How to improve the interior of an apartment without renovation. How to update the interior of an ordinary apartment at no cost

The question of how to update the interior without spending money always remains relevant. After all, the interior ordinary apartment, depending on how well it is designed, can create a certain atmosphere that significantly affects our well-being, psychological condition. And since many of us have moments when we want to change something in life for the better, we pay attention to the situation in the house.

This happens in different situations. When you're tired of everything, or vice versa, you're in a good mood.

But since this often happens spontaneously, and not pre-planned, there are usually not enough available funds that could be used to create a renewed atmosphere.

But this does not mean that you need to deny yourself pleasure. You can significantly refresh the interior of your apartment without significant costs if you show desire and imagination.

And I will try to help you with this by offering several options for making pleasant changes to the existing interior.

If you want to learn a lot of interesting things about interior design, interior paintings, famous artists and them best works, then I invite you to my group " Everything for your home" You will definitely find something useful for yourself.

True, their implementation cannot be called completely free, but it is still incomparably cheaper than doing a full-scale repair, which can take an indefinite period of time and require significant funds.

What I suggest to you does not have to be carried out in full. Moreover, you should not repeat exactly the interiors that I will show you below as examples. Choose at least a few points that seem most interesting to you, and bring them to life. And you will definitely notice positive changes, which is exactly what is required.

And one more thing I would like to say before we consider all possible options. Perhaps some proposals will seem too simple and obvious to you, but the whole point is that you simply don’t get around to them.

Remove unnecessary clutter from your rooms

This is exactly what seems simple and obvious, but it definitely needs to be done for at least two reasons. Firstly, a cluttered room creates a dull, uncomfortable atmosphere.

And secondly, it is advisable not only to put away broken, unclaimed, and worn-out items, but to throw them away completely, as they can create an unfavorable background and have a negative impact on you. So don't regret it.

What kind of unnecessary things these are, you must determine for yourself, but usually these are symbols of the past and other years. Chinese calendar, old magazines, postcards, cracked and chipped cups, plates, various elephants and cockerels from many years ago, tired posters and placards, broken furniture and household items, old and now unclaimed household appliances, and so on, so on...

Perhaps you think that you can use them somewhere, for example at the dacha or give them to someone. But practice shows that this will never happen.

Some new, albeit not expensive, interior items that you place in place of the old ones will create fresh emotions for you.

Don't accumulate unnecessary things, they create discomfort in the room

Re-wallpaper at least one wall of the room

Fresh and preferably different in style, unlike previous wallpapers, of course, significantly change the appearance of the house. But gluing wallpaper completely in the entire room, and even more so in an apartment, is quite troublesome, and it costs good wallpaper a bit expensive.

But there is a good and not very expensive option. You probably know that it is now considered fashionable to decorate one of the walls of the room with wallpaper of a different color or even style. This really enlivens the interior and makes it more modern, thus allowing you to highlight a certain area. As they say, business comes with pleasure. And update the design, and you won’t spend a lot of money, much less time and effort. Of course, the new wallpaper should be combined color scheme with the others.

If you don’t know how to update your interior without spending money, then using combined wallpaper will be a good option.
The tonality of the curtains and wallpaper goes very well
Wallpaper on the wall in a different style, but with a common basic tone, makes the interior more interesting

Paint the walls

If the walls in your apartment are not wallpapered, but painted, then paint them again.

This will not require much effort or financial expenditure from you, but if you approach this issue more thoroughly than last time, you can get not only an updated, but also a more thoughtful apartment interior. For example, you can take more into account the matching of the colors of the walls and furniture in each room, use some modern tendencies in interior design. By the way, as in the case of wallpaper, the walls of the room can be painted in different but well-combined colors. The interior of an ordinary apartment will only benefit from this if it does not look ordinary.

This not very complicated and expensive work is guaranteed to liven up your room.
And if you show diligence and imagination, you can even get exclusive interior
Painting walls in the same style as curtains gives excellent results

Use stickers

Stickers, or interior stickers, can really add zest to the interior of a room and create a certain mood. At the same time, they are not at all expensive and, at the same time, very popular. There is a very large selection offered by specialized companies, so choosing the right plot for a specific room will not be difficult. In the living room, a good sticker will add sophistication, in the bedroom it will create an intimate atmosphere, and in the nursery it will lift the mood. Therefore, using stickers is the most clear example how to update the interior of almost any room without expense.

