How to arrange a site in front of a house in a country house. What should be the landscape design of the area in front of the house? Important household properties of garden flower beds

A front garden created with your own hands is business card of a private home, the first thing that attracts attention. It should be unique and attract attention. To achieve such a result you will have to spend a lot of effort and learn a lot. So, how to decorate the front garden in front of the house? Let's consider the main points and recommendations of design professionals.

The front garden is the first thing people pay attention to

The garden should be beautiful and attract attention

To decorate your front garden beautifully, use the recommendations of experts

The front garden can be either open or closed. The open one is visible to all people passing by, and the closed one is intended to delight the owners of the house and their guests. If you want to make the front garden in front of your house beautiful both inside and outside, then you should consider an original transparent fence.

First of all, you need to decide on the size decorative garden. Here you will have to take into account the area of ​​the house. A front garden with a width of 2/3 of the height of the building looks ideal.

The next stage will be planning. It is better to draw a small plan of the garden indicating the dimensions. You should not miss this moment, since the entire area must be thought out completely.

Closer to the front of the house it is better to plant shrubs and tall plants. The garden as a whole should resemble a river valley, in the role of which there is a path or path. The bush can also be used as a fence around the front garden. The enclosed space can be of any shape. If you have a blank wall, you should beat it by planting a tall tree nearby.

The garden can be open or closed

What does the front garden consist of?

Now it’s worth figuring out what can be located in the front garden. It most often includes:

  • flower beds;
  • shrubs;
  • arches of flowers;
  • design compositions;
  • original picket fence.

All elements should be organically combined with the architecture of the house and become its unique decoration.

Flowers are a mandatory attribute of the garden

The front garden should be harmoniously combined with the house

The front garden should be a unique decoration of the house

Style selection

After the front garden plan has been determined, you need to choose a design style. Let's look at a few popular destinations.




The style is characterized by gentle light flower arrangements. A beautiful wrought-iron fence decorated with climbing plants would be a good addition.


The focus is on coniferous plants and compositions made from natural stones. They should differ in shade and size.


Such a flower bed is characterized by dim colors and multi-tiered shapes. The main fencing is stones.

The easiest style to implement is characterized by the presence of perennial plants. A wooden fence is often used as a fence.


The main feature of such a front garden is the ability to move. This is explained by the fact that almost all plants are planted in tubs or containers. A lamp would be a good addition. Such a front garden will become good addition recreation areas. Plants can be used to surround chairs, tables, and children's playgrounds.

The choice here needs to be made on unusual plants, natural stones.

The picket fence adds coziness to the front garden, but in some cases you can do without it. It all depends on the chosen style and the content of the garden. The picket fence can be replaced with a hedge.

In addition to the fact that the garden has a certain style, front gardens are divided into two types according to their design.

  1. Russians are distinguished by rich colors, bright appearance, decorated with painted motifs, artistic elements, figurines.
  2. European design is characterized by neat, strict lawns and clearly defined garden paths.

First of all, you need to choose the style of the garden.

Russians prefer bright flowers

Plant selection

There are several rules for choosing plants for front garden design. First of all, qualified specialists advise paying attention to the following factors.

  1. Determine the sun exposure of the front garden. Some flowers are considered light-loving (daisies, phlox, asters, peonies), while others bloom well in dark areas (forget-me-nots).
  2. Consider the timing of plant flowering. If you want to have a blooming front garden for the entire summer season, then you should choose flowers that bloom at different times.
  3. For a harmonious appearance of the garden, you should choose plants of different heights. At the same time, the taller ones are planted closer to the fence or wall of the house.
  4. It is also worth paying attention to the life expectancy of plants. There are annual, biennial and perennial.

Competently following the described rules will allow you to get a beautiful front garden that will delight you with its blooming view hosts all summer. However, it is not recommended to plant perennial plants very densely, as they have the ability to grow over time. First, annual flowers can be planted between them to take up space.

There are several rules for choosing plants for front garden design.

When choosing plants, consider their flowering time

Perennial plants should be diluted with annuals

It will not be difficult to choose flowers that bloom all summer. These can be phlox, roses (including bush roses), hydrangeas. These plants are perennial. You can plant petunias and cosmos for one season. The main thing is to choose a color scheme and provide the flowers with timely care.

If you don’t have time to tinker a lot with flower beds, then you can plant unpretentious plants. For example, irises, peonies, calendulas.

But in any case, a lot of attention will have to be paid to composing the composition. In a front garden created with your own hands, there must be a central element, which is the focus of the entire flower bed. Most often, shrubs are chosen for this role, beautiful tree, sculpture. Smaller components are placed around the lead plant to create the desired background. Do not forget that background plants should not overshadow the main ones.

It will not be difficult to choose flowers that bloom all summer

The flowerbed should have a central element on which all attention is concentrated

Creating a fence

The appearance of the flower beds also depends on the fencing. Don't miss out correct selection fence Most often it also performs a decorative function. Landscape designers offer big choice fences that allow you to originally complement the overall composition.

  1. Forged bars on the windows of the house will go perfectly with a low metal fence.
  2. A wooden picket fence will add coziness to any front garden.
  3. A wicker fence will decorate a garden in a rustic style.
  4. A neat wooden fence will always look stylish and original. Especially if it is evenly painted and complemented with decorative elements.
  5. In specialized stores you can buy interesting plastic fences.
  6. Natural stone always makes stylish fences that do not require special care.

When choosing a picket fence, you should remember: creating a beautiful front garden is not only possible for trained professionals. To get a good result, it is enough to carefully think through each element, approach the choice of plants wisely and devote time to them.

