How to make sauerkraut white. Ferment delicious homemade cabbage in a saucepan: recipe with caraway seeds

Kira 04.10.12
Excellent recipe, the sauerkraut turned out just like in the picture, white, juicy and tasty. Now I cook only this way :-) and only on Wednesday

Sveta 07.10.12
Cool photo, I just want to eat the cabbage. I will definitely try to ferment it for the winter.

Tatiana 10/18/12
The cabbage turned out great! Thanks for the site and all the recipes!

Lada 06.11.12
I made sauerkraut for the first time, I’m happy with the result, my husband liked it too

Julia 11/21/12
The cabbage took a long time to ferment, although I immediately put it in the cellar. But it turned out delicious, I won’t say anything.

Julia, it’s quite natural that your cabbage fermented longer than indicated in the recipe. After all, the lower the temperature, the slower the process goes. That is why the first 24 hours should be kept at room temperature.

Elena 02/01/13
Hello! I prepared the cabbage exactly according to your recipe, but it turned out very salty. How can I fix this now? Today it is in the refrigerator for the first day.

good day, Elena! To save cabbage, you need to do the following:
Buy another kilo and a half of fresh cabbage. It is advisable not to delay this. Chop finely. Then remove the sauerkraut along with the juice, mix with fresh cabbage, and then place it tightly in the vessel again. Leave at room temperature for a day. Be sure to pass gas several times. After a day, put the cabbage in the refrigerator. And then everything follows the recipe.
ZY In the recipe for sauerkraut, I additionally prescribed once again that we pour the spoons without the top.

Anna 02/11/13
The sauerkraut turned out excellent. For some reason I always thought that the process of preparing it was a long process, so I didn’t do it. But it only takes a few days and it’s done. Thanks for the recipe. Good site you have!

Anna, thank you for your review))) I’m glad you liked the cabbage. Try fermenting cauliflower (I have the recipe on my website). Usually guests are not chasing delicacies, but sauerkraut)))

Nastya 09/30/13
I really liked your cabbage recipe! Thank you!

Maria 07.10.13
I fermented cabbage on Friday and tried it on Monday. It turned out good, now I’ll make more for the winter.

Natalya 10/14/13
I made cabbage using exactly this recipe, only without adding spices, last year, I took the recipe from Natalya’s website This is a very tasty recipe, the cabbage turns out simply miraculous!

Natalya, thank you for your feedback, but you got it a little mixed up, you can stew the cabbage in a slow cooker, but you’ll have to ferment the cabbage the old fashioned way, but I assure you, this cabbage is worth it.

Natalya 10/17/13
Alena, I didn’t mix it up. The cabbage is simply fermented and the slow cooker has nothing to do with it, I just found a similar recipe there. I was looking for just such a recipe without water.

Now everything is clear))) Ferment the cabbage this year according to my recipe, it should turn out no worse

Natalya 10.20.13
Thank you, Alena. I was just about to make sauerkraut and will try your recipe. I have no doubt that it will be very tasty. Your site is AMAZING! Thank you for your work!

Anastasia 10/31/13
Don’t laugh at me either, but in our family we also have a tradition for sourdough cabbage. We do this on the full moon and it doesn’t matter what day: women’s or men’s. The main thing is that there is a full moon. And there is no mysticism here, the simple influence of the moon on the liquid, such as ebbs and flows. In general, we chop the cabbage, carrots, spices, add salt and put them in a warm place. After a couple of days, the cabbage is ready. It always turns out tasty and crispy.

Anastasia, thank you for the interesting addition. I've never heard of such a tradition, I'll have to try it)))

Marina 11/18/13
That's how long I fermented cabbage and didn't even know that I needed to pierce it several times to remove the gas. Now I’ll take this advice and do it the same way.

Lydia 11/20/13
Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of vitamin C, so in winter it is an indispensable food product! I always make two types of sauerkraut, with the addition of apple or beetroot! Pressure is very important for sauerkraut and be sure to pierce it and not be lazy!).

Lydia, thank you for your feedback. Today I was going to make sauerkraut, I’ll try it with an apple)))

Nina 01/16/14
I love everything pickled: tomatoes, cabbage, watermelons. I’m reading your recipe, and there’s a barrel on the windowsill, fermenting. Only I also add 1 tablespoon without a slide of sugar to the cabbage, that’s what my mother taught.