Putting stickers on is a creative job, not a tedious one, so it’s quite possible to combine business with pleasure.

This vinyl sticker will add tenderness to this already interesting interior This sticker will add a touch of intimacy to your bedroom and make ordinary interior more original
These stickers are perfect for a child's room.

Replace the lighting

This is also one of the options for not very much money to transform the interior of an ordinary apartment.

You can, of course, limit yourself to replacement old chandelier or a floor lamp. Or you can organize lighting in a completely different way, using, for example, spotlights. They can either completely illuminate the room, or do it in a zoned manner, and can also be a complement to the chandelier. It all depends on the purpose of the room.

There is a wide variety of lamps, so there is plenty of room for imagination. The use of original lamps at different ceiling levels will give the interior a modern look, and the use of subdued light in the bedroom will add some intimacy if you are young enough, or, at worst, will be conducive to tranquility.

The appearance of the room largely depends on the lamps used
The use of different lamps of the same style gives the interior a finished look
The use of lamps to illuminate different areas makes the interior of the apartment more comfortable

Rearrange the furniture

Another option for changing the decor in the room, which does not require material costs. It’s really worth experimenting with the arrangement of furniture, because the option that exists now and seems optimal to you, in fact, is not always so. Sketch out several possible combinations on paper or on the computer and it is quite possible that one of them will seem more interesting to you than the existing one. Even if these options turn out to be equivalent, you should still give preference to the new one, because by adding to this something else recommended in the article, you will get new interior rooms without significant costs. And most importantly - a new atmosphere and a new mood.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to actually carry furniture in search of the best option. There is a website for this on the Internet. free online programs, which allow you to experiment with furniture.

Take the time to think through new options and rearrange the furniture

Update your curtains

Curtains actually have a huge impact on the perception of a room. Therefore, if you hung them up not six months ago, then it would be quite appropriate to choose something fresh that suits your taste and mood at the moment. Unless, of course, your mood is gloomy right now. But even if this is the case, cute, fashionable curtains will move you towards something positive. At the same time, you can order pillows for the sofa from the same material. This will give integrity to the interior of the room. And if you also replace the blanket on the chair or the bedspread to match the curtains, then it will be very good.

The edging of the curtains is in harmony with the tone of the walls, and the soft blue color makes the interior lighter and more cheerful. An example of a simple but very finely thought out interior design The curtains are chosen in the same color scheme as the walls and bedspread, although there is some overabundance of pink

Arrange indoor flowers

Indoor flowers create coziness and a feeling of freshness in the room. And most importantly, if they are chosen correctly, they create a favorable and healthy atmosphere.

If you already have flowers, then splurge on more noble pots, for example ceramic ones, and transplant the flowers into them. And they will look much more attractive, and it’s also useful for the flowers if you at the same time replace the soil and, if necessary, replant them in pots bigger size. If it weren’t for the occasion that was created, you would hardly have gotten around to it. So again, pleasant things with useful things.

The pots do not have to be placed only on the windowsill, as you might have done before. Place them also on flower stands; place large ones on the floor.

Fresh flowers in a room are beautiful and useful, as they create a favorable microclimate
Of course, you must determine the number of colors in the room yourself
It's almost there winter Garden, provided that you love flowers and are ready to care for them

Lay down the original carpet

Another way to make the interior of an ordinary apartment more attractive is to not be afraid to lay a bright, original carpet. This will add color to the room.

It does not have to be a similar color to the interior of the room, but there must be something unifying. Either part of the carpet pattern will match the color of the curtains or furniture, or the carpet area itself will be in the same colors as the walls, and the pattern can be anything. In addition, a bright, contrasting carpet can be in harmony with the paintings on the wall, made in the original style.

