How to make high-quality roof repairs with your own hands: competent repair of leaks. The roof is leaking in an apartment building - where to go and what to do

Unfortunately, almost every owner of a private home faces the problem of roof leaks. The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon can be simple wear and tear of the roofing material, mechanical damage to the roof, ineffective drainage, the use of low-quality building materials during the construction of the roof and violation of its installation technology.

A leaking roof is fraught not only with damage to property and disruption of the microclimate in the house, but also with the appearance of dangerous black mold on the walls, short circuit of electrical wiring and even collapse of the roof, which is why it is worth starting repair work immediately. To find the source of the leak, you need to carefully examine the roof and inspect the attic space, check the floor and rafters for damp and rotting areas. Changes in color and texture of roofing material, cracks, chips, mold and rust spots– all these signs indicate damage to the coating. Slate roof leaks are most often the result of wear and tear on the roof or physical impact on it. Small cracks in asbestos-cement roofing material can be sealed with sealant or glued with a special bitumen waterproofing tape. In case of significant damage, a piece of new slate with a suitable wave width must be placed under the defective sheet. Places where nails are hammered must be treated bitumen mastic or roofing sealant. To repair leaking soft roll roofing You can start only after it has completely dried. In swollen areas (the so-called “bubbles”), it is necessary to make neat cuts, turn them inside out, dry them well, carefully coat the inside with mastic and press tightly, returning them to their original position. If there are tears or cracks in the material, patches of the appropriate size must be made (they are pre-coated with roofing glue or mastic and applied over the defective area). Despite its wear resistance and durability, metal roofing also sometimes deteriorates. Small small holes formed as a result of any mechanical damage are filled with a special roofing sealant or sealed with adhesive tape. Penetrating damage can be repaired by applying appropriately sized steel patches to it. If we are talking about significant defects, then it is advisable to replace the damaged sheet with a new one. Leaking tile roofs are most often associated with shifting or falling out of several fragments of the covering. In this case, similar tiles are installed in place of the “gaps”, and the old damaged segments are replaced with new ones. Tile tiles with small cracks need to be dismantled, thoroughly coated on both sides with bitumen mastic or roofing glue and fixed again in its “native” place. Unfortunately, even small scratches on a smooth painted surface metal roof cause corrosion and therefore leaks. Minor flaws (including small holes) on sheet roofing are eliminated as follows: the rust-affected area is thoroughly cleaned wire brush and degreased, after which the hole is sealed, and the soldering area is sealed with any composite material(waterproof putty, red lead putty or roofing sealant) or covered with a patch bigger size. In case of significant damage, defective seam roofing sheets should be replaced with new ones.

With the arrival of the first autumn rains or the beginning of spring thaws, many homeowners are faced with a very unpleasant and serious problem - a leaking roof. Leaks in the roof can occur regardless of the roofing material and roof structure. If the defect is not noticed in time and the gap is not eliminated, water penetrating into the room can ruin the finish of the walls, floor and ceiling, as well as cause damage to furniture and household appliances. In this situation, the main thing is to quickly navigate and correctly draw up an action plan. Since it can be difficult to quickly resolve issues in emergency situations, we will tell you what to do when your roof leaks.

It is quite easy to understand that the roof is leaking, because water, flowing down the slope, seeps through the ceiling of the upper floor, leaving wet marks and dirty stains. However, often the homeowner simply does not know what to do in this situation to minimize the damage. The most common causes of roof leaks are:

  • Mechanical damage to the roof. The most common cause of roof leaks is mechanical damage to the roofing material from falling branches, stones, or due to wear and tear of the covering.
  • Violation of tightness in the junctions of the roof to vertical surfaces. Places where the roofing material is adjacent to a pipe, wall or other elements are more difficult to waterproof, so leakage may occur there.
  • Violation of roof installation technology. If the roof is made with violations of technology, then it will make itself felt in the first heavy downpour; this defect is the most difficult to eliminate.

Important! Determining the reason why the roof is leaking is the first task that must be completed in order to eliminate the leak. However, this is sometimes the most difficult thing, since it is problematic to visually assess where the water comes from.

