How to find peace of mind and maintain calm? How to learn to maintain balance.

Target: To acquaint teachers with methods of self-regulation that allow them to “relieve” tension in a timely manner, remove internal pressures, and “relax.”
The modern world places rather stringent demands on people. A high-quality standard of living today is impossible without stress resistance, high personal efficiency, and proper distribution of time and effort. According to statistical data, the profession of a teacher belongs to the category of professions whose practitioners are most susceptible to stress. And profession modern educator- especially. Living in conditions of constant urban and work stress, with a high information capacity of life, complicates the professional work of a teacher who has to work under constant stress and lack of time.
The purpose of my lesson today is to teach you accessible ways self-regulation so you can apply them after stressful situations.
1. Game “Tell someone else a compliment”(Union).
All participants in the game are invited to take turns saying nice things to each other. Compliments can relate to personal qualities, mood, appearance.
Calmness and spiritual harmony are determined not by the absence of problems, but by our attitude towards pleasant and unpleasant life events. Most grief and mental anguish arise from the fact that our reaction is excessive and not entirely adequate to the event that gave rise to it. By answering the test questions, in just a few minutes you will find out whether you are a balanced person.
2. Psychological test"Peace of mind".
Psychological test “Mental balance”.
1. Do you sometimes get angry because of another person’s stupidity and awkwardness?
Yes, quite often – 10 points;
Not often, I try to be as tolerant as possible towards other people – 5;
Almost never. Anger has an adverse effect on the complexion, and I approach life with almost Buddhist patience - 0 points.
2. Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations?
No, never – 0 points;
Yes, if any problems bother me – 3 points;
Very often, I haven’t slept as well as I used to for a long time – 7 points.
3. Can you use the power of your voice to make your point?
I can, but I use it very rarely – 5 points;
No, although sometimes it is difficult to restrain yourself – 8 points;
Of course I can. From time to time, such a shout helps a person to release accumulated anger - 0.
4. Are you happy with your figure?
No, I liked her better before – 5;
In general, yes, with the exception of some details - 2.
Yes, I wouldn’t like to change anything – 0.
5. If your relationship with your partner fails, do you have a free choice among several new candidates? (If in this moment you are single, would you have a choice among candidates if you were looking for a new partnership?).
No, I need quite long time to meet a suitable person – 0;
There are some acquaintances, but they do not suit me - 3;
Huge selection - 7.
6. How often do you have bad dreams?
Almost never – 0;
Sometimes – 5;
At least once a month – 10.
7. Do you have a reliable circle of good friends?
Yes, definitely – 0;
Mostly friends – 3;
No, I strive to rely on everything
yourself – 5.
Data processing. Calculate the number of points you have scored.
From 0 to 17 points. You are a very calm, balanced person, you have the inner harmony that other people strive for throughout their lives. Do not lose your good mental and physical state by continuing to pay attention to your body.
From 18 to 35 points. Something is quietly eroding your mental well-being. Although you still maintain mental balance, still try to figure out what is depressing your soul. Only then will you find inner harmony.
From 36 to 50 points. You are like a fire-breathing volcano, ready to burst forth. Has for you special meaning a well-thought-out program for improving the health of the body, its mental and physical state. You get angry over trifles, taking to heart all the unpleasant moments of stressful everyday life. Don't miss the opportunity to get your nervous system in order, otherwise it may be too late.
Self-regulation - this is managing your psycho emotional state, which is achieved by a person’s influence on himself with the help of words, mental images, control of muscle tone and breathing.The main task of self-regulation- learn to decompress, relieve excess tension, react in a civilized way, or correctly direct energy to creativity and creation in order to avoid destruction
(external and internal).
What do you know the most common or natural ways self-regulation?(smile, humor. Fresh air, thoughts about pleasant things, visiting a bathhouse (sauna), tasty food). Unfortunately, such means cannot be used directly at the moment when the situation is tense.
Today we will get acquainted with such methods of self-regulation as relaxation exercises with the help of mental images, you will learn how to manage your emotional state), breathing exercises, influencing oneself with words.
Relieving emotional stress.

