How to decorate a toilet in an apartment. How to cover a toilet if you have almost no money

Any room in which people spend some time should look neat and clean. At the same time, not only living rooms, but also a bathroom and toilet can be comfortable. If repair bathroom does not raise any questions, and they always try to do everything neatly and beautifully, then the toilet is often left for last. You can make your bathroom comfortable and pleasant with the help of in various ways: some of them are labor-intensive and expensive, and some, such as the use of plastic panels, allow you to quickly, inexpensively and without any problems achieve the desired result.

Features and Benefits

PVC panels are modern material, which is convenient to use for various rooms, but he performed especially well in the bathroom and toilet. They can be used not only for walls; there are special varieties for the ceiling, and even for the floor.

With a limited budget, the use of such material will allow you to get a well-finished room at minimal cost.

PVC panels have the following varieties:

  • wall version with a decorative frieze as decoration;
  • leaf variety;
  • with imitation wood;
  • photo panels;
  • with a pattern that is applied using a laser;
  • with thermal printing.

Finishing a toilet with such plastic panels can help create in a given room a certain flavor, atmosphere, pleasant environment in which any visitor will feel at home.

If there is no clear certainty that PVC panels are exactly what you need for good and inexpensive repairs, then listing all the advantages of the material should leave no doubt.

Let's list positive features given facing material.

  • Convenience and ease of installation, which can be easily handled even by a beginner who has no experience in this matter.
  • Significant budget savings for all repairs. Compared to the same tile, the finishing will be several times cheaper.
  • It is possible to put the bathroom in order without additional measures to level the walls and so on, which will save effort, time and money.
  • The panels have good waterproofing, so you shouldn’t be afraid of moisture getting on them. To completely protect yourself from problems with dampness on the walls, you only need to use waterproofing.
  • It is very easy to care for walls decorated with this material – a simple washcloth will suffice.
  • Long service life, so the repairs made will last quite a long time.

Panels are not afraid of funds household chemicals, therefore they can be washed well from time to time to maintain complete cleanliness of the bathroom.

The positive qualities speak for themselves, but do not forget about a number of disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with before the repair process begins.

So, the disadvantages include:

  • flammability of plastic panels, which release harmful compounds during combustion;
  • to carry out repair work, it is important to choose the right model of facing material and be able to apply it correctly in relation to a specific room;
  • the size of the room after renovation becomes several centimeters smaller, which must be taken into account if there is a need to hang shelves or install equipment.

Use of PVC panels in the renovation of bathrooms and toilets is very convenient, since the result is very good with little expenditure on materials, and the process itself can be carried out independently, without calling specialists, which will also affect the final cost.

Material selection

In order for a bathroom renovation to be successful, it is important to choose the right materials for it. Whatever panels are needed: for the ceiling, for the walls or for the floor, it is important to know the basic selection criteria that will help you find exactly what you need. The variety of such materials is very large, manufacturers are actively replenishing the lineup, releasing options with prints, drawings, photographs and pictures that will appeal to any consumer.

Any products must have the appropriate level of quality, be it high-quality expensive samples or economy-class materials.

When choosing PVC panels, you should pay attention to several nuances.

  • The composition must contain additives that improve the elasticity of products. Low-quality options lose their shape when pressed and can become deformed, or even break completely. If you press the panel on both sides with your fingers, the material should not bend or sag.
  • When the panel lock is bent, in high-quality products this part will return to its place without any changes, but in low-quality products it will bend or break off.

  • The surface layer of high-quality panels should be perfectly smooth; stiffeners and any other irregularities should not be visible through it. If they are, it means the material is of low quality.
  • Taking in PVC hands panel, you should pay attention to the smell that comes from it. If there are clear signs of chemical and unpleasant compounds, then the product is considered cheap. The presence of such an odor may indicate that unsuitable raw materials were used in the production of materials, which may pose a threat to human health.

  • Manufacturers have taken care of a variety of product options, including width. If you have to finish a small toilet, then it is not advisable to use the widest panels, since a lot of scraps remain from them, but if the dimensions exactly fit one of the sizes of the finishing material, then you can safely purchase it.
  • If repairs are planned conscientiously, then when purchasing products you should ask for quality certificates for all options of interest in order to ensure the integrity of the manufacturer and protect yourself from the risk of poisoning or unplanned repairs in the near future.

Wall panels for the toilet they can be of any color, width, have a pattern or be a single color, this only changes the design of the room.

The most important thing is to find quality materials With the required dimensions to quickly carry out repairs and enjoy the updated bathroom.

Decor options

Having decided on the material with which the toilet will be finished, it is important to find not only quality panels, but also those that will correspond to the design of the entire room. The bathroom should be a logical continuation of the general idea, not stand out or contrast with it. In order for any repair work V living rooms the toilet has always been cozy and beautiful, it is important to choose neutral design solutions.

