How to renovate a bathroom with your own hands? Bathroom renovation: tips. Budget renovation in the bathroom How to competently renovate the bathroom

In our difficult times, people often lack finances. But repairs still need to be done. And it is desirable that the bathroom has a decent appearance and at the same time lasts for five to seven years. In such situations, it will be useful to learn how to cheaply renovate a bathroom, spending a minimum of money.

Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation: how to choose budget materials

Today the industry produces Construction Materials all kinds of price categories, designed for consumers of different income levels. These can be goods of economical, standard and elite classes. There are also very cheap materials on sale, but their advantage is only in their low price. Quality and appearance such products do not stand up to criticism.

Carrying out the dismantling work yourself will significantly reduce costs.

Many works can be done independently, without involving specialists. For example, lining a ceiling with plastic lining does not require any special skills. Installing plumbing is also not difficult. Toilet, bathtub, washbasin - you can install it all yourself. It is only important to take your time, carefully study the assortment, calculate all stages of the work being performed, then a successful result will be ensured.

As for building materials, it is more advisable to choose economy class and standard products price segment. Both of these types of materials practically do not differ in quality. The same manufacturer can produce similar products under different trademarks. The first will be considered a standard class product, and the second - economical option, and they will differ only in cost. International standards provide for certain quality criteria, for example, density building mixtures hardening must not be below a certain threshold. U economical materials this figure will be closer to the lower value. This statement is true for consumables.

You can do without purchasing new plumbing, and restore the old one

As for finishing materials, plumbing fixtures and other things, a low price is not at all the same as poor quality. It is only necessary to take into account the load conditions to which the product will be subjected. For example, floor tiles should be stronger than wall tiles. At correct selection and installation, tiles in the bathroom can last more than fifteen years.

If you have decided to carry out budget repairs bathroom, photo samples of which can be seen in the gallery of this article, you should not purchase elite-class building materials. Their quality is no higher than that of budget products, and they benefit only due to their aesthetics.

Painted walls and well-chosen accessories will make the design flawless

Possibility of economical repairs

In order for the result of the work performed to meet your needs, you need to carefully work out the preliminary project, think carefully possible options finishes and choose the one that suits you best.

The main part of the costs consists of the following items:

  • the price of the work carried out;
  • cost of building materials and transport services.

Thus, it is quite possible to reduce the cost of repairs, and you can save on both counts. If you carefully study the information on how to make a budget renovation in the bathroom with your own hands, we can come to the conclusion that most of the work is quite easy to do yourself, significantly reducing costs.

Many renovation work you can do it yourself

It makes sense to decide to seek the help of professionals only for complex issues, such as installing electricity, installing a water supply, and laying tiles. It is very important that electrical work is carried out only by specialists.

Please note that the cable must be of good quality and well insulated. Only solid wire segments can be used, and the distribution box must be placed exclusively outside the bathroom.

Question, how to do cheap repairs in the bathroom with your own hands excites many owners. To prioritize between savings and quality of room design, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Doing the work yourself. Most It is advisable to carry out repairs yourself, since prices for specialist services may exceed the cost of materials. It is better to carry out all dismantling work on your own.
  2. Having your own tool. Need to think about it design features repairs in such a way as to reduce as much as possible dismantling work. A basic set of tools will help make the task easier and faster. In addition, this will significantly reduce financial costs. It is recommended to acquire at least a minimum set, which will include a drill with a set of drills (preferably an impact drill), a hammer drill with bits, and a cutting grinder with discs for metal and concrete.
  3. Economical materials. Purchasing budget building materials will help you save significantly. But there are things that you shouldn’t save on, since subsequent replacement may cost more than the initial purchase of quality products. But in some cases, you can reduce costs wisely.

Reducing financial costs for bathroom renovations

If you need a cheap bathroom renovation and quality, Special attention Pay attention to scrupulous planning of expenses. A detailed estimate will help you save a lot of money. A thorough comparative analysis pricing policy market. In addition, on the Internet, as a rule, you can purchase many materials at a significant discount, especially when purchasing in bulk.

