How to insulate a cinder block house from the inside yourself? Finishing and finishing work with cinder blocks Step by step insulation of polystyrene foam walls outside the cinder block.

Preface. In this article we will look at the issue of insulating a cinder block house from the outside with your own hands. Let's consider the choice of heat insulator and the method of installing insulation on the facade - this will save money on heating country house and will make the climate in the house favorable for family living.

Question about high-quality insulation cinder block house usually occurs after construction. This is understandable, since the thermal conductivity of a cinder block ranges from 0.35 to 0.6 W/(m 0C). Such a significant scatter depends largely on the material of the blocks, as well as on its structure. Is it necessary to insulate cinder block walls and what kind of insulation - from the inside or outside of the house - is best to choose?

Is it necessary to insulate a cinder block house?

Do-it-yourself insulation of cinder block walls

Based on the characteristics described in the previous chapter, to ensure the thermal resistance of the walls in accordance with the current SNiP in Russia 02/23/2003 thickness cinder block walls should be around 1.5 - 2 meters. It is not economically profitable to create such walls in the Russian climate.

It is necessary, in addition to the increased costs of constructing walls, to construct a powerful foundation. Therefore the application modern materials for thermal insulation, will solve the problem - insulating a cinder block house from the outside will make the building warm, beautiful and will significantly save money on the construction of the foundation and walls.

Insulation from the outside and from the inside - pros and cons

When laying thermal insulation indoors, in winter the dew point moves towards the heated room and is located between the wall and the thermal insulation. Therefore, moisture, mildew and mold will form on the wall. Due to moisture getting on the thermal insulation, the properties of the material will significantly deteriorate. Additionally, you lose part of the living space when insulating a cinder block house from the inside.

Insulating a cinder block house from the outside saves living space, eliminates the formation of moisture and fungus on the walls, in addition, a cinder block house requires external cladding, which can be combined with insulation. The end result is approximately the same with both insulation methods, but we recommend using cinder block wall insulation from the outside, internal insulation It's better not to use it.

Materials for insulating a cinder block house

The most common way to insulate a cinder block house from the outside with your own hands is to lay mineral wool, glass wool, expanded polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). First, let's consider the option using mineral wool and glass wool.

Mineral wool and glass wool

Mineral wool and glass wool are produced in Russia in rolls and sheets. The properties of these materials are approximately the same, so we will consider them together. The advantages of the materials include low thermal conductivity of 0.041 W/(m 0C), high noise insulation, depending on the density of the wool. Basalt insulation has good fire resistance.

The disadvantages of mineral wool include poor moisture insulation - even with slight wetting, the insulation can lose up to half of its thermal insulation properties.

The procedure for laying the material is more complex. Possible sagging of individual parts in structures during use roll insulation and this can happen due to the dishonesty of contractors.

Expanded polystyrene and penoplex

Insulation of the exterior of the house facade with penoplex

Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex) has a denser and stronger structure, the moisture absorption of the material is almost 10 times less. But these advantages of penoplex are offset by the cost - the price is significantly higher than that of polystyrene foam. In Russia, polystyrene foam is perhaps the most inexpensive and widespread material for insulating the facades of houses and walls in apartments.

Expanded polystyrene is produced in slabs. The advantages of both materials include a low thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.039 W/(m 0C), moisture resistance - does not lose its properties under the influence of moisture. The material is easy to use when laying on flat areas of the wall. Some types have fire resistance, allowing the material to extinguish in the absence of contact with flame.

Disadvantages include poor sound insulation, some types of foam have low fire resistance and are quite fire hazardous materials. Ordinary polystyrene foam is fragile; according to popular belief, small rodents and insects can live in the foam.

Laying insulation on cinder block walls

Insulation of cinder block walls with mineral wool

Before insulating cinder block walls with mineral wool, the walls must be primed and cracks and cracks must be plastered, if necessary. The most common option is laying mineral wool with a ventilated facade and “ wet method" We will consider the latter option in this article.

1 . Prepare the surface - plaster the cracks on the wall, prime the surface. Installing the first row of supports on the base will additionally protect the insulation from rodents.

2 . Preparing glue for attaching insulation. Then we apply glue to the slab and glue it to the wall. It is worth remembering that there should be no gaps between the plates and better place make connections tightly or fill the cracks with an adhesive solution.

3 . We apply glue to the insulation and attach the reinforcing mesh. Carefully coat the mesh with glue and let it dry completely within 24 hours.

