How to dress to seduce a guy. The sexiest clothes to seduce a man

The choice of clothing accurately reflects the nature of a woman. Prim, touchy-feely ones always choose laconic outfits in a strict business style. Romantic young ladies prefer lace, ruffles, a flying silhouette - things that create an aura of charm. If the goal is to strike on the spot, turn a man’s head and make a man lose his mind, a special type of clothing is required. Most often this is a dress, and not necessarily from the “sexy style” category.


How to find your “wow” option?

Many women have firmly internalized the stereotype - a sexy dress must be tight, short, preferably red or at least black. Alas, only a few girls with a bright appearance can afford to wear this combination and not look vulgar. But what should everyone else do, how to find their “wow” option?

Ksenia Borodina - in a chiffon dress with ruffles.

The first thing to do is to choose a style that makes your body look as impressive as possible. To do this, we critically evaluate our appearance, especially strategically important areas: breasts and butt, and we think what needs to be emphasized and what would be desirable to hide.

Then you should go to the store and try on as many different styles as you can find. Trying on should be real, not virtual “it seems like it should fit” on the Internet. After all, the task now is not to buy, but to find.

Which dresses look better not to consider

Any figure is disfigured by a dress that doesn’t fit. Moreover, if a skillfully selected robe gives space for imagination, which is sometimes very useful, then no one likes the caterpillar that you get if you pull on a too tight model.

  • Stripes that cut across the body, or, even worse, overhanging folds, instantly discourage the desire to flirt.
  • Leather, latex and other similar dresses are too revealing, they deprive you of foreplay, so if your goal is to play and seduce slowly, it is better to prefer a dense, non-shiny material.
  • Avoid sequins and glitter, especially in large quantities. This decor is good only on New Year's dresses.

What dresses look seductive in the eyes of men?

Any dress that fits perfectly can look seductive. You can rely on an emphasized waist and buttocks, bare shoulders, open back, lace. Find the option that makes you feel like a queen. Self-awareness is very important, it is transmitted to others. The first step to conquering others is to please yourself. After all, a dress, even the most luxurious and beautiful, is just a wrapper hiding sweet candy.

  • We recommend

ABC of sex


04.12.13 14:00

Oddly enough, many women often feel stupefied at the thought of what to wear that is truly sexy, that will make a man literally roar like an animal with wild, uncontrollable excitement. Some options may be too depraved and suitable only for a secluded date in the bedroom or one-on-one with the “object” you need, so try to use them adequately for each situation.

No matter how vulgar and indecent such attire may seem, nipples sticking out through any material turn on any man. This trick is especially recommended for girls with breasts. small size– after all, it is they who have the absence of this piece of underwear noticeably more clearly due to their tighter nipples that clearly show through their clothes.

The male logic here is easily understandable: protruding nipples mean the girl is excited, but if she is excited, then there are no options for communicating with him. Bingo, they already want you wildly, madly!

Stockings or tights with a pattern

Don’t listen to stories about how black stockings, somewhere back in the Middle Ages, were worn only by girls of easy virtue ( what actually happened in history!) and since then it has been a symbol of accessibility.

If you need to give a man a sexual signal, black or red stockings coupled with a short dress or skirt will become the best way do it. Just be careful and correctly calculate the strength of the signal - otherwise males from the entire nearby block may come running to your stockings.

Tight leggings or leather pants

If your butt lifts your mood in the most different forms and male organs, then emphasize it with something “sticky”, exciting the wildest male fantasies and provoking him to take active action. But be careful - buttocks covered in leather or smooth material very strongly attract men's palms.

Equally effective both in the bedroom without unnecessary clothing on you, and when coquettishly shown in the slit of the skirt or flashed in the neckline. Lace is a symbol of coquetry and eroticism.

This means that a man who has caught this message will immediately begin to think not only with his head, but also with something else. Did you want this or did you just go out to tease the male sex? Be careful, the second one can be extremely dangerous in the company of unfamiliar gentlemen!

Every man loves youth. Especially if this youth is female. A mature girl, trying on the image of an immaculate schoolgirl or a hooligan teenager, automatically becomes a tasty and desirable dish in the list of sexual preferences.

The vast majority of men will sell their apartment, car, brain and soul for legs in white tights or striped pink and black leggings - this image is so alluring and sweet, subconsciously hinting at prohibition and the barely reached age of consent.

If your physique allows you to manipulate such a man’s hidden instincts, feel free to use it and the result will greatly surprise you!

Remember that not all clothes are sexy as long as they show your availability. Never hide the flaws of your figure by boldly showing it, because otherwise you can only catch adventures in the very place shown.

