What else can you call Sergei? The meaning of the name Sergei, origin, character and fate of the name Sergei

Sergey is one of the most popular Russian male names from ancient times to the present day. Therefore, it will be especially interesting to know the meaning of the name Sergei, its origin, description and interpretation.

The history of this name comes from Ancient Rome, where the Sergius family was, and it literally translates as “highly revered.” There is another version, according to which the origin of the name Sergei comes from two Latin words, the literal translation of which is “servant of God.”

The history of names suggests that the name Sergius was originally used in Rus' - it has been preserved to this day in the Orthodox calendar, and this is what the child will be named at baptism in the church. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the name Sergei (or in church - Sergius) was used mainly among the clergy, representatives of the Orthodox Church.

The fact that the name Sergei is popular not only in Russia is confirmed by the fact that many variants in European countries originated from the Roman Sergius. This is Serge and Sergio, Sergius and Sergi, Sergiush and Sergi. And in the Russian language, due to the special love for this male name, over time, many diminutive forms were formed. This is Serenya and Sergunya, Gulya and Gusya, Sergush and Sergeyka, Seryoga and Sergusya, and, of course, Serezha.

Some researchers, however, say that the popularity of the Russian name Sergei is so great also because the ancient Slavs had their own similar name - Serezhen. This word could mean either a boy who was born in the middle of the week or the middle son in the family. When Latin borrowing came to Russian soil along with Christianity, the names overlapped very well, and the Roman name was no longer perceived as something alien.

The meaning of the name Sergei is determined not only by how it is translated from the language of the ancient Romans, but also by the influence it has on the character and life of the boy and the man who bears it. Moreover, just one word will influence all aspects of a person’s life:

  • How the boy will turn out to be as a child.
  • What new features will he acquire as he grows up?
  • Whom he can love and with whom he can build family relationships.
  • Who will he be friends with and in what professional field will he realize his abilities.

And, of course, it will be important to decide when you can celebrate Sergei’s name day according to the Christian Orthodox calendar - Sergius is mentioned in it more than once. And therefore it is especially important to choose the right angel day.

Boyish secrets

The characteristics of the name Sergei for the childhood years of its owner are such that the boy Seryozha is, as a rule, very sociable and active.

He equally loves outdoor games and conversations about everything in the world - and plays and talks with equal pleasure both with his family and with peers in the yard or kindergarten. Seryozha is very impressionable - many of them will be influenced by childhood impressions even in adult life.

Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor what impressions their son receives from life at home, in kindergarten, on walks and in all other places. Seryozha retains this property in the preschool years, then the emotional impact of events on the child will no longer be so strong. But by the time he reaches elementary school, the boy exhibits another quality - the ability to grasp the essence of an event in life or material told by a teacher in class.

Often it is this ability that saves Seryozha from bad grades at school - he diligently studies only in those subjects that not only interest him, but captivate him to the depths of his soul. Helps young Sergei master the school course and a good imagination. At the same time, he often shows creativity and participates in the extracurricular life of the school.

Seryozha may be interested in music (often such a boy has good hearing), drawing or technical creativity. If parents notice such tendencies in their son, it would not be superfluous to send the child to a music or art school, or a technical creativity studio, in parallel with the general education school. This will not only give an additional incentive to the development of the boy’s creative abilities, but will also allow him to expand his social circle.

The secret of the name Sergei is that people named like that are very bad at being lonely. They definitely need a friend, or at least a good comrade. Usually, Sergei’s social circle is not limited to one or two friends - there are many more of them, because the owner of the name does not like to conflict and knows how to get along with people.

At the same time, a person who bears the name Sergei often has good intuition, and this allows him to quickly determine what kind of person he is dealing with. Most often, the owner of the name keeps his opinion to himself and does not share it with others, but behaves with a new acquaintance as he sees fit. He can listen, sympathize, give advice, but will not act to the detriment of his own interests.

Romance of names

A man who bears the name Sergei is usually very popular among representatives of the opposite sex. There is an opinion that the name of the partner also matters for how Sergei’s relationship with such a girl will develop.

