How to make a semi-arch from plasterboard with your own hands - step-by-step instructions, making a figured semi-arch from plasterboard in a doorway, installing a frame for the arch, installing lighting, video. Creating a spectacular semi-arch Interior semi-arches from plasterboards

It often turns out that you don’t need a door to the room, and you also don’t want to leave a rectangular doorway at the entrance to the room for a trivial reason, it’s not nice . There are several worthy solutions given problem, such as an arch or semi-arch with spot lighting which will subsequently be regulated by a dimmer (lighting controller). Actually, the latter will be discussed.

Based on what you see and read here, the work is essentially identical, only the material and time will be spent twice as much. It's up to you to choose what you like the most!

Draw the radius of the semi-arch.

Like any other repair job, it starts with markings. We mark the indentations for the profile, taking into account 12mm for the plasterboard sheet. It’s even better to mark it so that the “gypsum” sticks out in relation to the total area of ​​the walls on both sides by an insignificant difference of a couple of millimeters. This technique will then allow the wall to converge flawlessly and level onto the manufactured decorative product.

Any plasterboard structure, be it an arch or an ordinary one, cannot do without metal profiles. And making a semi-arch is no exception here.

We screw the plasterboard blanks on both sides of the walls.

Secure the dowel with 6 nails to a 40mm metal profile along the entire junction of the semi-arch with the opening. I forgot to remind you that before all of the above, it is necessary to install an electrician for spot lighting. Even more simply put, you need to run two wires into the junction box and connect them in such a way that by shorting the wires in one place, electricity flows to another wire (that is, to an incandescent lamp). I think everyone studied at school, you’ll figure it out.

So, the profile has been targeted. Now we cut a piece of drywall the width of the doorway and screw it to the place where the semi-arch has a curved radius. Pay attention to the photos.

The profile jumpers must be installed in such a way that they do not interfere with the installation of spotlights in the future.

You need to come up with an improvised compass to outline the radius, which is also the main silhouette of the semi-arch. You can use a piece of rope at the end, tying a pencil; pieces of a perforated corner are also suitable for this (its holes are perfect for fixing a pencil on different sizes circles), I simply took and screwed a piece of soft wire with a self-tapping screw onto the drywall at the intended center and, holding a pencil with my hand, drew a semicircle from edge to edge.

Remove the sheet and place it on two stools. The task is to cut everything exactly according to the silhouette, the smoother the better. Therefore, I do not recommend it as usual; it is better to use a jigsaw or a special saw for these purposes. Try to cut carefully, under no circumstances should you break the workpiece, otherwise you will have to draw everything again and try number two. If you’re not sure you can handle it alone, it’s better to call an assistant than to ruin the material and have to go back to the warehouse for a new one.

The frame structure must be rigidly and securely attached to the base.

The blank that was just cut out is turned over and placed on top of another piece of “plaster”, perhaps on the one that remains only on the reverse side. We trace it like a template and again saw the second part of the sides of the semi-arch. I forgot to say that the entire structure in relation to the walls of the opening must be marked at least 6 cm, this distance is required for the width of two profiles in a row (each having 3 cm), and you also need to hide somewhere.

We fasten both sawn-off pieces on both sides of the opening with metal screws. Be sure to use a screwdriver with a Phillips bit, there is no other way. Next, we assemble the remaining parts of the frame from the profile.

pay attention to homemade device, absolutely more reliable than a simple direct suspension, I recommend it!

The difficulty of this work lies in the curved shape plasterboard construction. But in fact, I don’t see anything complicated here; it’s enough to know the technology for making bends on plasterboard and not use crooked hands. This process, I recommend you take a look.

Do not rush to drill holes for lamps , it is much more effective and reasonable to do them later after or, for example.

Now, using a construction stapler, we install the arched ones. Try very hard, the smoother they lie, the more attractive and natural your work will look.

In principle, the main thing is done, all that remains is to align all sides gypsum plaster and putty finishing putty. A small correction and advice, if you want to decorate your arch with glass or other mosaics, then in the place where it will be better to level the area for its installation tile adhesive, the solution needs to be diluted a little “thin”, it’s easier and it turns out better.

How to glue a plastic arched corner, anyway at the end of the entire repair you will have to glue it by closing the corners. Know that there are special plastic corners on sale for arches; they are designed in such a way that, without much effort, they perfectly bend around any curves intended in the design.

Letyaga Gennady Petrovich

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Model features

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Model selection

  • the dimensions of this opening;
  • Interior Design;

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Making a semi-arch

If you follow the general guide to creating a semi-arch, the sequence of work could be as follows:

Watch the video: the process of making a semi-arch from plasterboard.

Specifics of the structure

If you strictly follow the step-by-step instructions, the process of making a semi-arch will seem elementary, and, most importantly, inexpensive.

Previously doorway need to be cleaned of old finishes and dust. The most necessary condition– this is accuracy in measurements and calculations.

  1. This is exactly what they do at the beginning - everything is carefully measured.
  2. Then you should plan the configuration of the semi-arch and calculate how much material will be needed.
  3. A template is made to cut out the curved elements.
  4. Using measuring tools, mark the places where you need to attach the arch profile guides.
  5. When preparatory work finished, they begin to equip the frame, then cut out the model from plasterboard.

Stages of construction of plasterboard semi-arches

First, guide profiles are secured to the sides of the opening. The edges of the semi-arch should not peek out; they are mounted with dowels - with nails at intervals of 40 cm at the same distance as the thickness of the drywall. In the same way, the guide profile is attached to the top of the doorway.

Can be fixed on top sealing tape. Using a tape measure, measure the future semi-arch, cut off the guide profile and make cuts on it every 5 cm along the entire segment - it will serve as the lower guide of the arch.

Metallic profile need to be cut with metal scissors, after which the curved profile is attached to the guides

Fastening a cut plasterboard arch to the frame with self-tapping screws

At the end, drywall with the bottom guide is placed and fixed in the opening in the following ways:

  1. First, secure the drywall with self-tapping screws. installed profile, slowly bending, fix from below.
  2. It is also possible to fit the profile down the bend, then the entire device is attached to the opening.

The process of attaching drywall to the profile, and the appearance of the finished arch

Each method requires certain skills, but guarantees accurate fixation of the plasterboard model in the doorway.

Making a semi-arch: bending the arch

Then the bottom strip of drywall is secured into the structure. The length of the end strip should be the same as the fold of the model, and the width should be the same as the depth of the opening. Attaching drywall to a curved surface requires bending it.

The following options will help the semi-arch element take the desired shape:

  1. The “dry” method will help to achieve a slight bend. To do this, a piece of a rectangle is placed on a support and a certain weight is placed in the middle until the plasterboard takes on the desired configuration.
  2. At intervals of several cm, notches are applied to the strip and gradually bent. manually, then immediately fix the structure to the profile.
  3. And finally, a very popular one is the “wet” technique. In this case, the moistened strip is placed on a chair or stool, installed legs upward, and the drywall bends under its own weight. After this, the model is immediately attached to the profile with self-tapping screws.