Dusya 02/07/14
I also love sauerkraut. I put it in pies, as a filling, and stew it, and in cabbage soup. Only my mother taught me to add a pinch of sugar to cabbage, this way it releases juice better and becomes even tastier.

Svetlana 02/11/14
In spring, sauerkraut is especially popular and the recipe comes in handy. I’ve never heard of the fact that you need to salt on Wednesday, I’ll have to take this fact into account. Yes, and they made a good point about carrots. After all, it’s really not such a white cabbage if you put a little more carrots. This site always helps me with good advice and I am a regular visitor here.

Svetlana, thank you for your feedback, and for visiting the site often)))

Zukhra 03/09/14
I’m hearing about Women’s Day on Wednesday for the first time, very interesting). But I like sauerkraut that is crispy and not very sour. I don’t rule out adding an apple or beetroot, but the classic version of fermentation is of course at the forefront). A wonderful product from which you can prepare a wide variety of dishes. And the cabbage itself is good, with onions and butter!

Tanya 09.11.14
I love sauerkraut; I have it on my balcony all winter. I make it the same way, only I make sauerkraut in a bucket or in a 25-liter saucepan.

sinatra 20.09.14
I read your recipe today and got a lot of positive reviews, so I decided to try it too. I just don’t understand what Women’s Day means? I will be grateful for your answer))

sinatra, it's Wednesday or Friday. Monday (he), Wednesday (she), etc.

Olga 10/17/14
The recipe is very simple, I did everything right - but every other day at room temperature. the cabbage has become “snotty”, i.e. slippery and not sour. what did I do wrong?

If you did everything according to the recipe and did not forget about salt (normal, not iodized), then there is only one reason: cabbage with nitrates.

Natalia 10.20.14
I was also taught to ferment cabbage on Women’s Day, lightly mix with salt (do not crush with your hands) and “tamp down” tightly, put in a little carrot, because... it softens the cabbage and makes sure to pierce it. But the principle is the same. Thank you! The cabbage really turns out great - juicy and crispy!

Lidiya 10.25.14
The cabbage turned out to be directly imbued with life and health, it even seemed to glow. I'm glad I chose your recipe.

Inna 03.11.14
I want to try making sauerkraut for the first time, but does it matter what container I cook it in, do I have a plastic food bucket? Thank you in advance.

Inna, I would not recommend fermenting cabbage in a plastic bucket; even food-grade plastic does not fully comply with sanitary standards.
For sourdough, it is better to use glass, enamel containers or traditional wooden tubs, but these days you won’t find them with a fire during the day.
My cabbage is quick-cooking, so it is better to ferment it in small portions so as not to over-acidify. We prepared a 3-liter jar or pan, ate it within a week or two, and fermented the next portion. To ferment cabbage in large volumes, a slightly different technology is required.

Inna 05.11.14
Thank you, Alena

Larisa 11/24/14
Please tell me how to distinguish winter cabbage?

Larisa, winter cabbage ripens in the fall. It has a narrow, oblong stalk; medium-sized cabbage usually has a round stalk. Ask to cut the cabbage and everything will become clear.

Marina 11/25/14
The cabbage turned out to be too salty and bitter, there was not enough sugar, I added sugar and the taste was divine!!!

Marina, try to read recipes more carefully. It is in paragraphs 13 and 16 that it is necessary to pierce sauerkraut to remove accumulated carbon dioxide. If you don’t do this or do it occasionally, a bitter taste will appear. As for sugar, YES, it can be added if desired before serving (point 17).

Oleg 11/28/14
Thank you! Very interesting recipe, I’ll wait exactly three days and then I just can’t resist)))

Vika 01/10/15
It seems that this is complicated - I took cabbage, carrots, spices, chopped them and grated them, and everything is ready. But no, there are so many nuances here - some prefer to ferment it in brine, others in its own juice, as written here, there are those who add beets for color. But still, I personally prefer the classic method, as in this recipe.

Vika 01/27/15
I decided to ferment the cabbage according to all the rules, and I’m glad that the cabbage really turned out juicy and crispy. With Lenten butter and onions it went just like a charm. I decided to show off my photo, fortunately I managed to pour it into the plate in time before my husband and son devoured everything))).