Your task is to captivate a man first by communication, and then, at the second or third stage of acquaintance or communication, begin to conquer his physiological factors, crossing the line from “he just wants” to “he wants incredibly, right now.”

In many ways, a correct understanding of your sexuality and managing it with the help of clothes gives +100% to success - otherwise how can you explain when chiseled beauties with a model appearance do not attract men sexually, and in general, pretty men who are average in all respects literally charm dozens of males.

This is the same sexuality, correctly selected clothes and knowledge of techniques that can influence a man! But don’t abuse it either - if close intimacy with a given man is not part of your plans, then there is no point in teasing the bear in front of his den...

Seductiveness is inherent in female nature. You don't have to take your clothes off to look sexy - on the contrary, sometimes it's more important to dress correctly :)

I recently read that a man evaluates feminine attractiveness 55% purely externally, 38% in terms of behavior and communication, and only 7% derives from the meaning of her words.

Clothes are important. It's great to look feminine and gentle. But if you want to seduce today, I'll tell you about 15 sexiest things in a woman's wardrobe.

I'm sure this will be interesting to you. Go!

1. Stockings

I'll start with the banal, but eternal. The image of a woman in beautiful fishnet stockings is always relevant and beyond competition.

Men love the contrast between naked body and lace.

When a woman undresses, but remains in stockings, she creates modesty, she is still a little covered.

Sexuality is an undertone. When hidden, but indicated. Even if you are wearing a long, tight dress and you can’t see your stockings, they will only be visible in relief.

Men love it, and there is more sexiness here than in any part of the exposed body.

Now imagine how excited he will be when he sees you in complete set: stockings with a belt and lace underwear... There is no sexier image in life or

2. High heel

Research says that more than 80% of men consider heels to be a symbol of female sexuality. I can't be exact on the percentage, but, yes - heels.

It is very important that a woman knows how to wear them. The heel gives confidence to the gait, straightens the back, the chest moves forward, and the hips make a beautiful figure eight - only if the woman in heels walks and does not hobble.

I'm not talking about 15-centimeter stilts, 10 or 8 centimeters are quite enough to stir up interest.

By the way, men often imagine a woman wearing huge heels as self-confident. And this is more frightening than attractive.

3. Skinny jeans

Skinny, right? Jeans that fit your butt beautifully - . I already said that your butt is more important than your chest, so you can do some squats now.

Your attractiveness and sexuality increases exponentially when your butt takes on a good shape.

And if you can’t do anything about your breast size (surgery doesn’t count), then everything is in your power. At the same time, the butt does not have to be like a fit one: just choose the style and color of jeans that will suit you.

They shouldn’t make your butt look flat or hang like a rag; take a friend with you when shopping and choose jeans through the rearview mirror.

4. Pencil skirt

The meaning is approximately the same - the format and shade are different. Previously, a pencil skirt was in the wardrobe, and the elegance of the image only emphasizes sexuality.

Look: this one always has seductive slits, otherwise it would be impossible to move in principle.

Plus, it beautifully hugs the butt, creates a silhouette, and for some people associates it with severity.

Since the skirt is long, you can easily pair it with something interesting in terms of neckline or even a translucent blouse. I think fourth place is even an underestimate.

5. Corset

You don’t need to get too carried away - just show your man at the most opportune moment.

6. Translucent blouse

A flowy blouse that does not hide the outline of underwear, but does not show too much - a very wide field for imagination.

Men love to fantasize about women, we do it involuntarily.

In this case, the neckline should not be deep. Maintain a balance, give a hint, but do not satisfy the interest. A slightly transparent blouse looks gentle and sexy at the same time - just what you need.

And the fabric is a separate plus, it slightly hides the silhouette, outlines only the brightest curves of the body.

7. Red dress

Remember the woman in red from The Matrix? For men, dressed in a red dress is always much sexier than others.

It attracts attention and makes you hold your gaze, so you need to wear it in the mood.

You become brighter, more expressive, and stand out among the rest. It is the color of audacity, courage, and elegance at the same time.

Red color means prohibition and permission. Of the entire spectrum of colors, red is the most exciting.

By the way, a few years ago I read in Time magazine that women perceive another woman in red as a threat.

They see her as interested, open, courageous and liberated.

8. Clothes with lace

I have already written about why men love lace. Lace embodies the main principles: show, but not all; hide, but not completely.

When smooth skin stands out beautifully behind beautiful patterns, men are delighted. Lace is playfulness and the very embodiment of sexuality.

Tight-fitting dresses with an open back look especially great... And if it is complemented with lace or a slit, all eyes will be focused on you. Check it out!

But there is a nuance: no clasps or straps for a bra - this ruins the mood.