Watch the video: how to make a plasterboard arch.

Finishing the finished structure

Finishing stages:

The process of finishing a plasterboard arch can be seen in the video.

Further processing

Decorating interior semi-arches beautiful wallpaper, which will be combined with the interior design of the room, are coated with paint. An option is possible with decoration with moldings, gypsum tiles, painted panels, mosaics, plaster frames, and moldings. Using special stencils, acrylic paints, you can paint the edging of the model in an original way and give your home an impressive look.

The photo shows design options for a plasterboard semi-arch.

Installed spotlights or LED strips. To do this in the structure being created lay electrical wiring. Photographs of the finishing options for semi-arches clearly demonstrate the existing decorative possibilities. The semi-arched model is beautiful and comfortable; it will add lightness to the opening in the kitchen, living room and other rooms, visually raise the ceiling and make the room brighter. If you carefully follow the step-by-step instructions, the completed plasterboard semi-arch will delight the owners with its appearance for a long time.

Do-it-yourself plasterboard half-arch: step-by-step installation

Preparing for work

  • creating a device drawing;
  • marking.

Manufacturing stages

  • frame assembly;

Ready frame

Semi-arch trim

Do-it-yourself plasterboard half-arch: step-by-step instructions, photos

Arched plasterboard structures are often chosen when decorating doorways in apartments, offices and private homes; they create a feeling of open space and look original. When the passage adjoins the wall, only one corner is made rounded; the design in this case is considered more harmonious and easier to implement.

  1. Necessary building materials
  2. Installation rules
  3. Step-by-step instruction

Peculiarities, possible options semi-arches

The configuration is based on the idea of ​​curvilinear covering of the opening. The design has an asymmetric design, one of its sides remains straight (or is made with a slight bend), the second is made in the form of an arc with a constant or variable radius of curvature. For high doorways (2.5-2.7 m), the first option is best suited - with a diameter of a quarter circle. The second is selected when arranging interior partitions; the radius of curvature is half the ellipse. In addition to the height of the passage and walls, factors such as the total footage of the room, the chosen interior style, the purpose of the room and the directly separating structure are taken into account. In conditions of limited space, they are of medium size; when zoning a house, wide openings look more impressive.

Selection of materials

The plasterboard arch is laid either simultaneously with internal partition, or in the process of repairing and redesigning the doorway. On vertical sections, conventional gypsum board grades are used (12.5 mm for the ends, 9 mm for a flat arch), flexible sheets are better suited for curved elements, fiberglass reinforced with a thickness of no more than 6.5 mm. The frame is assembled from a guide (PN27×28) and ceiling profile(PP 60×27), for its fastening, dowel-nails with a diameter of at least 6 mm and a length of 40 and above are purchased. To fix the sheets, metal screws MN25-35 are used.

To calculate building materials and eliminate errors at the time of assembly, an accurate drawing is created on paper, a rounded section is cut out of cardboard and applied to the walls in order to assess the external attractiveness and coincidence with the interior. When laying the structure into existing partitions, it should be taken into account that the profile of the frame recedes from the edge by the amount of the thickness of the plasterboard and its future finishing. You will need a sealant, sickle tape, primer, protective corners (including rounded ones) and putty. The compositions must be safe for humans. If it is necessary to install a semi-arch in rooms with high humidity, green gypsum plasterboard is used.

Installation nuances

One of the main advantages of plasterboard arches is the ability to hide construction protrusions, wall defects and communications inside the box; when drawing up a sketch, everything additional functions are thought out in advance. The most difficult stage in construction of this type design is the assembly of the frame; to reduce labor intensity, it is recommended to use arched gypsum plasterboard grades and a special concave profile. A number of rules are mandatory:

  • The arch is fixed to a stable base or laid simultaneously with the partition.
  • Work begins after drawing up exact drawing, to eliminate errors when calculating the required radius, it is recommended to make a template in full size.
  • The pitch of the screws when fastening the curved elements of the semi-arch is reduced.
  • The gypsum board fasteners used must have the correct length and pass through the profile.
  • Attention is paid to the quality of the screw: correctly fixed screws do not protrude from the sheet, but also do not sink deeper than 10 mm. An indentation of 1-2 mm is considered optimal.
  • When organizing the illumination of an arched vault, the wiring and connection of lamps are completed before the framing of the frame begins. Holes for the lamps are made in advance at an equal distance from each other.
  • Corners and joints are covered with serpyanka and special overlays.
  • It is recommended to do everything sequentially; at each stage of installation, evenness is monitored. They start cutting the sheet only after carefully checking the dimensions.

Step-by-step guide to building a semi-arch on your own

The work begins with a careful measurement of the installation site and determining the purpose of the structure. Typically, arches perform dividing functions, but in some cases they can be loaded, for example, when simultaneously designing an opening and laying shelves around it. Before you begin, you should prepare all the necessary tools; the list includes a jigsaw for cutting plasterboard sheets, a screwdriver, metal scissors, a level and tape measure, a knife and a hammer. When attaching the frame to a high-density base, you will also need a hammer drill. The process includes the following steps:

1. Preparing the installation site: assessing the condition of the walls, removing old or unstable layers of plaster, clearing, deep priming of surfaces. Not only the future opening is freed up, but also the space around it.

2. Creation of an accurate template, calculation and preparation of materials.

3. Marking building structures under the frame.

4. Fastening the guide profile with dowels on both sides, taking into account the indentation for the thickness of the gypsum board.

5. Assembling the remaining elements. The easiest way is to use a special profile; many drywall manufacturers, for example Knauf, offer such support. In its absence, regular PP is bent in advance using scissors and pliers. For fixation metal products rivets are used with each other.

6. Reinforcement by gluing profiles with sealing tape. When erecting an arch simultaneously with the rest of the partition, a damping layer is also provided below to improve sound insulation capabilities.

7. Installation of electrical wiring if it is necessary to organize lighting.

8. Marking and cutting drywall and covering the frame elements with the resulting pieces. For fixing gypsum boards in normal areas, the recommended screw pitch is 15-25 cm, in curved areas it increases to 3-5, exact value depends on the radius of curvature and the size of the semi-arch.

9. Treatment of surfaces and joints. At this stage, the arch is covered with 1-2 layers of soil, the seams are coated thin layer putty and reinforced with sickle tape, the corners are protected with special attachments. After drying, the entire area of ​​the structure is puttied in at least 2 layers and lightly sanded.