Procedure for owners of private houses

If the roof leaks in a country house or in a private house, then eliminating the leaks falls on the shoulders of the homeowners. Only the homeowner must maintain the functionality of all systems, so there is no point in putting this issue off for a long time. To minimize the consequences of an accident, you must do the following:

  1. First you need to take care of preserving the finishing of the upper floor. You need to place basins under the strong streams pouring from the ceiling. Furniture is removed from the room, household appliances, electronics, if possible, turn off the electricity to avoid short circuits.
  2. Then you need to, observing safety precautions, climb onto the roof and visually assess its condition.
  3. If it was possible to find damage during a visual inspection, for example, mechanical damage to the roofing material, then this area must be covered with the remains of roofing felt or metal profiles or a temporary patch must be made.
  4. For more thorough repairs, you need to invite a team of professional roofers or try to do it yourself.

Please note that high-quality roof repairs require winter period quite difficult, so it is important to carry out regular autumn inspection and preventive planting of the roof in a country house or in a private house.

Procedure for owners of apartment buildings

When the roof leaks apartment building, then the upper floors suffer most from water leaks. It would seem that this situation is much easier to understand, because eliminating roof leaks falls on the shoulders of management company and the contractor. However, apartment owners often become hostage to circumstances, unable to find leverage over these not always conscientious companies. If the roof is leaking, then you need to do the following:

  1. First you need to find out which management company services the apartment building, report the leak to the control room and send there a written statement about problems with the roof.
  2. It is necessary to record the consequences of leaks that caused damage to your property using video or photography.
  3. When the management company’s technicians arrive, they will go up to the roof together, inspect the damage and determine the scope of the work.
  4. If you cannot reach an amicable solution to compensate for the damage caused to your belongings due to a leak, you should file a claim in court.

Please note that if the roof of an apartment building leaks, the damage can be quite serious. It is advisable to warn neighbors and act together to force utility services to work quickly and efficiently.


The best way to prevent leaks is regular roof maintenance. Seasonal inspection and repair of the roof at a dacha or in a private house allows you to minimize damage in case of accidents and quickly identify minor defects in the warm season. To do this you need:

  • Twice a year, inspect the condition of the roofing material, add sealant in places where the roof adjoins vertical surfaces.
  • Promptly clear the roof of snow and various debris that can damage the roof covering.
  • Carry out inspection and cleaning drainage system to avoid blockages and stagnant water.
  • Fix minor defects with inexpensive, do-it-yourself spot repairs.

Important! The main symptom is that there is no leakage through the roof. a large number of moisture, which has not yet resulted in a large-scale leak - mold and mildew on rafter frame designs. If you notice a dark coating on the wood, start looking for defects on the surface roofing, through which the roof leaks.

Video instruction

A situation where the roof of an apartment building is leaking creates many difficulties for its inhabitants. It especially affects the comfort of living of residents top floors. The consequences of this phenomenon can be damaged repairs and damaged things, the formation of fungus on the ceiling and walls, the development of various diseases in the owners of the apartment, and a leaking ceiling. The greatest danger comes from moisture getting on electrical wiring or household appliances.

The leakage problem requires urgent action. It is worth approaching this issue armed with knowledge of the laws and developing a plan of specific actions. Only if you approach it competently, you can resolve the issue in the shortest possible time, without having to return to its solution again later.

Causes of roof leaks in an apartment building

Roof leaks can occur not only in “experienced” homes. New buildings are not at all immune from this phenomenon. Most often, this problem is a consequence of changes in the sealing system roofing structure. Depressurization in houses built a long time ago and in recently erected high-rise buildings varies significantly. Older houses face this problem when the coating has reached its service life. Houses that have recently received residents are equipped with a new roof, and here the quality of the roofing material and installation work comes first.

If we are talking about the category of roofs of flat or pitched type, then the most common reasons depressurization, which results in leakage, is the use of roofing materials that have expired.