Background plants should not overshadow the main ones

The main thing is to choose a color scheme and provide the flowers with timely care

The appearance of flower beds often depends on the fence

Front garden decoration

As a rule, when decorating a front garden, planting flowers, trees, and shrubs is not enough. An excellent addition could be an original path from the gate to the porch of the house and various buildings in the territory. If it is decided to plant lush flower beds around the path, then they are placed so that the width of the path is not visually reduced and no one touches the flowers while walking through the garden.

An important stage in the design of a site is lighting. It would be nice if soft lighting turned on in the evening. Devices can be placed directly in flower beds.

Figurines and garden figurines can be an excellent addition. But they must be combined with the overall style.

Decorating a garden does not end with planting flowers. You can make a small lake

Figurines and garden figurines can be an excellent addition.

Sculptures in a garden plot can be made of stone, wood, or clay. Instead of sculptures, you can simply use compositions from natural stones different sizes. Animal figures are often used when decorating a front garden. fairy-tale heroes. They're in large assortment Available in garden supply stores. You can also make them yourself from scrap materials.

There should not be a lot of decorations on the site. They should complement the overall composition, and not overload with the number of shapes and bright colors. Plants remain the focus.

Sculptures in the garden can be made of stone, wood, clay

There should not be a lot of decorations in the garden. They should not overshadow the main picture

Plants must be the focus

Advantages and disadvantages

Sometimes owners of private houses do not understand why front gardens are needed and what their benefits are. Let's look at their main advantages.

  1. A decorative garden in front of the house will allow you to hide the building from random passers-by.
  2. You can install a mailbox in the flowerbed area.
  3. In the front garden you can find a place for a children's playground. Sometimes a swing and, for example, a playhouse or a sandbox are enough (you will have to think about its installation so that the sand does not crumble).
  4. Among the plantings you can successfully camouflage garbage containers.
  5. You can also plant fruit and berry plants in the front garden.
  6. The ability to hide certain imperfections on the facade of the house and emphasize the chosen style.

There is only one drawback to creating a front garden: the need to constantly care for the plants and keep the garden in order.

With the help of a front garden you can hide the shortcomings of the site

Wicker flowers will perfectly complement the overall picture of the garden

Small front garden

If the area on the territory for the front garden is small, then do not be upset. It is also possible to make it beautiful and effective. The emphasis can be placed on the original wicker fence or wooden fence and set up a miniature peasant courtyard on the site.

Small artificial pond will help visually enlarge the space. But the tree will act in the opposite way.

Whatever decision is made regarding the design of a personal plot, the main thing to remember is that all vegetation requires timely care. Otherwise, all the beauty will look neglected and overgrown with weeds. The style of the garden must necessarily be combined with the architecture of the house and be its continuation.

Video: How to design the area in front of the house

50 photos of design ideas for the front garden of a private house:

All homeowners pay special attention to how appearance their local area looks from the outside. In today's material I want to bring to your attention 25 landscaping ideas for the front of the house in modern style. What trends do experts propose, what ideas are being implemented in practice.

Various combinations of shrubs and conifers, as I have repeatedly said, now occupy one of the leading places in design. Mulching wood shavings, painted to match the tone of your home, will make the composition truly organically fit into the space.

We also don’t forget about flowers; they can be “woven” into the shrub ornament with a monochromatic line, as if emphasizing your individuality. In this example there is no variegated color scheme, but the taste of the owner can be traced.

An interesting solution, it seems to me, is to place the path leading to the central entrance on the side, from the entrance to the garage. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to admire all the beauty of the plants as you move into the house.

Another similar example with a side path leading to the main entrance. It's pretty convenient solution for those who are going to build a garage on the side of the house. Pay attention to the plants - in this example there are no flowers, only shrubs, some of which are decorative foliage.

The shapes of flower beds in modern landscape design are the most bizarre, and even if one of the sides is straight, the others tend to be tortuous. It is recommended to make borders for flower beds from paving stones or bricks.

You can often find solutions where the flowerbed is made in the form of a kind of island. Now they have moved away from the alpine hills and began to make such islands. Of course, in the conditions of the Moscow region, the role of a palm tree can be taken over by a Christmas tree. I’ve seen ideas where the tree is even cut stylized to look like a palm tree.

Ball-shaped bushes are the basis of a modern flower bed in front of the house. Even blue spruce can be brought into line with the rounded style of the flower garden.

The construction of permanent borders will allow you to take the design concept to a regular level. Something from the classic European park school, plus inclusions of free thoughts, for example, the same blue spruce trees.

The photo shows an example of a gentle modern design in front of a private house. The idea of ​​a circular patio is original, as are the tussocks of cereals. The unevenness of the rectangular paving inserts with a border emphasizes the author’s non-standard vision.

Even if you don't have much time for something mind-blowing, you can always plant shrubs, and hostas if you have a large tree that provides shade. Pay attention to the path - most often the path to the main entrance is now taken from the side.

Even ordinary stones placed in a flowerbed will give a stylish look to your entrance composition, a couple of conifers, a couple of shrubs with beautiful foliage - and a pleasant look is ready!

In large flower beds, gravel inserts are appropriate, which will introduce a certain mosaic into the structure of the entire composition. By combining several shades you can visually improve the perception of your idea.

An original design solution for the front of the house. A large ceramic flowerpot is placed on a round platform; the steps and paths are uneven.

However, even a budget classic paved path with shrubs planted along it looks beautiful, with proper care and attention. In this case, you should create accents of bright plants in front of the entrance.