3. Exercise “FLY”.Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. It is necessary to drive away the annoying insect without opening your eyes.
4. Exercise “Stretch”. Most of us respond to stress by tensing our muscles, and stretching our muscles will go some way to reducing the sensation of stress.
Breathing exercises.
Usually an upset person begins to hold his breath. Freeing your breath is one of the ways to relax. Try to relax your body muscles as much as possible and focus on your breathing.
5. Exercise “Breathing on the count of 7 - 11.”
Breathe slowly, deeply. The abdomen should rise as much as possible during inhalation, and fall as much as possible during exhalation. Count to 7 as you inhale and to 11 as you exhale. Having to stretch your breath for such a long time requires full concentration and maximizes relaxation.
6. Exercise “Castle”.
Starting position – sitting, body straight, hands on knees in the “Lock” position. Inhale – arms above your head, palms forward. Hold the breath. A sharp exhalation - hands fall to your knees.
7. Exercises related to the impact of words.
Self-order - This is a short, abrupt order made to oneself. Use self-order when you feel angry or irritated.
“Talk calmly!” , “Be silent. Be silent!”, “Don’t give in to provocations!”- this helps to restrain emotions and behave with dignity.
In case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally saying
: "Well done! Good girl! You are doing well!”
And I would like to end today’s lesson with a few rules that may be useful to you when fighting for your own peace of mind:
Believe that life will not leave you. “After the darkness will come the radiance of light, believe in it and be unshakable.”
Share your experiences with someone.
Find an example: a person who has survived a similar or even more difficult situation.
And if you suddenly feel like moping, remember the saying: “If you are grieving the loss of a boat, remember the Titanic,” as well as the quatrain:
“I was offended by the Creator,
For not having boots,
Until I met a young man,
Who had no legs at all.”
The teacher invites the participants in the pedagogical interaction, who stand in a circle, to evaluate this event (content, individual technologies, teacher activities, individual games, etc.) through certain movements, as well as express their attitude towards these components.
The following movements may be suggested:
-squatting – very low rating, negative attitude;
- usual standing position, hands at your sides – satisfactory assessment, calm attitude;
- raise your hands up, clapping your hands, rise on tiptoes - a very high rating, an enthusiastic attitude.
At the beginning of the implementation of this technology, the teacher introduces the participants to all the movements and their meaning.
Each participant, after the teacher names one or another component of the interaction that has taken place, makes some movement at his own discretion.
Thank you all for your attention!

We live, subject to the rapid rhythm of the modern metropolis, in a state of constant tension, almost at the limit of our mental and physical strength.

Almost in a monotonous rhythm: work - home - work. At work there are some problems, in the family or in relationships with a loved one there are others.

How to break this vicious circle, get off this endless carousel of monotony? How to find time for yourself, your health, physical and emotional, time to live and enjoy this life? How to regain your peace of mind? How to maintain good relationships in the family, how to learn to understand your children, and your closest and dearest people.

Everything depends on you. In order to achieve peace of mind, you need to learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. The truth is simple, but it is difficult to implement.

But sometimes it’s enough to ask yourself: where, exactly, am I in such a hurry and rushing through life? Without noticing the golden autumn, snowy winter, intoxicating spring and summer with its sultry colors, interesting travels and unusual acquaintances with people and new places on our beautiful planet?

Why is it that for some people a life full of impressions, emotions, events is the norm, but I live among the same scenery, in the same, unchanging rhythm, in discord with myself?

Decide whether this goal that you are so passionately striving for is worth the effort you expend to achieve it? What will change if you achieve your goal a little later? But you will begin to live, and not rush through life.

Of course, we do not live in isolation in this world: society, work teams, close friends, family, parents. But you can agree with your closest people that you need at least half an hour of personal time after a stressful working day. After all, we also live in a state of unconscious emotional discomfort, when our personal psychological space is constantly violated.