For example, the compatibility of the names Ekaterina and Sergey is considered almost ideal. The main thing in such a couple is mutual trust, where there is no place for suspicion and jealousy.

The combination of the name Sergey with such female names as Tatyana, Anastasia, Svetlana, Maria, Marina, Daria, Anna, Yulia, Oksana, etc. is considered quite successful. There are difficulties, but, however, quite surmountable, in relationships with women who bear the names Elena, Nadezhda, Victoria, Natalya, Olga and Irina.

“Unrequited love” is not a phrase from such a man’s vocabulary. There are always many women around him who have both romantic and carnal feelings for him. And Sergey is sure that this is exactly how it should be.

At the same time, rarely can anyone call such a man a person who does not comply with moral standards. Despite his hobbies, of which there can be quite a lot, the owner of the name cares about his image and tries to ensure that others know only what they are supposed to know. In addition, Sergey does not like to demonstrate his true feelings to a wide circle of people around him; only close people can know about them.

The family life of such a man can develop differently. If a beautiful and spectacular beauty, with whom the bearer of the name fell in love and then married her, fails to arrange everyday life and family comfort, this may serve as a reason for divorce. As a rule, Sergei enters into a remarriage with a “homely”, “cozy” woman who will make his daily life quiet and calm.

The man will help such a wife in all matters in the household. Despite the fact that the owner of the name loves to receive guests, he will not be picky about food at an ordinary family dinner. But in terms of appearance, his requirements can be quite high: he likes to dress in such a way as to look elegant.

What does the name Sergei mean to his family? As a rule, he is a very good father who takes an active part in raising his children. In addition, a family in which he is loved and appreciated is of great value to him, and he will protect it from all misfortunes.


Often the creative abilities of a man with this name take precedence over a seemingly logical choice in favor of a “mundane” and “useful” profession. Sergey is a very common name among representatives of the creative intelligentsia: poets, artists, fashion designers, photographers, musicians and other professions that require good intuition and a flight of imagination.

What Sergei will be like, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of such a person largely depends on what qualities his parents instilled in him in childhood. So, if they taught their son perseverance and consistency, in his adult years he can become a brilliant scientist or inventor. He also has good inclinations to become a good manager at least at the middle level - in almost any industry.

As for the financial situation, the bearer of the name should not rely on luck and the constant favor of fortune. The financial well-being of the owner of the name will depend on the efforts he makes to earn money.

It is extremely important for Sergei to learn to live within his means and save money for making large purchases. Proper investment of funds will allow him to make his life more peaceful. It is also very important for him to learn to distinguish which of his friends and acquaintances really needs material support, and who is playing on his good feelings.

Name day

As for the day of the angel Sergei, according to the church calendar this name appears several dozen times a year. Angel Day may fall on one of these days:

  • January 6, 15 and 27.
  • February 17 and 21.
  • March 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 22 and 25.
  • April 2, 5, 14 and 25.
  • May 8, 10 and 26.
  • June 1 and 6.
  • July 1, 11, 18 and 20.
  • August 2, 13 and 25.
  • September 10, 22 and 24.
  • October 1, 7, 8, 11, 20, 23, 30 and 31.
  • November 2, 13, 14, 16, 27, 29.
  • December 2, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20 and 31.

When exactly to celebrate angel day? As a rule, the angel's day falls on the date immediately following the person's date of birth. But there may be exceptions to the question of what date to celebrate the name day - however, it is better to talk about them with the priest.

The male name Sergei has several variants of origin. The most probable is the Etruscan origin of this name, which supposedly gave rise to the Roman family name Sergius. It is also possible that its roots relate to the Latin word “serge”, which was used to describe a certain type of fabric. But some researchers of names are inclined to see the Old Slavic beginning in this name, because our ancestors had the name Serezhen. In any case, the generally accepted translation of this name, “highly revered,” is erroneous. The name Sergei in our country was popular in ancient times, as a church name, and then as a noble name, but it gained the greatest popularity in the 60-70s of the last century. Currently, its popularity has dropped significantly, but it is still quite common.

