How to properly tie climbing roses. Pruning climbing roses

You can decorate even the most unsightly corner of the garden and at the same time add a piece of light romance to it with the help of climbing roses. These extraordinary, beautifully flowering climbing plants delight their owners with their blooms almost throughout the entire season. But for it to be perfect, climbing roses require correct landing and special care. We will tell you about all the subtleties and nuances of growing climbing plants in this article.

Climbing rose: planting and care, photo

Any plant in the garden or on summer cottage requires care. Special attention must be given to some flowering crops, which include climbing roses and with long branches. Abundant and long flowering this the most beautiful plant can only be achieved by strictly following all the rules when planting, careful care throughout the year, timely pruning and protection from winter frosts and pests.

Choosing a landing site

Roses are light-loving, so if there is a lack sun rays fresh stems will develop poorly and will bloom only next season. However midday sun can burn the plant. The place for planting roses should be such that during the hottest hours the bushes were in partial shade. The best option There will be an area that the sun warms in the first half of the day. In the morning, dew from the leaves will quickly evaporate, and viral diseases roses will not be afraid.

Climbing roses are also finicky. They do not tolerate drafts well, and therefore the corners of buildings are not suitable for planting them. They should not be planted in areas where roses have previously grown or in wetlands. It is best to choose a bed with a slope so that water does not stagnate in the soil. The roots of the plant reach about two meters in length, so if the soil moisture is constantly very high, flowers are planted on a hill.

Climbing shrubs for decoration purposes can be planted along the walls of a building. To prevent their roots from becoming depleted, the distance from the wall should be at least 60 cm. In any case, planting climbing roses must take place near some support. These can be fences, nets, pergolas, arches, walls or specially created pillars or cones.

When to plant climbing roses?

In areas with temperate climate shrubs are planted in open ground at the end of September - beginning of October. Within two weeks they will produce the first roots and will have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather. In spring, the root and above-ground parts will begin to actively grow, the bush will become lush, gain strength and bloom. However, in the northern regions, it is best to plant climbing roses in the spring, since bushes planted in the fall will not have time to adapt and may freeze in winter.

Plants that were planted in the spring are delayed in their development by about half a month and require increased attention. Before planting in the ground, such seedlings are cut into three buds.

Selection and processing of seedlings

Beautiful climbing rosalia can only be obtained in the presence of healthy seedlings. Their viability and quality are indicated appearance trunk It should only be whitish-green in color and not gray or brown. Purchased seedlings are not immediately planted in open ground. They must first be prepared:

Thanks to this preparation for planting the bushes will begin to grow actively, and during the flowering period many buds are formed on them.

Soil preparation

Climbing roses love fertile, loamy, well-drained soil. Only heavy clay and sand are not suitable for growing them. That's why clayey areas are diluted with sand, and sandy ones with clay. More suitable for chemical composition and the soil will become crumbly after adding a small amount of lime to it.

When digging, the fertility of the soil can be increased by adding to it:

  • phosphate fertilizers;
  • humus;
  • humus;
  • phosphorobacterin (special soil bacteria).

The soil is prepared for planting climbing shrubs in advance. You need to dig it up several times at the end of summer, and then loosen it again in the spring.

Landing Features

Roots young plant should not experience a shortage of space, so the holes for them should be sufficiently free. The optimal depth is considered to be 60-65 cm. To root system developed freely, the distance between plants must be at least one meter.

When planting roses in a hole, it is necessary follow the following recommendations:

The support to which the rose will be attached in the future should not interfere with the development of the root system. If the support is portable, you can use special tripods, trellises or trellises. You can make the pole and tripods yourself by knocking down wooden beams with a height of 2.5-3 meters. Arches with two bushes planted on both sides will look gorgeous as supports. By the end of the second year they will be completely covered with climbing roses with delicate flowers (pictured).

Caring for planted bushes

The main rules for caring for climbing roses include regular watering, timely feeding plants, gartering and pruning shoots, covering bushes for the winter and protecting them from pests and diseases. Let's look at each point in more detail.

Watering and feeding

Climbing shrubs do not like excess moisture and tolerate drought without problems. It is recommended to water them once a week with a small amount of water, which should not be cold. Overwatering of plants can lead to viral diseases and poor appearance of the bushes.

The best way to fertilize roses is manure or other organic fertilizers , alternating them with mineral supplements. It should be borne in mind that at first young plants will need sufficiently fertilized soil when planting. Therefore, they do not need to be fed too often. On next year After planting, caring for climbing roses will consist of fertilizing with fertilizers of the following composition:

  • fresh black soil;
  • humus;
  • phosphorus feeding;
  • humus.

With this mixture, the soil in which roses grow is “revitalized” in spring and autumn. If you can’t prepare the composition yourself, you can buy ready-made fertilizer for roses.