At work, it is not possible to distance yourself from colleagues and superiors, but you can restore this energetic protective shell during the time when you are at home. During these half an hour - an hour, you will have the opportunity to begin restoring not only your mental balance and nervous system, but also your appearance: face and body. And then provide an opportunity to rest your tired legs, back and eyes. Just 15 - 20 minutes that you allow yourself to lie down after a bath or shower will restore your strength and will be enough to do all the household chores that you have planned for the evening.

If you do not pay daily attention to yourself and live in a state of constant tension, this will inevitably negatively affect not only your health, well-being and the state of the nervous system, but also your appearance. And when the reflection in the mirror is not pleasing, there is no need to talk about complete emotional balance.

Why is your mental balance disturbed?

Remember when you were completely relaxed and happy? When did this happen, with what, with what events, or with whom, with communication with what people, was it connected? Ask yourself why is this all in the past? What has changed, what else can be restored and returned?

What irritates you now? Relationships with your husband, with your beloved man? Relationships with family or problems with work colleagues? An uninteresting job where you spend 7–8, and sometimes more, hours a day? Financial difficulties or you are not feeling well, appearance, habits?

But you can spend a quiet evening with your husband, without discussing problems, because you had something to talk about with each other before, was it interesting for the two of you? If something in his habits has begun to irritate you unbearably, you can just calmly talk about it - after all, it’s quite possible that he simply doesn’t attach any importance to it and doesn’t even know about your reaction to some of his actions. And you can find something interesting for yourself in his hobbies, and not be annoyed because he devotes time to them and not to you.

Another reason for our concern, and the most significant one, is concern about our children: about their health, interests, academic performance.

Children are a completely different world, different interests and priorities. But if you are interested in them not only in grades and academic performance in general, then they will perceive this attention very sensitively: as respect for them as individuals. Then you won’t have to be surprised at much later, and their growing up will occur without catastrophic, sometimes, shocks associated with their hobbies, behavior or actions. It is much better and safer if they address their questions and problems to you, rather than looking for answers from someone or some sources of information.

How much time do you spend daily communicating with your children, do you know what interests them now and what plans they have for the future? Even at the age of 6-8 years, modern children are already quite independent, informed, well versed in new technology, which is familiar to them, and freely navigate the Internet space.

If there are any problems in mutual understanding or in relation to his or her interests, try to learn to understand it. I don’t think that you will be particularly interested in what interests your son or daughter, but, in any case, they will appreciate your interest, and you will know what modern youth are interested in.

And analyze your child’s behavior: how he behaves at 8-10 years old may be an indicator of his future behavior in life. If your child actively communicates with his peers, he is invited to visit, and you often see his friends and classmates visiting you if he easily finds common topics with new interlocutors, prefers team games, then in the future he will become a sociable person, for whom communication with by different people will not cause problems.

If your child prefers to spend time alone and communication with classmates is limited to school time, and free time prefers to spend time reading books or at the computer, try to find out the reason. It is quite possible that the son or daughter has his own problems, complexes or questions that he is embarrassed to ask about. And he looks for answers on the Internet, where you can find information on any topic, anonymously.

One way to help them learn to communicate freely with peers is through interest clubs. For example, a chess club brings together people who tend to concentrate. Classes take place in a fairly small circle and in a calm atmosphere. Your child will learn not only to communicate with people of different ages, but also logical thinking.

Our children are already under a colossal burden: intense and difficult. training program, additional classes foreign language and in sports section, some other course or training. In practice, they have no carefree, easy childhood, but there is no other way - they have to independent life in conditions of fierce competition, they must be prepared for this.

Therefore, when you are constantly tense, and they, with their still fragile nervous system, annoying quarrels and breakdowns occur. And when there is no peace, mental and psychological comfort in the family, when the tension accumulated during the working day does not decrease at home, but continues to grow, then quarrels and conflicts break out literally because of trivial reasons.

Precisely because of the reasons, and not because of the reasons. After all, the main reason is the lack of complete trust and mutual understanding between you, within your small family. After all, you are the closest and dearest people, why can’t you agree on everyone’s free personal space so that there is time for your own interests and activities? Why not try to understand each other?

How to achieve mutual understanding in the family.