Characteristics of the name Sergey

Sergei's character is multifaceted and unpredictable. As a rule, this is an active, cheerful person, not particularly bright, but trying to please people. As a child, he is open, sociable and very sensitive. Usually, little owners of this name retain the impressions of childhood for many years, so it is important to surround them with love and attention from the cradle, and also teach them good things, without setting bad examples. Sergei does not particularly like to study, but thanks to his independence and quick reaction, he finds a way out of any situation, as a result of which he usually graduates from school with good grades. The adult owner of this name can generally be called calm and gentle, but he is easily wound up and becomes aggressive, especially when he is contradicted or his opinion is not taken into account. Sergei’s pride is, in fact, highly developed, which sometimes interferes, but sometimes helps him in life. The owner of this name does not even try to hide the negative traits of his character, usually believing that people should perceive him as he is. He has few friends, but Sergei is very attached to those he has and always tries to pay attention to them.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Sergey is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, that is, from August 24 to September 23. Quiet and noise-averse, Virgo is not very similar to the owner of this name, but she is able to make him more modest, diligent, sincere, practical, capable of analysis, while maintaining his vulnerable pride and sociability.

Pros and cons of the name Sergei

What are the pros and cons of the name Sergei? On the one hand, it is familiar to our country, interesting in sound, goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has a huge variety of euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Sergeika, Seryozha, Serge, Serik, Serenya, Seryoga, Seryozhka . But on the other hand, to many parents who choose a name for their child, it may seem too ordinary; in addition, the character of the majority of owners of this name rarely finds fans.


Sergei's health is average in childhood, but quite strong in adulthood. The only thing that can bother the owner of this name is his nerves, since Sergei is usually prone to deep experiences and easily succumbs to stress that depletes his body.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Sergei shows homeliness and tenderness. He loves to take care of the house, helps his wife in many ways, is flexible, although sometimes he can throw a scandal for no reason. Sergei simply adores his children and loves to pamper them.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, creative work is close to him. For example, he can make an excellent journalist, artist, advertiser, designer, actor, translator.

Name day

Sergei celebrates his name day according to the Orthodox calendar several times a year, for example, January 15, April 2, June 1, July 11, August 25, September 24, October 8, October 20, November 29, December 11.

    The name is common, Sergeev knows a lot of people, including those in his closest circle. All that remains is to remember all the options heard: Serezhka, Serzhik, Sergun, Sergunya, Serenky, Serezhenka, Sernya, Sergulya, Srzh.

    A very common male name.

    As soon as they are not called, both in a foreign manner and purely in Russian.

    Serezha, Serenya, Serezha, Serezhenka.

    Sergunchik, Sergunya, Sergiy, Serenechka,

    Serge, Serzhik, Sergo, Sergio

    and simply Gray, Gray.

    Name Sergey translated from Latin means clear, tall, venerable.

    This name has many derivative forms, such as:

    • Serga,
    • Serge,
    • Earring,
    • Serezhenka,
    • Serge,
    • Sergo,
    • Grey,
    • Serik,
    • Gulya,
    • Gunya,
    • Goose,
    • Gusha,
    • Sirzh,
    • Serge,
    • Sergeyka,
    • Serguna,
    • Sergusya,
    • Sergunya,
    • Sergulya,
    • Sergusha,
    • Sernya.
  • Most often, Serey is called Serge, Seryoga, Gray, but if you need a more affectionate and warm form of the name Sergey, then you can call him Serezhenka, Serezhka, Serzhik, Serezhechka, Sergunya, Sergeika, Sergunya, Serenya (strange form).

    Some information about the name Sergei:

    Recently, a French woman asked me which male names are popular in Russia, I began to list them, and when I came to the name SERGEY, my friend was amused, she read the name as SIR GAY, she liked it so much, as if she had never seen or heard anything funnier in her life .

    Sergei can be called affectionately and unusually, for example, like this: Serge, Serge, I had a friend who was called Serge-Knife, although this is more harsh of course. Sergunya, Sergunchik, Gray, Sergo in Georgian. Gray of course. Serga, Sergunchik, Serka, Sergan, Serzhan, Gray-eyed, Silver. Everything that came to mind off the top of my head.