10. Final decorative finishing.

The instructions given are suitable for installing a semi-arch made of plasterboard of any complexity and other options for decorating doorways with these materials. In particular, the owner can choose the shape of a trapezoid, portal, transom or complex curved line and repeat all the steps given step by step. The difference from sheathing that is always in straight sections is the use of more flexible and thinner gypsum board grades on curved sections or the installation of blanks from thick sheets prepared in advance. The first method is easier to do yourself when working with large pieces outside help will be required in any case.

If the GKLA brand is not available, you can make a semi-arch from ordinary plasterboard. Curved elements are obtained dry or wet method. In the first case, the sheet is bent after frequent cuts with a knife; after giving the desired shape, these places are filled with putty. In the second, the gypsum board is pre-moistened with water and, if necessary, treated with a needle roller. For the classic version of a quarter-circle doorway, both methods are suitable. These works require care; when performing them, avoid excessive moisture or severe deformation of the material.

Enhance decorative effect multi-tiered overlays that repeat the shape of the semi-arch, niches, holes and other elements that create a feeling of airiness, and the organization of lighting help.

How to make a semi-arch from plasterboard: step-by-step instructions

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Initial stages of work

  1. Electric jigsaw.
  2. Drill.
  3. Metal scissors.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Measuring ruler.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Hammer, screws and dowels.

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How to make a semi-arch from plasterboard yourself?

Drywall is suitable for creating a wide variety of decorative elements: from the simplest designs to unusual and unique design ideas. And one of the most common areas of application of gypsum boards is the creation of semi-arches or arches. A properly created semi-arch can decorate absolutely any room.

One of the advantages of drywall is the ability to create complex structures, such as an arch or semi-arch.

A plasterboard semi-arch is a beautiful curved structure that spans a doorway. This decorative element fits perfectly into any interior, striking with its originality, lightness and attractiveness. If you wish, you can make a semi-arch from plasterboard with your own hands.

How to decide on the choice of arch design?

Before you make a semi-arch, you need to decide on the type of structure. Drywall allows you to create any curved systems. Thanks to its versatility this material has found such wide application in the design of window and door openings. There are two main types of structures that you can make from drywall with your own hands:

Scheme of a plasterboard arch project with dimensions.

  1. Structures with a constant radius of curvature.
  2. Systems with a variable radius of curvature (the most popular option is a semi-ellipse).

The first type is best suited for high doorways (about 250-270 cm). Can be done in classic version and in Art Nouveau style. The classic solution is suitable for almost any room. These semi-arches fit best into wide openings. Modern is more compact, and it is best to use a similar system in interior partitions.

A plasterboard semi-arch is the most popular architectural solution with a variable radius of curvature. The arch is quite easy to make yourself. It will fit perfectly into any interior and emphasize its individuality. Many years of successful use experience is the best evidence the practicality of such designs.

Initial stages of work

A set of tools for working with drywall.

Preparation begins with the fact that the doorway in which the plasterboard semi-arch will be installed is freed from the old finish and thoroughly cleaned of various kinds pollution. After this, markings are applied to the surface of the doorway, along which the frame guides and other structural elements will be installed. Do this with the obligatory use of measuring instruments to ensure that the result is a design of the highest possible quality.

Prepare the following tools for work:

  1. Electric jigsaw.
  2. Drill.
  3. Metal scissors.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Measuring ruler.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Hammer, screws and dowels.

After this, you will need to fix two guides on both sides of the doorway. Maintain a distance from the edge that will correspond to the thickness of the purchased sheet of drywall. This move will allow you to end up with a perfectly smooth surface without any kind of protrusions or irregularities.

Scheme for attaching profiles to the wall for installing drywall.

Next, a horizontal profile is fixed under the mounted guides. Use an element with a slightly curved lower end. As a result, you will get a very beautiful and reliable inclined surface. After this, attach the profiles in the same way on the opposite side of the doorway. At this point, the frame of the future plasterboard semi-arch will be ready.

It is important to do everything so that the finished semi-arch is as stable, reliable and durable as possible. Try to properly secure all elements of the system so that in the future they will not be able to leave their place. Use dowels to attach guides and profiles. The structural elements are fastened together using special bolts. To fasten sheets of drywall, you need to use self-tapping screws specially designed for this purpose. When installing profiles, use sealing tape. It will make the structure more reliable and durable, and will also further increase the sound insulation properties of the system.

Step-by-step instructions for covering the structure

After you have completely completed the frame structure, proceed to covering it. Buy drywall in a size that will match the size of your doorway.

It is better that the sheet is slightly larger than the opening, because... if necessary, it can be trimmed without any problems, but increasing the dimensions of a small sheet will not be so easy.

Scheme for preparing an arch template from a sheet of plasterboard.

Draw an arc with the desired parameters on a sheet of drywall, take a jigsaw and cut out the structure according to the markings. After this, make another exactly the same element.

Attach the workpieces to the pre-assembled and secured in doorway frame. First you will need to create special guides. They are fixed at the bottom of the semi-arch. You also need to make curved guides. Making them is quite simple. Take an ordinary steel guide profile. Using tin snips, prepare cuts on the side and back of the profile. Maintain a distance between cuts of about 60 cm. After such preparation, you will be able to special effort bend the profile as required by the intended design.

Procedure for fixing drywall

At this stage you will have to fix the drywall. Prepare sheets of the desired shape and size. They can be mounted in several ways. The most commonly used method is that the parts are secured to guides in the doorway, and then a curved part is mounted underneath. In accordance with the second method, you first need to attach the curved guides to the sheets, and then insert and securely fix the structure in the opening. You can use the method that is more convenient for you. The result under any circumstances is equally good.

Scheme for attaching drywall to the arch frame.

As a rule, the bottom strip of the structure is made curved. To do this, you need to first bend the straight part. Can be done different methods. The most convenient, fastest and most cost-effective one is used most often. In accordance with it, the strip must be installed on special supports and bent, attaching to it mechanical forces. There is no need to act too roughly and forcefully; under high pressure the material may simply break. The problem is that drywall is a rather fragile material and requires the most careful handling.

Another method involves first creating notches on the inside of the sheet. Such notches make the bending process even easier. Another method can be used. In accordance with it, the material must be moistened with a certain amount of water, using a brush to apply it. Once saturated with water, the sheet will begin to bend under its own weight. Another method involves using a needle roller. It allows you to create elements with almost any shape, parameters and bend.

Backlight Installation and Finishing Guide

If you wish, you can equip your plasterboard semi-arch with beautiful and original lighting. To do this, before fixing the sheets, you need to lay electrical wiring into the structure being created. Holes are made in the sheets according to the size of the selected lamps. Next, the structure is finally assembled and fastened to the frame with self-tapping screws.

On final stage To create a semi-arch, you will have to process the structure accordingly. First of all, seal the joints and seams using reinforcing mesh and special sealants. From above, the entire surface is puttied. If desired, you can glue it using liquid nails protective corners. After this, start lining the semi-arch. For this you can use any existing decorative materials. Choose them according to your individual preferences and be sure to ensure they fit into your general interior premises. Good luck!