Arrange a family council once on the topic: “What do I not like in our family, what complaints do I have against you, what do I want to do, but do not find free time and opportunity for this, what can we do, each of us, in order to so that we live in peace and trust, so that our home becomes our small, calm, dear and cozy haven, where we can take a break from everything that happens outside our door?

You don’t have to say it, but write it. Write such a letter to everyone within a week. Believe me, while you are writing it, and this involves carefully thinking about each phrase, there will be answers to many questions, and there will be many solutions to conflicts and quarrels. After all, sometimes we just don’t have time to think about it, we’re just in such a hurry to live that we consider all this a trifle.

The problem of relationships between different generations in each family is solved in its own way. As a rule, it is difficult for us to find complete mutual understanding on the part of our parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law, and it is also difficult for our children to fully understand us or agree with our prohibitions, teachings, and restrictions. But all this turns out to be very small and insignificant when someone from the older generation in the family begins to get seriously ill. Or, what is the most terrible and incorrigible, the pain from which remains for the rest of our lives, someone leaves our lives forever.

Therefore, it is enough to understand once that family, children, parents, our family relationships are the most important thing in life, for which it is worth living and what is worth appreciating. Everything else, by by and large- secondary, on which you should not waste your nerves, health and time. But sometimes you realize it’s too late, when nothing can be changed, said, or returned.

And from a distance you understand that you were wrong, and even if you were right, you didn’t behave like that, it becomes even more painful. And it's already late. All that was left was the pain from unspoken love, from the call that didn’t come once again to find out how you were doing and your health, from all the small and unnecessary things that seemed so important.

Take care of your parents, take care of your children, and do not forget to tell them that they are the most important thing in life for you. And there will be fewer conflicts, and there will be more peace of mind, health and complete happiness from the very fact that you are living.

Here's a simple experiment you can do right now to get a feel for these mechanisms: Continue reading and at the same time quickly shake your head left and right so that your nose moves 2-5 cm in each direction.

Do you have problems maintaining balance when skiing?

Do you feel tension in your spine, hips and legs?

Here's a simple series of exercises based on the Feldenkrais Method that will help you feel like a different person on your skis.

Early in the century, physiologists studying animal movement discovered a group of reflexes they called tonic and self-leveling mechanisms that influenced how humans maintain balance and interact with gravity.

Feel like the skier you've always dreamed of becoming

Almost 80 years later, we are discovering how important these mechanisms are for active species sports such as cross-country skiing, and we study ways to use them to improve our abilities.

Tonic mechanisms are responsible for muscle tone - the state of muscle contraction before the muscle is activated. If you lie on the floor and relax, you will feel that the muscles do not become completely flaccid, as there is some residual contraction left in them. This is called tone.

And when you stand - even if you stand completely still - the tonic mechanisms continue to maintain sufficient tone in the muscles to help you stand. If this tone were not there, you would fall into a heap.

Self-leveling mechanisms are those that return us to an upright position when we lose our balance.

If you slip on ice, for example, self-leveling mechanisms will automatically prevent your fall.

Like everything else about humans, the tonic and self-leveling mechanisms are complex. However, their purpose is clear - to maintain us in a state of balance.

Here's a simple experiment you can do right now to get a feel for how these mechanisms work: continue reading and at the same time quickly shake your head left and right so that your nose moves 2-5 cm in each direction.

You may notice that you are still able to read while doing this. Now stop shaking your head and instead quickly shake the magazine (with the text) left and right. As you can see, it is almost impossible to read.

So what's the difference? When you shake your head, arc-shaped canals in the inner ear measure the position (actually, the speed) of the head and cause the eyes to move in the opposite direction, just enough to keep focusing on the desired point.

On the other hand, when you shake a magazine, there is no sufficient correction mechanism and your eyes cannot follow the movement.

More harsh way feel this connection between the inner ear and the muscles that move the eyes - spin yourself for a few seconds and then suddenly stop.

This confuses the inner ear and causes the eyes to unconsciously turn - even after you have stopped - in the direction in which you were spinning.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what the tonic and self-leveling mechanisms do, let's look at how you can use them to improve your skiing.

