expensive adhesives for parquet boards on the market.

In addition to the above, the advantages of this glue include the speed of setting of the material (1-2 days) and strong fixation of the coating. At the same time, the glue is highly toxic during application, so you should take care of personal protection in advance.

The two-component ones themselves are presented in two types:

  1. Polyurethane - gives a material of high strength and elasticity (30-40% of the original), does not emit toxic substances when applied, but at the same time has a high price.
  2. Epoxy-polyurethane is much cheaper than a polyurethane composition, but is inferior to it in a number of characteristics: elasticity remains within 15-20%, has a pungent odor when applied, requiring special protection.

What to choose on the adhesive market

Based on the special properties of each mixture, the characteristics of the material and the place where you want to install the coating.

As a general rule, dispersion-based adhesives are recommended for low-traffic and low-humidity areas (such as a bedroom or living room).

At the same time, in the kitchen or in the hallway you will need a composition of solvents. For the bathroom, hallway and balcony, a two-component composition is best suited.

When choosing glue, it is best to focus on proven brands: Bostik, Ibola, Kiita, Sika, Stauf, Artelit, Sealant and Monosil.

We hope you found all the answers for yourself in our article. Good luck - and strong coverage!