How to cook soaked grapes with mustard. Soaked grapes: simple recipes


Soaked grapes with mustard are an excellent addition to various salads, meat dishes, and can also be used as a completely self-sufficient snack. Making grapes this way means, first of all, providing yourself with an ideal preparation for the winter, which turns out incredibly tasty and also very healthy. By the way, soaked grapes are ideally very similar in taste to olives, only this is a more budget option, but just as easy to eat. To get an ideal result at the end of cooking, we suggest using the step-by-step photo recipe below, which describes everything simply and clearly.
At home, you can also make soaked grapes with horseradish; the result is the same tasty snack, only slightly different in the degree of spiciness. In order to soak grapes in jars, it is necessary to use not fully ripe berries, so they will remain whole and beautiful and will be suitable as a decoration for various dishes. Let's start preparing a healthy and amazing preparation for the winter without sterilization - soaked grapes with mustard.


Soaked grapes - recipe

Let's prepare all the ingredients with which we will prepare an amazing and necessary preparation for the winter. Grapes must be used either table or wine varieties, but always with thick skins.

We will soak it with fresh berries, but you can also use a brush, if desired. Be sure to separate the berries with pieces of the stalks and rinse them several times in cold water.

Grind the mustard seeds, but not too finely, for this we use a blender.

In a separate bowl, thoroughly mix the grapes with the ground mustard seeds and very carefully place them in clean jars so that the berries are close to each other.

What kind of pickles do we prepare for the winter? But grapes take part in them extremely rarely. Meanwhile, soaked grapes are tasty and piquant. It can be consumed as an independent snack, or you can add it to main courses - and they will sparkle with new flavor colors.

Recipe for soaked grapes with mustard

As with any other preparation, the quality of the raw materials is very important here. In order for soaked grapes to remain strong, not moldy and delight the eaters, all the berries must be whole, without defects and not limp. When picking them from the bunch, you need to try not to damage the product (it’s better to put crushed ones in your mouth right away).

To fill, the recipe requires seven tablespoons of granulated sugar, three of coarse salt and a glass of wine vinegar. All this is calculated per liter of heated water. When the bulk substances dissolve, the filling can be used. The pickling container is lined with a bunch of dill, and several laurel leaves are laid out. Then the grapes are poured in tightly, but without tamping, and crushed evenly with mustard powder - 100 grams for every kilogram of berries. The marinade is poured in, a not very heavy oppression is placed on top - it is needed so that the soaked grapes do not float. The container is kept in the kitchen for two or three days, then moved to the cold.


This unusual word is called soaked grapes, the recipe for which came from Bulgaria. It is even easier to prepare, but you will have to wait longer for the product to “ripen” - at least three weeks. You can pick the berries from the brush, or you can wet the grapes directly in bunches. The raw materials are simply placed in a jar with each layer sprinkled with ground grain mustard. Finally, the container is filled with cold, clean water, closed with a lid and put away in a cool place. As already said, you can try it after 3 weeks, but Bulgarians prepare soaked grapes for the winter in this way. It is stored very well if the room temperature does not exceed 5-7 degrees above zero.

With horseradish

For this recipe you will need both the leaves and the root of this spicy plant. The grapes are sorted and washed, the roots are peeled and cut lengthwise into strips. The bottom of the bucket is covered with clean ones, and half the dose of berries is poured in (the average plastic bucket holds about five kilos of them). The placed portion of grapes is sprinkled with two tablespoons of mustard powder and chopped root. Then the remaining grapes are laid out and processed in the same way.

You will need five liters of brine per bucket. The water is boiled and cooled, salt in the amount of 50 grams and sugar are dissolved in it - 150 is taken. The marinade is poured over the grapes, covered with horseradish leaves and pressed with a plate. The lid of the bucket is placed on top, and it is left alone for a week.

On a note

To make soaked grapes, select slightly unripe bunches and take berries from sweet and sour varieties. You can “play” with spices, but don’t get too carried away: many of them overwhelm the grape’s own aroma and taste.

Those who love spicy snacks can add hot pepper rings to the pickling. Just clean the grains anyway so that it doesn’t turn out too bitter.

Soaked grapes are very good in meat dishes. And when it is introduced, the beef becomes noticeably softer.