Vika, thank you for such a delicious review and photo)))

Vika 01/28/15
Alena, this is only thanks to your tips. After all, I didn’t even know before that I needed to take winter cabbage, but when I tried it, it really turned out that it releases juice better. And I learned about the special women’s day from you, before that I fermented whenever I wanted. And now I know these subtleties)), it’s good that you share your secrets with us.

Ilga 02/25/15
It’s good that I found this recipe, otherwise I tried to ferment cabbage several times before, but it turned out bitter and turned black on top. Now I see that I did a lot of things wrong. Thank you, now I will know.

Yuri 03/05/15
The bottle is feminine...

Yuri, thank you for reporting the error)))

Fedor 01.10.15
It’s only been four days since we put the cabbage in the jar, and we’re already crunching it to the fullest :)) I liked the recipe, thank you!

Elena 10/31/15
I prepared cabbage according to this recipe, it turned out very tasty, just great!

Tamara_G 05.12.18
I didn't understand one thing. Do you need 3 kg of shredded cabbage, in its pure form? Or a 3-kilogram head of cabbage?

Tamara, take a 3-kilogram head of cabbage)))))))

Dilya 12/17/18
Thank you very much I really liked it!!! Hello everyone from the city of Khujand! Cool site!

Dilya, thank you very much for your feedback)))))))))))

Hello, dear friends! Today I offer you recipes for instant sauerkraut to make it crispy and juicy. I have already described the options in a previous article. But you don’t always have the time or desire to wait long. I want to try it now.

For such impatient people, quick methods of sourdough have been invented. There is even one that can be put on the table in just a couple of hours. It’s very convenient when unexpected guests are almost on the doorstep. How convenient it would be as a snack, along with cucumbers, or with strong drinks.

For an everyday table, I like to serve it with fresh herbs and new potatoes. And for taste, I also like to add a little bit of unrefined sunflower oil. This is just some kind of delicacy.

Advice - for our purposes, choose mid-late or late white-headed varieties so that the head is dense and, preferably, large. It is better that the leaves are whole and not cracked.

Crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut in a jar overnight without vinegar

According to this recipe, I do not put carrots in the cabbage, but add them to the finished product when I serve it. I like it better this way. Try this option too. But, if you want, you can immediately add one carrot and ferment it all together. Grate it on a coarse grater and carefully mix the vegetables.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Allspice peas - 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 1 liter


1. Pour water into a ladle or saucepan and place on fire. As soon as it boils, add bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns. Add salt, sugar and stir. Cook for 2 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to cool completely.

2. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Then place it tightly in the jar up to the “shoulders”, that is, to the point where the jar narrows, leaving room for the brine. Place a bay leaf somewhere in the middle.

3. Now pour the cooled brine into the jar to the very top. Place the peppercorns from the brine on top too. Place a deep bowl and leave for a day at room temperature.

4. After 6 hours, pierce in several places with a long stick (you can use a knife or a knitting needle) to the very bottom so that gases and bitterness come out. The foam that appears on top will need to be removed. In a day, the sauerkraut will be ready and can be served immediately. And for decoration you can add grated carrots and herbs.

Quick recipe for cabbage in brine for a 3 liter jar

A very simple and versatile option for quick sourdough. For this recipe, it doesn’t matter what type of cabbage it is - early or late. But it will taste absolutely amazing. Quite crispy and very tasty.


  • Cabbage - 2-2.3 kg
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Water - 2 liters


1. First, pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Place on the fire and boil the brine, and then let it cool.

2. While the brine is cooling, chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Place in a deep bowl. Mix well.

3. Transfer the vegetables into a 3-liter jar, leaving space on top for the brine. Place approximately up to the hangers, that is, to the point where the can narrows. Then pour in the cooled brine. Place the jar in a deep bowl where the brine will flow out. Cover the top loosely with a lid. Leave it like this for a day.

The next day you need to pierce it in several places with a long stick to release bitterness and gas. Repeat this procedure several times throughout the fermentation period.