The whole point of a bare back is that a man can’t guess whether you’re in underwear or not, and this anticipation is just that!

10. Shorts

Men love to look at women's legs. In the 19th century, young women were forbidden to even bare their ankles! It was believed that this could provoke obscene thoughts and the same.

You can cite a lot similar examples, but why? Not all men consider it acceptable for their woman to wear radically short shorts.

But this great idea for your home wardrobe. I have already said more than once that at home a woman also needs to “keep up her style” and worn-out sweatpants do not excite anyone.

If you have slender legs and a beautiful butt, then you yourself know about the power of their influence on men.

11. Black dress

Let's return to the game of contrasts: a black dress symbolizes modesty, even to some extent puritanism. If you add sexuality to it, the effect will be amazing.

The dress should fit your figure, this is important. In addition to the neckline, variations are possible: a long slit exposing the leg, an open back or shoulders, translucent inserts... And - of course - heels.

12. White shirt

Let me clarify: often HIS white shirt is used. For many men this is. Just like a strict white blouse.

White is the color of purity and neatness, which is feminine and attractive in itself.

But the underwear is a little see-through, or the lace inserts, or an extra button is simply undone.

Needless to say, men adore silk, flowing fabrics, transparency and seductive red?

15. High boots

I'm not a fan of vanilla melodramas, but sometimes there is something to learn there. Remember Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman? Yes, boots are very sexy. But it’s important not to go too far, so as not to create that same “panel” image...

Before you put on your entire arsenal from stockings to a red dress, ask yourself: do you need everything?

Even that sometimes just straightening a curl is enough to drive a man crazy.

But there is no wardrobe detail that could correct men's habits or dull eyes. Only your condition can do this.

Seduce with femininity :)

With faith in you,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Many women are concerned about the question of how to dress sexy to please their man? offers to choose 10 wardrobe items that will make our beauty irresistible. So, TOP - 10 sexiest items of clothing in a woman’s wardrobe.

1. Sheer blouse

This item is on the erotic clothing bestseller list.
But under it there must be elegant underwear - maybe in a contrasting color, which plays the role of a top.

What he will understand: see point 2.

2. Good underwear

It makes you feel confident.

If there problem areas, tighten your waist, stomach, hips with the help. Your body will speak a different language, it will become more flirtatious and mobile. The most erotic underwear is considered to be red, black and leopard print.

What he will understand: moment X has arrived!

3. Neckline

A provocative low neckline on the chest will interest the stronger half so much that it will no longer matter what size it (breasts) is.
Another attraction is the open neck, from the back of the head. When you wonder to yourself how to dress sexy, give preference to just these styles of outfits and you will look attractive in the eyes of men, regardless of the size of your bust.

What he will understand: I need to kiss you urgently!

4. Silk, velvet, fur

Choose clothes for a date
pleasant to the touch, made of soft, silky, flowing fabrics. Down with crackling, prickly, “tin” outfits.

What he will understand: It's a pleasure to touch you!

5. High boots

Also included in the list of sexy wardrobe items.
Should fit on your feet like gloves, good! fit the ankles, calves, do not “dangle” under the knee.

What he will understand: I urgently need help to remove them!

6. Red dress

Be careful with this color. This is the color of love, but not all its shades suit you.
For a red dress or blouse, find yours best shade(warm tones of red are suitable for gentle blondes: poppy, salmon, strawberry; for dark-eyed brunettes - cold ones: scarlet, cherry, carmine).

What he will understand: you are a passionate and courageous woman.

7. Skirt only!

Any lady, regardless of age and figure, feels more feminine and flirty when wearing a skirt and especially a dress. The length is as short as the figure allows, but in any case not below the knees.

What your man will understand: what beautiful legs!

8. Stiletto heels

The choice of shoes is “make or break” for the entire look.
Ballet flats can be worn only if you do not want to look taller than your husband. Then they should be elegant, shiny or with rhinestones, with ankle straps. Nowadays there is such a variety of shoes that you can make any legs sexy. The most important thing here is pumps with heels.

What he will understand: you have a graceful gait, you walk in heels as if you were dancing.

9. Small drawing

The smaller the pattern on the fabric, the more graceful your figure looks: large patterns visually plump and shorten it. For a plain dress, you can choose a wide belt that emphasizes your thin waist.
What he will understand: Don’t be distracted from your figure by looking at extraneous patterns!

10. Beads, handbags, sequins

Don't forget about the cute details that you always want to take a closer look at. Grab a small clutch bag with a tiny mirror: it's a sensual sight to watch as you touch up your lips.

What he will understand: you are exquisite in detail.