Pruning shoots

All climbing roses are divided into two types, each of which requires a certain trimming:

  1. For shrubs that bloom from June to July, all shoots are shortened after planting. Shoots 30 cm long should remain. New stems appearing during active growth to form beautiful bush cut off as needed.
  2. Roses with a small number of basal shoots, which appear only on old branches, are shortened to 30 cm in the first year. The next year after planting, all old shoots are cut out completely.

Garter of climbing roses

After pruning, new branches will begin to grow, which need to be guided, giving the bush the intended shape. To produce more buds, individual lashes are tied up. At the same time, it is undesirable for them to be directed only upwards, since with this arrangement the buds are formed only at the tops.

To obtain lush flowering bushes There are several ways to tie:

  1. The shoots can be arranged in a fan pattern, leaving the side branches untied. They will not interfere with each other, freely extending to the sides and up.
  2. The main shoots are located horizontally, tied to a support. After some time, they will give new side branches that will grow upward, forming a cloud of beautiful flowers.
  3. In order for the curly branches to entwine an arch or pillar, they are tied in a spiral, twisting around the support.

No matter how the bush is formed, one should not neglect caring for climbing roses and preparing them for winter.

Protecting roses from frost

Before you start covering, the bushes need to be prepared. To do this, remove leaves from them, cut out old loops and weak shoots. As a result there should be 11-12 healthy and strong shoots . All work is carried out in dry weather.

The method of covering a climbing plant depends on the region in which it grows. In regions with a mild climate, branches can not be removed from the support by first covering them with spruce branches and then wrapping them with film.

In areas with harsh winters, plants are completely removed from their support. First, they are gathered into a large bunch and tied. After the air temperature drops to -5C, they carefully bend towards the ground, where they are secured with wire or pegs. The base of the bush is sprinkled with a mixture of peat and soil, and the shoots are covered with spruce branches. Everything is covered from above dense film or agrofibre.

It is very important to remove the cover in time in the spring. Otherwise, in a humid environment and without fresh air roses may suffocate and begin to hurt. On open bushes shoots are refreshed and tied to supports. It is recommended to do the first feeding only after the appearance of young leaves.

If there are errors in care and incorrect placement of bushes on the site, they may be affected by the following diseases:

When treating climbing roses, it is necessary to remember that all cut off affected areas must be burned. Otherwise, other plants may become infected from them.

Proper planting and care is the key to abundant and long-lasting flowering of these royal flowers. Those who decided to grow climbing roses on their plot will never regret it.

Planting and caring for climbing roses

Climbing roses are different from other climbing plants. They are not able to wrap their stems around a support or attach to it with tendrils, like grapes, so their shoots must be tied to a support. Climbing roses must be formed from the very beginning so that they immediately begin to grow in the required direction. Try to direct the shoots horizontally or horizontally and slightly downward - with this arrangement of the main shoots, side stems will appear on them growing upward.

An excellent option for correctly shaping the growth of a plant such as a rose is trellises. If you do not tie up the shoots of a climbing rose, they will begin to creep along the ground. Some of the designers decide to use roses as blooming ground cover plants, planting steep slopes with their help.

Thanks to correct pruning plants, such roses will be able to grow well throughout the summer. At the base, it is necessary to cut out all diseased and weak shoots. Shorten the weak ones side shoots roses. You also need to delete top part shoots with faded flowers, cutting it off above the third or second outward-facing leaf.

Proper pruning

Climbing roses reach maturity at approximately the age of two to three years, and it is at this time that abundant flowering plants. In the first year after planting, it is necessary to prune damaged shoots; if the shoot is long, it is not worth pruning. In the second year, it is necessary to shorten the side shoots by two to four eyes. All dead and crossing shoots need to be cut off. In the third year, anti-aging pruning can be carried out.

Tying and directing shoots

For this you will need: soft material for a garter, a climbing rose, gloves and a support (trellis). Dig a planting hole at a distance of 50 cm from the installed trellis. The roots should be directed away from the trellis. All new shoots should be tied soft material to the trellis so that the plant can continue to grow freely.

When the shoots are quite long, carefully move it to the side and bend it down a little, after which you can tie it up. First year flowers should be pruned as soon as they finish blooming, but try to trim as few shoots and leaves as possible.

In gardening stores you can find necessary materials for garter. True, its cost is usually quite high. Instead, you can also use soft lace or other materials suitable for these purposes. Under no circumstances should shoots be tied up with wire or other hard materials.

Some types of wild roses, like climbing roses, can be grown on trellises, however, such plants bloom only once a year. Like climbing roses, they can be climbed up a trellis, and in order for them to grow better, it is recommended to prune them every year. Yes, without applying special effort, you can get beautiful design on your country plot.

Weaving pink stems always look more tender than their flowerbed relatives. But what kind of rose will curl without support? Blooming rose shoots need a reliable and beautiful foundation. We decided to tell you today about the varieties, styles and materials of supports for climbing roses, and how you can make them with your own hands.

What should be the support for a rose?

