How to care for laminate so that everyone is happy - features of dry and wet cleaning. Caring for laminate flooring in an apartment: how to wash and with what so that there are no marks

How to care for laminate flooring so that it is always like new? After all, you must agree that when buying this flooring, you would like to see it always bright and beautiful, and not faded and scratched. This pleasure is not cheap, and one might even say top-end, which is second only to parquet in this role. Therefore, caring for a laminate floor is not an empty task and is quite responsible.

Basic general rules for caring for panel coverings

Caring for laminate flooring involves a number of simple but mandatory procedures. For different types given coverage, these procedures may vary, but there are some general rules, which are recommended for all owners of panel flooring to adhere to.

  1. Regular wet (but not wet) and dry cleaning.
  2. The right product for cleaning laminate floors. Minimizing the risk of mechanical damage.
  3. Timely response to the slightest damage and its immediate elimination (if possible, of course).
  4. Availability at least basic knowledge about the properties of this material, its composition and classification.

Note: Please note Special attention to item 2. in the list. Flooring, especially home class(21-23) does not particularly like water, since its fiberboard base easily absorbs moisture, which remains there, and it then swells and deteriorates. Therefore, cleaning such a laminate should be done only with special detergents, and there is no need to abuse “water procedures”. But commercial panel flooring of class 32 or 33 is no longer so waterphobic, and it can be “bathed” more abundantly, but also without excessive fanaticism. Read more about classes.

Cleaning and detergents for laminate flooring

  • For dry cleaning, an ordinary broom and a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment are ideal, but just do not turn it on the washing mode.
  • You should not overuse wet cleaning - it will be enough to do it once, maximum twice, a week. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a mop that has a moisture extraction function. Dilute in a bucket warm water with detergent - and forward and with a song. However, you can just lightly wipe the floor with a slightly dampened rag every day - we won’t swear at you for it.
  • For cleaning chemicals, we recommend a special product for laminate flooring, sold in any hardware store. In addition to it, you can use baby shampoo diluted in hot water. A couple of tablespoons per bucket of water will be enough.
  • Is there some more folk version washing using table vinegar and a spray bottle. This method is very relevant for loss of shine. Add a quarter cup of vinegar to a liter of water and spray this mixture evenly over the surface of the flooring. Wipe this area with a dry and soft (necessarily soft) cloth, and then wipe with a cloth soaked in ordinary water. Afterwards, wipe everything dry and you can rest - the job is done.

How to prevent scratches on laminate flooring

One of the main problems with this coating, in addition to all the others, is damage such as scratches, which are very easy to inflict at home. They can be large and small, shallow and deep, and of different origins, but a short list of recommendations will help you protect yourself as much as possible from these misfortunes.

Maintain the humidity level in your home or apartment between 30 and 65%. To control humidity, use a device called a hygrostat.

  • Immediately after installation, as well as to renew the floor during operation, it is a good idea to use a special polish. Apply it with a sponge along the board, and then polish with a dry cloth. This will serve as both prevention and help with existing minor, minor damage.
  • Never drag furniture touching the floor. Just lift and carry it, no matter how heavy it may be. Or place towels or other thick fabric when moving furniture around the house. There is also the so-called “furniture sliders” in the form of plastic discs that need to be placed under the legs.
  • If possible, place rugs on the floor, especially in places where household members are most active and mobile. Also be sure to lay them down before entering.
  • Trim your pet's nails.

Glossy surface care

There is also such a special type of our flooring as glossy. Outwardly, it is quite beautiful, but it has the following drawback: the slightest spots and abrasions stand out on it, even from touching it with your hands or walking on it with bare feet. Therefore, we will consider separately the question: how to properly care for glossy laminate flooring.

  • Walk on the floor only in house slippers, with soft soles, or socks. You should not walk barefoot, as bare feet will leave unsightly spots. I don’t think it’s worth mentioning at all about the inadmissibility of wearing heels.
  • It is not recommended to lay such flooring in the kitchen and bathroom. Any drop of fat or water will not add bonuses to its appearance, but will only spoil it.
  • You can use a power vacuum cleaner, but only if it has a carpet attachment.
  • From time to time, wipe the floor with a solution of vinegar and water to give it its original shine.

The general recommendations described above, such as rugs, proper movement of furniture, etc., will also not be alien here. Well, on top of everything else, it’s worth adding one more piece of advice: don’t drop anything heavy or sharp on the floor.

Using all our useful tips described in the article, you will not only provide pleasing to the eye appearance your floor, but also significantly extend its service life.

Video: Proper care of laminate flooring in brief

When choosing a floor covering, many people wonder what to choose from the variety presented in stores. If the choice fell on laminate, then the question naturally arises about proper care for it.