Good day everyone. Autumn is the time for canning and preparing for the winter. Therefore, I want to share with you my family’s favorite recipe, soaked grapes.

So, first, let's deal with the grapes themselves. You need to sort it out, remove the spoiled grapes and wash it thoroughly.
Take horseradish leaves and wash them well too.

The horseradish root needs to be washed, peeled and cut into strips along the fibers.

And the last preparation, measure out the required amount of sugar, salt and mustard.

Now let's get down to the actual pickling of the grapes. It is better to salt in an enamel bowl, but if you don’t have one, you can use a plastic one. I salt grapes in a plastic bucket. But if you also salt in a plastic bucket, then when purchasing, look at what kind of plastic it is made of. Choose only a polypropylene bucket. Usually on such a bucket they write “For cold foods”. Pay special attention to this. Plastic comes in different varieties. The same applies if you buy plastic utensils: bowls, plates, cups. Because the plastic dishes in our stores are not always of adequate quality.
So, put horseradish leaves at the bottom of the bucket.

Place the grapes up to the middle of the bucket. Place strips of horseradish root on the grapes and sprinkle with mustard (1 tbsp).

Now fill the bucket with grapes to the full, also add horseradish and sprinkle with mustard.

Cover the grapes with horseradish leaves.

Prepare the brine. The brine is prepared based on 5 liters of cold boiled water. Fill the grapes with brine to the brim and sprinkle with mustard. As my grandmother explained this to me, you need to sprinkle mustard on top so that the brine does not mold.

Now carefully cover with a large plate and press down a little.

In reader mail there are requests for recipes for soaked grapes. For example, a reader from the city of Liski, Voronezh region, writes that when she was in Kuban, she was treated to soaked grapes. Very tasty, but she didn’t ask how it was made.

Soaked grapes are very aromatic and tasty. This is an excellent appetizer for meat or fish, so if you decide to prepare a luxurious dinner and pamper your family or loved one, make sure that grapes are on your table.

It will perfectly highlight and complement the taste of your favorite meat and will delight you with its exoticism. Soaked grape juice has unusual taste properties and can be used as an independent drink. Bon appetit!

1. Grapes - 1 kg. For the marinade: water - 1 l, sugar - 30 g, salt - 10 g, mustard (seeds) - 10 g. Not quite ripe sweet and sour grapes are selected for soaking. Whole clusters are placed in large dishes, and clusters divided into parts are placed in glass jars. Prepare the brine, pour it over the grapes, cover the dish with a linen napkin, and place a weight on top.

2. Late table grape varieties are used for soaking. It is cut in dry weather and laid out in the shade for 6-7 days to allow the scallops to dry. Then the grapes are washed well, allowed to dry and placed in a container prepared for soaking. It is best to soak in glass jars of any size. At the same time prepare the filling. Add spices (cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves) and 300-400 g of sugar to 4 liters of water. All this is boiled, then cooled. Add 100 g of mustard to 3-4 liters of pouring, stirring well so that there are no lumps. Or take 50 g of salt for 4 liters of water, boil with spices, then add 100 g of stirred mustard and pour in the stacked grapes. The jars are sealed hermetically and stored in a cool place. After 25 days, the grapes will be ready to eat. Store in a cool place.

3. Grapes (best with thick skin), spices to taste (bay leaf, cinnamon, mustard seeds), cold water, parchment paper.

Select and wash large ripe grapes well under cold water. Place them in a jar, sprinkling each row with spices. After everything, carefully pour cold water over the grapes from one edge. Cover the jar with parchment paper and store in a cool place for 22-25 days. After the grapes are infused, they are completely ready for use.

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This ancient recipe for preparing soaked grapes makes it possible to prepare grapes for the winter without heat treatment and, therefore, retain most of the beneficial substances in them. Such delicious grapes are simply incomparable as a light dessert, and are also simply irreplaceable when preparing and decorating winter salads and light snacks.

How to soak grapes with mustard for the winter.

Only strong, undamaged sweet and sour berries are suitable for preparing grapes.

You need to select 10 kg of large berries, wash them thoroughly in cold running water and place them in prepared jars.

We cover the selected grapes with a clean natural cloth, on which we place a wooden circle, and put pressure on top of it, making sure that the berries do not crack.