There may also be other causes of leakage. For example, the following:

  • The roof covering can be damaged due to mechanical impact during snow removal or deicing work on the roof.
  • It is possible that technology violations were made during the installation of the roof, or that a material that did not comply with the requirements was used. established standards technical characteristics.
  • The roof covering was damaged as a result of exposure to the root system of plants.
  • It is possible that leakage may occur if the installation is carried out incorrectly, when the edges of the roof do not fit tightly enough to the base and when there are gusts of wind, they rise upward. As a result of blowing, precipitation gets under the roof, and snow can accumulate under it.
  • Recommended standards and technologies were not followed during the process of placing roll elements on glue.
  • When arranging contact points between the roof and walls, ventilation and smoke systems, mistakes were made, as a result of which conditions for leakage were created in these places. Most often, this situation occurs on pitched roofs.
  • There is a violation temperature standards in the under-roof part. According to existing standards, during the cold period, the temperature indicator in the under-roof zone must exactly coincide with the external temperature regime.
    If the under-roof space has a higher temperature than external environment, then the snow will melt on the roofing surface. As a result, the formation of an ice crust and icicles begins, which contributes to the complete blocking of the drainage system. The situation is getting worse in spring period when, due to rising temperatures, active snow melting begins. A large amount of water forms on the roof, which cannot completely drain down, and, as a result, leakage begins in places where the roof or joints are insufficiently tight.

The roof is leaking in an apartment building, where to contact

When an apartment owner discovers that there is water on the ceiling, the first question he has is where to go if the roof is leaking. In such a situation, you should know that there is a certain procedure to follow if the roof in the apartment is leaking. You need to stick to something like this:

  • Call the dispatch service of the housing department to which the house belongs and report the problem. You should definitely check the name of the dispatcher and find out under what number the complaint was registered. In addition to oral communication, there are more reliable way– submitting an application in writing. The application is drawn up according to the sample and submitted to the utility service. The claim must indicate the reason for the appeal, the address of residence and the full name of the owner of the residential premises in which the roof leaked.
  • When submitting a written application, you should attach photographs depicting the problem area in the apartment. It is advisable that the photographs be dated and in color. It is also possible to video record the fact of a leak, providing information on electronic media.
  • When describing the problem that has arisen in the application, you should indicate in detail where the leak was discovered, whether it is permanent, on what day this phenomenon appeared, whether there was damage to property, whether there are minor children or sick people, as well as elderly people in the residential premises.
  • The final part of the application must contain a request to consider the issue and accept necessary measures to fix the problem. You should also indicate the need to draw up an act and compensation for the resulting material damage.
  • The facts in the application must be presented clearly and objectively.
  • You should make a copy of the application and leave this copy with the person filing the complaint.
  • It is necessary to ensure that in the process of accepting the application, it bears the signature of the person who accepted the document for consideration.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to visit the housing department in person, the complaint can be sent by registered mail.

When visiting in person, you should have with you your passport, a photocopy of its main pages, a document confirming the right to an apartment, and also a copy of it.

Where to call

You should not put off the matter until later if the roof is leaking and there is moisture in the apartment that penetrates from the outside. Many are at a loss in this case, not understanding what to do and where to complain. First of all, you should decide if the roof is leaking, where to call. For initial treatment in case of a similar problem, housing departments at the place of residence are intended, and these can also be higher-level utility departments. You should contact the dispatcher, or, directly, the head of the service.

What should utilities do?

If the roof of an apartment is leaking, representatives of the utility service, in particular its manager, must, within two weeks, create a commission that will visit the problem apartment and draw up an inspection report.

The document must indicate the date of the visit, the result of the inspection of the premises, and testimony from the apartment owner about the period when the problem occurred. The damage caused and the cost of repairs must be taken into account. It is advisable that neighbors be present during the inspection as witnesses.

It is clear that, given the current situation, it is imperative that housing departments take adequate measures. In particular, utility workers calculate the amount of damage caused and carry out repair work inside the premises.

Finding a leak

You should know that during the inspection of the residential premises, representatives of the utility service must determine the location of the leak. For this purpose, workers inspect the premises inside and the roofing part outside. When a problem area is detected, a decision must be made on the sequence of actions to eliminate the problem.

