How to plant indoor tomatoes. The best standard varieties with a guaranteed yield

Breeders have long proven that growing tomatoes at home is quite realistic, and the harvest is no different from tomatoes harvested from the garden. In this case, you should study all the rules for caring for plants. More attractive conditions are created in the room: there are no temperature differences, it does not start Colorado beetle, there is timely watering and care. You can grow tomatoes both on the windowsill and on the balcony.

Varieties of tomato that are planned to be grown indoors, must have certain characteristics:

  • Low growing variety. Indoor space is limited, so the plants must be dwarfed. If the bush is tall, it requires a large amount nutrients, which are not enough within the volume of the pot.
  • Tambo bush. This variety has a dense stem and a rigid crown around it. It does not require any breakage of stepchildren or a garter.
  • Tolerance to lack of lighting. In winter, due to the short daylight hours, additional lighting should be installed, especially during the cloudy period.

Tomato varieties

Despite the fact that many indoor tomatoes contain a large number of vitamins, their yield is low. These varieties are often grown as decorative components of the room, while the fruits are no larger than cherries.

However, there are also high-yielding varieties, with fruits up to 130 grams. Their annual yield exceeds 2 kg per year. There are also perennial tomatoes, when after harvesting the bush is not thrown away, new leaves grow on it, and this continues for 5 years.

Varieties of tomatoes for growing in winter include:

Ampel varieties

The yield of such varieties is much lower, and care is many times more difficult. The taste of the fruit and the non-standard appearance of the bush fully compensate for these shortcomings. In the process of growth, its shoots fall down, creating a beautiful view.

Ampel varieties:

seedling preparation

In order for the cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill in winter and summer to be effective, certain conditions must be created for them. Start with seeds, which are processed before planting and then landed:

The soil for seedlings should consist of:

  • 5 parts of garden soil.
  • Sand in the amount of 2 parts.
  • 5 parts decomposed compost.
  • 1 part peat.

In the mixture placed in a bucket, add urea in the amount of one matchbox, as well as potassium sulfate in the same volume and wood ash - no more than one handful.

Features of cultivation

First, plant seedlings in a pot:

Growing on a balcony

At enough soil some varieties that are not grown on the windowsill near the window can be grown on the balcony. The first stage of growing tomatoes on the balcony is no different from planting on the windowsill.

The second stage begins in early May. Tomatoes rooted in cups are not planted in pots, but in buckets that can be taken out to the balcony.

Holes are made in the buckets to allow excess water to escape and oxygen to enter. Sleeps in them earth soil in the same proportions. The volume of soil should not exceed two-thirds of the bucket. The plant is carefully removed from the cup and buried in the soil of the bucket, along with a clod of earth, roots, by 3 cm. More than one tomato should not be planted in one bucket. The bush must be tied to a peg stuck in the ground. Then the seedlings need to be well watered..

For five days, buckets on the balcony do not need to be taken out until the plants have strengthened. Flow sunlight from the windows is still harmful to them. As soon as it gets warmer, the removal of seedlings to the balcony is allowed only in the daytime. And only when the warm weather is finally established, it is allowed to take out the tomatoes to the balcony at night.

After rooting the seedlings, small pegs should be replaced with large ones. A plant that has grown must be firmly tied to them. Fill the bucket to the brim with black soil. Regularly water and fertilize the soil.

The advantage of growing a tomato on a balcony is that it becomes possible to harvest varieties such as bull heart or Carlson, at home.

Creating such a mini-garden at home makes it possible to grow tomatoes all year round. The appearance of aesthetic bushes not only creates a decorative environment, but also provides vitamins.

Attention, only TODAY!

» Tomatoes (tomatoes)

Tomatoes all year round are no longer a curiosity. But if not from a supermarket bag, but from a windowsill in own apartment is an exclusive. Juicy, ripe, sweet and, most importantly, organic fruits on your table will delight the whole family. At the same time - no cost or money or time. This review provides a description and characteristics the best varieties potted tomatoes.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, many different hybrid varieties tomatoes, unpretentious, but very fruitful, which easy to grow on the windowsill of the house in an ordinary flower pot . Maintaining a microclimate suitable for tomato growth, you can indulge yourself in the winter with the unique taste of homemade tomatoes.