Then, pour the prepared filling over the grapes and leave them warm for 3-5 days.

After this, the jars of grapes must be removed from the heat to a cool place. After about three weeks, you can already taste the soaked grapes.

Grapes prepared in this way must be stored covered with plastic lids in the cold so that their taste does not deteriorate and the berries do not turn sour.

Soaked grapes prepared according to this recipe have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and an original aroma. The brine in which the grapes are soaked is also useful to drink. This is not difficult to do, especially since it makes a delicious, refreshing, clear, sweet and sour drink.

Soaked grapes with mustard for the winter - a delicious recipe for soaked grapes in jars

This ancient recipe for preparing soaked grapes makes it possible to prepare grapes for the winter without heat treatment and, therefore, retain most of the beneficial substances in them. Such delicious grapes are simply incomparable as a light dessert, and are also simply irreplaceable when preparing and decorating winter salads and light snacks.

Recipe for soaked (fermented) grapes

Most often we eat grapes fresh. Some varieties are suitable for making wine, some varieties are suitable for making jams or compotes. But probably few people have heard about the fact that you can make soaked grapes.

Soaked grapes - an original snack

Grapes contain a lot of useful substances, which for the most part lose some of their properties when cooked. And this long-known method of harvesting berries does not involve heat treatment, and therefore all valuable components remain almost completely in place.

Soaked grapes can also be consumed simply as an unusual delicacy. You can use it in preparing various salads and original snacks. It is worth noting that its preparation does not require any rare ingredients. Everything you need is sure to be found in every housewife’s kitchen.

In Bulgaria, such a dish is called “gronovitsa” and is placed on the table as an independent dish, or added as a side dish to meat or poultry dishes. It will perfectly highlight the taste of the main ingredient, complementing it with unusual notes. And the juice that remains in the jar is a rather pleasant and tasty drink.

Recipe No. 1 With mustard

Preparing soaked grapes with mustard is quite simple, the main thing is to observe the indicated proportions and follow the tips:

Recipe No. 2 “Bulgarian Gronovitsa”

To prepare Bulgarian gronovitsa you need even fewer ingredients. We need a kilogram of grapes. It is better to take the one with thick skin. Sort through the berries and wash them. You can wet whole bunches, or you can tear them off, leaving a small stalk. Place the berries in a jar, sprinkle them with ground mustard seeds (60 grams), and then fill them with clean cold water. Cover the container with a lid and place in a cool room for three weeks.

Recipe No. 3 Snack

If you have harvested a large harvest of sweet and sour grapes, you can prepare such an original snack using the following recipe:

Using these simple recipes, you can prepare an original dish - soaked grapes, which will delight you with its unusual taste.

Soaked grapes with mustard for the winter in jars (recipe)

Soaked grapes can also be consumed simply as an unusual delicacy. You can use it in preparing various salads and original snacks. It is worth noting that its preparation does not require any rare ingredients.

Recipe: Soaked grapes - “with horseradish and mustard”

grapes - 3-4 kg;

horseradish root - 1 piece;

horseradish leaves - 6 pcs;

granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp;

Take horseradish leaves and wash them well too.

The horseradish root needs to be washed, peeled and cut into strips along the fibers.

And the last preparation, measure out the required amount of sugar, salt and mustard.

Now let's get down to the actual pickling of the grapes. It is better to salt in an enamel bowl, but if you don’t have one, you can use a plastic one. I salt grapes in a plastic bucket. But if you also salt in a plastic bucket, then when purchasing, look at what kind of plastic it is made of. Choose only a polypropylene bucket. Usually on such a bucket they write “For cold foods.” Pay special attention to this. Plastic comes in different varieties. The same applies if you buy plastic utensils: bowls, plates, cups. Because the plastic dishes in our stores are not always of adequate quality.

So, put horseradish leaves at the bottom of the bucket.

Place the grapes up to the middle of the bucket. Place strips of horseradish root on the grapes and sprinkle with mustard (1 tbsp).

Now fill the bucket with grapes to the full, also add horseradish and sprinkle with mustard.

Cover the grapes with horseradish leaves.