4 . All that remains is to apply a primer and plaster the surface of the insulated façade with putty.

Insulation of cinder block walls with foam plastic

Sheets of foam plastic on walls should be laid without seams. The insulation method is similar to the “wet method” of laying mineral wool. Before insulating cinder block walls with penoplex, it is also necessary to prepare the façade of the house for work. Detailed instructions read on.

1 . We prepare the wall surface - clean and plaster the cracks. We prime the walls and prepare the adhesive solution.

2 . We glue the foam sheets onto the façade in a checkerboard pattern. No gaps should be allowed - we seal them with glue or polyurethane foam after installation.

3 . After finishing laying the foam sheets, we prime the surface and attach the reinforcing mesh to the glue, completely embedding it in the layer of glue.

4 . After the glue has dried, prime the mesh and putty it with regular or decorative putty.

After all the work, you should have a smooth surface that can be painted in any color. Insulation will help you significantly increase indoor comfort and reduce home heating costs. Thanks to external works, you can give the facade an attractive appearance. And in the video presented, you can learn more about the issue under consideration.

Video. How to insulate a cinder block house

A cinder block house, unlike buildings made of other materials, has extremely low thermal insulation parameters, which is why the owners of such buildings need to insulate the walls from the outside as soon as possible.

This rule is especially relevant for houses in Russia, where, due to the harsh climatic conditions in winter time houses can freeze very much.

How to properly insulate buildings

When talking about insulation of any buildings and structures, we always share possible options thermal insulation into two types - insulation outside and inside.

For cinder block houses, it is usually recommended to insulate the walls from the outside, this is due to the fact that when insulating the walls from the inside, the dew point located between the building structure and the thermal insulation may shift. Due to a shift in the dew point, moisture can accumulate on the walls, causing mold and mildew to develop.

Internal insulation of buildings has other disadvantages, in particular, due to the large thickness of the thermal insulation layer, the area will be reduced interior space, which is especially unpleasant for owners of small cinder block houses, where there is already a lack of living space.

For these and other reasons, it is customary to install a layer of thermal insulation on the outside.

Insulation materials

Currently there are many various options insulation of a cinder block house from the outside.

The most common insulation materials usually include mineral or glass wool, polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, etc.

To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of these materials, you need to consider each of them separately.

Mineral wool and glass wool

Mineral wool and glass wool are common materials that can be used to quickly insulate any structure. Such products are made in two main types: in rolls and in the form of small slabs.

In terms of technical and operational characteristics, mineral wool and glass wool practically do not differ from each other, therefore their advantages and disadvantages can be described together.

The table below presents the most important advantages and the disadvantages of mineral wool and glass wool insulation.

Expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam differs from conventional polystyrene foam in production methods.

Extruded polystyrene foam has a denser and stronger structure and is more low level moisture absorption. At the same time, extruded polystyrene foam is significantly more expensive, which seriously affects its popularity among owners of cinder block houses.

Expanded polystyrene of both types is usually produced in the form of slabs of various sizes, but today there are also products in rolls on the market.

The table below shows the advantages and disadvantages of both types of foam.



High-quality thermal insulation, the characteristics of which are better than those of mineral wool.

Low level of sound insulation.

Excellent moisture resistance.

Low fire resistance of individual products.

Don't lose yours performance characteristics when exposed to moisture.

Release of harmful chemicals during combustion.

Easy installation on smooth cinder block walls.

High fragility and destruction with minor mechanical impact.

Fire resistance of individual products.

Installation options for the insulating layer

To insulate a block house, it is not enough to simply purchase required amount insulation material, you still need to carry out high-quality installation.

Process installation work V block house will vary depending on the type of insulation chosen.

Installation of mineral wool insulation

Insulating a cinder block house with mineral wool is not the easiest task, but it can be done if you follow professional instructions. When using such insulation, the most popular method is wet installation.

To begin with, an owner who wants to insulate a house needs to prepare the surface for laying a layer of insulation; the walls must be cleaned of dirt, all cracks and irregularities must be plastered, after which a standard primer is applied.

In preparation for installation, it is also necessary to install the support base of the first row of insulation.

When preparatory work will be completed, you will need to prepare the required amount of adhesive solution for laying the insulation. The glue must be prepared in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, which should be on the packaging.

The prepared glue is applied to each individual insulation board, after which it is installed on the wall surface.