How to make a semi-arch from plasterboard with your own hands?

Today, from a material such as drywall, you can make a wide variety of functional and decorative structures with your own hands.
Today, semi-arches made of plasterboard have become very fashionable, which can serve both as a replacement for a doorway and as a beautiful and stylish decorative addition to a room.

This device is a curved structure. Therefore, to make it yourself, you must follow certain instructions.

Preparing for work

Preparation in this situation is very important, since without it it is impossible to make a high-quality design.
The step-by-step instructions for preparing to assemble the semi-arch contain the following manipulations:

  • choosing a location for its future location;
  • creating a device drawing;
  • purchase necessary materials and tools;

Note! It is best to use arched drywall, as it easily takes on a curved shape.

  • clearing space for installation work. This includes removing old finishes;
  • priming walls or door frames;
  • marking.

All this preparatory work will help you make a semi-arch in your home without any problems and very quickly with your own hands.

Manufacturing stages

Installation of a semi-arch consists of two important stages:

  • frame assembly;
  • covering it with sheets of plasterboard.

Let's look at each of the stages in more detail.
Step-by-step instructions for assembling a frame from metal profiles:

Ready frame

  • we cut the profile guides to the size we need;
  • We fix them on both sides of the existing doorway. If the installation goes along the walls, then we attach the entire structure to the walls, floor and ceiling;

Note! The distance from the edge should correspond to the thickness of the purchased sheet of drywall.

  • We attach a horizontal profile under the guides. We take an element with a slightly curved lower end. This way we get an inclined surface;
  • We carry out similar actions on the other side of the doorway.

The resulting frame should be made strong and rigid. To do this, we attach jumpers made of rack profiles between the guides. We attach all frame elements to dowels and secure them with bolts.
When creating the frame, a special sealing tape should be used for additional strength. In addition, such a tape will increase the soundproofing capabilities of the semi-arch.
In the presence of lighting fixtures, we lay the wiring for them in the already erected frame, but always before the start of its covering.
After the plasterboard semi-arch has received its final frame, it should be covered with sheets.
Fastening the sheets themselves finishing material carried out as follows:

Semi-arch trim

  • In this situation, self-tapping screws should be used as fastening elements;
  • First you need to cut pieces from solid sheets required sizes. This can be done quickly and accurately using a drywall knife;⦁ then install the cut out pieces in their proper places and mount them on self-tapping screws.

Note! Self-tapping screws should be recessed into the material no more than 1 mm. A special bit, which has a limiter and prevents more deep penetration self-tapping screw into the inside of the drywall.

If there are lighting fixtures, we make holes of the required size in pieces of drywall.
Particular attention should be paid to the bends of the device. Arched drywall easily takes the desired shape. But if ordinary sheets are used, you can give them a curved shape in two ways:

  • wet. Using a special roller, holes are made in the sheet, and the material itself is wetted with water;
  • dry. Vertical cuts are made on the cut piece of material at regular intervals. Remember that cuts should only be made on one side of the sheet.

When covering the frame with such sheets, the shape is fixed using self-tapping screws.

Finishing work, completion of assembly

At the end of the construction of the semi-arch with our own hands, to give it a complete look, we carry out the following steps:

  • We treat all joints with reinforcing tape;
  • Apply a thin layer of putty. Special attention attention should be paid to the places where screws are screwed in and where the plates join each other;⦁ after the putty has dried, sand down all the unevenness;
  • Then we prime the entire semi-arch with a deep penetration solution.

After the solution has dried, the structure can be painted or wallpapered.
Thanks to all the points given in this article, you will be able to independently build a semi-arch of any shape or size at home. This design will be an excellent decorative and functional element your interior.

Author of the article: master

Expert of our site, Ilya Maksimovich. Experienced builder since 1990. Professionally finishes rooms using plasterboard sheets.

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One way to increase your living space is to remove the doors. But there is not always the opportunity or desire to break down the walls. Then the former doorway is designed in the form of an arch. Another option for using arched openings is to divide a long corridor into zones, breaking up too simple geometry. When making repairs on your own, arches are most often made from plasterboard: it’s easiest to make them yourself.

Types of arches

Interior or corridor arches may have different shapes. They differ mainly in the shape of the upper part and sometimes in the way they are connected to the vertical parts. Their main types are presented in the photo.

Types of interior and corridor arches

This group is missing one of the most popular Lately- semi-arch. They have a rounded corner only on one side, on the other it remains straight. This is where the name came from - semi-arch. It looks good in modern interiors: minimalism, hi-tech, maybe art deco.

One of the options for a semi-arch in the interior

The classic is distinguished by the correct shape of the top. This is strictly a semicircle whose radius is equal to half width of the doorway. This type looks good with an opening height of at least 2.5 m. Fits well into any interior, but looks best in long corridor, or instead of the entrance door to the kitchen.

A classic arch requires a height of at least 2.5 m

An arched opening in the Modern style is distinguished by a small radius of curvature and a sharp transition at the junction with the vertical components of the opening. It looks good if the walls and ceiling have a more or less simple design. Looks great in place of the former one balcony door, good when entering the office.

Art Nouveau arch on the site of a former balcony door

The “Romantic” style arch is more likely to be simply rounded corners (mostly masters call it that). Looks good with a large width and not the greatest height.

The “romantic” shape is good with large width and small height

The “ellipse” shape is very close to “romance”. It differs only in greater curvature in the middle part. Also suitable for low and wide openings. It just looks a little softer.

Suitable for openings of large width and not very high height

Trapezoid is a non-standard design consisting of broken lines. It is difficult to play out in the interior, therefore it is used infrequently: for some non-standard designs.

One of the design options is trapezoid

It’s very similar to a regular opening, and that’s essentially what it is, only without door leaf. For greater originality, it is often accompanied by wooden carved elements in the form of columns on the sides. In this form it is good for classic interiors, as well as ethno-style - Greek or Roman, depending on the type of columns.

Portal with wood frame

For decoration in modern styles, they use another example - next to the main arch, smaller portals are located. This technique allows you to “beat” a simple form.

Another version of the “portal” arch

Before you start making an arch, you need to decide on its parameters. select the type, and then the parameters: where it will start, and what the radius of curvature will be. It could be a really sharp bend, or it could just be some rounding of the corners.

Rounded corners in standard doorways look better than steep arched curves

To understand how your chosen shape will look, you can cut out a template from cardboard and attach it to the doorway. Evaluate the effect. If everything suits you, you can make a blank using this template. But only one - for one of the sides of the opening. The second one needs to be done in place, otherwise it will turn out crooked.