Because the ripening time of various early maturing varieties varies from 90 to 110 days, easy to calculate the date of planting seeds to New Year's table ripe fragrant fresh tomatoes. The main thing is to choose the right variety that meets all your wishes. You will be able to collect big harvest from a limited area at any time of the year.

The best indoor varieties for a mini-garden at home

Standard and ampelous varieties are suitable for a window bed of tomatoes. They develop in height no more than 35-45 cm, do not branch, which means that they do not need to be tied up. Many hybrids are adapted to short daylight hours and lack sun rays, good resistance to the most common diseases (blackleg, leaf mold).

From neat small bushes you will get 1-2 kg of fruit per season. If planted in batches in several bushes with an interval of 20-30 days, you can provide yourself with vitamins for the whole winter. In addition, indoor tomatoes have excellent palatability and an increased content of sugar and vitamins in the pulp (compared to conventional ones).

The best standard hybrids for growing on a window at home are:

balcony miracle

Forms standard bushes about 0.5 m high, tolerates lack of light well, fruits are round, red, weighing 70-100 g with high sugar content. Tomato begins to bear fruit already 80 days after germination.

Micron NK

The smallest of famous varieties, the height of the bush barely reaches 15 cm, sweet fruit red or bright yellow color weighing 10-12 g, ripening period 100-110 days. This variety is more decorative and is completely independent of the length of daylight hours.


compact bushes, one of the best indoor tomatoes, fruits are sweet, round, weight - up to 20 g. It can be grown in the garden in the summer, and in the fall, transplanted into pots, brought home. And if you sow the seeds after September 20, you will harvest the first harvest by the New Year. - mid-season, ripens in 105-115 days.


Early maturing variety (matures in 85 days), unpretentious to light, yield is not the highest - 0.5 kg, but the fruits are very tasty and sweet;

honey bunch

Early maturing standard bush with a dense crown, height - 40 cm fruits are sweet, juicy, yellow. Differs in high productivity.

There are a lot of indoor and balcony varieties, and they all enjoy well-deserved popularity: Cherripalchiki F1, Balcony Yelow, Pearl yellow, Bonsai micro, F1 Balcony red, Room surprise, etc. Unique Feature is that they can grow more than one season. Dried bushes can be left in pots, watered occasionally, and after a while green leaves will begin to appear again. Tomatoes are able to grow this way up to 5 years, but the yield will decrease. The bushes bear fruit most abundantly in the first 2-3 years.

Cherripalchiki F1

Proper preparation of seeds for planting at home

The principle of growing a tomato at home is no different from growing in a garden: first we get seedlings from seeds, then we dive into pots on permanent place. In advance, you should worry about preparing for planting seeds and soil.

It is better to buy seeds in specialized stores in order to be sure of the quality and compliance with the variety indicated on the package.

But still, before planting, it is better to check and sort the full grains from the empty ones again. To do this, dip them in salted water for 10 minutes (1 teaspoon per 200 g of water). Semi-dry or empty seeds will float, while healthy, full-fledged seeds will sink to the bottom. They need to be soaked for 20-30 minutes in a solution of manganese, to protect future plants from late blight.

To speed up the germination of seeds for a couple of days, you can put them in a damp cloth to “peck”. Tomato seeds prepared in this way are sown in a container for seedlings in moistened soil to a depth of 1 cm and at a distance of 3 cm from each other. After that, the soil is lightly tamped, covered plastic wrap and clean in a warm place until shoots appear. The film needs to be pricked in several places so that excess moisture does not accumulate under it, as this can cause seedling diseases. It is desirable to withstand daytime temperature + 22-25 degrees, night - + 15-17.

After about a week, the first leaves (false) appear, the temperature at this time is lowered to 20 degrees and the room is occasionally ventilated. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity - do not overdry, but do not overmoisten, so that the seedlings do not get sick with a “black leg”.

You can prepare the soil yourself or buy a ready-made substrate. For healthy plant growth and a good harvest, this mixture is most suitable:

  • the soil itself must be from 50% humus, 45% black soil, 5% sand;
  • for enrichment 1 cup of wood ash is added to one bucket of soil, 1 matchbox of superphosphate, potassium sulfate, urea.

Fill containers with this mixture plastic cups With drainage holes or wooden boxes with pallets 10-12cm high.