If you have a large space in the front of the house, then you can design it with a central island, which can accommodate a combination of classic and natural style.

By leaving a lawn in the center of the space, you create, as it were, two visual lines, the first is the outer contour, and the second is the far part, with taller plants.

The tiers in the area in front of the house will undoubtedly require increased attention on your part. But this composition looks incredibly beautiful, you can’t argue with that.

From complex to simple - tiers can also be formed from small raised flower beds. When you have little space at your disposal, it is better to leave more free space.

In some cases, the height of the hedge in front of the house can be increased, and a flower garden can be planted in front of it. low-growing annuals.

There will be no chaos in your flowerbed if you plant several identical plants, thereby forming a chord of color spots.

I really love shrubs, those that need to be trimmed and formed into a beautiful natural geometry. Plus conifers as accents that stand out against the background of this green carpet.

Do you remember recently I talked about shafts in modern landscape design? So, another idea from this concept is a trio of bright bushes, a trio of Christmas trees, mulch from shavings and the result is a discreet, fashionable composition.

A boulder stone can serve as a border for your flower bed; in those regions where there are no problems with stone, this is the most affordable solution.

Flowerbed - an island, as I already said, is now replacing the alpine hill. This is a kind of alternative for those who have not been able to tame rockeries. Everything is simpler on the island, but the appearance of such a piece is very attractive.

Well, in the end, returning to the first photo, I would like to draw your attention to the possibility of creating a bright flowering border from low-growing annuals, a lawn and a central raised flower bed. The circle shape will be ideal for it, and you can plant the same plants on it as in the border. In the background we see tubs of color variations.

I wish you creative inspiration, pleasant ideas and the opportunity to implement them on your own summer cottage or in a private courtyard! As always, stay tuned and share ideas with your friends on social networks!

Living in a private house provides an opportunity to show your creativity to the fullest when decorating and improving your home and surrounding area. At the same time, one of the most successful options for decorating the territory on which the house is located is the use of green spaces. There are many options for how to design a front garden in front of your house; you can do this either independently or with the help of specialist designers.

There are several types of decorative elements in landscape design, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. These include flower beds, ridges, flowerpots, front gardens and more. But, despite the fact that this word is familiar to many, not everyone can give precise definition what a front garden is. This can be called a fenced area located in front of a home. The entire formal appearance of the house will depend on how well this space is arranged, so to create beautiful view It's worth putting in some effort.

Externally, this design element is, as a rule, a rectangular area that occupies the space from the house to the road and is filled with ornamental plants. For this purpose, both herbaceous annuals and perennials, as well as shrubs and trees are used.

Types of front gardens

Depending on the type of fencing, its presence or absence, all front gardens are classified as follows:

  1. Closed type. Such a landscape element has a fence, so it may not be visible or partially visible from the road, depending on the type of fence and its height.
  2. Open type. This front garden can be observed not only from the local area, but also from the street. It consists of a path, flower beds, and a neatly trimmed lawn in front of the house.

Closed type front garden
Open type front garden

In addition, depending on the style used, the front garden can be:

    • European look. Its main features are strict adherence to geometric lines and proportions; freethinking and free approach are not welcome. Also, this front garden most often does not have a massive hedge.

European look

  • Russian look. It must have a fence. The accuracy of the lines when placing all its components is not necessary; the main requirement is that when looking at the space in front of the house it pleases the eye.
  • In addition to the above main directions, the front garden design can also be made in oriental style. It is characterized by the presence of stones in the decor and coniferous plants, preferably dwarf forms. Ideally, such a site should resemble a traditional Japanese garden.

East style

  • A Mediterranean-type front garden implies the presence of flowers and sometimes trees growing in special containers. They can be arranged depending on the preferences of the homeowners. In addition, there may be other details - sculptures, lanterns. The main component of this design is the recreation area - benches, table, canopy.

Mediterranean type

  • If you want to be transported back to childhood, remembering a holiday in the village, then you can give preference to the rustic style. It must have a fence, and behind it a variety of flowering plants, depending on the taste and preferences of the homeowner.
  • There is another option for designing a front garden in front of the house - in a romantic style. In this case, the decor includes arches, and plants are selected that will braid the fences and bloom beautifully and for a long time.

Romantic style

Advantages and disadvantages

The front area located in front of the home is very important in terms of appearance. When visiting country house the first thing that catches your eye is this area. Therefore, the closest attention should be paid to its improvement. A beautiful front garden is one of the best exits In current situation.

The main advantage of this part of the landscape is its high degree of decorativeness. Regardless of the chosen style of execution, with a competent approach, the front garden can hide the shortcomings of the house, if any, and the advantageous aspects can, on the contrary, emphasize and decorate the area.

As for the disadvantages, the only one is the need to constantly maintain the condition of the area in front of the house in order. To do this, you should remove dried plants and falling leaves, water them in a timely manner, as well as loosen and, if necessary, weed the flower beds. However, all this pays off due to the high aesthetics of the created compositions.

Types of plants suitable for front gardens

Plants for the front part of the garden plot should be selected based on what style the owner wants to adhere to, as well as on the characteristics of the territory. If you need to create a front garden with your own hands in a limited area, then the main rule that should be followed is the competent distribution of all its elements. If you follow some simple tricks, a small area in front of your house can seem much more spacious.

One of the requirements for plants used in front of the house is that they must be selected in such a way as to provide continuous flowering or decorative throughout the warm period. In addition, a beautiful front garden must not lose its attractive appearance in the fall, so you should choose some plants that have spectacular foliage colors in the fall, as well as enliven the area in winter with their appearance.