5. In total, such a jar should stand for two days. Then close the lid and store in a cool place. Or use it right away.

Delicious sauerkraut in large pieces in a pan

And here is a version of quick sourdough cabbage, laid in large pieces. Some people (my husband, for example) believe that this is how it will be tastier and more appetizing. For a quick method it will be quite optimal.


  • White cabbage – 1.5 kg
  • Carrots – 200-300 gr
  • Garlic – 2-4 cloves
  • Salt – 4 tablespoons
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1.5 tablespoons
  • Water – 1.5 liters


1. Cut about half of the head of cabbage and cut it into slices 2.5-3 cm thick. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel the garlic and cut into halves.

2. Then place the pieces in a saucepan, sprinkle with carrots and garlic. Layer in layers.

3. Now let's make the brine. Pour water into the pan. Add salt and sugar there. Wait until it boils and pour in vinegar, then turn off. Pour hot brine into the pan with vegetables until everything is completely covered.

4. Place an inverted plate on top of the pan and place a filled 3-liter jar of water on it. Thus we established oppression.

5. After a day, remove the oppression. Our white cabbage is ready. For storage, you can transfer it to a more convenient container and put it in the refrigerator. You can use it immediately.

Quick sauerkraut in 2-3 hours with vinegar and sugar

Very tasty and juicy cabbage is obtained in literally 2-3 hours. I wrote exactly about this recipe in the introduction. Imagine a situation where you were simply presented with the fact that in a couple of hours unexpected, albeit respected, guests would come to you. For such cases, this recipe will come in handy. Such a snack is simply eaten instantly. And the guests will be pleased.


  • Cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 3-4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 200 gr
  • Vinegar 9% – 200 g


1. Shred the cabbage in any way convenient for you. Grate carrots and garlic. Place all vegetables in a deep bowl.

2. Now let's make the marinade. Pour water into the pan. Add salt and sugar, as well as vegetable oil. Put it on fire. Wait until it boils and add vinegar. After this, boil for another 2 minutes and remove from heat.

3. Pour the hot marinade into a dish with chopped vegetables and stir. Cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

4. After this time, you can already eat it. If you get a lot, just put it in a convenient container and store it in the refrigerator. Usually we don't have it for more than a week.

Video recipe for crispy, instant sauerkraut for the winter

I want to add one more good recipe to your piggy bank. Very good for salads. When it is ready, you can transfer it to jars, close the lid and store it in a cool place until winter. Or use it right away.


  • White cabbage – 1 kg
  • Water - 1 l
  • Apple cider vinegar – 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml
  • Salt - 40 g
  • Sugar - 35 gr
  • Carrots – 120 gr
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 20 gr

You will see the cooking method in a very detailed video.

That's all for today. I shared with you the simplest and my favorite variations of quick cabbage starter. I don’t have much space at home for long-term storage, so this is exactly what I use for recipes. I'm done, I'm doing it again. It doesn't take that long.

Good luck with your preparations!

Sauerkraut This recipe is very tasty, crispy, and also quite quick to prepare! There is no need to crush it with your hands, since it is fermented in brine. The recipe is very simple and proven over the years!


For a 3 liter jar:
  • 2-2.3 kg white cabbage (late)
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • a few grinds of black or allspice (optional)


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons salt (not iodized)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

Making crispy sauerkraut in brine:

  1. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt and sugar in warm boiled water. (By the way, cabbage can be filled only with clean water.)
  2. Peel the cabbage from the top leaves, cut into several parts and chop with a knife, on a grater or in a food processor, depending on what you have.

    Shredded cabbage for fermentation

  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

    Grated carrots

  4. Mix cabbage with carrots.

    Cabbage and carrots for fermentation in brine

  5. Transfer this mixture to a clean jar, compacting it slightly (but not too much). Place a few bay leaves and peppercorns between the layers.

    Making crispy sauerkraut

  6. Pour brine into the jar so that it completely covers the cabbage. (Depending on how you cut it, finely or coarsely, you will need 1.2-1.5 liters of brine.)

    Filling with brine

    Cabbage in brine

  7. Loosely cover the jar with a lid or cover it with a bandage folded several times. Place in a deep plate, as during fermentation the brine will rise and overflow.