Step-by-step instructions with photos: the fastest way

Do-it-yourself plasterboard arches different ways. This one takes a minimal amount of time. Having decided on the shape, we proceed to installation. We attach a frame to the prepared opening, cleared of peeling plaster and relatively leveled, according to the dimensions of the future arch. It is made from a profile for drywall or dry wooden block suitable size. Sometimes, if the wall is narrow, you can only choose wood.

A profile frame is screwed to the selected dimensions

To begin, we cut out a rectangle from drywall to the size of the future arch, find its middle, mark it, and then temporarily screw it into place. We retreat from the edge 12.5 mm - the thickness of the plasterboard sheet. If the adjacent walls are already plastered, add a couple more millimeters of putty so that the surface can be leveled.

Screwed the drywall into place

Now we take a piece of profile or hard corner and set aside half the width of the opening from one edge. At this point we make a hole in the corner and insert a nail into it. We stick this nail into the middle of the doorway we marked earlier on the sheet. It turns out to be a kind of compass, with which it is easy to draw an ideal line.

Device for outlining an arc

By changing the mounting height you can get a more or less high arch. If you need a flatter curve, increase the length of the “compass”.

Using a corner we draw an arc

Having removed the sheet, we cut out an arc along the outlined contour. It can be done with a special file on drywall, a metal saw - with a fine tooth for a smoother edge, an electric jigsaw (there will be a lot of dust). If the cut is not very even, we level it using a grater attached to it. sandpaper. With this device we achieve a perfectly even curve of the shape we need. We fasten the cut fragment of the arch - the side wall - back into place.

We fix the cut out fragment

If everything is smooth, there are no distortions or irregularities, on the other side of the opening we attach the same sheet of drywall as a few steps earlier - a rectangle or square, depending on the shape. It must be fixed strictly vertically. Now we transfer the shape of the arch onto it. We take a square, at a right angle and press one side against the drywall, onto which we transfer the arch, and the other side against the arch. Having aligned the square perpendicularly, mark a point with a pencil. We make such points along the entire arc. The more often they are done, the easier it will be to draw the line and the more accurate the match will be - the less you will have to grind down.

Transfer the arch shape to another sheet of drywall

Why is it so difficult and not just to make a copy of the first sheet? Because few openings are symmetrical. As a result, installing the second sheet so that the lines of the arch coincide is very problematic.

Having marked all the points, remove the sheet, draw a line, and cut along it. We install it in its original place. Now we take the smoother again with sandpaper and now we smooth both edges until they match completely. One point - the trowel should be wider than the opening so that both walls of the arch are captured in one pass.

Level both walls at the same time

We measure the length of the arc, cut out a piece of the profile of the same length, make notches on the walls every 3-4 cm. This tape will need to be secured along the arch arch on one side and the other.

How to cut a profile for an arch

We fasten it with self-tapping screws, carefully, pressing the profile and holding it with a block, not with your fingers: it’s easy to get the screw into your fingers. By the way, you need to wear gloves when working with the cut profile. If you don’t, you’ll definitely cut your hands.

We fasten the notched profile, simultaneously giving it the shape of an arch

By the way, the back of the profile can be aligned along the edge - it’s easier to work this way, but the joint will still have to be sealed later. Screw the strip to the other side in the same way.

This is a bottom view - profiles are attached to the sides

There is a second way to attach the profile - attach it to a quick-setting universal glue, such as liquid nails. This method is acceptable if the opening width is small. If the arch is thick, the glue may not be able to withstand the mass of drywall that will be attached from below.

The next step is to attach the jumpers. First, the depth of the arch is lost, 1-1.5 cm is subtracted from it. This will be the length of the lintels. Cut profile pieces of this length.

Jumpers are cut from the same profile

At the places where the jumpers are attached, the “petals” are cut off, and the prepared fragment is installed and secured. It should not rest against the walls, it should be located approximately 5 mm from the back. Jumpers are needed to make the structure more rigid, otherwise it “walks” when pressed.

Fastening jumpers

Next, you need to cut out a rectangle from drywall that will cover the structure from below. Its width is determined simply - from the outer edge of one sheet of plasterboard to the outer edge of the second sheet. The length is measured with a flexible tape (can be a tailor's tape) or a tape measure with an assistant. We attach this sheet with self-tapping screws to the arch frame. The sheet has to be bent, but read how to do this a little lower - towards the end of the article.

We attach a strip of gypsum board to the arch

Arched opening made of plasterboard: second method (photo report)

This method is good if the thickness of the partition is small: try attaching the profiles if the gap between them is several centimeters, and then attach the jumpers. It all starts the same way: the first wall of the arch is cut out, attached and transferred to the second sheet.

First we also cut out the sides

Afterwards, wooden crossbars are cut along the width of the gap between the two sheets, which are attached along the edge of the arch with self-tapping screws.

Insert wooden blocks cut along the width of the opening

The cut strip of drywall is fastened starting from one of the sides. To make it more convenient, you can fix it with clamps, since the thickness of the wall is small. When attaching the strip, you can use the self-tapping screws that were used to fasten the bars. This way you will definitely hit the crossbar.

Using clamps, the strip can be fixed

Then all that remains is to secure a special perforated corner in the corner and smooth out the unevenness.

A corner is attached to the arch arch, everything is puttied

Putty allows you to hide all the flaws

It is also more convenient to smooth the dried putty along the arch arch with the entire plane of sandpaper attached to a grater. It’s unpleasant that dust falls into your eyes, making it almost impossible to work without glasses.

DIY plasterboard arch is ready

How to make an arch instead of a door: method three - typesetting technique

Another way to make arches from plasterboard with your own hands is by typesetting. The arch is divided into segments and assembled from pieces that create a curvature close to the required one.

The arch is assembled from plates cut from plasterboard

They are attached to putty diluted with a mixture of PVA and water. This batch dries quickly, so first we cut the plates and try them on. You can fold it on a table, but the vault will turn out upside down, but it will allow you to evaluate how correctly the plates are assembled.

Side view of the arch opening

Then the plates begin to be attached to the opening, periodically strengthening them with self-tapping screws for reliability. Place washers under the heads so as not to push through the cardboard. Remove excess putty immediately. If it gets stuck, it’s impossible to tear it off. The finished surface is treated with a primer to improve adhesion (adhesion), and then puttied, leveling the arch. To make it easier to display, you can use a template attached on both sides.

A putty arch looks like this

Making sharp bends using this technology is not easy, but for rounded corners and semi-arches - great way do without profiles.

How to bend drywall

One important detail: standard wall plasterboard bends poorly. For curved surfaces, they specially came up with thin ones - 6 and 6 mm thick. This bent part is easier to make from it. With a slight curvature, such a thin sheet can bend easily and without tricks. If you don’t want to buy thin GVL, there are two ways to bend the standard one.