Laminate– wear-resistant, affordable and easy-to-maintain coating for any floor. It contains several layers, but the most important one is the top film, which protects the surface from various scratches, chips, and marks from women's heels.

Caring for laminate flooring is not very difficult, it won’t take a lot of time and effort, but there are rules that are best adhered to so that the laminate flooring will serve you for a long time.

Like every material, laminate has its own characteristics. First distinguishing feature– it is made of several layers. Each layer is made from different materials, and performs different functions:

  1. The bottom layer is made of kraft cardboard and is designed to be moisture resistant.
  2. The heart of the laminate is tightly compressed chips. The thicker and stronger the fiberboard, the higher the class of the laminate.
  3. The third layer imitates stone, wood or parquet
  4. The top layer is a protective film.

The level of wear resistance of the floor covering is determined precisely by the material from which the covering is made. Exist different classes of this coverage:

  • Class 31 (AC3) is only used in apartments because it has a low load
  • Class 32 (AC4) is also used in apartments or offices with little traffic
  • Class 33 (AC5) is used in restaurants and offices with a large number of people. This class is resistant to water and can withstand prolonged contact with it.
  • Class 34 (AC6) is the most wear-resistant. They are used at train stations, airports, and gyms. This type of laminate is not used in apartments due to its high durability and high cost.

Laminate floor care

The main thing in care is the immediate removal of dirt, various damages, and various stains. Laminate floor care products are divided into home and professional. Let's consider caring for the coating at home.

  • The following solution will help clean the laminate from dust and dirt:. you need to take one tablespoon of 9% vinegar and five liters of not hot water
  • It is best to wash the surface with microfiber and a sponge.
  • If a greasy, greasy stain appears on the floor, clean it with liquid soap
  • Coffee stains, juice stains and other multi-colored stains can be cleaned with a neutral detergent dissolved in water.
  • If there are stains from nail polish on the surface, or the child has drawn on the floor with markers or felt-tip pens, then nail polish remover with acetone, as well as white alcohol, will come to the rescue.
  • A plastic scraper is useful when removing wax from candles.
  • To clean chewing gum efficiently, you need to freeze it using ice. The chewing gum is then removed with a scraper and grease stain need to be removed with liquid soap.

On modern market located big number professional products that can be used to care for laminate flooring. They are produced in the form of a concentrate and have a neutral reaction. They can be used in the apartment every day, as well as for polishing.

It is not recommended to care for laminate flooring using non-specialized means. This is specified in the terms of the contract with the coating manufacturer. Otherwise, the manufacturers will not fulfill warranty obligations.

When caring for the coating at home, you should not use:

  • Cleansers with abrasive particles. It is very easy for them to damage the surface being treated, and it is no longer possible to repair the damage; it is necessary to replace the damaged area
  • Detergents with acid and alkali, only neutral ones are used
  • Metal mesh and brushes - they will scratch the laminate
  • It is not recommended to cover the flooring with wax - the laminate itself is smooth.

Apartment cleaning is divided into two types of cleaning – dry cleaning and wet cleaning . Which one to choose depends on the class of laminate flooring. Dry cleaning applies to laminate flooring classes 31 and 32. This material is very susceptible to water, so it is vacuumed or swept with a brush. Cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner is not advisable.

Covering classes 32,33 and 34 are subject to wet cleaning. Class 32 is recommended to wash once every 10-14 days. Laminate of classes 33 and 34 is washed more often using special detergents to prevent streaks from appearing. After this, you need to wipe the floor dry. Waxing and polishing are usually not necessary.

Removing minor damage

Coating maintenance also includes minor repairs. Although class 33 and 34 laminate is resistant to damage, scratches are possible. This is especially common in apartments and premises with a class 32 surface.

  • Shoe marks can be easily removed with a flannel cloth or eraser. You can apply sunflower oil to flannel
  • A wax pencil works well for minor scratches.
  • When deep scratches, as well as for chips, acrylic putty is used. The color of the putty must be chosen taking into account the fact that after drying it will darken in tone. After choosing a color, fill the scratch or chip with the mixture and wait a day for complete drying. Then the surface must be carefully sanded and varnished.

In order for the laminate to last for decades, it is necessary to protect it from various damages, this is especially true when rearranging furniture and in the kitchen, in particular in the area with the table. To prevent chipping and damage to the floor surface, you can use pads for the feet or wheels for
moving furniture.

Women's stiletto heels and men's shoes are especially dangerous for laminate flooring. Before choosing a floor covering, you need to assess how many people will walk on the floor wearing such shoes. If it's enough a large number of, then it would be better to refuse laminate. It is best to walk in living areas with laminate flooring in soft slippers.