First of all, you should decide whether the panels will have a pattern or their color will be plain. Each owner decides this issue for himself, taking into account personal preferences, the size of the bathroom and the general concept of renovation. The next step is to choose color range finishing coating, which is also selected taking into account various factors. For those who do not set themselves the task of creating something particularly beautiful and intricate in the toilet, it is best to choose plain light panels that will always look good, decorating the room. Most often, white color is used for those rooms that have small dimensions, or they contain interesting plumbing or household appliances that you want to emphasize without distracting attention from the main goal.

If the bathroom is combined, or simply has large dimensions, then replace light colors you can use dark or contrasting shades that will not visually reduce the space, but will give it interesting view. If you want to add something interesting to the design of the room, then the presence of a pattern on the panels will become that very highlight. Most often, abstractions or geometric shapes are used in toilets, and unobtrusive flowers also look good.

It is best to decorate a combined bathroom with panels depicting the sea, beach, shells and any other marine theme.

If you want to make the room elegant and stylish, then it is best to use a material that imitates wood, marble or other stone. It is important that the drawing is applied clearly and efficiently, otherwise the entire effect will be lost. PVC panels can be used both around the entire perimeter of the room and in some areas, combined with tiles, a painted wall or wallpaper. If you need to close communications in the toilet, then plumbing roller shutters are perfect for this, they look aesthetically pleasing and provide easy access to all pipes.

As for the color of the panels, in addition to white, beige and yellowish shades, you can also successfully use darker options: blue, light blue, light green, green, red, purple. To prevent the room from seeming oversaturated with colors, it is best to dilute the saturated shades with lighter and calmer ones. This technique will help make the design of the toilet interesting and attractive, and it will always fit into the overall concept of the entire apartment.

Current trends in design

Plastic panels are cheaper than all materials for finishing bathrooms and toilets, which is why many people consider them not suitable option to create a beautiful, strong and cozy room. If you choose correctly PVC coating, you can achieve results not only no worse, but in many ways even better than when using tiles or other finishing methods. The advantage of such material is the ability to try and experiment in search of the ideal color scheme or design idea, because installing and dismantling the coating is very simple, unlike other options.

To make the interior beautiful and interesting, you can alternate colors in the toilet or even use a whole range of colors, the so-called ombre technique, where one shade goes from the lightest to the darkest, from stripe to stripe, which looks very impressive. If you can’t make the bathroom cozy, panels with a wood texture will do the job best.

If you need to give the room lightness and spaciousness, then the texture of marble or other stone copes best with this.

Modern tendencies require new and fresh solutions, one of which is the combination of two different options for panels at the bottom of the room and on the rest of it. Most often, such zoning is carried out at a level of one meter from the floor level, highlighted with a different color, which is usually darker than the main one. The combination of not only colors, but also patterns looks fresh and original. It can be small polka dots and large flowers, abstraction and plain panels, a bright pattern on one wall and plain materials on others.

For small toilet It would be appropriate to use white panels with lettuce leaves or delicate small flowers, which visually expands the space, making it light and picturesque. For creating unique design you can allocate one wall for PVC materials, and paint others white. It is important that the panels have a bright, accent color and alternate with white ones. This technique will help expand the room while using a splash of color. Any design choice should be selected taking into account current trends, the wishes of the owners and the size of the toilet.

Combining all the indicators will give the desired result.

Planning orientation

Everyone's bathroom layout is different, panel house it will differ from brick in size, height and even thickness of the walls. There are apartments in which it is not possible to make two separate rooms, this requires the construction of a combined bathroom. Repair of a large or small room in an apartment it is always a labor-intensive and costly task, but if you choose the right materials, the procedure can be speeded up and made as inexpensive as possible.

The use of PVC panels in the toilet is convenient for many reasons, which is why the demand for them is constantly growing. In order to update the interior of a room, you need to find high-quality materials and install them correctly. The correctness of the installation process is to choose the most logical option, based on the layout. In case indoors low ceilings, it is better to mount the strips vertically, which visually makes the toilet taller, but if the room is very small, then it is worth installing the parts horizontally to make the walls longer.

In addition to changing the amount of materials for the walls, it is worth calculating the costs of the frame, which will be built differently for each case. At vertical installation panels, the frame is mounted horizontally and vice versa. An important step There will be installation of sheathing, which must be clearly leveled. The evenness of the walls, the correctness of the corners and joints will depend on this process. The layout of each toilet is unique in its own way, so it is important to focus on the measurements of the room and carry out everything clearly according to them, and not according to other people’s recommendations.

The technical compartment in the room can also be in various places, go beyond the walls or be organically included in them, which, in turn, requires the construction of a frame or a special door or roller shutter for easy access. In addition, the key to ease of use of a renovated toilet is that it has niches and shelves where all the things necessary for this room will be located. This must be provided for at the stage of assembling the frame, so that you can immediately mount a shelf, a ledge where there will be a cabinet or another option for storing hygiene items.