The selection of crops should also be carried out depending on the chosen style. For example, in a rustic style, sunflowers in combination with simple wildflowers, such as daisies, bells, and forget-me-nots, would be quite acceptable.

A romantic style will require an abundance of beautifully flowering crops, such as lilies, hydrangeas, and roses. Climbing plants, such as clematis, must also be available.

Color spectrum

Flowers in the front garden can have a wide variety of colors. This is especially true for the peasant style, where an abundance of different shades is welcome. The project may also imply execution in the same range, in accordance with which flowering crops are selected.

For example, if the style of the house and the area in front of it is more laconic, it is best to limit yourself to one or two similar shades. It should be remembered that cool colors - blue, cyan, lilac - visually expand the space. Warm colors - yellow, orange - give a feeling of illumination. This can be used if there is not enough sunlight in the area.

A prerequisite is the combination of the crops used with the overall ensemble - the color of the building, the fence. Near bright walls At home it is better to plant more modest varieties of flowers. You can decorate the front garden more brightly if the house is painted in neutral colors - white, gray, beige or the color of old wood.

When creating flower beds, various decorative elements are often used. These could be stones, figurines,…

Which crops to choose for planting

Most often, annual and perennial herbaceous plants are used to arrange the area in front of the home. However, shrubs and even trees are no less widely used. In addition, to create lawns, varieties are taken suitable herbs.

You can plant a wide variety of flowers in flower beds - it all depends on the chosen style and taste of the owners. It is worth remembering that in a small space, crops with small flowers and leaves will look better. Large-flowered varieties should be planted if there is sufficient space. Climbing crops require support, so they are placed next to walls, fences, and arches.

Shrubs are no less popular. The most common are barberries, honeysuckle, acacia, rose hips, spirea, and mock orange. It is worth noting that in addition to decorative species shrubs - lilac, mock orange - and fruit trees are considered very popular, as well as berry crops. A do-it-yourself front garden, in which you can see currants, rose hips, and hawthorn, will look equally good in the spring when the leaves and flowers are blooming, and in the fall. Some types of shrubs can make excellent hedges by planting them a short distance apart and trimming them regularly.

As a rule, there shouldn’t be a lot of trees in the area in front of the house, but they are used to mark accents and draw attention to a certain point. You can use both deciduous and conifers. The latter will look most impressive when planted singly and formed either in the form of a ball or in the form of a column. At the same time, the design of the front garden often occurs due to dwarf coniferous trees.

Separately, it is worth noting the use of lawn and ornamental grasses. When sowing a lawn, you need to choose seeds in accordance with its purpose. If you plan to use the lawn for walking, it is recommended to select grasses that are resistant to trampling. In addition to lawns, there are also herbaceous plants that have decorative foliage and are used for planting in flower beds and garden beds. The most common are hostas, ferns, heucheras, and some cereal grasses.

An important design detail is the fencing.

If the question arises of how to decorate the front garden in addition to the main method - selecting and planting plants, you should pay attention to its fence. It can be either completely decorative or simply fence off the area from the outside area. There are several types of fencing, depending on the materials used for its manufacture.

  • Fences for, stone, metal, wood. A simple fence made of corrugated sheets or bricks will not be aesthetically pleasing. If you want to choose metal fence, it is better to give preference to a forged fence with gaps.
  • A wooden picket fence is a classic when arranging the front part of a site. Its parameters allow you to create a barrier and at the same time see the area in front of the house. As for color, you can limit yourself to the natural color of wood, traditional blue, white. You can also paint the fence a brighter shade.

  • If the question arises of how to decorate a front garden in an oriental style, you can lay out a low fence of stones, which will not protect against penetration, but will be an excellent decoration.
  • Another option for fencing is a hedge. To create it, plants are selected that have a dense crown and can withstand regular pruning. They are planted next to each other and are constantly pruned as they grow. As a result, over a certain period of time, a dense hedge is obtained that is highly decorative.

How to design a front garden - rules

To this territory looked really beautiful and pleasing to the eye, a creative approach to design will not be enough. It is necessary to take into account some rules, the observance of which will make the area located in front of the home truly attractive and cozy.

The first thing you need to know is such a concept as composition. It implies the correct and harmonious arrangement of objects on the territory. To know how to decorate a front garden with your own hands, you first need to focus on building the right composition. In it, in turn, one central element is selected, called the focal point - it is around it that the rest of the ensemble will be created.

The central element, which is a prominent bush, tree or sculpture, in turn, should not be alone - this will disrupt the harmony. Around the focal point you should place other, smaller elements that will prevent it from standing out too much and create the necessary background. Additional details include flower beds, grasses, borders, and other bushes with contrasting flowers or leaves. It is important that the focal element is different from the rest of the components and primarily attracts the eye.

Do-it-yourself front garden - some ideas for creating

To achieve the desired effect, you can resort to certain design solutions that will help cope with a number of shortcomings and show the house in in the best light. For example, if there is a lawn in front of the home, then it is preferable to place flowers and shrubs next to the house, along the walls and in front of the entrance. At the same time, climbing plants will look good in the background, and it is better to place flowers in flower beds in front of them. You can additionally place flowerpots with flowers on the porch.

The question of how to decorate a front garden with your own hands may also arise if the area in front of your home is very small. In this case, you should resort to some tricks that will help visually increase the space. One of them is the use of plants with more small flowers and leaves, as well as with light colors. This approach allows you to add additional volume to the territory.