When determining the nature of the leak, pay attention to when it becomes active - after rains, snowfall, or is permanent. Its appearance may be associated with the formation of condensation or the occurrence of microdamages in the roof. If the tenant would not like it on his head, own apartment, water was constantly flowing, then twice a year it is worth reminding the housing department specialists about the mandatory scheduled inspection of the roof.

How and against whom to file a claim, sample

If none of the representatives of utility services took measures to eliminate the problem, then a complaint is filed, which is subsequently sent to higher authorities, including the court.

The complaint indicates the applicant's full name and residential address, the reason for the application, and describes the sequence of actions, including filing an application with the housing department. It is indicated that no measures were taken to eliminate the problem by utilities.

As a result, a request is made to consider this situation. The application may be accompanied by copies of reports on the inspection of the premises by the commission, photo and video materials, evidence of neighbors in in writing, certified by signatures and dated.

To download the sample, go to.

Resolving the issue through court

In the absence of any action on the part of the housing department to eliminate the leak, if they are not interested in this situation, the tenant has the right to file an application with the court. In addition to the application, you will need the following package of documents:

  • Passport;
  • Technical passport for the apartment;
  • Acts on inspection of the premises by the utility service;
  • The address of the housing department to which the complaint was filed, as well as the details of the employees who received it.

When going to court, you need to pay attention to the damage material damage, and for emerging health problems - frequent colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In such a case, medical documents are also attached to the application.

It may take a lot of time to fix a leak, and you will have to contact various authorities, but it is worth it. After all, the penetration of water into the premises not only violates the aesthetics of the home, but also creates a health hazard and can lead to emergency situations. It is worth fighting to keep your home beautiful and safe.

Do-it-yourself roof repairs

Atmospheric precipitation may enter the house due to various reasons. Most often, the reason is the wear and tear of the roofing materials, especially if more than ten years have passed since the date of its installation. If the roof was covered relatively recently, then the leaks are caused by poor-quality materials or violations in the technology of their installation. Damage to the integrity of the roof could be caused by mechanical failure: a fallen tree or stone, extreme weather conditions, careless removal of snow and ice, and other factors.

The location of the leak is not always easy to locate. Leaked water can spread across the waterproofing film and enter the attic in a completely different place. First, inspect the rafters and roof surface from the inside, at the same time checking the condition of the wiring to avoid short circuits. Try to choose a sunny day to detect cracks and holes; bright light will help you distinguish them more quickly. Places requiring repair should be marked with wire so that you don’t have to look for them again later. It can be effective to check on a rainy or snowy day, then the formed wet spots should be outlined with chalk. Once the roof is dry, the identified problem areas will be immediately visible. If the study attic space did not produce results, then an external inspection is performed.

It would be worth mentioning that an incorrectly laid layer of thermal insulation can cause the accumulation of condensation, which will then seep into interior spaces home, causing inconvenience. This situation can be corrected using vapor barrier film, although a complete rework is unlikely to be avoided.

Once the causes of roof leaks are identified, you should immediately begin to eliminate them. But if the problem was identified in winter time, you will have to prepare initially. For work, you need to choose a sunny day and make sure that no precipitation is expected. If there is snow or ice on the roof, it is necessary to remove them completely, along the slope on which the leak was detected - since there is no need for extra load. Ice can be quickly removed hot water, immediately before performing work, and to prevent it from forming again, add a little salt (2-3 tablespoons per bucket).

Cracks and chips on slate roofs can be sealed with a solution of cement mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:2 or bitumen mastic. More modern way repair involves the use of special rubber tapes that reliably seal the cracks. When working on slate covering use a ladder, which allows you to distribute the weight of a person on this rather fragile material.

Metal tiles most often leak due to wear of the rubber gaskets under the fastening screws. It is enough to replace them with better ones and the leaks will stop. Sometimes it may be necessary to replace an entire damaged sheet of metal tiles. Also remember to regularly coat your iron roof with an anti-corrosion coating.