    Probably everyone knows this pleasant form of the name Sergei - Seryozha. As many people probably know the less euphonious form - Grey or Seryoga. The Western form is not very common among us - Serge or Sergio. And all sorts of Seropuni, Serguni, Sernki and so on personally do not bring anything but a smile to me. But everyone has the right to choose, right?

    Serezhenka, Sergunya, Serezhka and Serge

    These are the diminutive names you can call Sergei

    Although I see no reason to shorten this name

    Sergey sounds proud.

    And yes, I forgot one more option - Gray (not too affectionate, but it will also do)

    The name Sergei is common not only in Slavic countries, but also in the West. In Rus' the name Sergei was pronounced S e rgy with stress on the first syllable. This rule is still preserved in the names of Russian Saints, for example, this is how the name of the Holy Father Sergius of Radonezh is pronounced.

    Currently, this name is pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable.

    The Western version of the name Sergei is Serge.

    Sergei can be affectionately called in different ways:

    1. Seryozha;
    2. Serezhenka;
    3. Sergunchik;
    4. Sergunya;
    5. Serzhik;
    6. Grey;
    7. Gray;
    8. Serge;
    9. Serzhik;
    10. Seryoga;
    11. Sereg;
    12. Serezhik;
    13. Serenya;
    14. Serik;
    15. Serenchik;
    16. Serunchik;
    17. Sergun;
    18. Serzhulya;
    19. Serzhulik.

    Of course, among the listed names there are also very simple philistine options, the use of which assumes only a homely or friendly environment.

    Beautiful name Sergey, my husband's name Sergey, but I call him Sergey, but his sister and brothers call him Serge, his friends call him Serga, and his work colleagues call him by his first name and patronymic, but I like to call him Serge, it's more affectionate.

The meaning of the name Sergey: The name for a boy means "clear" or "highly revered." This affects the character and fate of Sergei.

Origin of the name Sergei: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Seryoga, Serezha, Serenka, Gray, Sergeika, Sergulya, Sergunya, Sergunka.

What does the name Sergey mean: The name Sergei comes from the Roman generic Sergius. It is translated as “clear.” Another meaning of the name Sergei is “highly revered”, “venerable”. Among its owners there are many talented individuals - singers, poets, writers or actors. The fact is that the guy named Sergei is gifted not only intellectually, but also creatively. Sergey is responsible and reliable. You can always rely on him.

Patronymic name Sergei: Sergeevich, Sergeevna; decomposition Sergeich.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Sergei celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • July 11 (June 28) - St. Sergius the Wonderworker of Valaam, founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia.
  • October 8 (September 25) - Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

Signs: On Sergius, in October, it begins, and winter begins with Matryona. If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises a good summer. They pray to Sergius of Radonezh for chicken stock. On St. Sergius Day, cabbage is chopped.

Meaning of a boy's name

What character traits does the meaning of the name Sergei determine?

Early childhood: Sergei is a very respectful, quiet and kind boy. What keeps him from committing crimes is the fear of offending his parents, especially his mother. However, he still gives them enough reasons to worry, since he is in poor health and often catches all sorts of infectious diseases. The little boy Sergei perceives the world optimistically and joyfully. Sometimes he has changes in activity: sometimes he runs around like crazy, sometimes he starts to act up. Sergei’s parents will have to come to terms with this, so the child’s energy reserves are restored.

Teenager: Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. At school, Sergei shows great promise, his teachers love him and predict a great future. Classmates treat the owner of this name with respect, however, he does not become close to everyone who wants to be friends with him. The guy Sergei loves music and cinema very much, and always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Seryoga does not change in the main things: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, and sympathize with a person. Seryozha is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all the grievances to himself and does not burden anyone with his problems.

Adult: Sergei is attracted to creative professions; he dreams of connecting his life with theatre, music or painting. However, more often he chooses more mundane professions. In his work, Sergei is conscientious, obligatory, and fulfills the instructions given to him on time.