Some novice gardeners believe that it is enough to plant a climbing rose near a fence or wall of the house, and it will find a place for itself to weave. This is fundamentally wrong. There are a few important requirements, which the basis for climbing roses should meet:

  • Reliability. It is better to choose a support that is stable and strong enough so that it can support the lush flowering branches of roses. Arches, tripods and other structures must be dug in or firmly secured to the ground with iron stakes.
  • Decorative. The stand for the rose should fit organically into the design of the site and have an attractive appearance, especially if the rose does not completely entwine it.
  • Matching rose variety. It is not advisable to install bulky supports for miniature roses, just like too small arches will quickly “become small” for tall beauties.
  • Compactness. One of the tasks of a support for a climbing rose is to place it compactly on the site. Trellis and tripods should take into account the length of the shoots and form a beautiful dense flowering bush.
  • Economical. Ready-made arches and stands for roses are not cheap. Great way Save money by making a stand for roses with your own hands.

The support should be selected taking into account varietal characteristics roses. It should easily support the weight of the bush

Types of supports for climbing roses

Option No. 1: trellis mesh

This is the simplest support that you can make with your own hands without spending a lot of time and money. You can purchase a chain-link with large cages, or stretch a rope mesh between two supports. This support is suitable for graceful pink varieties. You can do it as follows:

  • Determine a place for support.
  • Dig wooden or metal poles.
  • Open the pillars with varnish or paint.
  • Stretch the mesh.

A trellis can also be made from thin wooden planks. You need to prepare a frame of beams and fill the boards between them with mesh.

Using a lattice screen, a bush is formed in the form of a screen. With this structure you can divide the yard into separate zones

A climbing rose bush supported by a trellis can be shaped like a fan.

The carved wooden pillars look beautiful, with fragrant pink branches woven between them. Now all that remains is to direct the rose stems to the right side and form a lush blooming pink stand as the bush grows.

When using a trellis near the wall, you need to maintain a distance of 15-30 cm. This will prevent air circulation around the plant from being disrupted

Option number 2: pergolas and arches

Arches and pergolas are created according to a similar principle. The advantages of this type of support are constant decorativeness, functionality and good capacity for rose bushes.

For roses with thin flexible branches, metal arches can be used as support.

Pergolas are a lattice roof for weaving roses onto support pillars. Such structures can serve summer gazebo in the garden or relaxation area. Pillars are often used from metal, and the top can be made from wood. The length and width of the pergola are selected individually. It’s easy to make such a support yourself - you need to install pillars and knock down a wooden lattice over them.

Arch from wooden supports erected for strong roses with long shoots, which, when growing, will be able to reach the top of structures

Arches have smaller sizes and curved shapes. They are used for zoning the garden, decorating entrances to gazebos and decorating garden paths. Wooden arches for climbing roses, painted in White color. Such supports create the effect of country coziness and impeccable cleanliness of the garden. Forged arches are also in demand. They look perfect in the garden classic style.

Option No. 3: Pillars and conical supports

This type of support can also be safely made with my own hands from wooden or metal rods and posts. The single post along which the rose will climb must be well dug in and have the required height.

Choosing a trunk support standard rose, it is worth considering that it should not stand out. It needs to be installed on the denser side of the crown.

To grow roses on a trunk, you need to choose a long, strong rose hip shoot 1.5-2 m high. At a height of 60 to 150 cm, a varietal rose is grafted

To make a support in the form of a cone, you need to install several rods or wooden beams in a circle and connect them together at the top. Such a cone-shaped stand can serve as a basis not only for roses, but also for other climbing flowers. This is another opportunity to use your imagination to create decorative flowering compositions.

A climbing rose is not able to curl on its own - it needs to be guided and tied up. When tying, the branches should be directed to the side. This promotes the formation of shoots growing upward

  1. You can use metal, wood, plastic and even stone to support roses. It all depends on the design of the garden, the type of roses and the price of the issue;
  2. The distance between the horizontal bars of the support must be at least 50 cm. If the bush branches heavily, make additional transverse bars;
  3. Large blooming roses will look good on large supports in spherical shapes. Flowers with small buds will perfectly decorate vertical stands;
  4. An old person can also become a support for a rose. wooden fence or a barn. It is necessary to plant rose bushes at a distance of 50 cm from such a support and make additional supporting elements;
  5. It is imperative to treat and paint rose supports so that they do not become a source of infection.

The crossbars on the support structure and the grid should not be spaced too closely

Can be used as a support for climbing varieties of roses. various designs. To make it more convenient to tie up shoots, there should be horizontal crossbars or gratings on the supports

The trellis support must be strong and stable so that gusts of wind cannot topple it

Whatever option you choose to support climbing roses, you need to properly plant the roses and care for these flowers. Make sure your roses are weaving correctly, trim off excess shoots on time and feed your rose bushes nitrogen and mineral fertilizers, and then your roses will decorate any trellis.