An unusual carpet can also transform your room beyond recognition
Don't be afraid to experiment. IN modern interior individual bright elements are quite appropriate
The carpet fits well upholstered furniture and adds elegance to the interior
Such a colorful carpet will be in perfect harmony with abstract posters

Hang a picture or poster on the wall

A solid painting or a stylish poster is, in my opinion, the final element of a room’s interior. Moreover, this is true from different points of view. A well-chosen painting makes the interior of an ordinary apartment richer and aristocratic, while an original, high-quality poster makes it more modern and sophisticated. And a more respectful attitude is formed towards the owner of such a home as a person who is not indifferent to art and has a good sense of taste.

The only caveat is that a painting by even a little-known artist is quite expensive, not to mention more famous contemporary authors, whose works cost on average from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Paintings by world-famous artists may not be considered at all due to their unrealistic cost.

But our article is about how to update the interior of an apartment without significant costs.

And what to do in this case?

The fact is that there is such a thing as interior paintings. In this case, it is they who should interest us. We are talking about reproductions of paintings on natural canvas, as well as so-called modular paintings, which are quite popular now.

Their cost, in comparison with original works, is quite affordable and the choice offered by companies that deal with this professionally is very large. Therefore, you can always choose exactly what you need for a specific room. And you will be pleasantly surprised at how the interior of the apartment will change. You can be sure of this.

Here is a simple but clear example:

The interior looks empty and boring. Something is clearly missing...
But now it’s a completely different matter. The interior has become brighter and more harmonious

Did you feel the difference compared to the previous photo?

For an interior in a classic style, the picture should also be appropriate
Modular painting looks great in a modern interior
This interior style allows the use of paintings from both classical and national genres.
Such an abstract poster is quite appropriate in the bright interior of the room.
The black and white poster also looks very elegant. In this case it goes well with panels and carpeting
An example of a well-chosen poster for a modern interior

You can read about how to choose the right painting or poster in the “” section of the site. The articles in this section also tell you where to go in order to select and purchase the desired painting or poster. And even more detailed instructions on this subject is given in the article. It presents two of the most famous Russian companies professionally engaged in the production of reproductions of paintings on natural canvas, modern posters and modular paintings, as well as portraits on canvas. In addition, in the catalog of their products you can find high-quality photo curtains and photo wallpapers, as well as big choice stickers on different topics.

Today I have offered you ten directions in which you can act without spending too much on repairs and without wondering how to update your interior without spending money. And most importantly, this will create a more comfortable environment for you.

So there are plenty of options for creativity. Use your imagination and go ahead!

Sincerely, .

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What to do if large-scale renovations are not included in your immediate plans, but you really want to change the outdated interior? Thanks to several budget solutions, the “grandmother’s” apartment will turn into a cozy and original home.

1. Alignment with walls

In many ways, it is the walls with partially peeling plaster and faded wallpaper that give Soviet interiors an outdated and sloppy appearance. Therefore, you can’t do without updating the wall space. Universal method- paint the walls White color or cover them with wallpaper. If this goes beyond the budget or seems too complicated, then use a fashionable technique characteristic of the loft style - unfinished walls, for example, concrete or brick. This style allows the use old furniture, so equipping a Soviet apartment in accordance with its characteristics will not be difficult. On "naked" or painted in white wall hang abstract paintings or apply graffiti.

Transform appearance The room has numerous open shelves on which there are beautifully bound books and original items. It is not at all necessary to hang them on the walls in a row. Chaotically placed shelves look more interesting.

2. Make room for new things

The problem with most old apartments is total clutter. Feel free to get rid of all items that you do not use for more than six months. Throw away things that don’t bring you pleasure when looking at them – we’re talking about decor. Leave only the essentials, and breathing in your old apartment will become much easier! The fewer random small objects it contains, the better. If you want to transform a rented apartment where you can’t throw away small things, then pack them in boxes and hide them in the sofa, on the mezzanine or under the bed. Sticking wires also create the impression of clutter. Hide them in special boxes, secure them under the countertops... The original solution is to wrap the wires with twine or tape, but in this case you must first make sure that the electrical communications are working properly.