Sergey knows how to get along with people, he is always ready to listen to someone else’s point of view, but will not impose his own. He is tolerant of the shortcomings of others, friendly and tactful. He is unusually rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to evaluate a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such an imagination, Seryozha can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, broadcaster, inventor.

Character of the name Sergey

Positive features: The meaning of the name Sergey from the point of view of psychology. Cheerfulness, outstanding creativity, kindness, responsiveness, ability to empathize. Seryozha has a refined nature; any rudeness or vulgarity hurts his feelings. The Sergei man can easily adapt to new people and conditions, get along with everyone except rude people. With age, courageous traits become more and more evident in one's character: courage, perseverance, high goals.

Negative features: The name Sergey brings a lack of firmness, will, and irritation. To bring his ideas to life, he needs the help of others. He may give up on something halfway; he lacks the perseverance and willpower to bring it to the end. Sergei loves to make unrealistic plans, dream, fantasize, and amaze others with his extravagance and recklessness. He can perform heroic deeds, one-time actions, but solving everyday complex problems is not his thing. Life’s failures easily “knock him out of the saddle.” As a child, a child named Sergei cannot be spoiled. Excessive affection and guardianship are harmful to him. The disagreement of parents in the education system will bring him great harm. In this case, the guy Sergei will begin to be a hypocrite, lie, and adapt early. He must grow up confident in his abilities and able to take responsibility for himself and others.

Name Sergey in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Sergey promise happiness in love? A man named Sergey is restrained in expressing his feelings. Sergei is attracted to calm, affectionate, gentle representatives of the fair sex. He cannot stand vulgar and narcissistic people. Sergei's male potential is quite high, but he does not accept sexual excesses. In matters of sexual behavior, he is captive of prejudices.

Sex has a special meaning for Sergei. Intimate relationships are an obsession for him. Sergeev's potential is great. After meeting him, a woman is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Seryoga does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, but he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities as Sergei live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

Seryoga gets caught up in love adventures, easily succumbs to the charms of love, but his affection is rarely long-lasting, a breakup occurs and then a new passion. Seryozha may be married several times. Beautiful, sophisticated wives eventually give way to a calm, homely woman, whom he himself helps with household chores.

At the same time, Seryozha is ready to cede leadership to his wife, but on important issues he defends his point of view. He is a good family man, although he often leaves his wife for fishing or the company of friends. It is on this basis that spouses may have conflicts. Seryoga is a jack of all trades. He is not picky about food, he eats what he gives. It happens that Seryozhka is addicted to alcohol, but he gets drunk slowly. Loves to receive guests in a grand manner. Dresses very elegantly.

Sergei's children mean a lot in his life. He is gentle and kind with them. Even if family relationships don’t work out, he finds an opportunity to see the children and helps them financially until they get back on their feet.

Compatibility with female names

Ideal name compatibility:

  • Sergey and Valentina
  • Sergey and Victoria
  • Sergey and Galina
  • Sergey and Daria
  • Sergei and Elizaveta
  • Sergey and Irina
  • Sergey and Nina
  • Sergei and Rimma
  • Sergey and Tatyana

Failed name compatibility:

  • Sergey and Alla
  • Sergey and Vera
  • Sergey and Larisa
  • Sergey and Eleanor

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Sergei has many interests, tries his hand at everything and for a long time cannot choose his future profession. A man named Sergei attaches great importance to creative work. Among Seryoga's men there are many outstanding composers, poets, and artists. The most diligent guy can find application for his extraordinary ideas in science and production. He also reaches heights in his career as a politician, in art, in sports, and is inclined towards engineering work. Sergei loves to tinker with technology.

The guy shuns leadership, tries to do without outside help, but he himself is reluctant to help even the closest people. The man named Sergei is an unconditional statist, he puts the interests of the state above personal ones, but prefers to act alone, because the team does not like him for his edification and directness.

Business and career: Sergei can achieve financial well-being through his own efforts or a successful marriage, but luck does not last long. He loves and knows how to dress with taste, he likes luxury. Sergey can avoid troubles in money matters if he learns to spend money rationally, let it grow, and repel people who want to make money at his expense.