Prepare the brine. The brine is prepared based on 5 liters of cold boiled water. Fill the grapes with brine to the brim and sprinkle with mustard. As my grandmother explained this to me, you need to sprinkle mustard on top so that the brine does not mold.

Now carefully cover with a large plate and press down a little.

Cover with a lid and set aside in a dark place for 2 weeks.

After two weeks, open the lid,

We put grapes on a plate and enjoy their sharp, fragrant taste.

Recipe: Soaked grapes, horseradish and mustard

Good day everyone. Autumn is the time for canning and preparing for the winter. Therefore, I want to share with you my family’s favorite recipe, soaked grapes. So, to begin with

Tips for preparing soaked grapes and plums

Have you ever tried soaked grapes or plums? No? Very much in vain! It's very tasty! And if you’ve tried it, you can’t help but agree with me that these delicacies are a wonderful decoration for both festive and everyday tables. How about making these delicacies at home?

It is very easy to prepare soaked grapes or plums at home. Take my advice and you absolutely won’t regret it.

The recipe for soaking grapes described below was inherited from my grandmother more than twenty years ago. I personally tested it in practice many times - the result is excellent! It turns out very tasty. I shared this recipe with friends and they were happy too.

So let's get down to business. For rinsing, we select fresh, identical-sized fruits or berries that are not damaged by pests and have no external damage. Grapes are taken in separate clusters, plums are needed whole, undamaged, without stalks. The most ideal vessels for soaking are oak barrels or barrels, but enamel containers will also work.

Grapes or plums intended for soaking, wash thoroughly. Then we place the fruits or berries in rows, sprinkling with mustard (powder evenly). Fill with a solution of acetic acid, salt, sugar and spices. The calculation is as follows: for 100 kilograms of the finished product we take 400 grams of dry mustard; one and a half kilograms of salt; two and a half kilograms of sugar (if the grapes are well ripened, then less sugar can be added); one and a half liters of table vinegar; and 40 grams each of cloves, allspice, bay leaf and cinnamon. Of course, no one forces you to wet 100 kilograms of product at once. If you reduce the number of fruits, you proportionally reduce the number of components of the solution for urination.

After pouring the solution, you need to ensure that fruits or berries were constantly covered with solution and didn’t “go bare.” To do this, you need to periodically add a little boiled water. You can also do this: the contents of the container are covered with gauze and then with plastic wrap so that its edges hang over the edges of the dish in order to protect the product from air penetration.

Grapes or plums must ferment for at least four weeks, after which they are ready to eat.

For soaking, you can use all varieties of grapes with large berries and thick skins. The most suitable grape varieties are: “Hamburg Muscat”, “Italia Muscat”, “Cabernet”, “Clairet”, “Mourvedre”, “Agadan”, “Rkatcitelli”, “Moldova” and others of this kind. Thick-skinned plums like “Anna Shpet” and others are needed. By the way, my neighbor in the country tried to wet thin-barked plums - they grew on his plot. He succeeded. The result was the same - delicious! But it is still preferable to use thick-skinned plums.

Soaked foods are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Soaked grapes

My favorite product is grapes soaked with mustard!

Mid-late and late varieties with dense pulp are ideal for grape processing - soaking. Taking into account the readiness starting from November - a real New Year's recipe for the festive table! I use Taifi pink. In more northern regions, I recommend Kobzar: I have never seen a crispier variety! Any others will do as long as the berries are not watery.

I will give a step-by-step recipe for its preparation.

Preparing the grapes. Let's rinse:

We prepare spices for the marinade, which we prepare as follows: per liter of water, a tablespoon of salt and 2...3 tablespoons of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the grapes and personal preferences. Spices - allspice, cloves, cinnamon.

Place lightly rinsed whole or better cut (more complete use of the container) bunches of grapes in a jar (pan, barrel):

sprinkle mustard powder on top at the rate of: for a 3-liter jar - a tablespoon:

we make a kind of cork from grape leaves so that the berries are always under the marinade:

Grape leaf cork

And fill it with marinade. The marinade should be at room temperature. Pour it under the top of the container so that it covers the berries, if you didn’t make a “plug” of leaves, then you can put a light pressure (circle, lattice) so that it does not float, cover with a lid - and in a cool place (+12...18), cellar . In a month you can start eating!