3. Remember and realize that the furniture is not nailed to the floor.

Huge wardrobes and sofas, on which the eye continually rests, make a depressing impression. Since changing furniture does not fit into our budget, all that remains is to rearrange it correctly. Furniture should not block Sun rays entering the apartment from the street. Also try to place it in such a way that it does not come into view from positions where you spend the most time. For example, in the living room you should not place a cabinet next to the TV, since the massive furniture will always be noticeable to the person watching it. It is not necessary to place furniture along the walls. If the area of ​​the apartment allows, try using it for zoning. For example, a sofa located in the central part of the room will allow you to divide the room into several functional zones. You can instantly refresh the interior with the help of a screen or a rack on wheels. At the first sign of fatigue from the interior, simply move them, and a feeling of newness is guaranteed.

4. Not a step without textiles

Speaking of which cozy apartment It’s impossible to imagine without textiles, we don’t mean multi-layer curtains with lambrequins. We'll have to get rid of them. But light translucent curtains or Roman blinds will effectively refresh the interior. Textile covers and bedspreads will help hide worn furniture upholstery, and bright printed pillows will radically change the perception old apartment. But if the interior is overloaded with small details and various details, then it is better to refuse flashy textiles. On the contrary, opt for solid colors that will help balance the decor and make it more harmonious.

5. More light and shine

After freeing the windows from multi-layer curtains, it’s time to move on to increasing the degree of artificial lighting. In most Soviet apartments you can find only one chandelier hanging in the center of the room. As a result, the room looks gloomy in the evening, and people do not have enough light. Desktop and floor lamps, candles. The atmosphere will immediately become more comfortable! Also pay attention to the various interior details with a glossy shine - gold, silver, bronze... They harmonize perfectly with the dark wooden furniture, which abound in apartments, and ennoble the atmosphere. Photo frames, furniture fittings, lamps, lamps can be shiny...

6. New life for old furniture

There are a lot of ideas for updating old furniture. One of the simplest ones is replacing old fittings with new ones. A slightly more labor-intensive method would be to sand the furniture from the layer of old varnish and paint it. You can decorate the surface of updated furniture using decoupage or stencil design.

7. A “living” interior is always relevant

To make the interior look more dynamic, do not forget to decorate it with fresh flowers. Remember to take good care of your plants. Half-dried indoor flowers with yellowish leaves will produce the exact opposite effect. Choose large plants with richly colored leaves.

8. Bright details create an effect of novelty and surprise.

The problem with interiors created during the Soviet period is their monotony. As a result, the apartment looks boring and predictable. Therefore, we recommend that you liven things up by using a few bright details. Even one item of non-standard color can radically transform soviet interior. The more contrasting the environment, the less it will be perceived as outdated and unfashionable.

9. Say “yes” to non-trivial combinations

It is not at all necessary to turn a Soviet interior into a classic one. Firstly, the result is unlikely to be successful, and secondly, there are more interesting options. For example, eclectic. This style allows for the combination of things in the interior that at first glance seem incompatible. Thus, an eclectic interior allows for a high-tech lamp surrounded by old furniture. But be careful - in order to create high-quality eclecticism in the environment, you need to have excellent taste.

One of my friends, a talented artist and designer, who worked for about 10 years in different cities of France, shared interesting design techniques . They will help the interior look expensive while completely minimum costs both in terms of budget and time.

If the interior has long lost its luster and looks a little shabby, then it’s time to change something. And it doesn’t matter that additional financial costs for repairs, even cosmetic ones, are not included in the family budget.

Quick repair

"Piggy Bank" Useful Tips» has prepared 27 design tricks for you, how to update the interior in just 1 day. Watch and get inspired!

  1. Try to paint it old linoleum in fashionable colors.
  2. Analyze all the pros and cons of the original arrangement of objects in the apartment. Perhaps the chairs that were bought for the kitchen will perfectly complement the interior of the living room, and the chair from the living room will add coziness to the bedroom. Try rearranging the furniture.

  3. Hang mirrors in simple frames on closet doors. After that, paint the frames in the main color of the door so that they look like they are built-in.