Laminate flooring and pets

Every pet owner wonders: will claws damage the laminate floor? There is only one answer to this question - claws do not pose a threat to high-quality laminate. The thing is that the surface of the coating contains acrylic and melamine resins. This even applies to class 31. But the 32nd and 33rd grades are not afraid of not only animal claws, but also heels and furniture legs. Another nuance concerns the fact that animals like to mark their territory. How will the laminate behave in this case? High quality laminate They are made from moisture-resistant materials and prolonged contact with moisture will not lead to distortion of the floor. In addition, the locks create close contact, without creating cracks into which moisture can get in. Melamine also does not absorb odors. Laminate is the most good choice coverings where there are pets, caring for them is not difficult.

Make sure that no heavy, breakable or sharp objects fall on the floor.

Another advantage is the ability to replace several panels without changing the entire floor surface. Such a replacement will be cheaper than replacing the entire floor covering.

From all this we can conclude that caring for laminate flooring is not that difficult. You just need to hold certain rules and conditions, and then your coating will last long years.

Laminate is the best flooring for apartments and cottages. This is an environmentally friendly, visually attractive, practical and affordable material that goes well with any type of room decoration. One of the main advantages of laminate flooring is ease of maintenance. In order to preserve the pristine beauty of the flooring for many years, it is enough to follow a few simple rules, carry out cleaning in a timely manner and use for this suitable means. Laminate flooring in an apartment does not require maintenance special effort and high costs: the domestic market offers a huge range of special means, intended for laminated floors.

When choosing a laminate for a particular room, you need to take into account the load on the floor, traffic and other features, since the durability of the laminate and its service life depend on the strength class. Will increase service life and - unique material based on natural raw materials. Exist separate groups laminate for residential premises, offices and public places. The rules for caring for class 32 laminate and laminate of any other strength class are the same.

How to care for laminate flooring in an apartment

It must be taken into account that the most expensive and most difficult to maintain is light laminate, which most often has a glossy surface and is widely used as flooring for living rooms and bedrooms. On such a floor, dust and shoe marks are clearly visible, and stains and stains are more noticeable. Caring for laminate floors in darker colors is much easier, since this material often has relief surface, the dirt on which is much less noticeable. No matter how durable, practical and high-quality laminate is, great importance for its safety and durability it has proper care.

What you need to know about laminate?

Laminate structure

First, a little theory. The floor covering, which we used to call laminate, is pressed under pressure and high temperature panels made of MDF or chipboard, paper and melamine resins.

The final coating of the slabs - lamination - is made with melamine or acrylic paint. This is where the name of the material actually comes from.

Wear resistance classes

Depending on the purposes of use, needs and financial capabilities of consumers, laminate manufacturers have developed 33 classes of this material. To assign a certain class, coverage undergoes about 18 tests.

The highest wear resistance class is assigned to materials that can be used to cover floors in various institutions and establishments with high traffic - it is called commercial.

However, you can also buy it for your home. This laminate will serve you for 30 years, while its stated service life is public places ah - only 3-5 years.

Laminate flooring also differs in its degree of moisture resistance. For example, Aqua Resist laminate is moisture resistant and can be safely installed even in the bathroom. But this is rather an exception.

As a rule, laminate does not like moisture. Its penetration into the slabs through the seams can lead to swelling of the top layer and damage to the material. For the same reason, you should not use PVA glue to repair laminate flooring.

What might you need to properly care for laminate flooring?

Despite its complex structure, laminate is easy to use and does not require special care. Moreover, it is very sensitive to water, so it is not recommended to wash this floor frequently. To care for laminate flooring yourself, just a few detergents and tools are enough.


How can I clean laminate flooring? You should definitely avoid using abrasive detergents and hard sponges. It is better to use such means:

Image Description
Special detergents for laminate floor care

They have a special composition that does not harm the structure of the material and preserves its appearance - Loba, Laminatclear and others.

Floor cleaners with neutral PH

Suitable for caring for parquet and laminate flooring. But you need to carefully read the instructions on the label.

Warm water without additives

Will cope with light floor dirt and refresh it.

Grandma's recipe:

1 tablespoon of vinegar per 5 liters of water - suitable for wet cleaning of laminate flooring. Simply wipe the laminate floor with this solution to make it shine.

Do not use soap or alkaline solutions to clean the floor. They destroy upper layer coatings and always leave streaks.


To clean laminate flooring, it is enough to use the following tools:

Image Description

Vacuum cleaner with soft brush

Ideal for dry cleaning. This is especially true for public places where dirt and dust must be removed daily.