First- take a needle roller and roll the cut section well on one side. You need to roll with force so that the plaster breaks. Then the leaf is soaked in water and left for two to three hours. After such procedures, it should bend quite well. You take it, fix it on one side, and gradually press it against the arch frame, bend it, gradually screwing it along the edges with self-tapping screws. The method is not bad, but if there is a lack of experience and insufficient processing of the gypsum, the sheet may burst. You will either have to mask the gap later, or start over.

Roll the strip with a roller with needles

Second way to bend drywall: on one side, make notches with a knife approximately every 4-5 cm. The notches should cut the paper. This strip is also gradually fixed, breaking the plaster as necessary. It bursts along the cut lines with light pressure.

Notches on one side make it easy to break the plaster

Video on the topic

A semi-arch made of plasterboard, like an arch, is very popular today for decorating a room. Usually it is installed inside the home. Semi-arches will adequately decorate doorways, become part of the partition between rooms where many people walk, and add sophistication to the interior design. Having studied all the stages of work, it will not be difficult to make a semi-arch from plasterboard with your own hands.

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Photo gallery of plasterboard semi-arches in the interior of an apartment.

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Model features

Basically, the structure has an asymmetrical shape, which will hide individual calculation violations, which is impossible when installing a conventional arch. Its installation is also not difficult.

A similar pattern is characterized by the fact that a quarter of a circle is used to create the arched vault of a semi-arch in an apartment. For production, special arched plasterboard will be appropriate.

This arch material is easy to bend, curved parts can be created freely. Most often, a semi-arch is used in this way: the opening is blocked by making one rounded corner, and the second remains straight. The diameter of the circle inscribed in the opening is taken and the corner is rounded based on it.

If the diameter is larger than the width of the opening, then the rounding will be small. Anyone who is well versed in making plasterboard arches understands that this type adds style to the space and is suitable for narrow and wide openings dwellings. A semi-arch divides the room into zones, making it lighter and more spacious.

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Model selection

Before you begin installing the semi-arch, you need to choose standard design. Drywall allows you to create any bends. It can be easily used to decorate door and window openings. There are the following main types of semi-arches, which, following the instructions, you can build from plasterboard with your own hands:

  1. With constant radius of curvature. They are best suited in rooms with high doorways, more than 2 m 50 cm. They can be decorated in a classic style, suitable for all rooms, or in a more compact modern version.

    Design and decoration of a semi-arch in the interior of an apartment

  2. Having a variable radius of curvature, for example, a semi-ellipse.
  3. Very rare, but used as decorative element the so-called semi-arch model - flying buttress, with the help of which the dimensions of the supports inside are reduced and increased window openings, vault spans.

Photos of products will help you make a choice desired design semi-arches. Getting acquainted with the models, you can see that in the classic semi-arch there is a perfectly even curve, and in the romantic style the design is almost straight, it only has a slight rounding. In a room with low ceilings, an oval shape would be appropriate, combining perfectly with a whimsical decorative design, stained glass, panel. Abstract, trapezoidal and other designs – you can’t list them all.

Reasons for choosing a semi-arch for indoor installation

The very name of the model implies the truncation of the arch and is used to decorate the space for various reasons:

  1. When it is impossible technical reasons arrange a different structure in connection with low openings or to visually change the space.
  2. This may be due to the owner’s willingness to make the home modern and unique, to bring comfort and coziness to the interior.
  3. A semi-arch can be used to decorate interior partitions and doorways, niches in walls when they want to hide utility lines, various construction projections, and also for household needs - as a stand for flowers and other items.

What facts influence the choice of a semi-arch for the design of an opening?

When choosing specific model worth considering:

An unusual design option for a semi-arch in the opening

  • ceiling height and room area;
  • the dimensions of this opening;
  • Interior Design;
  • what the room is intended for and for what purpose the semi-arch is installed.

Having decided to install it, it is important to consider the possibility of convenient movement. Models that divide space into zones narrower than delimiting ones, for example, kitchen and dining room.

Once upon a time, only a professional could make an arch. This was before the advent of drywall. Now even a beginner can make an arch from plasterboard. No need for this special tool, the technology itself is simple and clear - just follow our instructions.

Where to begin

The most common arches simple shapes- parts of a circle or oval. They are best suited for most traditional interior styles, where correct forms and symmetry. In addition, they are easiest to make with your own hands.

1. Classic round arch. 2. Modern. 3. Romance. 4. Ellipse. 5. Trapezoid. 6. Half-arch

But first you need to decide whether the height of the arch will be sufficient. And if for a niche in the wall the dimensions do not play a special role, then for the passage between rooms the ratio of the width of the arch and the distance from the floor to the point where the arch meets the wall of the opening matters a lot.

The wider the opening in which the arch is formed, the larger the bending radius will be required so that the shape of the arch is proportionate

Usually they are guided by the simple ratio of a standard interior door - 80-100 cm width by 200 cm height. That is, a rectangle of this size must be inscribed in a “pure form” in the plane of the opening, taking into account the arch. Following this rule, you can determine that the width of the opening is:

  • 100 cm corresponds to the height of the lower points of the arch about two meters;
  • 200 cm - about 180 cm;
  • 300 cm - about 160 cm.

It follows from this that if an arch is made where the standard one stood interior door, then the height of the opening will have to be increased.

The easiest way is to arrange an arch in a new place during redevelopment, when interior partitions are reinstalled. And here we must remember the recommended distance from the top point of the arch to the ceiling - usually it is 40-60 cm. Often the height of the ceilings does not allow the arch to be “fitted” in accordance with this rule, and this point is raised a little higher. But even in this case, you should not reduce the clearance to a ceiling level of less than 30 cm.

Once the approximate values ​​for the points of connection with the opening and for the height of the arch have been established, the arch in the opening can be modeled using available means and make sure that it corresponds to the general design.

It is convenient to use a special plastic corner for arches, which will ultimately be used when finishing the opening

One of simple ways modeling is the use of a long strip of flexible material as a pattern, for example, a plastic plinth with hard edges. The plinth is applied with its edges at the lower points of the arched opening, bent to the height of the arch, and, if necessary, the shape of the arch is changed, adjusting the degree of bending. Mark the points at which the arch meets the opening and place corresponding marks on the plinth.

Plasterboard blanks

For the walls of the arch, you need to cut out two rectangles from plasterboard. The dimensions of the workpiece are the width of the opening and the distance from the junction point of the arch in the opening to the ceiling of the opening itself (or to the ceiling for new partitions).

Then, on one of the blanks, using a plinth, the shape of the arch is modeled. To do this, align one of the marks on the plinth with the corner of the workpiece and bend it until the second mark is aligned in the corner of the workpiece opposite in width. Draw an arc on the workpiece with a pencil and cut out the first wall. And it will serve as a template for cutting out the second wall.