    Making delicious sauerkraut

  8. Leave in the kitchen for two to three days. Make sure that the top layer of cabbage is not left without brine (when this happens, just tamp it down a little with a spoon). It is also advisable to sometimes pierce it with a wooden stick to the bottom so that the gas comes out. The fermentation time for cabbage depends on the temperature. If the kitchen is warm, the cabbage will be ready in two days. However, high temperatures, as well as low ones, have a bad effect on the fermentation process (for example, mucus may appear), it is best when it is around 20 ºС.
  9. When the sauerkraut is ready, place it in the refrigerator.

That's all! You can make various salads, fillings for or from sauerkraut, or simply season it with oil and serve.

P.S. If you liked the recipe, don't forget to receive new recipes by email.

Bon appetit!

Julia author of the recipe

Crispy and juicy, sauerkraut is popular with people of all ages. I do not accept store-bought pickles and have my own favorite ways of preparing them. Today I want to offer you a recipe for delicious, crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut, and not just one, but several of the most successful ones.

Every housewife will be able to choose for herself a successful cooking method from those that I will offer you today. Over the years, I have collected a proven collection of recipes, I am sure of them - the cabbage turns out very tasty, and, of course, such preparations take a minimum of time during preparation.

Recipe for quick cabbage with beets

First, I suggest preparing delicious cabbage with beets. Red beet is not the main ingredient; it will only color our cabbage a stunning pink color. This appetizer will decorate any feast. You can use it immediately, or you can sterilize it in jars and preserve it for the winter.

To prepare instant sauerkraut with beets, we need 1 day.


  • Cabbage – 700 grams
  • Juicy beets – 1 piece
  • Red and yellow bell peppers – 2 pieces
  • Garlic – 1 large clove
  • Dill, fresh basil – 5 sprigs each
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
  • Savoy salt – 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Allspice – 6 pieces
  • Water.

Cooking steps:

We buy regular, cheap white cabbage at the supermarket or market. We will need two more fleshy peppers, preferably in different colors, so that our appetizer is bright and beautiful. We definitely need garlic and young, juicy beets.

We wash the cabbage with water; you can cut off the top leaves if they are crushed or have spots. Cut out the stalk. We need to chop the cabbage coarsely so that we have less fuss and it’s more convenient to eat. We cut half of the cabbage like a watermelon, into slices 2-3 centimeters wide, and then each slice into large cubes.

The cabbage will fall apart on its own. Pour the chopped cabbage into a large bowl, it needs to breathe, just let it sit on the table for 5 minutes.

Wash and peel the bell peppers, cut them into thin strips, or coarse ones, as you like. Add pepper to cabbage.

Peel, wash and cut the beets into strips; you can grate them on a coarse grater. Wash fresh basil and dill and chop finely.

Pour the beets and herbs into a bowl with the cabbage. Mix everything well with a spoon. The cabbage will be marinated in a three-liter jar. Wash and dry it in advance. Pour all the vegetables into the jar. Simply cut the garlic into slices and also into a jar.

Pour about 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, pour in Savoy salt, this special salt has spices added to it and it is sea salt. If you don't find such salt, add regular salt. Next add sugar and allspice. Place the saucepan on the stove and boil the marinade for a couple of minutes so that the salt melts.

Pour vinegar into a jar and use it as a hot marinade.

We close the jar. We put it anywhere in the kitchen, not in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, you can serve the cabbage.

Instant recipe for delicious homemade sauerkraut

The advantage of this recipe will undoubtedly be the quick preparation of crispy cabbage, and, of course, ease of preparation. Well, almost every housewife has products available.


  • White cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Ripe and sweet carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Fresh garlic – 2-3 cloves (at your discretion);
  • 100 ml. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coarse table salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar (brown);
  • Sunflower, unrefined oil with scent – ​​110 ml;
  • Clean drinking water – 550 ml.


  1. The recipe is simple to prepare - grate the carrots, and it is best to use a special grater for Korean carrots. Thin slices of vegetables will release more juice and will look attractive when served.
  2. Chop the cabbage into thin long slices.
  3. Prepare the brine - to do this, bring water to a boil, pour vinegar and vegetable oil into it, add spices. Stir and heat until the grains of salt and sugar dissolve.
  4. Prepare a container for fermentation - ideally a glass jar, add mixed vegetables to it and fill it with hot brine. Place a small weight on top, covering the cabbage with a plate.