You can’t call him a great intellectual, but Sergei is a reasonable, restrained person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and confusing problems. Sergei can have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to put forward an interesting idea and, what is especially valuable, bring it to life, he can have a career as a leader at all levels. In any case, the person with the name Sergei knows his business perfectly.

Health and energy named after

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Sergey from a medical point of view. Serezha’s health is weak only in childhood; with age he becomes more resilient. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, he is prone to obesity, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

Horoscope named after Sergey

Sergey-Aries: changeable nature, vain, unbalanced. It is difficult for him to decide on his own desires, develop some fundamental views, and find a line of behavior with others. Sergei-Aries is not satisfied with his own character, as a result of which he constantly seems different. Its elusive diversity attracts women, however, not for long.

Sergei-Taurus: an exalted, overly impressionable personality. He is a subtle womanizer who knows how to please women, is unusually eloquent and charming. When you are around Sergei, you never leave a feeling of safety and reliability; you can trust him without fear of misunderstanding and betrayal.

Sergei-Gemini: an unusually harmonious, pampered personality, endowed with artistic abilities and impeccable manners. Sergei is pleasant to talk to, knows how to control himself, and at the same time deftly avoids obligations and attempts to get into his soul. Sergei-Gemini strives to build a serene, calm relationship with his partner. Scandals quickly tire him, and he retreats.

Sergei-Cancer: a gullible, sentimental, aloof person. He does not like to make plans, does not try to look into the future, but tends to dream and be sad about the past. He performs any work reluctantly, mechanically, unless, of course, it is connected with human feelings. The sphere of feelings attracts Sergei-Cancer; he is always interested in getting to know his chosen one and revealing his soul to her. He is a gentle and honest partner.

Sergey-Lev: a spontaneous and loving man. This Don Juan will find an approach to any lady; he has no equal in the art of intrigue and seduction. Sergei-Lev does not boast about his love victories and never discusses them with anyone. If he truly loves, he will focus all his attention on one woman.

Sergey-Virgo: a tactful, prudent, extremely demanding person. He is not too confident in himself, so he acts carefully, step by step approaching his goal. His feelings are hidden deeply and securely, so his beloved will need a lot of strength and patience to bring them to the surface.

Sergei-Libra: calm, peace-loving, amiable person. His views on life are abhorrent to any rudeness and violence. Being well-bred, he behaves impeccably in society, not allowing himself anything unnecessary. Sergei-Libra also chooses a lady to match himself: well-behaved, delicate, full of calm and wisdom.

Sergey-Scorpio: the person is somewhat pompous, feverish, and narcissistic. He craves universal admiration for his person, which is why he behaves unnaturally and affectedly. In women's society, Sergei-Scorpio does not shut up for a minute, showers him with compliments and gradually watches the reaction.

Sergei-Sagittarius: an elegant, imposing man with lofty views on the world. He dreams of a wonderful, cloudless relationship, of an easy life filled with warmth and mutual understanding. When his dreams are shattered by harsh reality, Sergei-Sagittarius tends to fall into depression and apathy. However, his own mistakes do not teach him anything and, after suffering for some time, he returns to the world of his illusions.

Sergei-Capricorn: his nature is subtle, elusive, mysterious. He gives the impression of a man who has his own mind, and you can never guess his reaction to this or that word. The people around him do not understand him, and therefore avoid him. Sergei-Capricorn is a reliable partner, balanced and attentive, but it is better for his beloved to give up trying to penetrate his inner world once and for all.

Sergei-Aquarius: a thoughtful and calm person. There is a slight irony in his tone when communicating with others. With his demeanor, he emphasizes that he is not going to prove anything or defend his views. Thus, Sergei-Aquarius involuntarily erects an invisible barrier between himself and other people. Winning his heart is not so easy.

Sergei-Pisces: helpful, well-mannered man. He is endowed with a subtle mind, he talks about everything sensibly and competently, but with some shade of self-deprecation. Sergei-Pisces quite often starts affairs with women, usually short and light. It is then difficult for him to interrupt such connections; he avoids conversations and simply tries to disappear from his partner’s field of vision.

Numerological horoscope named after Sergey

The number 8 is important for Sergei.