Transplanting tomato seedlings and further care

After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves on the seedlings, it is necessary to pick the seedlings, i.e. you need to choose the strongest and most developed sprouts and plant them in pots or other containers specially prepared for this. The size of the container should be 8-10 liters, for the smallest ornamental varieties tomatoes, you can take a container of 4-5 liters. In the process of caring for plants, you must follow the basic rules and technologies of agricultural technology:

  • Lighting. Pots with tomatoes are placed on the windowsills on the south side. Once every two days they are turned 180 degrees so that the plant is even, does not lean in sunny side. In cloudy weather, as well as in the mornings and evenings, you need to provide plants additional illumination- a phytolamp or even ordinary electric lamps (except for those varieties whose growth does not depend on the length of daylight hours).

  • Watering. Indoor tomatoes are very sensitive to watering. Regular hydration soil contributes to good growth, the formation of ovaries and the ripening of fruits. The lack of moisture will lead to the fruit falling off, but its excess leads to the spread of various diseases - rot, late blight, fungal infections. You need to water 2 times a week, moderately and without irrigating the stems. With the beginning of flowering, watering should be stopped and resumed with the appearance of ovaries.
  • Feeding tomatoes. Three weeks after the dive of the seedlings and then every 10-15 days we fertilize the plants with special mineral and organic fertilizers, which we introduce into moist soil on the second day after watering.
  • Whip tying. Low standard bushes with a stable trunk usually do not need support. The branches of medium-sized tomatoes are tied to pegs that are stuck into the ground, trying not to damage the root system.

  • Pasynkovanie. Be sure to carry out stepsoning, i.e. removal of “stepchildren” shoots in the axils of the leaves throughout the entire growth of plants for its proper formation. Stepchildren thicken the plant, take away nutrients, reduce the yield of tomatoes.

After the formation of the main ovaries, it is also necessary to rip off the top.

  • Pollination. Indoor varieties give a fairly good harvest even without pollination, but if desired, pollination can be carried out with a brush, carefully running it over the flowers.

Growing hybrid varieties of tomatoes on the windowsill in winter timethis is not only a benefit, but also a great pleasure, a very interesting activity. With a little attention and free time, you will get a harvest of exclusive varieties of bright, sweet and very healthy tomatoes from your windowsill. Caring for such a plant will be easy even for beginner gardeners.

Today I will tell you how to grow tomatoes on the windowsill. If they had told me three years ago that I would grow tomatoes on the windowsill ... But there is a simple explanation for this - it’s worth growing one unusual herb and away we go ... After successfully grown oregano, thyme, lavender, tarragon, chives, lemon balm, watercress -lettuce apparently the turn of heavy artillery has come :).

Armed with the recommendations of my grandfather, an experienced gardener, I decided on this adventure. In stock: a large, bright balcony on the southeast side, cherry tomato seeds (positioned as balcony varieties), soil of dubious quality and 2 pots of 2 liters each (maybe they will be too small).

How to grow tomatoes on a windowsill

I offer my own version of growing tomatoes on the windowsill, in detail and in pictures. So far everything is going well!

2. Balcony golden seeds. I took a cotton pad and moistened it warm water, poured out a dozen seeds, moistened them with a spray bottle.

3. Seeds Tomato Cherry. Same procedure as for Balcony Gold seeds.

4. Moistened another cotton pad and covered the seeds. A moist environment allows the seeds to wake up and swell a little. One day is enough, I got 2 days. Didn't wet additionally. I did not pickle with manganese, since it is impossible to buy it in a pharmacy.

5. Components for soil mixture: ready on peat and humus, . The soil was previously calcined in an old pan in the oven - about 2 hours. How to disinfect the soil wrote.

6. as the first potash fertilizer and additional soil disinfection.

7. Phytocide returns the necessary bacteria to the sterile soil, without which the plant will not absorb nutrients. I prepare the solution according to the instructions, moisten the soil (not abundantly, in no case should the earth be turned into mud). I water all the plants in the house with the remaining solution - most likely the bacteria in the water quickly die, so this watering cannot be called fertilizer.

8. Always add to the soil. Not more than 30% of the soil volume. Vermiculite is a mineral that has been processed at ultra-high temperatures to become porous. The pores in vermiculite are filled with oxygen, absorb a lot of water and gradually release it into the soil, preventing the roots from rotting. It is a natural source of potassium and magnesium. Perlite works in much the same way as vermiculite, loosening the soil like sand. The combination of these minerals improves soil quality.