Sometimes there is no time or opportunity to carry out a thorough repair. Then you should do a quick redecorating using improvised means. For example, if some part of the roof is missing, then a layer of plywood and polyethylene, fastened with staples, can temporarily replace it. The main thing is to secure the patch tightly with nails or construction staples, or, in extreme cases, secure it in the corners with weights. If it is necessary to make several layers of insulation, then they need to be overlapped to increase the tightness. Roofing felt, canvas, and roofing felt are also suitable as temporary measures to eliminate leaks. If you have any quick-drying sealant in your household, then it will do an excellent job of sealing small cracks and holes, and is also suitable as a fastening material between the roof covering and the patch.

Every home owner dreams of a neat and tidy cozy home, but sometimes a nuisance occurs in the form of leaks. In such a situation, it is important to know how to quickly detect problem area and carry out repairs.

One of the responsibilities of the management company is to identify and timely implement repair work. Residents of upper floors often face the problem of roof leaks. Moreover, the time of construction does not play a significant role: in new buildings, leakage is associated with poor-quality work on the roof or defective material, in old buildings - with wear and tear on the roof.

Causes of roof leaks in an apartment building

The most common causes of roof leaks include the following:

  • The formation of cracks and holes as a result of work on cleaning the roof from ice and snow.
  • Natural wear and tear of roofing materials.
  • Roof equipment in violation of established building standards and regulations.
  • Use of low quality or defective material.
  • Damage caused by plants (for example, a tree falling during a thunderstorm).
  • Collision temperature conditions. In accordance with building codes, the temperature in the attic and outside should be almost the same. If a difference occurs (it’s warm in the attic and cold outside), then the snow begins to melt, resulting in the formation of icicles and ice. Clogging the drain will cause water to pool on the roof instead of draining during subsequent melting.

Important: There can be many reasons for a leak. Therefore, the problem must be resolved by short time. Ignoring it can lead not only to damage to the apartment located under the roof, but also to the collapse of the entire roof.

The roof is leaking in an apartment building - what to do?

The first thing you need to do is take photos and videos. You should fix damp stains on the ceiling and walls, basins with water, damaged furniture and other household utensils. It is advisable to set the shooting date in the shooting settings.

The second step is to call the dispatch service of the management company servicing the house. The dispatcher is obliged to accept the request and send a specialist. The arriving worker draws up a report on roof leaks and property damage. If the damage to the roof is insignificant, then the specialist will immediately carry out repair work. If it is impossible to repair the roof due to major damage, wear or poor quality roofing material he will offer to write an application for holding overhaul roofs in the name of the head of the management company.

Tips for roof leaks:

  1. Record all facts of leakage. It is advisable to indicate the date of shooting on photographs and videos.
  2. Enlist the help of your neighbors. These could be people from neighboring apartments, who also suffer from roof defects, as well as residents of the lower floors, who may be flooded.
  3. Keep receipts for purchased furniture, utensils, Construction Materials and technology. In the future, this will help in determining the material damage incurred.
  4. Proceed sequentially: first call a specialist, submit an application to the Criminal Code for repair work and compensation for losses incurred, then (if necessary) to a higher authority. And only after unsuccessful attempts to resolve the issue peacefully, file a lawsuit.

The roof is leaking in an apartment building - where to go?

If you experience a roof leak, you should first contact your property management company. If attempts to resolve the conflict are unsuccessful, the homeowner has the right to complain to the prosecutor’s office and file a lawsuit.

Management Company

If it was not possible to eliminate the leak immediately, then you must write a statement addressed to the head of the management company.

The application should indicate:

  • details of the applicant, address of residence and location of the property where the leak occurred;
  • problem, date and time, and damage caused;
  • the fact of calling a specialist and the result of the work performed;
  • a request for repair work and compensation for damage;
  • attached documents (photocopies of passport and title papers, printed photographs, disc with video footage);
  • date of document preparation;
  • signature with transcript.

The application is written to the director of the management company. The application with attachments is sent by registered mail with notification or submitted in person to the address of the office.

A notification will be returned from the mail with the date of receipt and data of the receiving party. If the application is submitted in person, one copy must be returned to the applicant. It contains the date, name and position of the receiving specialist. This is necessary to confirm the fact of pre-trial settlement of the dispute.