Another way is to use climbing plants on the walls of the house as a background for the rest of the flower garden. This technique also expands the visually available space, making it deeper and richer.

Additional decorative elements

The design of the front garden, in addition to plants and fencing, allows you to use other decorative details. One of them is paths and paths. Correctly and beautifully executed, they can create an unusual or calming atmosphere and complement the overall composition. A path running along the lawn will look especially relevant. If it is long, it is better to make several bends and plant flowering plants on the sides to distract attention.

Other details widely used in the decoration of front gardens are sculptures. They can be stone, wood, clay. The main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity. In addition, you can use lamps, especially to highlight the path in dark time days. Stones are no less popular in decorating a site - they will allow you to designate an accent in a certain place.

Figures of animals and fairy-tale characters can also be used in the construction and decoration of the front garden. They can be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself. In addition, low fences are used for decoration, designed to separate one zone from another.

To make and decorate a front garden with your own hands, you need to make some effort and show creativity. As a result, the house and the space in front of it will bloom with bright colors and will delight the owners and their guests.

Such a phenomenon as a front garden is familiar to many of us from childhood. It’s rare that anyone in a village or dacha cooperative does not have a small fenced-in area in front of the house. And you are mistaken if you think that the time of front gardens is irrevocably passed. This landscape design technique has never lost its relevance, so it’s worth getting to know them better.

Front garden and its functions

In the usual sense, a front garden is something between a yard, a flower garden and a vegetable garden. This is a kind of front door of a house and a personal plot. He greets guests and talks about his owners, and hides them from random passers-by personal life owners. Traditionally, the front garden is separated from the roadway or sidewalk by a fence.

Classic front garden in front of a village or country house

In addition to decorative functions, a front garden can also perform many practical ones:

  • parking for cars and others Vehicle(bicycles, motorcycles, ATVs, etc.);
  • storage location for garbage containers;
  • location of the mailbox;
  • cultivation of fruit and berry crops;
  • flower garden;
  • “small garden” - performing part of the functions of the main farm;
  • area for minor repairs;
  • children's play area;
  • a vacation spot for the whole family;
  • registration and provision of access to some hard-to-reach areas of the site.

By installing a small children's playground in the front garden, you can always keep your baby occupied

Types and styles

Another misconception is the idea that the front garden, as a type of landscape design, is found only in post-Soviet territory. In foreign countries they are even more popular than here. Only their appearance is somewhat different from our “Russians”.

There are two types of front gardens - closed and open. The first always involves fencing. In this case, the fence can be made of a wide variety of materials: wooden picket fence, profiled sheet, brickwork, forging, wicker rods, chain-link mesh, hedges, etc. The degree of closure also varies: from a low, very conventional fence to a blank high fence.

Closed front gardens are often called “Russian” because this is the type that is typical for our country. The arrangement of such courtyards is aimed, first of all, at creating an attractive view from the window or porch of the house. The entire landscape design will be focused primarily on perception from the inside: such a front garden should please the eyes of the owners, and not passersby from the street. Often all the beauty and charm created by densely planted plants and shrubs will be hidden behind the fence.

It’s not difficult to weave a fence for a front garden from vines

The open front gardens do not have a fence and are very clearly visible both from the side of the house and from the roadway. It is easy to guess that it is the open look that is characteristic of foreign countries and is otherwise called “European”. It is traditionally represented by perfectly trimmed vegetation - from the lawn to trees, neat flower beds and impeccable paths leading to the house. The open front garden is primarily aimed at creating a beautiful view from the road, so that you can begin to admire it from afar.

An open front garden is most often typical for foreign countries

In addition to the two types, front gardens have many stylistic designs. It’s worth getting to know the most popular ones better:

  1. Rustic style (or country) is characterized by simplicity and use in decor large quantity wooden elements, for example, a low perimeter fence and fencing for flower beds. It is better to choose plants that are perennial and easy to care for.
  2. The Mediterranean style assumes mobility - all plants are planted in large containers and tubs that can be rearranged depending on your mood. This style welcomes the creation of a relaxation area with furniture from natural materials- wicker chairs, wrought iron tables, wooden sun loungers. The decor includes a variety of lamps and ceramic crafts.

    Mobile tubs and containers - main characteristic Mediterranean front garden

  3. Asian and one of its directions - Japanese style, emphasize restraint and multi-tieredness. Plants of discreet, soft colors. Most often these are perennials (for example, irises, daylilies), cereals (ryegrass, gray fescue), coniferous trees dwarf size. Only natural stones are used in decoration.
  4. Romantic design speaks of beauty and tenderness. Therefore, it contains forged elements, from fences and arches to garden furniture, and always climbing plants, for example, climbing rose, clematis.
  5. Modern style involves the use of original plants, unexpected shapes and colors, bold ideas and modern technologies.

    An interesting idea - the continuation of the front garden on the roof of a nearby building

How to choose the right design for your site

Open or closed? The degree is strictly individual for each building. Here it is worth considering:

  • the location of the house - far or close to the roadway, whether it was built on a hill or in a lowland, how close neighboring buildings are located on both sides, etc.;
  • specific features of the building - number of floors, dimensions, presence of a veranda or small porch, etc.;
  • dimensions of the plot;
  • initial degree of landscaping of the site;
  • traffic intensity.

The brick fence has become Starting point to select a design

The choice of style depends on:

  • architecture of the house - they must be harmoniously combined with each other;
  • such as a fence - sometimes it can become an inspiration;
  • initial stage of landscaping of the site - perhaps when designing the front garden you will want to leave some bushes and trees;
  • size of the territory - competent ergonomics allows you to arrange all the desired zones even in a very small area;
  • the functional purpose of the future front garden (whether it will be a recreation area with a barbecue, parking for vehicles or something else);
  • personal preferences (listen to yourself and decide which of the existing styles is closest to you).