The dish will be ready in a few hours, but after it has completely fermented, it should be put in the refrigerator.

Quick cabbage “Khrustovka” in Chernigov style

Fast, naturally fermented cabbage turns out juicy, crispy and very tasty, and also does not contain harmful vinegar.

  • Cabbage – a head of about 2 kilograms;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Seasonings and your favorite spices;
  • Pure water;
  • 50 gr. coarse salt;
  • 65 gr. granulated sugar.


  1. The recipe is designed for a 3 liter jar. Shred the cabbage at your discretion, into thin “strings” or larger pieces, and grate the carrots.
  2. Mix the vegetables together and pack tightly into a glass jar.
  3. Shit secret: in order not to spoil the recipe for quick preparation of homemade sauerkraut, very tasty, you need to prepare the filling correctly - mix all the remaining ingredients for the brine (strictly according to the recipe), and pour it into a jar.
  4. You should not close the jar with a lid; it is better to wrap the neck with a small piece of gauze. Leave the container for 2-3 days at room temperature, and then you can close it with a lid (plastic) and store it in a cool place.

Crispy and juicy cabbage is ready to eat.

Instant sauerkraut in a jar per day without vinegar

How to prepare sauerkraut literally within one day, for example, for a picnic or holiday - is this possible? And it will not be inferior in taste to another recipe. This recipe is also quick; sauerkraut ferments in a jar overnight without vinegar.

We will need:

  • 2.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • Coarse table salt – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Fragrant spices;
  • Granulated sugar – 100 gr.


Cut the cabbage in any convenient way, and chop or grate the carrots. Mix the vegetables together with coarse table salt and grind thoroughly to release their juice so that the day-old cabbage is crispy.

Press the vegetables into a jar, adding spices while stirring.

Cabbage in 1 day

Are you planning a feast or party with friends, and you don’t know how to diversify the table? Sauerkraut in a jar a day in advance - what could be simpler and tastier?

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • A small head of cabbage;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 55 gr. salt;
  • A pinch of cumin;
  • Spices;
  • 45 ml of any fruit vinegar;
  • 65 ml unrefined seed oil;
  • 60 g sugar.

How to cook sauerkraut quickly in 1 day in a jar according to the classic recipe:

Let's prepare the vegetables - grate or cut the carrots, and chop the cabbage into thin strips. Grind the vegetables with salt and granulated sugar until juice appears.

If the vegetables are juicy and fresh, then their juice will be enough, but if necessary, you can always add clean water.

We prepare a marinade from the remaining products - or rather, mix oil with vinegar and cumin.

Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the container, place vegetables on top of them, and pour in the marinade. Place in the refrigerator to let the cabbage steep, and by evening it will be completely ready – crispy and aromatic.

Quick sauerkraut in 2-3 hours

Quickly ferment cabbage to serve; perhaps a hot marinade is used for this, with the addition of aromatic spices and seasonings so that the sauerkraut with brine is juicy.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cabbage – 1 medium head;
  • Carrot – 1 pc.;
  • Apple cider vinegar – 150 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • Pure water – 250 ml;
  • Liquid honey – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Favorite spices - at your discretion;
  • A bunch of fresh herbs.


How to quickly make sauerkraut at home? The recipe is very simple - chop the cabbage as thinly (but not finely) as possible. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.

Boil water with salt, honey, oil and vinegar and add spices to the brine.

Place fresh herbs on the bottom of the container (you can only use the stems), mix the cabbage and carrots and compact them into the container.

Pour the hot marinade on top, let it cool, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator, the workpiece is almost ready. Serve with thin rings of pickled onions.

Cabbage in brine


  • Cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Brown sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vinegar – 125 ml;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Spices - to taste.


So, a recipe for quick cooking in brine. To do this, mix spices and vinegar in water, bring to a boil and cool.

Chop the cabbage and carrots, but do not crush them, place them in a bowl and pour over the marinade.

Place a plate on top and place a small weight on top. Let the cabbage stand at room temperature for a while and store in the refrigerator. You will definitely love this quick cooking method.

