How to make a shelf from plasterboard (33 photos). Planning, materials and tools used

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Modern interior design often does not welcome the use of familiar wooden cabinets, cabinets or shelves in the interior. In many cases, it is more rational to use less cumbersome solutions that fit organically into the environment. Drywall shelves, photos of which can be seen in catalogs, will help you achieve maximum functionality in combination with decorativeness. construction companies and on the Internet. At making the right choice their construction and design can create interesting and unique interior and make the room convenient and comfortable.

Application of plasterboard shelves

The use of plasterboard in the interior allows you to create beautiful shelves and exclusive built-in niches in the living room, kitchen, pantry and even in the bathroom.

  • To zone the room, you can install functional ones.
  • Shelves made of plasterboard in the bedroom, made in the form of a separate element or an integral part of the main structure, look very original. In terms of functionality, such shelves are not inferior to standard ones. wooden cabinets and chests of drawers.
  • They are widely used for storing kitchen and other household utensils. open shelves and built-in niches that can significantly save space in the kitchen and pantry.
  • Shelves and racks are often used for installation in the hall household appliances, storing books, favorite souvenirs and other small items.
  • The built-in ones will not only fit harmoniously into the interior, but will also hide pipes and communications. In view of high humidity rooms for these purposes use plasterboard with high moisture resistance.

To decorate such structures they use both Spotlights, and lighting around the entire perimeter. You can enhance the play of light with the help of mirrors and glass elements. Such an additional light source will create a romantic atmosphere and bring mystery and grace to your interior.

Manufacturing and installation of a corner structure is in a great way using free corners in the room for practical purposes.

The classic option is rectangular built-in shelves various sizes and forms. They are built into special niches, which can be part of the wall design created during the renovation stage, or can also be constructed from plasterboard sheets as decorative element. If you decide to make plasterboard shelves with your own hands, the proposed photos will help you choose the most suitable design, and the installation manual will help you complete the job quickly and without errors.

Stages of making plasterboard shelves

Before you make plasterboard shelves with your own hands, you need to prepare materials for installing the frame and main elements, namely:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • metal profile – load-bearing and guiding elements;
  • fasteners (dowels and screws);
  • serpyanka mesh;
  • primer and putty;
  • finishing materials (wallpaper or paint).


Step-by-step instructions for making a shelf begin with creating a diagram. Before making a shelf from plasterboard, the design, purpose and location of the shelf on the wall are determined. After creating a sketch, measurements are taken of the section of the wall where the future structure will be placed.

Correctly performed calculations allow us to determine required amount materials for creating load-bearing structure and components, as well as the scope of work performed.

The finished plasterboard structure can take the form of a built-in niche or a protruding decorative surface. In the first case, the shelves are mounted into the wall during the process of assembling partitions or leveling the surface, in the second - on a flat wall surface.

Creating a wireframe

The most labor-intensive and difficult process which requires certain skills and abilities. After design, control marks are placed on the surface of the wall, which will correspond to the location of the surfaces of the future structure. To ensure that the shelves are perfectly level when marking, you must use a building level.

After applying the markings using dowel nails, the guides are fixed to the wall. A profile is attached to them in accordance with the drawing, making the frame for plasterboard three-dimensional. The perimeter is made from guides, the reinforcement is made from a supporting (rack) profile.

Installation of lighting fixtures

At the stage of creating the frame, wiring is laid for future lighting, if provided for by the project. The wires must be hidden in the corrugation. Holes are cut in a sheet of drywall.

The best solution for illuminating a plasterboard shelf is to use an LED strip.

The finished shelf with lighting will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Covering the frame with plasterboard

Before sheathing, plasterboard sheets are cut into individual parts required sizes. Further along the marked lines necessary elements cut with a hacksaw or cut with a sharp knife. All irregularities on the cut lines are sanded with sandpaper.

Using self-tapping screws, individual plasterboard parts are attached to a previously made frame. Should be avoided possible distortions elements to prevent fracture and deformation of plasterboard shelves in the future.

Important! In order for the structure to withstand the load, you need to use stronger plasterboard 1.8 cm thick or install standard wall material(1.25 cm) in 2 layers. Additional strength will be provided by frequent placement of frame jumpers.