The front garden will tell about its owner. Therefore, no matter which type and style you choose, the main thing is to keep everything in a well-groomed and untidy condition.

The main function of this garden is to decorate the porch

Plants in the front garden will perform several important functions:

  1. Decorative - decorate the territory;
  2. Economic - many plants produce tasty berries and fruits;
  3. Ecological - maintaining the correct soil composition.

All these functions are performed to one degree or another by flowers, shrubs and trees.

For decoration, it is best to choose flowers that will bloom with early spring until late autumn, gradually replacing each other. A bright front garden is always a guarantee of a positive mood! Asters, dahlias, peonies, phloxes, hollyhocks - go well with the rest of the greenery. Try to use several varieties of perennial herbaceous plants. For example, lavender, geranium and foxglove look good together. The rounded leaves and umbrella inflorescences of geranium in combination with small lavender flowers are a good background for foxglove spikelets.

Lavender will decorate any area, except, perhaps, Asian

To divide the front garden into several zones, use climbing plants - climbing roses, honeysuckle, wisteria, campsis.

Most good option- This is clematis, which produces large and bright flowers. And if you choose “yellow Tangut” among them, then its flowering will delight you from May to October.

Petiolate hydrangea looks very impressive - its vines are incredibly lush and voluminous. But keep in mind that the result will be noticeable only after a few years from the moment of planting.

Approximate scheme for arranging flower beds and planting trees

Among the shrubs you can plant barberry, hawthorn, elderberry, shadberry, chokeberry, currant, raspberry, rose hip, gooseberry, linden. If you do not want to spend a lot of time caring for your front garden, then you need to choose bushes with a natural spherical crown. For example, white acacia. She has it by nature lush crown, not needing a haircut.

Among the trees, it is best to choose coniferous species that are easy to trim - thuja, yew, juniper, dwarf spruce, boxwood. One of the advantages of such plants is that they look great in winter. You can also create a hedge from them. Tall crops are not suitable for a front garden, as they will block the entire yard and house with their crowns.

As a rule, a closed space is formed around the house - a rectangle, square, circle or oval. It is advisable to plant shrubs along this perimeter. Near the walls they should be slightly higher than the top of the plinth. You can plant flowers at the entrance to the house, and their height should decrease as you approach the porch.

When there is no other territory anymore, many different zones can be located in the front garden

The diagram above shows one of the options for zoning a small front garden in front of the house. Since the site no longer has any other territory, it was decided to arrange a pond, flower beds, barbecue and recreation areas in the front garden, and partially fence all areas and delimit them with hedges. The paths are lined with decorative concrete tiles. Maiden grapes were used as a hedge. Mountain pine, thuja, and boxwood are planted along the perimeter of the site. Astilbe, bergenia, hydrangea, iris, calendula, daylily, lily, fern, phlox, and hosta are planted in the flower beds and near the pond.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating a beautiful front garden with your own hands

  1. We decide how much of the territory you will allocate for it. The scale directly depends on the size of the house. The ideal depth is 2/3 of the height of the building.
  2. Determine what functional load the front garden will perform - after all, you can do anything here - from a relaxation area with hammocks, a children's playground with a sandbox and slide, to a place for meditation and contemplation surrounding nature(more detailed list given at the beginning of the article).
  3. Choice of fencing. If this is your first experience in arranging a front garden, then first you should use some simple option, for example, planting a hedge or making a fence from vines. Or build an easy one decorative fence from a picket fence, which will serve as decoration and zoning.

In order to try our hand, we choose a simple version of the front garden: an indoor flower garden in a rustic style.

Making a picket fence

  • shovel;
  • hand saw or chainsaw;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • concrete solution;
  • beams 100×100 mm (for pillars);
  • boards 25×80 mm (for vertical planks) and 40×100 mm (for horizontal planks);
  • special impregnation against mold and mildew;
  • paint (based on mineral pigments and alkyd resins);
  • brushes

Picket fence zones and decorates


  1. Starting from the corners, at equal distances from each other, dig out the ground for the pillars.
  2. Cut the beams and boards to the required sizes (we decide on them ourselves - depending on how high the fence you want to install).
  3. Treat all wooden parts with a special compound that will protect them from rotting.
  4. Insert pillars into the dug holes and concrete them. Wait until the solution hardens.
  5. Nail horizontal strips to the posts. Attach vertical strips to them at a height of more than 15 cm from the ground surface. This is due to the fact that wood absorbs moisture well and can become unusable much faster. For the same reason, it is necessary to regularly remove grass along the fence.
  6. Paint the resulting structure. Once every three years it will need to be updated: dry cracks will need to be puttied and rubbed. sandpaper, repaint.

Diagram with dimensions of one of the most simple options making a fence

Now it is necessary to arrange the paths. It is better to make them wooden, since for rustic style The use of elements made from this material is typical. A simple and effective solution is to cut logs.

Wooden paths

Required tools and materials

  • logs (different types will do: they can be leftovers from construction work, from trees broken by bad weather);
  • hand saw or chainsaw;
  • shovel;
  • special impregnation against mold and mildew or stain;
  • wide brush.