10. I made holes in 100 g cups, filled them with earth. Seeds were applied 2 per cup, pressed into the ground quite a bit, 3-5 mm. Wet the surface with a spray bottle. The glasses were marked with the letter of the variety. It is convenient when all the cups are in one tray to turn them at the same time, for the sun.

11. I built a quick greenhouse from a bag, bamboo sticks and adhesive tape. Sowing thyme also fell under the film, for the company :). Seedlings sit in the greenhouse until the first shoots - loops. The temperature should be around 18-20 degrees, it is advisable to place the seedlings in the shade until they sprout. She covered the greenhouse for the night for a few more days, look at the weather and trust your intuition.

12. 4 days after sowing. The first time we irrigate the seedlings - carefully, from the sprayer, do not flood. We take it out into the light, but watch the temperature - the cups warm up, you can cook weak roots hot sun.

13. 7 day. yellow tomatoes they look much healthier, hatched faster and stretch well. Every day I irrigate the crops a little.

14. 14 days. The first true leaves have appeared. You can make the first top dressing with mineral fertilizer. But if you make ashes, you can get by before transplanting into a pot. We irrigate the soil and spray on shoots - either early in the morning or in the evening. If the weather is cloudy and it is damp outside, you should not sprinkle the leaves (so as not to provoke fungi).

15. First true leaves on yellow tomatoes.

16. First true leaves on red tomatoes. The sprouts did not stretch out, everything suggests that they have enough light and nutrition. Can be moved to pots.

17. I have 2 liter pots. Most likely, for the root system of these varieties of tomatoes there will be little of such a volume and they will have to be transplanted before they decide to bloom. Moreover, it became a pity for the handsome men, and decided to put a couple in pots. The pots should have holes for draining water, 3 cm of drainage (expanded clay).

18. I poured prepared soil (the same as for seedlings).

19. We remove the seedlings from the cup, turning it over, holding the seedlings. Everything is very easy.

20. Put the soil cup in the pot.

21. I poured the soil into the pot, around the tomatoes.

22. I marked varieties in pots with pictures cut out of seed bags.

23. It would be possible to wait a little longer, the seedlings were too small. But through the glass, I saw the roots that had reached the bottom, I decided not to torment the plants.

24. Yellow bushes are likely to be larger.

25. A little less than a month has passed. This is Cherry.

Many are grown on the windowsill green onion, dill, parsley. Some try to grow arugula and lettuce as a change. But did you know that you can grow not only greens on the windowsill, but also vegetables, for example, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes?

This topic is very interesting. In winter, you want to feast on fresh vegetables more than ever, and store-bought ones at this time of the year, as a rule, leave much to be desired in taste and are not cheap. Not everyone can build and maintain a greenhouse in winter. Growing tomatoes and cucumbers on the windowsill is a good way out.

Growing tomatoes on a windowsill

Our craftsmen came up with a lot of ways to grow vegetables on the windowsill: someone limited himself to a couple of bushes in pots, and someone arranges whole hydroponic installations. Today we will consider the technology of growing tomatoes on the windowsill. in the usual way available to anyone interested.

From the article you will learn:

  • 1 What you need to grow tomatoes on the windowsill
  • 2 What varieties of tomato are suitable for growing on a windowsill
  • 3 Tomatoes on the windowsill: growing technology
  • 4 Sowing seeds and seedlings
  • 6 Useful video: how to grow tomatoes on the windowsill
  • 7 More recommended reading:

What you need to grow tomatoes on the windowsill

To grow a tomato on a windowsill, you will need:

  • seeds or rooted cuttings of a suitable variety of tomato;
  • containers for growing (boxes or pots);
  • nutrient soil for planting bushes;
  • a well-lit window sill (preferably on the south or east side of the room);
  • fluorescent lamps or agro-lamps for organizing additional lighting.

What varieties of tomatoes are suitable for growing on a windowsill

The specificity of growing vegetables on the windowsill is that they grow in a completely unintended environment. A window sill is not a garden or even a greenhouse. Its area is limited, as is the height of the window. In addition, daylight hours in winter are short, which also matters.