Even with its shape, the figure eight reminds of balance. So, despite all Sergei’s absurd or reckless actions, throughout his life he will strive for prudence and harmony. He usually thinks about his affairs thoroughly and discusses them with someone, which sometimes takes a lot of time. However, having definitely made a decision, Sergei will stop at nothing.

The number eight also affects Sergei’s inner world, making him extremely sensitive to his surroundings. He often falls into melancholy, withdraws into himself, and is prone to nervous breakdowns. With all this, Sergei is not inclined to demonstrate his feelings, especially in relation to the woman he loves.

Sergei's talismans

  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Sergei's color is pearl gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Sergeev's treasured plant - heather
  • Patron - brown hare
  • Sergei's talisman stone is pearls

The fate of the name Sergei

  1. Venerable Sergei of Radonezh (from the city of Radonezh) even in childhood surprised everyone with his piety and strict abstinence; avoided games. His holy relics rest in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  2. Sergei Bukhvostov (1659-1728) - began serving in the stables, and in 1683, when the young tsar called the hunters, he was the first to enroll in the amusements. Subsequently, the tsar nicknamed him the first Russian soldier.
  3. Sergei Witte (1849-1915) - Russian statesman. Minister of Railways and Finance (1892-1903). Member of the State Council (since 1903). Count (since 1905).
  4. Sergei Aksakov - (1791 - 1859) Russian writer, government official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books about fishing and hunting, lepidopterist.
  5. Sergei Vernov - (1910 - 1982) Russian and Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), specialist in the field of cosmic ray physics. One of the participants in the discovery of the Earth's outer radiation belt.
  6. Sergei Obraztsov - (1901 - 1992) Soviet Russian actor and puppet theater director, theater figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971).
  7. Sergei Bondarchuk - (1920 - 1994) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1952). Hero of Socialist Labor (1980), winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe film awards.
  8. Sergei Botkin - (1832 - 1889) Russian physician and public figure, created the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subject to the will. Professor of the Medical-Surgical Academy (since 1861).
  9. Sergei Filippov - (1912 - 1990) Soviet comedian, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974).
  10. Sergei Solovyov - (born 1944) Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia (1993).
  11. Sergei Bubka - (born 1963) Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete, the first person in the world to jump above six meters. Olympic champion 1988, world champion (6 times).

Name translation

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning. The meaning of the name Sergey sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Sergius (Sergius), in Spanish: Sergio (Sergio), in German: Sergius (Sergius), in Polish: Sergiusz (Sergiush), in Ukrainian: Sergiy.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Sergey
  • Genitive case: Sergei
  • Dative case: Sergei
  • Accusative case: Sergei
  • Instrumental case: Sergei
  • Prepositional case: Sergei

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Sergey- highly revered, respectable, clear (Latin, from the Roman family name Sirius).
In the calendar and Church speech it is pronounced as Sergius.
A reliable name that balances hardness and softness. The name has always been and is now very popular and loved.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pearl grey.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: birch, heather.
Patron name: brown hare.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: peacefulness, emotionality.


Sergius of Radonezh, Rev., October 8 (September 25).
Sergius Obnorsky, Nuromsky, Vologda, Rev., October 20 (7).
Sergius of Petrogradsky, archimandrite, holy martyr, August 13 (July 31).
Sergiy Pechorsky, Obedient, reclusive, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, October 11 (September 28), October 20 (7).
Sergius the Roman, Rosafsky, martyr, October 20 (7).
Sergiy Savvait, Venerable Martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Sergius Sinaisky, Venerable Martyr, January 27 (14).
Sergiy Shukhtomsky (Shukhtovsky), schemamonk, June 1 (May 19).
Sergius of Valaam, Rev. The Wonderworker, founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia, July 11 (June 28), September 24 (11). The monastic brotherhood gathered by him became a beacon of Orthodoxy in this wild land. The indigenous inhabitants - the Karelians - began to again trust Christianity, the authority of which was undermined in the 13th century by the Swedes, who instilled Catholicism with fire and sword.