  1. Mark paths on the ground: where they come from and where they lead, how wide they will be.
  2. Saw the logs into round pieces about 5–6 cm thick.
  3. Treat all wooden parts with a special impregnation or stain. These compounds will help protect the wood from rotting.
  4. Place the parts over the entire area of ​​the marked paths. Try to place large circles in the center, and small ones to fill the remaining space.
  5. When you are completely satisfied with the layout plan, dig up the ground under each detail. The depth of the holes should be equal to the thickness of the cuts (i.e., about 5–6 cm).
  6. Press all the parts into the ground so that their surfaces are at the same level.

For a path in the front garden, you can use not only concrete slabs or gravel, but also wood cuts

The final stage of arranging a front garden is planting plants. beautiful and simple solution a village flower garden, which does not require the manufacture of flower beds, will have a Moorish lawn - a meadow consisting of forbs, cereals, and simple wildflowers. Most of these plants are honey plants, so there will always be a lot of butterflies and bees on such a lawn. The classic composition of the Moorish meadow is oriental poppy, meadow chamomile, field cornflower, large-flowered flax, nemesia, and echinacea. Such a lawn will delight you from early spring to late autumn, since the plants have different flowering periods. A ready-made mixture for Moorish meadow can be purchased at a flower shop. Or you can create it yourself, adding some other plants to your taste.

Bulbous flowers - daffodils, tulips and crocuses - also go well with the Moorish lawn.

Arrangement of the Moorish lawn

Required tools and materials

  • seed mixture for Moorish lawn (the amount is calculated at a rate of 10 grams per 1 square meter);
  • shovel;
  • rake;
  • watering can with a fine sieve.


  1. Prepare the soil for sowing: dig to a depth of 15–30 cm, clear of debris, stones, rhizomes and weeds, fertilize (with humus and nitrogen-containing compounds), level, compact.
  2. Let the prepared area stand for two weeks. During this time, remove new weeds regularly.
  3. Sow seeds in the first half of May or in autumn (winter). The weather during sowing should be calm and the soil moist.
  4. Using a rake, plant the sown seeds into the soil to a depth of 1–5 mm;
  5. A mixture of forbs and simple wildflowers will please the eye for a long time

    Photo gallery: ideas for inspiration

    Where to get original ideas for inspiration? Watch nature more often. She so often tells us interesting shapes and combinations. You can also be inspired by photographs from books about famous gardens and parks of the past, such as Peterhof or the Tuileries in Paris.

    Flowers in the Tuileries Park are planted in the form of a complex horizontal pattern. Flower beds in the form of beautiful curls in front of the Monplaisir Palace. The arrangement of flower beds around a small pond in Peterhof. For flower beds in the front garden, you can use the remains building materials An interesting flower garden - a bathroom painted in a bright color, and unpretentious petunias. Flower beds can be made from old things - chairs, for example. A fence for the front garden can be made from the most unexpected materials, for example, old cart wheels.

    Everyone can create a beautiful front garden with their own hands. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and not be afraid to use your imagination. Try your hand at landscape design with the implementation of such a small project - what if you are a born gardener?

Without a doubt, a beautiful front garden can transform the appearance of your home. In today’s selection of ideas for decorating the space in front of a building, I would like to focus your attention on the nuances of how to make a beautiful palisade in front of the house with your own hands using little things and available materials.

1. Flower boxes on windows and border flower beds

flower garden design in the garden in front of the house

The simplest thing, and at the same time, nice solution for your front garden - this means creating a border flower bed along the walls and installing hanging boxes with flowers under the windows.

2. Flowerbed in front of the house and a small fountain

A fountain can be an additional decorative element in your flowerbed in front of the house. The sound of running water is soothing and relaxing, and the overall impression of your palisade will be much brighter.

3. Flowerbeds - flowers in a wheelbarrow

A variety of potted plants installed in decorative wheelbarrows will give your front garden a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

4. Framing the path border with bushes

The path leading from the entrance gate to the door to the house can be decorated with shrubs. Subsequently, they should be cut at your discretion.

5. All-season plants for your front garden

The beauty of the entrance to the house can be extended throughout the year if you plant coniferous, bright-leaved, and flowering plants. In this case, you will always have an elegant and beautiful area.

6. Planter flower beds for changing the exposure

Regular updating of your flower bed is possible if you use tub or pot installations. You will always have a bright flowering front garden, in which faded plants will only be replaced by blossoming ones.

7. Succulents on rocks

Various succulents, beautifully decorated on stones, will become very stylish solution for your private home or cottage. By the way, the same sedums winter well outside.

8. Low-growing conifers and bright shrubs

A good solution for those who want to bring beauty and not monitor the front garden too often would be to place low-growing conifers in combination with brightly flowering shrubs or beautiful-leaved hybrids.

9. Vertical gardening on trellises

Trellis entwined with vines will look very beautiful in the front garden. Clematis, bindweed, and indeed any climbing plants will add greenery to the walls of your home.

10. Flowerbed from an old bicycle

An original solution could be to place an old bicycle in the front garden, acting as a flowerbed - a stand. I recommend painting the bike one color so that it looks not like an old piece of junk, but like a decorative element.

11. Flower beds in tree trunk circles

If mature trees grow in your palisade, then make flower beds around them in a near-trunk radius. Can be planted shade-tolerant plants if you don't have enough light.

12. Raised flower bed made from cement blocks

Even if you don’t have a lot of space in your front garden, you can make a flowerbed like this out of blocks, raising it above the ground so that the plants receive more light and you have something to look at.

13. A simple border with lanterns near the path

A simple idea - a lawn and path, framed by a simple border with plants and lanterns.

14. Hostas and hydrangeas

In cases where your front garden faces north, I recommend planting shade-tolerant plants, such as hosta. In combination with hydrangeas this will be a very interesting solution.