If you want the tomatoes not only to grow, but also to bear fruit, you need to provide the bush with sufficient space, care and light. It is also important that the fruits ripen as early as possible. Based on this, you need to select a variety for growing tomatoes on the windowsill.

Sort - Balcony miracle

It is best to grow low-growing early-ripening and medium-early, abundantly fruiting tomato varieties with compact bushes on the windows. Some varieties and hybrids meet the listed requirements. Among them are ordinary tomatoes and small cherry tomatoes. Small bushes of tomatoes of these varieties, when fruiting, are simply strewn with delicious tomatoes.

Here is a list of tomato varieties that are suitable for home growing on the windowsill:

  • "F1 Balcony Red";
  • "Elou's Balconies";
  • "Balcony Miracle";
  • "Red Pearl";
  • "Pearl yellow";
  • "Ox's ear";
  • "Pink Angel";
  • "Renet";
  • "Bonsai";
  • "F1 Bonsai micro";
  • "Pinocchio";
  • "Craiova";
    "Cherry Lisa F1";
  • "Bead F1";
  • "Thumbelina";
  • "Baby";
  • "Pygmy";
  • "Minibel";
  • "Zelenushka F1";
  • "Date F1".

If you did not manage to buy tomato seeds of any of these varieties, you should not be upset. There are other varieties and hybrids of tomatoes that can be successfully grown at home on the windowsill. When choosing a variety from those available in the store, pay attention to the height of the bush and the ripening period of the fruit. In particular, the height of the bush should not be higher than 30-40 centimeters. If you want to grow a tall variety, remember that you will have to take care of good support.

Tomatoes on the windowsill: growing technology

The process of growing a tomato on a windowsill is in many ways similar to growing in a greenhouse and in open ground. But there is also a specificity. So, Special attention you need to pay attention to the choice of capacity for planting bushes, their lighting and pollination. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's figure it out in order.

Sowing seeds and seedlings

Most often, tomatoes are grown on the windowsill seedling way from seeds. But few people know that tomatoes can be grown from rooted cuttings. Both methods have their advantages: in the first case, the bush produces more fruits, in the second, the fruits ripen a little earlier - the time for forcing seedlings will be reduced.

seedling method

Dry tomato seeds are planted in seedling boxes or plastic cups. The method with cups is the most convenient: they take up little space, there is no need to dive seedlings and carry a large box due to several seedling bushes.

tomato seeds are planted in seedling boxes or plastic cups.

Take ordinary plastic cups, preferably transparent, to control watering. Fill them with soil (you do not need to make holes in the cups) and pour boiling water over them to disinfect. When the soil has cooled, plant the seeds, deepening them by 2 cm.

You can sow seeds in 2-3 pieces in one cup, after germination, weak sprouts can be removed. And if the seeds are germinated in advance, we plant one in each cup.

Germinate the seeds like this: soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. good seeds they will swell and sink to the bottom, while the unsimilar ones will remain on the surface. The solution is poured out, the seeds are placed in a damp cloth and wait for small sprouts-roots to appear.

Next, cover the cups with seeds with a film and place in a warm place (25-30 ° C). After about 3-4 days, shoots will appear, and they can be transferred to the windowsill with additional lighting installed.

Start watering seedlings only after they dry out. upper layer soil to reduce the chance of fungal diseases. Watering better pear sticking it between the soil and the wall of the cup. Thus, you will not wash out the soil and do not overmoisten the top layer. Water for irrigation should be warm, separated.

When the seedlings are 3 weeks old, they are fed with fertilizer for seedlings, diluted with water according to the instructions. To prevent fungal diseases of seedlings, you can spray it with 50 g of milk diluted in 500 ml of water.

A month later, tomatoes are transplanted from small cups into large containers. For this, pots with a volume of 3-5 liters are suitable. Can be filled with fertile light soil balcony drawer, transplant tomatoes into it, maintaining a distance of 25-30 cm between them.

The soil for growing tomatoes on the windowsill should include peat, sand, humus and sod land(all in equal parts). Low-growing varieties can be planted in pots with a volume of 3-5 liters, and tall ones need a container with a volume of 8-12 liters. Put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, then a 2 cm layer of sand, install the plant in the middle and sprinkle it with earth to the cotyledon leaves.