It is important to remember that there should be no gaps between the individual insulation slabs, and therefore the slabs are laid either overlapping, or after laying the gaps are filled with separate strips of mineral wool.

After placing the insulation layer on the surface of the walls of the house, a special reinforcing, protective mesh is attached on top of it. After a day or more, you can complete the installation - plaster the surface of the insulation.

Installation of foam plastic

If it was decided to use expanded polystyrene, then this work will have a different sequence of actions, although many stages of the work will be very similar to wet laying of mineral wool.

First you need to prepare the walls - cleaning, sealing cracks and irregularities, after which the surface is primed.

At the second stage, the owner will need to prepare glue and apply a waterproofing layer, which are necessary to protect the insulating material from moisture. After this, the foam tiles are glued to the walls, and there should be no gaps or cracks between the individual slabs.

Glued polystyrene foam boards must be primed and a protective mesh secured to their surface. When the glued mesh dries, a primer will need to be applied to its surface again, after which putty can be applied.

Thanks to the application of putty, the owner can obtain a perfectly smooth surface of the walls, which can be finished using various facing materials to give the building the desired appearance.

Want more information on the topic? Check out these articles:

Quality façade panels perfect with insulation...

It is gaining momentum in Russia individual construction. From a large number building materials many people choose cinder block. A house made of this material is being built in short time and, most importantly, it’s worth it little money. The disadvantage of cinder block is its loose, porous structure. As a result, under the influence of temperature changes and moisture, it crumbles. To avoid this, a cinder block house is subject to internal and exterior decoration. In this article we will tell you how to insulate a cinder block house.

When choosing a cinder block for building a private house, be sure to ask what kind of filler the manufacturer uses. The strength of the material depends on the size of the fractions; the smaller they are, the stronger the cinder block. But even this does not negate the mandatory insulation of a cinder block house.

Insulation of a cinder block house

When preparing to build a house, select in advance the material with which you will insulate the structure. To use any insulation, lay a wide base. This will give you the opportunity to work with any material, which can then be hidden under the finishing brick.

If you could not foresee this, then the only way out is to decorate the walls with plaster or install siding on them. Do not forget that when using these materials, thermal insulation must be made from sheets of foam plastic or fiber insulation.

Experienced craftsmen claim that exterior finishing, done according to all the rules, guarantees an economic effect of 70%, so in some cases interior decoration not required.

Note! If you are insulating a cinder block house immediately after its construction, then you should not neglect installing a vapor barrier layer indoors. Moreover, they need to insulate not only the walls, but also the ceiling.

Install a vapor barrier layer and insulation on the outside of the ceiling. To do this, use polystyrene foam or mineral wool. The finishing of the external walls of the house does not require the installation of vapor barriers.

Note! If you built a house with a basement or basement, then their walls and ceilings also require the installation of vapor barrier and insulation layers.

Mineral wool is attached to the walls using plastic or wooden slats.

Painting or siding

The most democratic and cheap option insulation of a cinder block house from the outside - installation of polystyrene foam boards, finishing it with plaster and subsequent painting. If you are dealing with an old house, then you need to carry out repair work. Seal all cracks and uneven areas. Then you insulate the walls with foam plastic. Secure them with dowels 2 times larger than the thickness of the foam sheet.

More modern insulation material is expanded polystyrene, made from the same raw materials as polystyrene foam. The effect is produced by a different production technology. Both of these materials have the same thermal conductivity, but polystyrene foam has much lower water absorption. When insulating with this material, there is no need to install a vapor barrier layer.

Stages of work on insulating a cinder block house:

  1. Wall plastering work.
  2. Foam fastening.
  3. Installation of reinforced mesh.
  4. Leveling, priming and finishing walls
  5. Painting.
Note! If your project involves painting the walls, then most likely you will need to use acrylic or silicone plaster, but the latter will cost you much more.

The advantage of acrylic plaster is that it is applied in color. Mineral plaster needs to be painted after application. Painting will have to be repeated every 3 years. Colored plaster will last you a very long time; it is usually painted when you want to change the color of the house.

If you have the financial means, insulate your house with mineral wool, which you then cover with siding.

Spray insulation

Insulation of the house is done in order to minimize heat loss. Manufacturers do not stop and are constantly searching for new insulation materials. One of these new insulation materials is polyurethane foam. You can use it in the form of insulating spray or filling.

The mixture, consisting of two components, is sprayed using special equipment and a gun. As a result, you will have a coating without seams; cold air will not be able to penetrate through it at the joints of the cinder blocks.