Almost every toilet is now equipped with a water meter, which should also not be forgotten, because it will either need to be left in plain sight or neatly hidden with easy access. If this item remains on display, then the corresponding holes are cut out in the panels that fit the diameter of the water pipes; if you can make a box, then it is most convenient to equip it with a special door that easily opens and closes.

All elements can now be easily found in construction stores; the main thing is to know how and what to use.

Combined bathrooms often contain, in addition to a toilet and a bathtub, a washbasin, household appliances, maybe a ventilation window and the ventilation itself. When calculating the amount of materials, it is important to choose the right width of the panels, which largely determines the ease of installation and the presence of waste. You can select products different widths for each of the walls, if there are significant differences and features on them. The main thing is to purchase panels of the same color or pattern, or think of some original idea, which will be dictated by the need to adhere to the layout, but will help in creating a unique appearance of the bathroom.

Do-It-Yourself Sheathing: A Step-by-Step Guide

To cover a toilet with your own hands using PVC panels, you need to correctly build the workflow, not forgetting about everything important points. The first step is to correctly measure the room, accurately recording all measurements. This will help you buy the required amount of materials, having previously calculated their width. Proper preparation for repairs is the key to its successful completion, therefore it is worth taking care of the availability of all the tools that will be needed during the work.

When planning a trip to a hardware store to buy materials, it is worth remembering about the fittings, without which it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality and beautiful renovation.

The finishing fittings profile is needed:

  • for use in external and internal corners;
  • to mask the joint between the panel and the floor or ceiling;
  • for neat installation of cabinets, doors, windows that were thought out in advance.

There are quite a lot of such finishing elements, these are connecting, ceiling, end moldings, for internal corner, for the outer corner and starting, as well as many other necessary parts. Therefore, you need to accurately determine the repair plan in order to choose the right option. As for the panels themselves, they are taken with a margin of at least 15%, taking into account trimming or unforeseen circumstances. Next comes the purchase of material for the sheathing: it can be a metal profile or a wooden beam. It is important to choose the thinnest options, for example, a section of 20 by 50 mm, in order to minimize the volume of the room.

If any additional structures are planned, you need to purchase a profile taking these buildings into account.

The lathing is fixed to the wall with dowels, which must securely hold the entire structure, which means it must enter the wall at least 5-6 cm. For wooden beams, you can use a construction stapler with special staples. If the room has been decorated previously and the walls are smooth, you can install the panels directly on them without a frame, planting the material with glue or liquid nails, which is important to purchase in the right quantity.

When constructing a wooden sheathing in a bathroom, especially a common one, you should take care to apply the composition to it, which will protect the tree from moisture, microorganisms and decay processes. In addition to this product, it is important to purchase a primer for treating the walls on which the PVC panel will be installed.

Any repair is not complete without tools that should always be at hand.

If we are talking about installing plastic panels, then you need to prepare:

  • screwdriver and bits for it;
  • a hammer drill or a drill that can perform the same functions;
  • drills that can be used to work both on concrete and wood;
  • jigsaw, electric or manual;

  • in the case of using a metal profile, you need metal scissors;
  • regular hammer;
  • stationery knife;

  • tape measure, level and angle;
  • pencil or marker for marking;
  • roller or brush.

Additional tools may be needed: spatulas, construction hair dryer, if you need to work with walls.

Before finishing the walls with new material, you need to remove wallpaper, if any, and paint that has peeled off. After this, you need to mark the room, this will give information about the amount of material for the sheathing. The length and height will vary depending on the vertical or horizontal installation panels.

If the sheathing is made of wood, then after cutting it you need to process every detail special means and leave until completely dry. While the boards are drying, you can start preparing the walls and ceiling, namely priming. It is best to apply two layers of this composition at once for a better result.

Each of them will take no more than two hours to dry, which will be enough before the sheathing can be installed.

Modern market finishing materials offers many practical solutions for finishing bathrooms. Until recently, those who were planning to renovate their toilet had only two options - painting the walls or tiling them. Now you can choose from several available options, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In today's article we would like to tell you about one of the easiest and convenient ways finishing of walls and ceilings in the bathroom - plastic panels. You will learn about the features of this finishing material, the basic principles of working with it, as well as how to choose the right one. plastic panels to the toilet.