  4. From old remnants of fabric that have not yet been used, you can sew original covers for pillows and bedspreads or decorative napkins.

    And if needlework is not your thing, use ready-made textile products, such as clothes. A bright light dress on the wall will lift your spirits and remind you of summer.

  5. Use curtains to hide unsightly storage areas that often become cluttered.

  6. Fashion trend in interior design- focusing on one wall in the room. This technique will allow you to give a new mood to the bedroom with minimal effort. Cover the head of the bed with wallpaper that contrasts with the rest of the interior in color or texture, or you can place a photo panel with an interesting pattern.

  7. Braid the curtains. This simple technique will create coziness in the room.

  8. Fast refresh the familiar interior You can also use contrasting curtains. The easiest way to choose bright textiles is to follow the principle of contrasting cold and warm shades.

  9. Combine different curtains.

  10. An old refrigerator can be easily decorated using metallic adhesive tape or spray paint.

    A can of paint and self-adhesive film are simple but convenient tools for turning an old household appliances to a new one. And, of course, your imagination and hard work!

  11. Don’t hide books on closed shelves of bookcases, because they can become an excellent element of room decor.

    The unobtrusive presence of books in various corners of the apartment makes the interior more comfortable and gives it an intellectual chic.

  12. This technique will help you organically fit the equipment into your interior. To do this, hang the TV in a picture frame.

  13. Use a dessert rack to store household chemicals in the kitchen. Looks quite unusual, doesn't it?

  14. Disguise the unsightly vent using a rubber mat and metallic paint. Wonderful find!

  15. Hang curtain rods over your bed to create a canopy. And rest like the Shamakhan queen!

  16. It doesn’t matter how much time is left before the New Year, you can create a festive atmosphere in your apartment now. To do this, take out glowing garlands - additional lighting has a positive effect on your mood and will enliven the interior!

  17. Make an accent - a colored ceiling.

  18. Wall decoration with wooden boards is appropriate in any room.

  19. Repaint old furniture. The design depends entirely on the flight of your imagination!

  20. Think about souvenirs brought from other countries, a shabby carpet, a vintage chest or a plaster bust of a leader inherited from your grandmother. All this can serve as interior decoration and create a fashionable eclectic atmosphere in the room.

  21. As you know, nature does not have bad weather. So why not ask her for help? Creating seasonal charm...

    Use vases or other containers to decorate your home with colorful accents that match the seasons. In spring it can be flowers, in summer - fruits, in autumn - compositions of leaves, in winter - coniferous branches.

  22. Use volumetric vinyl stickers, which imitate mosaic tiles, in order to update the apron in the kitchen. Change is wonderful!

  23. Inexpensive decorative frames will be an excellent solution for switches and sockets.

  24. Nothing lifts your spirits more than the happy and smiling faces of family and friends. Rifle through old albums, transfer your favorite photos from your hard drive to paper and come up with interesting compositions. Hang your favorite photos on the walls.

    You can decorate the wall with a variety of frames or create a collage of an original shape. Any experiments are welcome.

  25. There are probably some green spaces in your apartment. Build new original “houses” for them that will please the eye and become the highlight of the interior.

    Give free rein to your imagination and new life tin cans or a tea set you've never used.

  26. Wrap exposed wires with suede tape. Of course, this is quite painstaking work, but the result is worth it. It looks very unusual and attractive!

  27. Additional shelf decorated decorative overlays, will give kitchen cabinets a solid look.

Most of us are accustomed to considering the interior of a house or apartment a static concept. We made repairs and for the next few years we enjoy its immutability and monotony. And if there is a desire to change the usual appearance of the surrounding space, then we are often faced with a lack of time and money.

With these design ideas you can make changes in the house depending on the mood and wishes of your family. Changes are always for the better!

Repairs are easy to start, but difficult to stop. If you are not yet ready for large-scale transformations in your apartment, but you are tired of the usual environment and your soul requires something new, take advantage of several simple tips interior renovation services that will help you transform your home without breaking the bank.