In response to the appeal, a commission from the service company must appear; it may also include a senior member of the household. In the presence of witnesses (this could be neighbors), a report on the leak that occurred is drawn up. It describes in detail the location of the leak, damaged furniture, carpets, walls, etc. The document indicates only the fact of damage. The amount of lost items is recorded in the defect sheet, which is compiled by the commission.

The document is presented to the applicant for signature. If you agree with the above, a signature is placed. Based on the report, a decision is made to repair the roof or to refuse to carry out repair work. In case of an unsatisfactory decision, the owner of the flooded home has the right to submit an application to the head of the city housing office.

Important: If after the next inspection there is a refusal, the owner has the right to appeal to the prosecutor's office or court. Before this, he can write a letter to the Criminal Code about his intentions. In some cases the decision changes positive side. This is primarily due to fines and additional legal costs.

Prosecutor's office

Residents affected by a leak have the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office if they were unable to obtain repairs and compensation for damage on a voluntary basis.

You can submit documents:

  • Personally during the prosecutor's office hours. One copy is affixed with an incoming stamp (with the date of receipt of the document and signature).
  • Sent by mail. The documentation is sent by registered mail with a list of attachments. The date of receipt of the papers is indicated on the returned counterfoil.

The list of documents includes (copies):

  • title papers for the apartment;
  • applicant's passport;
  • an application addressed to the head of the management company for roof repairs and compensation for damage;
  • evidence confirming the leak.

The prosecutor's office is obliged to accept the complaint for consideration. If there are violations, a mandatory order is issued. The answer is provided in writing.


If utility services do not cooperate, the owner has the right to go to court. The following documents will be required:

  • a copy of the application submitted to the Criminal Code;
  • title documents for the apartment;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates of inspection of the premises after a leak;
  • defective statement (if compiled);
  • document about the damage caused;
  • photographic and video evidence of the bay.

The statement of claim states:

  • name and address of the court;
  • details of the plaintiff (full name, residence and registration address, date and place of birth, contact telephone number);
  • details of the defendant (legal and actual address, INN, OGRN, date of registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • title of the document: “Statement of Claim for Obligation...and Recovery...”;
  • the essence of the matter: the date of the leak, the measures taken, the response from the management company, etc. are indicated;
  • the pleading part: “I ask that you oblige me to repair the roof and compensate for the losses incurred”;
  • date of document preparation;
  • signature with transcript.

Documentation is submitted in person or sent by registered mail. If the decision is satisfactory, the court will oblige the responsible persons to repair the roof and compensate for the damage. If the outcome of the case is unsatisfactory, the applicant has the right to file a complaint with a higher court. The court, as a rule, is on the side of the affected residents.

Should you expect compensation for damage?

If the roof of an apartment building leaks, the affected persons have the right to receive compensation for the property that has become unusable.

There are 3 ways to deal with this situation:

  1. Contact the Criminal Code with a claim for compensation for damage caused by the leak. The responsibilities of the management company include repairing the roof if defects are identified. Then it is necessary to invite a commission (you can additionally call your neighbors), which draws up a report on the roof leak and the damage caused. The representative of the management company, in case of agreement with the specified amounts for compensation, affixes his signature. The agreement is certified by a notary office. Repairs and compensation are paid within the agreed time frame. In practice, this option is extremely rare.
  2. Fixing a leak on our own. Affected residents may, for personal cash carry out roof repairs, and subsequently recover this amount through the court. All receipts confirming the purchase of materials for repairs must be attached to the statement of claim. At the same time, you can submit a claim for compensation for damage associated with the bay.
  3. The last option is the most common - going to court. Before submitting documents, it is necessary to conduct an examination and assessment of lost and damaged property. This is done by independent expert institutions. With the completed estimate, you can try to contact the management company again. In case of refusal, definitely go to court.

The court will oblige the guilty parties to make repairs and pay compensation related to the loss or damage of property.

Thus, if the roof of an apartment building is leaking, you should first contact the management company. Her responsibilities include maintaining the MKD in proper condition, and if defects are identified, their timely elimination. If your request is refused or ignored, you should file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office or a lawsuit in court.