Growing from rooted cuttings

An interesting feature of tomatoes is their ability to root stems and cuttings. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to grow tomatoes on the windowsill from seeds, you can transfer the plant directly from the garden, or root its stepchildren or shoots.

Propagation of tomatoes using stems and cuttings

For rooting, you need to take the side or apical shoots, place them in cups of water and put them in a warm, draft-free place. To stimulate growth, you can add a drop of fertilizer for indoor flowers to the cups. Under good room conditions, the cuttings will take root in just a week and can be immediately planted in large containers.

But some gardeners shorten this process even more. For example, the author next video generally took cuttings from the garden and planted in the ground without prior rooting. You can see what she did.

By the way, in the spring in this way you can significantly reduce the time for forcing seedlings of early tomatoes for the garden. Just root a few cuttings from a bush on the windowsill and the seedlings will be ready in a maximum of two weeks.

Caring for tomato bushes on the windowsill

When the seedlings are ready and planted in containers, the bushes are set in a permanent place. Tomatoes are photophilous, so they are best grown on the south side. Additional lighting with fluorescent lamps or agro-lamps will not be superfluous, especially in autumn winter period. Insufficient lighting usually leads to the lack of flowering and, accordingly, the lack of fruits.

Caring for tomato bushes on the windowsill

An important point in growing a tomato is pinching - removing shoots that develop in the axils of the leaves. They must be broken off by hand, and not cut off. By removing the shoots, you increase the yield, because. the development of stepchildren consumes plant nutrients that could be used for the formation and development of fruits.

For growing tomatoes on the windowsill, the daytime temperature is 28°C and the night temperature is 15°C. Unlike cucumbers, tomatoes are not afraid of drafts. Watering is carried out several times a week with warm (20-25 ° C) water, without eroding the soil under the bush. Once every 10 days, feed the plants with mineral or organic (manure, ash) fertilizers.

You can also spray the leaves with a nutrient solution. But do not overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise your greens will grow strongly to the detriment of the fruits. As the plant grows, it is necessary to tie the stems to a wooden peg.

Pay attention to pollination

Artificial pollination is not required for tomatoes, but to be safe, you can tap the stem a couple of times a week to shake the flower brushes during flowering. At this stage, you can spray the tomato bushes with the "Ovary" preparation, which promotes the formation of fruits.

When the bulk of the fruit is formed, remove the top of the plant and flowering brushes. This way you will ensure the full development of tomatoes. A tomato is able to bear fruit for 5 years, but still, it bears fruit best of all in the first 2 years.

Not everyone has the opportunity to grow tomatoes in the garden for the simple reason that they don’t have their own land plot. Inhabitants apartment buildings deprived of this opportunity. In addition, I would like to consume my own juicy vegetables in the winter, without buying them in the store. In both cases, there is a way out - to grow tomatoes at home. It is not so difficult, and the result exceeds all expectations, since all year round with own tomatoes. But in order to start planting and growing a plant, you need to choose a variety of the best indoor tomatoes. There are quite a few of them out now.

  1. Of course, not every variety of tomato can be grown at home. There are a number of criteria under which indoor plants develop normally and bring a good harvest.
  2. These varieties belong mainly to the standard. That is, they have a powerful stem, a dense crown, they do not need to be tied up, to perform any operations in order to form the correct bush. Everything contributes to being bountiful harvest.
  3. Such tomatoes should be undersized, because they grow in a limited space (pot, box), where there are not many nutrients. Therefore, only undersized plants there is a chance to bear fruit.
  4. Another feature of growing in an apartment is the lack of light, especially in winter. Indoor tomatoes are adapted to this so that they develop well without additional lighting.

It is also important that such varieties are resistant to the most common diseases, such as leaf mold.

Among indoor varieties, there are those that are grown as ornamental plants, this must be remembered when choosing tomatoes. Decorative bear few fruits, they are small, although edible. If planting is carried out precisely with the aim of obtaining a good harvest, then it is necessary to select the appropriate varieties.

General characteristics

The description of each variety has its own characteristics of a particular tomato. However, a number of characteristics for indoor tomatoes have common features:

  1. very tasty, contain a lot of sugar and vitamins;
  2. the fruits are small in size from 15 to 130 gr., often tightly stick around the bush, and can bring up to 2 kg of tomatoes per year (from the bush);
  3. these tomatoes are perennial, after harvesting, leaves appear on the stems after a while, the life span of such tomatoes is five years, all this time they can bear fruit, but the largest crops are harvested in the first two years.