Even inexpensive ones, but quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior

To enliven a boring interior and diversify the static surface, experts recommend purchasing inexpensive accessories and little things that will add coziness to the room and become an appropriate addition to the design. Additional convenience and decoration can be shelves, hooks, soap dishes, rubber mats, curtains and other decorative elements.

No need to buy building materials and equipment famous manufacturers, since you will have to pay extra for the name. Branded items are a priori more expensive. It will be much more profitable to purchase building materials produced by domestic companies, as well as those produced by our closest neighbors - Poland, the Czech Republic, and Finland. These will be high-quality, certified products. Of course, we are not talking about low-price goods from China. However, their products average cost will be quite good. Remember that you cannot sacrifice quality and aesthetics for the sake of savings.

Pasting walls with glass wallpaper will help save money on bathroom renovations

Save on ceiling repairs

To issue the original and unusual interior bathroom, and at the same time save money, you should first of all pay attention to cheap methods of finishing the ceiling in the room.

A flat ceiling can simply be painted in any color

Tensile structures look attractive and rich, but are expensive. However, the appearance of plastic panels is no worse. An important advantage suspension systems is that with their help any unevenness on the ceiling plane is easily leveled. In addition, this type of finishing allows you to create multi-level structures. PVC lining is a moisture-resistant material, which means you don’t have to worry about flooding. It is easy to lay an electrical cable and install lighting inside the slatted ceiling. The price of such a system is quite affordable. Economical options bathroom renovation, photos of samples of which will demonstrate the feasibility of such actions are presented below.

A slatted ceiling made of plastic is slightly inferior in practicality to a suspended ceiling

If the ceiling has only minor irregularities, it can simply be painted. To do this you need to delete the old upper layer coating, apply putty, sand the uneven areas, and treat with a primer. After this, paint is applied in several layers. This type of finishing is very inexpensive and looks quite attractive.

Budget floor finishing

The specificity of the bathroom is constantly high humidity with insufficient air exchange. That's why flooring must be resistant to moisture and wear. Ceramic tiles best meet these requirements. If you are considering a budget option bathroom finishing, You shouldn’t buy expensive elite class tiles – you can get by with domestic analogues. In our country, industry produces a lot of such materials, the cost of which will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, markets and stores often hold sales where you can purchase cladding products at a significant discount.

Waterproof linoleum will become a reliable covering for the bathroom floor

There is even more cheap option floor finishes such as linoleum. There is a wide range of such coatings on the market in various colors and textures. There are even waterproof varieties of PVC linoleum. The main advantage of this material is that it can be installed literally within a few hours. Linoleum does not require gluing - pressed against the baseboard, it will smooth out and level itself.

Wall finishing options

The optimal option for wall surface design in terms of price and quality ratio will be domestic tile, which can be purchased from leftovers at the market or warehouse. By purchasing a discounted product, you can save fifty percent of the cost or even more.

Tile domestic production will cost less than foreign analogues

A plain tile decorated with friezes or decorative inserts will look quite decent. And the price will be completely attractive.

Inexpensive renovations in the bathroom, sample photos of which are presented in the article gallery, can be done by covering the walls PVC panels. There is a huge selection of domestic and foreign designs that deserve attention. Plastic lining Available in all sorts of colors and textures. There are also panels with imitation tiles, marble or wood.

Plastic panels can be used to decorate both the walls and ceiling of the bathroom

Professionals recommend choosing materials intended for outdoor use, since the plastic from which they are made is much thicker and stronger, and therefore will last much longer. PVC panels are easy to install yourself. Such work will not require special skills and will take very little time.

At the right approach, reasonable planning and a well-written estimate, it is quite possible to carry out a budget bathroom renovation. Rational selection of building materials and self-execution maximum part of the work. If you follow the recommendations of experts, beautiful interior will delight your guests and delight you for decades.