You can use polyurethane foam for external and internal insulation. In addition, the material, in addition to insulation, provides walls with a vapor barrier, increases the reliability of structures and protects wooden parts from rot. Polyurethane foam insulation, according to manufacturers, has a service life of 30 years.

The question of insulating a cinder block house from the outside usually arises after construction. This is not surprising, since the thermal conductivity of a cinder block medium density fluctuates somewhere around 0.35 to 0.6 W/(m 0C). This significant variation largely depends on the material from which the cinder block is made, as well as on the structure of its parts.

Based on this, in order to provide the house with the required thermal resistance according to SNiP 23-02-2003, the thickness of cinder block walls should fluctuate around 1.5 - 2 meters. Agree, creating such walls is extremely unprofitable, so the use of modern thermal insulation materials, allows us to solve this problem.

Why and how to insulate a cinder block house

But what kind of insulation of a cinder block house from the inside or outside should we choose? Due to the fact that when laying a layer of thermal insulation indoors, the dew point moves and is located between the wall and your coolant. Taking this into account, moisture will constantly form on the wall.

Therefore, fungus may form, and due to moisture getting on the thermal insulation, its insulating properties will significantly deteriorate. Plus, you lose most living space.

By insulating cinder block walls from the outside, you save living space, eliminate the formation of moisture and fungus inside the room, and in addition, you do not need to free up space in the rooms to install thermal insulation and move them from one room to another. The end result with both methods of insulation is approximately the same, and with external insulation it is often much higher.

Types of materials

The most common way to insulate a cinder block house from the outside is to lay materials made of mineral or glass wool and polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam.

Mineral and glass wool

First, let's look at mineral wool. Both types of material are available in both rolls and slabs (see also article). Since the properties of these two materials are approximately the same, we will consider them together.

The advantages of these materials include the following:

  1. It has a thermal conductivity of 0.041 W/(m 0C), this is a fairly good indicator, but depending on the density of mineral (glass) wool, although slightly, it can vary.
  2. It has fairly high noise insulation rates, which largely depend on the density of the wool.
  3. It has good fire resistance, which allows the cotton wool to extinguish in the absence of open fire.
  4. It is much more convenient to install on uneven surfaces, and also effectively fills voids.

The disadvantages of mineral (glass) wool include:

  1. Poor moisture insulation. That is, even with slight wetness, the insulation loses up to half of its thermal insulation properties.
  2. A more complex procedure for laying insulating material.

When using roll insulation, it is possible for individual parts to “dump” into vertical structures. It is worth noting that this can only happen when doing the work yourself or due to the dishonesty of contractors.

Expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam

In addition, it has a more durable structure, and its moisture absorption is almost 10 times less. But all these advantages are offset by its cost, since its price is much higher. Both types of foam are produced in slabs; sometimes extruded foam can be found in rolls.

The advantages of both types of foam include:

Expanded polystyrene is produced not only in sheets, but can also be in rolls

  1. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.039 W/(m 0C), this is slightly better than that of mineral wool, but the difference is not significant.
  2. Due to the presence of moisture resistance, it can be briefly exposed to water, in addition, under its influence it does not lose its thermal insulation properties.
  3. Very easy to install on flat areas walls.
  4. Certain types of sheets are fire resistant, which allows them to extinguish in the absence of direct contact with a burning object.

The disadvantages of both types of expanded polystyrene include:

  1. Poor sound insulation of these materials.
  2. Some types of foam plastics with a low degree of fire resistance are quite fire hazardous and support combustion. At the same time, during combustion they release acrid smoke(Also find out).
  3. Ordinary polystyrene foam is quite fragile. Because of this, problems may arise during installation, or if moisture gets on it, freezing, installation will be difficult, since as a result the material may break.

It is worth noting that, according to popular belief, polystyrene foam is actively eaten by rodents. This is not so, they make their nests in it, since it is warmer there, and in polystyrene foam it is much more audible than in mineral wool.

Methods for laying insulation

Laying mineral wool

When laying mineral wool, the surface must be primed

If you have chosen a material, but do not know how to insulate cinder block walls, follow our instructions. Since we are considering the option of insulation finished house, then the most acceptable option is “wet” installation.