Progress and innovations in the construction industry force us to use increasingly cheaper and safer materials in apartment construction, sometimes using a completely unexpected approach. Let us recall, for example, the buildings of the 50s of the last century - solid wood panels, timber, boards, ceramic and sand-lime brick. Since the 70s, chipboard, fiberboard, and alabaster blocks have appeared. Now the time has come for plasterboard sheets, metal profiles and all kinds of structures made from them. Why not try making your own plasterboard shelves.

As a material for homemade products, gypsum board is quite suitable for plasterboard shelves, despite its apparent fragility. Among the closest competitors are plywood, panels made of solid wood, particle boards and fiber boards, gypsum board sheets have lower specific strength and require increased accuracy in work.

But its main advantages are:

  • The plasterboard sheet maintains an ideal surface plane and dimensional stability over a long service life;
  • The price of gypsum plasterboard is significantly less than a sheet of plywood or OSB of equal area, not to mention solid wood;
  • The material can be perfectly cut, drilled, puttied, painted, sanded, and at the same time is absolutely harmless to human health.

At the same time, working with the material, even in the case easy to manufacture DIY plasterboard shelves require the worker to think through the design in advance so that when assembled the shelf can withstand the planned load.

Important ! Techniques for processing drywall sheets are fundamentally different from processing wood or OSB. If you don’t have enough experience working with gypsum boards, rehearse any problematic operation using scraps or waste.

Which plasterboard shelf design should you prefer?

If you have certain skills, you can make more than just a shelf or stand from plasterboard. You can easily assemble the most intricate designs from it, as is easily demonstrated by the photo of do-it-yourself plasterboard shelves.

The main principle of constructing plasterboard shelves

In wooden or plastic products shelf material of the product usually provides decorative surface design and works as a solid foundation, absorbing all the loads from things or objects located on the shelf.

WITH plasterboard sheet you can do the same, but the strength of a single sheet of drywall, even 18mm thick, may not be enough. In this case, the shelf is made of two sheets, and if the length of the product exceeds a meter, it is even possible to use plywood or wooden insert. For a small decorative shelf of 40-50cm for a vase or a dozen books, a single sheet of plasterboard 12-15mm thick can be used. The shelf must be secured along the entire line of contact between the sheet and the walls using self-tapping screws, but appearance such a shelf does not cause much enthusiasm due to the difficulties in processing the end edges.

Advice ! Even for small, cantilevered shelves, use the frame design of the product. This will ensure its strength under any form of loading.

The separation principle is always used in plasterboard structures:

  1. The plasterboard sheet provides only decorative functions; the gypsum board’s own strength is only sufficient to resist loads directed parallel to the plane of the sheet. All other forces must be transferred to the reinforcing system from wooden slats or metal profile.
  2. GCR is always attached to solid foundation frame using self-tapping screws or glue. Exactly frame construction will ensure the lightness and strength of the product - shelf, cabinet or wall.

This makes working with drywall much easier. The metal profile itself for the shelf frame is made of thin-sheet galvanized metal, easily cut with metal scissors, and bends and bends in the most intricate ways.

Options for plasterboard shelves

Thanks to the wide range of reinforcing profiles, you can quite simply select and assemble the shelf frame on your own:

  • corner shelf made of plasterboard, several options are possible, combined into one small project;
  • a very practical plasterboard shelf for a TV.

Among the many options, you should choose a scheme with minimum quantity joints and connections.

Important ! When working with drywall, a layer of fine alabaster dust is formed, even with certain guarantees of the safety of the material, try to remove waste and calcium sulfate shavings more often with a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge.

The sequence of making shelves with your own hands

Most often, the corner areas of the premises remain free in the house, so to give a more sophisticated look or for utilitarian reasons, you can always make several shelves on the wall from plasterboard with your own hands.

For work we use a sheet of plasterboard, a 25x50 metal profile, putty for sealing seams and gypsum-metal fastening screws.

Unlike wood or metal, where the product is manufactured separately and then hung on the wall, when using plasterboard, the shelf structure is formed as a single unit, with supports, load-bearing frame and wall mounting.

Determining dimensions and connecting points

On the wall, draw with a pencil the attachment points, the length of the load-bearing surface of the shelves and the connection points of the frame elements. After that, fragments of wall mounting are cut out of the profile and secured according to the markings with self-tapping screws.

Installation of vertical racks

Next they are “sewn on” vertical racks profiles along the edges of the shelves. By using building level and the plumb line are carefully aligned horizontally and vertically external elements frame of each shelf. We sew up the vertical support post on both sides with sheets of plasterboard, cut to the size of the opening with a small allowance for processing of 1-2mm.