First, let's look at the positive aspects of using plastic panels as a finishing material for a bathroom. The list of advantages of these products is quite impressive:

  • Low price. This method of surface finishing is one of the most cost-effective. It would be cheaper to paint with water-based emulsion.
  • Easy to install. Plastic panels do not require special repair skills. Even those who have undertaken repairs for the first time can cope with their installation.
  • Fast installation. Installation of one PVC panel takes just a few minutes. Since bathrooms usually have a very small area, all the work will take you very little time.
  • No need for surface preparation. There is no need to level or plaster the walls for plastic panels.
  • Low maintenance requirements. PVC is a waterproof material that perfectly tolerates wet cleaning and contact with various detergents. Therefore, keeping the walls in the toilet clean will not be difficult.
  • Wear resistance. Despite the fact that plastic is a fragile material, if you do not subject it to strong mechanical stress, PVC panels will last you quite a long time.


However, plastic panels have not only positive aspects. This finishing material does not have many negative qualities, but they are still present, so one cannot remain silent about them. So, the disadvantages of PVC panels are:

  • Instability to heat and fire. Plastic panels are deformed under the influence high temperature, therefore you should not place heaters and heated towel rails close to them. In addition, plastic is not a fire-resistant material: it can catch fire if it comes into contact with fire. Therefore, you need to be careful when smoking in the toilet.
  • Large dimensions. At first glance, it seems that the plastic panels are absolutely flat, but in fact they can be up to 2 cm thick. In addition, a few more centimeters of space are often “eaten up” if the walls in the room are uneven. For large bathrooms This is not critical, but in small toilets this can become a real problem, since it will not allow the maximum use of the tiny area.

Types of panels

Plastic panels intended for finishing walls and ceilings in the bathroom come in several varieties.


Most popular look- These are sheet panels, which are rectangles from one to one and a half meters long. The thickness of such panels is 0.3-0.6 cm. They can be plain, with ornaments or imitation of natural structures - wood or stone. It is most convenient to work with sheet panels due to their large dimensions.

Rack and pinion

Slatted panels for finishing bathrooms are used much less frequently. They are most often used for outdoor work or large premises. This type of plastic panels looks like long narrow strips. The length of such panels is from 4.4 to 3.7 meters, and the width is from 12 to 30 cm. Slat panels imitating wooden beams look especially impressive.

Stacked tiles

The least common type of plastic panels are type-setting tiles. They are squares different sizes, which allows you to lay out various patterns on the walls and ceiling, like a mosaic. The elements are connected through grooves in the panels, and everything is held together with special glue or clamps.

  • If you want to purchase a product with maximum strength, choose plastic panels with a thickness of at least 0.8 cm. In addition, pay attention to the number of “ribs” on inside– they give additional rigidity.
  • The quality of plastic panels can be determined by its appearance. Take a close look at the front of the product: the paint should be applied evenly, and the design, if there is one, should be clearly printed.
  • As with wallpaper, the color of the same wall panels and different batches may vary by several shades. Therefore, buy products only from one batch.

The high cost of wall panels does not always indicate the same high quality, so price should not be the determining factor when choosing. However, material that costs significantly less than its counterparts from other manufacturers is usually not made in good faith.

Preparation and stages of repair

Before you begin finishing the toilet with plastic panels, you should carry out some preliminary work. By this stage of the repair, you already need to install the toilet, level the floor, lay it out ceramic tiles or cover with linoleum.

Experts advise preparing plastic panels for installation and further use by treating them antiseptic. This will protect the material from heat and moisture, so there will be no risk of mold and mildew.

  • Stage 1. Installation of the side posts, which will serve as the basis for the frame.
  • Stage 2. Lathing the structure with slats and cross members.
  • Stage 3. Attaching plastic fittings.
  • Stage 4. Cutting and installing plastic panels.

Basic principles and installation

Let's consider each of the above stages of work in more detail.

  1. One rack should be placed in each corner of the room. At the same time, they should not be in contact with the floor and ceiling, so we place some material between the racks and surfaces. After the structure is fixed with screws, the temporary support will need to be removed. The side posts must be placed plumb so that they are strictly parallel. We maintain a step of 0.3-0.4 meters between fasteners (we use screws as fasteners).
  2. The sheathing of the side posts is done with wooden blocks along the perimeter of the structure at the top and bottom. The fasteners should be screwed in at an angle of 45 degrees - this way we can securely fix two slats at once. Next, the slats need to be secured to the walls using self-tapping screws. This is the main frame, which, if necessary, can be supplemented with side posts or cross bars. Step between frame elements should be about 0.5 meters.
  3. We nail the plastic fittings to the frame using nails and a hammer. The fittings need to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees - this way it will fit more tightly. Since PVC panels are quite flexible, we install fittings, including in the corners. If there is a gap between the slats and the wall, fill it with scraps of plastic, then hammer in a nail. Nails for installation should be selected with large flat heads. In order not to damage the plastic elements when driving nails, the final blows are performed not on the head, but on the protective attachment (for example, you can use a nail).
  4. The final stage, when correct installation frame and fittings, takes very little time. We cut plastic panels using a hacksaw. At the same time, the size of each sheet should be a centimeter and a half less than the space prepared for it, since the missing length is compensated by plastic fittings. We insert the cut sheet into the grooves and attach it to the slats. We insert the next sheet into the previous one, then also nail it to the crossbars.
If you decide to repair a toilet using plastic panels, do it yourself. Sheathing walls and ceilings with these materials is not at all difficult, and even a non-professional can do it. As a result you will get a large number of advantages, and the finishing itself will cost you several times less than using ceramic tiles.