For mineral or glass wool, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Preparing the surface. At this stage, you should clean and plaster the cracks in your wall, as well as prime it. In addition, at this stage it is necessary to install a plinth to support the first row
  2. On next stage you need to prepare glue for fastening. The preparation instructions will help you in this matter, as some compositions have differences in the preparation process.
  3. Then we apply glue to the slab of cotton wool and glue it to the wall. When gluing, it is worth remembering that there should not be cracks and gaps between the plates and it is best to overlap the joints or tightly hammer the cracks.
  4. Now we apply a layer of glue to the insulation and attach a fiberglass reinforcing mesh. We coat it thoroughly and let it dry for about a day.
  5. All that remains is to apply primer paint and plaster the surface. This can be done like regular putty, and decorative.

Laying polystyrene foam

The method of insulation with foam plastic is in many ways similar to the method of “wet” laying mineral wool. By the way, the insulation of the loggia is done in the same way.

To attach polystyrene foam:

  1. We are preparing the wall. To do this, we clean it and plaster the cracks.
  2. We prime the wall surface.
  3. Prepare the adhesive solution and apply waterproofing. It should protect the foam from moisture and thereby preserve its properties.
  4. Now we glue the foam sheets. At the same time, cracks should not be allowed, otherwise all the work has been done in vain.
  5. After gluing the sheets, we prime the surface and attach a reinforcing mesh to them.
  6. After the surface has dried, we prime it again and our wall is ready for putty.
  7. After applying it, you should have a wonderful, smooth surface that you can paint according to your wishes.
  8. Insulating your home will help you not only significantly increase your living comfort and reduce heating costs. With quality exterior work, you can give your home an attractive appearance and save on air conditioning, since such a house will also heat up less.

The video in this article will help you look at this topic in more detail.

The building materials that are used to create a house require further processing.

For example, materials such as brick, concrete, cinder block and foam block do not look high quality in appearance. To give your home an aesthetic appearance this material subjected to further processing. Next we will describe, what is the best way to clad a house?.

There are many options for cladding the exterior of a home.

Curtain facade

At its core curtain façade this is a false wall metal frame, which is located at some distance from the main wall. It is on this false wall that the finishing material is subsequently hung. The positive aspects include the fact that you can insulate the walls of the house with outside without taking up room space.

Also such insulation options are very relevant for cinder block houses. In addition, the market offers a large number of finishing materials, which also refers to positive aspects.

When facing, most often use metal and vinyl siding, these are the most popular Decoration Materials . Ceramic panels and porcelain tiles are used much less frequently.

Despite the fact that vinyl siding is inexpensive and very practical way to give the facade of the house a decent appearance, it should be said that plastic has an electrostatic property that attracts dust. In addition, metal or vinyl siding will not help you create an aesthetically pleasing home, as the striped appearance of this siding does not look good enough.

The market for fiber cement and ceramic panels offers you a wide range of textures and colors, various imitations structure of wood, timber or decorative plaster. You can find all this on the building materials market. Some varieties metal siding and porcelain tiles are not lagging behind in this race. In this case it is not possible to provide any specific recommendation. In some situations, it is worth proceeding from the guarantees offered by the manufacturer and from personal choice.

Video: DIY siding installation instructions

Natural and artificial stone for cladding

Natural and artificial stone is the best materials for building cladding. The stone always and everywhere looked elegant and dignified. If you decide to use the stone as a facing material, you will never regret your choice. Of course, you can use a stone substitute, especially since today there are many of them, but it will never be able to “catch up” with natural material.

Marble or granite, shell rock or Dagestan stone, the choice is yours. The installation process and application of the facing material are not difficult. Artificial stone is similar in characteristics to natural stone, however, it has a more affordable price.

Video: instructions for laying artificial stone with your own hands

Decorative plaster mixtures

The most common material for cladding external walls. This method façade cladding is quite simple and not expensive. Apply to the surface of the walls sand plaster, on top of which a layer is placed decorative mixture, creating relief surface walls. Next, paint is applied.

If you decide to insulate the walls, then insulation material is attached before the plaster, on top of which a mesh is applied to ensure high-quality fastening of the plaster. Special attention You should pay attention to the paint, since paint that is not intended for the facade will fade and become faded over time.

Brick cladding

Brick cladding can also be used, but it requires a lot additional conditions. And you need to remember about it when creating a project for the house itself. If your foundation is poured without taking into account the brick lining, you may have difficulties in the future.

Don't forget that you can always just paint your cinder block house. Using a special facade paint, you can give your home a bright and unforgettable look.

Video: main types of exterior decoration of a house