Installation of drywall sheets

Along the leveled horizons of the shelves, we cut out the remaining sections of the frame and secure them in the structure. We sew up the planes of the shelves with sheets of plasterboard, first the lower horizontal surface, then the upper.

Advice! Drywall sheets for the upper plane of the shelf can be cut a couple of centimeters larger, this will allow using ceiling plinth perform additional decoration of the end surface of the shelf.

After sticking the decor, carefully putty all the cracks and joints in the structure, and after drying, sand the surface for painting with water-based paint.

This method is universal and makes it easy to produce the most simple shelves from plasterboard in the bathroom.

After some practice, a complex but attractive version of a plasterboard shelf in the bedroom is quite possible.

Features of constructing a frame for the load-bearing structure of the shelf

As you can see above, working with drywall does not present any particular difficulties for neat and thoughtful people. The construction of even the most complex shelves or cabinets is more reminiscent of the “Lego principle”, and even a novice master can do it. But for professional work with shelves or partitions, you need to take into account several points.

Drywall sheets cut into thin strips are prone to breaking even under light load. Therefore, when starting any dizzying project, avoid using thin and long strips of material to cover the frame. For example, a piece of gypsum board with an aspect ratio of 1:5 or more is almost guaranteed to burst either when fastening it to the frame, or under load, after all the work is completed.

Thickness frame elements Compare with the overall dimensions of the structure. An example is very competent construction the size of the windows and the thickness of the racks of the plasterboard shelves for the TV. Thanks to optimal thickness vertical and horizontal partitions, this design is highly stable and will withstand significant loads.

Most difficult option, from the point of view of fastening, can be considered the installation of a single shelf on the wall without the use of additional support posts. Often, to ensure the longitudinal and vertical stability of the shelves, additional side canopies are installed. If you show some imagination, they will not only not spoil the appearance of the shelf, but will also give it a more attractive look.

As a rule, plasterboard construction is heavier than wood board or plastic, so to hang it on the wall you should use maximum amount attachment points. If you need to fix the shelf on a wall lined with plasterboard, use a special fastener.

Do-it-yourself corner shelves made of plasterboard are a chance to properly and rationally use the space in the room. Of course, you can invite a drywall specialist to assemble the structure. But the process is not too complicated, so there is an opportunity to save family budget and carry out the entire process yourself.
An example of designing corner shelves made of plasterboard. Reasons for self-assembly:

  • easy installation process;
  • budget savings;
  • gaining new skills.

Everyone will be able to decide for themselves whether the shelf will be assembled by a drywall master or with their own hands. If you definitely decide to make this design on your own, you need to study the entire process in detail and prepare for work.
Design option for corner shelves made of plasterboard

On different stages work will require materials and. The raw materials must be carefully prepared so that the process can proceed without interruption.

Work stageTools and materials
Drawing up a drawing diagramPaper.
Pencil or pen.
Ruler or tape measure.
Surface markingPlumb or level.
Laser pointer for measuring differences.
Corner for marking profile joints.
Pencil or marker.
Assembly and installation of the frameProfiles (guides) for complex structures that carry a large load will also be required.
selected diameter.
Screws and screwdriver.
You need to buy a knife or metal scissors.
GKL sheathingPlasterboard sheets of selected diameter.
Drywall knife.
Screwdriver and screws (self-tapping screws).
Putty (dry, which needs to be dissolved or ready mix).
Special for sealing joints.
Putty knife.
Sandpaper for smoothing out uneven surfaces.
Putty knife.

Having acquired all the above materials and tools, the process of creating corner shelves will be easy and quick.

Step-by-step instruction

To ensure that the process of assembling and attaching the corner shelves goes smoothly, you should proceed in the correct order. The order of work for manual assembly is as follows:

You should not deviate from the rules of consistency so that the corner shelf turns out beautiful and gives harmony and comfort to the space.

Create a drawing

It is necessary to draw a drawing, especially if they are doing corner racks. You can draw a diagram of the future shelf with your own hands, or you can print out photos from programs in which designs for plasterboard structures are created. Anyway corner shelves from plasterboard in the kitchen, bedroom, nursery or living room, it must be done according to the scheme, because:

  • this will avoid errors during the installation of shelves;
  • will help to make the most accurate shape of the structure;
  • Using the diagrams, you can create the most unusual corner shelves made of plasterboard, which will decorate and transform the interior of the premises.