Indoor tomatoes perfectly adapt to the home environment, and the listed characteristics indicate that throughout the year there will always be juicy, nutritious fruits on the table.

Photo and description of the best varieties

The number of varieties of this type of tomato is not as large as that of ordinary tomatoes, but there are also a lot of them. Every year, breeders bring out new varieties or get another hybrid with improved characteristics. You can make a list of the most common varieties that are most often grown by amateurs. indoor plants. First of all, let's list standard varieties.

Tiny Tim. Released in the Netherlands. Its height is 30 cm, if planted in the ground, it grows up to 50 cm. It bears fruit throughout the year. The fruits are spherical, red, weighing from 12 to 14 grams. This is not to say that these tomatoes taste too sweet.

Window yellow. This is a novelty in the tomato seed market. Its name itself suggests that the fruits of this plant are yellow. Very sweet in taste. During the ripening period, they tightly stick to tomato branches, their weight is 30 grams, and the height of the plant is 25 cm.

Honey bunch. Another variety of yellow tomatoes, perfectly adapted for growing, both on the windowsill and in the open field. Height 40 cm, yellow fruits form on branches and really look like bunches of grapes. It has a high yield, and the fruit has a very thin skin and a sweet taste.

Florida Petit. Fruits well in winter. Fruits of red color with very sweet pulp, weigh no more than 40 gr. This variety is valued precisely for its high yield. Ripening fruits are collected in dense brushes, so that the leaves themselves are not visible.

Pygmy. This variety can be attributed to ornamental, but the plant bears fruit quite abundantly, although the fruits are small, about 25 grams, there can be both yellow and red tomatoes on the branches. Well adapted to conditions short day, it does not affect its development.

Pinocchio. Just a universal variety, with dense foliage and many red fruits, and although they are small, only up to 20 grams, you can collect up to 2 kg of these fruits from one bush, which are great for salads, and also go well in pickling. The moderately sweet taste of these tomatoes makes them indispensable in the winter, when you really want to. fresh vegetables. In summer, the plant can grow in the beds, in the fall it is transplanted into pots and it develops at home, bearing fruit in the winter.

Micron NK. The smallest of all currently existing indoor tomatoes. Its height is not more than 15 cm. It fits into an ordinary flower pot. Fruits of yellow and red color are very small, we can say peas, weighing 10 - 15 grams. These tomatoes bring a small harvest, but fresh, sweet tomatoes are on the table all year round.

Bonsai. A very neat low bush (up to 30 cm) grows from the seeds of this tomato variety, which is easily placed in an ordinary flower pot. The fruits are bright red, weighing 25 - 30 g, spherical. At good care from a bush you can collect 1 kg of tomatoes during the year.

Room surprise. Refers to early maturing varieties. The fruits are red, elongated with fragrant, sweet pulp, weighing up to 30 g. Unlike the listed varieties, which are capable of producing crops even under short day conditions, this tomato needs illumination in winter, otherwise there will be no harvest in winter.

Balcony miracle. The name is not chosen by chance. It grows up to 50 cm and bears fruit all year round, does not require good consecration. Its round fruits are the largest of all indoor tomatoes up to 100 gr. weight, if you take good care of it, you can collect 2 kg of tomatoes per year from one bush.

Garden Pearl. This variety belongs to the ampelous, they are planted in pots or pots, from which, as the plant grows, shoots hang down. These tomatoes are very decorative look. Their yield is lower than that of standard ones, it is more difficult to care for them, but these tomatoes have a great taste and they become a decoration of the house. From the seeds of the Garden Pearl variety, a bush grows up to 50 cm tall with thin, but very strong stems, on which round raspberry-colored fruits with very delicate skin ripen, so that they seem transparent. Fruit weight 15-20 gr.

CitizenF1. This is a hybrid bred exclusively for room conditions cultivation. It can be held upright by tying up the stems. Red, round tomatoes reach a weight of 30 grams.

Cherripalchiki F1. Another hybrid not so long ago bred. Its strong shoots reach a length of 50 cm. Elongated, red fruits are collected in a brush on them 8-10 tomatoes weighing up to 30 grams. From one bush you can get 2 kg of tomatoes, but only with good care.