Pickled young cabbage “Spring”

In the summer, you want to treat yourself to winter dishes that your family and friends already miss. One option could be a snack of young sauerkraut.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • A head of young cabbage;
  • Fresh carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Coarse salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Water – 400 ml;
  • Wine vinegar – 125 ml;
  • Brown sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Favorite spices.


Peel the top leaves from the head of cabbage and cut the cabbage into pieces into 6-8 pieces. Cut the carrots into rings.

Place the vegetables in layers in a jar, being careful not to compact them too much. Such preparations are best made in small containers.

Prepare the marinade with vinegar and spices, cool and pour into a container. After 3-4 hours, store in the refrigerator. You can add beet slices for color, and apple slices and garlic to highlight the taste.

This is the simplest and most effortless recipe for delicious, crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut.


Sauerkraut for the winter is one of the most delicious, healthy and popular pickles. They love it as a separate dish and without it it is impossible to prepare some others (vinaigrette, cabbage soup, etc.) that are truly tasty. Sauerkraut is healthier than fresh cabbage - not only does it retain all the vitamins and microelements present in the vegetable cut from the garden, but it also adds active healing substances formed during the fermentation of the product.

Of course, you can ferment absolutely any cabbage. However, to prepare a truly tasty dish, you should follow some recommendations for choosing this vegetable. First of all, it should be noted that it is best. Moreover, not every variety is suitable, and when purchasing or selecting a head of cabbage cut from the garden, you need to pay attention to its appearance.

You should use mid-late, or better yet, late varieties of white cabbage. The early ones are worse in that their heads are loose and contain much less sugar, which is necessary not only for the good taste of the product, but also for fermentation during pickling. Therefore, the best period for fermenting cabbage is mid-to-late autumn, when the forks of late varieties of this vegetable ripen and acquire the required density.

You should only choose really well-ripened forks - they will contain sufficient sugar. It is best to take larger heads of cabbage, slightly flattened and almost pure white. Their impressive size will indicate sufficient maturity. However, the head of cabbage should not be too large either. Firstly, it will not be very convenient to cut it, and secondly, it is possible that such a vegetable was “fed” with fertilizers that accelerated its growth.

When choosing forks, you need to pay attention to the upper outer leaves covering them. They should be light green. If they are almost white, then most likely the heads of cabbage were frozen, and the seller, wanting to hide this, removed the top leaves.

The stalk should be without damage or signs of rot, dense and white. The leaves should be free of any inclusions, spots or holes. The smell of the head of cabbage should be vegetable and fresh. If it smells rotten, you need to choose another fork.

Selection of utensils for fermentation

The best utensils for fermenting any vegetables are wooden. Previously, oak barrels or tubs were used. If cabbage is fermented in such a container, it will additionally acquire a pleasant aroma and taste.

A worthy replacement for oak dishes is enameled. An important condition for its use is that the enamel on the entire inner surface of the container should not have any chips or cracks. You can use enamel tanks, pots and even buckets. Clay containers are also suitable.

If you have a basement or cellar, you must definitely take dishes of impressive size. Only in large quantities can cabbage be fermented truly well.

Steel, aluminum and plastic containers are completely unsuitable.

The lactic acid released from the cabbage during pickling and the brine itself will react with the metal or plastic. Because of this, the workpiece will have an unpleasant aftertaste, and the formation of harmful and even dangerous substances may occur.

When there is no basement or cellar and you have to ferment cabbage in the apartment, it is best to use glass jars. Their volume must be at least 3 liters.

Ingredients and their ratio

The main ones are cabbage, carrots and salt. We take as much cabbage as we are going to ferment. Carrots - at your own discretion. It gives sauerkraut a sweetish, pleasant taste and makes it more aromatic, juicy and crispy, and the appearance of the dish served on the table is more attractive. In the classic recipe, you take 1 kg of carrots per 10 kg of cabbage and that’s enough. But you can do more, as is offered in various other cooking options. If you use too many carrots, they will overwhelm the taste of the cabbage.

Salt is a separate conversation. The main thing is that it should not exceed 25 g per 1 kg of vegetables. Otherwise, the result will not be fermentation, but pickling. The second requirement for salt is that it must be non-iodized. It is better to use coarse, but fine grinding is also possible. Iodized salt will make the cabbage not very tasty, not as crispy, and may become unpleasant to eat - slippery.