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Assembling a plasterboard TV stand

The main thing when drawing up a diagram is to strictly adhere to the measurements taken in advance.

Surface marking

In order for the corner niche to clearly fit into the interior and adhere to the wall, you need to correctly mark the surface. To do this, you need to put marks on the wall in those places where you plan to install a plasterboard niche. You will need to measure the differences in wall height to fix the shelf in the right place.

Plasterboard shelves look stylish and unusual, and also accommodate a large number of of things. You can even put electronics on additionally reinforced plasterboard shelves. To turn your plans into reality, you need to decide on the shape of the shelves and choose the material and tools. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact specialists who will tell you how to cut the shelves correctly.

You can make plasterboard shelves with your own hands. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to draw up a plan, accurately select the shape of the shelves, and carefully take all measurements. Prepare a diagram, calculate and purchase the required number of sheets of drywall, fasteners, wooden beams or metal profile for the frame.

Shelves made of plasterboard are universal, they can be created in any room:

  • Bedroom;
  • Living room;
  • Children's;
  • Bathroom;
  • Kitchen.

The options for placing shelves are also different - you can install them on the wall or in a niche. The advantage of plasterboard shelves is the variety of shapes; in this case, imagination is not limited, you can create absolutely any pattern and bend.

You can make an interesting shelf design with your own hands, drywall - available material, so you won’t have any difficulties in creating an original interior.

Interior of a room with shelves on a plasterboard wall

Shelves can replace furniture, such as a cabinet or rack. At the same time, they are quite roomy; books, vases, even dishes and flower pots can be placed on them.

Plasterboard shelves save a lot of space and make the room more modern and original:

  • Drywall allows you to realize the most daring design ideas; shelves can be used both as a decorative component of the room and as a functional element;
  • Most often, shelves are created in rooms designed in modern style, plasterboard interior elements will complement a living room or bedroom in a minimalist or modern style;
  • Drywall is an excellent material for a nursery; shelves made from this material can become the basis for the design of the room; they can be made around the perimeter of the room;
  • Such shelves also look great in a library, because they allow lamps to be built into them, which is convenient for those who like to read;
  • In the kitchen, plasterboard shelves can serve as a bar counter or table.

Plasterboard shelves are multifunctional, they can be created in any room - they will look creative and interesting.

How to make shelves from drywall

You can make plasterboard shelves with your own hands at home.

To do this you will need:

  • Sharp knife or hacksaw;
  • Wooden beams or metal profile;
  • Fasteners;
  • Drill;
  • Corners made of plastic.

Remember that before carrying out work you must have a clear work plan and know what you want to get in the end. Execute necessary measurements, do everything without haste and very carefully.

The step-by-step sequence for creating shelves is as follows:

  1. Cut shelf parts from drywall using a sharp knife.
  2. Attach figured shelves using arched profiles.
  3. Make a base from the profile, a profile 50 by 25 mm.
  4. Drill holes according to the size of the screws, hang the profile and attach the structure. Plasterboard parts for niches and shelves can be cut with a hacksaw or a sharp shoe knife.
  5. Curved shelves are made from thinner plasterboard, and they are secured using arched profiles. As a last resort, if there are none, you can bend ordinary profiles by making cuts along the entire length.

If you are making shelves from thick material for heavy things, then use special fasteners for drywall. These are butterfly screws; you can also additionally secure the structure with traverses or a frame.

If the shelf consists of several parts, it is best to cover it with a mounting mesh and secure the corners with plastic or aluminum elements so that the structure retains its aesthetic appearance longer.

Decorative plasterboard shelves: functions and advantages

Depending on the material chosen, shelves can be either very light or quite heavy and durable.

You can create shelves for storing:

  • Books and stationery;
  • Decorative items;
  • Crockery;
  • Toys;
  • Electronics.

If you additionally secure the plasterboard shelves, you can get a really strong structure on which the TV or stereo system will firmly stand.

Drywall has several advantages:

  • Availability;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Ease of installation;
  • It can also be painted with any paint.

But at the same time, drywall is a rather fragile material and is completely unstable to moisture. If you want to make shelves or niches in the bathroom, buy only moisture-resistant drywall.