15. Alpine slide with a stream in the palisade

An example in which several ideas are implemented at once. The budget for such a solution is, of course, considerable, but as a result, the owners immediately received a complex of a rock garden and a stream.

16. Mediterranean-style front garden

A nice option in Mediterranean style. Geometric shapes paths, flower pots on pedestals, border flower beds along paved areas.

17. Easy-to-care option with foliage plants

If you like to trim bushes and form various shapes from them, then I suggest this option decorating the front garden in front of the house.

18. Stone and gravel design

In an area with an abundance of stones, you can consider designing a palisade with boulders and pebbles. Moreover, the more varied the shapes of the stones, the more picturesque the landscape of your corner will be.

19. Use old logs and stumps

Old stumps, snags and logs can also serve as an excellent solution for your entrance composition.

20. Flowering pendants and flower pots

If you have open terrace or a veranda, then from the facade of the building it can be decorated with hanging flowerpots with petunias, which bloom almost all summer.

21. Tiered front garden design

Even on a flat plane, it is quite possible to develop some semblance of tiers. In landscape design this technique allows you to create several accents at once and hold the observer’s gaze for a longer time.

22. Flowerbed in an old stump

If a large tree previously grew in your front garden, and now you decide to cut it down, do not rush to uproot the stump. It can be used as a decorative element.

23. Flowerbeds of their hostas and coleus

Coleus has many variations in color and foliage pattern, just like hostas. Therefore, by combining only these two plants in a shady flowerbed, you can create a unique elegant ensemble.

24. Combination of border shrubs and topiary

It doesn't matter which climatic zone you live because using adapted evergreens, you can see greenery outside your window even in winter.

25. Mini flower beds around pillars

Around any pillar in front of your house you can create mini flower beds of unpretentious long-flowering plants.

26. Raised beds with low-growing foliage plants

In addition to flowers, low-growing shrubs can also be planted in raised beds. Such compositions will delight you for many years.

27. Stones in the tree trunk circle

An example of using stones as a border in a flower bed - a tree trunk circle.

28. Tiered flower beds

If your site has a slight slope towards the road, then you can use tiers to raise it a little and make the reinforcing wall in the form of a flower bed.

29. Hanging planters

In the West, there is a tradition of duplicating the house number on such columns in front of the building, but we can take note of the idea and simply create a beautiful column with a flower pot.

Sometimes even lanterns framed with flowers will be complete compositions that do not require any additions.

31. Trolley - flower bed with pots of flowers

I recommend painting such a cart, which serves as a stand for pots of flowers, in one tone and placing it in the center of the front garden.

32. Example of using cement

You can make a beautiful front garden from cement. Such a solution looks especially beautiful when everything is done in a single key.

33. Use old trees

Another example of using old wood, this time the stump is taller and the planters are placed on wooden stands.

34. Bright autumn colors

If you like to work with flowers, then it will probably be boring for you to watch how your front garden becomes unattractive in the fall. I know women who create spring, summer, and fall designs throughout the season by planting appropriate flowers. Yes, it requires labor, but it will entice them, which is the most important thing.

35. Arch with roses and low fence

What could be more romantic than roses? A white picket fence and an arch with roses will make your front garden incredibly attractive and elegant.

36. Curb lighting

Availability LED strips will allow you to decorate your evening front garden on a budget. By placing the tape along the border you can get this stylish lighting.

37. Mediterranean corner

If your house faces the south and you live in southern latitudes, then this Mediterranean version of the palisade will be just right for you.

38. Delicately romantic fence

Long-flowering rose hybrids planted along the fence will delight you and passers-by, unless, of course, passersby pick off such tempting buds...

39. Rocky waterfall instead of a flower bed

If you like originality, then instead of a flower bed you can make a rocky waterfall in your front garden. Landscape design is masculine, I would say.

40. Bowls with flowers on the tables

An example of a stone pedestal with a bowl of flowers on it. Of course, such installations require regular watering, but they also give beauty!

41. Lawn in the front garden

However, even if you just have a well-groomed lawn in front of your house, this will significantly increase the attractiveness of your site.

42. Flower beds in ready-made molds

It is also possible to purchase ready-made forms for flower beds, fill them with soil and plant flowers. Just don’t forget to paint the molds in elegant, attractive colors.

43. European-style front garden landscape design

Paving stone border, conifers, low-growing deciduous shrubs, hostas, beautiful-leaved bushes.

44. Cactus garden

Rocks, crushed stone, succulents and cacti are solutions for areas with hot, dry summers. These plants are not afraid of heat and even in the heat of the day nothing will dry out or burn.

45. Accents under the windows

The traditional design of a front garden is a lawn in the foreground and a flower bed under the windows. In any case, this is a classic and if you don’t know how to decorate the area in front of the house, then this solution will be optimal.

46. ​​Green geometry

You can beautifully decorate the front garden in front of your house in a non-standard way - the photo shows geometric option landscape design in a diagonal plane.

47. Front garden in free style

However, even if done in a free style, your space in front of your house or dacha will look original and original.

48. Flowerbed in a barrel

It doesn’t matter how small your front garden is, because this idea can fit even in a small area.

49. Cart wheel as an accent in the palisade

Quite often, when traveling, I come across cart wheels included in the design of a front garden or some other landscape composition. Think about this accent too.

50. Your front garden is the best!

That's all for today! I hope this selection of front garden ideas will inspire you to create beauty in your own summer cottage or near a private house. In any case, I wish you a creative mood and openness to new solutions!