At first glance, this does not look promising, since these mechanisms are almost completely automatic and unconscious, leading to muscle contraction - when necessary to maintain balance - without our conscious control.

But it turns out that there is a way to improve our use of them indirectly, by performing specific eye and head movements.
This is especially valuable for skiers, many of whom clench their neck muscles when skiing and keep their eyes fixed in the sockets, which interferes with proper operation tonic and self-leveling mechanisms. This causes the muscles of the spine, pelvis and hips to become tense and most of the movements required for dynamic skiing become difficult, if not impossible.

So before you start riding,work on the connections between the muscles of the neck, eyes and the rest of the body. The following exercises are adapted from the Awareness Through Movement lesson system by an Israeli movement specialist. Moishe Feldenkrais, will not only dramatically improve your skiing skills, but will also reduce the effort required to do so.

1. Before you start skiing, put on your skis, but leave your poles aside - and find a mark on the slope. Slowly,start twisting your entire body left and right. Do this with a light rocking motion.

As you turn, allow your attention to slide down to your feet, then to your knees, hips, shoulders and head, and finally to your eyes.

As you move your attention upward, try to feel that each part of the body is moving in relation to other parts, that the hips are turning over the feet, the shoulders are over the hips, the head is over the shoulders, and the eyes are on the head (far enough so that you can look behind you to the left and right, swinging).

Keep turning left and right, but don't overexert yourself: pay attention to the quality of the movement, not the quantity. Let it be a light twist that happens almost on its own.

2. Continue swinging left and right, but now place all your weight on your left leg.

Scan the body with your attention as before. Do you turn more or less easily this way?

After a minute, shift your weight to your right leg, continuing to swing. How is this different from turning with weight on your left foot?

Finally, shift your weight to your left leg, swinging to the left, and to your right leg, rocking to the right.

Do this for about a minute, then return to the basic swing you started with.

Does movement feel easier now?

3. Rest a little and begin turning left and right again - but with this modification: fix your eyes on something at eye level, directly in front of you. Notice how this limits the movement of your head.

The head can still turn left and right, but not as far. Continue doing this, scanning your body from your feet to your head. Did fixing your eyes change your body movement? Are you holding your breath?

As you swing, notice what else you can see in your field of vision without moving your eyes away from the target. Try to notice objects from the left and right edges, from the top and bottom edges of the field of view. Your eyes shouldn't move, just your head, but you can still see other objects - without trying to see them in detail, though.

If you move slowly, without strain, and pay very close attention to yourself, you can find a connection between awareness of peripheral vision and the amount of effort required to turn your body. The effect is barely noticeable, but it is there.

4. Now allow your eyes to turn freely and swing easily left and right as before. Notice how the angle of rotation has increased. Can you feel what has changed in the body that led to this?

5. Continue swinging left and right, and now make another change: keep both your eyes and head still, allowing the rest of your body to swing. This will limit body rotation very significantly.

Again, scan the body, noting all the details. Notice your breathing and pay attention to your entire field of vision. Think of the head and feet being stationary while the rest of the body rotates between them.

6. Continue this movement for a few minutes until it becomes easy, then release your head and eyes, allowing them to swing left and right again. Notice how the turning radius has increased even further.

7. Now pick up your poles and find a wide, easy slope. Try these rocking motions by sliding down a slope very slowly, first in one direction, then in the other. If you hold both poles by the middle in one hand, they will not interfere with the swing.

8. After spending about an hour doing this series of exercises, put them out of your mind and just ride as usual.

When you succeed in improving your use of the tonic and self-leveling mechanisms by doing this exercise, you will find an amazing improvement in your skating. The feeling of lightness and simplicity is almost indescribable.

You may feel as if you were wearing heavy armor before without knowing it. Suddenly they're gone, and you finally feel like the skier you've always dreamed of being - graceful, effortless and relaxed. It's definitely worth an hour of your time. published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project

©Jack Haggie

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Your goal is to become as strong as possible inside, so that nothing from the outside can affect your peace of mind without your permission. That’s right, because calmness is a human superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things personally gives you noticeable advantage, regardless of the circumstances. However, the biggest and most difficult obstacle you will have to overcome is your own mind. So, 18 reminders on how to maintain peace of mind.