DIY bathroom ceiling in 15 minutes

What is plastic lining?

Plastic panels intended for toilets are lining, which are lightweight and made of PVC materials. It can be used to decorate both walls and ceilings.

The outer surface of the lining is smooth, and can be matte, glossy and even mirrored. A large assortment of materials and a variety of colors allows you to apply any design to decorate your bathroom. In this case, the plastic surface can be:

  • white, matte;
  • white, glossy;
  • with imitation wood, marble and other expensive finishing materials;
  • with a pattern that is applied to the surface using a special film.

Inside, these toilet modules have a porous structure. Their thickness ranges from 8 to 12 mm, length – from 2.5 to 6 m, and width – from 0.1 to 0.3 m. This variety allows you to apply any design when decorating a toilet.

Advantages and disadvantages of this material

Finishing the toilet with plastic panels allows you to get a large number of advantages:

The main disadvantage of this material is its low combustion resistance. Most often, plastic is not flammable. But when exposed to high temperature or fire, it begins to smolder and melt. This releases toxic gases that are very dangerous.

Also, finishing the toilet with plastic panels will steal at least 3-4 cm on each side. If there are large irregularities, the width of the room is reduced even more. That's why this material not suitable for a bathroom with a small area.

What design solution can be used for the bathroom?

The design of the room when using plastic modules can be varied. This material can be used to cover all surfaces from the ceiling to the walls, as well as a small part of them. For example, install the panels on the wall from the floor to half the height of the wall. On the upper part you can apply cladding using putty. This way, you can easily clean the room. The lower part, which gets most dirty, can be easily cleaned using detergents and disinfectants.

You can also use modules that, after installation, form a pattern. This way it is easy to create cozy atmosphere using any room design. Panels that imitate expensive cladding made of wood, granite or stone look good. In this case, the design of the bathroom will be very successful.

Necessary materials

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels with your own hands is very simple. The design of the room needs to be thought out in advance, since the choice of specific materials depends on this.

In this case you need to purchase:

  • required number of PVC panels;
  • edging elements;
  • accessories for surface decoration;
  • slats for creating a frame - wooden, aluminum, plastic;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws - you need to choose ones with wide heads at the rate of 2 pieces per 1 linear meter profile.

It is also necessary to prepare tools that will help carry out installation as quickly and correctly as possible. To do this, take a building level, tape measure, jigsaw or hacksaw, screwdriver, drill.

Surface preparation

Before installing PVC modules, it is necessary to remove old finishing materials from the walls and ceiling. This will help increase usable area indoors, which decreases significantly subsequently.

Also be sure to repair the plumbing, sewer system and electrical wiring. Replace old pipes and cables, check the quality of connecting elements. This will help extend the life of the finish. In the event of an emergency, it will be necessary to completely dismantle some of the panels, which most often become unsuitable for further use.

To prevent the formation of fungus and mold on the surface of the walls, be sure to treat them with a primer. The design of the room must be thought out in advance, since additional strips need to be fixed in the place where the washbasin and cabinets are installed.

Frame installation

Making a frame for this design is very simple if you follow the following recommendations:

  • Using wooden slats treat them with an antiseptic solution. This is best done the day before installing the frame. Treat it outside with a liquid that prevents the formation of fungus and wait until it dries.
  • Along the perimeter of the room, at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling, you need to attach slats or a UD profile. In the latter case, you need to use dowel nails. Fasten the profile every 0.6-0.7 m.
  • Fix the following slats in a horizontal position towards the floor. Install them every 0.5 m. Attach them to the wall in the same way using dowels.
  • Install a U-shaped profile on top of the sheathing in the corners of the room.

Toilet lining

Do reliable coverage made of plastic panels is very simple. Before installation, cut each element so that its length is 1-1.5 cm shorter than the height of the room. This shortage of material is compensated for by installing decorative strips.

The cladding process consists of the following stages:

  • Install the starting panel in the desired place, while the narrow shelf should be inserted into the profile, which is located in the corner of the room.
  • Using self-tapping screws, attach the panel to the frame at the location of the wide strip on the surface of the lining.
  • Thus, install all plastic modules.
  • Additionally, install finishing strips near doorways and in the corners of the room.

Only after covering the walls can you begin installing the panels on the ceiling. Installation of the frame in this case is carried out in the same way. In this case, along the perimeter of the ceiling you need to attach a special strip for mounting the baseboard.