To obtain a sector along the radius, it is better to use an awl, a nail and a pencil tied with thread or rope. The length of the thread from the pencil to the nail will determine the radius of the sector.

L is the width of the opening, H is the height of the arch, R is the radius of the sector, D is the supply of material equal to the thickness of the finishing of the ends of the opening

If an ellipse is needed, then two nails are fixed on the arch blank along the long side, departing the same distance from both sides by about 10-15 cm. A thread is tied to the nails so that it hangs freely, and when tensioned along the edge of the sheet, it reaches its edge . The pencil is wound by the thread and the shape of the arch is outlined.

For the vault of the arch, you can use a strip of ceiling plasterboard (it is thinner, only 9.5 mm), but the remainder of a standard sheet is also suitable, since with a small width of the strip it is not difficult to give it the required shape. The size of the blank for the vault is equal in length to the distance between the marks on the plinth, and in width - the thickness of the wall in the opening. The narrow sides of the workpiece are cut at the ends along one side of the corner so that the arch fits more tightly at the ends of the walls of the opening.

Formation of the arch frame

The supporting frame for the walls is usually made of a metal rack profile. Depending on the materials of the partition and its thickness, the width of the profile may vary.

So, if the arch is mounted in an opening where the walls are made of gypsum plasterboard, then they use the same CW rack profiles that are installed in load-bearing structure. In this case, the profiles are secured in the opening with metal screws.

For walls made of bricks, building blocks (gas or foam concrete, gypsum), monolithic concrete The width of the rack profile is selected individually. It is often easier to use a double frame (one for each wall of the arch) from a narrow CW profile with a back of 50 mm than to select a wide profile for a single frame. Dowels are used for fastening to the wall, and a different type of fastener is selected for each material. If the frame is mounted from a narrow profile, the holes for the dowel are drilled at an angle to prevent the edge of the opening from crumbling.

For side racks, the profiles must have a length equal to the distance from the ceiling of the opening to the points of connection with the arch. Since the arch “fits” in the opening to the partition at an angle of less than 90°, the lower corners of the profile are trimmed so that they do not protrude beyond the edge of the walls of the arch.

If the frame is mounted in a gypsum board partition, then you can clearly see how it needs to be secured so that the arch is flush with the wall surface.

For partitions made of other materials, when attaching the frame, you need to step back from the edge of the wall at a distance equal to the thickness of the plasterboard plus the thickness of the finish (which is at least 1-2 mm per layer of putty for wallpapering or painting).

If the wall has a layer of decorative plaster or is lined wall panels, then the fastening of the frame should go to the main material of the wall so that the walls of the arch are in the same plane with the surface of the partition itself, and not its decorative finishing. This rule is followed on each side of the arch.

Arch installation

The walls of the arch are fastened with self-tapping screws with a distance between the fastening points from 15 to 25 cm, but not less three points on each side. Distance from corner to each extreme point the fastening should be within 5-10 cm, and the fastening line should be 15-20 mm from the edge of the arch wall.

If the arch has built-in lighting, then the wires should be laid in advance, leaving leads or loops at least 15 cm long

After both walls are secured, two strips of an arched profile are screwed to them from the inside through drywall to secure the vault. If there is no arched profile, then it is made from a CD profile, symmetrically cutting wedges on the sides at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.

To bend a strip of workpiece into an arc, it is moistened with a sponge on both sides before installation. Then they roll it on one side with a needle roller (another way is to prick it with an awl over the entire surface by 1/3 of the thickness of the sheet) and wet it again only along the perforated side. Place it on the floor at an angle to it and the wall. When the workpiece begins to bend under its own weight, it is screwed into place to the arched profiles.

Finishing work

The final stage begins when the vault is dry:

  • the surface of the drywall is primed;
  • seams and joints with the wall are reinforced with serpyanka, and the ribs of the vault are reinforced with a plastic perforated corner;
  • putty, rubbing the attachment points, seams and joints;
  • “bring out” the corners of the ribs;
  • dried and polished.

The arch is ready. You can start decorating.

A semi-arch made of plasterboard, like an arch, is very popular today for decorating a room. Usually it is installed inside the home. Semi-arches will adequately decorate doorways, become a part where many people walk, and add sophistication to the interior design. Having studied all the stages of work, it will not be difficult to make a semi-arch from plasterboard with your own hands.

Model features

Basically, the structure has an asymmetrical shape, which will hide individual calculation violations, which is impossible when installing a conventional arch. Its installation is also not difficult.

A similar pattern is characterized by the fact that a quarter of a circle is used to create the arched vault of a semi-arch in an apartment. For production, special arched plasterboard will be appropriate.

Such curved parts are created freely. Most often, a semi-arch is used in this way: the opening is blocked by making one rounded corner, and the second remains straight. The diameter of the circle inscribed in the opening is taken and the corner is rounded based on it.

If the diameter is larger than the width of the opening, then the rounding will be small. Anyone who is well versed in manufacturing understands that this type adds style to the space and is suitable for narrow and wide home openings. A semi-arch divides the room into zones, making it lighter and more spacious.

Model selection

Before you begin installing the semi-arch, you need to choose a standard design. Drywall allows you to create any bends. It can be easily used for windows. There are the following main types of semi-arches, which, following the instructions, you can build from plasterboard with your own hands:

Photos of the products will help you decide on the desired semi-arch design. Getting acquainted with the models, you can see that in the classic semi-arch there is a perfectly even curve, and in the romantic style the design is almost straight, it only has a slight rounding. In a room with low ceilings, an oval shape would be appropriate, combining perfectly with fancy decorative designs, stained glass, and panels. Abstract, trapezoidal and other designs – you can’t list them all.

Reasons for choosing a semi-arch for indoor installation

The very name of the model implies the truncation of the arch and is used to decorate the space for various reasons:

  1. When it is impossible for technical reasons to equip another structure due to low openings or to visually change the space.
  2. This may be due to the owner’s willingness to make the home modern and unique, to bring comfort and coziness to the interior.
  3. The semi-arch can be used for decoration, niches in the walls, when they want to hide utility lines, various construction projections, and also for household needs - as a stand for flowers and other items.

What facts influence the choice of a semi-arch for the design of an opening?

When choosing a specific model, you should consider:

An unusual design option for a semi-arch in the opening
  • ceiling height and room area;
  • the dimensions of this opening;
  • Interior Design;
  • what the room is intended for and for what purpose the semi-arch is installed.

Having decided to install it, it is important to consider the possibility of convenient movement. Models that divide space into zones narrower than delimiting ones, for example, kitchen and dining room.

Making a semi-arch

If you follow the general guide to creating a semi-arch, the sequence of work could be as follows:

  • installation of the frame in the doorway;
  • covering the frame with plasterboard;
  • and achieving a smooth surface at the edges using a profile;
  • and final finishing.