1. Calmness begins the moment you take a deep breath and don't allow anyone or anything to control your thoughts. You are not what happened to you. You are who you want to become at this moment. Let go and start again.

2. Be here. Right here. You can only solve the problems of this moment. If you add the endless battles of yesterday and tomorrow, life becomes chaos.

3. Calm does not mean being in a place where there is no chaos, problems or difficulties. Calm means being in the midst of it all and still being mentally, emotionally and physically calm.

4. If you can solve a problem, solve it. If you can't, then accept it and change your thoughts about it. Whatever you do, don't invest more into anything than you need.

5. Remember that you choose what is important and what is not. Only you give or do not give significance to things and events in your life.

6. In most cases the problem is not a problem. The real problem is overthinking and overanalyzing.

7. As we age, we realize how much time we have wasted. So, do your best right now to experience this world and rise above all the petty dramas and tragedies.

8. Whatever you focus on instantly gains power. Stop managing your time. Start managing your focus.

9. Positive thinking is a choice. your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. And remember that being positive is not about ignoring negativity, but about overcoming it.

10. Life is too short to quarrel and... Appreciate the people you love. Calm in the midst of chaos is mastery. Develop this skill in yourself.

11. Don't lower your standards, but remember that having no expectations from others is The best way avoid disappointment.

12. You won't always be a priority to others, and that's why you have to be a priority to yourself. Learn to respect yourself and take care of yourself. Your needs matter. Don't wait to be chosen. Choose yourself today!

13. Don't compare your progress to others. We all need different time to follow your own personal path. Just focus on the steps you are taking now.

14. In ten years, it won't matter what shoes, clothes or hairstyle you wore today. The only thing that will matter is how you lived, how you loved, and what you learned.

15. Sometimes we try so hard to achieve something big that we don’t notice all the little things that give life a special charm. Look carefully around. These little things are everywhere.

16. Think with gratitude about all your accomplishments and missteps, the chances and coincidences that have brought you to this moment.

17. Forgive yourself for bad decisions, for the times when you lacked understanding, for the wrong choices that hurt other people and yourself. Forgive yourself for being immature and reckless. These were your life lessons.

18. Nothing is permanent. When you understand this, you are practically omnipotent because you are no longer trying to hold onto anything. It's all about accepting what is, letting go of the past and going your own way.

Peace of mind is ultimately your choice...

If you are now choosing...

stuck in the past
act like a victim
feel angry
ignore useful tips
give up

So maybe it's time to make a different choice. Namely…

Let go
live in the moment
think positively
forgive yourself
forgive others
know your worth
see opportunities
breathe deeply.

Find peace within yourself and make it your superpower!

Living a completely stress-free life is only possible in our wildest dreams. In this fantasy paradise, you no longer have to rush to work, worry about your financial accounts, or fight with your romantic partner. In reality, we are faced with a lot of problems, most of which weigh heavily on you. However, even in real world There are secrets that will help increase your stress resistance and balance.

Swearing helps get rid of negative emotions

Researchers from the University of East Anglia selected the most effective management styles. It turned out that managers who use strong words appropriately are less stressed, and swearing increases the spirit of camaraderie.

Time out to watch a funny video

A good mood helps lower levels of the hormone cortisol. This became clear thanks to an experiment conducted by employees from Loma Linda University in California. In another study, researchers at the University of Maryland showed participants short funny videos. As a result, blood flow to the volunteers' hearts increased by an average of 22 percent.

Use the pronoun "we"

Here’s some valuable advice for lovers: use the pronoun “we” in conversations. This will save your marriage by preventing the lion's share family scandals.

Be calm parents

Children of overly strict parents are at higher risk of obesity. Scientists have found that 7-year-old schoolchildren living in conditions of strict discipline are 5 times more likely to be overweight. Children can't stand it constant stress, so they experience food cravings.

Eat more garlic

Scientists from the University of Alabama are confident that they have uncovered the secret of the positive effect of garlic on the heart. The spice's main phytochemical, allicin, produces hydrogen sulfide when it enters your body, which expands blood vessels and increases blood flow to the heart muscle.