You can ferment cabbage with the addition of various spices and seasonings: dill seeds, bay leaves, black pepper, cloves, horseradish and others. They will give the preparation a pleasant aroma and piquant taste. However, you need to be careful when adding them. If you overdo it, the spices will overwhelm the natural flavor of the cabbage.

Sugar is often added, especially if the cabbage is unripe or of early varieties. It is usually taken in the same proportions as salt - up to 25 g per 1 kg of vegetables. Firstly, sugar improves fermentation, and secondly, cabbage sauerkraut with it turns out to be more pleasant and delicate in taste, sometimes even sweetish, and also less sour.

Some people sauerkraut with the addition of fruits and/or berries, for example, plums, apples, lingonberries, cranberries. These ingredients give the product a pleasant sour taste. You can add beets. The cabbage will acquire a ruby ​​color and an unusual taste.

How to properly cut vegetables

You can ferment cabbage whole by dividing the head of cabbage in half or into several parts, cutting the leaves into large or small squares, triangles or rectangles, and also chopping it into narrow strips. The last option is most often used. This way the vegetable ferments faster and more evenly. Moreover, you need to chop it quite finely, but you shouldn’t chop it too much either. Otherwise, the chopped pieces will soften during fermentation and the cabbage will turn into porridge and will not be crispy.

You can shred with a sharp knife. Even better - a special shredder designed for chopping cabbage. With its help, this vegetable will be cut correctly and quickly.

Using a grater to chop heads of cabbage is strictly not recommended. The pieces of leaves will turn out too small and crushed, they will no longer be crispy and juice will be released from them prematurely.

Regardless of the recipe, carrots can be grated on a regular grater with large or medium meshes. Korean-style carrots are often used for cooking.

If the recipe requires adding other products, then the berries are left whole, the plums too, or they are cut in half, but in any case the seeds are removed. and the beets are cut at your discretion: in half, into several parts or into slices, plates. Small and small ones are best left whole.

Methods and temperature conditions for fermentation

There are two main methods, conventionally called wet and dry. In the first case, the cabbage is mixed with carrots and spices when they are used, and then placed tightly in a fermentation container or placed in layers with other products (apples, berries or others), if they are in the recipe. Then everything is poured with boiled brine, cooled or hot. If sugar is added, it is dissolved along with salt during boiling.

Using the dry method as the basis for the recipe, first mix or even grind the cabbage with salt and mash it a little so that it releases juice. Then mix with carrots. This is usually done in an enamel cup in portions. Take 1 proportional part of cabbage, salt and carrots, mix them and place them in a fermentation container, compacting them as shown in the video. Then do the same with the next portions. At the same time, other products (apples, berries, or others) are placed in the container in layers, if they should be present. The cabbage is not filled with water or brine, but is fermented in its own juice, which is released during fermentation.

If the recipe calls for sugar or spices, they are added while mixing the cabbage and carrots. You should not crush or compact the vegetables too much, otherwise the preparation will not turn out crispy.

Regardless of the method and recipe for fermentation, the next thing to do is cover the cabbage with clean gauze or cloth and press down with pressure (weight). To do this, place an enamel lid or plate of a suitable size on it in a wide container, and place a load on top - a washed natural stone or a jar of water. Metal objects will not work. If the cabbage is fermented in a jar, then you can leave nothing in at all or use a small jar of water.

The first few days - usually three days, sometimes more - the cabbage should be fermented at room temperature. During this period of vegetable harvesting, constant monitoring is required. It is necessary to regularly remove the foam formed as a result of fermentation and pierce the cabbage in several places with a clean wooden kitchen utensil to allow the gases released to escape. If you don’t do all this, then you can forget about a tasty, and even more so, crispy snack. The preparation will turn out bitter and soggy.

When the foam stops forming and the brine becomes lighter in color, the cabbage can already be eaten, although it is still under-fermented. The container with it should be placed in a cool, dark place. It’s better to go to the cellar, but in the absence of one, you can go to the refrigerator. To ferment completely, the cabbage must stand there for about another month. And then it is stored there for up to 9 months. The optimal temperature for further fermentation and subsequent storage is 0–+2 o C.