The panels are connected to each other using a special lock and screws to the frame. In this way you can do the installation yourself plastic cladding in the toilet.

Video: Design and finishing of a toilet with plastic

Traditionally for interior decoration bathrooms and toilets are used tile. However, with all its many advantages, tile is not a cheap and easy-to-install material. If the bathroom renovation is planned to be done with your own hands and with minimal costs, it is worth considering such an option as finishing the toilet PVC panels. Such finishing material as polyvinyl chloride panels becomes indispensable if repairs need to be completed as quickly as possible.

Do-it-yourself toilet finishing with plastic panels

The main advantages of polyvinyl chloride panels

The positive aspects when decorating a bathroom or toilet with polyvinyl chloride slats can be expressed as follows:

  • Easy installation. It is quite possible for a high school student to carry out renovations in a toilet using PVC panels. Plastic panels are not particularly heavy.
  • Price category. After spending comparative analysis, you can find out that prices for such material as tiles exceed the price of panels at least three times. This does not take into account the remuneration of the tiler-finisher, but laying the tiles with your own hands is beautiful and neat without preliminary preparation quite problematic.
  • The walls of the room do not have to be prepared for finishing them with plastic. PVC panels are usually fixed to a frame or sheathing, which means that possible defects can be leveled with their help.

PVC panels are fixed to the frame

  • A material such as polyvinyl chloride is absolutely indifferent to the effects of a humid atmosphere. However, it is not moisture resistant, in other words, plastic panels are not able to withstand the appearance of dampness in the toilet. Waterproofing should still be taken care of preparatory stage, preferably before installing the sheathing.
  • Easy to use. In order to care for such a finish and maintain it in decent appearance, no expensive imported products will be required. On the contrary, cleaning the toilet will not take more than 10 minutes, and all you need is a damp cloth.
  • Long service life. The attractive appearance of plastic lamellas, inherent to them initially, is difficult to spoil, even intentionally. Polyvinyl chloride is able to withstand the effects of most household chemicals and solutions.

Disadvantages of polyvinyl chloride panels

In addition to numerous advantages, finishing materials such as plastic panels also have certain disadvantages. Otherwise, only plastic panels would be presented on the windows of finishing materials stores.

Plastic panels in the bathroom interior

The main disadvantages of plastic slats are:

  • Flammability and formation of combustion products. Unfortunately, any plastic cannot withstand exposure to open fire. During a fire, one material begins to burn, the other melts, but in both cases the process will be accompanied by the release of toxic gas.
  • Fixing the panels to the wall is enough simple work, but to ensure its efficiency and continuity, you will have to think about it when planning repairs.
  • Decorating a bathroom or toilet with plastic will affect the overall volume of the room. When fixing the panels to the frame, it is possible to narrow the toilet by about 5 centimeters, but this is only if the surfaces do not require correction using lathing. If, when decorating the ceiling with plastic, this does not have special significance, then when decorating the walls you should be extremely careful. Otherwise, there may be difficulties with closing or opening room doors or connecting plumbing and electrical equipment.

It is no coincidence that finishing a ceiling with plastic is much more common than completely decorating a toilet with PVC panels.

Plastic ceiling trim - a spectacular and practical look

You can often find combined solutions when panels and tiles (or other material) complement and shade each other. However, most often such combinations are found when decorating bathrooms.

What to consider when choosing PVC panels

When purchasing plastic panels, some homeowners focus on parameters such as price and beauty. Of course, in some cases this approach is justified, but when decorating a toilet in an apartment with your own hands, it is fundamentally wrong. The main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying plastic panels should be reliability and durability. This is due to the fact that it is on the plastic wall panels that various shelves and fittings will be hung. In other words, when choosing panels, focus not on their appearance, but on quality and rigidity. High value This parameter will ensure long-term operation of plastic panels. In addition, a more rigid plastic panel is much preferable for direct installation. The chance of vibration resulting from accidental movement is very small. In addition, in the sheathing you can increase the distance between its vertical bars.

Having chosen a certain type of panels, whose rigidity seemed acceptable to you, evaluate the dimensions and design features material. The dimensions of decorative panels made of polyvinyl chloride are, as a rule, three meters in length, but their width can vary from 120 to 250 millimeters. Keep in mind that the width of the products directly affects the requirements for the frame. That is, the wider the PVC lamella, the better and smoother the lathing should be. For those who decorate a toilet or bathroom with their own hands, the best option are panels whose width does not exceed 15 centimeters.

Having decided on the parameters that play the main role when installing the panels, you can begin choosing their design. Before leaving the store or finishing materials salon, do not forget to make sure there is a sufficient amount of consumables (corners, plastic ends). Such elements must be combined with the main background created decorative panels.