Painted walls and well-chosen accessories will make the design impeccable. Many repair work can be done with your own hands. Even from inexpensive but high-quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior. Pasting walls with glass wallpaper will help save money on bathroom renovations. A slatted ceiling made of plastic is slightly inferior in its practicality. stretch Waterproof linoleum will become a reliable covering for the bathroom floor

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Before renovating a bathtub, you first need to carefully plan everything and think through all the options for the location of the bathroom. After choosing a project, it is worth deciding on the algorithm for repair work and taking all measurements in order to know the dimensions of the room. This way you can determine the amount of materials as accurately as possible and understand what the result will be.

How to plan

You need to decide for yourself what your room will look like in the end result, and only then start working:

Modern renovation

When starting to renovate a bathtub, it is important to decide where to start. The modern range of building materials is so extensive that you can get lost in the variety of colors, textures and technical characteristics.

The market also offers big choice plumbing fixtures of all possible models and variations, decor and cladding. Everyone can find something for themselves and make the bathroom comfortable and cozy.

Tips from experts on creating the interior of your dreams:

Where to begin

A bathroom is a room with high level humidity, possible problems with a ventilation system, frequent temperature changes and lack of natural daylight. Therefore, when repairing, it is worth considering many nuances so that the cladding is of high quality and durable.

Renovating a bathroom is quite a financially expensive process, so it’s worth being well prepared for it. Preparatory stage includes the following actions:

To start renovating the bathroom, we will need the following tools:

  • Wide spatula.
  • A bucket or other container for diluting the solution.
  • Metal rule.
  • Paint brush.
  • Tape measure and pencil.
  • Sharp scissors.

After we have turned off the water in the bathroom, dismantled the old finish and knocked down the old tiles from the walls and floor, plumbing fixtures and pipes, prepared all surfaces, removed all interfering objects from the room, we can begin installing waterproofing, floor screeding and other important measures :

Professionals advise strictly following the sequence of actions for repair work and preparation for it: leveling surfaces, eliminating unnecessary things and old finishes, cleaning from dirt, connecting electrical and plumbing, a design plan for the location of plumbing and lighting fixtures. The result of qualitative initial stage repair is shown in the photo.

Now you know the sequence of actions and you can start planning your bathroom renovation yourself. The initial stage of repair work is the most responsible and important, so you should approach it responsibly and seriously. By following the recommendations, you will perform a high-quality rough finish and get the desired result.

The bathroom is a room to which special requirements. In particular, it must be well protected from humidity and temperature changes. That is why finishing the bathroom must be done in accordance with a number of rules. This article will discuss where to start renovating a bathroom with your own hands.

Types of bathroom renovations

Depending on external reasons, two main types of renovation work in the bathroom can be classified:

  1. Pla new renovation . Planned repairs can be either major or cosmetic. In the latter case, the costs step by step repair bathrooms will be relatively small - but the fix visual imperfections This is only possible if everything is normal with the functionality of all elements of the bathroom. Such repairs usually only involve updating the walls, ceilings and flooring, as well as faucets. Major repairs, accordingly, are aimed at restoring all existing deficiencies, including serious structural defects.
  2. Unplanned repairs. A sudden need for bathroom renovation may arise due to exposure external factors. For example, there is always a risk of burst pipes or flooding from neighbors above - and in such situations you will have to take action. In addition, unplanned repairs include a number of works associated with the replacement or repair of individual elements of the bathroom ( sewer pipes, plumbing or tiles).

To understand where to start renovating a bathroom, you need to decide on the type of renovation - it is quite possible that the set of operations required for renovation will differ.

Planning a bathroom renovation

Before starting work, you need to decide where to start renovating the bathroom - this process must be consistent. First of all, you should choose suitable design and decide on color scheme. Most often, the bathroom is painted in pastel colors, or a combination of two tones is used.

  • Tile;
  • Porcelain tiles;
  • Mosaic;
  • Plastic panels.

Of course, the materials mentioned are a list available options is not limited, so the choice is quite wide. When selecting finishing materials and designing the design of the room, it will not be superfluous to take into account their compatibility with plumbing fixtures. If a major renovation of a bathroom involves replacing plumbing fixtures, then the issue of visual compatibility becomes very important.