Watch the video: the process of making a semi-arch from plasterboard.

Specifics of the structure

If you strictly follow the step-by-step instructions, the process of making a semi-arch will seem elementary, and, most importantly, inexpensive.

The doorway must first be cleaned of old finishes and dust. The most necessary condition is accuracy in measurements and calculations.

  1. This is exactly what they do at the beginning - everything is carefully measured.
  2. Then you should plan the configuration of the semi-arch and calculate how much material will be needed.
  3. A template is made to cut out the curved elements.
  4. Using measuring tools, the places where the arches need to be attached are marked.
  5. When the preparatory work is completed, they begin to equip the frame, then...

Stages of construction of plasterboard semi-arches

First, guide profiles are secured to the sides of the opening. The edges of the semi-arch should not peek out; they are spaced at intervals of 40 cm at the same distance as the thickness of the drywall. In the same way, the guide profile is attached to the top of the doorway.

You can attach a sealing tape to the top. Using a tape measure, measure the future semi-arch, cut off the guide profile and make cuts on it every 5 cm along the entire segment - it will serve as the lower guide of the arch.

The metal profile must be cut with metal scissors, after which the curved profile is attached to the guides

Fastening a cut plasterboard arch to the frame with self-tapping screws

At the end, drywall with the bottom guide is placed and fixed in the opening in the following ways:

  1. First, onto the installed profile, slowly bending it, fix it from below.
  2. It is also possible to fit the profile down the bend, then the entire device is attached to the opening.

The process of attaching drywall to the profile, and the appearance of the finished arch

Each method requires certain skills, but guarantees accurate fixation of the plasterboard model in the doorway.

Making a semi-arch: bending the arch

Then the bottom strip of drywall is secured into the structure. The length of the end strip should be the same as the fold of the model, and the width should be the same as the depth of the opening. Attaching drywall to a curved surface requires bending it.

The following options will help the semi-arch element take the desired shape:

  1. The “dry” method will help to achieve a slight bend. To do this, a piece of a rectangle is placed on a support and a certain weight is placed in the middle until the plasterboard takes on the desired configuration.
  2. At intervals of several cm, notches are applied to the strip and gradually bent by hand, then the structure is immediately secured to the profile.
  3. And finally, a very popular one is the “wet” technique. In this case, the moistened strip is placed on a chair or stool with its legs up, and the drywall bends under its own weight. After this, the model is immediately attached to the profile with self-tapping screws.

Watch the video: how to make a plasterboard arch.

Finishing the finished structure

Finishing stages:

  1. All uneven places and protrusions of drywall are cut off so that later they do not interfere with the application of putty.

  2. Processing of all seams of the structure.

  3. all screw heads are sealed and.

    This is what a plasterboard arch looks like after the first layer of putty has been applied.

  4. The next step is to apply and attach it.

    By paper tape you need to apply it with a spatula, thereby it will be firmly fixed

    By using large spatula the surface of the entire structure is leveled

  5. Next comes laying on the arched corners of the structure, it is secured with a construction stapler.

    Using a construction stapler to fix a perforated corner

  6. The last step is to apply the finishing putty to the entire finished arch using a wide spatula.

The process of finishing a plasterboard arch can be seen in the video.

Further processing

Which will be combined with the interior design of the room. An option is possible with decoration with moldings, painted panels, mosaics, plaster frames, and moldings. Using special stencils and acrylic paints, you can paint the edging of the model in an original way and give your home an impressive look.

The photo shows design options for a plasterboard semi-arch.

They will look elegant or. To do this, electrical wiring is laid into the structure being created. Photographs of the finishing options for semi-arches clearly demonstrate the existing decorative possibilities. The semi-arched model is beautiful and comfortable; it will add lightness to the opening in the kitchen, living room and other rooms, visually raise the ceiling and make the room brighter. If you carefully follow the step-by-step instructions, the completed plasterboard semi-arch will delight the owners with its appearance for a long time.

When starting an apartment or house renovation, people strive to make their home as comfortable, stylish and elegant as possible. One of the most popular design ideas is to design a doorway in the form semicircular arch. Having studied the technology, it is quite possible to make an arch from gypsum plasterboard with your own hands.

Using an arched structure, you can influence the design of the entire environment and set the tone for the arrangement of the entire interior.

Arched structures are used not only for the design of doorways, but also for zonal division of the corridor. In this article you will learn how to make an arch from gypsum plasterboard with your own hands.

Necessary tools and material

The tools you will need are a screwdriver, a tape measure, a construction square, a pencil, a spatula, a grater, a container, a knife, a sponge, a drill, a jigsaw, and metal scissors.

Draw the outline of the arch on the drywall. To draw the upper part of the arched structure, use a homemade compass from a self-tapping screw screwed into the drywall and a thread and a pencil tied to it.

The longer the thread is, the larger the arc radius will be. Here you have the opportunity to experiment until you get the arch shape you want.

The blade of the tool must cut through the material strictly according to the markings - the quality of the arch directly depends on this. Next, start creating the arched frame. It can be metal or wood. Both options have their advantages: aluminum profile characterized by evenness and lightness, and wood is distinguished by great strength.

If you have a concrete wall, then you first need to make holes using a drill, insert dowels into them and only then screw in the screws.

Then, after attaching all the profiles to the wall, begin installing the gypsum board. The sheets are installed using a screwdriver. The size of the screws depends on the thickness of the drywall.

Secure the curved aluminum profile along the edge of the gypsum board. This will increase the rigidity of the structure. First, attach both ends of the curved guide to metal frame, and then screw plasterboard sheets to it. You need to screw in the screws in increments of 0.1-0.15 m.

Mount perpendicular pieces of profile to connect the side walls of the arched structure to each other.

Secure the lower arc-shaped arch section. Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of the arc. Cut out the appropriate piece from the gypsum board. Attach it to the bottom of the arch, carefully bending it to give the desired shape.

The edges of the plasterboard rectangle should be flush with the walls of the arch. Secure the section with self-tapping screws on both sides of the arc. Start from the center of the arch.

Inspect the resulting structure and eliminate minor defects. Proceed to finishing. Cover the edges of the gypsum board with fiberglass mesh or paper tape.

Apply putty (at least 3 layers). Sand thoroughly with a float. The arch is ready. All that remains is to paint it.

Types of arches

Exist different types plasterboard arches. They usually differ in the configuration of the top, and in some cases, in the method of connection to the vertical segments.

The photo of plasterboard arches shows that they are usually divided into six types:

  • Classic.
  • Modern.
  • Romance.
  • Ellipse.
  • Trapezoid.
  • Portal.

The semi-arch is also distinguished separately.

Making and installing an arched structure yourself is not that difficult. You just need to study the technology and choose suitable design plasterboard arches. We wish you success.

Photo of a plasterboard arch