Wide range of plastic panels

Buy Consumables it costs with some margin because in the first stages, especially when installing the toilet design with your own hands, breakdowns and errors are possible. Naturally, you don’t want to go to the store for the missing pair of corners.

For the frame or sheathing, slats with a cross section of 2 * 2.5 centimeters are used. To create a reliable and durable frame it is worth using square slats or rectangular shape. You need to evaluate the quality of each slats, and to do this you will have to unpack a stack of bars prepared for the frame.

It is impossible to build a high-quality sheathing from a material of inadequate quality. The frame is assembled using such necessary elements as self-tapping screws and mounting nails for fastening plastic products. There is no need to use small construction nails; they can easily be replaced with analog tar nails with a small head. If the toilet is often exposed to “man-made” floods from neighbors, then it is better to use an antiseptic high-quality processing wood

DIY frame installation

Before installing the plastic frame, it is necessary to lay the floor tiles and install the toilet, since work will require a flat floor surface.

DIY frame installation

Proper frame assembly

  • At the first stage it is necessary to process the elements wooden sheathing or frame with an antiseptic. If you carefully lubricate the installed material with an antifungal solution, then such a structure will last for decades. It is worth noting that most of Such solutions are toxic, so this procedure is best carried out outside a confined space. The antiseptic is applied to the entire surface of the sheathing.
  • Setting up side bars. The recommended number of slats for installation coincides with the number of corners in the room, i.e. there should be four of them. The basic rule is that the slats should never come into contact with the surface of the ceiling and floor. In this regard, small pieces of plastic can be placed under the slats, but after precise installation they are removed.

The accuracy of fixing the side posts is extremely important for the further installation of the panels, so a plumb line is used when fastening them. Then check the parallelism of all faces using a long ruler. It is on these four elements that the quality of the frame will depend in the future. Mounts have step by step execution with an accuracy of approximately 30-40 centimeters and are mounted using self-tapping screws.

  • Sheathing of side posts. After installing the main vertical slats, it is necessary to secure the bars along the upper and lower contours of the room. In this case, the mounting screws are mounted at an angle of 45 degrees. This is necessary to secure the bars more tightly. After this, the material must be supplemented by attaching slats to the walls using long self-tapping screws. When the base of the sheathing has already been assembled, it is necessary to install additional racks. It is recommended to keep the step between these posts approximately 50 centimeters apart. In this case, the frame connection can be considered quite safe and strong.

We work with accessories with our own hands

Plastic accompanying elements are fixed to the main posts and rails. Their corners must be cut at 45 degrees. Since the plastic panel is very elastic, the fittings are attached in all turns and corners. There is a distance of approximately 30-35 centimeters between the nails. If the lath begins to lag behind the wall, it is recommended to place a piece of plastic under it, and only then hammer in a nail. Mounting nails should have flat and wide heads. If you cannot find such nails, then it is recommended to use any nails, the length of which is 20-25 centimeters, and you need to cut small gaskets of 1 x 1 centimeter from PET bottles, which will allow you to pull the plastic to the tree without damaging it. Use a hammer carefully so as not to damage the surface of the panel.

Installation of PVC panels on a finished frame

When the frame is completely ready, installation of the panels is quite simple and quick. Each part is sawed off separately with a fine-toothed hacksaw. At the same time it becomes smaller seat by 1-1.5 centimeters, which is easily compensated by shelves of fittings.

Installation of PVC panels indoors

All other plastic elements are moved closely to the previous one and fastened in the same way as the first one, with nails that have a plastic washer. This allows you to save the surface from being hit with a hammer.

The final PVC is cut to length. Such work must be carried out with extreme precision. The cut panel is inserted all the way into the lock of the previous one using a screwdriver. It is worth noting that the size of the locks is relatively smaller than the seat, and therefore the final panel must have contact with the surface of the previous ones. It must be secured with nails in a place where movement is not possible.

So, the renovation of the toilet room with PVC plastic panels is completed. But don't forget to leave it on ready-made panels small marks for shelves, which will subsequently be attached to the finished surface. Plastic panels are one of the ways to decorate a toilet beautifully and inexpensively. They will look good both in temporary and permanent finishes.

It is not difficult to organize the finishing of a toilet with plastic panels with your own hands if you have at least minimal experience in installation work. But first, it’s worth understanding the features of the material, the rules for installing the frame and other subtleties of the cladding. But, following the advice of experts, anyone can repair a bathroom on their own.

To decorate a toilet with panels yourself, it is enough to know the basic technological aspects. The special advantages of PVC panels can be attributed:

  • convenient and simple installation that anyone can handle;
  • low price, compared to other types of cladding, plastic finishing is much cheaper;
  • during repairs, there is no need to level the walls, and this allows you to save money on building materials;
  • plastic panels have good waterproofing, which means there is no need to worry about moisture;
  • easy to clean, it will be enough to wipe the panels with a damp cloth from time to time;
  • long service life.