In addition, it is necessary to measure all the dimensions of the room - height, width, length and area. Depending on these dimensions, all other elements of the room are selected, including plumbing and communications, and the amount of materials necessary for repairs is purchased.

Selection of plumbing and finishing materials

Once you have decided what materials and plumbing fixtures will be used to furnish the bathroom from scratch, you can begin to select them. There is a wide range of different appliances and materials suitable for the bathroom on the market, so this issue will not arise.

Difficulties may arise in other points, which boil down to the following list:

  • Before choosing, you need to carefully design the future design of the bathroom;
  • The dimensions of plumbing fixtures must correspond to the dimensions of the bathroom;
  • In order not to encounter problems during work, you need to calculate in advance the required amount of finishing materials.

It is best to buy building materials and plumbing fixtures in one store - in addition to the fact that in this case you will be able to buy a whole set of identical plumbing fixtures, there is a high probability of getting a discount for a wholesale purchase.

Dismantling old finishing and plumbing

When the previous stages are completed, you can move on to the next step - preparing the room for renovation. This stage is extremely important, since the quality of installation of finishing materials and plumbing depends on it. In addition, careful preparation greatly simplifies further renovation of the bathroom from scratch.

It is advisable to remove the sink and bathtub before renovation, even if there is no need to replace them. After this it is dismantled old tile, and work is also being carried out to clean all surfaces of the room. All old coatings must be properly removed - for example, the presence of a layer of paint will not allow the use of glue or new paints to decorate the room.

Laying communications

After dismantling the old coatings and finishing, you need to start replacing various communications - this moment is most suitable for this work. In addition to the pipeline sections located directly in the bathroom, it is also recommended to replace the vertical riser, and in some cases, the interfloor sections of pipes. If during operation the old pipes leak, then another repair will be required, and this will be extra costs that could have been avoided.

Also at this stage you need to install the electrical wiring. Of course, the first thing you need to do is decide where the electrical appliances will be located, and only then connect the necessary communications to them. In addition, the bathroom must have good ventilation, preferably forced ventilation.

Leveling surfaces

Before leveling the surfaces in the bathroom, you need to carefully examine them and understand what kind of work will be required in this particular case. In any case, the amount of work directly depends on the condition of the surfaces.

By by and large, we can divide the scale of surface leveling work into two categories:

  • If there are no particular imperfections on the walls and ceiling, then it will be enough to level them ordinary putty;
  • In case of serious surface defects, more serious repair work will be required (you should read the relevant articles about leveling walls, floors and ceilings).

Surface finishing

Having completed the previous operations, you can begin finishing walls and ceiling. Suitable for finishing a bathroom great amount a variety of materials - from moisture-resistant paints to various mixtures or facing tiles.

For the ceiling, a suitable option would be to cover it with water-based paint. This finish looks quite good and has acceptable performance. However, there are also excellent alternative options- For example, plastic panels or tension structures.

Installation of plumbing fixtures, accessories and doors

Now you can begin the final stage, which begins with the installation of plumbing. Old plumbing fixtures had to be removed for ease of repair. In addition, if the renovation procedure in the bathroom does not involve replacing the plumbing, then its timely dismantling will allow it to be used in the future - it will not be damaged during the renovation.

Then various bathroom accessories are installed - hooks, mirrors, lighting etc. Ends stage-by-stage repair bathroom door installation. The need to dismantle it is determined by the same conditions as in the case of plumbing - the door will interfere with operation, and it is very easy to damage it during repairs.


Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion - the stages of bathroom renovation must proceed sequentially, and there are particular difficulties in complying with the right technology No. By consistently performing all the work and paying attention to details, you can renovate your bathroom without any problems and bring it to the desired look.

What can happen to the laid floor tiles, what if we start repairing the walls immediately after this? IN best case scenario The floor covering will take a long time to clean. In the worst case, you will have to replace the floor finishing completely or partially. Therefore, when renovating a bathroom, it is necessary to clearly remember what sequence of actions needs to be performed.

In this article we will understand the exact sequence of actions and answer the question - where to start renovating a bathroom?