Limit fast carbohydrates

Stress causes your adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol, which puts your body on high alert and makes you crave quick energy. To keep stress hormones in check, limit your intake of sugar and starchy foods, and eat high-fiber vegetables and lean protein.

A little dark chocolate won't hurt

Dark chocolate is the only healthy dessert, but provided that we are talking about moderate consumption of the product. The flavonoids found in cocoa relax your blood vessels.


Physical contact can suppress stress through the release of endorphins. So next time, instead of quarreling with your partner over unwashed dishes, find something more enjoyable to do.

Take fish oil

According to a study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, people with high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are happier and less impulsive. Taking fish oil (400 mg daily) is the simplest and least expensive intervention.


Researchers from Hong Kong Polytechnic University found that pressing on the fleshy part between the index and thumb hands for 30 seconds reduces tension by 39 percent.

Re-read the Greek classics


Find a quiet, private place for a mini-meditation. Focus on your breathing for 10 minutes and it will reduce your stress by almost half.

Swap coffee for tea

The experiment, which took place at University College London, involved 75 volunteers. Before performing a stressful task, some students drank tea. As a result, the level of cortisol in their bodies decreased by 47 percent compared to those who did not drink their drink.

Minimize distractions

If your work often causes headaches, try to minimize the influence of small distractions such as a squeaky chair, notifications Email or flickering light.

Become a planning guru

Planning is the most important thing you can do to avoid stress. Write to-do lists for the day, for the week, for the year. Get used to a daily schedule and your life will become more stable.

Reduce the impact of unforeseen circumstances

Effective performers are very sensitive to overload. They know how to react to unseen circumstances before stress paralyzes them. Learn to recognize the physical signals of stress, identify its source, and come up with a solution that you can implement immediately.

Take a break

American researchers have found that taking a 15-minute break while working allows you to calm down and increase productivity.

Define your scope of control

When you are faced with a problem that seems impossible to solve, identify the part of it that you can control. This will give you the opportunity to act from a position of strength, and not be a hostage to circumstances.

Don't underestimate your strength

At first, everything always looks gloomy and hopeless. But in reality, people have more resources to overcome the problem.

Find a partner

If you have ever had a sparring partner in gym, then you know how great it is to have the support of a friend. The same goes for your life outside strength training equipment. If you have a friend you can lean on in difficult times, you are halfway to success.

Relaxation exercise

Tilt your head back, close your eyes and let them rotate in a circle with a large amplitude. Do this for 30-60 seconds. This will send a signal to your brain to relax.

Foot massage

Use golf balls to drive away anxiety. Sit at a table, take off your shoes and place a ball under each foot. Now roll them along the soles of your feet back and forth. You can create pressure with your foot, this will help you relieve tension.

Increase your competitiveness

Any competition, be it mental or physical, increases the level of positive tension. This increases your heart rate and increases the circulation of cells important for a strong immune system.

Listen to rhythmic music

Italian researchers found that playing several high-tempo music with two minutes of silence lowered blood pressure. This measure improves your mood, but does not allow emotional overstimulation.

Breathing practice

In a sitting position, close your eyes, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale on the count of three and feel your stomach press against your hand. Exhale for a count of five, repeat this exercise three times.

Let go of the things you can't control

You can't resist the vagaries of the weather, so consider a flight delay or cancellation as a chance to make the most of your time.

Call your mother

Scientists have found that when a woman hears her mother's voice, her brain releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps reduce the effects of stress.

Don't forget about physical activity

Sport helps you get rid of negative energy and improves mood.

Moderate your alcohol consumption

But alcohol is a powerful depressant. After the initial feeling of relaxation that drinking gives you, you feel aggressive and angry.

Order food

For new mothers, cooking becomes a chore, so you can treat yourself by ordering food.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep

Less sleep leads to increased levels of the hormone cortisol.

Stop smoking

Smoking doesn't actually calm you down. According to studies, one cigarette smoked increases heart rate by 10-20 beats per minute.