If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises a good summer.
They pray to Sergius of Radonezh for chicken stock. On St. Sergius Day, cabbage is chopped.


Little Seryozha perceives the world optimistically and joyfully. Sometimes he has changes in activity: sometimes he runs around like crazy, sometimes he starts to act up. Parents will have to come to terms with this, so the child’s energy reserves are restored.

Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. He studies well at school, conscientiously fulfills all assignments, he doesn’t even need to be reminded - he remembers everything, he takes care of everything. He loves music and cinema very much, and always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Sergei does not change in the main things: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, and sympathize with a person. Sergei is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all the grievances to himself and does not burden anyone with his problems.

Sergei is unusually rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to evaluate a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such imagination, Sergei can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, broadcaster, inventor.

Sergei cannot be called a great intellectual, but he is a reasonable, restrained person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and intricate problems. He can have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to put forward an interesting idea and, what is especially valuable, bring it to life, he can have a career as a leader at all levels. In any case, Sergey knows his business perfectly.

Sex for Sergei is an obsession. Its potential is great. After meeting him, a woman is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Sergei does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, but he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities as Sergei live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

Sergei is married several times. Beautiful, sophisticated wives eventually give way to a calm, homely woman, whom Sergei helps with household chores. He is not picky about food, he eats what he gives. It happens that he is addicted to alcohol, but gets drunk slowly. Loves to receive guests in a grand manner. Dresses very elegantly.

For Sergei, marriage with Valentina, Victoria, Galina, Daria, Dina, Elizaveta, Irina, Lyubov, Nina, Rimma, Tatyana will be successful.

Surname: Sergeevich, Sergeevna.


Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (1313-1391).

The Monk Sergius, in the world Bartholomew, the son of the Rostov boyar Kirill, who moved to Radonezh, was born in 1313. After the death of his parents, 10 versts from Radonezh, he laid the foundation of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, glorious in the history of Russia. The fame of the holiness of Sergius's life attracted disciples to him, who almost by force forced him in 1354 to accept the rank of presbyter and the title of abbot of the monastery. With the blessing of Saint Metropolitan Alexy Sergius introduced a hostel in his monastery. Saint Alexy used the advice of the Monk and wanted to see him as his successor; Grand Duke Dmitry visited him more than once, was inspired and blessed by Sergius for the war with the Tatars; He reconciled other princes with each other and with the Grand Duke. During his lifetime, Sergius became famous for his gift of miracles and foresight.

He was a man of exceptional moral purity and warmth. A penetrating mind was combined in him with infantile simplicity. “Meek in soul, firm in faith, humble in mind,” his contemporaries said about him. We admired his unselfishness, integrity of character, loyalty to his ideals, and devotion to his calling in life. Sergius amazed everyone with his quietness, his readiness to act not with violence, but with conviction, with his conversations “about the benefits of the soul and about peace and love.” Stories about how he befriended a bear, tamed it and shared a crust of bread with it add another endearing feature to his human appearance.

The main source for reconstructing the life path and teachings of Sergius of Radonezh is his “Life”, written in 1417-1418 by the disciple of the Monk Epiphanius the Wise. The life tells us that the Psalms of David were always on his lips. Sergius spoke in allegories and parables. He responded to every event in his life in a poetic way and thereby touched the cherished strings of the human heart.

The life speaks of the visions of Sergius. One day, when he was praying in his cell, fixing his gaze on the icon of the Mother of God, she appeared to him herself. Sergius fell to his knees in front of her, and his student, blinded by the light, lost consciousness. Sergius's vision of birds is especially poetic. In the darkness of the night, through the window of his cell, he saw a tree in a dazzlingly bright light and on its branches there were many birds. In his life, this vision is interpreted as a prophecy about his many disciples.

The life path of Sergius of Radonezh is amazing: he fled from the society of people - and as a result became its spiritual leader; he never took up a sword - but his one word on the scales of victory was worth hundreds of swords. The extraordinary attractiveness of Sergius’s personality can be explained simply: he was a man who steadily, to the end, fulfilled his Christian and monastic duty. “In the name of St. Sergius,” wrote the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, “the people remember their moral revival...”