Planning is considered the most important and mandatory stage in the renovation of any room. But why is it necessary if you are going to renovate your bathroom? In this case, planning allows you to achieve the following:

  • see the final decision;
  • determine the sequence of repair work;
  • define required amount finishing and building materials.

Planning allows you to determine where to start. At this stage you can decide on a suitable design solution, as well as choose the option for laying electrical wiring and placing plumbing fixtures. The project will allow you to select the required diagram communications.

Bathroom renovation - layout

This is the most time-consuming stage, even if you have the help of a professional designer. It is important to discard unsuitable options and settle on a suitable solution for each family member. The next stage can be started only after careful consideration of this.

Purchase of materials

You should not give preference to the cheapest materials. This applies equally to construction and finishing materials. High-quality repairs cannot be cheap. So, when using a grout mixture with low cost and low quality, you can lose security. Over time, fungus may appear on the seams and behind the tiles. As a result, after 2-3 years you will have to carry out the repair again.

The bathroom is a special room that has a certain level of humidity and temperature. These indicators are not constant here, but they are often elevated. Therefore, you cannot use cheap finishing and building materials here, as they significantly reduce the service life of this room. If you lay it down ceramic tiles for cheap adhesive composition in the kitchen or hallway, this will not harm the renovation. But in the bathroom this option is unacceptable.

You've decided to renovate your bathroom, where to start first? Once planning is complete, you need to move on to purchasing. necessary materials. You can save money if you use storage system discounts It exists in almost any salon or large hardware store.

We remove everything unnecessary from the bathroom

If you want to save money, you can dismantle it yourself. In this case, the quality of the new repair will not be affected, and you will not have to pay for dismantling work.

Features of dismantling in the bathroom

These works do not require professionalism. They must be carried out according to certain rules. When dismantling you should not break anything. Everything must be carefully disassembled. The point is not about preservation for further use and not about sale. The main problem is security. If work is carried out incorrectly, you can not only damage the structure, but also cause injury to yourself.

Removing a bathtub from a bathroom

Removal of old coatings and dismantling of finishing is carried out in a certain sequence. No matter how this process may look from the outside, it must occur according to a strictly proven scheme. To protect yourself, you need to decide in advance what and how to properly beat or cut off.

If you are planning a major bathroom renovation, where to start dismantling work? Carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. Remove all old fixtures and furniture from the bathroom.
  2. Remove old tiles and paint from wall, ceiling and floor surfaces.
  3. Dismantle walls if necessary for the project.

Please note that walls are cleaned down to concrete or brick, and floors and ceilings are cleaned down to floor slabs. Otherwise, your repair will not be of high quality and durable. But the greatest attention must be paid to the surfaces of the walls. It is important that they are perfectly even. If a deep notch or hole from a punch remains, sooner or later the finish will begin to deteriorate.

Another problem is the installation of hidden communications. It is important to do it correctly and very accurately. Typically, hidden communications in the bathroom mean plumbing and electrical wiring. They are installed in pre-made grooves.

If you want to make a major renovation in your bathtub, the photos in our gallery will suggest a suitable solution. When conducting overhaul it is necessary to change both the internal electrical wiring and water pipes with risers. Regarding electrical wiring issues during a major overhaul, a new input will be required.

Old wiring, as a rule, cannot cope with the load imposed modern electrical appliances. Previously, only lighting was used in the bathroom, which consumed no more than 200 W. On this moment in this room, not only more powerful lighting is installed, but also washing machine, and a tank for heating water. The total energy consumption is usually at least 4.5 kW.

Increased capacity also dictates new safety rules that apply to both electricity and water supply. Among the basic safety rules are the following:

  1. High-quality grounding device.
  2. Availability of RCDs and circuit breakers.
  3. The presence of an “anti-flood” type system, which is mounted directly on the risers.

To decide where to start renovating your bathroom, the photos on our website will help you solve this problem.

Waterproofing the floor

It must be carried out without fail. Thanks to high-quality waterproofing of the floor in this room, it is possible to retain about 100 liters of water if the room is flooded.