1. Before changing anything in the environment, free up your field of activity. Walk around your apartment and take a critical look at your belongings, from small trinkets and clothes to large pieces of furniture. Are you sure you need them all? Perhaps some of them are outdated, have lost their appearance, and the time has come to part with them?

When you get rid of old and non-functional items, the apartment will be easier to breathe, and you will also have space to implement new ideas.

2. Change the curtains. Window decoration has a big impact on the mood of a room, so you can transform a room simply by replacing the curtains. Depending on the texture of the fabrics, the choice of color and the “style” of the curtains, the room can be made more elegant, bright, energetic, or, conversely, created a relaxing atmosphere.

The highlight in window design can be unusual accessories for curtains, for example, tiebacks made in the shape of flowers or children's toys, pendants made of colored beads, hearts of homemade embroidered ribbons and even leather belts. The main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion and follow the general style of the room.

3. Textiles in general open up many opportunities for interior renovation. By changing the covers on the furniture, “changing” the sofa cushions, or throwing a new blanket on the bed, you can easily and quickly change the appearance of the room.

Handmade fans should pay attention Special attention sofa cushions. Rich patterns, decorative pillowcases made using the patchwork technique, bolsters embroidered in oriental style, and so on - all this will help create new accents in the interior.

Replacement flooring is associated with great difficulties, but laying a bright rug on the floor in the living room or bedroom is not at all difficult. Like curtains or pillows, it will also help set the mood in the interior.

4. Lighting, as is known, has a significant impact on the perception of the interior. It is not necessary to change the main chandelier in the room (although such a change can also be useful), but you can add light by hanging sconces on the wall, install one or two table lamps or a large floor lamp, or accentuate individual elements, for example, highlight a shelf with memorable souvenirs.

5. Paintings, posters, wall panels, family photographs, as well as vases, figurines and other accessories will decorate the interior and create bright accent in the design of the room and diversify the familiar environment. These may be new things, but sometimes it is enough to outweigh an existing painting or rearrange a vase so that they are again in the spotlight.

Interesting interior stickers will help you create new image or simply add a humorous touch to everyday life.

6. Undoubtedly, rearranging the furniture will help you survive a small housewarming party. When familiar objects change their location, the effect of novelty is created. However, these changes, like any others, should be for the good, so it is important to think through the functional arrangement of furniture, carefully measure the room, draw up a clear plan and only then begin to implement it.

Effective way- repaint the walls. This will require some effort, but when minor scuffs and scratches disappear under a layer of paint, the room will take on a fresh, updated look. In addition, the impression of the interior will completely change: it’s as if you are in another house. As a last resort, “cosmetic procedures” can be limited to one wall, for example, by painting it in the color of your favorite carpet and creating new color accents.

A similar technique is also used with wallpaper. If you don’t want to re-paste wallpaper throughout the room, you can buy 1-2 rolls and paste them on one section of the wall. Just don’t forget: for the experiment to be a success, you need to choose a color and pattern that will be in harmony with other furnishings.

Finally, you can repaint the mirror frame or the legs of the dining table and stools, decorate with decoupage or paint old chest of drawers, reupholster sofas and armchairs, replace handles on cabinet doors and much more. Let your imagination tell you what other changes are needed to create a cozy, memorable interior, and good taste will help you move in the right direction.

The new renovation is still far away, but you no longer like your interior? Many people face a similar situation just a couple of years after the renovation. Changes can be made fairly quickly in just a weekend, and we'll give you some tips on how you can quickly redesign rooms to achieve the effect you want.

Technique 1: Rearranging furniture

If the interior is quite boring, add asymmetry to the arrangement of furniture. On the contrary, try to achieve more symmetry if the situation seems a little unnerving. Move away from the usual cliches and try to place upholstered furniture across the room or diagonally, rather than along the walls. If the living room is large, then you can place the relaxation area in the center or organize several separate areas, for example, for receiving guests and a cozy corner with a reading chair. Try moving the cabinets and cabinets, perhaps they will look much more impressive in a different location.