It is worth noting that if one element breaks, the structure can be easily dismantled. Thanks to these positive qualities, PVC panels are leaders among all facing materials.

But, despite the large number of advantages, the material has a number of negative qualities, which include the following:

  • flammability: when ignited, the panels release compounds harmful to the body;
  • It is extremely difficult to work in small rooms, since there is no opportunity to turn around;
  • are exposed to mechanical stress, even a slight blow can cause the bar to break or crack;
  • hides several centimeters of area, so it is not recommended to use them in a small room.

Plastic panels are very light, they are quick and easy to install. The material is used for wall decoration and ceiling covering, so you can use them to hide electrical cables, ventilation pipes and defects in the form uneven walls, cracks.

Preparatory work

If the walls are smooth, then the material can be laid directly on the load-bearing surface. Although this option is extremely rare, so most often most of the time is spent on installing the frame. Do-it-yourself toilet decoration with plastic begins with the installation of the frame, for this you need:

  1. First you need to remove the old finish down to the concrete or brick base. Be sure to remove the tile cladding; if you do not remove the tiles, then over time they will fall off, but under the new cladding. If the walls are painted and the paint adheres firmly, then there is no need to beat it off, it will not interfere.
  2. Inspect the surface for cracks; if there are any, they must be opened, cleaned of debris, and then filled with a repair compound. You can do this with cement mortar or use inexpensive tile adhesive.
  3. To protect yourself from the appearance of bacteria or fungi under the panels, you need to treat the surface with any antiseptic. Experts recommend doing two impregnations with a time interval of 6 to 12 hours. During this period, the walls just have time to dry well.
  4. If you plan to lay the sheets on the ceiling, then pre-tension the wiring for lighting fixtures. The cable is placed in special protective covers that will protect the wire from moisture. They are then fixed to the base ceiling plastic clamps or using wire hangers.

After the walls and ceilings have been prepared, the construction of the frame begins. For this you can use metal or wooden profiles.

For rooms with high humidity It is best to use wooden beams that are pre-treated with an antiseptic. This option is much cheaper than a metal structure.

To mount the frame, you need to do the following:

  • the bars on which the plastic panels will be attached are processed antiseptic impregnation, then they need to be dried and cut into the required sizes;
  • Now you should attach the block to the surface of the wall, drill holes in it using a drill and put marks through them, and then use a hammer drill to make sockets for fasteners;
  • since the plastic panels will be laid vertically, the supporting structure must be mounted in a horizontal position, taking steps of 50 centimeters;
  • It is best to lay the sheathing at the height of the knee, waist and shoulder, in which case the plastic sheets will not be damaged by awkward movement;
  • Plastic dowels are hammered into the holes made, then you need to attach them to wooden blocks and fix it with locking screws, so that the cap is buried in the wood;
  • now you need to attach several thick boards to the wall and secure them with anchors;
  • after this, you need to mark on the drawing the exact location of the boards, since later it will be possible to attach a mirror, bedside table or shelf to them;
  • the ceiling frame is mounted according to the same scheme;
  • to lay casings with electrical wiring in the beams, special grooves are cut out required size so that the cable is not pinched.

To disguise sewer pipes, you need to install vertical beam and fix it to the floor and ceiling using a metal corner. After this, install the sheathing under the plastic panels. In order to have access to the pipeline, you need to mount a wooden square at the very bottom, and attach an inspection hatch to it. Installation metal profile carried out according to the same scheme, but it is much more difficult to work with such material, so it is better for beginners to use wood.

Sheathing and finishing

After the frame is assembled, you can proceed directly to the sheathing. Since the bathroom area is usually small, installation will not take much time. To sheathe the structure, you must proceed according to the following scheme:

  • The starting profile is placed on the corner, and it must be leveled using building level, and then secure with glue or self-tapping screws;
  • a ceiling profile is attached along the entire perimeter, with the help of which vertical and horizontal elements will be connected;
  • the first wall panel must be trimmed in height, this gap will help ensure unhindered temperature deformation;
  • Now you can insert an element into the starting profile and align it vertically;
  • fix the sheet to the frame with self-tapping screws, and the upper edge is inserted into the groove of the plinth;
  • the next sheet is inserted into the previous groove, panels are assembled to the next corner;
  • the last sheet is cut lengthwise, if the plastic is soft, then this can be done using a painting knife, if the material is hard, then you can use a file with small teeth, the panel is inserted into the starting profile;
  • The entire space of the bathroom is sheathed according to the same scheme.

At the very end, holes for the built-in lamps are cut and installed decorative skirting boards, which masks the bottom edge of the panels. All gaps and cracks are sealed with moisture-resistant silicone. At this point, the lining of the toilet with plastic panels is completed. Self-installation It’s not difficult if you follow the sequence of steps.