This means that water simply will not penetrate to your neighbors below. But it is unlikely to save you from major flooding, which is associated with a break in the riser. But waterproofing will give the time needed to shut off the water supply. You won't have to worry about small leaks that sometimes happen while using the bathroom.

Bathtub waterproofing

What should high-quality waterproofing be like? At its core, it is a “trough”, the lower part of the walls acts as the sides, and the base of the floor acts as the bottom. To seal these surfaces, the following options are used:

  1. Bitumen mastic.
  2. Roll insulation.

Leveling surfaces

Smooth surfaces will guarantee an excellent finish for the room as a whole. Don't know where to start renovating your bathroom? It is important to properly level the surfaces before covering them. Many people say that they do not need to be leveled, since this can be done during the process of laying the tiles using glue. But this is the wrong decision.

A significant layer of glue can cause it to “float”. Because of this, the reliability of adhesion of the tiles to the surfaces of the floor and walls decreases. In addition, you will have to provide a fairly large budget for the purchase of adhesive composition.

Leveling the walls in the bathroom

Leveling surfaces will be cheaper if you use plasterboard sheets or plaster mixture. In this case, you will not need to buy a lot of glue to install ceramic tiles on the surface of the floor and ceiling. And proper alignment leads to the fact that the tiles are glued evenly on all areas of the plane.

The final stage of bathroom renovation

It is necessary to carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cover floor and wall surfaces.
  2. Repair the ceiling.
  3. Replace the door.
  4. Arrange the room.

Surface cladding begins with finishing the surface of the walls. Then the floor surface is finished. After this, you can lay the bottom row of tiles on the wall. It is also called undercutting. It is important to lay the tiles in this area last, as they will have to be trimmed anyway. After this, the tiles should stand for at least 2-3 days. After that, you can start grouting the joints and move on to other work.

Repairing the surface of the bathroom ceiling is carried out only after finishing the room as a whole. then install the door. It is important that she cope with high humidity. All actions must be carried out after the finishing work is completely completed.

DIY bathroom renovation

When landscaping the premises, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Install plumbing fixtures.
  2. Install the necessary sockets and lamps.
  3. Hang mirrors, shelves and other accessories.

Thus, if you follow this sequence of actions, you will carry out high-quality repairs. Only in this case will the new repair serve you for a long time and will delight your family members every day.

In any type of room renovation, there is a certain sequence that allows you to break down all the work into separate stages, analyze each stage in detail, and accurately calculate the amount consumables and display the total amount of repairs. As in other rooms, it is necessary to follow the sequence of renovations in the bathroom, since violation of the algorithm of actions can lead to unexpected financial costs, and sometimes to repeated remodeling. Often, if the sequence of work is not followed, you may encounter damage finishing material from construction dust and dirt. In order for the work to be done quickly and efficiently, you need to divide the entire process into separate stages and study each in detail.

Sequence of repair work

The first question that inevitably arises for any novice master is where to start renovating a bathroom. In order to make the task easier, we will take the standard algorithm as a basis and analyze its sequence in detail. Step-by-step repair instructions will consist of the following points:

  • drawing up a project plan;
  • dismantling plumbing fixtures and old finishing materials;
  • surface preparation;
  • replacement of communication systems;
  • preliminary finishing of the premises;
  • finishing cladding;
  • installation of appliances and plumbing elements;
  • general cleaning of the premises.

The listed stages of work must be performed in strict sequence, which is indicated in the list, otherwise there is a high probability of damage facing material.


At the stage of creating a project, it is important to remember that the bathroom is considered quite complex from a technical point of view, since it contains a large number of various communications, and the bathroom renovation plan should be as detailed as possible, indicating all the main dimensions. In order to avoid any troubles as a result of the work, experts recommend drawing up a general plan of the room, and then on separate sheets of paper making detailed calculations for each surface separately, describing the stages of bathroom renovation. This instruction must contain a scale drawing of the floor, ceiling and each wall with exact dimensions, and it is also necessary to indicate in advance, down to the millimeter, the exact location of such elements as:

  • wash basin;
  • mirror;
  • electric hand dryer;
  • towel dryer;
  • lighting;
  • sockets and switches;
  • bath and toilet;
  • furniture and accessories;
  • washing machine, bidet, urinal, water filters and other plumbing items that require the installation of additional water supply and sewerage lines.