Technique 2: Changing the color scheme

Of course, it will not be possible to radically change the color scheme, but you can easily change the gamma by introducing additional shades. You can create original ones in different ways:

  • buy one bright piece of furniture;
  • paint one wall or part of it in a contrasting shade and add several decorative items of the same shade;
  • change the color of curtains;
  • buy or create several noticeable decorative elements yourself;
  • change the upholstery of upholstered furniture or sew covers.

Technique 3. Complicating texture combinations

Actively use textiles to complicate the textured interior ensemble. It may be enough to replace just a part sofa cushions to satin or, on the contrary, fluffy, so that your relaxation corner sparkles with new colors. Buy an interesting new rug, a quilted bedspread, or an unusual fabric for curtains.

Technique 4: Display Collections

Almost every family has interesting collections that can become a unique design accent. For an effective redesign, try to group similar items into small space and it is advantageous to emphasize them special meaning. If there are few items, then use special frames or shelves.

Technique 5: Natural decor

Natural colors would be appropriate in any interior style decorative elements: live houseplants and dry branches, or terrarium, herbariums or stones. Bring a piece of nature into your home and the room will become more comfortable. You can create many products yourself by looking for an interestingly shaped branch on a walk or collecting autumn leaves. It is acceptable to use artificial plants High Quality, especially in a dark room where there is not enough light for fresh flowers.

Blank or featureless walls can be made much more attractive with paintings, photographs, posters or even simple herbariums. Large paintings It is better to use alone, and smaller ones look impressive in a thoughtful composition. A win-win technique is to use paintings of the same style in the same frames or on an impressively decorated section of the wall. It could just be a contrasting section of the wall or decorative fence, as in one of the photos below.

If you use a mirror, then consider its location so that the reflection represents the most advantageous part of the room. Consider interesting frames for mirrors and pictures if they are not very expressive. You can create original frames yourself from bamboo, thin branches, shells, and small pebbles. If you don’t find suitable paintings, you can use expressive wallpaper or patterned textiles, especially in children’s rooms and bedrooms.

Technique 7: Stickers and painting

Plain walls can easily be made decorative with the help of special stickers that are appropriate in any room. These can be single stickers different sizes or quite large artistic panels. Another technique is to paint using a stencil, purchased or made yourself. Regular silhouettes or abstract patterns will add greater expressiveness to the interior.

Technique 8: New design windows

Critically evaluate your curtains and cornices; perhaps they are outdated or too inexpressive. Now exists great amount accessories and fabrics that can transform the look of the window. Sometimes just adding an unusual lambrequin or tie is enough to create a striking style. You can also think about a radical redesign, replacing traditional draperies with cassette roller blinds, blinds, Japanese or Roman blinds.

Technique 9: Stylish lamps

Lighting design is an important component modern house. Stylish lamps will make the interior much more expressive. Nowadays it is customary to use quite a lot of different types of lamps: classic chandeliers and spots, sconces and floor lamps for illuminating individual zones, built-in lighting of shelves and ceilings, lighting with LED strips and spotlights. The range of not only the shape, materials and size of the lamps is huge, but also the light spectrum of the lamps or the nature of the glow (diffuse, directional, radiant). Choose models that will highlight the style of your rooms.

Technique 10: Almighty Molding

Wooden, metal, ceramic or polyurethane moldings can easily transform walls, ceilings or furniture. Particularly attractive for self-decorating are products made from polyurethane, which are easy to process and can be painted in any color. Without changing anything, you can significantly improve the design of windows, arched openings, old furniture, and a fireplace portal. Molding on the walls and ceiling, in addition, will easily emphasize the zoning features of rooms, correct visual perception, and hide finishing imperfections. You can use suitable products as frames or even small shelves.

Technique 11: Bedroom redesign

The bed is the main piece of furniture, so changing its design will radically change the perception of the interior. The easiest way to create the illusion of new furniture is to upholster the headboard with fabric or leather. The same technique can be used for the section of wall behind the bed. Various canopies or simple drapery behind the headboard will also noticeably change general style rooms.

By spending a little time on interior redesign, you can significantly change and improve the style of the rooms, postponing the need for another cosmetic renovation of the premises, creating a more favorable conditions for relaxation and at the same time increasing the status and exclusivity of interior solutions.