How to fix a shelf to drywall

To attach a small and lightweight shelf to gypsum board sheets, you will have to use special dowels, which tend to open up and be fixed in the hollow base.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • Dowel-umbrella;
  • Butterfly dowel.

Take a close look at how much load a particular dowel can withstand and compare it with your shelf. Wall shelves it must be fixed into drywall using these dowels, as well as self-tapping screws, which should be slightly longer than the dowel itself. When screwing in a screw or self-tapping screw, the dowel head will open and accept most loads.

To hang shelves in drywall, you can use this sequence:

  • Drill a hole in the wall of the required size;
  • Install the dowel into the hole;
  • Install the shelf mount onto the fastener;
  • Hang a shelf.

If you have a heavy shelf, you won’t be able to attach it without a profile.

In this case, you need to use the following method:

  • Drill holes in drywall;
  • Insert a butterfly dowel or a dowel, insert a self-tapping screw;
  • Clamp the structure and screw in the dowel, but be careful not to destroy the wall.

Instead of such dowels you can use anchor bolts. The entire sequence of actions does not change, only bolts are inserted instead of screws and dowels.

Corner shelves made of plasterboard

Corner shelves made of plasterboard look very stylish. These beautiful designs look great in the interior of modern living rooms and bedrooms. Built-in lights that can be inserted into corner shelves, will add comfort and warmth to any room.

Small corner shelves can often be found in small rooms, where every centimeter plays a huge role. The decoration in such rooms is light, there is a lot of light to further increase the space.

Small things are placed on the corner shelves:

  • Watch;
  • Books;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Small lamps;
  • Vases and boxes.

Thus, corner shelves help save space, but at the same time hold quite a lot of things. This option of plasterboard shelves is best suited for a children's room, bedroom and living room. Some even create it in the bathroom to place soap, washcloths, various means body care. But remember that drywall is very sensitive to moisture - choose moisture-resistant materials.

How to find a profile under drywall

You need to look for a profile under drywall in certain situations.


  • When you need to hang a picture on the wall;
  • Hang a mirror;
  • Attach a wall-mounted TV;
  • Attach the lamp to the wall;
  • Nail the baseboards;
  • Attach wall cabinets.

In any of the above situations, it is necessary to find a metal profile under the drywall. If you installed drywall using a frameless structure, then the problem of finding a profile disappears by itself. Otherwise you will have to look for a profile different ways, which depend on the material.

In case of metal profile use a regular magnet. You can use it to find the profile if the sheets of drywall are thin enough. Large and powerful magnet. Tie a string around a magnet and slowly move it across the drywall; when you feel the magnet not moving, make a note.

If wood was used, you can find the beams by tapping (the sound will no longer be dull above the slats), also try driving a nail.

However, the latter method is less practical if the hole was made in wrong place, you will have to putty it. If you have a drawing of the room, study it and find wooden slats.

Assembling a plasterboard shelf (video)

In conclusion, it should be said that drywall is universal and modern material. Plasterboard shelves will fit into the interior of any room and will save a lot of space. Anyone can make them out of it, the main thing is to approach it responsibly. Draw up a drawing, select materials, take the necessary measurements and then you will definitely get beautiful and durable shelves that will serve you for a long time.

Examples of plasterboard shelves (photos in interiors)

There are several ways to give your home a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Some completely change the interior to achieve the desired effect, others introduce new details into it, others change decorative coating on the walls and ceiling. One of the most effective options Plasterboard shelves on the wall serve to diversify the interior without changing its concept, and almost anyone can make them with their own hands.
Plasterboard shelf

Shelves on the wall are not only a decorative element that adds variety to the interior, but also a rather practical product. In addition to aesthetic appeal, they serve as an alternative to the traditional niche.

At the same time, they can be placed in almost any room, and everywhere they will become a design feature. However, most often such designs are implemented in living rooms such as the living room or bedroom, where they look most harmonious.

In the first case, they replace and are used to place books, sets and even a TV. In the second they play a role bedside table and are used to store personal hygiene items or night toiletries.

Shelf made of plasterboard in the interior

High practicality and good decorative properties make shelves on the wall from plasterboard one of best solutions, allowing you to significantly refresh the interior and optimize free space. To install them, you just need to decide on a specific location on the wall and you can get to work. The formation of shelves does not contain any secrets and is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. Drawing up a diagram.
  2. Collection of tools and materials.
  3. Carrying out markings.
  4. Installation of the frame system.
  5. Finishing.