Also, the bathroom renovation plan must contain records of the power of all electrical appliances and the required cross-section of the electrical cable to support them.

Dismantling of plumbing fixtures and finishing materials

After drawing up a plan and a preliminary estimate, you can begin work. Bathroom renovations always begin with the dismantling of all plumbing elements. It is important to remember that you first need to remove the furniture from the room and all other bulky elements that will occupy the workspace. This will not only free up space, but will also help protect furniture and plumbing from damage during dismantling old tiles and preparation of the premises.

When carrying out a step-by-step bathroom renovation, it is important to remember that when dismantling the main task is not to quickly break it, but to carefully remove it. old finishing without causing much damage to the base, since you will need to repair all this damage later. As a result, the room should look like the photo above.

Also, the procedure for carrying out renovations in the bathroom at this stage involves gating the walls for laying electrical cables to consumers, drilling holes for sockets and switches.

Replacing old communications with new ones

In this area of ​​work, it is necessary to dismantle all old pipelines and electrical wiring. Next, the installation of new plumbing is carried out step by step, starting from the central plumbing system to each consumer according to the plan. Then the sequence of bathroom renovations involves installing sewer main and styling electrical wires into pre-made grooves in the walls. At this stage of work, all additional units of the water supply system, such as filters and sedimentation tanks, are connected.

Many people mistakenly believe that they can break the sequence of bathroom renovations and not replace the old ones. metal pipes on plastic, but experts do not recommend leaving the old plumbing fixtures, since the pipes are sewn up under the lining and in case of a leak, you will have to disassemble everything again.

Preliminary finishing of the room

Following the sequence of work in the bathroom, after installing plumbing, sewerage and all additional elements, rough or preliminary finishing follows step by step. If you plan to use plasterboard to level the walls, then first you need to equip the floor surface, lay waterproofing and fill the screed. If the stages of renovation in the bathroom are designed to use putty or plaster to level the surface, then the floors are put aside last.

Waterproofing of the room is achieved by treating the floor surface epoxy resins or use thick polyethylene film before pouring the screed.

Further, the procedure for renovating a bathroom at this stage involves the construction of boxes to hide plumbing, the installation of plasterboard partitions and the construction of a frame for a suspended or suspended ceiling. Upon completion pre-finishing The premises are cleared of construction debris.

Finish lining

The procedure for renovation in the bathroom at the stage finishing involves the installation of the facing material that was chosen for the decoration of the room. Usually, the first step is to lay ceramic tiles on the walls, then lay out the flooring and then final stages work is devoted to installing tension or suspended ceiling. It is not for nothing that the procedure for renovating a bathroom leaves finishing the ceiling as an afterthought.

If the preparation of the bathroom for renovation was carried out correctly and the surface was leveled, then installation wall tiles usually starts with top corner, this allows you to significantly save material and place all pieces and remnants in the lower part of the room, where they are least noticeable. In order not to damage the mounted or suspended ceiling, it is put off last. After finishing all surfaces, the phased renovation of the bathroom moves to the stage of installing equipment and plumbing.

Installation of plumbing and electrical appliances

The final stage of renovation is considered the most interesting, since at this stage the room already takes on its normal appearance and gradually begins to please the owners. If the step-by-step renovation of the bathroom was followed, then now we have a fully finished room with plumbing, sewerage outlets and wires sticking out of the wall.

Now the toilet, bathtub, electrical devices, lighting elements, mirror and all additional fittings along with the furniture. If the sequence of renovation in the bathroom has been followed, then upon completion of the installation of all elements and partial decoration, you can safely carry out general cleaning and enjoy a chic and cozy bathroom. Additional information you can get it by watching the video in the article.

After reading this material, you will have a complete step-by-step instruction bathroom renovation, compliance with which guarantees high-quality and quick completion of all assigned tasks.