Mop with soft cloth and spin

Suitable for wet cleaning and removing sticky stains. Wash laminate flooring correctly - along the slabs.

Dry microfiber cloth

Indispensable for removing excess moisture at the joints of slabs.

Do not use a vacuum cleaner; it leaves too much water.

Proper care of laminate flooring

After laying laminate flooring, the question naturally arises: how to care for laminate flooring at home? Nothing could be simpler. detailed instructions will help you take into account all the nuances.

Rule 1. How to wash laminate flooring?

Laminate washing technique:

  1. Prepare cleaning supplies and tools.
  2. If the dirt is minor, vacuum the floor.
  3. Wipe the floor with a damp mop.
  4. Remove any remaining water with a dry cloth.
  5. If stain removal is necessary:
  • Apply the cleaner to the stain;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • remove the stain.

When washing, move from the farthest area under the window or in the corner, gradually moving towards the door. This way you won't have to walk on a freshly washed floor.

Rule 2. How to remove difficult stains from laminate?

If conventional laminate floor care products cannot remove stains, use the following products:

Image Recommendations
Wine, sweet juice, fat can be removed using any pH neutral floor cleaner.

Markers, nail polish, ink and shoe polish Easily removed using nail polish remover, acetone or solvent.

Wax and chewing gum After complete hardening, it is removed with a plastic or wooden scraper.

Blood stains can be wiped off using a special nylon pad.

Rule 3. How to update laminate?

Even with the most durable flooring, minor troubles can occur - abrasions, scratches, chips. Therefore, I’ll add a few more words about how to update laminate flooring at home.

Scratches on laminate flooring can be easily removed using a special wax pencil. desired color. You can purchase it at any hardware store.

The photo shows the selection process wax pencil the right color to remove scratches

Don't know how to restore laminate flooring from scuffs? Use a professional polish. Its price may seem high to you, but the effect of use cannot be compared with any other product. Polish will not only restore scuffs, but also improve the color of the coating.

If you were unable to protect the laminate from moisture and mechanical damage and some of the slabs have deteriorated, do not be upset. They can be swapped with whole slabs from a less visible location (under the sofa or bed). Really, do it better for men with certain knowledge and skills.

And finally, a few more tips that will help extend the life of the laminate:

  • Shoes with heels. You should not walk on this floor in heels.
  • Soft linings for furniture. On furniture legs, flowerpots and other heavy objects need to be glued with special soft pads to avoid damage to the floor covering.
  • Rugs. In places of active use - in front front door, a place for children to play - it is better to lay rugs.
  • Mechanical damage. Do not drop heavy objects onto the laminate.
  • Spilled liquid. Wipe up liquids spilled on the floor immediately.


Now you know that laminate differs from other floor coverings not only in its beauty and high wear resistance. Caring for laminate flooring in an apartment is a simple and enjoyable task. If you don’t believe me, watch the video in this article and see for yourself: if you follow simple rules, laminate flooring will faithfully serve you for many years.

I look forward to your advice in the comments.

Caring for laminate flooring has its own characteristics, and this should not be forgotten. If everything is done correctly, the laminate floor will look like new even several years after repair. On the other hand, a small mistake can lead to swelling of the coating, deformation, and disruption of texture, pattern and color.

Caring for laminate flooring in an apartment or house consists of three main procedures:

  • daily removal of dust and dirt;
  • weekly wet cleaning with special detergents;
  • restoration measures as necessary or every six months.

Better to use professional products for quality and safe care for laminate, but in extreme cases, homemade, homemade ones will do. Read more about the intricacies of cleaning laminate floors below.

Caring for a laminate floor will be easier if you understand what and how it is made. This is not natural wood, like parquet, but it is not a completely artificial material either; laminate has its own characteristics. Professional builders This material is sometimes called layer cake for its structure:

  1. The bottom layer is stabilizing. This is reinforced cardboard that is impregnated with melamine. Melamine enhances its strength and moisture resistance; sometimes kraft cardboard is additionally covered with a layer of sound-proofing material.
  2. The load-bearing layer is the body of the laminate, in budget options it is represented by dense chipboard, made of premium materials - natural wood. it is in this layer that grooves and locks are cut for strong connection slats.
  3. The outer layer is decorative. It is always made from thick paper with impregnation and a laminated coating, but the design can be anything you want - depending on a natural stone, brick, wood, etc. The wear resistance and durability of the laminate depend on the quality of the laminated coating.

IN Lately They also began to produce laminate with increased moisture resistance. Its body is not wood or chipboard, but a very durable polymer with air chambers.