Tumbler. The spreading bush of this tomato brings 2 kg of small red fruits weighing up to 20 gr., It belongs to the very early ampelous varieties. Possessing good fruitfulness, at the same time, it looks very decorative, that is, it brings benefits and creates beauty.

Mascot. The result of the work of Russian breeders. The shoots reach a length of 55 cm. The fruit is red, similar in appearance to an egg, the weight of one tomato is up to 40 g. But if you plant a plant in the ground, then the mass of one tomato will reach 80-100 gr.

Red abundance. The shoots of this tomato grow up to 60 cm, while growing quickly, so this must be taken into account, since the plant will take large space in the room. The fruits are collected on brushes, one can have up to 12 pieces. They are round, deep red, weighing 20 grams. each. An important circumstance should be taken into account when growing tomatoes of this particular variety - additional lighting is needed in winter, unless, of course, the goal is to get a good harvest in winter.

Landing and care

There are some features associated with growing indoor tomatoes. Like ordinary tomatoes, they are grown using seedlings, but one must take into account the fact that indoor tomatoes begin to bear fruit after 100 days, which means that seeds should be sown in pots in September if we want to harvest in January, just in time for the New Year's table.

Before the seeds are planted, they are dipped for 15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to destroy possible viruses. Then spread on a napkin and within about two days they germinate.

Seeds are sown in a box filled with earth. Alternatively, you can buy a special substrate for seedlings in specialized stores. Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm, the distance between the planted seeds is from 2 to 3 cm, this is done in order not to thicken the seedlings too much.

As soon as the sprouts reach a position where they have 2-3 leaves, they are planted in pots or other containers. Their volume depends on the variety. For Bonsai, a volume of no more than 1-2 liters is suitable, but ampelous varieties require a volume of up to 5 liters. We must also remember that the bottom of the pots must be with holes, this is a prerequisite.

The next point that you should definitely pay attention to is the ground. The fruitfulness of the plant directly depends on it. For indoor tomatoes, you need to pick it up in the following proportions:

  1. garden soil 5 parts;
  2. sand 2 parts;
  3. compost 5 parts;
  4. peat 1 part.

Urea, potassium sulfate and wood ash are added to this mixture, all in the volume of one matchbox. Having prepared the ground, you can start planting seedlings:

  1. the bottom of the pot is filled with a drainage layer - gravel, expanded clay, then soil is poured, a small depression is made in the center;
  2. before planting in pots, seedlings are watered, carefully dug up so as not to damage any part, and planted in pots, after which they are watered again, it is necessary that the earth is well saturated, this is a guarantee that it will fall on the roots;
  3. pots with seedlings are placed on the windowsill on the south side of the room, lighting is needed in the evenings, and it is also required on cloudy days;
  4. after a week, top dressing is applied - nitrogen fertilizers, they are necessary for plant growth;
  5. when the tomato blooms, to promote pollination, the stems are shaken and a small brush or feather is drawn over the flowers;
  6. when ovaries appear, potash fertilizers are applied at least once every two weeks;
  7. in cases where it is necessary to form a bush, cut off extra stepchildren, remove inflorescences that are superfluous, all this increases fruitfulness.
  8. too high bushes tie up.

General recommendations for caring for the plant are to loosen the soil, water at least twice a week, but never flood. When the plant begins to bloom, watering stops. Every ten days, apply top dressing in the form mineral fertilizers or manure diluted in water.

In order for the air next to the tomato to be moist, a glass of water must be placed near the pot with the plant, this will be enough to moisturize. It is best to remove only reddening fruits from the branches, then they will ripen.

When fungal disease the whole plant is sprayed with phytosporin or other antifungal agent. If the goal is to have tomatoes all winter, then you need to constantly make sure that there are no ripe fruits and dry leaves on the branches, all this must be removed in time and then indoor tomato will please good harvests almost all year round.

It is quite possible to grow indoor tomatoes at home. Not only how ornamental plant, but also a real help in household. Modern varieties allow you to grow plants that bring a bountiful harvest both in winter and summer, and on the table to have, even in the most severe frosts, a tasty and sweet tomato. In addition, these tomatoes are great for conservation.