This structure allows you to make the installation process more universal and save a lot of free time. Moreover, each of these stages has its own subtleties and implies a specific sequence of actions, the result of which is beautiful shelves.

Scheme of a plasterboard shelf The first stage of installation is drawing up a diagram of the future building. To create it, it is not enough to have just a visual representation, since any idea must be supported by facts. We are talking about indicating specific sizes and ratios, without which the plan will not carry any useful information. It can be drawn by hand on a sheet of paper plain paper indicating the full geometric proportions and position in space. Only in this form will it be useful and become good help for carrying out work.

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The process of installing a plasterboard window sill

List of materials and necessary tools

Before the actual start of construction, you should prepare the necessary materials, without which the implementation of the above steps is impossible. Collecting equipment in advance allows you not to be distracted from work and concentrate solely on installation. Full list the necessary tool as follows:

Each of these tools is used at some stage of installation. Moreover, the presence of each of them is mandatory, and the absence of at least one element will lead to a slowdown in work and loss of time. Therefore, all equipment must be collected, materials folded and prepared, and their list looks like this:

  • CD and UD profiles;
  • (6 mm and 25 mm);
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • and fasteners for them;
  • washers.

Having collected and prepared all the necessary elements, you can begin to form the frame system. However, you must first transfer the information from paper to the wall.

Drawing of a plasterboard shelf In order to maintain proportions and obtain even angles, markings are applied to the surface. It is performed using an ordinary pencil, a level and a plumb line. In this case, each line is checked 2-3 times and, if necessary, redrawn. Finished model shelves will significantly simplify installation and much faster recreate a three-dimensional object on the wall.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the frame, its cladding and finishing

Having received a complete picture of the future building, you can proceed to its actual construction. Do-it-yourself plasterboard shelves are assembled using the following system:

  1. According to the markings, corresponding holes are drilled on the walls and ceiling. Their length should be 10–15 mm larger size dowels, and the width fully matches it. Plastic caps are inserted into the holes and pushed as far as possible so that they completely fit into the wall.
  2. Apply to the prepared surface, which is screwed to the wall using a screwdriver. In this case, before fixing it, a washer is put on the self-tapping screw so that the cap does not slip through the hole.
    Fixing the profile on the wall according to the markings
  3. Reliable shelves mean creating the whole system profiles occupying an area from floor to ceiling. are fixed along the entire height of the wall, while along the floor and ceiling they extend only at a distance of the width of the future building.
  4. At four extreme points(2 near the walls and 2 near the edge of the niche) longitudinal ones are inserted, which are fixed with self-tapping screws in the upper and lower parts. For increase bearing capacity rack, the longitudinal elements are connected by crossbars made from the same CD profile, every 40–50 cm.
    Example of a frame for a plasterboard shelf
  5. To create a shelf, two profiles are laid between the posts. One is placed face up and the other is placed face down. The outermost parts of the crossbars are placed and secured on top of the crossbars holding the posts. In this way, maximum rigidity of the system is achieved, and the interval between the shelves is 40–50 cm. In this case, the shelves can be placed along the entire height of the niche or the lower part can be made without them.
  6. , which are pre-measured and . The prepared part of the gypsum board is applied to the sheathing, leveled and screwed. In this case, the fastening elements (at least 4 pieces) are arranged in stripes so that the line passes through the fixing cross member.
    Cladding the frame with plasterboard
  7. The side surfaces are sheathed on three sides. In this case, recesses for the shelf frame are pre-cut in the plasterboard for the interior. The shelves themselves are sheathed with plasterboard on all sides in a similar way. Upon completion of the cladding, the niche will be completely ready; all that remains is to give it its final appearance.
  8. The gypsum mixture is diluted to a thick cream and applied to all fasteners. In turn, before, they are pre-cleaned and covered, and only then covered with a solution.
    Preparing drywall seams for decoration

After gypsum mixture completely dry, will be completely ready to apply any decorative finishing. Wallpaper, ceramic tile and any other type of material will make it truly magnificent, which will immediately affect the interior of the room. Besides, in frame system You can equip a backlight that will illuminate each shelf individually.

An example of a backlit plasterboard shelf. As a rule, small ones are used to create it, which are mounted in the bottom strip of plasterboard. They have a much more attractive appearance and are highly practical. The video shows the assembly of a plasterboard shelf on a wall.