Caring for this type of laminate is extremely simple, but this type of coating also costs several times more. Because if, when renovating an apartment or house, you chose classic version- be sure to read on, the advice of experienced users will definitely be useful to you.

Most consumers with average incomes prefer to install economy-class laminated floors in their apartments - that is, with a chipboard base. Chipboard is quite durable, economical, but at the same time very hygroscopic.

The moisture resistance of this material is not very high; if it gets very wet, the chipboard will swell, increase in volume and become deformed. Therefore, such floors cannot be flooded with water - they will deteriorate, despite the laminated coating.

But this does not mean that wet cleaning is excluded. Laminate floors can and should be washed, following certain rules.

  1. You can use warm or cold water And liquid products, designed specifically for the care of laminate floors - for example, Mister Muscle or Propper.
  2. Do not wash laminate flooring with hard brushes or use abrasive pastes and powders - only liquid gels and mops with a soft attachment or rag.
  3. It is important to wring out the brush or rag well. Excessive moistening of the laminate will not only lead to its swelling - unsightly stains will remain on the surface after drying.
  4. After treatment with a solution with detergent, be sure to wipe the floor clean water, again using a well-wrung out rag or a special mop.
  5. Finally, the floor is either wiped dry or left to dry naturally. Turn on the heaters and walk through the washed wet floor Not recommended.

Do not forget that before wet cleaning, dry cleaning must be done - using a soft broom or vacuum cleaner with a special attachment, remove all dust from the surface of the laminate and baseboards. By the way, you cannot use a washing vacuum cleaner to clean laminate flooring. The only exceptions are the most advanced units, in which the manufacturer provides a similar function.

Alternative detergents for laminate floors

Some housewives, in order to save money or for other reasons, prefer not to use household chemicals for cleaning the house. Products from the supermarket are in most cases hypoallergenic and do not affect the well-being of small children or pets. But in some cases, precaution will not hurt. What home remedies can you use to care for laminate flooring?

  • pH neutral baby shampoo. For a five-liter bucket, just add two spoons of baby mild shampoo and foam the water. Then it is necessary to wipe the laminate with a clean damp cloth;
  • table vinegar. You can use it in two ways. in the first case, add half a glass of vinegar directly to a bucket of warm or hot water and quickly wash the laminate. In the second case, first prepare a solution for treating particularly dirty areas: dissolve a quarter cup of vinegar in a liter of water, pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle. First, the resulting product is applied to dirty areas and wiped with a wet cloth, then the entire floor is washed completely. Vinegar effectively removes heavy pollution, destroys bacteria and restores the shine of dull laminate flooring.

Use baking soda or citric acid It is not recommended for cleaning laminate flooring - crystals of these substances can damage the integrity of the top floor covering.

Restoration measures for damaged laminate

Laminate, like any floor covering, suffers during use. The main damages to which it is susceptible:

  • various stains - juice, coffee, tea, grease, etc.;
  • chips and scratches - shoes, animal claws, fragments of fallen dishes or other objects can easily damage the upper protective film on laminated floors;
  • swelling - caused by spilled liquid, improper cleaning, high humidity in room;
  • drawings with marker, felt-tip pen, paints - glossy floor, especially if it light shades, is very attractive to young artists in the family.

If you discover one of them, do not be upset - for every problem there is a solution. You can remove abrasions, scratches and cracks using a special wax pencil or paste, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

First, the damaged area of ​​the laminate must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, and then treated with paste and pencil - the product is applied until the recess is completely filled. Then the laminate needs to be polished with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth.

A pencil is more suitable for removing scuffs and shallow scratches. if the damage is severe, it is better to use paste or mastic. Please note: you can walk on the treated lamella only after a couple of hours; until this moment it is better to cover it with a napkin or dry cloth.

Pick up desired shade You can mix several different ones. Then the restored laminate will look perfect again.

Chips on laminate flooring appear if a heavy object is dropped on the floor - a stool, pan, book, etc. The chip can only be removed using a special putty. First you need to warm it up, then quickly apply it with a spatula, smooth it out and remove the residue. After drying, the treated area is rubbed, sanded and polished.

Various stains on laminate flooring can be removed using the following means:

  • felt-tip pens and markers - toothpaste or nail polish remover;
  • blood - glass cleaner;
  • drinks and food - alcohol or lemon.

AND last tip: Colored natural wax mastic used to mask scratches and abrasions on laminate flooring should be applied every six months, even if the coating is intact. Such products will restore the color and gloss of the floor, protect it from mechanical stress and moisture, and extend its service life.

But you should not be too zealous: Excess mastic will lead to the formation of unsightly stains on the surface and dulling of the laminate.